Maquetación 1 - Fundación Salamanca Ciudad de Cultura y Saberes
Maquetación 1 - Fundación Salamanca Ciudad de Cultura y Saberes
Requirements Call for 12 scholarships to students who have completed his high school studies in the course 2015/16 for intensive courses in research centers. The City of Salamanca, through the Foundation Salamanca City for Culture and Knowledge, launches 12 scholarships so as to follow intensive courses in research centers. • • • • • • • • • APPLICANTS Students who have completed their high School studies during the course 2015/16, and have passed successfully the admittance examinations to access University (PAU) in June 2016. Scholarships cover three fields: 5 shall be aimed at future university students who are following scientific studies, 5 aimed at those who will pursue studies in Humanities and 2 aimed at those opting for the specialty of Art. APPLICATIONS Students who have completed their high School studies during the course 2015/16, and have passed successfully the admittance examinations to access University (PAU) in June 2016. Scholarships cover three fields: 5 shall be aimed at future university students who are following scientific studies, 5 aimed at those who will pursue studies in Humanities and 2 aimed at those opting for the specialty of Art. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS From 16th to 24th June, 2016. Applications must be presented in the register of the Foundation Salamanca City for Culture and Knowledge, at Plaza del Liceo, from 9:00 till 14:00. SELECTION OF BENEFICIARIES Once the final results concerning the University admittance exam are made public, the scholarships will be assigned according to the final score obtained by the applicant taking into account both this result and his/her average high school studies. REQUIREMENTS It is an essential requirement that the beneficiaries of these scholarships must initiate, continue and complete their graduate studies at the universities of Salamanca. So as to certify this requirement, and for the duration of graduate studies, the recipient of the scholarship must submit to the Foundation a certificate of the university each academic year, and at the end of the studies, a copy of his/her academic record degree completed. • • • • • If a student does not complete his/her studies at the University of Salamanca, unless because of reasons of force majeure duly justified, he will have to return the full amount of the scholarship to the Foundation Salamanca City for Culture and Knowledge. Applicants must prove their proficiency in foreign languages, which will be certified by attaching to the application a copy of language certificates that they may possess. Some of the research centers implied require a knowledge of the language of the country where it is located. COVERAGE OF SCHOLARSHIP The scholarships offered by the Foundation Salamanca City for Culture and Knowledge will cover travel expenses, a maximum stay of two weeks at the research center and economic support for the beneficiary. The total amount assigned to each scholarship will not exceed € 3,000. The Foundation Salamanca City for Culture and Knowledge will sign an insurance covering possible incidents that may be suffered by the beneficiary during his/her trip and stay. SOLICITUD DE BECA PARA ESTANCIAS DE INMERSIÓN EN CENTROS DE INVESTIGACIÓN La solicitud deberá ser tramitada, firmada y sellada por el director del centro donde el/la alumno/a haya cursado sus estudios de Bachillerato. Asimismo, deberá ser firmada por el/la interesado/a y constar la autorización de los padres o tutores. Datos del centro educativo: Director/a Teléfono Correo electrónico Datos de el/la alumno/a Fecha de nacimiento: Opción de Bachillerato Nivel del segundo idioma Nivel del tercer idioma Domicilio Teléfono de contacto Correo electrónico Datos familiares Nombre del padre Nombre de la madre Domicilio familiar Teléfono familiar Correo electrónico D./Dña. Director/a de presenta a como aspirante a una de las becas que la Fundación Salamanca Ciudad de Cultura y Saberes concede para la estancia en centros de investigación de reconocido prestigio. En Salamanca a ___, de junio de 2016 Firma del director/a y sello del centro educativo. Firma, conformidad y aceptación de las Bases por parte del alumno/a. Firma, autorización y aceptación de las Bases por parte de los padres o tutores legales del alumno/a. Esta solicitud deberá ser registrada, de forma presencial, hasta el 24 de junio en la Fundación Salamanca Ciudad de Cultura y Saberes, Plaza del Liceo, s/n, 37002 Salamanca, (lunes a viernes: 9:00 a 14:00 h). Documentos adjuntos: (se deberá adjuntar copia de la acreditación oficial del dominio de idiomas). Los datos recogidos como consecuencia de la presente solicitud serán incluidos en un fichero de datos de carácter personal con la finalidad exclusiva de gestionar y mantener la relación derivada de la misma, pudiendo ejercitar gratuitamente los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición dirigiéndose a la Fundación Salamanca Ciudad de Cultura y Saberes en la siguiente dirección: Plaza del Liceo, s/n, 37002-Salamanca. SR. PRESIDENTE DEL PATRONATO FUNDACIÓN SALAMANCA CIUDAD DE CULTURA Y SABERES