Political Parties Last Update: January 2015 Major: Political Science an
Political Parties Last Update: January 2015 Major: Political Science an
Anexo 8.3 Programa Condensado Subject or Unit Learning: Political Parties Major: Political Science and Public Administration. Semester: 5th Week 1 TOPIC ACTIVITIES, HOMEWORK, EXAMS BIBLIOGRAPHY Introduction to the Subject Textbook, methodology of the class, evaluation of the course. N/A Class participation Requirement: Team presentation (Roskin, Cord, Medeiros, & Jones, 2006) Class participation Requirement: Team presentation (Garner, Ferdinand, & Lawson, 2009) Class participation Requirement: Team presentation (Ware, 1996) 2 Political Parties and Party Systems 3 Votes, Election, Parties. 4 Parties and Ideology 5 Supporters, Members, and Activists 6 Party Organizations Rev.:4 Last Update: January 2015 Plan: 401 Credits: 3 Chapters I & II Documents “Political Parties” http://www.kas.de/wf/doc/kas_7 671-1442-230.pdf?120920114650 Class participation Requirement: Team presentation Ref: PR-SL-FL-01 (Ware, 1996) (Ware, 1996) FO-SL-FL-03 Anexo 8.3 Programa Condensado 7 8 9 The classification of Party Systems First Exam (Ware, 1996) Why Party Systems Differ Class participation Requirement: Team presentation (Ware, 1996) Stability and Change in Party Systems 12 Rev.:4 (Ware, 1996) First test 10 11 Class Participation Movie Analysis (electoral fraud) First Assignment Due Date: Concept Map of Political Parties definitions, historic evolution of partisan ideologies. General Law of Political Parties General Law of Institutions and Electoral Procedures Requirement: Ch. III Document “Political-Party Finance in Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica y México: lessons for Latin America” http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNADA55 3.pdf Class participation Requirement: Team presentation Second Assignment Due Date: Conceptual Map of the characteristics of the basic elements of the political parties, political parties classification by size and magnitude, including: 1) forms of attachment, and 2) the role of the citizen. Class participation Requirement: Team presentation Requirement: movie analysis of “electoral fraud” Ref: PR-SL-FL-01 (Ware, 1996) Ley General de Partidos Politicos Ley General de Instituciones y Procedimientos Electorales. FO-SL-FL-03 Anexo 8.3 Programa Condensado 13 14 15 16 General Law of Institutions and Electoral Procedures Second test. Class participation. Requirement: group participation. Create charts where you will define: The government characteristics The government systems Political parties Political party systems. Third Assignment Due Date: Concept Map of Political Parties and Political System (No value, but mandatory, to accept the integration product) Test 2 Final Project due date. Final Project Ley General de Instituciones y Procedimientos Electorales N/A N/A Final grades (SIASE) deadline N/A 17 Tutorials 18 19 Rev.:4 N/A (Garner, Ferdinand, & Lawson, 2009) (Roskin, Cord, Medeiros, & Jones, 2006) (Ware, 1996) (Ley General de Instituciones y Procedimientos Electorales, 2014) (Congreso General de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, 2014) Second opportunity course Second opportunity course Tutorials Ref: PR-SL-FL-01 FO-SL-FL-03 Anexo 8.3 Programa Condensado 20 Final grades for second opportunity in SIASE N/A STUDENT’S TASK Participate in the creations of charts that will define the main characteristics of the countries, their systems of government, system of parties and political parties. Team Exposition Debate Analysis of the movie “fraude electoral”, by the concepts which were analyze during the semester. The requirements will be obligatory, missing one or more of the requirements will result in losing the right to submit the Final Project. Rev.:4 EVALUATION Assignment 1 (Concept Map of Political Parties definitions, historic evolution of partisan ideologies) =10% Assignment 2 (Conceptual Map of the characteristics of the basic elements of the political parties, political parties classification by size and magnitude, including: 1) forms of attachment, and 2) the role of the citizen) = 10% Assignment 3 ( Create a concept map of the political system, linking it to the political party that will be proposed in your Final Project) = 10% Exam 1 = 15% Exam 2 = 15% Final Project* (create a political party and make its presentation) = 30% Ethics y values (assistance) = 10% The requirements will be obligatory, missing one or more of the requirements will result in losing the right to submit the Final Project. Ref: PR-SL-FL-01 FO-SL-FL-03 Anexo 8.3 Programa Condensado Requirement A: After Reading chapters I and II, and create a concept map with the main ideas of each chapter. Requirement B: After you have read chapter III, create a comparative chart which must have the most important ideas of each of the 4 countries. BIBLIOGRAPHY TEXTBOOK: Ley General de Instituciones y Procedimientos Electorales. (23 de Mayo de 2014). México. Congreso General de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. (23 de Mayo de 2014). Ley General de Partidos Políticos. Diario Oficial de la Federación. Mexico. Garner, R., Ferdinand, P., & Lawson, S. (2009). Introduction to Politics. New York: Oxford University Press. Roskin, M., Cord, R., Medeiros, J., & Jones, W. (2006). Political Science: An Introduction. New Jersey: Pearson. Ware, A. (1996). Political Parties and Party Systems. New York: Oxford University Press. FURTHER REFERENCES: Ramos Jiménez, Alfredo, 2001, Los Partidos Pol ticos Latinoamericanos Un Estudio omparativo. México Código Federal De Instituciones Y Procedimientos Electorales, México. Cansino, César Et.Alt, (1999), Gobiernos Y Partidos Políticos En América Latina, Un Estudio Comparado., Centro De Estudios De Política Comparada. A.C. Col. Estudios Comparados 1, México. Lenk, Kurt; Neuman, Franz, (1989), Teoría Y Sociología Crítica De Los Partidos Políticos. Anagrama. España. Di Tella, Torcuato, (1993), Historia De Los Partidos Políticos En América Latina, Ed. Fondo De Cultura Económica, México. Alvarez García, Ana María (2010).Principales Efectos Y Ventajas Del Uso De Las Nuevas Tecnologías En Campañas Electorales. Cic: Cuadernos De Información Y Comunicación, Issn 1135-7991, Nº 15. Ejemplar Dedicado A: Avances E Investigación Crítica En Comunicación Política, Págs. 55-84. Recuperado En: Http://Dialnet.Unirioja.Es/Servlet/Revista?Codigo=1523 Katz, Richard S. (2012) Reforma A Los Partidos Políticos Mediante Regulación Legal. Ceiplan. Recuperado En: Rev.:4 Ref: PR-SL-FL-01 FO-SL-FL-03 Anexo 8.3 Programa Condensado Http://Www.Cieplan.Org/Media/Archivos/Articulo_Katz_Regulacion_Partidos.Pdf ccp. Secretarios Académicos ccp. Auxiliar Académico ccp. Alumno Rev.:4 Ref: PR-SL-FL-01 FO-SL-FL-03