PREPOSICIONES / prepositions Hay aproximadamente 150
PREPOSICIONES / prepositions Hay aproximadamente 150
Tutor: José Manuel Corrochano UNED Talavera Aula de Illescas PREPOSICIONES / prepositions Hay aproximadamente 150 preposiciones en Inglés. Las preposiciones so palabras, generalmente cortas, que indican la relación entre dos elementos de una frase u oración. Detrás de una preposición podemos encontrarnos: - un sustantivo: He was looking FOR Peter / I arrived IN England - un numeral: I left England IN 2OO3 - un pronombre personal (siempre un pr. Objeto) I did it FOR him, not FOR me - un Sintagma nominal (grupo de palabras cuyo núcleo es un sustantivo) I went INTO the room/ the large room/ the room that was locked - un Verbo (siempre en Gerundio) I am good AT driving / I prefer walking To running / AFTER arriving, he went to bed. Las más usuales son las de Lugar (Location) y Tiempo (Time) 1. Prepositions of location (LUGAR) above -- ((por) encima de, sobre) at a higher level (see “over”) “The plane flew above the clouds.” among – (entre MÁS de dos cosas) “ He was standing among the group of children” below – ((por) debajo de, a un nivel inferior) at a lower level (see “under”) “The divers went 100 feet below the surface of the ocean.” beside – (al lado de, cerca) near, at the side of “There is a small table beside my bed.” next to – (al lado de, junto a) right beside, close to “Sam sat next to his boss at the meeting.” (in) between – (entre dos cosas ) in the space that separates two objects “She parked her car (in) between the two trucks.” behind – (detrás de) at the back of “In baseball, the umpire stands behind the catcher.” in front of – (delante de; CUIDADO, NO “enfrente de”) at the front of “There is a beautiful oak tree in front of our office.” in – (dentro (de)) within a space “Is the ketchup in the refrigerator?” (Nota: “In” normalmente describe un estado o condición estática. Para expresar movimiento, usamos “into.” Por ejemplo, “She walked INTO the room.” Lo opuesto a “into” es “out of.” Por ejemplo,, “After five minutes, she walked OUT OF the room.”) inside -- (dentro (de)) within a space “My father put our clothes inside his suitcase.” Tutor: José Manuel Corrochano UNED Talavera Aula de Illescas (Nota: “In” e “inside” significan prácticamente lo mismo cuado nos referimos a espacio.. Sin embargo, ya que “in” tiene tantos usos y significados diferentes, se considera que “inside” es más específico.) outside – (fuera (de)) not within a space “We have met many tourists from outside the country.” on top of – (encima de, en lo alto de) over, upon “There is a man standing on top of that house!” (Nota: “On top of” exige contacto entre los dos objetos. Esta expression a menudo se queda reducida a “on.” Ejemplo:, “The coffee cup is on (top of) the table.” Sin embargo, “on” tiene muchos más significados y usos, así que no siempre se podría sustituir por ”on top of.” Ejemplo: “The painting is hanging ON the wall.”) underneath – (debajo de) directly below (see “below” and “under”) “The cat hid underneath my chair.” over – (sobre, (por) encima de, pero SIN contacto y casi siempre en movimiento) on top of, but not touching “The branches of the big tree hung over us” “The plane flew over London gently” opposite – (en frente de) face to face, facing each other “The cinema is in front of the supermarket” under – (debajo (de)) below, covered by “There is a subway station under this building.” 2. Prepositions of time (TIEMPO) at – (en, a las) used with specific points in time We will go to England at Christmas” “The store will open at eight o'clock.” “She left for the office at 3:15.” (por la noche: at night) in – (en, se usa con la mayoría de los periodos de tiempo: eras, siglos, décadas, años, meses, semanas y partes del día) used with most periods of time “The war ended in 1918.” “Cathy should be back in fifteen minutes.” “Those flowers bloom in the late spring.” “We met in 1997, in a clear morning in April” on – (en; se usa con los días de la semana y las fechas del calendario) used with weekdays and dates “Our daughter was born on June 6, 1975.” “The game will be played on Monday.” “We stayed up late on New Year's Eve.” Tutor: José Manuel Corrochano UNED Talavera Aula de Illescas by – (para) at or before a point in time “You should be here by 6:00.” “This report has to be done by Friday.” “By 8:30, he was very drunk.” (por la noche: by night) until – (hasta (que)) up to a certain time, till “You have until 5:00 to do that work.” “I can wait until you decide.” “Until he arrives, we can't begin.” till - (hasta (que)) up to a certain time, until “You have till 5:00 to do that work.” “I can wait till you decide.” “Till he arrives, we can't begin.” -- (desde….hasta; entre dos puntos temporales) between two points of time “We waited for him from 2:30 to 3:30!” “It is very cold from October to March.” “Wendi works from Monday to Friday.” before – (antes, antes de (que)) taking place at an earlier time “Before you talk to him, get some advice.” “He came to America before the Civil War.” “If I get home before 7:00 we can go to a movie.” after – (después, después de (que), tras) taking place at a later time “After you talk to him, come and see me.” “I cleaned up the room after everyone left.” “Friday comes after Thursday.” during – (durante; usado con un periodo de tiempo ESPECÍFICO, con comienzo y final conocidos) happening in or over a period of time “During the month of July…During 2003…. During our holidays… “I took notes during the meeting.” “During the morning, it rained.” “He fell asleep twice during the play.” for – (durante un periodo de tiempo SIN comienzo y final definidos) lasting a period of time “Philip spoke to us for three hours.” PERO “during the morning” “The valley was flooded for ten days.” PERO “during the first week of May” “I plan to live in Chicago for the rest of my life.” in -- (dentro de) [Este otro uso se esta copiando en Español] after a period of time “We will begin in ten minutes.” “He is going to retire in four years.” “The election will be held in a few months.” since -- (desde) starting from a point in time “We've been working since he left.” “He has been talking since 7:00.”