INTERMEDIATE SPANISH 2020 – Spring 2010 4 Credits MCD 208 Monday through Thursday at 12:00 noon Instructor: Ana Maria Hawkins Office: Gymnasium (downstairs) Office Hours: Monday-Th 2pm to 4pm or by appointment Phone: 435-652-7899 E-mail: [email protected] INTRODUCTION: Welcome to the second semester of Intermediate Spanish! This class is for students who have completed the first three semesters of college level Spanish or those students who have had an equivalent experience. Students who have had an extended residency in a Spanish-speaking country normally should not register for this course. Course Objectives: By this time, you have discovered that studying a foreign language can be a rewarding experience but one that requires a high level of commitment. The goal of this class is to help you improve your communicative skills in Spanish. Time will be devoted to reviewing Spanish grammar, reading, writing, speaking, and developing some cultural awareness of the Spanish-speaking people. Specifically, you should be aware of the following objectives: Speaking—Students will improve their ability to express themselves orally by increasing their active and passive vocabularies, improving listening comprehension, and by practicing language in meaningful situations. Writing—Students will produce relatively complex writing samples with fewer and fewer syntax and vocabulary errors. Reading—Students will be challenged to develop their reading skills with authentic literary materials. They will be able to understand and discuss them. Use this experience to develop your vocabulary even more. Culture— Students grasp the concept of culture through comparison of the target culture(s) and their native culture. By the end of this course, successful students will: Demonstrate communicating skills at a high intermediate level. Create with language, having the ability to speak in sentences, combining known elements to say things that he/she perhaps never said before. Have an increased ability in the areas of listening, reading and writing. Understand cultural differences between their native culture and the Hispanic culture. VERTICAL CREDIT: Upon completing a higher level Spanish class with a grade of C or better, a student may receive vertical credits for the Spanish classes he/she has skipped over. GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS: Students desiring the Associate of Arts degree will need a total of 8 credits in a foreign language. Students receiving vertical credits for the first year classes would fill this requirement. TEXTS: Más allá de las palabras (Second Edition) por Kelley, Gallego Smith, Esparragoza Scott, Godev La dama del alba by Alejandro Casona (will be loaned to you) Album, by Valette (will be loaned to you also) GRADES: Grades will be determined on a percentage of the total points possible. Grades will be determined by your performance in the following activities: UNIT TESTS: Tests will be given at the end of each grammar unit. These tests will include vocabulary, grammar, and writing sections. Tests may also contain some materials studied in previous units. The tests will be worth 100 points each. You will be allowed to take one late test only (you have to have a very good excuse) No early final exams will be given. Arrange your travel plans so that you are here to take the final with the entire class. WORKBOOK: The workbook exercises will be required of each student. You should complete each exercise and correct your work before handing it in. Please correct it in red. You may verify your answers in the back of the book “after you have done the exercises”. This will be due at the beginning of the class period on the day the unit test is given for the corresponding unit. The workbook will NOT be accepted late. Each workbook assignment is worth 25 points. Presentaciones Culturales: You will give a cultural presentation of about 15 minutes. Your teacher will take a class period to explain and give assignments. ASSIGNMENTS: You are expected to read the chapters (and readings) before coming to class. In other words, you are expected to be prepared for class. Other assignments will be explained in class as we approach each of our readings. We will read La dama del alba and other literary works from Album. QUIZZES: Short preparation quizzes may be given from time to time. These may not be taken late or made up. Come prepared for a quiz on the days we are to discuss a literary reading. ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION: I expect you to be in class every day prepared to participate in class activities. Speaking Spanish in class is an important part of class participation. Excessive absences (5) may lower your grade one step (A to A-). As a courtesy, you should also be on time to class and add to class discussions in a positive manner. EXTRA CREDIT: No extra credit will be given. Your grade will be determined according to the following scale and in line with the following descriptions: 93-100 = A 90-92 = A87-89 = B+ 83-86 = B 80-82 = B77-79 = C+ 73-76 = C 70-72 = C- 67-69 = D+ 63-66 = D 60-62 = D00-59 = F NOTA FINAL: Se basará en el porcentaje de puntos acumulados por el estudiante en relación al total de puntos posibles. NOTE: I expect that all work completed will be your own. Any plagiarized work will receive no credit, and the offending student will be referred to the Student Affairs Committee. CHANGES: Any needed changes to these procedures and class policies will be announced in class. DISABILITY RESOURCE CENTER: “If you are a student with a documented physical or mental impairment that will substantially limit a major life activity, please contact the Disability Resource Center on the main campus. The Center Coordinator and staff will assist you in analyzing your eligibility for services. If you are deemed eligible, reasonable accommodations that are appropriate for your disability will be assigned. If you have any questions concerning this process, please contact the Center at 652-7516; we are located in the Student Services Center, Room #201 of the Edith Whitehead Building.” We have been asked to include the following in each of our syllabi beginning Spring 2008: Important class and college information will be sent to your Dmail account. This information includes your DSC bill, financial aid/scholarship notices, notification of dropped classes, reminders of important dates and events, and other information critical to your success in this class and at DSC. All DSC students are automatically assigned a dmail email. If you do not know your user name and password, go to and select “dmail,” for complete instructions. You will be held responsible for information sent to your dmail , so please check it often. CLASSROOM POLICIES: No food or drink except water. No cell phones during class. No text messaging either!!! You will be asked to go outside. Arrive on time to class Course Outline–Spanish 2020 Spring Semester 2010 Jan. Feb. 8. 11. Introducción a la clase 12. Capítulo 7: El subjuntivo en Claúsulas nominales p. 268 13. Repaso 14. El subj. en Claúsulas Adjetivales p. 281 18. Día de vacación 19. Repaso 20. Indicativo vs Subjuntivo 21. Repaso 25. Examen del capítulo 7 26. Capítulo 8: The future tense P. 321 27. Repaso 28. The Conditional to Express Probability P. 334 1. Repaso 2. Conditional clauses with (Si) if : Indicative Vs Subjuntive drop with receiving W grade. 3. Repaso 4. Examen de capítulo 8 Last day to ADD without teacher signature Entregar Tarea Entregar Tarea Chapter 9: Adverbial classes with Present Tense p. 9. Repaso 367 Last day for refund and to Last day to ADD classes Mar. Mar. 10. Adverbial Clauses with past tenses p. 379 11. Repaso 15. Día de vacación 16. Passive Voice p. 390 17. Repaso 18. Examen de Capítulo 9 22. Capítulo 10: The present/ Past Perfect p. 416 23. Repaso 24. Prepositional Pronouns/Prepositional Verbs P. 429 25. Repaso 1. Progressive Tenses p.441 2. Repaso 3. Examen del capítulo 10 4. Introducción a presentaciones culturales 8.-12 Vacaciones de primavera–no hay clases 15. Presentaciones culturales 16. Presentaciones culturales 17. Presentaciones culturales 18. Presentaciones culturales 22. Presentaciones culturales 23. Presentaciones culturales 24. Presentaciones culturales 25. Presentaciones culturales 29. Presentaciones culturales 30. Album: Una carta a Dios, p. 2 Entregar Tarea Entregar Tarea Mid-Term grades due. April 31. Album: Un oso y un amor, p. 25 1. Album: La pared, p.109 April 2. Las day for complete withdrawal. 5. Album: Un día de estos, p. 117 6. Album: La conciencia, p. 133 7. Album: No oyes ladrar los perros, p. 147 8. Introducción a La dama del alba 12. Continuación a la introducción de La dama del alba 13. La dama del alba, p.1-20 14. La dama del alba, p. 21-39 15. La dama del alba, p.40-62 19. La dama del alba, p.63-77 20. La dama del alba, p.77-92 21. La dama del alba, p.93-112 22. La dama del alba, p.113-132 26. La dama del alba, p.133-151 27. Película 28. Película 29. Repaso de La dama del alba para el examen final Final Exam: th Friday April 30 from 12:30pm to 2:30pm The schedule is a suggested schedule. Any changes will be made in class, and students will be held responsible to learn of the changes.