Altea (Eastern Spain)
Altea (Eastern Spain)
Evaluation of ecological infrastructures in the conservation and management of natural enemies as an alternative to pesticide use in the agricultural landscape of the Altea municipality (eastern Spain) Laborda R.1, Bertomeu S.1 , Xamani P. 1 , Sanchez A.1, Tarazona S.1 , Ibáñez J.M.2, García A.1 and Garcia-Mari F.1 1 Universitat Politècnica de València; Camino de Vera s/n 46022 Valencia (SPAIN) [email protected] 2 Departamento de Agraria. CIPFP. Cheste. GV CONCLUSIONS A municipal initiative was established to reduce the risk of pesticides used to control the main pests of citrus, using a more respectful strategy for the environment, which lead to apply an evaluation of the functional biodiversity in a significant agricultural area of Altea. The quality of the present ecological infrastructures is analyzed, following the methodology of the O.I.L.B (Ecological Infrastructures. Ideabook on Functional Biodiversity at the Farm Level). The landscape that we are looking at is an agricultural framework - predominantly consisting of citrus spotted with urban areas of low density as a consequence of the tourism pressure that has suffered the coastal Mediterranean Spain over the last decades. We determined the functional biodiversity in a significant area of the agricultural landscape of the municipality of Altea. Four parameters are evaluated in the group of selected plots: sustainability of the crop, biodiversity of trees and cover crops, the crop connectivity, and the structural diversity of the crop. The results show that the agrarian typology studied forms a diversified area, well connected to the landscape and to the ecological infrastructures present. It is concluded that the study area has a median level of biodiversity. Even so, the low diversification of crops, their compromised sustainability, and the lack of a diversified arboreal structure alternative to the crop, fail to provide an optimal habitat for the beneficial fauna. Correcting these aspects could improve the diversity of pest natural enemies, thus allowing to progress in a strategy of eliminating the use of pesticides in the area. Why this project area? Proximity to the urban area and to aquifers or waterways Project area: 23,57 has Number of plots: 19 Average plot size: 1,30 has Practical information Connectivity of orchard with landscape The applied methodology to assess functional biodiversity of the territory through the study of ecological infrastructures has been the one established by the IOBC and reflected in the book Ecological Infrastructures. Ideabook on Functional Biodiversity at the Farm Level. This methodology is based on the answer to the following questions: How many additional trees appear within a radius of 500 m around the cultivated species? Árboles en un radio de 500 metros Menos < 20 20 arboles Is the sustainability of the crop guaranteed? Do the crop has connectivity? The capacity of the territory to permit the movement of organisms constitutes a very important feature for the species. For the evaluation of this factor we take into account the amount and type of existing trees in the area, the presence of diversified vegetation and the type of territory and orientation. The preservation and productive capacity of the agricultural system is important to assure the future of the cultivation. In this case, the existing age of the represented trees was evaluated plus the level of production. Do we have the necessary biodiversity in trees and cover crop? Is there a structural diversity on the fields? Sustainability of orchard Más > 50de 50 árboles Entre - 100 metros 50 - 50 100 Menos < 50 de 50 metros 24% 88% 76% In what distance (metres) occur embankments, wild flowers or fallow fields ? Hábitat natural > 100 Más de 100 metros 50 - 50 100 Entre - 100 metros < 50 de 50 metros Menos In what distance (metres) occur a well structured forest margin or a hedge? Bosque Entre 50 - 50 200- 200 metros > 200 Más de 200 6% 6% < 50 de 50 metros Menos 12% 12% 76% 88% Structural diversity of orchard Relation between young trees not yet in full production (green), full production trees (orange) and old trees beyond full production age (brown) How manyNumero trees are in the orchard? de árboles 20 árboles 20- 99 - 99 Some cases observed 100 20 árboles 20- 50 - 50 Ruderales 6%6% A larger variety of trees, as a larger variety of cover crops, favors a greater diversity of auxiliary fauna. The biodiversity favors the formation of new habitats of high quality and the stability. The quality of habitats, as well as the importance of the vegetative cover., are evaluated indirectly . The structural diversity implies a greater capacity to shelter a higher variety of plants and animal species, hence, to improve the internal biodiversity of the cultivation. The quantity of trees on the fields was taken into account, as well as its age of production, physiological state and the structural types appearing. In what distance occur large trees that are isolated from the rest and/or humid areas? 100 - 300 árboles 100 - 300 Más de 300 árboles > 300 100 Distribución Welldistribuidos distributed Gaps existed Bien Existen fallos 12% 17% 100 What is the distribution pattern of trees within .the orchard? 18% 65% 0 0 0 cP Case P 1 fP cP Case P 2 fP cP Case P 3 fP Sostenibilidad del cultivo Producción completa Árboles la producción completa Full production Youngjovenes trees Domina Dominate full production 88% How many fruits species occur in the plot? 11- -22especies Especies 5 3 3- 5-especies > 5de 5 especies Más What kind of structures occur in the plot? Trails, vegetable plots, stone walls, etc. Ninguna 0 6% Título del gráfico 11 - 2–tipos de estructuras Más de dos tipos de estructuras 2 types > 2 types 6% 12% 29% 12% 94% 76% Young trees “not yet in full production” Replanting for the correction of deficiency in the patron of the distribution Trees in full production Biodiversity of trees and cover crop What colour has the meadow? Results How dense grow the plants in the meadow? Color Green, few flowers Green, range of colors Verde, pocas flores Verde, bajalow gama colores Comunidad plantas multicolor Multi-coloured plant community Densidad Verydensa dense Spotsoof bare soil Muy Huecos suelo desnudo 41% 41% 65% Do the crop has connectivity? Is the sustainability of the crop guaranteed? The plot is well connected with the landscape and with the other green infrastructures. The sustainability of the plots is not assured. Young healthy trees are lacking. If not planted saplings growing at the end disappear. 59% 59% Do we have biodiversity in the cover crop? Which animal has been observed in the meadow area? Animales Beetles, ants Escarabajos, hormigas Caterpillars, butterflies Gusanos, mariposas Grasshoppers Saltamontes Cicadas Cigarras Typical landscape of Altea Terrasit. GVA 6% Is there a structural diversity on the fields? 94% Although colored flowers do not form a complete cover crop in the field, there are isolated areas with flowers inside the orchard. The diversity of the structures of the crop is low. The plot almost does not provide habitat for wildlife. Is advisable to increase the diversity of trees and ground cover. Intermediate Biodiversity. The plants and animals found indicate a diversified crop area. However, the structures of the trees do not provide suitable habitat for birds that nest in them or insects that colonize decaying wooden structures. Moss density is probably low. Several rare animal species, typical of fruit crops, probably will be installed only if the ecological quality improvement trees. IOBC/WPRS Working Group on Integrated Control in Citrus Fruit Crops Adana, Turkey 7-9 May 2013.