Neurovascular Diseases Research Group


Neurovascular Diseases Research Group
Neurovascular Diseases Research Group
STROKE BIO-TARGETS: Nuevas estrategias para descubrir biomarcadores de isquemia
cerebral y su aplicación como dianas terapéuticas en el ictus
VHIR's offers a contract to work on the project "STROKE BIO-TARGETS: Nuevas estrategias para descubrir biomarcadores de
isquemia cerebral y su aplicación como dianas terapéuticas en el ictus” (New strategies to find new biomarkers for cerebral
ischemia and their use as a therapeutic target for strokes).
The Vall d'Hebron Research
Institute (VHIR) is a public sector
institution that promotes and
develops the research, innovation
and biosanitary teaching of the
Vall d’Hebron University Hospital.
Through the excellence of our
research, we identify and apply
new solutions to the health
problems of society and we
contribute to spread them around
the world.
In April 2015, the Vall d’Hebron
Research Institute (VHIR) obtained
the recognition of the European
Commission HR Excellence.
This recognition proves that VHIR
endorses the general principles of the
European Charter for Researchers
and a Code of Conduct for the
Recruitment of Researchers
(Charter & Code).
Thus, there are no restrictions of
gender, national origin, race, religion,
sexual orientation or age and
candidates with disabilities are
strongly encouraged to apply.
Education and qualifications:
 The candidate cannot hold a PhD degree.
Main responsibilities and duties:
 In vivo models for integromica
 In vitro model of BBB
 Mass spectrometry of human brain and microdissected cells
 Other techniques
Labour conditions:
 Full-time position (40h/week)
 Starting date: 1 April 2016
 Length of the contract: 2 years and a half
 Gross annual salary: 22,100€
Applicants should submit a full Curriculum Vitae and a presentation letter with STROKE BIO-TARGETS reference to
[email protected] and [email protected]