Rumbo on the Radio!


Rumbo on the Radio!
mayo 15, 2013 • Edición 409 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .: Rumbo :.
Mayo 15, 2013
Sandbox Local Pitch
Contest - |17
EDICIóN NO. 409 • Edición Regional | Regional Edition: (MA) Lawrence, Methuen, Haverhill, Andover, North Andover, Lowell
The Bilingual Newspaper of the Merrimack Valley
(NH) Salem, Nashua, Manchester
Reinados de Semana Hispana / Hispanic Week Pageant
Infantil: Desde la izquierda/from left: Noely Gálvez, Virreina/1st. Runner-up; Brianna
Sánchez , Reina/Queen; Siana Tejada, Princesa/ Princess
Ambos reinados fueron celebrados en la YMCA de Methuen, localizado en el 129 de la
Calle Haverhill, el sábado, 11 de mayo, 2013.
Gomez visitó Lawrence
Juan “Manny” González (izq.), candidato a Alcalde por la Ciudad
de Lawrence da la bienvenida a Gabriel Gómez, (der.) Candidato
Republicano a ocupar el puesto de Senador en las elecciones
especiales a celebrarse el martes, 25 de junio, 2013.
Gomez paid a visit to Lawrence
Juan "Manny" Gonzalez (left), candidate for Mayor of the City
of Lawrence welcomes Gabriel Gomez, Republican Candidate
to fill the position of Senator of the United States in the special
election to be held in Massachusetts on Tuesday, June 25, 2013.
Chiquitita: Desde la Izquierda/ From left: Cassandra Santiago, Princesa/Princess;
Kahliyah Calixto, Reina/Queen; Tyana M. Contreras, Virreina/1st. Runner-up . |12
Both pageants were held at the Methuen YMCA, located at 129 Haverhill Street on
Saturday, May 11, 2013.
Saunders Crossing
Fiesta de
Salud/Health reopened
Fair 2013
At the Health Fair table, standing from left:
Vilma Lora, Co-Director of Women's Services
of the YWCA of Greater Lawrence and
Coordinator of Mayor’s Health Task Force;
Martha Velez Director, Lawrence Council
on Aging and sitting: Eli Espinosa of Family
Continuity Co-chair of the Mayor’s Health
Task Force Behavioral Health Working Group
Deane H. Dolben, of The Dolben Co. y el Alcalde de
Lawrence William Lantigua cortando la cinta para
inaugurar Saunders Crossing de nuevo. |7
Deane H. Dolben, of The Dolben Co. and Lawrence Mayor
William Lantigua cutting the ribbon to re-inaugurate
Saunders Crossing.
May: Foster Care Month / Mes de Niños de Crianza - Pg. 10 & 11
04 & 16 DALIA DíAZ
23 clasificados
Tuesdays @ 10am
En Español
Sábados a las 11am
102.9 fm HD 2
Rumbo on the Radio!
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 409 • mayo 15, 2013
¡Felicidades, Mercedes!
read rumbo online!
Otro aniversario para Rumbo
Mercedes Solivan había estado
estudiando enfermería en Puerto Rico
pero sus estudios fueron interrumpidos al
mudarse a los Estados Unidos. Una vez
aquí, abrió un centro de cuidado de niños
pero recientemente, ella decidió regresar
a la escuela y obtener un grado de
asociado en Early Childhood (Educación
Temprana) de Rivier University.
Aquí la vemos celebrando con sus
hijos que tienen tanto júbilo como ella.
Mercedes es una inspiración para
todos quienes la conocen – principalmente
sus hijos. Le deseamos todos los éxitos
que se merece.
Congratulations Mercedes!
Mercedes Solivan had been
studying nursing in her native
Puerto Rico but her studies were
interrupted when she moved to the
mainland. Once here, she opened
a daycare center and only recently
she decided to go back to school
to acquire an Associate Degree
in Early Childhood from Rivier
Here she is celebrating
with her children who are even
Mercedes is an inspiration to
anyone she meets – but mainly her
offsprings. We wish her all the
success she deserves.
ste 15 de mayo, Rumbo celebra otro año más de vida. Si fuera humano,
podría votar y servir a la nación en las fuerzas armadas, pero no beber,
por lo que hemos decidido no hacer celebración.
Es cierto que el tiempo vuela y nos sorprende ver que ya tiene dieciocho
años. Durante ese tiempo, hemos aprendido muchas cosas. Nos ha sido posible
conocer mejor a la comunidad.
Cubriendo eventos ha sido la forma más fácil de ver nuestras diferencias
así como también las similitudes. Ansiamos y trabajamos por las mismas cosas
en la vida y cuando nos tratamos con respeto, vemos que somos iguales sin
importar qué idioma hablamos.
Años atrás vinimos a vivir a Lawrence porque nos gustó la ciudad. A
medida que aprendimos ‘cómo funciona’, llegamos a sentir un profundo
respeto por su historia y deseamos contribuir para que futuras generaciones
aprecien lo que dejemos.
Cuando comenzamos, el futuro era inseguro; nadie podía predecir el éxito,
particularmente cuando ninguno de nosotros es periodista ni sabíamos cómo
publicar un periódico pero la necesidad de información local existía y nos
Eso no ha cambiado: todavía no somos periodistas pero nuestros corazones
están en el lugar apropiado esperando que esta ciudad sea un poquito mejor
porque Rumbo estuvo aquí una vez.
Estamos muy agradecidos de todos los que nos han ayudado a que
estos dieciocho años hayan sido una experiencia tan bella, ya sea con sus
anuncios, escribiendo para nosotros, o simplemente estando disponible cuando
buscábamos alguna información.
La gente de esta ciudad fomentan nuestro compromiso de continuar
haciendo todo lo mejor que podamos.
Another anniversary for Rumbo
his May 15, Rumbo celebrates another year of life. If it were human,
could vote and serve the nation in the armed forces, but not drink, so we
decided not to celebrate.
It is true that time flies and we are surprised to see that it is eighteen years
old. During that time, we learned many things. We have been able to get to
know the community better.
Covering events has been the easiest way to see our differences as well as
similarities. We look forward and work for the same things in life and when
we treat each other with respect, we see that we are the same no matter what
language we speak.
Years ago we came to live in Lawrence because we liked the city. As we
learned 'how it works', we come to feel a deep respect for its history and wish
to contribute to future generations so they will appreciate what we leave.
When we started, the future was uncertain, no one could predict success,
particularly when none of us is a journalist and did not know how to publish
a newspaper but the need for local information was there and we took the
That has not changed: We still are not journalists but our hearts are in the
right place hoping that this city will be a little better because Rumbo was here
We are grateful to all who have helped us during these eighteen years; it
has been a very beautiful experience, whether with your ads, writing for us or
just being available when we wanted some information.
The people of this city foster our commitment to continue doing the best
we can.
The BILINGUAL Newspaper of the Merrimack Valley
Publicación de SUDA, Inc.
60 Island Street Lawrence, MA 01840
From left to right. Vanessa Colon, Maria Ortiz, Mercedes Solivan (center) Sandra
Soto.y Julio Soto.
Tel: (978) 794-5360 | Fax: (978) 975-7922 |
Es facil encontrarnos / It’s easy finding us
(978) 794-5360
[email protected]
Dalia Díaz
[email protected]
Alberto M. Surís
[email protected]
Published on the 1st & 15th of Every Month
mayo 15, 2013 • Edición 409 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Rumbo :.
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 409 • mayo 15, 2013
Mayor Celebrates Bike Week
with a Bike Ride to City Hall
(L-R) Jeff Russell and Mayor James J. Fiorentini
Today, Mayor James J. Fiorentini
rode his bike to work in celebration of the
statewide Bay State Bike Week Initiative.
The Mayor along with Haverhill resident
Jeff Russell rode their bikes to City Hall to
kick-off the event. There are 4 miles of bike
lanes in the City and growing.
Biking is associated with cardiovascular
fitness. It also tones and builds muscles in
your calves and thighs. It can help bring
your weight down, strengthen your immune
system and is good for your mental health.
Mayor Fiorentini stated: “I enjoyed
biking to work and immediately felt the
benefits of the exercise. Before biking or
any exercise, it is best to check with your
doctor. I try to exercise whenever possible,
it gives me added energy and endurance.”
read rumbo online!
UMass Lowell
Announces Site
of Haverhill
UMass Lowell Opens Doors in
Haverhill University to Operate at
Northern Essex Community College
While Continuing Search for Downtown
Location for Satellite Campus
UMass Lowell is opening a Haverhill
satellite campus at Northern Essex
Community College.
The new location brings the
university's strengths in educating
working professionals, adult learners and
traditional students to Haverhill. Already,
more than 2,000 residents of the city
and nearby communities attend UMass
Lowell. Starting this month, university
personnel will be on site to advise and
register students for the Fall 2013 semester
and classes will start in September.
UMass Lowell's satellite campus, the
first for the university, will be overseen by
its award-winning Division of Online and
Continuing Education, which is a leader
in developing new models of education,
from traditional classroom learning and
specialized professional training to online
and "blended" programs. Through the
Haverhill campus, students will have
access this fall to courses in fields such as
business administration, criminal justice
and liberal arts.
"We are pleased that we can begin
making a high-quality UMass Lowell
education available in Haverhill as soon
as September," said UMass Lowell
Chancellor Marty Meehan. "We have
worked successfully with Northern Essex
for years to help their graduates make
a smooth transition to continue their
education on our campus and now we can
say that will be even easier."
UMass Lowell works closely with
the state's community colleges, including
Northern Essex, to help graduates with
associate's degrees move on to the
university, where they can then complete
a bachelor's degree in two years. UMass
Lowell also offers a tuition waiver
for community college graduates who
complete their associate's degree with a
3.0 or better GPA. More than 360 students
transferred from Northern Essex to UMass
Lowell last year.
UMass Lowell announced in
December 2012 that it will open a satellite
campus in Haverhill with the goal of
offering classes beginning with the Fall
2013 semester. While initial plans called
for a site in the city's downtown, a request
for proposals process earlier this year did
not yield a location that would meet the
university's requirements in time to allow
classes to begin in September. By locating
at Northern Essex Community College,
the university can begin advising and
registering students for Fall 2013 classes
while continuing to seek a downtown
location for the longer term.
"I am very happy to see UMass Lowell
and Northern Essex Community College
coming together to enable the university
to launch its Haverhill operation while
plans continue for a permanent home in
our downtown area," said Massachusetts
House Ways and Means Chairman Brian
Anuncio Pagado
UN SEGURO de vida
Cuando usted compra
o refinancia una
casa, la compañía
hipotecaria puede
ofrecer venderle
“seguro de hipoteca”
para pagar su hipoteca
si usted muere antes
de pagar la hipoteca.
El seguro hipotecario
es un seguro de vida. El costo de
la póliza depende de su edad, sus
condiciones de salud, la cantidad a
cubrir por la póliza y su duración.
Nosotros vendemos seguros de vida
que protegen a su familia y su hipoteca.
Nosotros LE vendemos una póliza para
que USTED pueda estar en control,
¡no la compañía hipotecaria! Como
un agente independiente de seguros,
podemos elegir entre muchas compañías
Las personas generalmente compran un
seguro de vida para proporcionar dinero
a su familia en caso de que mueran
mientras que los niños son pequeños
o si hay una hipoteca. ¿Quién va a
sostener a su familia si usted muere
mientras sus hijos son jóvenes?
Nuestra póliza y costo anual seguirán
igual por el plazo de tiempo que usted
elija (a menudo 20 ó 30 años). Al
comprar nuestra póliza deberá escoger
a su beneficiario. Si usted muere, su
familia recibirá el dinero, no la compañía
hipotecaria. Ellos pueden elegir pagar
la universidad o pagar la hipoteca.
Cuando alguien muere, su seguro de
vida le paga directamente al beneficiario.
Usted puede mantener nuestra póliza
aún si vende su vivienda, hace un
refinanciamiento o se muda. Una póliza
hipotecaria por la compañía se pierde si
usted vende, o hace un refinanciamiento
de su casa.
Las compañías de hipoteca venden
seguros a “Reducción de Plazo” y
añaden el costo de su factura mensual
de la hipoteca. Su cobertura va
disminuyendo al mismo ritmo de su
hipoteca, pero el costo mensual se
mantiene igual. Si usted muere, la
compañía hipotecaria recibirá el dinero,
no su familia.
Ejemplos para personas
saludables que no fuman:
$250,000 en una póliza de 30 años
para una persona de 28 años de edad:
Hombres $230 ó $190 anual para una
Mujer de 40 de edad: $200,000 en una
póliza de 20 años tendría un costo de
$174 dólares anuales.
¡Visítenos para ver cómo le podemos
ayudar a proteger a sus familiares! Sus
seres queridos dependen de usted… no
los defraude.
Nancy Greenwood
11 Haverhill Street
Methuen, MA 01844
(978) 683-7676
(800) 498-7675
Fax (978) 794-5409
Nancy Greenwood
Ronald Briggs
Anuncio Pagado
mayo 15, 2013 • Edición 409 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Gómez visitó Lawrence
Gomez paid a visit
to Lawrence
Por Alberto Surís
El Candidato Republicano Gabriel E. Gómez
visitó Lawrence el martes, 7 de mayo 2013, y se
reunió con varias personas en el Restaurante Bali.
Gómez está postulado contra Edward J. Markey
para ocupar el cargo que dejó vacante el Senador
John Kerry en la elección especial del Senado de
Estados Unidos a celebrarse en Massachusetts el
martes, 25 de junio de 2013.
Esperando en el restaurante para saludar a Gómez
estaban James Patrick O'Donoghue, Edwin
Rodríguez y Juan González, los tres candidatos a
Alcalde de la Ciudad de Lawrence.
Gómez se mezcló y estrechó las manos del
personal del restaurante y público en general,
mientras posaba para fotos. No hubo discursos,
sino saludos y camaradería.
Rumbo :.
By Alberto Surís
Gómez estrecha la mano a Domingo Meléndez mientras Johnny Castillo y Edwin
Rodríguez observan.
Gomez shakes hands with Domingo Melendez as Johnny Castillo and Edwin
Rodriguez observed.
El Abogado Robert F. O'Koniewski III, izq., sonríe mientras le
toman una foto con Gabriel Gómez.
Attorney Robert F. O'Koniewski III, left, smiles while his picture
is taken with Gabriel Gomez.
Todo el mundo quiere su foto con el candidato.
Everybody wants their picture with the candidate.
Republican Candidate Gabriel E. Gomez
visited Lawrence on Tuesday, May 7, 2013
and met with several people at Bali Restaurant.
Gomez is running against Edward J. Markey
to fill the position of Senator John Kerry in the
United States Senate’s special election to be held
in Massachusetts on Tuesday, June 25, 2013.
Waiting at the restaurant to greet Gomez were
James Patrick O’Donoghue, Edwin Rodriguez
and Juan Gonzales, all three candidates for Mayor
for the City of Lawrence.
Gomez mingled and shook hands with the
restaurant’s personnel, and general public, while
posing for pictures. There were no speeches, but
greetings and camaraderie.
“Me muero de hambre,” dijo Gómez mientras escogía en el
menú de Bali por algo de comer.
“I’m starving,” said Gomez while looking at Bali’s menu for
something to eat.
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 409 • mayo 15, 2013
read rumbo online!
Mi Opinión Sobre la Opinión
My Opinion of Other
People’s Opinion
Versión radial: Los lunes de 4:00 a 5:00 PM por WCEC 1490 AM
En Lawrence, cualquier Juan de los Palotes
puede correr para alcalde; así lo dice nuestra
Por José Alfonso García
[email protected]
Es cierto que
el derecho a elegir
y ser elegido está
consagrado en nuestra
constitución. Todos los
ciudadanos de este gran
país tienen el deber de
participar activamente
en la elección de sus
autoridades. Pero eso
no quiere decir que en
cada contienda electoral
usted tenga que participar como candidato,
sólo para terminar poniendo sus santos
nombres en la boleta de votaciones y de
ser llamado, al menos por los medios de
comunicación: "El candidato", "líder",
"benefactor de la comunidad", defensor
del pueblo", entre muchos otros títulos que
nos vemos obligados a escuchar o leer en la
prensa en épocas de campaña.
Si bien es beneficioso para nuestra
comunidad que nuestra gente tenga varias
opciones para elegir a la hora de ejercer
su derecho al voto, también es cierto que
muchos de estos candidatos, al final del
día, se tornarán un verdadero desperdicio
de tiempo y dinero de los contribuyentes.
Ellos no han acumulado los méritos
necesarios entre la gente de esta comunidad
para merecer ser considerados verdaderas
opciones políticas para ganar una elección,
o para convertirse en funcionarios públicos
capaces de contribuir a que sigamos
avanzando esta ciudad en la dirección
Entre los candidatos que hasta ahora
han saltado a la carrera por la alcaldía,
después que el Alcalde Lantigua anunció
que será candidato a la reelección, se podrían
encontrar buenas personas con las mejores
intenciones y propósitos. Esas no son
suficientes calificaciones para convertirse
en nuestro alcalde, que es el cargo público
ejecutivo más alto de la ciudad.
Otros nombres de aspirantes en las
elecciones primarias del 17 de septiembre
del 2013 son sólo payasos políticos en
busca de algún tipo de acción para usar su
tiempo de ocio sin importarle que la gente
NESC Federal Credit
Union otorga 4 becas
Pictured left to right: William Wolfendale, Jr., Ashia Miller, and Delaney Bradley.
El martes, 7 de mayo 2013, NESC
FCU, galardonó a cuatro estudiantes
con becas de $500 a los ganadores de su
concurso anual de becas. Se presentaron
los ganadores sus premios en el NESC FCU
sede corporativa en 248 Pleasant Street,
Methuen, Massachusetts.
Los ganadores de las becas fueron
seleccionados en base a su rendimiento
escolar, participación de la comunidad, y
un ensayo personal. Los ganadores fueron:
Delaney Bradley, Ashia Miller, Lianne
Gracia Thornhill, y William Wolfendale, Jr.
Les deseamos a todos los ganadores
de la mejor de las suertes en su preparación
para la universidad.
NESC Awards 4
On Tuesday, May 7, 2013, NESC FCU
awarded four, $500 scholarships to the
winners of its annual scholarship contest.
The winners were presented their awards
at the NESC FCU corporate headquarters
at 248 Pleasant Street, Methuen,
The scholarship winners were selected
based on their school achievement,
community involvement, and personal
essay. The winners were: Delaney Bradley,
Ashia Miller, Lianne Grace Thornhill, and
William Wolfendale, Jr.
We wish all of the winners the best of
luck as they prepare for college.
se ría de ellos a carcajadas. Después de
todo, cuando los votos se cuenten, ellos no
tienen nada que perder y al menos se habrán
ganado el mérito de salvar una de las boletas
de votación con sus nombres impresos para
colgarla en la pared como prueba fehaciente
de su mayor logro en la política local.
Mis queridos lectores, lo crean o no,
ellos tienen el derecho para hacerlo. Así es
como funciona nuestra democracia. Es y
debe ser el gobierno del pueblo y para el
pueblo. En Lawrence, hasta Chochueca
puede ser candidato. Pues hasta ahora,
para aparecer en la boleta electoral como
candidato a la Alcaldía, sólo se necesitan
250 firmas certificadas, aunque, en algunos
casos, el 80% o más de esas 250 firmas
de votantes registrados votarán por el
candidato contrario.
Cualquier persona tiene derecho
a postularse para alcalde o cualquier
otro cargo público en nuestra ciudad.
Corresponderá a la gente de esta gran
comunidad de Lawrence elegir al mejor
entre los candidatos para que el progreso
continúe por el beneficio de todos.
Dempsey of Haverhill, a UMass Lowell
alumnus. "This is a big step in establishing
the Haverhill satellite campus and I am
pleased with the progress."
UMass Lowell's offices will be located
in an existing building at Northern Essex
and the university will maximize resources
by sharing classrooms with the college,
offering evening classes Monday through
Thursday in rooms that would normally
be unoccupied at that time. UMass Lowell
plans to operate at Northern Essex through
the 2013-2014 academic year.
"This is great news for our students, the
great majority of whom transfer to UMass
Lowell, and for the city of Haverhill,"
said Northern Essex Community College
President Lane Glenn. "We currently
have 26 transfer agreements in place with
UMass Lowell in areas such as business,
criminal justice, engineering, liberal arts
and education. Being co-located will allow
us to build on what is already a strong
partnership and provide additional higher
education options for local residents."
UMass Lowell is ranked among the top
100 public universities in the nation by U.S.
News & World Report. The publication's Best
Colleges 2013 puts UMass Lowell at No. 170
on its Best National Universities list, the top
tier in the country, an increase of seven places
over last year. The Carnegie Foundation for
the Advancement of Teaching has upgraded
UMass Lowell's classification to Doctoral
Research/High in recognition of the quality
of the university's research and graduate
programs. The foundation, along with the
2012 President's Higher Education Honor
Roll, also recognized UMass Lowell for its
commitment to community outreach and
Spanish radio show version,
every Monday from 4:00 to 5:00
PM on WCEC 1490 AM.
In Lawrence,
even John
Doe can run
for mayor;
so says our
It is true that the right to elect and be
elected is enshrined in our constitution.
Every citizen of this great country has a
duty to actively participate in the choice of
electing the authorities. But that does not
mean that in every electoral contest they
should be engaged as candidates, only to
end up putting their names on the ballot
seeking to be called, at least by the media:
benefactors,” community defenders,”
among many other titles we are forced to
listen to or read about during campaign
While it is beneficial for our community
that our people have several options to
choose from when exercising their right
to vote, it is also true that many of these
candidates, at the end of the day, turn out to
be a real waste of time and taxpayer’s money.
They haven’t accumulated the necessary
merits among the people of this community
to deserve being considered as true political
options to win an election or become public
officials helping us to continue moving this
city in the right direction.
Among the candidates that so far have
jumped into the mayoral race after Mayor
Lantigua announced he will be running
for reelection, you can find good people
perhaps with good intention and purposes.
That’s not enough qualification to become
our mayor, which is the highest executive
public position in the city.
Other names in the September 17, 2013
primary are just political clowns looking for
some action to make people laugh at them.
It looks like they just want to find something
to do with they leisure time. After all, they
have nothing to lose. When the votes are
counted, they will have earned the merit
to save one of the voting ballots with their
names printed to be displayed hanging on
a wall in their living room as proof of their
greatest achievement in local politics.
My dear readers, believe it or not, they
do have the right to do so. That is how our
democracy works. In Lawrence, even John
Doe can be a candidate. So far, to appear on
the ballot as a candidate for mayor, only 250
certified signatures are needed, although
80% or more of those 250 signatures of
registered voters will be voting for someone
Any one has the right to run for mayor
or any other public position in our city. It
will be up to the people to choose the best
candidate for the job.
mayo 15, 2013 • Edición 409 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Rumbo :.
Saunders Crossing reinaugurado Saunders
Crossing reinaugurated
Por Alberto Suris
Saunders Crossing, localizado en el
11 de la Calle Diamond en Lawrence, MA,
con un nuevo propietario fue recientemente
renovado a un costo de 3 millones de
Una ceremonia de corte de cinta se
llevó a cabo para anunciar la reapertura
del complejo habitacional de 222 unidades
localizado en la intersección de las Calles
Beacon y Diamond, convenientemente
localizado cerca de las Rutas 93 y 495 en
Lawrence, MA.
Cada apartamento en Saunders
Crossing cuenta con amplias habitaciones
y closets, balcones privados o patios con
sistemas de calefacción y aire acondicionado
individualmente controlados. Para mayor
conveniencia cuentan con facilidades de
lavado de ropa en cada edificio así como en
algunas unidades selectas.
By Alberto Suris
Drew Dolben, Deane Dolben, Zakary
Pritchard, and Don Dolben happily
posing after the ribbon cutting. “Not
too often we meet each other,” said
Don Dolben when asking for the
Saunders Crossing, located at 11
Diamond Street in Lawrence, MA, under
new ownership, was recently renovated at
a cost of $3 million.
A ribbon cutting ceremony was held
to announce the reopening of the 222unit apartment community located at the
intersection of Beacon and Diamond St,
conveniently located near Routes 93 and
495 in Lawrence, MA.
Every apartment home at Saunders
Crossing has generously sized rooms, ample
closet space, private balconies or patios, and
individually controlled heating and cooling
systems. For added convenience, laundry
facilities are located in each building, as
well as in selected units.
After the ribbon cutting ceremony, Deane H. Dolben, president
Dolben Co. right, gave a tour of the facilities to Mayor William
Lantigua and other guests.
Convenientemente ubicado
cerca de las Rutas 93 y 495
Estudio, 1 y 2 dormitorios
Mascotas son bienvenidas
Calefacción y agua caliente incluidos
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 409 • mayo 15, 2013
read rumbo online!
Juried MCC Student Art Show
This photograph, titled “Waiting for the Call” by Middlesex Community College student
Brendan Lyons is one of the works included in MCC’s 2013 Juried Student Art Show,
on view May 2 through June 15, in the Lowell Telecommunications Corp. lobby, 246
Market St., Lowell. Regular viewing hours: 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Monday through
Thursday; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday; and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Call 781-280-3803
for information.
Volunteers Needed!
Did you know that 1 in every 50 children in the US will go to sleep without a home
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mayo 15, 2013 • Edición 409 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Educación en el umbral
Por Sor Barbara Gutiérrez
Pasando a la vanguardia en la educación,
Notre Dame Cristo Rey High School
(NDCR) y Northern Essex Community
College (NECC) han establecido una nueva
alianza a través de NECC "Seminario de
Habilidades para la Universidad."
A partir del mes de enero, tres
profesores de NECC están impartiendo
una clase de temas de literatura que se
centra en habilidades de escritura a nivel
universitario, incluyendo el análisis y
la interpretación de obras literarias. El
curso, se imparte a estudiantes de segundo
año (sophomores), quienes son evaluados
con expectativas a nivel universitario.
Al completar exitosamente este curso,
los estudiantes recibirán tres créditos
universitarios que serán transferibles a
universidades tanto públicas como privadas.
Estos estudiantes serán elegibles el próximo
año para participar en el Programa de Doble
Matriculado de reciente creación.
Programa de Doble Matriculado
12 estudiantes de NDCR participan
en el Programa de Doble Matriculado
establecido recientemente gracias a nuestra
asociación con NECC. Los estudiantes
tienen la oportunidad de elegir entre una
gran variedad de cursos con la posibilidad
de recibir tres créditos universitarios. La
selección de cursos este año incluye (pero no
se limita) a, Química General, Introducción a
la Sociología, Introducción a la Experiencia
Creativa y Literatura Infantil.
El propósito de esta sociedad es proveer
a nuestros estudiantes la oportunidad de
experimentar el éxito trabajando a nivel
universitario y así graduarse de NDCR
habiendo obtenido una cantidad significativa
de créditos.
"Esta colaboración con NECC nos
proporciona una gran oportunidad de
expansión académica en el futuro y es una
gran ventaja para nuestros alumnos, es
un gran paso que los acerca a su meta de
tener una exitosa carrera universitaria. Es
con entusiasmo que deseamos continuar
y fortalecer nuestra relación con Northern
Essex Community College", dijo Sor Mary
Murphy SND, Presidente de la Notre Dame
Cristo Rey.
Rumbo :.
on the
By Sr. Barbara Gutierrez
Dual Enrollment Seniors: Lisbely Brito, Cesar De Peña, Dranny García, Nataley
Henríquez, Benita Kelala, Esmelyn Lizardo, Queren Marte, Yanelly Mercado, Marcos
Peña and Raffy Tejada. Missing from photo is Dranny Garcia, Penelope Belliard and
Narly Soto.
Moving to the forefront in education,
Notre Dame Cristo Rey High School and
Northern Essex Community College have
established a new partnership through
NECC’s “College Skills Seminar.”
Beginning this January, three members
of NECC faculty are teaching a literaturethemed class that focuses on college writing
skills including analysis and interpretation
of literary pieces. The course, presented
to the members of the NDCR sophomore
class, is focusing on college expectations.
Successful students will receive three
college credits that will be transferable to
both public and private colleges. These
students will be eligible next year for
participation in the newly established Dual
Enrollment Program.
Dual Enrollment Program
Additionally, NDCR has 12 seniors
who have been accepted into the Dual
Enrollment Program this year. They are
able to choose from an array of courses
with the potential of receiving three college
credits. Course selections this year include
but are not limited to, General Chemistry,
Intro to Sociology, Intro to Creative
Experience and Children’s Literature.
The goal of this partnership is to
provide our students with the opportunity
to experience success at college level work
and to graduate from NDCR having earned
significant college credit.
“This collaborative effort provides
great opportunity for expansion into the
future. It gives an enormous advantage
to our students now and in years to
come, providing them with a giant leap
toward their goal of college success. We
enthusiastically look forward to developing
a continued relationship with Northern
Essex Community College,” stated Sr.
Mary Murphy SND, President.
NECC faculty Matt Willis-Goode with Jasmin Mora, Zachary Kussad, Emilio Joubert
and Vanessa Mejia.
Estudiantes de LHS en Caminata Students
at Walk for
Contra el Hambre
Por Suzanne Fernández
Un club estudiantil del Campus de
LHS participó en la Caminata Contra
el Hambre. Los estudiantes del Club
Humanitario de LHS recaudó $425 y
caminó 12 millas y media durante el
evento anual que recauda dinero para
programas de acceso a comidas a través
de Project Bread por todo el estado.
By Suzanne Fernandez
A student club from LHS Campus
took part in last Sunday's Walk for
Hunger. Students in the LHS Campus
Humanitarian Club raised $425 and
walked 12.5 miles during the annual
event that raises money for Project
Bread food access programs around the
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 409 • mayo 15, 2013
read rumbo online!
Observando el Mes Nacional de
Niños de Crianza
Former state ward
observes National
Foster Care Month
in May
Ayudando a poner en marcha un significa que el Estado puede retener y en todo el país para hacer frente a este
problema, los niños en cuidado de crianza
programa de sustitución de bolsas de atraer más y mejores padres adoptivos."
continúan cargando sus pocas pertenencias She’s helping launch a program to
basura con las bolsas nuevas de lona
replace trash bags with new duffel
organización Duffels para Niños (www. en bolsas de basura.
Por Margaret Iuculano
"No ha sido suficiente", dice Iuculano. bags, y fundador Tenemos algunos cambios positivos
que aplaudir mientras la nación observa
Nacional Foster Care Month en mayo, dice
la ex niña de crianza Margaret Iuculano.
"En Ohio, $3 millones de un acuerdo
que el estado ganó en una demanda
relacionada a hipotecas ayudará a los niños
de crianza a cursar estudios superiores y
aumentar los defensores asignados por los
tribunales. Y en Florida, una nueva ley
va a hacer que sea mucho más fácil para
los niños de crianza hacer cosas normales
como dormir fuera de casa con sus amigos
y excursiones escolares", dice.
"En Nebraska, están cerca de aumentar
el sueldo de los padres de crianza, lo que
de los Ángeles de Foster Kids, dice que, a
veces, son las cosas más pequeñas las que
los niños a recuerdan más.
"Yo estuve en cuidado de crianza desde
los 11 hasta los 16 años, cuando caducó, y
me mudé a 15 viviendas diferentes en ese
tiempo", dice. "Cada vez que me mudaba,
tuve que empacar mis pocas pertenencias
en una bolsa de basura negra.
"Cuando te sientes abandonado,
preguntándote si alguien te va a querer o
preocuparse por ti, esa bolsa de basura lo
confirma: No, no lo harán. No eres más que
algo que se usa y se desecha".
Mientras que los grupos en las empresas
de trabajo y las comunidades se han unido
y organizaciones benéficas han surgido
Se necesitan voluntarios para jugar
con niños que viven en refugios
Horizons for Homeless Children busca personas serias, bilingües
en inglés y español para jugar con niños que viven en refugios
para familias sin hogar. Se requiere un compromiso de 2
horas a la semana (un turno semanal) por 6 meses. Para más
información o para inscribirse en línea, favor de visitar el sitio www. o llame al 978.557.2182. Es una
experiencia muy agradable que beneficia a los niños y también a
todas las personas que se envuelven en el programa.
"Y a menudo, las organizaciones recaudan
equipaje usado. Sé que la intención es
buena, pero nos gustaría dar a estos niños
algo nuevo, algo que sea propio de ellos".
Es una ventaja para todo el mundo
proteger a los más vulnerables de nuestra
sociedad, los niños sin la protección de amor
y cuidado de una familia, dice Iuculano.
"Cuando nos fijamos en los números,
vemos rápidamente por qué necesitamos
desesperadamente más cambios positivos
para aplaudir", dice ella.
Estos datos fueron recopilados de
diversas fuentes:
• En los últimos años, ha habido más de
500,000 niños en hogares de crianza a nivel
nacional, según una encuesta anual, y el 22
por ciento estaba disponible para adopción.
• En ese mismo año, el 18 por ciento de los
niños fueron adoptados después de esperar
un promedio de 42 meses en hogares de
• Más de la mitad de los niños que llegan a
la edad máxima en cuidado de crianza serán
adultos desempleados.
• Casi un tercio va a estar sin hogar.
• Uno de cada cinco serán encarcelados
dentro de dos años.
Apoye Duffels para Niños haciendo
una donación, visitando el sitio web.
By Margaret Iuculano
We have some positive changes to
applaud as the nation observes National
Foster Care Month in May, says former
foster child Margaret Iuculano.
“In Ohio, $3 million from a mortgage
settlement the state won will help foster
kids pursue higher education and expand
court-appointed advocates. And in Florida,
a new law is going to make it much easier
for foster kids to do normal things like
sleepovers with their friends and school
field trips,” she says.
“In Nebraska, they’re close to boosting
the pay for foster parents, which will mean
the state can retain and attract more and
better foster parents.”
But Iuculano, spokeswoman for
Duffels for Kids (
duffelsforkids), and founder of Angels for
Foster Kids, says that sometimes, it’s the
smallest things foster children remember
“I was in foster care from age 11 to
16, when I aged out, and I was moved to
foster kids
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mayo 15, 2013 • Edición 409 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Rumbo :.
Foster Kids of the Merrimack Valley
Por Dalia Díaz
A nivel local, tenemos a Larry
Giordano, Presidente y Fundador de
Foster Kids of the Merrimack Valley, Inc.,
apoyando las crecientes necesidades de los
niños de crianza en la región del Valle de
Larry fue criado como un hijo de
crianza después de haber sido abandonado
por su madre en un hotel de Springfield
cuando tenía cinco días de nacido. Vivió
en una casa de crianza hasta los 17 años
cuando entró en la Fuerza Aérea de los
EE.UU. Sus años al cuidado del estado
convirtió al hombre que es Larry Gagnon
y como un homenaje a su madre adoptiva,
tomó su apellido Giordano y se convirtió en
Larry Giordano. Debido a su experiencia
como hijo de crianza, él sabe el valor del
apoyo de la comunidad y lo inspiró a crear
esta organización para apoyar a los niños de
crianza en el Valle de Merrimack.
Hoy, Larry es un líder reconocido en
el Valle de Merrimack con una hoja de
vida excepcional de servicio comunitario.
Actualmente se desempeña como Hanshi
Maestro en la Escuela de Karate de la
Familia Giordano en Methuen. En años
anteriores se desempeñó como concejal
de la Ciudad de Methuen, Comisionado de
Seguridad Pública, Representante Estatal de
Methuen y Oficial de Policía de Methuen.
Fundada en el 2005, Foster Kids of the
Merrimack Valley, Inc., es una organización
registrada como 501(c)3 sin fines de lucro.
La misión de la organización es servir a las
necesidades de los niños de crianza ahora
en el cuidado del Departamento de Niños y
Familias (DCF) en el Valle de Merrimack,
incluyendo Lawrence, Methuen, Andover,
North Andover y Haverhill.
objetivo es crear programas y proporcionar
los recursos que van a crear una influencia
positiva en sus vidas y apoyar a los niños a
medida que crecen.
Pack-it-up Program
En el Valle de Merrimack también
tienen el Programa Pack-it-up. Los niños
de crianza suelen utilizar bolsas de plástico
cuando se mudan de un hogar a otro. Ellos
aceptan mochilas nuevas llenas de útiles
escolares y bolsas de lona para ayudarles a
hacer una transición más digna.
Programa de Mentores
Entre sus actividades, tienen el
programa de mentores para jóvenes ya que
los jóvenes de crianza bajo el cuidado del
Departamento de Niños y Familias es una
de las poblaciones más marginadas que
necesitan apoyo continuo y debe aprender
a construir relaciones de confianza con los
adultos en su comunidad. Ayudan a los
niños "en riesgo" a través de este programa
para niños de 8 a 18, diseñado para que
coincida con un adulto que quiere estar
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en su vida y ayudarlos a prosperar como
adultos jóvenes y responsables.
Los jóvenes bajo este cuidado son
a menudo preparados para el proceso
de llegar a la edad límite del sistema
del gobierno y tienen la necesidad de
desarrollar habilidades y relaciones que les
permitan a ellos, fomentar la confianza y
la autoestima. Este programa brindará la
oportunidad de ayudarles a descubrir sus
talentos y ponerlos en el camino al éxito y
la vida independiente. Los mentores son
cuidadosamente seleccionados y entrenados
para ser una influencia positiva dentro de los
lineamientos del programa de mentores. Se
invita a los hombres y mujeres mayores de
21 años de nuestra comunidad a considerar
servir como voluntario para convertirse en
un mentor para los jóvenes de crianza. Para
obtener más información, email Debi Porter
en [email protected].
Fiesta de Navidad anual
At the local level, we have Larry
Giordano is the President and Founder of
Foster Kids of the Merrimack Valley, Inc.,
which supports the growing needs of foster
children in the Merrimack Valley region.
Larry was raised as a foster child
after he was abandoned by his mother in
a Springfield Hotel when he was five days
old. He lived in a foster home until he was
17, at which time he entered the US Air
Force. His years in foster care shaped the
man Larry Gagnon became and as a tribute
to his foster mother, he took her surname
Giordano and became Larry Giordano.
Due to his experience as a foster child, he
knows the value of community support and
inspired him to create this organization to
support foster children in the Merrimack
Today, Larry is a recognized leader in
the Merrimack Valley with an exceptional
resume of community service. He currently
serves as Hanshi Master at the Giordano
Family Methuen Karate School. In previous
years he served as Methuen City Councilor,
Commissioner of Public Safety, Methuen
State Representative and Methuen Police
Founded in 2005, the Foster Kids of
the Merrimack Valley, Inc. is a registered
501(c)3 non-profit organization. The
mission of the organization is to serve the
needs of foster children now in the care of
the Department of Children and Families
(DCF) in the Merrimack Valley, including
Lawrence, Methuen, Andover, North
Andover and Greater Haverhill. Our goal
is to create programs and provide resources
that will create a positive influence in their
lives and support the children as they grow.
Pack-it-up Program
In the Merrimack Valley they also have
the Pack-it-up Program. Foster children
often use plastic bags when moving between
homes. They collect new back packs filled
with school supplies and duffle bags to help
them make a more dignified transition.
La fiesta anual de Navidad es el evento
distintivo que proporciona algo memorable
de Navidad para los niños de crianza
temporal en el Valle de Merrimack, desde el
nacimiento hasta los 18 años de edad. Cada
niño recibe una bolsa de regalos de Santa,
junto con una fiesta de pizza, juegos y Mentorship Program
Among their activities, they have the
mucho más. Los padres de crianza también Youth
Mentoring Program since foster
reciben un pequeño regalo para reconocer
the care of the Department of
sus esfuerzos.
Children and Families are one of the most
Usted puede hacer una donación underserved populations who need on-going
deducible de sus impuestos de dinero, support and must learn how to build trusting
mochilas nuevas con artículos escolares, relationships with adults in their community.
libros, juguetes y juegos a Foster Kids of They help these "at risk" children get a head
the Merrimack Valley, Inc., 76 Bonnano start through this program for children ages
Court, Methuen, MA 01844 o llamando al 8 to 18, designed to carefully match a foster
youth with a caring adult who wants to be in
(978) 683-2220 para más información.
their life and help them flourish into young,
responsible adults.
Foster youth are often unprepared for
the aging out process of foster care, and
need to develop skills and relationships
that will empower them, build confidence
and self-esteem. This program will provide
opportunities to help them discover
their talents and put them on the path for
60 Island Street, Suite 211E
success and independent living. Mentors
Lawrence MA 01840
are carefully selected and trained to be a
Email: [email protected]
positive influence within the guidelines of
Las cartas deben tener menos de 300 palabras de
largo. Favor de incluir un número de teléfono o
dirección electronica para confirmar quién la envía.
7am – 5pm By Dalia Díaz
Nestor H. De Jesús
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 409 • mayo 15, 2013
read rumbo online!
Reinados de Semana Hispana
Por Alberto Surís
Dando comienzo a las actividades de
Semana Hispana en Lawrence, el sábado,
11 de mayo se llevaron a cabo los Reinados
de Chiquitita e Infantil. Ambos reinados
fueron celebrados en la YMCA de Methuen,
localizado en el 129 de la Calle Haverhill.
Como es de costumbre, estos reinados
atraen a un sinnúmero de candidatas
dispuestas a competir, mostrando sus
mejores talentos.
Siete chiquititas se disputaron el honor
de ser elegidas Reina, Virreina y Princesa.
Las pequeñas fueron Briany Medrano,
Tyana M. Contreras, Carmelie Gutiérrez,
Casandra Santiago, Alyaseny Colón,
Yerolin Guerra y Kahliyah Calixto.
Cuatro fueron las candidatas al reinado
infantil. Ellas fueron Aleksa Adames,
Brianna Sánchez, Noely Gálvez y Siana
Todas las candidatas desfilaron luciendo
hermosos trajes formales y mostraron sus
talentos para competir por la categoría del
mismo nombre.
Otros premios otorgados son Miss
Amistad, Fotogénica y Cooperación.
Tradicionalmente, Miss amistad es elegida
entre las propias concursantes, mientras
que el Fotógrafo Oficial, en este caso Justo
García, escoge a la Srta. Fotogénica. Miss
cooperación es elegida por la directiva de
Semana Hispana y recae en aquella que
venda mayor cantidad de entradas para el
Los miembros del jurado fueron
Natashali Gonzalez, Nazario Esquea,
Yadira De La Cruz y Luis Caraballo como
By Alberto Surís
Desde la izquierda: Rey Nathaniel; Reina Jaydaliz; Virreina Kiandrah y Virrey Mahon son
entrevistados por Francheska Montas. Ellos pertenecen a la categoría Los Pequeñitos,
una categoría menor aún que las Chiquititas.
From left: King Nathaniel; Queen Jaydaliz and 1st Runner-ups Kiandrah and Mahon
while being interviewed by Francheska Montas. They are Los Pequeñitos, the smallest
of all categories.
Contador. José Arnaldo Dávila y Francheska
Montas actuaron como animadores.
Semana Hispana fue fundada en 1979,
por un grupo de líderes hispanos para
promover la riqueza de la cultura hispana.
Por más de 30 años Semana Hispana se ha
envuelto en la preparación y desarrollo de
un festival que tiene como duración una
Hoy, Semana Hispana patrocina y
participa en una variedad de eventos los
cuales sirven para promocionar y celebrar
la cultura hispana todo el año.
Kicking off Hispanic Week activities
in Lawrence, on Saturday, May 11th took
place the Miss Chiquitita and Infantil
Pageants. Both were held at the Methuen
YMCA, located at 129 Haverhill Street.
As usual, these pageants attracted a
number of candidates willing to compete,
showing off their best talents.
Seven Chiquititas disputed the honor
of being elected Queen, 1st Runner-up
and Princess. They were Briany Medrano,
Tyana M. Contreras, Carmelie Gutierrez,
Cassandra Santiago, Alyaseny Colon,
Yerolin Guerra y Kahliyah Calixto.
There were four candidates for the
Infantil category.
They were Aleksa
Adames, Brianna Sanchez, Noely Galvez
y Siana Tejada.
All candidates paraded wearing
beautiful formal dresses while showing
their talents to compete for the Talent
Other awards are Miss Friendship,
Photogenic and Cooperation. Traditionally,
Miss Friendship is chosen from the
contestants themselves, while the Official
H. W. Photographer, in this case Justo
García, chooses Miss Photogenic. Miss
Cooperation is elected by the board of
Semana Hispana and lies upon the candidate
who sells more tickets for the event.
Members of the Jury were Natashali
Gonzalez, Nazario Esquea, Yadira De La
Cruz and Luis Caraballo as Accountant.
Masters of Ceremony were José Arnaldo
Dávila and Francheska Montas .
Hispanic Week was founded in 1979 by
a group of Hispanic leaders to promote the
richness of the Hispanic culture. For more
than 30 years Semana Hispana has engaged
in the preparation and development of a
weeklong festival.
Today, Hispanic Week sponsors and
participates in a variety of events that serve
to promote and celebrate the Hispanic
culture throughout the year.
May 25, 2013 - 6:00pm
YMCA - 129 Haverhill St.
Judges/jueces: Natashali Gonzalez, Nazario Esquea, Yadira De La Cruz.
mayo 15, 2013 • Edición 409 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Reparaciones del puente
sobre el Río Merrimack a
El Departamento de Transporte de
EE.UU. anunció que los planes se han
finalizado para las reparaciones en el puente
sobre el Río Merrimack en Haverhill y está
preparado para enviar los fondos federales
para que las autoridades puedan seguir
adelante con el trabajo.
La Congresista Niki Tsongas apoya
firmemente la solicitud de subvención para
esta donación federal de $10 millones que se
destinarán a la rehabilitación estructural del
sistema de puentes por medio de una dádiva
TIGER (Transportation Improvements
Generation Economic Recovery).
"Las reparaciones del puente del Río
Merrimack procederán gracias a la constante
alianza entre autoridades locales, estatales
y federales", dijo la Congresista Tsongas.
"Este sistema ferroviario proporciona
una conexión integral entre Boston y
Haverhill y otras localidades del norte y el
mantenimiento de su integridad es esencial
para el crecimiento económico y el empleo
en esta región. Las reparaciones asegurarán
que los viajes sean mejorados, los retrasos
se eliminen y se mantenga la seguridad del
puente. La financiación será ahora puesta
en un buen uso ya que este proyecto avanza
a todo vapor".
Los puentes llevan dos vías del
ferrocarril sobre el Río Merrimack en la
Ciudad de Haverhill y sirven como un
importante corredor para el servicio de
pasajeros, que incluye la línea del MBTA
Commuter Rail, el tren Downeaster de
Amtrak y el servicio de carga de PanAm. La
condición actual de estos puentes requiere
reducciones de velocidad y limitaciones
de trenes mercantes. Los puentes se
restaurarán para dar un servicio completo
una vez que el proyecto concluya.
El programa de subvenciones TIGER
fue creado bajo la Ley de Reinversión
para financiar proyectos multimodales y
multi-jurisdiccionales que son difíciles de
financiar por otros medios de Recuperación.
La subvención del Puente de Haverhill que
están anunciando forma parte de la tercera
fase del programa. En las fases uno y dos
sólo 93 proyectos en el país recibieron
subvenciones. En Massachusetts, sólo el
proyecto de mejoras del tren de Fitchburg
y un proyecto de paisaje urbano en Revere
recibieron la primera fase o fase dos de las
subvenciones TIGER.
Rumbo :.
NEWS & Events IN haverhill
Merrimack River Bridge
Repairs in Haverhill set to
move ahead
The U. S. Department of Transportation
announced that project plans have been
finalized for the repairs to the Merrimack
River Bridge in Haverhill and it is prepared
to release federal funding to the appropriate
stakeholders and move forward with the
Congresswoman Niki Tsongas strongly
supported the grant application for this $10
million federal TIGER (Transportation
Recovery) grant that will go towards the
structural rehabilitation of the system of
“The Merrimack River Bridge repairs
will move forward thanks to consistent
local, state and federal partnerships,” said
Congresswoman Tsongas. “This rail system
provides an integral connection from
Boston to Haverhill and other northern
locations and maintaining its integrity is
essential to economic and job growth in this
region. Repairs will ensure commute times
are improved, delays are eliminated and
the safety of the bridge is maintained. The
funding will now be put to good use as this
project progresses full-steam ahead.”
The bridges carry two railroad tracks
over the Merrimack River in the city of
Haverhill and serve as an important corridor
for passenger service which includes the
MBTA Haverhill Commuter Rail Line,
Amtrak’s Downeaster train, and PanAm
freight service. The current condition of
these bridges requires speed reductions and
freight train limitations. The bridges will
be restored to full service at the completion
of the project.
The TIGER grant program was
created under the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act to fund multi-modal,
multi-jurisdictional projects that are
challenging to fund by other means. The
Haverhill Bridge grant being announced is
part of the third phase of the program. In
phases one and two only 93 projects in the
nation received grants. In Massachusetts,
only the Fitchburg Rail improvements
project and a streetscape project in Revere
received phase one or phase two TIGER
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 409 • mayo 15, 2013
Debbie Scionti Named
Director of Mission Integration
for MI Health/Care Services
Debbie Scionti has been
chosen to serve as the Director
of Mission Integration for
Mary Immaculate Health/Care
Services (MIHCS). In making
this announcement, Gerard
Foley, MIHCS President/CEO
said, “We are extremely pleased
that Debbie has decided to accept
this key leadership position.
For many years in a variety of
positions at MI, she has helped
guide our staff, residents and
wisdom and good humor. We
all congratulate her on this most
deserved promotion and wish her
much success and happiness in
her new position.”
As Director of Mission
Integration, Scionti will be
responsible for building and
nurturing an environment in which the
mission and values of MI are integrated
throughout all departments, services and
activities. She will also be responsible
for planning and conducting all mission
activities within the organization, and is
the mission representative on the Senior
Leadership team.
Scionti joined Mary Immaculate in 2006
and has served in a variety of capacities,
most recently as Director of Spiritual
Care. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree from
Merrimack College, a Master’s Degree
in Pastoral Theology from St. Joseph’s
College in Maine, and has completed her
clinical pastoral education through Holy
Family Hospital.
Scionti is a resident of Methuen, and
spends much of her leisure time in the
company of Aimee who she is training as a
certified therapy dog.
read rumbo online!
foster kids
15 different homes in that time,” she says.
“Every time I moved, I had to pack my few
belongings in a black trash bag.
“When you’re already feeling
abandoned, wondering whether anyone
will ever want you or care about you, that
trash bag seals it: No, they won’t. You’re a
communities have banded together and
charities have sprung up across the country
to address this problem, more foster care
children than not continue to cart their
belongings in trash bags.
“There just hasn’t been enough,”
Iuculano says. “And often, the organizations
gather used luggage. I know the intention
is good, but we’d like to give these children
something brand new; something all their
It’s in everyone’s best interests to
protect the most vulnerable in our society,
children without the protection of loving,
caring families, Iuculano says.
“When you look at the numbers, you
quickly see why we desperately need more
positive changes to applaud,” she says.
These were compiled from various
• In recent years, there have been more than
500,000 children in foster care nationally;
per one annual count, 22 percent were
available for adoption.
• In that year, 18 percent of children were
adopted after waiting an average 42 months
in foster care.
• More than half of the children who age out
of foster care will be unemployed adults.
• Almost a third will be homeless.
• One in five will be incarcerated within two
To support Duffels for Kids by making
a donation, visit the website.
the mentoring program. Men and women
over 21 from our community are invited to
consider volunteering to become a mentor
for a foster youth. For more information,
email Debi Porter at dporter@fosterkidsmv.
Annual Christmas Party
The annual Christmas Party is their
hallmark event providing a memorable
Christmas party for foster children in the
Merrimack Valley, ages birth — 18. Every
child receives a bag of gifts from Santa,
along with a pizza party, games, and more.
Foster parents also receive a small gift to
recognize their efforts.
You can send a tax deductible
contribution of cash, new backpacks with
school supplies, books, toys and games to:
Foster Kids of the Merrimack Valley, Inc.,
76 Bonnano Court, Methuen, MA 01844 or
call (978) 683-2220 for more information.
lunes a viernes | 10Am - 11Am
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Carmen Chalas “La Embajadora”
Productora & Conductora
WLLH 1400 AM
mayo 15, 2013 • Edición 409 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Rumbo :.
Mr. B’s Sport Stories
by frank benjamin
Social Invitational Tournament June 1970
Twelve teams entered in the Social
League invitational in June of 1970. This
the first invitational tourney in this city in
many years.
League President Gene McAuliffe
and ASA Softball Commissioner George
Simonian of the Eastern area will run the
Three Lawrence Teams will be entered
and all will see action on the opening night
at the Hayden-Schofield. Perdis, Funky
Broadway and Turn Hall will play on the
opening night.
Perdis will play the Micelli team of
Wilmington, the Funky B'ways will battle
Augustine's of Wakefield, Turn Hall will
play the next day facing Sylvania of Salem.
Kelley's of New Bedford meets the Maple
Leafs of Salem, Mass.
Lashes Lions of Gloucester, The
Avalons of West Concord, will see action
on Saturday/Sunday.
The semifinals are slated for Sunday at
1 & 3 pm, the final and championship game
will be held on Sunday night at 7pm.
Dick Drummond pitched the Perdis to a
Tourney opening 8-2 win over the Micellis.
Dick was on his game and allowed only two
hits to the Wilmington team. A triple by
Don Gentile and a single by Ed Harrison
as the visitors scored both their runs. The
Perdis were led offensively by Drummond,
Don Auger, Jim Pritts, and Bob Marchand.
Dick fanned 8 and retired the last 14 batters
of the game.
It took a comeback for the Funky
B'ways to win against a strong Augustine
team. The visitors scored 3 in the 5th to
take a 5/4 lead over the locals.
In the 6th Ed Aziz singled to start a
mini rally with a single, so did Don McLeod
followed with a hit scoring Aziz.
In the 7th the Lawrence team sealed
it with a 5 run rally. Hannagan singles so
does Joe D'Agata, Dick Lynch reaches on
an error and the bases are loaded and the
stage set for a winning rally. Rocky Conti
singles in 2 runs an error sends in another
run. Don McLeod hits a sharp single to
score 2 more runs an it's the B'ways in a
cliff hanger, 10/7.
Stan Ryan pitched the win allowing 7
hits, 3 by Veno. Joe D'Agata had 3 hits for
the winners, Don McLeod had 2.
The Lawrence Invitational in June
Gene McAuliffe, Social League president and George Simonian, Easters Area A.SA.
commissioner, take a gander of trophies which will go to the winners in the invitational
softball tournament.
Listen to Mr. B on WCCM-1110AM every Sunday from 2:00 to 3:00, with Jimmy Carter,
left, talking sports. Like in the past, he will be receiving calls from coaches updating the
latest results.
Breakfast all day
Lunch Monday through Friday
Thirty years serving the Merrimack Valley
*Great food & friendly staff
*Open 7 days a week
Desayuno y Almuerzo
Treinta años sirviendo al Valle de
*Buena comida y amistoso personal
*Abierto 7 días a la semana
209 South Broadway, Lawrence, MA 01843
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 409 • mayo 15, 2013
NEWS & Events IN haverhill
Merrimack River Bridge Repairs
in Haverhill set to move ahead
The U. S. Department of Transportation
announced that project plans have been
finalized for the repairs to the Merrimack
River Bridge in Haverhill and it is prepared
to release federal funding to the appropriate
stakeholders and move forward with the
Congresswoman Niki Tsongas strongly
supported the grant application for this $10
million federal TIGER (Transportation
Recovery) grant that will go towards the
structural rehabilitation of the system of
“The Merrimack River Bridge repairs
will move forward thanks to consistent
local, state and federal partnerships,” said
Congresswoman Tsongas. “This rail system
provides an integral connection from
Boston to Haverhill and other northern
locations and maintaining its integrity is
essential to economic and job growth in this
region. Repairs will ensure commute times
are improved, delays are eliminated and
the safety of the bridge is maintained. The
funding will now be put to good use as this
project progresses full-steam ahead.”
The bridges carry two railroad tracks
over the Merrimack River in the city of
Haverhill and serve as an important corridor
for passenger service which includes the
MBTA Haverhill Commuter Rail Line,
Amtrak’s Downeaster train, and PanAm
freight service. The current condition of
these bridges requires speed reductions and
freight train limitations. The bridges will
be restored to full service at the completion
of the project.
The TIGER grant program was
created under the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act to fund multi-modal,
multi-jurisdictional projects that are
challenging to fund by other means. The
Haverhill Bridge grant being announced is
part of the third phase of the program. In
phases one and two only 93 projects in the
nation received grants. In Massachusetts,
only the Fitchburg Rail improvements
project and a streetscape project in Revere
received phase one or phase two TIGER
NEWS & Events In lowell
Middlesex Offers Expanded Online
Programs, Summer Courses
With Middlesex Community College’s
growing list of online degree and certificate
programs – and an expanded offering of
summer online courses – your classroom is
as close as your computer!
Online courses enable instructors
and students to interact online through a
course-management system and email. You
can complete assignments without coming
to campus and at hours you choose. MCC
offers 15 degree and certificate programs
that can be completed entirely online, as
well as a dozen others that are 80 percent
In addition to increasing the number
of online courses offered this summer,
Middlesex has also capped its Summer
Online Technology Fee at $200. Normally
$100 per course, this summer the Technology
Fee is capped at $200, regardless of the
number of online courses you take ¬– a
savings of more than 33 percent.
Summer Semester enrollment is now
open and four sessions are offered. Online/
Evening Summer Sessions run June 3 to
Aug. 1, and June 17 to Aug 15. Classes
meet online, or two evenings a week. Day
Summer Sessions run May 28 to June 27,
and July 8 to Aug. 8. Classes meet four
days a week on the Bedford and Lowell
So, make your summer matter at
Middlesex. For more information about
MCC Summer Sessions, call 1-800-8183434 or visit
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read rumbo online!
Reparaciones del
puente sobre el
Río Merrimack a
El Departamento de Transporte de
EE.UU. anunció que los planes se han
finalizado para las reparaciones en el puente
sobre el Río Merrimack en Haverhill y está
preparado para enviar los fondos federales
para que las autoridades puedan seguir
adelante con el trabajo.
La Congresista Niki Tsongas apoya
firmemente la solicitud de subvención para
esta donación federal de $10 millones que se
destinarán a la rehabilitación estructural del
sistema de puentes por medio de una dádiva
TIGER (Transportation Improvements
Generation Economic Recovery).
"Las reparaciones del puente del Río
Merrimack procederán gracias a la constante
alianza entre autoridades locales, estatales
y federales", dijo la Congresista Tsongas.
"Este sistema ferroviario proporciona
una conexión integral entre Boston y
Haverhill y otras localidades del norte y el
mantenimiento de su integridad es esencial
para el crecimiento económico y el empleo
en esta región. Las reparaciones asegurarán
que los viajes sean mejorados, los retrasos
se eliminen y se mantenga la seguridad del
puente. La financiación será ahora puesta
en un buen uso ya que este proyecto avanza
a todo vapor".
Los puentes llevan dos vías del
ferrocarril sobre el Río Merrimack en la
Ciudad de Haverhill y sirven como un
importante corredor para el servicio de
pasajeros, que incluye la línea del MBTA
Commuter Rail, el tren Downeaster de
Amtrak y el servicio de carga de PanAm. La
condición actual de estos puentes requiere
reducciones de velocidad y limitaciones de
trenes mercantes. Los puentes se restaurarán
para dar un servicio completo una vez que el
proyecto concluya.
El programa de subvenciones TIGER
fue creado bajo la Ley de Reinversión
para financiar proyectos multimodales y
multi-jurisdiccionales que son difíciles de
financiar por otros medios de Recuperación.
La subvención del Puente de Haverhill que
están anunciando forma parte de la tercera
fase del programa. En las fases uno y dos
sólo 93 proyectos en el país recibieron
subvenciones. En Massachusetts, sólo el
proyecto de mejoras del tren de Fitchburg
y un proyecto de paisaje urbano en Revere
recibieron la primera fase o fase dos de las
subvenciones TIGER.
Volunteers Needed!
Did you know that 1 in every 50
children in the US will go to sleep
without a home this year? Horizons
for Homeless Children is looking for
energetic and enthusiastic volunteers
to play with children living in family
homeless shelters in Northeastern
A commitment of just 2 hours a
week will make a significant difference
in the lives of some wonderful children
in your community.
Trainings for your region are
coming up soon - sign up today!
Sign up today! Contact us at
(978) 557-2182 or at northeast@ for
more information and an application,
or fill one out online at www.
Anuncio Pagado
Cuando usted compra
o refinancia una
casa, la compañía
hipotecaria puede
ofrecer venderle
“seguro de hipoteca”
para pagar su
hipoteca si usted
muere antes de pagar
la hipoteca.
El seguro hipotecario es un seguro de
vida. El costo de la póliza depende
de su edad, sus condiciones de salud,
la cantidad a cubrir por la póliza y su
Nosotros vendemos seguros de vida
que protegen a su familia y su hipoteca.
Nosotros LE vendemos una póliza para
que USTED pueda estar en control,
¡no la compañía hipotecaria! Como
un agente independiente de seguros,
podemos elegir entre muchas compañías
Las personas generalmente compran un
seguro de vida para proporcionar dinero
a su familia en caso de que mueran
mientras que los niños son pequeños
o si hay una hipoteca. ¿Quién va a
sostener a su familia si usted muere
mientras sus hijos son jóvenes?
Nuestra póliza y costo anual seguirán
igual por el plazo de tiempo que usted
elija (a menudo 20 ó 30 años). Al
comprar nuestra póliza deberá escoger
a su beneficiario. Si usted muere, su
familia recibirá el dinero, no la compañía
hipotecaria. Ellos pueden elegir pagar
la universidad o pagar la hipoteca.
Cuando alguien muere, su seguro de
vida le paga directamente al beneficiario.
Usted puede mantener nuestra póliza
aún si vende su vivienda, hace un
refinanciamiento o se muda. Una póliza
hipotecaria por la compañía se pierde si
usted vende, o hace un refinanciamiento
de su casa.
Las compañías de hipoteca venden
seguros a “Reducción de Plazo” y
añaden el costo de su factura mensual
de la hipoteca. Su cobertura va
disminuyendo al mismo ritmo de su
hipoteca, pero el costo mensual se
mantiene igual. Si usted muere, la
compañía hipotecaria recibirá el dinero,
no su familia.
Ejemplos para personas
saludables que no fuman:
$250,000 en una póliza de 30 años
para una persona de 28 años de edad:
Hombres $230 ó $190 anual para una
Mujer de 40 de edad: $200,000 en una
póliza de 20 años tendría un costo de
$174 dólares anuales.
¡Visítenos para ver cómo le podemos
ayudar a proteger a sus familiares! Sus
seres queridos dependen de usted… no
los defraude.
Nancy Greenwood
11 Haverhill Street
Methuen, MA 01844
(978) 683-7676
(800) 498-7675
Fax (978) 794-5409
Nancy Greenwood
Ronald Briggs
Anuncio Pagado
mayo 15, 2013 • Edición 409 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Rumbo :.
Sandbox Local Pitch Contest
Part of the audience gathered at the Church of God Prophecy and Special Guest Judges:
Nelson Butten, Co-Executive Director, Lawrence CommunityWorks; Dalia Diaz, Founder,
Rumbo; Steve Ives, President & CEO, Merrimack Valley YMCA; Benny Espaillat, Owner,
Zapatos Aqui Shoe Store; Fred Faust, President, Edge Group, Inc.; Heidi Feinstein, Founder &
CEO, Life Alive.
First Place ($1000)-- MHM Studios Printmaking: Merrimack Valley’s only printmaking studio to
serve artists in the area. The studio provides workspace with professional equipment, teaches
printmaking, and connects artists with printmakers.
On April 18th, seven entrepreneur
finalists squared off at Church of God of
Prophecy, Lawrence in front of a panel of
guest judges and over seventy people for
thousands of dollars in cash prizes! “By
all accounts the evening was a success –
we got a great turnout, with dynamic and
passionate entrepreneurs, and the selection
of the winners was flawless!” said Lianna
Special thanks to our Sponsors: Edge
Group Inc.; Enterprise Bank; Jean D’Arc
Credit Union; Merrimack Valley Federal
Credit Union; Moody, Famiglietti &
Third Place ($500)--Bicicocina:
low cost provider of basic bicycle,
skateboard, and other non-motorized
transportation service and parts.
Second Place ($750)--Juvenile Court Restorative Justice
Diversion: program that helps youth crime offenders in Lowell
avoid jail time by accepting responsibility for their actions and
help reducing repeat offending.
Rafael Rosa talks about ENERGY, a low cost, customized personal training
that changes people’s lives, helping them avoid serious health problems.
Workouts are based on the client’s individual fitness level for maximum
Nosotros podemos ayudarle a que las llamadas paren y también
conseguirle hasta $1000 por daños y perjuicio si ningún costo
a usted. Por favor llame al 978-241-7936.
Nosotros también podemos ayudarlo en:
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llegar a nuestra oficina, ¡solamente llámenos!
Consumer Rights Law Firm, PLLC
300 Brickstone Square, Suite 902
Andover, MA 01810
Phone# (978) 241-7936
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 409 • mayo 15, 2013
Foro Independiente de Opinión
read rumbo online!
El Foro Independiente de Opinión es un grupo de
profesionales (licenciados en Química, Medicina, Pedagogía,
Ingeniero Agrónomo, Ingeniero de Caminos, Profesor
Mercantil, Catedrático universitario, etc.)
La elección de colegio
By Arturo Ramo
Por Arturo Ramo
Una de las decisiones importantes que
realizan los padres es la elección de colegio
para sus hijos. En muchas ocasiones lo
hacen por motivos muy sencillos como la
proximidad del colegio al domicilio o al
puesto de trabajo, si tienen instalaciones
deportivas o comedor, la edad de los
profesores y la ausencia de malas noticias
o quejas de otros padres. Además de estas
razones habría que considerar qué tipo de
educación prefieren para sus hijos.
Los padres que sus hijos se relacionen
con otros chicos de buenas familias y
preferirían que no hubiera en el centro
educativo muchos extranjeros o de otras
etnias. Otro objetivo importante es que
alcancen éxito escolar que le facilitará
probablemente un buen éxito social, con un
buen puesto de trabajo.
También querrían para sus hijos que
sean deportistas, buenos compañeros y que
no fueran mentirosos ni blandengues y que
tengan una buena formación religiosa.
En la actualidad se observa un descenso
de la responsabilidad de los padres en la
educación de los hijos, diciendo, a veces,
que no se sienten preparados, por lo que
dejan esta obligación en manos de los
profesores y del colegio. Otros padres dicen
que están muy ocupados, trabajando los dos
cónyuges para poder llevar un ritmo de vida
alto. Les preocupan mucho las necesidades
básicas de la familia, como la alimentación,
la salud, el vestido, las vacaciones y las
notas de los hijos. Pero no suelen acudir a
las reuniones generales de los padres porque
piensan que no les informarán de nada
nuevo, ni a las reuniones personales con el
profesor o tutor del curso, salvo que haya
problemas de estudio o de comportamiento
de los hijos. Podríamos decir que este tipo de
padres no son conscientes de la importancia
de la elección de colegio para la formación
humana y académica de sus hijos.
Los padres son los primeros educadores
de sus hijos y han de buscar la colaboración
con los profesores. Para ello han de tener
los mismos criterios fundamentales en
la formación humana de los pequeños,
para que sean sinceros, nobles, generosos,
trabajadores, valientes, alegres y buenos
compañeros. Estos valores personales y
otros académicos están recogidos en el
ideario del centro, que los padres deben
conocer y valorar antes de tomar la
importante decisión de llevar a sus hijos a
un colegio determinado.
¿Quiere una foto que vio en Rumbo?
Por años hemos regalado una copia digital
a aquellos que no las han pedido. Ahora
tenemos la misma disponibilidad, pero le
pedimos que haga una donación de $5 para el
Lawrence Senior Center (El Centro de Ancianos
de Lawrence) por cada foto.
Si quiere una foto que vio en Rumbo, solo
tiene que llamarnos al (978) 794-5360.
Déjenos saber la edición y la página en la que
vio la foto.
Buon Giorno
Good Morning
Buenas Tardes
Every Sunday
beginning at
9 AM with
Sicilian music
Choosing a
Se necesitan voluntarios
para jugar con niños
que viven en refugios
Horizons for Homeless Children busca
personas serias, bilingües en inglés y
español para jugar con niños que viven
en refugios para familias sin hogar. Se
requiere un compromiso de 2 horas a la
semana (un turno semanal) por 6 meses.
Para más información o para inscribirse
en línea, favor de visitar el sitio www. o llame
al 978.557.2182. Es una experiencia
muy agradable que beneficia a los niños
y también a todas las personas que se
envuelven en el programa.
One of the important decisions parents
make is the choice of school for their
children. In many cases they do it for
very simple reasons as school proximity
to home or job, if they have sports and
dining facilities, the age of the teachers
and the absence of bad news or complaints
from other parents. Besides these reasons
they would have to consider what kind of
education they prefer for their children.
Parents might prefer that their children
relate to other kids from good families
and not having at school many foreigners
or other ethnicities. Another important
objective is to achieve academic success
that will probably facilitate social success,
with a good job.
Also would like for their children to be
athletes, good friends and were not liars or
timid and have a good religious education.
Currently there is a decrease in parental
responsibility in the education of children,
saying sometimes, they do not feel prepared,
so leave this obligation in the hands of
teachers and the school. Other parents say
they are very busy, both spouses working to
bring a high lifestyle. We are very concerned
about the family's basic needs such as food,
health, clothing, vacations and the children’s
school progress. They rarely attend general
parents’ meetings because they think they
will not be informed of anything new or the
personal meetings with the teacher or tutor
of the course, unless there is a problem with
the studies or the child’s behavior. We could
say that this kind of parents are not aware of
the importance of choosing the right school
for their children’s human and academic
Parents are the first educators of their
children and have to seek collaboration
with teachers. For this, they must have the
same fundamental criteria in the human
formation of the children, to be honest,
noble, generous, hardworking, courageous,
cheerful and good companions. These
personal values as well as academics are
contained in the ideology of the center, and
parents should know and value them before
making the important decision to take their
children to a particular school.
This is Rock
‘n Roll
Así es
Nunzio DiMarca and John Savastano
Celebrating 16 years bringing you five
continuous hours of entertainment, news,
interviews, music and fun.
Somos expertos en precios módicos y servicio de alta calidad.
La Primera Funeraria hispana sirviendo con esmero y satisfacción a la
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planes pagados con anticipación y estampas de recordatorios.
137 Lawrence Street
Lawrence, MA 01841
mayo 15, 2013 • Edición 409 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Feria de salud 2013
Por Alberto Surís
El pasado sábado, 4 de mayo se llevó a
cabo la Feria Anual “Fiesta de Salud” en el
Lawrence Senior Center.
Durante la feria, los asistentes pudieron
comprobar su presión arterial, su índice de
masa corporal, recibir un chequeo dental,
así como exámenes de la vista y glucosa,
función pulmonar y mucho más de manos
de profesionales en la materia y todo
absolutamente gratis.
Además, para la familia, tuvieron
actividades para niños, tales como payasos,
moonwalk y caras pintadas. Los bomberos
hicieron demostraciones de cómo prevenir
incendios y para finalizar, comida, música
y baile y para los que gustan de ejercicio,
hubo caminatas a lo largo del Parque
Rumbo :.
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 409 • mayo 15, 2013
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For directions and information on
parking go to:
Phone 603-589-4610
Fax: 603-594-3457
Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
at 10a.m. Thursdays at 7 p.m., and
Sundays at 2 p.m. Open Storytimes &
Puppet Shows run continuously, and
no registration is required.
Through stories and music, learn how
to read aloud and develop your baby’s
language and pre-reading skills. Babies
and their caregivers are welcome to
join us. Thursdays: 9 a.m. and 10
a.m. ages: 13 to 24 months; 11 a. m.
and 12 noon ages: birth to 12 months.
No registration required. For more
information call the Children’s Room
at (603) 589-4631.
Activities for Teens at Nashua
Public Library
In addition to books, movies, manga,
graphic novels, and computers, the
Nashua Public Library offers plenty
of programs after school for teens in
grades 6 through 12. Go to tinyurl.
com/nplteen and start signing up!
NPL Teen Writers
This is the perfect place to share your
original writing and provide feedback
to others. All styles are welcome from
fanfic to poetry, fiction to song lyrics. You
can check out or join the group’s blog at or email teens@ for more information.
Register at
Second Tuesday of the month:
May 14 at 4 p.m.
Spanish Conversation Group at
Nashua Library
The Nashua Public Library Spanish
conversation group continues to meet on
Tuesday nights from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Geared toward those with intermediate
skills, the group is self-guided, with
members helping each other with
conversation, vocabulary, and grammar.
No registration is necessary. The meetings
are held in the East Wing of the library.
NH Bats and White-Nose Syndrome
Come to the Nashua Public Library on
Wednesday, May 15, to learn all about bats
in New Hampshire. A speaker from the New
Hampshire Fish and Game Department will
fill you in on everything from where to look
for bats to how to help protect them from
white-nose syndrome. The presentation
is jointly sponsored by the Nashaway
Chapter of the New Hampshire Audubon
Society and the Nashua Public Library. A
short business meeting of the chapter will
begin at 7 p.m., with the speaker following
at approximately 7:15 p.m.
For information call 617-548-9877
Fire victims / Víctimas de incendios
Please contact Heal Lawrence if you wish to make a contribution to the
victims of the recent fires in Lawrence. The website has a list of donated
items and things that are still needed.
Favor de ponerse en contacto con Heal Lawrence si desea hacer una
contribución a las víctimas de los incendios recientes en Lawrence. El
sitio en la internet tiene una lista de artículos que han sido donados y lo
que todavía necesitan.
[email protected]
¡La Fundación
Big Brother Big
Sister necesita tu
Si tienes ropa usada y pequeños artículos del hogar que ya no usas,
dónalos para quienes si los necesitan. Llegaremos a tu puerta para
recibir lo que puedas entregar.
Para programar una cita, llama al 1.800.483.5503 o visítanos en
nuestra página web en internet:
Lo que nos entregues ayudará a los niños locales que participan
en nuestro programa de tutoría. Debes saber que tu donación es
deducible de impuestos.
¡Gracias por tu apoyo!
mayo 15, 2013 • Edición 409 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Rumbo :.
Calendar of Events - Calendario de Eventos
Semana Hispana 2013
(A) rise Through Faith
Work by members of Elevated Thought
Foundation: Samuel Johnson, Alex O’Brien,
Che Che, David Christopher Isle, Ralph
Moreau, Evan Wondolowski
April 26 – June 7, 2013
Opening reception:
Friday, April 26, 5-7 pm
The Chester F. Sidell Gallery at
EssexArtCenter is pleased to present (A)
rise Through Faith.
This exhibition will serve to introduce
each individual artist of the Elevated
Thought Foundation (ETF), while reflecting
the strength, skill and unity demonstrated
through previously accomplished projects
and services. There will be examples of
each artist's individual style, mediums and
genres, as well as focus on the services
and projects ETF has achieved as a unified
The themes of transition, transcendence
and personal translation reverberate through
each artist’s work. These central themes
provide the context for the foundation's
shared vision of Elevated Thought. This
connectivity reaches through each artist and
ultimately brings each piece of artwork into
one cohesive body of work. The exhibition
will communicate years of dedication. It
will also demonstrate ETF’s commitment
to the role of artists within the lives of our
clients and communities.
For additional information about this
exhibition or to receive high resolution
digital images for publication, please contact
Leslie Costello leslie@EssexArtCenter.
orgor at 978-685-2343.
The Chester F. Sidell Gallery is located
on the first floor of EssexArtCenter at 56
Island Street, Lawrence, MA.
Gallery hours: M-F 10-6
Call for additional evening hours
Pageant/Reinado Juvenil/Señorita
May 25, 2013 - 6:00pm
YMCA - 129 Haverhill St.
Methuen, MA 01844
VIP Luncheon/Almuerzo VIP
June 7, 2013
530 Broadway, Lawrence, MA 01841
11:30am – 2:00pm
Festival at the Campagnone Common/
Festival en el Parque Campagnone
June 14, 2012 6:00pm – 11:00pm
June 15, 2012 2:00pm – 11:00pm
June 16, 2012 2:00pm – 11:00pm
June 16, 2012 - 12:00pm
Departing from Central Catholic/Salida de
la Escuela Centro Católico
Consejeros de los Pequeños Negocios de América
¿Comenzando un Negocio? ¿Comprando un Negocio?
¿Haciendo Crecer su Negocio?
Consejos gratis y confidenciales sobre negocios por una
organización sin ánimo de lucro
Sesiones de Consejerías jueves de 10:00 AM a 2:30 PM
Excepto el 3er jueves de cada mes
Por favor, llame al 978-686-0900 para una cita con Lawrence SCORE
Merrimack Valley Chamber of Commerce
264 Essex St.
Lawrence, MA 01840-1516
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 409 • mayo 15, 2013
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Petunia: American Staffordshire Terrier - Female
Petunia is the face of rescue. This tiny Staffordshire Terrier was
found as a stray, obviously having had puppies in the not too distant
past. Where did she come from? How many litters was she forced to
care for in her young life? How long was she living on the streets?
Did anyone ever love her?
The look in Petunia’s eyes is often worry, since she has trouble seeing. Once she
realizes you are there to play with her, she is snuggly and silly, running around and
eager to please. She is able to calm down quickly and, all the while, Petunia will
snort like a pig, because that’s just one more endearing quality she has!
Petunia has a minor skin condition that makes it even harder for people to see how
beautiful she truly is. Her wrinkly face has some dry skin that will need ongoing
but easy to care for treatment.
Since arriving at Nevins, she has been learning nose work and loving it! Her ideal
home would welcome her as their only pet. Petunia should do well with older
children so long as her home is quiet and stable. Consider rescuing the dog who
needs it most. Come meet Petunia today and let her convince you that she’s yours.
Curly: Chihuahua - Male
This gorgeous young dog is two year old Curly who was found as
a stray and is now looking for someone with whom he can cuddle
for the rest of his life. Curly is friendly with strangers and has the
cutest play bow which he often uses to entertain anyone watching.
He loves sitting in one's lap and curves in to show his devotion.
Curly would do well in just about any home. He would probably
be fine living with another small dog and this would be determined
on a case by case basis. Most likely cats would also be OK with Curly and he just
LOVES children.
Brodie: Border Collie Mix - Male
Brodie is a year old and he is at the shelter because his energy
level was too much to live with an elderly person. He is a smart
fellow who is looking for a family who will bring him to training
classes. Brodie is very sweet and affectionate and just loves people.
Brodie may be OK living with another dog and maybe a cat. Older
children would be best for this active young man. Buy all of your
pet supplies here! All of the proceeds go to help the animals and programs of the
Noble Family Animal Care & Adoption Center!
Cheyenne: Gaited Horse - Female
Cheyenne is a 20yo Rocky Mountain Horse mare. When she came
to us she had not been worked with for years. Cheyenne is a very
sweet girl who has come a long way since coming to Nevins. She
loves to get attention and be groomed. Cheyenne is a wonderful
companion horse or a great project for someone to start under
saddle. If you would like more information about this lovely mare
please contact the barn staff at (978)687-7453 x6113 or barnstaff@
Simon: Chicken - Male
Simon is a cute little mixed breed bantam rooster. He has been here
at Nevins for a while now and mixes well with the other birds. He
is a bit nervous to be caught and held but is good to work around.
He would be a great addition for anyone who has a bantam flock.
Simon has been very patient waiting for his forever home, we hope
this will be his year! If you are interested in adopting, please contact
the barn staff at 978-687-7453 ext, 6113 or e-mail us at [email protected] for
more information.
Winston & Eustace: Hamster - Male
We were found searching the halls of an apartment building looking
for a new home! Our search led us here ... won't you be our new
family? Eustace is tan & white (A278942) & Winston is tan
One of three MSPCA Animal Care and Adoption Centers statewide, the MSPCA at Nevins
Farm in Methuen cared for more than 7,000 animals last year. The MSPCA does not receive
state or federal funding and continues its work based solely on the generosity of its
supporters. The Noble Family Animal Care & Adoption Center at Nevins Farm is located at
400 Broadway, Rte. 28 in Methuen and is open to the public from 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Tuesdays & Thursdays; 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Wednesdays & Fridays; 12:00 p.m. – 4:00
p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. To contact the MSPCA at Nevins Farm regarding adoptions
and programs please call (978) 687-7453 x. 6101 or on the Web at:
SAVE LIVES: get your pet spayed or neutered Reduced SNAP fees are made possible through
generous donations of time and resources by participating veterinarians who believe in the
importance of spaying and neutering as part of a complete pet health care program.
¿Quiere una foto que vio en Rumbo?
Por años hemos regalado una copia digital a aquellos que no las han
pedido. Ahora tenemos la misma disponibilidad, pero le pedimos que haga
una donación de $5 para el Lawrence Senior Center (El Centro de Ancianos
de Lawrence) por cada foto.
Si quiere una foto que vio en Rumbo, solo tiene que llamarnos al (978)
794-5360. Déjenos saber la edición y la página en la que vio la foto.
mayo 15, 2013 • Edición 409 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
True Photo Studio
By Dario Arias
Fotos Familiares
Fotos para Pasaportes
645 Broadway
Lawrence, MA 01841
Rumbo :.
33 Franklin Street
Suite A
Lawrence, MA 01841
Credible & Confidential Investigations
Harry Maldonado
New Office Number!: 978-688-0351
FAX: (978) 688-4027
Tel. (978) 975-3656
Marcos A. Devers J., P.E.
Registered Professional
Civil Engineer
Professional Services include:
• Structural and architectural design and plans
• Zoning, Site Planning and Permitting process
• General Contracting
• House Repairs and Remodeling
• Commercial Building and Remodeling
• New construction
For information, 978-804-7588
[email protected]
Es facil
encontrar a
(978) 794-5360
33 Franklin Street
Suite A
MA 01841
60 Island Street, Suite 211E
Lawrence MA 01840
Email: [email protected]
Las cartas deben tener menos de 300
palabras de largo. Favor de incluir un
número de teléfono o dirección electrónica
para confirmar quién la envía.
Manager of Training:
Early Childhood
Education for The
Community Group
The Community Group, a successful
non-profit agency located in Lawrence is
seeking a manager of trainings for various
aspects of professional development for
child care providers and public school
teachers (Spanish and English speaking).
The work involves contracting services,
developing coursework, scheduling
trainings, out- reach and publicity and on
occasion teaching courses.
Qualifications: The successful candidate
will have a degree and/or in-depth
experience in early childhood education
as well as demonstrated skills in areas of
administration, public relations, effective
communication (including speaking
Spanish) and project management. The
position requires building relationships
in the community that result in effective
professional development for adults and
quality education for young children.
If you have a knowledge of early
childhood education, can speak Spanish
and want to make a difference in the lives
of young children in our community,
please respond to
Resumes to: Soraya
Victoria, svictoria@
978-682-6628 ext. 515
Excellent salary and benefit package
Do you want a picture
that appeared in
For years we have been giving away
digital copies of our pictures to anyone
requesting them. We are still willing to
make them available, but we ask you to
make a $5 contribution to the Lawrence
Senior Center for each photo.
If you want a picture seen in Rumbo, all
you have to do is call us at (978) 7945360. Let us know which edition and
the page number where you saw the
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 409 • mayo 15, 2013
read rumbo online!