Yo aprendí esta semana… Frases Utiles Vocabulario


Yo aprendí esta semana… Frases Utiles Vocabulario
Mrs. Poli Aparicio, FOURTH Grade Volume 8 Issue 8 Pilar del Carácter: Perseverancia/Respeto Semanas (Weeks of) 2/22 – 4/5 Yo aprendí esta semana… Dear Parents, ¡Felices Pascuas! Happy Easter! Students continue to engage in partner conversations allowing them to explore linguistic structures which are transferable to other situations. They continue to have access to authentic language and everyday expressions that are fun and rewarding to use. Their level of participation has greatly increased, as the partner conversations require all of the students to be on task. I am excited to see that students are retaining vocabulary better because it is attached to realistic communication. They are playing several games in small groups, w hich focus on using oral language to communicate. Students are learning subject pronouns and the infinitive forms of Spanish verbs that end in -­‐ ar, -­‐er, or –ir. They are learning which subject pronoun endings they will use for proper noun subjects. Students are beginning to explore the present tense of –ar verbs. •
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Patinar (skate) Cantar (sing) Bailar (dance) Recortar (cut) Dibujar (draw) Contar (count) Necesitar (need) Practicar (practice) Enseñar (teach) Hablar (talk) Usar (use) Vocabulario •
Trabajar (work) Estar (to be) Yo (I) Tú (You) El (He) Ella (She) Nosotros /Nosotras (We) Ellos /Ellas (They) Frases Utiles •
¿Dónde vas de vacaciones? (where are you going on vacation?) ¿Dónde fuiste de vacación? (where did you go on vacation?) Vamos a… (let us go to….) Vamos de vacaciones (let us go on vacation) ¿Dónde vas? (where are you going?) ¿Qué haces en…?(what do you do in…?) Yo cuento hasta 20 (I count up to 20) Yo tengo que…… (I have to…) Yo llevo……. (I am w earing…) ¿Qué lleva ella? (what is she wearing?) ¿Qué lleva el? (what is he wearing?) ¡Ay, me duele!…. (Ouch my -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐hurts!) ¡Me encanta! (I love it!) ¡Mmm, que rico! (delicious!) ¿Cuál fruta te gusta? (which fruit d o you like?) A mi me gusta (I like) A mi no me gusta (I do not like) •
La playa (the beach) El campo (the countryside) La ciudad (the city) El lago (the lake) Otro país (another country) Please check out the fun videos on the fourth grade class blog! ¡Vamos a Celebrar! Let’s Celebrate! Felicidades a Austin Chastain, Rory Flint, Grace Funston, Richard Hall, Julian Hurley, Hayden Schwartz, Alexander Swann, Amy Zhao, Julia Cotter, George Creasman, Zachary Freier, Caroline Janki, Kate Mallard, Josh Minninberg, Brianna Queen, Madeline Simpson, Hunter Williams, Hayley Cavinder, Kristin Hartman, Dylan Kaminski, Lily Koch, Elliot M athis, Hannah Pace, Ashton Rugh for your perseverancia en la clase de Español (Perseverance).