1. Mi identidad en el mundo


1. Mi identidad en el mundo
1. Mi identidad en el mundo: I. Los atributos físicos
Mucho= a lot
Muy= very
Translate the following sentences using “ser, tener, & estar”. Make sure to have gender and number agreement.
Day 1
1. They (f) have highlighted hair. Ellas tienen cabello con rayos.
2. We have bangs. Nosotros tenemos flequillo.
3. He is medium height. Él es de estatura mediana.
4. My cousin has a lot of freckles. Mi primo tiene muchas pecas.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Day 2
5. She has a slender body. Ella tiene un cuerpo esbelto.
6. Mariela is very slender. Mariela es muy esbelta.
7. You are very tanned! Tú estás muy bronceada.
8. He has a round face. Él tiene una cara redonda.
1. Mi identidad en el mundo: II. La personalidad
Use conjunctions on Unit Packet
page 3.
Translate the following sentences using “ser” and conjunctions. Make sure to have gender and number agreement.
Day 1
1. She is very vengeful but on the other hand she is hardworking. Ella es muy vengativa pero por otro lado es trabajadora.
2. We are pleasant but they are very unpleasant. Nosotros somos gentiles pero ellos son desagradables.
3. The bad thing is that (que) they (f) are mischievous; the good thing is that they are funny.
Lo malo es que ellas son traviesas; lo bueno es que son graciosas.
4. Juan and I are unhappy but we are faithful. Juan y yo somos infelices pero fieles.
5. Taylor Swift is very jealous. T.S. es muy celosa.
6. Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian are very shallow. B.C y R. K. son muy superficiales.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Day 2
Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
7. ¿Es un mentiroso Ryan Lochte? Sí, R.L. es un mentiroso.
8. ¿Son honestos Bill y Hillary Clinton? No, B. y H. Clinton no son honestos.
9. ¿Cómo eres tú? Yo soy…
10. ¿Es chiflado el niño? Sí, el niño es muy chiflado./ Sí, es muy chiflado.
1. Mi identidad en el mundo: III. Las emociones
Use conjunctions on Unit Packet
page 3.
Translate the following sentences using “estar”, the present tense and
conjunctions. Make sure to have gender and number agreement.
Day 1
1. The girls are very uncomfortable that’s why they are anxious. Las chicas están muy incómodas por eso están ansiosas.
2. She is in love with him even though he lives far (lejos). Ella está enamorada con él aunque él vive lejos.
3. The teachers are very surprised with the gift. Los maestros están muy sorprendidos con el regalo.
4. He is in a bad mood; however, she is in a very good mood. Él está de mal humor; sin embargo, ella está de buen humor.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Day 2
1. I am very busy but she is very worried. Estoy muy ocupado(a) pero ella está muy preocupada.
2. On the one hand she is bad-tempered but on the other hand she is tired. Por un lado, ella está malhumorada pero por otro lado
ella está cansada.
3. Carolina and her sister are disappointed that (que) they are sick. Carolina y su hermana están desilusionadas que ellas
están enfermas.
4. They are never busy neither stressed. Ellos nunca están ocupados tampoco estresados.
1. Mi identidad en el mundo: IV. La Moda
Translate the following sentences using the present tense, “llevar, usar, vestirse, cambiarse…” and conjunctions. Make
sure to have gender and number agreement.
Day 1
1. It is not her style; she likes fashionable (de moda) clothing.
2. The girls always wear yoga pants.
3. She changes her jewelry all the time.
4. She looks very good in bright colors. (do not use “de”)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Day 2
1. He dresses in dark colors when he goes to meetings (citas).
2. They look very handsome with simple shirts
3. The dress has a hole. I am going to take it (lo-place before verb) to the tailor.
4. The chain is (of) gold but the earrings are silver.
5. The boys use belts and wallets and wear jewelry.
1. Mi identidad en el mundo: IV. La Moda
Use verbs like “gustar” on pg 10 of
your unit packet
Translate the following sentences using the present tense of verbs like “gustar”—although, do not use “gustar” itself;
use other verbs. Make sure to have gender and number agreement AND make sure to always remember the IOP.
Day 1
1. I love brand name clothing.
2. Wallets fascinate the boys.
3. The tailor loves to sew; he is fascinated with scissors and needles.
4. She hates polyester skirts.
5. Fashion is important to them.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Day 2
1. Designers are interested in fashion.
2. Sandals bother me.
3. We love to wear denim.
4. The teachers like light colored clothing.
5. They (f) love to wear simple accessories.
Quedar: to fit--pg 11
Continue to translate the following sentences remembering that the verb “quedar”
works just like a “gustar” verb. Remember the IOP before the conjugated verb.
6. My denim pants fit me tight.
7. My denim pants fit her loose.
8. The leather boots fit us tight.
9. Her silk blouse fits me uncomfortable.
10. Our bracelets fit them small.
V. Reflexives—pgs 8 & 9
Translate the following sentences using reflexive verbs. Remember the placement of the reflexive pronouns
or if you even need to use one. Also remember all of the rules for using reflexive verbs.
Day 1
1. I always look good.
2. She never puts on her sandals
3. Juan and Roel dress (themselves) with a lot of accessories.
4. Sandra looks good in polk-a-dot dresses.
Day 2
1. I will go to bed at midnight.
2. Bathe and lie down!
3. She puts make-up on her little brother (hermanito).
4. We want to sit down; we are tired.
5. Don’t worry; cheer up!
VI. La familia—pgs 13-15
His/her’s= su/s
Translate the following sentences using family and relationships and the verbs “pasarlo bien/mal, llevarse
bien/mal, divertirse.
Day 1
1. My godparents get along well with my parents.
2. Her relatives always have a good time.
3. Our stepbrothers and sisters do not get along.
4. The family, however, gets along very well. (Family is a collective singular= it)
5. My half-sister is younger than me.
How family relates with Reciprocal Reflexives—pgs 13-15
Day 2
1. My godmothers support each other through (a través) the years.
2. My boyfriend and I call each other every night.
3. The sisters understand each other very well.
4. The cousins tell each gossip and secrets.
5. They hate each other with a passion but then they forgive each other.