next saturday


next saturday
OCTOBER 23, 2016
October 29, 2 - 5 PM
School Cafeteria
Bring Family & Friends
Fun for all!
Snacks, Face Painting,
Games, Prizes
Wear a Costume!!!!
9905 SW MCKENZIE ST., TIGARD, OR 97223 503-639-4179
Page 2
November: Month of the Holy Souls
Tuesday, November 1
Holy Day of Obligation
Masses at 8:30 AM, Noon, 7:00 PM
All Saints’ Day Celebration
All Saints’ day is on Tuesday, November 1. On
that day we celebrate all the saints known and
unknown to us who enjoy the glory of heaven.
As this is a Holy Day of Obligation, Catholics
across the world are required to attend mass
on this day. Masses will be at 8:30 AM, Noon,
and 7 PM (Tri-Lingual).
Praying for the dead reaches deep into
our human history, and it has been a custom
from the earliest days of the Church. The belief
that our prayers can be of assistance to the dead
is a treasured part of our faith. At St. Anthony,
you will notice a banner put up during the
month of November remembering those who
have passed in our community over the past
Altar for the Dead
From October 29th-November 13th we
will have an altar for the dead set up in the back
of the church. All are invited to bring photos of
deceased family members and loved ones and
post them there. To insure your picture will be
returned please indicate your contact info on
the photo, or even better, make a copy of the
Holy Hour for the Year
of Mercy
Wednesday, November 2
Masses at 8:30 AM and 7:00 PM
Names of the deceased will be read at both masses.
During the evening mass you will have the
opportunity to light a candle in memory of a
loved one who has died.
The close of the Jubilee Year
of Mercy is fast approaching.
Our final Holy Hour and Benediction for this Jubilee Year
will be held on Friday, October 28th at 7 PM. If you have
been able to attend some of
these events, you know the
beauty and power of Eucharistic adoration. If you have
not, please consider this your
personal invitation to join us
for an amazing evening of
prayer, adoration, music and
benediction. As we move into
the new liturgical year, please
let us know if you would like
to see this ministry continue.
Please contact Nichlas Schaal
at [email protected] for more info and to share
insights and ideas.
Page 3
Daily Mass: 8:30 AM Monday - Saturday
Saturday Vigil: 5 PM
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturdays 3:30 to 4:30 PM
Sundays: 7:00, 8:30 & 11:00 AM, 7:00 PM
Vietnamese Mass: 1:30 PM
Hispanic Mass: 4:00 PM
Holy Day Masses:
November 1, All Saints Day
8:30 AM, 12 Noon, 7:00 PM
In announcing his decision to declare a Holy Year of
Mercy, Pope Francis said, “Dear brothers and sisters, I have often thought about how the church
might make clear its mission of being a witness to
mercy.” Supporting the young churches throughout
the world with your prayers and generous gift is indeed a merciful witness of this mission. The collection today will help as they share the mercy of God.
It will ensure the development of local dioceses, and
support the work of priests, religious and lay leaders
who serve those on the margins and in most need.
Extend your merciful witness to the whole world
through your gift in today’s collection for the Society
for the Propagation of the Faith!
Kathleen Pfeifer,
Sally Callantine
THIS YEAR: Week ending 10/16/2016
Weekly Collection: $8,525
Fiscal Year to Date: $291,454
Weekly Collection: $10,027
Fiscal Year to Date: $289,391
Variance +$2,063/0.7%
Support the businesses that help make this
bulletin free to the church.
This week’s Advertiser of the Week is
Best Buy Landscape Supply
Clip & Save $5.00 coupon on back
Page 4
Contact: Cindy Marchese at 503-639-4179 x121 or
[email protected]
The Children’s Faith Formation Ministry at St. Anthony is designed to aid parents as the primary religious
educators of their children and their youth and to
facilitate the student’s discovery, recognition, and
experience of God’s activity in their lives.
Religious Education
Classes this Sunday
Preschool: 8:30 AM - Room KA
1st-5th Grades: 9:45 AM - classrooms
Meeting for parents of 5th - 7th grade
second year and all 8th grade Sacramental Preparation students…
TODAY at 9:45 AM Francis Hall
Haven't registered your child for this year’s
classes? Limited space is available so contact
Cindy at the Parish Office to inquire
about late registration.
Contact Cindy Marchese at 503-639-4179 x121 or
[email protected].
Looking for a way to get involved in the
parish? If you love children, love your Catholic faith and enjoy working with a team of
adults….this could be your ministry!
Contact Cindy at the parish office if you’d like
to learn more about sharing your faith with
children on Sunday mornings this year.
Current Opportunities:
6-8 Sacrament Prep co-teachers for classes that
begin on January 6th and aides needed as well.
Preparing for the
Sacraments at
St. Anthony
Our parish prepares students using the following
1. Regular Sunday mass attendance
2. Foundational Catechesis through Sunday R.E.
Classes or Catholic week day school.
3. At home parent/child sacrament book completion.
4. Parish support through parent meetings &
family retreats.
Parents are encouraged to enroll children as 1st
graders. Preparation for sacraments begins in the
2nd/3rd grade by enrolling in foundational catechesis. For 4th graders and older who are in
their 1st year of formation, preparation begins in
year two.
for parents of 2nd/3rd graders preparing
for 1st Communion:
Sunday, November 6th
9:45 AM in Francis Hall
Parent class in preparation for infant baptism is
Wednesday, November 9,
7 PM, Parish Office.
For questions or to make an
appointment please call
Gerlinde at 503-639-4179,
ext 122 or email
[email protected]
Page 5
In 8th grade Social Studies, with iPads in hand and
ear buds in place, students recently studied Jamestown, John Smith and Pocahontas using an interactive digital textbook. Quick facts: John Smith
became leader of Jamestown at 28. He was made a
chief by Pocahontas’ father. Sadly,
as a result of
Smith’s addiction
to tobacco, Smith
was forced to return to England
after a selfinflicted gunpowder explosion.
Have you registered for Youth Ministry?
Registration is needed for those who are regularly
attending Life Nights and other youth events.
Middle School Edge registration is a must, but
it’s quick and easy at
Upcoming Confirmation Dates
November 13, 3 - 7 PM, our 2nd Class
November 30, 11:00 AM Youth Mass
For more information, call Mary,
Or email [email protected]
In Mr. Marchese’s 8th grade religion class,
students are studying the Book of Matthew and in
his 6th grade social studies class
— South America.
In Mrs. Sedun’s
7th grade religion
class, students are
studying St. Paul
on Faith and
Faith (God’s love without seeing); Hope (Heaven
and eternal life) and Love (sharing complete love
with God).
If you are interested in looking at faith-based education for your children, please feel free to give us a
Clare Jaramillo, Enrollment
503-639-4179, ext 222 ~ [email protected]
Page 6
Do you enjoy meeting people? Do you enjoy
talking with people? Here is an easy way to sign
up for this ministry. Simple click on the link and
check the date and time. You will receive a reminder email 2 days before you are to volunteer.
Wanted: Families willing to pray for those
discerning marriage, the priesthood, becoming a
religious or living the single life. Sign up to
receive a tote at the mass that you regularly
attend. The tote includes a handmade wooden
cross and prayers to be prayed. Simply return it
at the end of two weeks.
To sign up either click on:
or call 503-639-4179 ext. 122 or email [email protected]
This could be a great way to raise
money for your group activities!
Collecting bottles and cans from Francis
Hall for recycling. A fundraiser for yourself or a group you belong to. We need
someone willing to come and pickup bottles & cans for recycling after events.
Call Elise Shearer in the Parish Office,
503-639-4179 ext 113 or email at:
[email protected]
image represented an immense group which was
Window into Divine Mercy also to fulfill Jesus' request. We are the many faces which compose this image of the merciful Jesus. Pope Francis said, “go out to people and do
World Youth Day has passed and I have
things for others” and bring “a message of joy
returned to Portland again. World Youth Day,
and simplicity”.
however, is not to be forgotten. It was too big and
At the closing of the ceremonies, the inintense to pass into a corner of the mind or the
of the up to two million people from all
heart. At most of the events of World youth Day,
over the world singing in unison with great joy,
a question was presented to those attending,
“Jesus, You are my life” was powerful. Jesus is
“What will you take back with you when you
mercy. If we truly live as if He was our life then
leave and go home again?”
our life needs to be one of mercy towards others
The theme was mercy, and the desire to be
as well as imploring God's mercy for the world
merciful could so visibly be seen during those
amid the many evils which threaten it. St. Pope
days. Hugging even perfect strangers, placing
John Paul II reminded us that Jesus expressed
smiley face stickers on others, and winding
His wishes for this new congregation in order to
brightly colored pipe cleaner bracelets around
prepare the world for His second coming, the sestrangers' wrists were all random expressions of
cond coming of Christ.
love. The intense enthusiasm with which these
small gestures were made represented a desire to
Jesus, I trust in You – Losia Radominski
be merciful no matter who or where the other
person was from. People enthusiastically cheered
on the young Palestinians standing on a storage
container with their banner, everyone greeted the
Israeli flag with joy, hugged the Syrians from
Let Us Show
Aleppo, and the Ukrainians and Russians met
Our Support
each other with enthusiasm. It didn't matter who and be
you were or where you were from. You were
Thankful as
God's child and that was enough for all of those
we Celebrate…
around you to love you and wish you well.
Not far from the main altar where Pope
Francis offered Mass was a second very striking October 29 &
immense image of Divine Mercy. This second im- 30
Next weekend
age seemed a bit fuzzy until you looked closely
and saw that it was not a copy of the painted im- parishes all
across the nation
age, but was a mosaic composed of the pictures
will take the opportunity to express gratitude to
of the faces of many people.
pastors and associate pastors for their vocation
Jesus instructed St. Faustina that He
wished a new congregation to be established. She to the priesthood. Here at St Anthony the Vocastruggled greatly with His request thinking that tions Ministry will provide Spiritual Bouquet
forms that allows space for individuals to write a
she was to establish a new convent. It took her
some time to understand that she was to present few words of appreciation, support and prayers
for Fr John, Fr Arjie and Fr Joseph Nhat. These
His request, but the fulfillment of it would be
Spiritual Bouquets will be available in the pews
done by others. A new convent was established
and other groups were formed to implore God's and at all entrances/exits next weekend.
mercy for the world and to show mercy, but this
Page 8
Mary: A Biblical
Walk with the
Blessed Mother is an
extraordinary pilgrimage that reveals Mary’s
unique role in God’s
Kingdom and in our
Come and be a part of this study on Sundays from 9:45 – 10:45 AM in our Middle
School beginning Sunday October 23rd
through December 11th.
To reserve your study materials email
[email protected]
or call 503-639-4179
ext. 122.
Matthew: The King
and His Kingdom is
an exciting study that
explores the life and
mission of Jesus as
recorded in the
Gospel. Matthew demonstrates how the
promises and prophecies of the Old Testament are fulfilled in Christ, who establishes a New Law and inaugurates the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Participants will
see Jesus as the awaited Messiah who
relives the life and struggles of Israel to
become the faithful and victorious King.
Join us on Saturday December 3rd at 9:15
AM in the Upper Room as we begin this
year long journey. Matthew is the Gospel
that we the Church will be using this next
Liturgical year. To reserve your materials
email [email protected]
Affirming the dignity of all people, even criminals,
Pope Francis called again for an end to the death
penalty. He added that a penal system that is increasingly conformed to God's vision for humanity
does not allow for depriving criminals of a chance to
redeem themselves. Catholics are called to compassion to the absolute end. We cherish the priceless
virtues of repentance, reconciliation and redemption. Persons must have an entire life to convert. The
death penalty impedes the possibility of God's grace
and redemption in a prisoner's life, the length of
which must be determined by God, not man.
"Today the death penalty is inadmissible, no matter
how serious the crime committed. It is an offense
against the inviolability of life and the dignity of the
human person, one which contradicts God’s plan for
man and society and his merciful justice, and impedes the penalty from fulfilling any just objective. It
does not render justice to the victims, but rather fosters vengeance." - Pope Francis, March 20, 2015
Our upbringing, our political values, our personal
sense of right and wrong all affect how we view the
death penalty. Our faith, the Catholic Church, however, is very clear that “…today it is clear that the
death penalty no longer serves a useful purpose in
protecting the sanctity of human life.”
Life Matters: The Death Penalty, United States Conference of
Catholic Bishops: Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, 2011.
Avowing that life matters means opposing abortion.
Opposing unjust war and attacks against noncombatants. Opposing physician-assisted suicide. Acknowledging that life matters means opposing the
death penalty. "Ending the death penalty would be
one important step away from a culture of death and
toward building a culture of life.” A Culture of Life and
the Penalty of Death, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2005
As residents of Oregon, one of the least churched
states, we have an opportunity to raise our collective
voices, to let our faith guide our politics, to seize the
opportunity to embrace the culture of life, intentionally, and oppose the use of the death penalty as punishment for even abhorrent crimes.
You are cordially invited to attend
A Venezuelan Gala Event
Saturday, November 5, 6:30 PM
O’Reilly Hall
Tickets available in Parish Office
Or online, $40/person
This nonprofit provides cultural opportunities locally for Venezuelans to meet
up and make contacts, provide humanitarian aid to Venezuela and educational
scholarships to students through the
Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber.
I'm so pleased to share with you that
St. Anthony is launching a ministry especially for
young adults! Anyone, 19-35, is welcome to join
us every week,
starting this Monday night at 6:30
in the back room of Symposium Coffee House on
Main Street, where we’ll have some
coffee, bond with our fellow Catholics, and come
together in Prayer and reflection as we prepare
for the coming week.
This opportunity to share our Faith and grow in
community is open to all young adults, whether
you join us every week or every once and a while,
we want to support each other as brothers and
sisters in Christ!
Blood Drive
Wednesday, November 2,
2 to 7:30 PM
St Anthony Francis Hall
There’s always a need for blood.
⇒ Every 2 seconds someone in the US needs
⇒ More than 44,000 blood donations are needed
every day
⇒ A single car accident victim can require as
many as 100 pints of blood
To make an appointment, call Steve Kraemer at 503-639-3136 or email [email protected]
Page 10
Parish Office Hours
Mon-Fri 8:30 AM - 5 PM
Evenings Tues-Wed-Thurs
6:30-9 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM - 12 Noon
After hours sacramental emergencies call: 541-868-4446 and
leave a message.
Fr. John Henderson, Pastor ext 112
Fr. Arjie Garcia, Vicar ext 119
Deacon Marco Espinoza ext 129
Deacon David Hammes ext 139
Business Office
Tom Barr ext 114
Jeanette Gent ext 115
Jean Stein ext 115
Maintenance Steve Morton ext 116
Jim Haberski 503-593-3194
Facility Rentals/
Administrative Assist
5 0 3 - 6 3 9 - 4 1 79
Kathy Fedr, RE Assistant ext 123
Faith Formation /Adult
Confirmation (Adult) & RCIA
Returning Catholics
Parent Classes for Baptism
Gerlinde Lamer ext 122
Finance Council
2016-2017 Chair Todd Gentry
503-968-1031 [email protected]
3rd Tuesday of month
Pastoral Council
2016-2017 Chair Kathy Ranck
1st Tuesday of month
Hispanic Ministry
Deacon Marco Espinoza ext 129
Life, Peace & Justice Commission
Music Ministry
Nichlas Schaal English ext 125
Phiet Luong Vietnamese
Gerlinde Lamer Spanish ext 122
Gerlinde Lamer
Prayer & Worship Commission
St. Anthony School
Andrew Nichols/Principal ext. 213
Sally Plasker/Vice Principal ext 214
Clare Jaramillo/Assistant ext 222
Linda Olsen/Office ext 212
After School Care ext 221/246
2016-2017 Chair Linda Rooke
St Vincent de Paul Tigard
SAC—School Advisory Council Food Pantry/Rental/Utility Assist
2016-17 Chair Susan Haarmann
email: [email protected] or
[email protected]
President Dick Bailey
Volunteer Cord Gerlinde Lamer
STAPA-St. Anthony Parent
Community Café
2016-17 Chair Karen Richards
Steve Kemp
Fr John Henderson
Elise Shearer
Nichlas Schaal
Gerlinde Lamer
CYO - Catholic Youth Organization
Severe Weather Shelter
Geneva Stegemoller
Carol Herron
[email protected]
Catholic Daughters
Mary Saunders, Regent
ESOL - English for Students of
Other Languages
Elise Shearer ext 113
Parish Office
Lucille Borsch/Days Ext. 0
Viridiana Morales/Evenings and
English - Fr John Henderson
Spanish - Deacon Marco Espinoza
Faith Formation/Children &
Cindy Marchese – ext 121
Preschool-8th , Sacramental Prep
Mary Hanlen, Youth Ministry and
Confirmation ext 128 or
3rd Wednesday of month
Knights of Columbus
Brian Fihn 503-707-5155
[email protected]
1st Wednesday of month
Cheryl Frisch 503-706-7756
Sunday, October 23
Thursday, October 27
domingo, octubre 23
7:00 AM Mass Leon Flores
8:30 AM Mass All Souls
9:45 AM Religious Education Classes
Mary: A Biblical Walk
11:00 AM Mass Francesca Cortese
1:00 PM Mass in Vietnamese Carol Yow
4:00 PM Mass in Spanish Raymunda Muniz
5:00 PM Life Night Meeting
7:00 PM Mass People of St Anthony
jueves, octubre 27
8:00 AM Rosary
8:30 AM Daily Mass Don Klus
9:30 AM Women’s Faith Sharing
Called to Protect Training
6:30 PM Mass in Vietnamese
Called to Protect Training
7:00 PM Confessions Vietnamese/English
Mary Queen of Family
Friday, October 28
Monday, October 24
lunes, octubre 24
8:00 AM Rosary
8:30 AM Mass Leon Flores
11:00 AM St Vincent de Paul Meeting
7:00 PM Young Adult Gathering at Symposium
Tuesday, October 25
martes, octubre 25
8:00 AM Rosary
8:30 AM Daily Mass Charles & Beula Canfield
9:15 AM Women’s Fellowship
7:00 PM Charismatic Bible Study
School Advisory Council
Wednesday, October 26
miercoles, octubre 26
8:00 AM Rosary
8:30 AM Daily Mass Teodore Gherasim
9:30 AM MOM’s Fellowship
Quilt Tying
6:00 PM Edge Middle School Youth
6:15 PM Servicio de Communion Espanol
6:30 PM Teen RCIA
7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
7:15 PM Middle School RCIA
viernes, octubre 28
8:00 AM Rosary
8:30 AM Mass Margaret Baron
10:00 AM Making Rosaries
Divine Will Study Group
7:00 PM Celebrating the Saints for the Year of Mercy
Saturday, October 29
sabado, octubre 29
7:00 AM Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
Men’s Bible Study
8:00 AM Rosary
8:30 AM Mass Shirlee Elsner
9:15 AM A Biblical Walk Through the Mass
2 to 5 PM Halloween Carnival
3:30 PM Confession
5:00 PM Vigil Mass Julie Oconer-Lim
Sunday, October 30
domingo, octubre 30
7:00 AM Mass Monica Dexheimer
8:30 AM Mass Dennis Henninger
9:45 AM Religious Education Classes
Mary: A Biblical Walk
11:00 AM Mass Vitiritti Pietro
1:30 PM Mass in Vietnamese
4:00 PM Mass in Spanish Conrado Dominguez
5:00 PM Life Night
5th Sunday Family Night
7:00 PM Mass People of St Anthony
Page 12
Edge es un ministerio de jóvenes de secundaria que busca llevar todos nuestros jóvenes
más cerca de Cristo. Jóvenes de Secundaria
tendrán la oportunidad de aprender acerca de
la Verdad impresionante y hermosa de la Fe
Católica, hacer preguntas difíciles y encontrar
respuestas, discutir los temas presentes en sus
vidas en un contexto católico, y crecer en común con sus demás compañeros, pero por encima de todo, para desarrollar una relación personal con Cristo que va a durar toda su vida.
Todos los estudiantes de intermedia son bienvenidos a unirse a Edge y se harán parte de
esta gran familia!
Eucaristía (Misa) 4:00 PM
Serv. de Comunión Miércoles 6:15PM.
Grupo de Oración Kerigma:
Asamblea: (O’Reilly Hall) Viernes 7:00 PM
Pronto se les informara.
Martes (O’Reilly & Youth Center) 7:00 PM
Clases PRE-Bautismales:
Próxima clase de bautismo Nov 5, 6 PM
Clase por cita con Diacono Marco
Llamar al 503-639-4179 Ext. 129
Para iniciar el proceso de bautismo favor
llamar a Dcn. Marco 503-639-4179 x129
BAUTIZOS (niños menores de 8 años):
Bautizos Nov 12, 11:00 AM
Cuarto Domingo en la misa 4:00 PM
Iniciando Noviembre Bautismos se celebraran
el 1er domingo a las 4:00pm en misa y el
3er sábado del mes a las 11:00 AM
Fr. John Henderson
503-639-4179 Ext.112
Vicario Parroquial
Fr. Arjie García
503-639-4179 Ext. 119
Ministro Hispano
Deacon. Marco Espinoza
503-639-4179 x 129
[email protected]
Asistente de Pastoral (Bilingüe)
Viridiana Morales Ext.0
Horas de oficina:
Martes, miércoles y Jueves de 6:30-9pm
Sábado de 8:30am-12:00pm
Favor tocar el timbre de la puerta.
Page 13
Lo que Dios unió que no lo separe
el hombre. Favor llame a la oficina y haga una cita con el
Diacono Marco al
503-639-4179 Ext. 129
6 meses de anticipación
Educación Religiosa
Clases de jóvenes de Confirmación
Ya iniciaron las clases de Confirmación
Padres de jóvenes de Secundaria.
Grupo de jovenes de secundaria EDGE
El grupo de jovenes del 6to-8vo grado da inicio el
Miercoles 26 de octubre a las 6pm en Fracis Hall
Padres de niños de Educacion Religiosa
Los padres nos reunimos en el O’Reilly para
clases durante los niños estan en clase.
Niños de 2do y 3er Grado de Ed. Re.
Si su niño esta en 2do o 3er grado y no esta
bautizado, va a hacer la Primera Comunion, por
favor comuniquese con el Diacono o Viri.
Niños que no están bautizados y entraran al
4to grado en la escuela necesitan inscribirlos
inmediatamente. Favor venir a la oficina.
Si su hijo (a) va al 9no grado
le falta Primera comunión y Confirmación favor
inscribirlos pronto, por internet o venir a la oficina y llenar una aplicación de Educación Religiosa.
Educación Religiosa para Adultos
Si usted es mayor de 18 años y le falta uno o todos
los sacramentos de iniciacion; Bautismo, Primera
Comunion y Confirmacion, favor comuni- carse
con el Diacono Marco al 503-639-4179 X129
Programa Ingles como Segundo Idioma
Clases martes y jueves de 7pm—8:30pm.
XXX Domingo, Tiempo Ordinario
Primera lectura Eclesiástico (Sirácide) 35,
12-17. 20-22
Quien sirve a Dios con todo su corazón es oído
y su plegaria llega hasta el cielo.
Salmo 33, 2-3. 17-18. 19 y 23
Si e afligido invoca al Señor, El lo escucha.
Segunda lectura 2 Tim 4, 6-8. 16-18
Dice Pablo, para mí ha llegado la hora del sacrificio
y se acerca el momento de mi partida. He luchado
bien en el combate, he corrido hasta la meta, he
perseverado en la fe. Ahora sólo espero la corona
merecida, con la que el Señor, justo juez, me
premiará en aquel día, y no solamente a mí, sino a
todos aquellos que esperan con amor su glorioso
Evangelio Lc. 18; 9-14
Dos hombres subieron al templo para orar: uno era
fariseo y el otro, publicano. El fariseo, oraba así:
dándose gloria asi mismo por lo que hacia mientras
El publicano levantando los ojos al cielo. Lo único
que hacía era golpearse el pecho, diciendo: 'Dios
mío, apiádate de mí, que soy un pecador'.
Pues bien, yo les aseguro que éste bajó a su casa
justificado y aquél no; porque todo el que se enaltece será humillado y el que se humilla será enaltec
Practica de Coros.
Coro de Jóvenes/ Niños
La práctica de los coros de niños y jóvenes
es el 1ro, 2do y 4to martes del mes a las
7:15pm en la iglesia. Niños deben ser
acompañados por sus padres.
Coro de Jóvenes Adultos
La práctica del coro de jóvenes adultos es el
3er martes de cada mes.
Bienvenido a la Parroquia de San Antonio
Gracias por acompañarnos esta tarde. Es nuestro
mayor deseó que la Eucaristía que hoy celebramos
nos anime a vivir una profunda experiencia de fe y
vida. Le invitamos para que junto con sus familiares y amigos vuelvan a participar con nosotros, su
comunidad y familia, de la iglesia de San Antonio
en Tigard.