base of procedures
base of procedures
Centro de Innovación para la Sociedad de la Información Methodology for the generation and maintenance of a “base of procedures” in process-oriented knowledge management strategy Sonia Marrero; Antonio Ocón; Manuel Galán; Enrique Rubio June-2005 Summary Centro de Innovación para la Sociedad de la Información 1. Today´s Environment 2. Suricata Model • • • 3. 4. 5. 6. Objective Support. Knowledge Ecosystem Suricata Architecture Methodology for processes Process analysis results A methodology application Conclusion Today´s Environment Centro de Innovación para la Sociedad de la Información Knowledge Society Environment Productivity Strategy Organization Innovation Strategy Differential Knowledge Suricata Model Objective Centro de Innovación para la Sociedad de la Información Tools Personal K-worker Methods pKM Global Strategy Corporative Increase Productivity Increase Capacity of Innovation Suricata Model Supports Centro de Innovación para la Sociedad de la Información People Process Contents Techonology Knowledge Ecosytem Architecture Suricata Centro de Innovación para la Sociedad de la Información Centro de Innovación para la Sociedad de la Información Methodology for the generation and maintenance of a “base of procedures” Methodology for the geration and maintenance of a “base of procedures” Productivity and Innovation Global Strategies. Analysis K-worker Process Redesign pKM process pKM pKM BASE OF PROCEDURES Approximation CommonKads Methodology Mechanism s of specializati on and coordinatio n Malone PERSONALIZED PORTAL Verification K-worker Process Expertise Nets Analysis . . . . . . . K-workers profil Content of BP Updates of BP Taxonomys Indicators Virtual communitates External Documents, …. Process analysis results Centro de Innovación para la Sociedad de la Información 1. Tasks inside every process 2. Necessary documents 3. Consults to experts 4. Learned Lessons and Good Practices are requested 5. External information 6. To prepare templates 7. To obtain the taxonomy 8. To detect the locations of quality indicators. 9. Virtual communities 10. To design the configuration of corporative intranet A methodology application Centro de Innovación para la Sociedad de la Información Students Bas e of Know ledge D epartam ent 1.4. F inal Studies Projec ts C om m unities of ex pertis es T ablón de anunc ios F SP T ribunal Sim ilar c ours es of other U niv ers ities Ex ternal queries D epartam ent Legal D is pos ic ions Students Good Prac tic es 1.2 Ev aluation C ontents 1.1 Innov ation of educ ational doc um ents Good Prac tic es Pres entations T im etable Bas e of Know ledge W eb c ontents 1.3. Im part C las s es Prac tic es Ac tiv ities Students D epartam ent E-Learning Platform Development of Education Diagram E-Learning Platform 1. Tasks inside every process Centro de Innovación para la Sociedad de la Información Base of K Communities of expertises Similar courses of other Universities Departament Legal Disposicions Documents content External queries Educational project 1.1.2 Design and updates of documents 1.1.1. Configuration of the course Base of K 1.1.3. Elaboration of presentations for the traditional clases Good Practices Contents Base of K Presentations of Contents Presentations Communities of expertises Base de K 1.1.5. Elaboration of activities for the traditional clases 1.1.6 Elaboration of activities for the web Communities of expertises 1.1.4. Elaboration of the contents for the web 1.1.7. Integration of Base of K Web Contents Activities Good Practices Diagram “Innovation of educational documents” Web Contents 2. Documents necessary Centro de Innovación para la Sociedad de la Información Base of K Communities of expertises Similar courses of other Universities Departament Legal Disposicions Documents content External queries Educational project 1.1.2 Design and updates of documents 1.1.1. Configuration of the course Base of K 1.1.3. Elaboration of presentations for the traditional clases Good Practices Contents Base of K Presentations of Contents Presentations Communities of expertises Base de K 1.1.5. Elaboration of activities for the traditional clases 1.1.6 Elaboration of activities for the web Communities of expertises 1.1.4. Elaboration of the contents for the web 1.1.7. Integration of Base of K Web Contents Activities Good Practices Diagram “Innovation of educational documents” Web Contents 3. Consulting experts Centro de Innovación para la Sociedad de la Información Bas e of K C om m unities of ex pert is es Sim ilar c ours es of ot her U niv ers ities D epartam ent Legal D is pos ic ions D oc um ent s c ont ent Ex t ernal queries Educ at ional projec t 1. 1. 2 D es ign and updat es of doc um ent s 1. 1. 1. C onfiguration of t he c ours e Bas e of K 1. 1. 3. Elaborat ion of pres ent at ions f or t he tradit ional c las es G ood Prac tic es C ont ents Bas e of K Pres ent at ions of C ont ent s Pres ent at ions C om m unit ies of ex pert is es Bas e de K 1. 1. 5. Elaborat ion of ac t iv it ies f or the t raditional c las es 1. 1. 6 Elaborat ion of ac tiv it ies f or t he w eb C om m unit ies of ex pert is es 1. 1. 4. Elaborat ion of t he c ont ents f or the w eb 1. 1. 7. I nt egration of Bas e of K W eb C ont ent s Ac t iv it ies G ood Prac t ic es Dia gram “Innovation of educa tional documents” W eb C ont ent s 4. Learned Lessons and Good Practices Centro de Innovación para la Sociedad de la Información Base of K Communities of expertises Similar courses of other Universities Departament Legal Disposicions Documents content External queries Educational project 1.1.2 Design and updates of documents 1.1.1. Configuration of the course Base of K 1.1.3. Elaboration of presentations for the traditional clases Good Practices Contents Base of K Presentations of Contents Presentations Communities of expertises Base de K 1.1.5. Elaboration of activities for the traditional clases 1.1.6 Elaboration of activities for the web Communities of expertises 1.1.4. Elaboration of the contents for the web 1.1.7. Integration of Base of K Web Contents Activities Good Practices Diagram “Innovation of educational documents” Web Contents 5. External information Centro de Innovación para la Sociedad de la Información 6. Flows of information = Templates Centro de Innovación para la Sociedad de la Información Base of K Communities of expertises Similar courses of other Universities Departament Objects input: • legal regulations, • educational projects of the other universities and • documents of the base of knowledge from organization Legal Disposicions Documents content External queries • • • • • Internal objects: contents, presentations, web contents, activities of traditional class and Learned lessons Educational project 1.1.2 Design and updates of documents 1.1.1. Configuration of the course Base of K 1.1.3. Elaboration of presentations for the traditional clases Good Practices Contents Base of K Presentations of Contents Presentations Communities of expertises Base de K 1.1.5. Elaboration of activities for the traditional clases 1.1.6 Elaboration of activities for the web Communities of expertises 1.1.4. Elaboration of the contents for the web 1.1.7. Integration of Base of K Web Contents Activities Objects output: • educational project, • base of knowledge and • physical documents. Good Practices Diagram “Innovation of educational documents” Web Contents 7. Taxonomy Centro de Innovación para la Sociedad de la Información 8. Quality Indicators Centro de Innovación para la Sociedad de la Información Departament Mision, philosophy, policies, objectives, targets Key Processes Quality Indicators Students - tests to the students, rate successful, access number to the learning web etc. Requeriment, Expectatives, Needs Economic and Social Environment Satisfied Objectives? NO Analisys and redesign of process Critical Process YES Process Control 9. Virtual communities Centro de Innovación para la Sociedad de la Información Email betwen users One user Color: One section of organization Source: Centro de Innovación para la Sociedad de la Información 10. To design the configuration of corporative intranet Conclusions Centro de Innovación para la Sociedad de la Información The proposal focuses on a knowledge management oriented process strategy defined by means of a theoretical model (Suricata Model) over which a set of software applications are developed (Suricata Platform) with the following objectives: •To manage the processes in an organization, in order to increase its efficiency and effectiveness. •To stimulate the creation of social networks of experts by means of weblogs, practice communities, social software tools, etc. •To obtain a friendly working environment where all recourses are available for the people in accordance with his individual profile Contact us Centro de Innovación para la Sociedad de la Información [email protected] Thank you