cert. merrill ver: jd
cert. merrill ver: jd
[stamp:] OFFICE OF THE NATIONAL JUDICIAL COUNCIL SUCUMBÍOS AND ORELLANA SECRETARY Republic of Ecuador JUDICIARY NATIONAL PERSONNEL OFFICE PERSONNEL ACTION 1 Supreme Court of Justice Provincial Court of Justice of SUCUMBÍOS. No............. Date........... 2 Agreement Resolution Decree 3 ORELLANA PINEDA ALEJANDRO KLEBER ……………………………………………………… Surnames Names No............. Date........... 4 Valid starting January 6, 2011 5 170628917-8 No............................. Citizenship identification card No…………………. Military Service Registration 8 _ Provisional appointment _ Definitive appointment _ Administrative change _ Promotion _ Reclassification _ Revaluation _ License _ Vacations _ Subrogation _ Assignment _ Resignation _ Warning _ Fine _ Suspension _ Dismissal _ Suppression _ Commission X Others 083-0047 No…………………….. Voting certificate 9 EXPLANATION The Plenary of the Judiciary Council, in session held December 7 and 8 of 2010, APPOINTS ALEJANDRO KLEBER ORELLANA PINEDA as Associate Judge of the Provincial Court of Sucumbíos for the Transition Period. (Official letter No. 328-S-CJ-GP-2010 from December 9 of 2010) 10 CURRENT POSITION Office: Department: Position: Basic salary: Workplace: Job code: 11 PROPOSED POSITION Office: Provincial Court of Justice of Sucumbíos. Department: Sole Division Position: Associate Judge Basic salary: Workplace: Nueva Loja Job code: 12 This individual replaces: Who ceased to fill the position on:_____________ Reason: _________________ s) [signature] Head of HR 13 Registration No. -2011 Date: January 6 of 2011 [stamp:] OFFICE OF THE NATIONAL JUDICIAL COUNCIL OF SUCUMBÍOS AND ORELLANA I HEREBY CERTIFY that the present document is a faithful copy of the original March 14, 2011 [signature] SECRETARY GOD, COUNTRY AND LIBERTY [signature] Nicolás Zambrano Lozada PROVINCIAL DIRECTOR (Acting) OF THE JUDICIAL COUNCIL OF SUCUMBÍOS AND ORELLANA CERT. MERRILL VER: JD [stamp:] PROVINCIAL OFFICE OF THE JUDICIAL COUNCIL SUCUMBÍOS AND ORELLANA DIRECTOR PLAINTIFF’S EXHIBIT 398 Plaintiff's Exhibit 398 p. 1 of 5 11 Civ. 0691 (LAK) 14 I swear under oath that I do not hold another position in the public sector nor am I currently under contract in the Judiciary. s) [signature] 15 I, ORELLANA PINEDA ALEJANDRO KLEBER, SWEAR TO BE LOYAL TO THE JUDICIARY. s) [signature] 16 For University Teachers I state that, in addition to the position for which I am appointed, I hold a position as ................................................... in ........................................................ (schedule attached). s) ........................................... COMMENTS: CERTIFICATION: In the city of Nueva Loja, today, Thursday January 6, 2011, before me, Nicolás Zambrano Lozada, Provincial Director of the Judicial Council of Sucumbíos and Orellana (acting), Mr. ORELLANA PINEDA ALEJANDRO KLEBER was sworn in as ASSOCIATE JUDGE OF THE PROVINCIAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF SUCUMBÍOS. I hereby certify. [signature] Nicolás Zambrano Lozada PROVINCIAL DIRECTOR (Acting) OF THE JUDICIAL COUNCIL OF SUCUMBÍOS AND ORELLANA CERT. MERRILL VER: JD Plaintiff's Exhibit 398 p. 2 of 5 [stamp:] PROVINCIAL OFFICE OF THE JUDICIAL COUNCIL SUCUMBÍOS AND ORELLANA DIRECTOR MERRILL • CORPORATION Legalink, Inc. 22 5 Varick Street i'.cw York, NY 10014 ) State of New York Estado de Nueva York County of New York Condado de Nueva York ) ) ) ss: a saber: Certificate of Accuracy Certificado de Exactitud This is to certify that the attached translation is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, a true and accurate translation from Spanish into English of the attached document. Por el presente certifico que la traducci6n adjunta es, segiln mi leal saber y entender, traducci6n fie] y completa de! idioma espafi.ol al idioma ingles del documento adj unto. Dated: March 28, 2011 Fecha: 28 de marzo de 2011 L--- Violeta Lejtman Team Lead - Legal Translations Merrill Brink International/Merrill Corporation [firmado] Violeta Lejtman Lider del equipo - Traducciones Legates Merrill Brink International/Merrill Corporation Sworn to and signed before Jurado y firmado ante day of Me, this _ _28 1h mi, a las _ _28_ _ dias del March 2011 d 2011 -- l;IN.\ .:1 LAURENT kfirmado] [sello] .... ot~ry Public, State of New Yor No.01ST6146442 OFFICES IN MAJOR CITIES Tt l ROUGHOU"QU:llf:MtfilRf.tw York Coun2tyo ~ommiss:on Expires May 15, Plaintiff's Exhibit 398 p. 3 of 5 I Lf 1 . ... ACCIONDE PERSONAL I l l' 3 ORELLANA PINEDA ALEJANDRO KLEBER 4 Rige a partir do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ................................................ f •••• Apellidos 170628917-8 Nombres No..................... No ............................. . CCdula. de Ciud.adania··. '· Certiflcado o Lib:reta l\llilita.r 06 de enero del 2011 083-0047 No .................................. . Certificado de Votaclon Causal: 13 Registro No. ·2011. Fecha: 06 de enero del 2011. Plaintiff's Exhibit 398 p. 4 of 5 . 14 Declaro con juramento que no desempefio otro cargo en el sector publico ru tengo contrato vigente con la FW1ci6n~J~u~d~ic~i-:!al~.------=:;;;;;;~;;;;;;~====~ 15 Yo, ORELLANA PINEDA ALEJANDRO KLEBER, Juro lealtad a la Funci6n. Judicial. 16 Para Docentes Universitarios Declaro que ademas del cargo para el que estoy desempefi9. el puesto de . . , . ad'. ...... ·: ...... ~ .................. en ..................................segun horano gunto. designado~ \ i I l f) ................................... .. OBSERVACIONES: RAZON: En la ciudad de Nueva Loja, hoy jueves 06 de enero de 2011, ante mi, Ab. Nicolas Zambrano Lozada Director Provincial del Consejo de la Judicatura de Sucumbios y Orellana, (E), tom6 legal posesi6n del cargo de CONJUEZ DE LA CORTE PROVINCIAL DE JUSTICIA DE SUCUMBIOS, el senor doctor OREUANA PINEDA ALEJANDRO KLEBER.- Certifico. Plaintiff's Exhibit 398 p. 5 of 5