Enrollment Forms Packet (EFP)
Enrollment Forms Packet (EFP)
Texas Virtual Academy Enrollment Processing Center 2300 Corporate Park Drive Ste 200 Herndon, VA 20171 Ph. 877.554.1084 Fx. 877.257.4612 www.k12.com/txva Enrollment Forms Packet (EFP) Please review the information below. Based on your student(s) grade and applicable circumstances, you are required to submit documentation in order to complete this step in the enrollment process. You can fax, scan and email, or mail the required paperwork . Important Note: Please send copies, do not mail the original documents Fax (preferred): 1-877-257-4612 Required For? Required for all Students Recommended for All Students Recommended for all rising 10 -11th Grade Students Recommended for student with an IEP or other Special Education needs Recommended for students that have a 504 plan Scan and Email: [email protected] Mail: Texas Virtual Academy 2300 Corporate Park Drive Ste 200 Herndon, VA 20171 Item Description Provided by? Proof of Age Official Birth Certificate (not the hospital issued certificate) Provided by you Proof of Residency Two forms of Proof of Residency: Current Utility bill showing service address, Mortgage statement/Rental contract including signature page, recent tax statement Provided by you Immunization Card Current Immunization Record Provided by you Home Language Survey Complete this form and submit. Provided in this packet Occupational Survey Complete this form and submit. Provided in this packet Ethnicity and Race Questionnaire Please write your student’s name, as it was entered on the application. Provided in this packet Student Record Release By filling out this form, you are giving our school permission to request your student’s official records from their previous school after the approval process. If your child was Homeschooled please indicate it on the form, fill out the top portion and sign it. Provided in this packet Affidavit of Student Residency Complete this form and submit. Provided in this packet Free and Reduced Statement Complete this form and submit (Example page included for instructions on how to complete this form) Provided in this packet Special Education/ Child Find Complete this form and submit. Provided in this packet Student Health History Complete this form and submit. Provided in this packet At Risk Indicators Complete this form and submit. Provided in this packet Report Card The most recent Report Card Provided by you Social Security Card Please note do not send actual card, please submit a copy Provided by You Transcripts You will need to request an unofficial transcript from your student’s current school, which will show your student’s academic standing. This is recommended in order to place all 10th through 11th graders. Once your student is approved, we will receive the official transcript directly from the school. Provided by you IEP A copy of your student’s current IEP (Individualized Education Plan). Because the Provided by you IEP expires yearly, please submit the current IEP. Evaluation Report The Evaluation Report is valid for 3 years. If you do not have a copy of your student’s ER, you can request a copy from your student’s current school. Provided by you 504 Accommodation Plan A copy of your student’s current 504 Accommodation Plan. Because the 504 expires yearly, please submit the current 504. Provided by you Student Enrollment Application (PLEASE PRINT) Student’s Name ________________________________________________ Application Date ____ / ____ / ______ Last First Middle Address _______________________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________________________ State _____________________ ZIP______________ Home Phone ____________________ Cell Phone ____________________ Social Security # ______ - ____ - ______ Gender (circle one): M F Date of birth ____ / ____ / ____ Age ______ School District in which student resides: _______________________ School Name Last grade completed _______ _______________ ISD *Local school the student is zoned to attend in relation to current residence and current grade level. Last School Attended: School Name __________________________ _______ Phone ____________________________________ Address _ ________________________________________________________________________ City __________________________ State ___________________ ZIP ____________________________ Father’s name ___________________________________________________ Living with student? ___________ Employer _____________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________ State ____ Zip _________ Home Phone _______________ Work phone (______) ______ - __________ Cellular phone/Pager/Etc. (______) ______ - _____________ Driver’s License # ____________________ (State) ________ Email_______________________________ Mother’s name __________________________________________________ Living with student? ___________ Employer _____________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________ City ____________________________ State ____ Zip ________ Home Phone ___________________ Work phone (______) ______ - __________ Cellular phone/Pager/Etc. (______) ______ - ____________ Driver’s License # ____________________ (State)_________ Email_____________________________ Alternate Contact (Name) _________________________________ (Relationship)_________________________ Home Phone____________________ Work Phone__________________ Cell Phone_________________ Emergency Contact (Name) __________________________________ (Relationship)______________________ Home Phone____________________ Work Phone___________________ Cell Phone________________ How were you (was your student) referred to RES? __________________________________________________ Legal Alert: Is anyone legally restricted from contact with your student? (Circle one) Yes No Are copies of documents on file? (Circle one) Yes No For Administrative Use Only: Official Enrollment Date _____/ _____/ _____ Official Withdrawal Date _____/ _____/ _____ (Official enrollment date is first day of attendance; official withdrawal date is indicated on withdrawal form and attendance records.) 2011-12 Affidavit of Student Residency Student (Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name) Student lives with the following person(s): _______________________________________ and/or_________________________________________ First and Last name of Father/Stepfather/Grandfather/Other (Circle One) First and Last name of Mother/Stepmother/Grandmother/Other (Circle One) At the Following Address: Street Address City Zip Phone Texas Education Code § 25.001 authorizes Texas school districts to obtain evidence that a person is eligible to attend the public schools of the district at the time of enrollment. To be eligible for continued enrollment in Responsive Education Solutions, the parent or guardian of a student must show proof of residency at the time of enrollment. To comply with residency requirements, the parent or guardian of a student must return this document to Responsive Education Solutions with an original of at least two of the following documents showing name and verifiable current address. (Documents showing evidence of any alteration will not be accepted.) Parent / Guardian must provide at least two (2) of the following documents: _______ Current Utility Bill in parent/guardian’s name _______ Current Texas Driver’s License with current residential address _______ Executed lease agreement _______ Deed of Sale Signature of Parent or Guardian ________ Tax Statement Date I affirm that I have seen and reviewed the verification of residency. _______________________________________, Signature of School Official ____________________________ __________________________ Position Date Photo / Video Release I, (Name of parent / guardian) _______________________________, do hereby give or grant permission to and assign all rights in and to any photographs, motion pictures, video footage, and/or audio recordings that may be taken of my child during his/her attendance at Responsive Education Solutions that may be used for promotional or training purposes. I hereby authorize the above-named entities to reproduce, copy, exhibit, publish, and distribute any and all photographs, motion pictures, video footage, and/or audio recordings for the sole purpose of promoting the RES learning system or training and professional development of staff. I certify that I am over the age of twenty-one (21). (Signed) ___________________________________________________ parent / guardian PLEASE NOTE: Signing this form is not a condition of enrollment. RES, however, greatly appreciates your cooperation. Notice of Compulsory Attendance Law This notice is to advise you that according to Section 25.085 of the Texas Education th Code, children between the ages of six (6) and their 18 birthday are required to attend school on a daily basis unless specifically exempted by Section 25.086. A child who is required to attend school under this section shall attend school each day for the entire period the program of instruction is provided. The law places the responsibility on parents or those who stand in parental relationship to see that children attend school regularly. Any parent or person failing to require his child to attend school as required by law may be subject to a fine–an offense under this section is a Class C Misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine of UP TO $500 for each offense. Section 25.095 states that a parent will be notified in writing if a child is absent 10 days or parts of days during a six-month period or three (3) or more days or parts of days during a four-week period. Responsive Education Solutions will enforce these laws as stated by the Education Code and will report all offenses to the local authorities. By signing below I am acknowledging the receipt of this notification. A person who knowingly falsifies information on a form required for a student’s enrollment in Responsive Education Solutions shall be liable to RES if the student is not eligible for enrollment and is enrolled on the basis of false information. For the period in which the student is enrolled, the person is liable for the maximum tuition fee the District may charge or the amount the District has budgeted per student as maintenance and operating expense, whichever is greater. Texas Education Code § 25.031(g) Student signature_______________________________________________________ Date____/ _____ / _____ (Custodial) Parent/Guardian signature ______________________________________ Date____ / _____ / _____ I affirm that I have seen and reviewed enrollment and residency information of the above student. Registrar signature _____________________________________________________ Date____ / _____ / _____ 2011-12 Home Language Survey Cuestionario del Idioma en el Hogar All questions must be answered completely. PLEASE PRINT Las preguntas deberán ser respondidas por completo. FAVOR ESCRIBIR EN LETRA DE MOLDE Student / Estudiante___________________________________________________ Age / Edad __________ Campus / Escuela ____________________________________________________ Grade / Grado ________ Schools are required by Texas law to determine the following information for all students. Please help us meet this requirement by answering every question and signing and dating the form. A parent, guardian or student may sign when the student is in ninth grade or higher; otherwise, a parent or guardian must sign. 1. In what month and year did the student first enroll in a school in the United States? ___________ _________ Month Year 2. In what city, state, and country was the student born? ____________________ ___________ ___________ City State Country 3. What language is spoken in your home most of the time? ______________________________ 4. What language does the student speak most of the time? ______________________________ 5. Does the parent of guardian need to communicate with the school in a language other than English? _______ If yes, write the name of the language. ________________________________________________________ OR… Bajo la Ley de Texas se requiere que las escuelas determinen la siguiente información por cada estudiante. Por favor, ayúdenos por contestar cada pregunta y por firmar y notar la fecha. Cuando el estudiante esté cursando el noveno grado o uno más alto, pueden firmar el padre, la madre, el guardián, o el estudiante. De otra manera, solamente pueden firmar los padres o los guardianes. 1. ¿En qué mes y año se inscribió el estudiante por primera vez en Los Estados Unidos? ___________ _________ Mes Año 2. ¿En qué ciudad, estado, y país nació el estudiante? ____________________ ____________ ____________ Ciudad Estado o provincia País 3. ¿Cuál es el idioma que más se habla en su casa? ______________________________ 4. ¿Cuál es el idioma que más habla el estudiante? _______________________________ 5. Necesitará el padre, la madre, o el guardián comunicarse con la escuela utilizando un idioma que no sea el Inglés? Subraye la respuesta correcta. Sì No Si es así, favor escribir el nombre del idioma. __________________________________ Signature (Firma)_________________________________________ Date (Fecha)___________ 2011-12 Special Education/Child Find Student’s Name _______________________________ Date of Birth _________________ Was this student receiving Special Education services at the last school the YES NO student attended? (ARD, IEP, BIP) If yes, please specify: (Check any that apply) Content Mastery/Resource Room Counseling Speech Therapy Occupational/Physical Therapy Behavior Adjustment Class Other: If you answered "NO" above, then… Was this student ever identified as a Special Education student? YES NO School Name: School Year: Has the student ever received 504 Services/Accommodations? YES NO School Name: School Year: _____________________________ Parent Signature _____________________ Date 2011‐12 Student Health History Date ____________________________ Student: ____________________________________________ Phone # LAST FIRST (_______) - _______ -_______ MIDDLE Social Security # ______ - _____ - ______ D.O.B. ____ /_____ /_______ Campus_________________________ Student resides with Parent(s) ___________________ Spouse ____________________ Other _________________ NAME NAME NAME Is student pregnant? Yes ___ No ___ If yes, expected due date ___ / ___ / ___ Doctor _____________________ NAME AND PHONE # Please list student allergies to medicine, food, environmental, or other that you are aware of or suspect: Please identify if student has had the following diseases by writing the age he/she had the disease on the line: Chickenpox ________ Measles ________ Mumps ________ AGE AGE AGE Please check any of the following illnesses, injuries, or conditions which student has had or currently has: PLEASE INDICATE IF IT IS A PAST OR PRESENT CONDITION / DOCTORS / CURRENT MEDICATION REQUIREMENTS AND PURPOSE. FAVOR DE INDICAR SI LA CONDICION ES PASADO O PRESENTE / DOCTORES / MEDICACION REQUIRIDO Y SU PROPOSITO. ___ Asthma or Lung Problems _________________________________________________________________ ASMA / PROBLEMAS DEL PULMON ___ Diabetes/Hepatitis _______________________________________________________________________ DIABETES / HEPATITIS ___ Ear/Nose/Throat _________________________________________________________________________ OIDO / NARIZ / GARGANTA ___ Epilepsy/Seizures________________________________________________________________________ EPILEPSIA / ATAQUES EPILEPTICOS ___ Fracture/Dislocation/Strain _________________________________________________________________ FRACTURAS / LUXACIONES ___ Hearing Aid/Orthopedic Braces _____________________________________________________________ APARATO AUDITIVO / ORTHOPEDICO ___ Head Injury _____________________________________________________________________________ GOLPES DE LA CABEZA ___ Heart Problems __________________________________________________________________________ PROBLEMAS DEL CORAZON ___ Kidney Problems _________________________________________________________________________ PROBLEMAS DEL RINON ___ Ulcers/Digestive _________________________________________________________________________ ULCERAS / PROBLEMAS DIGESTIVOS ___ Skin/Toes ______________________________________________________________________________ PROBLEMAS DE LA PIEL ___ Surgery ________________________________________________________________________________ CIRUGIAS ___ Other: i.e., ADHD/AIDS etc. OTRAS PROBLEMAS: EJEMPLO, PROBLEMAS CON ATENCION A SIDAS, ETC. Is student currently under the care of a doctor for any problem not discussed above? Please provide details on back. SI ESTA RECIBIENDO ATENCION MEDICA POR QUALQUIER OTRA RAZON, FAVOR INDICAR CON QUIEN Y PARA QUE. NECESITAMOS LOS DETALLES. 2011-12 School Year: 20___ - 20___ Occupational Survey Your Children May Be Eligible for Extra Services IMPORTANT: Please complete the survey below and return it to your school office. Name of Student_____________________________________________Grade________________ Within the past three (3) years, has your child(ren) traveled or moved alone with a parent, Yes ____ No ___ relative, guardian, or a spouse so that a family member could look for or do temporary or seasonal agricultural work or employment? Signature of Parent/Guardian_____________________________ Date ___________________________ If No, please stop here and hand this survey back to your school district. If YES, please (√) the type of employment and complete the following contact information below. Farming Picking fruit or vegetables Plant nursery Ranching Cotton farming/ginning Poultry production Fencing Combining/harvesting grain Clearing land Dairying Driving tractors, machinery Picking pecans, etc. Fishing Tree growing or harvesting Bailing hay Food processing in plants Other similar work Contact Information Name of Child(ren)____________________________________________________________________ Father/Guardian __________________________ Mother/Guardian____________________________ Home Address________________________________________________________________________ Street City State ZIP Home Phone (____) _________________________ Other Phone (____) _________________________ 2011-12 Formulario De Trabajo Sus Hijos Podrían Recibir Servicios Extras IMPORTANTE: Por favor complete este formulario y regréselo a la escuela. Nombre de Estudiante ______________________________ Grado/Curso _________________ ¿Durante los últimos tres (3) años, viajó o se fue su hijo/a a vivir solo/a con sus Sí ____ No ___ padres, algún guardián legal, o esposo/a para que alguno de la familia buscara o encontrara trabajo temporal en la agricultura? Firma de Padres/Guardían __________________________________Fecha _______________________ Si contestó No, no es necesario seguir completando este formulario. Sólo regréselo a la escuela, a la brevedad. Si contestó Sí, por favor indique con un (√) y complete la siguiente información de contacto abajo. En la cosecha Recogiendo frutas/verduras En guardería de plantas En ranchos/ En el algodón En producción de aves ranchería Cosechando granos Limpiando terrenos En las cercas En el manejo de tractores, maquinaria Recogiendo nuez, etc. En lecherías Plantando árboles Recogiendo paja En la pesca Procesando comida en fábricas Algún otro trabajo similar Referencia Hijo(s)______________________________________________________________________________ Padre/Guardián ____________________________Madre/Guardián_____________________________ Domicilio____________________________________________________________________________ Calle Ciudad Estado ZIP Teléfono del hogar (____) _____________________ Otro teléfono (____) ________________________ 2011-12 Student Record Release DATE ____________________ To Releasing School Counselor or Registrar: School Name: School Address: City, State, Zip: School Telephone: Fax Number: The following student has withdrawn from your school. Student Student ID # Date of Birth Please forward the following information on the above student: ___ Official Transcript ___ Academic Records ___ Testing Scores/Assessment ___ Health Records ___ Special Ed Classification / Documents ___ Copy of Birth Certificate ___ Copy of Social Security Card ___ Other Please respond to the following address: TXVA 1800 Lakeway Drive, Suite 100 Lewisville, TX 75057 Signature of Guardian or Registrar Date 2011-12 STATE COMPENSATORY EDUCATION ALLOTMENT 2011-12 ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES Please circle one number in the “Family Size” column, and only one income amount on that same row. This information will assist us to provide additional materials, computer hardware, telecommunications, and Internet service for our students. Thank you for your assistance. Family Size If your income is annual, please use the amounts below. If your income is monthly, please use the amounts below. If your income is twice per month, please use the amounts below. If your income is every two weeks, please use the amounts below. Less than the following annual amount: Less than the following monthly amount: Less than the following twice per month amount: Less than the following two-week amount: 1 $14,157 $20,147 $1,180 $1,679 $590 $840 $545 $775 2 $19,123 $27,214 $1,594 $2,268 $797 $1,134 $736 $1,047 3 $24,089 $34,281 $2,008 $2,857 $1,004 $1,429 $927 $1,319 4 $29,055 $41,348 $2,422 $3,446 $1,211 $1,723 $1,118 $1,591 5 $34,021 $48,415 $2,836 $4,035 $1,418 $2,018 $1,309 $1,863 6 $38,987 $55,482 $3,249 $4,624 $1,625 $2,312 $1,500 $2,134 7 $43,953 $62,549 $3,663 $5,213 $1,832 $2,607 $1,691 $2,406 8 $48,919 $69,616 $4,077 $5,802 $2,039 $2,901 $1,882 $2,678 $295 $191 $272 For each additional family member add: $4,966 $7,067 $414 $589 $207 My family income is greater than those listed above. (Please check box) Do you receive Food Stamps? If you wish, circle the correct response: Yes No Please sign below: ________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (Signature) ________________________________________________ Student Name (Printed) ____________________ Date ____________________ Grade Level 2011-12 Texas Education Agency Texas Public School Student/Staff Ethnicity and Race Data Questionnaire The United States Department of Education (USDE) requires all state and local education institutions to collect data on ethnicity and race for students and staff. This information is used for state and federal accountability reporting as well as for reporting to the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). School district staff and parents or guardians of students enrolling in school are requested to provide this information. If you decline to provide this information, please be aware that the USDE requires school districts to use observer identification as a last resort for collecting the data for federal reporting. Please answer both parts of the following questions on the student’s or staff member’s ethnicity and race. United States Federal Register (71 FR 44866). Part 1. Ethnicity: Is the person Hispanic/Latino? (Choose only one.) Hispanic/Latino – A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race No Hispanic/Latino Part 2. Race: What is the person’s race? (Choose one or more.) American Indian or Alaska Native – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) and who maintains a tribal affiliation or community attachment Asian – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam Black or African American – A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands White – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa ________________________________ ________________________________ Student Name (please print) Parent or Guardian Signature ________________________________ ________________________________ Student Identification number Date Texas Education Agency – March 2009 Agencia de Educación de Texas Cuestionario de Información de Datos Raciales y de Etnicidad de Estudiantes/Miembros de Personal de las Escuelas Públicas de Texas El Departamento de Educación de Estados Unidos (USDE) requiere que todas las instituciones estatales y locales de educación, recopilen datos sobre etnicidad y raza de los estudiantes y de miembros de personal. Esta información es utilizada para los reportes estatales y federales así como para reportar a la Oficina de Derechos Civiles (OCR) y a la Comisión de Igualdad en el Empleo (EEOC). Al personal del distrito escolar y los padres o representante legal de estudiantes que deseen matricularse en la escuela, se le requiere proporcionar esta información. Si usted rehúsa proporcionarla, es importante que sepa que el USDE requiere que los distritos escolares usen la observación para identificación como último recurso para obtener estos datos utilizados para reportes federales. Favor de contestar ambas partes de las siguientes preguntas sobre la etnicidad y raza del estudiante así como del miembro de personal. Registro Federal de Estados Unidos (71 FR 44866). Parte 1. Etnicidad: ¿Es la persona Hispana/Latina? (Escoja solo una respuesta.) Hispano/Latino – Una persona de origen cubano, mexicano, puertorriqueño, centro o sudamericano o de otra cultura u origen español, sin importar la raza No Hispano/Latino Parte 2. Raza. ¿Cuál es la raza de la persona? (Escoja uno o más de uno.) Indio Americano o Nativo de Alaska – Una persona con orígenes o de personas originarias de Norte y Sudamérica (incluyendo America Central) y que mantiene lazos o apego comunitario con una afiliación de alguna tribu Asiático – Una persona con orígenes o de personas originarias del Lejano Este, Sureste de Asia, o el subcontinente indio, incluyendo, por ejemplo a Cambodia, China, India, Japón, Corea, Malasia, Pakistán, las Islas Filipinas, Tailandia y Vietnam Negro o Áfrico-Americano – Una persona con orígenes de cualquier grupo racial negro de África Nativo de Hawai u otras islas del pacífico – Una persona con orígenes o de personas originarias de Hawai, Guam, Samoa u otras Islas del Pacífico Blanco – Una persona con orígenes de personas originarias de Europa, el Medio Este, o el Norte de África ________________________________________ ________________________________ Nombre del Estudiante (por favor use letra de imprenta) Firma (Padre o Representante legal) ________________________________ ________________________________ Número de Identificación del Estudiante Fecha Agencia de Educación de Texas – Marzo 2009 AT RISK INDICATORS / DOCUMENTATION Student Name ______________________________________________ Date __________________ A student at-risk of dropping out of school includes each student who is under 21 years of age and who: (Check yes or no) YES NO 2. Is in grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 and did not maintain an average equivalent to 70 on a scale of 100 in two or more subjects in the foundation curriculum during a semester in the preceding or current school year or is not maintaining such an average in two or more subjects in the foundation curriculum in the current semester. 3. Was not advanced from one grade level to the next for one or more school years. 4. Did not perform satisfactorily on an assessment instrument [TAAS/TAKS] administered to the student under TEC Subchapter B, Chapter 39, and who has not in the previous or current school year subsequently performed on that instrument or another appropriate instrument at a level equal to at least 110 percent of the level of satisfactory performance on that instrument. 5. Is pregnant or is a parent. 6. Has been placed in an alternative education program in accordance with TEC §37.006 during the preceding or current school year. 7 Has been expelled in accordance with TEC §37.007 during the preceding or current school year. 8. Is currently on parole, probation, deferred prosecution, or other conditional release. 9. Was previously reported through the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) to have dropped out of school. 10. Is a student of limited English proficiency, as defined by TEC §29.052. 11. Is in the custody or care of the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services or has, during the current school year, been referred to the department by a school official, officer of the juvenile court, or law enforcement official. 12. Is homeless, as defined by 42 U.S.C. Section 11302, and its subsequent amendments; or 13. Resided in the preceding school year or resides in the current school year in a residential placement facility in the district, including a detention facility, substance abuse treatment facility, emergency shelter, psychiatric hospital, halfway house, or foster group home. 1. Is in prekindergarten, kindergarten or grade 1, 2, or 3 and did not perform satisfactorily on a readiness test or assessment instrument administered during the current school year. The Student is at risk – (Check Yes or No) Principal Signature: __________________________________________ Date: __________________________ Parent / Guardian Signature: _______________________________ Date: __________________________ 2011-2012 WITHDRAWAL INTENT FORM If I, ________________________ (parent/guardian) should decide that TXVA is not the appropriate place for my student___________________, my preferred educational intent to school will be the following: Home School Private School *Name of Public School (if this is the choice, this information must be completed and is not optional): __________________________________ Address: __________________________ Phone Number: ____________________ *Responsibility for compliance with state attendance statutes and regulations belongs to the parents, but the school is obligated to keep an accurate record of daily attendance. By statute, if a student is not meeting the statutory requirements for public school attendance, the student is considered truant under TEC 25.094. This statute defines truancy as: *not being in attendance 10 or more days within a six-month period and/or *not being in attendance 3 or more days within a 4-week period As a truant student: 1. The student's parent or legal guardian is subject to prosecution under Texas Education Code 25.093. 2. The student is subject to prosecution under Texas Education Code 25.094. A fine of $500.00 may be assessed. Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________ Date: _____________ TXVA 2011