english phonetics and phonology
english phonetics and phonology
ENGLISH PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY Asignatura Troncal Dpto. Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura Prof. Dr. Fernando Trujillo Saéz Cuatrimestral: 4.5 créditos Aims 1. To become familiar with the main aspects of the sound system in English. 2. To be able to analyse, describe and transcribe an English oral text. 3. To improve pronunciation and listening comprehension in English, basically by means of language awareness, ear training and discrimination. Outline of the programme: • Topic I. The Study of Speech: Phonetics and Phonology. Phonemes and allophones. Segmentals and suprasegmentals. • Topic II. Vocalic Sounds. Quality and length. Pure vowels. Diphthongs and triphthongs. English vowels and Spanish vowels. RP English and Gen Am vowels. • Topic III. Consonant Sounds: Consonant systems of English and Spanish. • Topic IV. Aspects of Connected Speech: The syllable as a minimal phonological structure. Stylistic variations: Assimilation, elision, gemination and linking. Stress. Levels of prominence within the word. Rhythm. • Topic V. Intonation. English and Spanish intonation. • Topic VI: Teaching pronunciation: sounds, connected speech, stress and intonation. Methodology This subject has two basic pillars: First, the presentation of the key concepts and the methods of analysis of Phonetics and Phonology; second, the practice of sound analysis and of routines of ear-training, fundamental to be able to teach English as a foreign language and to monitor the students and oneself. So, lectures and listening sessions will be the two poles of this subject. The use of multimedia resources either as teaching aids and as elements of continuous learning is the essential complement of this field. Assessment 1. Continuous assessment through class work. 2. A final examination. Basic bibliography: • Baker, Ann, 1981, Ship or Sheep? An intermediate pronunciation course, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. • Baker, Ann, 1982, Tree or Three? An elementary pronunciation course, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. • Bozman, Timothy, 1988, Sound Barriers: A practice book for Spanish students of English Phonetics, Zaragoza: Universidad de Zaragoza.. • Dalton, Christiane & Seidlhofer, Barbara, 1994, Pronunciation, Oxford, Oxford University Press. • Finch, D.F. and Ortiz Lira, H. (1982) A Course in English Phonetics for Spanish Speakers. London: Heinemann. • Fletcher, Clare, (1990), Longman Pronunciation Dictionary: Study Guide. London: Longman. • Giegerich, Heinz J., (1992), English Phonology, Cambridge: CUP. • Gimson, A.C. (19894) An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English. London: Edward Arnold. • Jones, D. (1996) English Pronouncing Dictionary. Cambridge: CUP. • Maidment, J.A., and García Lecumberri, María Luísa, 2000, English Transcription Course, London: Edward Arnold. • MacCarthy, Peter, 1978, The teaching of pronunciation, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. • Mateo, Marta, (1999), Materials for a course in English phonetics and phonology, Oviedo: Universidad de Oviedo. • O'Connor, J.D. (1973) Phonetics. Harmondsworth: Penguin. • Pavón Vázquez, Victor, 2000, La enseñanza de la pronunciación del inglés, Granada, Método Ediciones. • Quilis, Antonio, y Fernández, Joseph A., 1999, Curso de Fonética y Fonología Españolas para Estudiantes Angloamericanos, Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. • Roach, P. (1993) English Phonetics and Phonology: a practical course. Cambridge: CUP. • Stockwell, R., and Bowen, J.D. (1965) The Sounds of English and Spanish. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. • Wells, J. (1990) Longman Pronunciation Dictionary. London: Longman. Recommended complementary bibliography: • Alcaraz Varó, E. y Moody, B. (1995) Fonética inglesa para españoles. Alcoy: Marfil. • Bozman, Timothy, (1988), Sound Barriers: a practise book for Spanish students of English phonetics, Zaragoza: Universidad de Zaragoza. • Brazil, D., Coulthard, M. and Catherine, J. (1980) Discourse Intonation and Language Teaching. London: Longman. • Canellada, M.J. y Madsen, J.K. (1987) Pronunciación del español. Madrid: Castalia. • Celce-Murcia, Marianne, (1996), Teaching Pronunciation: A reference for teachers of English to speakers of other languages, Cambridge: CUP. • Clark, J. and Yallop, C. (1990) An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. • Crystal, D. (19852) A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. • Cruttenden, A. (1986) Intonation. Cambridge: CUP. • Jones, D. (1987) An Outline of English Phonetics. Cambridge: CUP. • Jones, D., (1988), The Pronunciation of English, Cambridge: CUP. • Kenworthy, J. (1987) Teaching English Pronunciation. (With Spanish notes). London: Longman. • Ladefoged, P. (1993) A Course in Phonetics. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. • Laver, J. (1994) Principles of Phonetics. Cambridge: CUP. • Leather, Jonathan, (1999), Phonological Issues in Language Learning, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. • Monroy Casas, R. (1980) La pronunciación del inglés RP para hablantes de español. Madrid: Paraninfo. • Monroy Casas, R. (1992) Sistemas de transcripción fonética del inglés: teoría y textos. Murcia: Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia. • Navarro Tomás, T. (1968) Studies in Spanish Phonology. Miami: University of Miami Press. • Navarro Tomás, T. (19744) Manual de entonación española. Madrid: Guadarrama. • Navarro Tomás, T. (198923) Manual de pronunciación española. Madrid: CSIC. • O'Connor, J.D. (19802) Better English Pronunciation. Cambridge: CUP. • O'Connor, J.D. and Arnold, G.F. (19732) The Intonation of Colloquial English. London: Longman. • Pennington, Martha, (1996), Phonology in English Language Teaching, London: Longman.
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