Publications 2011
Publications 2011
ISI Web of Knowledge Indexed Publications with IF *TIF: 39,643 **MIF: 2,643 1. Regidor E., Sanchez E., De La Fuente L., Santos J.M., Martinez D. A proposal of measures for monitoring social disparities in health using AIDS and liver disease mortality before and after HAART. European Journal of Public Health;21(1):116-121. IF: 2,728 2. Pulido J., Barrio G., Lardelli P., Bravo M.J., Regidor E., De La Fuente L. Association between cannabis and cocaine use, traffic injuries and use of protective devices. European Journal of Public Health;21(6):753-755. IF: 2,728 3. Llorens N., Barrio G., Sanchez A., Suelves J.M. Effects of Socialization and Family Factors on Adolescent Excessive Drinking in Spain. Prevention Science;12(2):150-161. IF: 2,634 4. Barrio Anta G., Oliva J., Bravo M.J., Mateo S.D., Domingo-Salvany A. Estimating the prevalence of drug injection using a multiplier method based on a register of new HIV diagnoses. European Journal of Public Health;21(5):646-648. IF: 2,728 5. Regidor E., Astasio P., Ortega P., Martinez D., Calle M.E., De La Fuente L. Healthy and unhealthy migrant effect on the mortality of immigrants from wealthy countries residing in Spain. European Journal of Epidemiology;26(4):265-273. IF: 4,713 6. Regidor E., de Mateo S., Ronda E., Sanchez-Paya J., Gutierrez-Fisac J.L., de la Fuente L., Pascual C. Heterogeneous trend in smoking prevalence by sex and age group following the implementation of a national smoke-free law. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health;65(8):702-708. IF: 3,192 7. Guitart A.M., Espelt A., Castellano Y., Bartroli M., Villalbi J.R., Domingo-Salvany A., Brugal M.T. Impact of alcohol use disorder on mortality: Are there age and gender differences? [Impacto del trastorno por consumo de alcohol en la mortalidad: ¿hay diferencias según la edad y el sexo?]. Gaceta Sanitaria;25(5):385-390. IF: 1,326 8. Herrero M.J., Domingo-Salvany A., Brugal M.T., Torrens M. Incidence of psychopathology in a cohort of young heroin and/or cocaine users. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment;41(1):55-63. IF: 3,139 9. Neira-Leon M., Barrio G., Bravo M.J., Brugal M.T., de la Fuente L., Domingo-Salvany A., Pulido J., Santos S. Infrequent opioid overdose risk reduction behaviours among young adult heroin users in cities with wide coverage of HIV prevention programmes. International Journal of Drug Policy;22(1):16-25. IF: 2,405 10. Muntaner C., Borrell C., Ng E., Chung H., Espelt A., Rodriguez-Sanz M., Benach J., O'Campo P. Politics, welfare regimes, and population health: Controversies and evidence. Sociology of Health and Illness;33(6):946-964. IF: 1,885 11. Folch C., Casabona J., Brugal M.T., Majo X., Esteve A., Merono M., Gonzalez V. Sexually transmitted infections and sexual practices among injecting drug users in harm reduction centers in Catalonia. European Addiction Research;17(5):271-278. IF: 2,525 12. Regidor E., Pascual C., De La Fuente L., Santos J.M., Astasio P., Ortega P. Socioeconomic position, family demands and reported health in working men and women. European Journal of Public Health;21(1):109-115. IF: 2,728 13. Fontcuberta M., Calderon J., Villalbi J.R., Centrich F., Portana S., Espelt A., Duran J., Nebot M. Total and inorganic arsenic in marketed food and associated health risks for the Catalan (Spain) population. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry;59(18):10013-10022. IF: 2,823 14. Gotsens M., Mari-Dell'olmo M., Rodriguez-Sanz M., Martos D., Espelt A., Perez G., Perez K., Teresa Brugal M., Marcalain E.B., Borrell C. Validation of the underlying cause of death in medicolegal deaths [Validación de la causa básica de defunción en las muertes que requieren intervención medicolegal]. Revista Espanola de Salud Publica;85(2):163-174. IF: 0,706 15. Torrens M., Gilchrist G., Domingo-Salvany A. Psychiatric comorbidity in illicit drug users: Substance-induced versus independent disorders. Drug and Alcohol Dependence;113(2-3):147-156. IF: 3,383 Scopus Indexed Publications 1. Sandín M., Espelt A., Escolar-Pujolar A., Arriola L., Larrañaga I. Gender inequalities and type 2 diabetes: The importance of the difference. Avances En Diabetologia;27(3):78-87. 2. Espelt A., Arriola L., Borrell C., Larrañaga I., Sandín M., Escolar-Pujolar A. Socioeconomic position and type 2 diabetes mellitus in europe 1999-2009: A panorama of inequalities. Current Diabetes Reviews;7(3):148-58. Letters 1. Pulido J., Barrio G., Lardelli P., Bravo M.J., Brugal M.T., Espelt A., De La Fuente L., Ambrós M., Belza M.J., Castellano Y., Domingo-Salvany A., Fernández F., Molist G., Sánchez-Niubó A., Santos S., Sordo L., Vallejo F. Cannabis use and traffic injuries. Epidemiology;22(4):609-10. 2. González-Zobl G., Carrillo-Santisteve P., Rodríguez-Martos A., Brugal M.T. Emergencies in cannabis users in barcelona, spain. Med Clin;136(7):310-1. 3. Palència L., Espelt A., Rodríguez-Sanz M., Puigpinós R., Pons-vigués M., Pasarín M.I., Spadea T., Kunst A.E., Borrell C. Authors' response to the letter to the editor: Cancer screening: Inequalities ... in the data. Int J Epidemiol;40(3):837-8. 4. Ventura Vilamala M., Caudevilla Gálligo F., Vidal Giné C., Pujadas M., Rodríguez J., Cuenca A., Domingo-Salvany A., Torrens M., Farré M., De La Torre R. Levamisoleadulterated cocaine: Potential clinical implications. Med Clin;136(8):367-8.