Course Options for Social Work Majors


Course Options for Social Work Majors
Course Options for Social Work Majors
Participating in Messiah-Approved Off-Campus Study
Messiah College EpiCenter
July 15, 2011
The following is a listing of courses that we have identified as possible options for students in your
department. This list is fluid and constantly changing. Please use this as a guide to help identify
programs that might work with your curriculum. However, please refer to current course listings for
actual courses that will be offered the semester that you are studying off campus.
City University – Athens
PSY 201 Introduction to Psychology
PSY 202 Understanding Human Development
PSY 311 Writing and Critical Thinking in Social Science
PSY 312 Research Methods and Statistics in Social Science
PSY 317 Social Psychology
PSY 319 Criminal Behaviour
SSC 200 Introduction to Sociology
Goldsmiths: University of London
Critical Readings: The Emergence of Sociological Rationality
Modern Knowledge, Modern Power
Central Issues in Sociological Analysis
The Making of the Modern World
Philosophy and Methodology of Social Science
Sociology of Culture and Communication
Culture, Representation and Difference
Cultural Politics and Globalization
Democracy and Domination: Concepts in Political Sociology
Contemporary Cultural Theory
Researching Society and Culture 2A & 2B
Nationalism, Fundamentalism and Cosmopolitanism
Leisure, Culture and Society
The Body: Social Theory and Social Practice
Consumer Culture
Space and Society: Theory with Research
Theorizing Contemporary Society
Issues in Contemporary Social Theory
Knowledge, Science and Nature
Philosophy, Politics and Alterity
Race, Racism and Social Theory
Researching Culture: Case Studies
Childhood Matters: Society, Theory and Culture
Citizenship and Human Rights
Global Development and Underdevelopment
Animals and Society
Making Data Matter
Vision, Truth and Knowledge
LCC International University
CST 300 Conflict Analysis
PSY 122 Introduction to Psychology
PSY 200 Social Psychology
PSY 201 Human Development
PSY 221 Interpersonal Communication
PSY 252 Marriage and Family
PSY 254 Emotion and Motivation
PSY 303 Abnormal Psychology
PSY 310 Theories of Personality
PSY 357 Health Psychology
PSY 411 Organizational Psychology
PSY 413 Psychology of Religion
PSY 430 Group Dynamics and Leadership
PSY 475 Psychology Practicum
SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology
SOC 210 Cultural Anthropology
SOC 215 Social Theory
SOC 230 Business Statistics/Research Statistics
SOC 265 Social Diversity and Equality
SOC 312 Methods of Social Research
SOC 315 Intercultural Communication
SOC 330 Cross-Cultural Seminar
SOC 400 Social Problems and Public Policy
SOC 430 Group Dynamics and Leadership
SOC 475 Sociology Practicum
London Internship Program
SG1001 Into to Sociology
SG1003 Intro to Media Studies
SG1005 Intro to British Media History
SG1006 Contemporary Issues in Media Studies
SG2002 Understanding Social Change
SG2003 Media Culture and Society
SG2004 New Media Challenges
SG2006 News and Society
SG3003 World Media Industry
SG3005 Film and TV Studies
SG3006 Race, Racism and Social Theory
SG3008 Migration, Refugees, and Globalization
SG3009 The Information Society
SG3013 Gender and Society
SG3014 Political Sociology
SG3015 Sociology of Sexualities
Oregon Extension
SOC 395 Contemporary Social Criticism
SOC 396 Topics in Social Issues and Theory
SOC 397 Sociological Perspectives on the Human Condition
SOC 398 Selected Topics in the Sociology of Religion
Philipps-Universität – Marburg, GERMANY
Engendering American History, Literature, and Culture
Modify! Body Modification and Modern Primitivism
Music and Anthropology – Introduction to Ethnomusicology
Music and Visual Anthropology
Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict
Shamanism among the Mapuche (Chile)
Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso
Developmental Psychology I
Fundamentals of Social Work I
Psychology of Love and Sexuality
Psychology of the Personality
Self Care and healthy Lifestyles
Social Psychology
Spring Semester In Thailand
ANTH 263 The Karen of Northern Thailand
INT 299 Study/Service Internship
SOC 250 Thai Culture and Society
Option to do senior field placement
University of Gloucestershire- Cheltenham, ENGLAND (BCA)
EL202 Investigative Methods
EL212 Policy Politics and Government in The UK
EL221 Social Change and Space
EL231 Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing
EL232 Images of the Developing World
EL304 Impact of Policy on a Community
EL307 Participation and Consultation
EL313 Governing European Diversity
HH104 Human Lifespan Development
LOP105 Community and Locality
PY101 Introduction to Psychology
PY108 Psychology and Society
PY214 Abnormal Psychology
SWU101 History and Context of Contemporary Social Work
SWU102 Social Work in Context: Law and Social Policy
SWU103 Social Work Skills
SWU104 Sociology
SWU105 Human Growth and Development
SWU106 Social Work Values
SWU107 Psychology
SWU160 Learning and Personal Development
SWU201 Practice Placement (100 Days)
SWU202 Risk Prevention, Risk and Protection
SWU203 Evidence Based Practice
SWU204 Managing Practice
SWU205 Social Work and Mental Health
SWU206 Social Work, Criminal Justice and Youth Offending
SWU301 Practice Placement (90 Days)
SWU302 Children and Families
SWU303 The Vulnerable Older Person
SWU304 Disability and Social Work
SWU305 Mental Health and Substance Misuse and Dependence
SWU306 Professional Identities
SY101 Introduction to Sociology
SY102 Contemporary issues in Social Sciences
SY106 Human Growth and Development
SY107 Constructing Social Identities
SY109 Gender and Education
SY110 Ideas in Society
SY111 Researching Society
SY112 Skills for Sustainability
SY214 Disability and Society
SY220 Policy, Power and Exclusion
SY223 Social Research Methods II
SY224 Social Research Methods III
SY226 The Idea of Race
SY227 Modernity and Sociology
SY228 Postmodernity and the Human Condition
SY230 History of Political Thought
SY310 Philosophy of Social Science
SY312 The Body, Culture and Society
SY313 Sociology of Mass Media
SY316 Biology and Politics
SY317 Women, Race and Representation
SY318 The Politics of Globalization
SY230 A History of Political Thought
After careful review of safety concerns in the country of Ecuador, Messiah College’s International Risk
Management Committee has temporarily suspended participation in this program. The program is reviewed
regularly. Participation will resume as soon as it is the committee has determined that students can
participate with the reasonable expectation that they are in a safe learning environment.
University of San Francisco in Quito - Quito, ECUADOR (BCA)
ANT 201 Antropología Cultural
ANT 220 Introducción a la Arqueología
ANT 260 Sociedades Amazónicas: Sociedad, Ecología y Desarrollo
ANT 300 Antropología Andina
ANT 315 Etnografía
ANT 320 Antropología Médica
ANT 340 Antropología de la Religión
ANT 350 Lengua y Etnicidad
ANT 360 Arqueología Andina
ANT 370 Teorías Antropológicas
ANT 380 Ecoantropología
ANT 385e Human Ecologies and Maritime Societies
ANT E01 Estudios Independientes de Antropología
RCL 201 Conflicto y Resolución
RCL 202 Siscosociología del Escalamiento y la Perpetuación
RCL 203 Conflicto y Cultura
RCL 211 Negociación de Conflictos I
RCL 291 Teorías de Liderazgo: Introducción
SOC 200 Sociología General
SOC 210 Introducción a la Teoría Social
SOC 290 Problemas Sociales en el Ecuador
SOC 301 Pensamiento Social Clásico
SOC 310 Sociología Urbana
SOC 320 Sociología Rural
SOC 340 Género y Sociedad
SOC 381 Diseño y Evaluación de Proyectos y Programas del Desarrollo
SOC 382 Investigación Cualitativa y Análisis de Datos Cualitativos
SOC 385 Gerencia Social
SOC 410 Marketing Social
SOC 450 Pensamiento Social Contemporáneo
University of Strasbourg
Women’s Studies
Asian Studies
African Studies
Family policy in Europe; Women, gender and society
After careful review of safety concerns in the country of Mexico, Messiah College’s International Risk
Management Committee has temporarily suspended participation in this program. The program is reviewed
regularly. Participation will resume as soon as it is the committee has determined that students can
participate with the reasonable expectation that they are in a safe learning environment.
University of Veracruz – Xalapa, MEXICO (BCA)
Contemporary Problems of Mexico and Veracruz
Economy and Society
Globalization and World Systems
Mesoamerican Religions
Mexico: Economics, Politics, and Society: Second Half of the Twentieth Century
Political Sociology II
Prehistoric Civilizations
Social Problems and Social Action in Mexico
Themes in Contemporary Mexican Life
Topics of the Contemporary Mexican Life
Introducción a Antropología Social
Teoría de la cultura
Introducción a Arqueología
Introducción a Antropología Histórica
Historia del pensamiento antropológico
Introducción a la Lingüística
Métodos en Antropología
Aculturación y psicología
Parentesco y Matrimonio
Historia social de México
Problemas contemporáneos de México y Ver.
Métodos en antropología
Antropología de México
Globalización y sistema mundial
Estudios étnicos
Economía y sociedad
Grupos y Instituciones
Poder y movimientos sociales
Antropología y Educación
Estudios urbanos
Antropología y Estética
Antropología económica
Estudios de Genero
Orígenes de la civilización
Arqueología de América I
Arqueología de América II
Agricultura mesoamericana
Análisis del material arqueológico I
Mesoamérica I (Periodo Preclásico)
Mesoamérica II (Periodo Clásico)
Arquitectura Mexicana
Historia de la arqueología mexicana
Ecología y cultura
Escritura mesoamericana I
Paleoantropología y osteología
Mesoamérica III (Periodo Posclásico)
Mesoamérica II (Periodo Clásico)
Seminario de Norteamérica
Seminario de Sudamérica
Arquitectura prehispánica
Códices mesoamericanos
Culturas del Golfo
Teoría del lenguaje I
Teoría del lenguaje II
Fonética y fonología general
Morfología y sintaxis
Teoría social
Teoría de la identidad
Políticas del lenguaje
Lingüística histórica
Lengua y cultura
Metodología lingüística
Análisis del discurso
Tipología lingüística
Lingüística textual
Dialectología y lingüística indoeuropea
Lingüística histórica
Lingüística aplicada
Técnicas y Materia – Seminario
Historia cultural
Políticas Culturales
Cuerpo y sexualidad - seminario
Espacio social – seminario
Matrimonio y parentesco
Teorías de los mitos y Ritos
Historia del patrimonio cultural de México I
Vida Cotidiana
Geografía histórica
Filosofía de la historia
Historia del patrimonio cultural de México II
Teoría Social
Teoría de los Hábitos