Fire behavior in an Ecotonal Grassland of the Chaco region, Argentina
Fire behavior in an Ecotonal Grassland of the Chaco region, Argentina
4 ARTICLES RIA / Vol. 38 / N.º1 Fire behavior in an Ecotonal Grassland of the Chaco region, Argentina KUNST, C.1, LEDESMA, R.1, BRAVO, S.2, DEFOSSÉ, G.3, GODOY, J.1, NAVARRETE, V.1 ABSTRACT We wanted to assess the fire behaviour of an ecotonal grassland, a fire prone ecosystem native of the Chaco region, northwestern Argentina. The fire season extends from July to October, during the dry and cold season of the year. The site of the experiments was an ecotonal grassland 50-100 m wide located in the Santiago del Estero Research Station, (28º 03’ S 64º 15’ E). Fire was applied in two blocks, in October 2007, in 6 plots each. Fine fuel load, botanical composition, and fine fuel bulk density were estimated. Fire behavior was assessed by estimating forward rate of spread and flame length. Wind speed, wind direction, air relative humidity and air temperature were assessed by a Kestrel digital hand-held station. Means, standard deviations and other descriptors were used to summarize the data. Correlation among variables was assessed using the Kendall’s τ correlation coefficient. The Student t-test was used for mean comparisons. Blocks had a different botanical composition, presenting the plots dominated by Trichloris pluriflora, a tall, stemmy native grass larger mean fine fuel load and mean bulk density than those dominated by Pappophorum pappipherum, a leafy bunchgrass (p < 0.0001). These facts significantly affected the forward rate of spread (p < 0.0001) but flame length was unaffected and more related to the presence of shrubs with volatile compounds in the plots. Average forward rate of spread was 24.0 m*min-1, a magnitude comparable to other subtropical grasslands. Average flame length was 3.5-4 m in the fine fuel, a magnitude usually prescribed for brush control, but that needs wide blacklines to be controlled. Keywords: fire behavior, Chaco, brush control. INTRODUCTION The Chaco is a vast natural region in northern Argentina and surrounding countries (Morello and Adamoli, 1968; Bucher, 1982). The vegetation of the Chaco region is a mosaic of forests, woodlands, savannas and shrublands (Morello and Adamoli, 1968; Bucher, 1982). Fire has been used historically by Chaco aborigines for war, hunting and other purposes (Bucher, 1982). Today, fire is used by cattlemen and farmers to achieve proper range management and land clearing (Bordón, 1993). Fire usually starts in the savannas and grasslands due to the high amounts of available fine fuel, but it may propagate to the woodlands and forests in the form of a crown fire in extreme environmental conditions (Tortorelli, 1947; Morello and Adamoli, 1974). Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Santiago del Estero, Jujuy 850, Santiago del Estero, G4200CQR, Argentina . Correos electrónicos: [email protected] [email protected] 2 Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, Botany Chair, Faculty of Forestry, Av. Belgrano (S) 1912, Santiago del Estero, Argentina. 3 Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagónico (CIEFAP) y Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco, Sede Esquel, Esquel, Chubut. [email protected] 1 Received February 11th 2011 // Accepted December 27th 2011 // Published online February 29th 2012 Fire behavior in an Ecotonal Grassland of the Chaco region, Argentina April 2012, Argentina The new approach of fire management considers fire ecology and fire prevention as two of the components of the fire triangle (Myers, 2008; FAO, 2007). The fire behavior in the Elionorus muticus savannas, an important vegetation type of the Chaco, can be deducted from studies conducted by Bravo et al. (2000) and Kunst et al. (2001). The first reported the fire regime in Elionorus muticus savanna of the Chaco and the latter effects of fire on Acacia aroma Hook et Arndt (tusca) a common brush species of the savanna, from a management point of view. Fire behavior features such as fireline intensity, flame length and rate of spread were quite similar to those reported by Cheney and Gould (1993), Cheney and Catchpole (1995) and Streeks et al. (2008) for grasslands of Australia and Texas. The specific objective of this research was to assess the fire behavior of a Chaco grassland, a fuel complex present in the midland range site, located between the dry forest in the upland range site and the savanna in the lowland range site, that could be described as an ecotone between the latter vegetation types (Kunst et al. 2006). Since our research is targeted toward the use of fire (prescribed fire) the behavior of a headfire was tested and registered. By describing the fire behavior in this vegetation type we attempted to understand the role of fire and to complete the information on fire regime of the Chaco region. The description of fire behavior is also a basic information needed in order to develop fire management programs considering both prescribed burning and fire control. MATERIAL AND METHODS Study area. It was located in the ‘La Maria’ Experimental Ranch, Santiago del Estero Experimental Station, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, Santiago del Estero, Argentina (28º 3’ S and 64º 15’ W). The climate is semiarid subtropical. Winter is cold and dry and summer is warm and rainy (Boletta, 1988). The mean annual precipitation is 574 mm (Meteorological Station Santiago del Estero Experimental Station, 1990-2008 series, S. D. 208 mm; C.V 36%; confidence interval for the mean 519.88 – 618.11 mm. year-1 series 1936-2005) falling mainly from November to May.). Fire has an inherent seasonality in the Chaco region: due to climatic features, the fire season begins in June, at the start of the dry and cold season, and ends in October, with the first rains and increasing air temperatures (Kunst et al. 2001). Fine fuels accumulate in Elionorus muticus savannas and Chaco grasslands during summer and fall; and are at appropriate burning conditions during late winter and early spring. Atmospheric conditions include steady winds from the north/north-east (mean velocity 2040 km/h), air temperatures up to 30 – 35 ºC, and relative air humidity down to 20% at noon and early afternoon (Bravo et al. 2000). These conditions are used to setting the fires, generally to achieve objectives of shrub clearing and control, and the promotion of new grass growth. The vegetation type studied was a native grassland located in the midland range site, an ecosystem bordered by a forest dominated by hardwood tree species in the upland 5 and a bunchgrass savanna in the lowland site (Kunst et al., 2006). Usually the grassland occupies a ‘strip’ with a width at least 50-100 m and. If a crownfire kills the forest trees, the species of the grassland ‘enter’ in the upland site, creating a ‘quemado’, a grassland with the same botanical composition of the midland grassland (Morello and Saravia Toledo, 1958). Main fuels propagating the fire in the grassland are native tall and bunch grass species. Brush species, specially Lippia turbinata and Schinus spp, rich in volatile compounds, are interspersed in the grassland, and may or may not ignite, depending on the meteorological circumstances and the firing technique used Field work. During the 2007 fire season two blocks of six plots each with a minimum size of 30 m x 30 m were burned in order to assess fire behavior. The size of the plots corresponded with the width of the grassland ‘strip’ and its orientation in relation with the prevailing winds. Larger plots would not allow the building of blacklines. Fuel loads. Fine fuel loads were assessed by locating randomly sample quadrats area = 0.25 m2, n > 5 in each plot. The grass species present in each sampling quadrat were identified and registered, and the data were used to calculate species frequency (presence/absence). Aboveground plant biomass was harvested to a height of 2 cm in each quadrat, separated by hand in standing biomass and litter, stored in bags, taken to the lab and ovendried 48 hs at 60 oC. Moisture content of the samples was estimated gravimetrically. In selected plots standing fine fuel was separated in three strata: 0-0,25 m, 0,25-0,50 m and more than 50 cm. Results were expressed in kg dry matter (DM)*ha-1. Curing, define as % of dry tissue in the plants, was estimated visually. Meteorological data. In each burn, air relative humidity (%), wind speed (km*h-1) and air temperature (oC) were registered using a Kestrel 6000 digital meter at midflame height. Firing techniques. Drip torches were used to lit headfires, in a line perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction, usually N-NE. Bulk density. Bulk density was estimated by the ratio of fuel load, total grass height (m) and height strata (m) and expressed as kg DM*m-3 Estimation and description of the elements of fire behavior. Fire behavior in a particular vegetation type (~ fuel model) could be estimated using several approaches: describing the weather pattern, topography and fuels (Agee 1993, De Bano et al., 1998) or by stating where a fire burns, how fast it travels, how much fuel is consumed and how much heat is released (Encyclopedia of Southern Fire Science 2009). Weather was described in the previous paragraphs. The local topography of the Study area is a mixture of very gentle hills and flats; however, slope could be estimated @ 0 for practical purposes. However, wind speed and specially direction could be modified by forests and shrublands that act as wind funnels (Kunst, personal observation). Fuel description was achieved by sampling. The amount KUNST, C.1; LEDESMA, R.1; BRAVO, S.2; DEFOSSÉ, G.3; GODOY, J.1; NAVARRETE, V.1 ARTICLES RIA / Vol. 38 / N.º1 R = D/(t0 – t1) [1] Where: D (m) = was a side or the hypotenuse of a plot; t0 and t1 (sec) the time at the start of the fire and the time when the fire front arrived to the end of the plot. Residual fires were not taken into account for this calculation. Time was estimated by a chronometer, with a 1/10 second precision. Results were expressed in m min-1. Fine fuel consumption was estimated visually. Statistical analysis. Means, standard deviations and other descriptors were used to summarize the data. Correlation among variables was assessed using the Kendall’s τ correlation coefficient. The Student t-test was used for mean comparisons. Mathematical calculations were performed using the PROC MEANS, CORR and GLM of the SAS Statistical Package (SAS 1998). A VA 0 Block 2 B Maximun 3,5 x Minimun 1000 2000 3000 x 1,75 x Block 1 Block 2 Figure 1. Mean and range of fuel load (A) and bulk density (B) for each block. INTA EEA Santiago del Estero, ‘La Maria’ Experimental Ranch. Flame length 4000 Mean 7 5000 6000 7000 8000 Flame length (m) VA (m*min-1) Block 1 3,5 0 Mean x 20 0 Minimun 4500 RESULTS 40 x x 0 Trichloris pluriflora and Pappophorum pappipherum were the dominant grass species in block 1 and block 2, respectively (data not shown). The first is a erect tall grass, Maximun 9000 Fine fuel load (kg DM.ha-1) of heat released was estimated by observing flame length, (m) assessed visually by two independent observers at the site of the burn and averaged. Flame length was used to estimate fire intensity, a feature defined as the energy released along a linear fire front. It is strongly related to the energy content of the fuel, fuel load, and fire rate of spread (Alexander, 1982; Agee, 1993). The mean rate of forward spread of the fire front (R) was calculated as the ratio between the distance traveled by the fire front and the time required (formula 1): Bulk density (kg.m-3) 6 0 9000 Fine fuel load (kg MS*ha-1) Figure 2. Bulk density by grass species and height strata. References: Tri plu: Trichloris pluriflora; Papp papp: Pappophorum pappipherum. Columns with different letter are significantly different (p < 0.05, t-test). Fire behavior in an Ecotonal Grassland of the Chaco region, Argentina April 2012, Argentina 7 Flame length 40,00 7,00 20,00 3,50 0,00 0,000 0,500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 Flame length (m) VA (m*min-1) VA 0,00 3,500 Bulk density (kg MS*m-3) Figure 3. Relationships between bulk density (BD), forward rate of spread (R) and flame length. Chaco grassland, INTA EEA Santiago del Estero, ‘La Maria’ Experimental Ranch. Height strata Attribute Study site 0-0,25 m 0,251-0,50 m 0,50-0,75 m Total C 1 3483,52 2547,88 286,8 6318,2 2 1786,96 968,88 140,72 2896,56 1 1.39 a 1.01 a 0.11 a 2 0.71 b 0.38 b 0.06 b DA Table 1. Mean fine fuel load (C, kg DM*ha-1) and mean bulk density (DA) for two study sites by height strata in a grassland of a midland ecological site of the Chaco region. La Maria’ Experimental Ranch. INTA EEA Santiago del Estero. Different letters indicate significant differences within columns, α = 0.05. Mean rate of speed Date Study site / Plot Fuel load (kg MS*ha-1) Flame length (m) 10/12/2007 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,. 5982,48 6876,32 7752,72 6073,36 6280,88 5698,96 3--4 5--6 3--4 3--4 4--6 4--7 Mean 21/11/2007 Mean 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 3606,88 3647,44 2956,48 1970,96 2238,72 1986,16 4--4.5 6 6 4 4 4 m.min-1 km.h-1 16,97 1,02 sin datos 33,41 31,43 27,37 29,26 2,00 1,89 1,64 1,76 27,62 1,66 17,96 30 25,64 12,88 16,39 20 1,08 1,80 1,54 0,77 0,98 1,20 20,7 1,24 Table 2. Flame length and forward rate of spread of fires in a grassland in a midland ecological site, Chaco region. ‘La Maria’ Experimental Ranch. INTA EEA Santiago del Estero, KUNST, C.1; LEDESMA, R.1; BRAVO, S.2; DEFOSSÉ, G.3; GODOY, J.1; NAVARRETE, V.1 8 ARTICLES RIA / Vol. 38 / N.º1 with strong and lignified flowering stems, while the second is bunch grass were leaves prevail. Curing was estimated as 100 % in both cases, while T. pluriflora plants were taller than P. pappipherum (Table 1). The fuel presented the highest density among blocks (p < 0.0001, Fig. 1). T. pluriflora has the bulk of the tissue near the base of the plant (Fig. 2). Mean forward rate of spread was significantly higher in the first block (Tables 1 and 2) while flame lengths tended to be larger in the second block. The shape of the fire front was usually parabolic. Flame length in the grass averaged 3-4 m, however if volatile fuels (mainly shrubs) were present, flame length increased up to 6-7 m, irrespective of the fine fuel load present. Fine fuels were consumed to the ground, leaving black ashes. Mean forward rate of spread was significantly and positively correlated with fine fuel load (t = 0.42, p < 0.0001) and bulk density (t = 0.41, p < 0.0001), but flame length was not (Figs. 3 and 4). by including botanical composition in fire-spread models. Flame length was not influenced by both fine fuel load and bulk density, probably because its was masked by the presence of shrubs with volatile compounds in the plots. CONCLUSIONS AND MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS Fires in the Chaco ecotonal grasslands move fast, with flames at least 3.5-4 m average and fuel is consumed to the ground. The forward fire spread was associated to botanical composition, that influences fine fuel load and bulk density, rather than by specific weather features defined by a prescription. However, the amount of heat released, as estimated by the flame length, was more related to the presence of fuel components with volatile compounds. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS DISCUSSION Fine fuel loads in the Chaco grasslands were larger than those reported by Streeks et al. (2005) for Texas but similar to those informed by Cheney et al. (1993) and Cheney and Gould (1995) for Australian grasslands. Differences in bulk density among blocks are attributed to the dominant grass species. The use of fire in rangeland management is bound to weather prescriptions that avoid extreme fire behavior, especially flame length, while still fulfilling the objectives, which usually are brush control. Weather during the burns of this research could be considered ‘within prescription’ if compared with those developed by Britton et al. (1987) and Trollope (1984a and b), while somewhat inclined to the ‘red’ corner of the window. Differences in R could be attributed to structure of grasses: a tallgrass, stemmy species such as T. pluriflora would allow the faster propagation of the fire front since the flames have an aerial structure to ‘catch on’. Flame lengths were within the range reported for grassland and savanna fires (Trollope, 1984a and b; Trollope and Tainton 1986, Kunst et al., 2001) indicating fires of high intensity, prescribed to damage or kill the aboveground structure of woody species of the genera Acacia, Prosopis and Schinus that an hindrance in rangelands (Trollope, 1984a and b; Kunst et al., 2001). However, these fires would not permit direct attack, and their control should be based in indirect measures such the building of blacklines with a width > 30 m, as suggested by Wright and Bailey (1982). From the point of view of the prediction of fire behavior, there are contradictory results related to influence of fuel loads on fire behavior. The classic view gives strong importance to fuel load in predicting R, while some studies suggest that has no influence at all (Cheney et al., 1993). In our study, R was significantly influences by fuel load and bulk density, i. e. by the quantity of fuel but also by its distribution in a tridimensional space. This fact could be attributed to the different architecture of the grass species that composed the grassland. This fact could be accounted for Research was funded by the Project no. FP6-018505 FIRE PARADOX ‘An innovative approach of integrated wildland fire management regulating the wildfire problem by the wise use of fire: solving the fire paradox’, European Union, 6th Framework, and Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, Specific Project 1503 ‘Incremento de la productividad de pastizales naturales’ 2006-2009. REFERENCES AGEE, J. 1993. Fire ecology of Pacific Northwest forests. Island Press, Covelo, California. 493 p. ALEXANDER, M. 1982. Calculating and interpreting forest fire intensities. Canadian Journal of Botany 60: 349 - 357. BOLETTA, P. 1988. Clima. Chap. 1, p. 7-21. In: R. 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