KICK OFF MEETING PROYECTOS LIFE13 PRESENTACIONES DE LOS NUEVOS BENEFICIARIOS APRESENTAÇÃO DE NOVOS BENEFICIÁRIOS LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid ESPAÑA Y PORTUGAL Proyectos Medio Ambiente e Información: • Cambio Climático • Gestión y calidad del agua • Mejora de la gestión agraria y forestal • Energías renovables • Reduciendo la huella ecológica Proyectos Naturaleza y Biodiversidad LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid KICK OFF MEETING LIFE13. MADRID 10 SEPTIEMBRE 2014 LISTADO POR GRUPOS TEMÁTICOS Cambio climático y calidad del aire LIFE13 ENV/ES/000263 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000375 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000417 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000603 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000605 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000608 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000725 LIFE13 ENV/ES/001019 LIFE13 ENV/ES/001182 LIFE13 ENV/ES/001221 LIFE13 ENV/ES/001251 Implementing Methodologies and Practices to Reduce air pollution Of the subway enVironmEnt Climate Change Prevention by the inclusion of nanoparticles in clays for the reduction of Ceramic Industry CO2 emissions Reduction of exposure of cyclists to urban pollutants Air pollution treatment in European urban environments by means of photocatalytic textiles Reduction of SO2 emissions by a zero‐effluent wet desulfuration process using MgO by‐products (LIFESO2ZEROEF) Reduction of CO2 emissions by the PHB use obtained from whey: demonstration in dairy products packaging. Efficient and sustainable waste management methodologies using ICT tools enabling GHG emissions reduction A Step towards zero eMissions goAl in Heath SectoR: BesT Practice Examples in Hospital Universitario Río Hortega Proyecto piloto de medidas de adaptación y mitigación al cambio climático en el Delta del Ebro Sustainability of Photocatalytic Technologies In Urban Pavements: From Laboratory Tests To In Field Compliance Criteria Desarrollo e implementación integrada de fotobiorreactores de captura de gases de efecto invernadero en agroindustria IMPROVE LIFE LIFE NanoCeramiCO2 LIFE + RESPIRA LIFE PHOTOCITYTEX LIFESO2ZEROEF LIFE+ WHEYPACK LIFE EWAS LIFE SMART Hospital LIFE EBRO-ADMICLIM LIFE-PHOTOSCALING LIFE+ IntegralCarbon Gestión y calidad de agua LIFE13 ENV/ES/000160 LIFE‐BRAINYMEM LIFE13 ENV/ES/000970 Advanced‐control MBR for wastewater reclamation Development of demostrative solutions to reduce the water contamination of agrarian origin in the Limia basin Implementing the Water Framework Directive to temporary rivers: tools for the assessment of their ecological status Automatic control system to add organic waste in anaerobic digesters of WWTP to maximize the biogas as renewable energy MEJORA AMBIENTAL DE LA ACTIVIDAD ACUÍCOLA A TRAVÉS DEL DESARROLLO DE TECNOLOGÍAS ECO‐EFICIENTES, AQUASEF USE OF CO2 AS A SUBSTITUTE OF CHLORINE‐BASED CHEMICALS USED IN O&M INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES FOR MACROFOULING REMEDATION In‐Farm remediation by solar photocatalysis of agro‐waste water with pesticides from remnants, cleaning and rinse Desarrollo y demostración de AnMBR para el tratamiento y valorización de aguas residuales de industrias alimentarias NUTRIENTS AND REGENERATED WATER RECYCLING IN WWTPs THROUGH TWIN‐LAYER MICROALGAE CULTURE FOR BIOFERTILIZERS PRODUCTION Decreasing the environmental impact of waste management: An innovative leachate treatment using recovered membranes. LIFE13 ENV/ES/001353 Membrane for ENERGY and WATER RECOVERY LIFE MEMORY LIFE13 ENV/ES/000227 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000341 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000377 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000420 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000426 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000488 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000779 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000800 Mejora de la gestión agraria y forestal LIFE13 ENV/ES/000255 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000280 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000504 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000539 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000541 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000660 Life+ SUBER: Integrative management for an improved adaptation of cork oak forests to climate change PROFITABLE SMALL SCALE RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS IN AGRIFOOD INDUSTRY AND RURAL AREAS: DEMONSTRATION IN THE WINE SECTOR. Innovative eco friendly traps for the control of Pine Lepidoptera in urban and recreational places. Implementation of efficient irrigation management for a sustainable agriculture Best agricultural practices for Climate Change: Integrating strategies for mitigation and adaptation LIFE REGENERA LIMIA LIFE TRIVERS LIFE ECOdigestion LIFE AQUASEF LIFE CO2FORMARE LIFE-Aquemfree LIFE+ WOGAnMBR LIFE+ TL-BIOFER LIFE RELEACH Life+ SUBER LIFE+ REWIND LIFE PISA LIFE+ IRRIMAN Life+ ClimAgri LIFE ENERBIOSCRUB LIFE13 ENV/ES/000710 Sustainable management of shrubs formations for energy purposes DEMOSTRACIÓN DE ALTERNATIVAS SOSTENIBLES A LA LUCHA QUÍMICA EN LA PROTECCIÓN DE CULTIVOS EN EUROPA (AGROINTEGRA) Implementation of Demonstrative & Innovative Strategies to reduce the use of phytosanitary products in viticulture LIFE13 ENV/ES/000776 Vineyards for carbon footprint reduction: a sustainable strategy to use LIFE VINEYARDS4HEAT (V4H) LIFE13 ENV/ES/000665 Página 1 de 3 LIFEAGROINTEGRA LIFE FITOVID biomass for heat & cold in wineries. LIFE13 ENV/ES/000889 LIFE13 ENV/ES/001048 LIFE13 ENV/ES/001125 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000131 Citric Waste Integrated Management Environmental impacts on bacterial ecology of bacteriophage use in aquaculture LIFE ECOCITRIC SMART WATER AND SOIL SALINITY MANAGEMENT IN AGRO‐WETLANDS Knowledge‐Based Innovative Solutions to Enhance Adding‐Value Mechanisms towards Healthy and Sustainable EU Fisheries LIFE SMART-AGROWETLAND Energías renovables LIFE13 ENV/ES/000700 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000704 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000923 LIFE13 ENV/ES/001113 LIFE13 ENV/ES/001115 LIFE13 ENV/ES/001159 LIFE13 ENV/ES/001333 LIFE13 ENV/ES/001513 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000173 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000445 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000562 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000615 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000703 LIFE13 ENV/ES/000751 LIFE13 ENV/ES/001138 LIFE13 ENV/ES/001165 LIFE13 ENV/ES/001362 LIFE iSEAS Electric vehicles to grid, renewable generation and Zn‐Br flow battery to storage in industry Optimised Renewable Mix for Energy Saving in Waste Water Treatment Plants DEVELOPMENT OF A COGENERATION DEMONSTRATION PLANT FROM BIOMASS FOREST BALES New biofuel production technology to recover used frying oils and power the Seville's urban bus fleet. Valorization of pig carcasses through their transformation into biofuels and organic fertilizers Demonstration of a low cost and environmentally friendly Zinc Air Energy Storage System for renewable energy integration CO2 Emission Reduction of the Rice Cultivation Through Energy Valorisation of the Rice Straw LIFE Coop 2020: pilot for rural smart grids through optimisation of energy use and innovative renewable biomass sources Reduciendo la huella ecológica: desarrollo y aplicación de tecnologías verdes. LIFE13 ENV/ES/000067 LIFE ENVIPHAGE REMOVAL OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES IN POLYETHYLENE PACKAGES USING SUPERCRITICAL CARBON DIOXIDE(SC‐CO2) IN RECYCLING PROCESS Demonstrative pilot plant for the valorisation of non‐ferrous metal waste Demonstration of new natural dyes from algae as substitution of synthetic dyes actually used by textile industries Demonstration of wind turbine rotor Blade Recycling into the Coal Clough Wind Farm decommissioning Opportunity PREVENTION OF DAIRY PRODUCT’S ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT TROUGH ECODESIGN New demonstrative pilot plant for the recycling of NdFeB magnets from discarded HDDs Transformation of disposed reverse osmosis membranes into recycled ultra‐and nanofiltration membranes Functional textiles and leathers by innovative MLSE process From Whatever Residue into Levulinic Acid – an innovative way to turn waste into resource LIFE Fresh Box: a sustainable transport solution conserving quality of fresh produce, reducing waste & fuel consumption LIFE FACTORY MICROGRID LIFE RENEWAT LIFE BIOBALE LIFE BIOSEVILLE LIFE+ VALPORC LIFE ZAESS LIFE SOSTRICE LIFE Coop 2020 LIFE EXTRUCLEAN LIFE GREENZO LIFE SEACOLORS LIFE‐BRIO LIFE ECOLAC LIFE RECYMAGNET LIFE TRANSFOMEM LIFE TEXTILEATHER LIFE WALEVA LIFE Fresh Box Naturaleza y Biodiversidad LIFE13 NAT/ES/000772 Integrated silvopastoral management plan: An innovative tool to preserve biodiversity and prevent wildfires Restoration of Iberian elms (Ulmus minor and U. laevis) in the Tajo River basin Strengthening associated biodiversity of habitat 92A0 and control of Invasive Alien Species in the Segura River. Migratory fish recovery and improved management in the final stretch of the Ebre River Ecological restoration Garajonay National Park and its environment, after the great fire of 2012 CONSERVATION OF HABITAT "9570 * Tetraclinis articulata FOREST" IN THE EUROPEAN CONTINENT CONSERVACIÓN Y MEJORA DE HÁBITATS PRIORITARIOS EN EL LITORAL ANDALUZ Sustainable management for conservation of Black pine (Pinus nigra subsp. salzmannii var pyrenaica) forests in Catalonia Actuaciones para la protección y conservación de ciprínidos ibéricos de interés comunitario LIFE13 NAT/ES/000883 In situ and Ex situ innovative combined techniques for coastal dune LIFE13 BIO/ES/000094 LIFE13 BIO/ES/000556 LIFE13 BIO/ES/001407 LIFE13 NAT/ES/000237 LIFE13 NAT/ES/000240 LIFE13 NAT/ES/000436 LIFE13 NAT/ES/000586 LIFE13 NAT/ES/000724 Página 2 de 3 LIFE MONTSERRAT LIFE elm LIFE RIPISILVANATURA LIFE MIGRATOEBRE LIFE+ GARAJONAY VIVE LIFE‐TETRACLINIS‐EUROPA LIFE CONHABIT ANDALUCÍA Life+ Pinassa LIFE CIPRÍBER LIFE+ARCOS habitats restoration in SCIs of northern Spain LIFE13 NAT/ES/000899 Conservación de la biodiversidad en el Río Miera Mediterranean monk seal conservation in Madeira and development of a conservation status surveillance system Desurbanización y recuperación de la funcionalidad ecológica en los sistemas costeros de la Pletera NATURAL FEEDING HABITAT RESTORATION FOR CINEREUS VULTURE AND OTHER AVIAN SCAVENGERS IN CENTRAL SPAIN LIFE Miera Nuevos enfoques en la conservación del visón europeo en España Recuperación de hábitats leníticos y espécies acuáticas de interés comunitario de alta montaña de los Pirineos Consolidación de una población de osos en un territorio de gestión fragmentada: El Pirineo Central. LIFE LUTREOLA SPAIN LIFEBIODISCOVERIES LIFE13 NAT/PT/000458 Invasive species control through public participation Conserving threatened habitats and species in Berlengas SPA through sustainable management LIFE13 NAT/PT/000786 Conservação do Saramugo na Bacia do Guadiana (Portugal) LIFE SARAMUGO LIFE13 NAT/PT/001300 Conservação da Águia‐imperial‐ibérica (Aquila adalberti) em Portugal LIFE IMPERIAL LIFE13 NAT/ES/000974 LIFE13 NAT/ES/001001 LIFE13 NAT/ES/001130 LIFE13 NAT/ES/001171 LIFE13 NAT/ES/001210 LIFE13 NAT/ES/001394 LIFE13 BIO/PT/000386 Página 3 de 3 LIFE Madeira Monk Seal LIFE‐PLETERA LIFE FEEDING SCAVENGERS LIFE LimnoPirineus PIROSLIFE LIFE BERLENGAS CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO MUDANÇA CLIMÁTICA LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid IMPROVE LIFE Implementing Methodologies and Practices to Reduce air pollution Of the subway enVironmEnt PROJECT LOCATION: Cataluña BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 813,727.00 € % EC Co-funding: DURATION: 50% Start: 01/10/2014 - End: 31/03/2018 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: Associated Beneficiary(ies): LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014 CSIC (IDAEA) TMB Moreno, Senior Researcher IDAEA-CSIC Name, Teresa Surname, Position Logo(s) BACKGROUND and AIMS: Commuting by underground rail is a daily activity for over one hundred million people worldwide. With average return journey times lasting around one hour, these underground commuters can routinely be exposed to inhalable particulate matter (PM) levels that are much higher than those above ground. Moreover, subway air is not only overly-rich in iron but can also contain high levels of trace metals such as Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni & Zn, as well as the toxic metalloids, Sb & As. From an environmental perspective, the subway system is relatively clean, with low emission electric trains and moving large numbers of passengers, which promotes less traffic congestion on the surface. However, in terms of air quality and personal exposure, breathing subway air is likely to present a greater respiratory health risk to the regular commuter. Thus a major focus of the proposal is, once main pollution sources have been identified in the subway system, to TEST AND PRACTICE MEASURES THAT CAN REDUCE PM CONCENTRATIONS IN PLATFORMS AND INSIDE TRAINS. These tests with take into account variations in all possible key factors such as station depth, date of construction, station design, type of ventilation, types of brakes used on the trains, train frequency and the presence or absence of platform screen door systems. The key participation of TMB in the proposal will allow IMPROVE TO ASSESS THE MOST COST-EFFECTIVE WAY TO IMPROVE AIR QUALITY IN THE BARCELONA SUBWAY which represents a perfect testing ground for this study. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: Air and Noise - Air pollutants Land-use and Planning - Transport planning - Traffic monitoring Risk management - Risk assessment and monitoring Risk management - Pollutants reduction Risk management - Human health protection Air and Noise - Air quality monitoring LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014 Moreno, Senior Researcher IDAEA-CSIC Name, Teresa Surname, Position Logo(s) MAIN ACTIVITIES: Preparatory actions • A1 Current status of air quality in subway systems, identifying main pollution sources, & selection of parameters to test Implementation actions • B1 Determination of the impact of selected parameters, including i) platforms structure/design; ii) mechanical abrasion of rail/wheel, brakes and catenary; iii) night-time maintenance works on air quality in platforms; iv) influence of ground level traffic contamination on platform; v) effect of applying changes in station ventilation protocols • B2 Testing mitigation measures, development of mitigation strategies, to reduce air pollution & population´s exposure Monitoring of the impact of the project actions • C1 Effectiveness of the project actions compared to the initial situation and the objectives and expected results • C2 Assessment of the socio-economic impact of the project and health benefits due to the improved air quality Communication and dissemination actions • Project website/LIFE+ Information boards/Dissemination of project results/D4 Production of Layman's Report Project management and monitoring of the project progress • Project Management/Monitoring project progress/Networking with European projects/After-LIFE Communication Plan EXPECTED RESULTS: • Evaluation of the effect of air quality mitigation measures already used in some subway systems worldwide. • Development of protocols to achieve effective mitigation strategies for the subway, tested in the Barcelona subway system under variably controlled conditions on platforms & trains. • Quantification of reduction in PM emissions by applying proposed control measures (how to achieve 10% reduction). • Reports: 1 database identifying main air pollution sources in platforms/trains worldwide with health risks to commuters. 1 technical report describing the tested mitigation measures distributed to EU/local/national authorities. 1 technical guide with recommendations for cost-efficient measures to reduce the impact of particle emissions 1 Layman’s report / 3 Project reports including Inception report, midterm and final reports • Dissemination: Creation of a web page providing access to project activities, objectives, actions, progress and results. 1 open forum with the participation of a broad range of stakeholders related to transport and policy making. 1 workshop general public/1 experts' workshop LIFE projects/1 Int. Conf. transport authorities & policy makers. 1 explaining course for staff of beneficiaries/Media releases - project results/6 publications SCI journals & conferences LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014 Moreno, Senior Researcher IDAEA-CSIC Name, Teresa Surname, Position Logo(s) Project (acronym): «LIFE NanoCeramiCO2» (Ref.: LIFE13 ENV/ES/0375) PROJECT LOCATION: Toledo, C-LM (ES) BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 923.190 EUR EC Co-funding: 50 % DURATION: Start: 01/07/2014 - End: 30/04/2017 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: AITEMIN Associated Beneficiary(ies): CERABRICK LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) BACKGROUND: Probado a escala de laboratorio que el tamaño de partícula nanométrico del material fundente, permite, empleando una cantidad muy pequeña del mismo, disminuir las emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera y reducir el consumo de combustible de forma significativa. AIMS: Disminuir el consumo de gas natural y las emisiones de dióxido de carbono (CO2) en la etapa de cocción de la planta de la cerámica estructural mediante la modificación de la materia prima arcillosa con nanopartículas de carbonato de calcio (CaCO3). MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: • Plan “20/20/20” de lucha contra el calentamiento global y el Plan de Acción sobre Consumo y Producción Sostenibles [COM(2008)397]. • Libro Verde “Un marco para las políticas de clima y energía en 2030” [COM(2013)169 final]. • Comunicación “Estrategia para una competitividad sostenible del sector de la construcción y de sus empresas [COM(2012)433 final]. • VI Programa de Acción Medioambiental [COM/2001/0031 final]. • Directiva 2003/87/CE (modificada por la Directiva 2009/29/CE), Directiva 2010/75/CE, Directiva 96/61/CE, …. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) MAIN ACTIVITIES: • Determinación de las dosificaciones óptimas de las nanopartículas. • A escala semi-industrial: establecimiento de los parámetros de fabricación y análisis medioambiental del proceso. • Adaptación de la planta industrial cerámica: diseño e instalación del prototipo para la modificación de la materia prima cerámica con nanopartículas. • Fabricación industrial del nuevo material cerámico. • Validación de resultados: Caracterización tecnológica del material cerámico y medioambiental del proceso de fabricación. EXPECTED RESULTS: • Reducción del 10% del consumo de gas natural por la disminución de la temperatura y el tiempo de cocción de las piezas cerámicas. • Para la planta industrial cerámica supone: • • un ahorro de 1.928.725,02 kWh anuales de gas natural y una reducción de 389,60 toneladas de CO2 emitidas cada año LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10/09/2014 Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) Título del proyecto y/o acrónimo: « LIFE+RESPIRA » LOCALIZACIÓN: Navarra (España) PRESUPUESTO: Cantidad Total: 2.330.760 € % co-financiación comunitaria: 1.122.530 € DURACIÓN: Inicio: 01/06/2014 - Final: 31/05/2017 BENEFICIARIOS: Beneficiario coordinador: Universidad de Navarra Beneficiarios asociados: CIEMAT y GANASA LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVOS: De acuerdo con las Directrices sobre Calidad del Aire (DCA) elaboradas por la OMS, existen graves riesgos para la salud derivados de la exposición a los contaminantes atmosféricos en la mayor parte de las ciudades europeas, pudiéndose establecer una clara relación cuantitativa entre los niveles de contaminación y el aumento de la mortalidad o la morbilidad. El objetivo de LIFE+RESPIRA es demostrar que es posible reducir la exposición de los ciclistas (y viandantes en general) a los contaminantes atmosféricos urbanos aplicando nuevas tecnologías y otras medidas relacionadas con la planificación urbanística, el diseño urbano y la gestión de la movilidad. LEGISLACIÓN EUROPEA OBJETIVO DEL PROYECTO: •Directiva 2008/50/CE relativa a la calidad del aire •Directiva 2007/2/CE: infraestructura de información espacial LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) ACCIONES PRINCIPALES: Diseño de sensores electroquímicos de bajo coste (O3, NO2, NO, CO, PM) Monitorización a gran escala de los contaminantes urbanos mediante voluntarios Modelización de alta resolución de la calidad del aire urbano Comprobación de la aplicación de diferentes medidas en la calidad del aire urbano Elaboración de un plan de gestión de la movilidad ciclista Cuantificación de la inhalación de contaminantes por los ciclistas Valoración económica de los impactos ocasionados por la contaminación y estimación de los beneficios derivados de las medidas de reducción de los mismos RESULTADOS ESPERADOS: Conocimiento preciso sobre la distribución de contaminantes en las ciudades Estimación de los riesgos asociados a la contaminación urbana Cuantificación de la efectividad de la aplicación de distintas medidas de gestión Estimación del beneficio del transporte en bicicleta Desarrollo de un modelo matemático aplicable a otras ciudades Creación de un planificador de rutas “saludables” Desarrollo de un programa de educación y sensibilización sobre la calidad del aire Elaboración de informes que ayuden a mejorar la gestión urbana LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) Project title and/or acronym: «Air pollution treatment in European urban environments by means of photocatalytic textiles. LIFE PHOTOCITYTEX» PROJECT LOCATION: Spain (and Italy) BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1.297.105,00 € (1.177.880 elegible costs) % EC Co-funding: 50% (of elegible costs) DURATION: Start: 01/07/14 - End: 30/06/17 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Fundación CEAM Coordinating Beneficiary: Associated Beneficiary(ies): AITEX LEGAMBIENTE NTT Ayunt. Quart de Poblet LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10.09.2014 Dr. Amalia Muñoz. Senior Researcher. Name, Surname, Position EUPHORE coordinator Logo(s) BACKGROUND and AIMS: Air pollution causes harm to both health and environment. In Europe, emissions of many air pollutants have decreased substantially over the past decades, resulting in improved air quality across the region. However air pollutant concentrations have not sufficiently declined. A significant porportion of Europe’s popullation lives in areas where exceedances of air quality standars ocurre. In these regions, the primary pollutants are oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) which undergo photochemical reactions in sunlight to form a host of secondary pollutants The general objective of this project is to demonstrate the environmental possibilities of textiles with photocatalytic activity in terms of decontamination of urban atmospheres. This initiative takes advantage of the technical opportunities offered by the textile architecture industry and the current advances in technology of Photocatalysis in order to consider the depollution of air in urban environments. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: 2008 Directive on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe (2008/50/EC) MAIN ACTIVITIES: 1.Review of current technologies available in terms of depollution of urban environments: identification of photocatalytic compounds suitable to be implemented in textiles functionalization. 2.Air quality measurement at Quart de Poblet city. (Valencia, Spain) Two different scenarios have been strategically selected prior to installation of photocatalytic textiles 3.Development of textile prototypes at lab scale concerning those possible applications in polluted urban environment 4.Analysis of the prototypes at laboratory scale in order to verify which of them are offering the most photocatalytic activity and optimal textiles features 5.Development of textile prototypes at semi-industrial scale -awnings and wall coverings 6.Larger scale demonstration of the use of photocatalytic textiles in the depollution of urban environments employing EUPHORE chambers (half spherical teflon bag with a confined volume of air of about 200m3 where representative European atmospheric conditions can be simulated using natural sunlight). 7.Field demonstration installing the photocatalytic textiles at two urban locations in Quart de Poblet and conducting atmospheric during the time they are installed EXPECTED RESULTS: Demonstration of the effectiveness of photocatalytic textile in order to reduce the atmospheric concentration of nitrogen oxides (NOx) to a limit lower than 40 µg/m3 established by European law. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9 10.09.2014 septiembre 2014 Dr. Amalia Muñoz. Senior Researcher. Name, Surname, Position EUPHORE coordinator Logo(s) LIFE13 ENV/ES/000605 LIFESO2ZEROEF Reduction of SO2 emissions by a zero-effluent wet desulfuration process using MgO by-products PROJECT LOCATION: Zubiri (Navarra)-SPAIN ZUBIRI BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1,710,288€ % EC Co-funding: 50% DURATION: Start: 02/06/14 - End: 30/06/16 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: MAGNESITAS NAVARRAS, S.A. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/14, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) BACKGROUND and AIMS: Sulfur oxides are air pollutants than have significant impacts upon human health and are precursors to acid rain. Sulfur oxides are produced during the calcination process of magnesite, mainly from the fuel used in the combustion furnace. For that reason, the magnesium oxide industry is included within the polluting industries group and consequently must fulfill specific regulations. The main objective of this project is to demonstrate the viability of a "zero waste" wet desulfurization technology that will be deployed in calcination furnaces by means of the use of MgO based reagents in a process that will give value to the effluents generated. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/14, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) MAIN ACTIVITIES: A1. Strategy, commitment and environmental management B1. Design and implementation of the new “zero effluent” wet desulphurization technology on a demonstrative scale B2. Validation of the technology and establishment of bases of regulation B3. Characterization and evaluation of the residue generated C1. Monitoring and tracking of evidence C2. Evaluation of socio-economic impact D. Communication and dissemination E. Project Management EXPECTED RESULTS: •New MTD for the reduction of SO2 emissions by wet desulphurization process with recovery of effluents using reagents based on MgO •Model sustainability in SO2 emissions for magnesite industry and related sectors. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/14, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) Reduction of CO2 emissions by the PHB use obtained from whey: demonstration in dairy products packaging. WHEYPACK PROJECT LOCATION: Spain and Portugal BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1.169.777 € % EC Co-funding: 584.888 € (50%) DURATION: Start: 01/06/14 - End: 30/11/16 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: ainia Associated Beneficiaries: AIMPLAS, CENTRAL QUESERA MONTESINOS and EMBALNOR LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Date, Place Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) BACKGROUND and AIMS: The project aims to demonstrate environmental, technical and socioeconomic benefits of a biodegradable food packaging material with a lower environmental impact through the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in comparison with current petrol-based food packaging materials. The material selected is Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) that will be obtained from a by-product (whey) that comes from the cheese industries; PHB will be produced using a process of microbial fermentation. Demonstration that total greenhouse gas emissions (carbon footprint as CO2 equiv.) of the production process is lower than current manufacturing process of petrol-based food packages (polypropylene, PP). MAIN EU POLICY TARGETED: Climate change (reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions) LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Date, Place Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) MAIN ACTIVITIES: Demonstration of the fermentation and recovery process of PHB from whey at pilot plant scale. Detailed assessment of the compounding formulation of PHB packaging material and preliminary design of PHB-based packaging prototypes at pilot plant scale. Design and production of PHB-based packages at industrial scale by standard injection moulding. Validation of the PHBbased packaging solution to dairy products (cheese). Validation of the environmental and economic impact of the project results. EXPECTED RESULTS: - Reduction of the total carbon footprint of the PHB-based packaging manufacturing processes, compared with petrol based (PP). - Eco-efficient viability of PHB bio-production process from whey. - Reduction of production costs of PHB polymer (using by-product). - Obtaining a biodegradable package based on PHB polymer with demonstrated application on dairy products (cheese). LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) LIFE EWAS: « Efficient and sustainable waste management methodologies using ICT tools enabling GHG emissions reduction » PROJECT LOCATION: Sevilla, Barcelona, Athens and Chania BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1.174.963,00 € % EC Co-funding: 49,88% DURATION: Start: 01/07/14 - End: 30/09/16 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: WELLNESS TELECOM Associated Beneficiaries: D-WASTE, DEDISA, ENT, LIPASAM LIFE10 Kick-off Meeting, 10th of September, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) BACKGROUND and AIMS: •European citizens generated on average 542 kg of municipal waste per person in 2010, and a further increase to 680 kg per person is expected by 2020. •The net GHG emissions from waste management represented 2.6% of the total GHG emissions in the EU15. •Waste management, moreover, is costly, and in recent years many municipalities have assessed the cost effectiveness of their systems. •The LIFE EWAS project aims to foster innovation in waste management by demonstrating the potential of new information technologies to optimise current EU waste management practices and to establish a way forward for the adoption of a standard and more sustainable model. •The project actions will extend the uptake of innovative waste collection methodologies using low-invasive technologies that will modernise municipal waste management. •EWAS aims to ensure sustainable management of natural resources and waste, emphasising the importance of energy efficiency and the reduction of GHG emissions, noise and traffic congestion during the collection and transportation of waste. Such an approach is compliant with the objectives of the EU 2020 strategy. MAIN ACTIVITIES: •O1: Evaluate EU policy and legislation options and opportunities •O2: Mobilising ICT to facilitate energy-efficient waste management methodologies involving remote wireless sensors, route optimization and collaboration tools between the waste manager and the citizens. •O3: Implementation and monitoring of different waste collection methodologies in Sevilla and Chania in order to demonstrate the reduction of the environmental impact and related costs. •O4: Demonstration by implementing Local Action Plans in Sevilla and Chania. •O5: Increase public and private awareness of efficient waste management methodologies and citizen empowerment to take part on it. EXPECTED RESULTS: •R1: Detailed analysis of existing waste collection methodologies and European legislative framework and new opportunities foreseen using ICT tools. •R2: Integrated ICT solutions to increase waste management efficiency •R3: Innovative waste management methodologies based on advanced ICT technologies •R4: Impact report – including environmental impact, economic impact, operational impact and awareness impact •R5: Exploitation report •R5: Increased public awareness on sustainable waste management •R7: Increased recycling awareness LIFE10 Kick-off Meeting, 10th of September, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) Project acronym: LIFE Smart Hospital PROJECT LOCATION: Valladolid BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1.794.999 € % EC Co-funding: 50% DURATION: Start: 01/09/2014 - End: 30/11/2017 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: Fundación CARTIF Associated Beneficiaries: Gerencia Regional de Salud de Castilla y León, COINGES, ITENE LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9 septiembre 2014 BACKGROUND and AIMS: Los hospitales contribuyen de manera significativa a incrementar el problema del cambio climático a través de los recursos naturales y los productos que consumen, así como de los residuos que generan. Esta iniciativa LIFE pretende impulsar el avance del sector salud hacia la neutralidad en las emisiones de carbono. Las actuaciones previstas se vertebrarán en torno a tres ejes: energía, agua y residuos. La experiencia demostradora se llevará a cabo en el Hospital Universitario Río Hortega (HURH), en Valladolid (España), y pretende constituir un ejemplo real de los beneficios ambientales, operacionales y económicos obtenidos. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: Aumentar la eficiencia energética de las instalaciones del HURH en consonancia con diversas normativas europeas como el Libro Verde de 2005 o la Directiva 2010/31/CE. Mejorar la gestión del agua en las instalaciones y procesos del HURH conforme a la Directiva Marco del Agua 2000/60/CE. Mejorar el control de los residuos que se generan y manipulan en el HURH a través de la trazabilidad, conforme a la Directiva 2008/98/CE o la Directiva 2004/12/CE. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9 septiembre 2014 MAIN ACTIVITIES: Demostrador eje energía con medidas innovadoras como instalación de quemadores de alta eficiencia, mejora del rendimiento de las calderas, mejora de la gestión del alumbrado, racionalización de la ventilación en quirófanos o instalación de recuperadores de calor en quirófanos. Auditoría energética. Demostrador eje del agua con medidas de ahorro de consumo, reutilización y mejora del tratamiento de las aguas residuales. Demostrador eje de residuos que incluirá mejoras del diseño actual de clasificación, segregación y recogida de residuos, trazabilidad de los residuos y formación a medida del personal. Monitorización del impacto ambiental y socio-económico con indicadores específicos (huella de carbono y huella hídrica, entre otros). LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9 septiembre 2014 EXPECTED RESULTS: Eje energía Ahorro de un 5% del combustible utilizado para proporcionar la energía térmica del hospital en sus quemadores y calderas. Ahorro de un 10% del consumo eléctrico por mejora del alumbrado del hospital e instalación de un demostrador de bombillas LED en la zona de urgencias. Disminución del 30% del consumo de energía térmica y eléctrica que actualmente se debe a la ventilación y climatización de quirófanos. Eje agua Reducción del consumo neto de agua del hospital en un 35%. Reducción de la carga contaminante del vertido en un 20%. Eje residuos Reducción de la cantidad de residuos que no se segrega de forma adecuada en un 5%. Disminución de la cantidad de residuos que actualmente va a vertedero en un 1%. Indicadores específicos Reducción de la huella de carbono en un 10% respecto al escenario inicial. Reducción de la Huella Hídrica del Hospital en un 30%. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9 septiembre 2014 Sustainability of photocatalytic technologies on urban pavements: From laboratory tests to in field compliance criteria / LIFE-PHOTOSCALING LOCALIZACIÓN: Madrid PRESUPUESTO: Cantidad Total: 1,761,341 Euro % co-financiación comunitaria: 49 DURACION: inicio: 01/10/14 - Final: 30/06/19 BENEFICIARIOS: Beneficiario coordinador: IETcc-CSIC Beneficiario/s asociado/s: Ayuntamiento Madrid / ETSII-UPM LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVOS: El objetivo global de LIFE-PHOTOSCALING es la demostración de la validez de la tecnología fotocatalítica en pavimentos estableciendo los parámetros e instrumentos necesarios para el salto de escala de laboratorio a la aplicación real, mediante plataformas de pruebas a escala de planta piloto. Para ello, en base a los resultados en las plataformas, se desarrollará una herramienta de soporte a la toma de decisiones que permita la evaluación de las distintas soluciones en los distintos ambientes en relación con la eficiencia fotocatalítica, durabilidad intrínseca del material y posibles efectos perjudiciales. Ello facilitará y fomentará la implementación de esta tecnología como medio de mejorar la calidad del aire en nuestras ciudades. LEGISLACIÓN EUROPEA OBJETIVO DEL PROYECTO: •Roadmap on the communication from the European Commission “A resource-efficient Europe-Flagship initiative under the Europe 2020 Strategy” (2011). •Sixth Environmental Action Programme (6th EAP); more specifically to the priority areas of the action on environment and health and quality of life; and to the objective of “Achieving levels of air quality that do not give rise to significant negative impacts on and risks to human health and the Environment”. • • LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) ACCIONES PRINCIPALES: Como acción preparatoria, el Ayuntamiento de Madrid lanzará una convocatoria pública ofreciendo a los productores europeos de pavimentos fotocatalíticos, la posibilidad de suministrar sus productos para las plataformas de demostración. Se llevarán a cabo 8 acciones de implementación, desde la selección de componentes de las plataformas, construcción de las mismas a escala de planta piloto, desarrollo de prototipos y simulación de la vida urbana mediante ensayos de envejecimiento específicamente diseñados. Se llevará a cabo una evaluación de los productos basada en indicadores y los procesos fotocatalíticos se modelizarán acoplados a los fenómenos atmosféricos. Se desarrollará una herramienta de toma de decisiones incluyendo un ACV que se validará a escala real en una calle de Madrid. Adicionalmente, se llevarán a cabo acciones de monitorización, comunicación, diseminación y gestión. RESULTADOS ESPERADOS: Progresiva implementación de la tecnología con un impacto de reducción de NOx de un 5 y 15% en Madrid, después de 5 y 10 años de finalizado el proyecto respectivamente. Ello se espera conseguir en base a los siguientes resultados durante el proyecto: 1) Reducción de la concentración de contaminantes en las localizaciones específicas de las áreas piloto en alrededor de un 20% para situarse por debajo de los límites admitidos. 2-3) Metodología y prototipo validados para medir in situ la eficiencia fotocatalítica y la emisión de partículas. 4) Al menos 5 protocolos para medida y evaluación de la durabilidad intrínseca del material y de la durabilidad de la eficiencia fotocatalítica. 5) Al menos 3 protocolos para medida y evaluación de posibles efectos perjudiciales 6) Al menos 2 borradores para ser sometidos a consideración por el CEN TC 386 “Photocatalysis” y/o otros comités de estandarización nacionales. 7) Eficiencia para otros contaminantes derivados de la actividad urbana. 8 )Base de datos con las propiedades y clasificación para todos los materiales y sistemas utilizados en base a 3 grupos de indicadores: Eficiencia fotocatalítica, durabilidad y posibles efectos secundarios. 9) Metodología para cuantificar problemas potenciales derivados del uso de fotocatalizadores. 10) Modelos entre criterios de validación y condiciones medioambientales 11) Herramienta de toma de decisiones, validada a escala real. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) LIFE+ INTEGRAL CARBON: Desarrollo e implementación integrada de fotobiorreactores para la reducción de Gases de Efecto Invernadero (GEI) en agroindustria. DURACION: inicio: 01/07/2014 - Final: 31/12/2016 BENEFICIARIOS: Beneficiario coordinador: Universidad de Burgos Beneficiario/s asociado/s: Universidad de Valladolid KEPLER Ingeniería y Ecogestión Centro Tecnológico de Extremadura CTAEX D.O. Uclés (Cuenca) LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVOS: Objetivo general: Implementación y demostración en actividades agroindustriales de la captura de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI), su fijación en biomasa de algas autóctonas y su posterior aplicación agronómica como fuente de nutrientes vegetales y sumidero de carbono en los suelos. Objetivos Específicos: •Mejorar el balance de carbono de procesos agroindustriales: industrias de la leche y el vino. •Aprovechamiento del exceso de nutrientes residuales para la producción de algas. •Obtener un biomejorador de suelo, que incremente su fertilidad de los suelos y la productividad de los cultivos. •Evaluación medioambiental y económica de la incorporación de los sistemas de algas en la mejora del balance de emisiones de GEI agroindustriales. LEGISLACIÓN EUROPEA OBJETIVO DEL PROYECTO: •COMUNICACIÓN DE LA COMISIÓN AL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO, AL CONSEJO, AL COMITÉ ECONÓMICO Y SOCIAL EUROPEO Y AL COMITÉ DE LAS REGIONES Hoja de Ruta de la Energía para 2050 , en ella se señala a la agricultura como un sector clave para alcanzar la reducción de las emisiones de GEI entre un 80 % y un 90 % de aquí a 2050 respecto a los niveles de 1990. •POLITICA AGARIA COMÚN HORIZONTE 2020. Dentro de los objetivos está la nueva Política Agraria Común (PAC) está la generación de una agricultura más sostenible. •Directiva 91/676/CEE Relativa a la protección de las aguas contra la contaminación producida por nitratos procedentes de fuentes agrarias. Las fases líquidas de los residuos ganaderos y agroindustriales y pueden tener una afección negativa sobre la calidad de las aguas superficiales y subterráneas. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) ACCIONES PRINCIPALES: A.Acciones preparatorias: Evaluación de las emisiones de GEI y caracterización de efluentes de las industrias participantes. Uso como nutrientes en cultivos de algas. B.Desarrollo de los prototipos: • Producción de algas autóctonas, aislamiento y caracterización de algas edáficas de interés como biomejorador de suelos. • Desarrollo del prototipo industrial de pre-tratamiento de residuos que incluye digestor anaerobio en dos etapas y separación sólido-líquido. • Desarrollo del prototipo industrial de cultivo de algas con alimentación por la fracción líquida del digestato. • Adaptación de las industrias y puesta en funcionamiento del prototipo industrial en una industria quesera COOLOSAR, (Losar de la Vera, Cáceres) y en Bodegas Fontana (Tarancón, Cuenca). C.Monitorización del impacto del proyecto. D.Acciones de comunicación y diseminación de actividades. E.Gestión del proyecto y monitoreo del progreso del proyecto. RESULTADOS ESPERADOS: •Producción de algas como sumideros de carbono. El objetivo es potenciar las especies de algas que pueden actuar como sumideros de C en los suelos. En su cultivo se emplearán nutrientes presentes en efluentes y el CO2 producido en procesos agroindustriales. •Sistema móvil de tratamiento. Se pretende corregir la estacionalidad en la producción de GEI y efluentes, disponibilidad de espacio, costes de amortización entre dos sectores agroindustriales: industria láctea y viticultura. •Utilización de algas autóctonas. Aislamiento, identificación y propagación de algas presentes en los suelos asociados a la zona productiva lo que hará más viable su supervivencia en el suelo. Evaluación de su efecto como biomejorador de suelos. •Depuración de efluentes líquidos de producción agroindustrial. •Incremento del contenido de C en suelos con aplicación de biomejorador de algas. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) Gestión y calidad del agua Gestão e qualidade da água LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Project title and/or acronym: Advanced-control MBR for wastewater reclamation (BRAINYMEM) PROJECT LOCATION: Almuñécar, Granada BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 506,366 Euro % EC Co-funding: 50 % DURATION: Start : 01/07/2014 - End: 30/06/2017 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: ACCIONA AGUA S.A.U. Associated Beneficiary(ies): None LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 9th September 2014, Madrid Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management BACKGROUND and AIMS: Membrane bioreactors (MBR) for wastewater treatment produce a high-quality effluent but…with a high energy consumption The aim of the LIFE-BRAINYMEM is to reduce the environmental impact of membrane bioreactors by: -Reducing energy consumption of aeration (membrane and biological) by implementing a novel control system, which will also reduce GHG emission by reducing N2O formation -Reducing emerging micropollutant concentration by selecting optimal chemical additives MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: The European Climate Change Program (ECCP) reduction of energy consumption and GHG emission The WFD (Directive 2000/60/EC) effluent quality improvement LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 9th September 2014, Madrid Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management MAIN ACTIVITIES: B1 EXPERT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION B2 ANALYTICAL CAMPAIGN MICROPOLLUTANT REMOVAL B3 DEMONSTRATION OF EXPERT CONTROL SYSTEM EXPECTED RESULTS: « Environmental-friendly MBR »: •Less energy consumption: energy reduction of 25% for MBR aeration (biological and membrane) •Improved effluent quality: increase by 50-70% of micropollutant removal •Less GHG emission: reductions of 4.130 kgCO2/m3 treated water LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 9th September 2014, Madrid Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management Project title and/or acronym: « LIFE REGENERA LIMIA: Development of demostrative solutions to reduce the water contamination of agrarian origin in the Limia basin » PROJECT LOCATION: Comarca da Limia, Ourense, España BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 2.053.808 € % EC Co-funding: 50% DURATION: Start: 01/07/2014 - End: 30/06/2017 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: Confederación Hidrográfica del Miño- Sil Associated Beneficiaries: Cooperativas Orensanas, S.C.G; Diputación Provincial de Ourense; Dirección Xeral de Conservación da Natureza de la Xunta de Galicia; Ecolagunas S.L. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 09/09/2014, Madrid Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management BACKGROUND and AIMS: The activities connected with the agriculture and livestock sector have been identified as one of the main factors in the alteration of the body of water en Limia river basin. The Project LIFE REGENERA LIMIA is implementing a series of demonstrating techniques in order to reduce the presence of certain nutrients in the fresh water masses in the Limia Region, especially those proceeding from agriculture and livestock. The project aims to prove the feasibility and efficiency of an innovative approach to protect and regenerate the region’s river system, now highly influenced by the local farming activity. MAIN EU POLICIES TARGETED: Water Framework Directive Other water-related directives and policies such as Bathing Water Directive, Drinking Water directive, Plant Protection Products and Nitrates Directive. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Date, Place Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management MAIN ACTIVITIES: •Integrated Control System of Fertilizers in Farming Lands: A new tool for an optimal use of fertilizers, which will be tested in several farms. •Artificial wetlands of macrophytes: A demonstrating treatment of waste water proceeding from porcine slurries will be developed by constructing an intensive artificial wetland system of macrophytes. •Recovery and restoration of modified river channels and in old sand mining sites: To improve the capacity to assimilate and retain nutrients as well as their recovery and integration into the water cycle and the net of integrated ponds will increase the capacity of water filtering along the river basin. EXPECTED (MAIN)RESULTS: •30%- 50% reduction in the average use of fertilizers per plot participating in the Integrated Control System. •The treatment of 53 m3 slurries a day by means of an artificial wetland. • Estimated reduction of the average concentration of pollution parameters in the water flowing from the SCI Veiga Ponteliñares and from the sand pons. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9 septiembre 2014 Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management ECOdigestion PROJECT LOCATION: Valencia (Spain) BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1,027,536.00 € % EC Co-funding: 43% DURATION: Start: 01/09/14 - End: 31/07/17 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: AGUAS DE VALENCIA, S.A. (AVSA) Associated Beneficiary(ies): MEDIOAMBIENTE, AGUA, ENERGÍA Y RESIDUOS, S.A. (MARE) EMPRESA GENERAL VALENCIANA DEL AGUA, S.A. (EGEVASA) LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, September10, 2014 Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management BACKGROUND and AIMS: ALTERNATIVE Innovative waste dosage control technology applied in co-digestion of the agri-food wastes with WWTP sludge for improving the biogas production ECOdigestion MAIN EU POLICIES TARGETED: Spanish objective of power generation through biogas stemming from WWTP sludge in 2020 (Spanish Renewable Energies Plan 2011-2020). European objective of the share of energy stemming from renewable sources (Directive 2009/28/CE). Maximization of resources contained in the wastes and sludge of WWTP: Spanish National WWTP Sludge Plan, 2007-2015 Integrated Spanish National Waste Plan and the Directive 2008/98/CE. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, September10, 2014 Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management MAIN ACTIVITIES: A.PREPARATORY ACTIONS: 1. Pre-industrial assessment of co-substrates and validation of testing methods in a specific matrix. B.IMPLEMENTATION ATIONS 1. Design, construction, installation and start-up of the prototypes. 2. Design and execution of the automation and control systems of the prototypes. 3. Operation and validation of the technology. C.MONITORING OF THE IMPACT OF THE PROJECT ACTIONS D.COMMUNICATION AND DISSEMINATION ACTION E.PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING OF THE PROJECT PROGRESS EXPECTED RESULTS: 20 % increase in the biogas production. 8 % increase of methane in the biogas. 60 % increase of the capacity of waste co-digestion. 5 % reduction of consumption of ClFe3. Higher stabilization and lower content of metals (agricultural use of sludge). 30-35 % increase in the self-supply energy capacity in the plant. Optimization in the biogas production according to the energy demand of the plant. High applicability of the system in other WWTPs in a relatively easy way. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, September10, 2014 Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management Título del proyecto y/o acrónimo: « MEJORA AMBIENTAL DE LA ACTIVIDAD ACUÍCOLA A TRAVÉS DEL DESARROLLO DE TECNOLOGÍAS ECO-EFICIENTES, AQUASEF» LOCALIZACIÓN: PRESUPUESTO: Esteros de Canela, Ayamonte, España Cantidad Total: 1.913.524 € % co-financiación comunitaria: 49,97% DURACION: inicio: 02/06/14 - Final: 30/05/17 BENEFICIARIOS: Beneficiario coordinador: ARIEMA Energía y Medioambiente S.L. Beneficiario/s asociado/s: FUNDACIÓN CENTRO TECNOLÓGICO DE ACUICULTURA DE ANDALUCÍA, CTAQUA DROPS & BUBBLES TECNOLOGIA S.L. ESTEROS DE CANELA S.A. HELIOTRÓNICA Sistemas SL Maribel Rodriguez, Head of Department at Teresa deR&DI la Torre, R+D Project LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 ARIEMA Energía y Medioambiente S.L. Management Septiembre Madrid ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVOS: Clara description del problema objetivo : “ Reducción de la huella de carbono y la mejora de la calidad de las aguas de efluente mediante la implementación de tecnologías innovadoras que mejoren de forma global la sostenibilidad medioambiental del ciclo de cultivo de peces y moluscos de agua salada.” Alrededor de un 50% de los productos pesqueros que se consumen en el mundo proceden de la acuicultura, según datos de la FAO 2010. Tendencia al alza en la actividad acuícola. Muchas de las instalaciones acuícolas en tierra del ámbito europeo no tienen facilidad de conexión eléctrica a red con lo que la producción energética es efectuada habitualmente a través de combustibles fósiles y se dan numerosos casos de ineficiencia en el uso de los recursos por otro lado, la dependencia de oxígeno suele ser elevada y todo esto va unido a que cada vez adquiere más relevancia en las agendas europeas el correcto uso de la energía en el sector agroalimentario. LEGISLACIÓN EUROPEA OBJETIVO DEL PROYECTO: Principalmente la legislación objetivo de referencia para el proyecto AQUASEF es la (COM(2013) 229 final) y (COM(2009) 162) “Directrices estratégicas para el desarrollo sostenible de la acuicultura de la UE”. Aunque también cubre aspectos en el marco de la Política Común Pesquera de la UE, el Plan Andaluz de Sostenibilidad Energética (2007-2013), y la ley 2/2007 de marzo, “fomento de las energías renovables y del ahorro y eficiencia energética de Andalucía”. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 Septiembre 2014 Maribel Rodriguez, Head of R&DI Department at Name, Surname, Position ARIEMA Energía y Medioambiente S.L. Logo(s) ACCIONES PRINCIPALES: - Demostración sobre la posibilidad de optimización energética de la instalación mediante el correcto uso y aplicación de buenas prácticas en el manejo de la instalación y uso de energías renovables de manera aislada e interconectada con electrolisis. - Demostración de las ventajas medioambientales del uso de las tecnologías del hidrógeno para el sector de la acuicultura. Se testará un grupo de electrolisis de 5 KW para la autoproducción de oxígeno y se demostrará su suministro energético por renovables. Además se testarán los distintos usos del hidrógeno generado en un motor de combustión y en una pila de combustible, equipos que reducen en un 100% los GEIS emitidos. - Demostración de las mejores técnicas para la aireación y oxigenación en acuicultura, instalación de aireadores de alta eficiencia. - Demostración de las posibilidades de fijación de C02 emitido por medio del cultivo de microalgas. Además se demostrará como las microalgas aportan un valor añadido por la complementariedad en la dieta de los peces y moluscos cultivados y como sistema natural en la depuración de efluentes. Transferencia de los resultados y creación de un plan de comunicación. RESULTADOS ESPERADOS: 1. GEIs uso de energía renovable para cubrir al menos el 10% del suministro energético de la instalación. 2. GEIs por la implementación de sistemas de control y buenas prácticas en la operación de equipos. 20% ahorro energético. 3. Autoproducción in situ de oxigeno, por vía renovable Generación menor de emisiones. 4. GEIs aumento de la eficiencia de los equipos utilizados (oxigenación, calentamiento y depuración). 5. Consumo de combustibles fósiles mediante la sustitución del funcionamiento del grupo electrógeno el 25% tiempo. 6. Demostración de las tecnologías del hidrógeno y pilas de combustible aplicadas para el sector de la acuicultura. 7. Demostración de las mejores técnicas de aireación de tanques de cultivo. 8. dieta nutricional de los peces y moluscos cultivados por el aporte de microalgas que evitan la necesidad de suministro de aditivos, que genera también un residuo en el agua de los tanques. 9. calidad de los efluentes de los tanques de cultivo, mediante la depuración por microalgas. 10. Valorización y fijación del CO2 emitido en la combustión de gases por la canalización .(Suministro CO2 a microalgas). 11. Trasferencia de resultados a otras industrias del sector y plan de comunicación post-life. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 Septiembre 2014 Maribel Rodriguez, Head of R&DI Department at Name, Surname, Position ARIEMA Energía y Medioambiente S.L. Logo(s) Agua pozo enriquecida en CO2 caldera depuración Cultivo de moluscos Solar térmica Suministro C02 alimento Cultivo de microalgas aireadores calor L B V S O IA G R EN OXÍGENO ALTA PUREZA Electrónica de Control Tanque de cultivo de peces HIDRÓGENO ALTA PUREZA electrolizador Tanque a baja Presión 1M3 LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 Septiembre 2014 Motor de H2 Pila de Combustible Maribel Rodriguez, Head of R&DI Department at Name, Surname, Position ARIEMA Energía y Medioambiente S.L. Logo(s) Use of CO2 as a substitute of chlorine-based chemicals used in O&M industrial processes for macrofouling remediation. «CO2FORMARE» PROJECT LOCATION: Castellón BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 4.064.144 € % EC Co-funding: 1.953.422€ (50 % EC) DURATION: Start: 01/06/2014 - End: 30/11/2017 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: Iberdrola Generación S.A. Associated Beneficiary(ies): Cluster Energía Comunidad Valenciana, Nalco Española S.L., Iberdrola Ingeniería y Contrucción, Idesa Fabricación S.A., CET-Aqua and OX-CTA Compañia de Tratamiento de Aguas, S.L. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Elías Rodríguez, Teresa de laDirector Torre, R+D Project Management BACKGROUND and AIMS : Demonstrate that is possible to use CO2 from industrial facilities` flue gas close to the sea, as replacement of the chemical chlorinated products used in these facilities to solve their operational and maintenance problems for macrofouling remediation. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: Regulation REACH (Nº1907/2006): ensure a high level of protection of human health and the environment, including the promotion of alternative methods for assessment of hazards of substances, as well as the free circulation of substances on the internal market while enhancing competitiveness and innovation. Kyoto Protocol: international agreement which commits EU by setting internationally binding emission reduction targets. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Elías Rodríguez, Teresa de laDirector Torre, R+D Project Management MAIN ACTIVITIES: -To implant sampling technologies, identification and inventory of macrophyte species in larval condition. -To Validate a system of extraction and capture of the CO2 from the chimney of the power station. -To validate the CO2 storage system for its use as a natural inhibitor. -To develop a system to dissolve the CO2 in the sea water. -To develop an important communication plant that allows to inform the society and all the interested agents, of the aims and results reached during the project. EXPECTED RESULTS: To develop a process for the application of CO2 from combustion gases in the prevention and control of macrofouling in cooling circuits of power plants cooled by seawater. -The reduction of Sodium Hypochlorite as results of this technology in the power station would reach 1,500 tonnes per year. -The CO2 emission could be reduced considerably together with the footprint. If the previous data is confirmed it will achieve in 3 year a reduction of 150.000 tonnes from their emission to the atmosphere. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Elías Rodríguez, Teresa de laDirector Torre, R+D Project Management Project title and/or acronym: « LIFE-Aquemfree» PROJECT LOCATION: Region of Murcia (Spain) BUDGET INFO: Total elegible amount: 1,838,966 € % EC Co-funding: 49.56% DURATION: Start: 01/07/2014 - End: 30/06/2018 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: Consejería de Agricultura y Agua. Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia-IMIDA Associated Beneficiaries: Federación de Cooperativas Agrarias de la Región de Murcia (FECOAM), Novedades Agrícolas S.A. and Universidad de Murcia (Facultad de Químicas) LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9th of September 2014 Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management BACKGROUND and AIMS: In 2012, 91,983 tonnes of pesticides were applied in Spain (8,429 tonnes in Murcia). More than 60,000 m3 of agrowaste water was produced. Nowadays these residual products haven't got a possibility a available and sustainable management. It´s produced in small and medium farms, many times in places inaccessible. The project will demonstrate a technically, economically and ecologically feasible method by which pesticide residues contained in the waste water produced by farms can be neutralised. AQUEMFREE intends to be an easy-to-use system placed in the farm to avoid transport problems and allows an ecological treatment for the agro-waste water. The use of innovative equipment will allow pesticide remnants in containers and treatment tanks and rinse water to be dealt with. MAIN EU POLICIES TARGETED: The EU Directive on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides (2009/128/EC). It requires Member States to adopt measures to ensure that the activities of professional pesticide users and, where applicable, distributors do not endanger human health or the environment. Otherwise, both legal and private standards e.g. GlobalGAP must be fulfilled by farmers to commercialise their products in the European area. But no real solution is currently available for farmers in order to manage the pesticide remnants and residues, but only vague recommendations. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9th of September 2014 Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management MAIN ACTIVITIES: AQUEMFREE System is based in a solar photocatalysis degradation process by using solar energy (UV irradiation), sodium peroxodisulphate and a catalyst (TiO2 and ZnO). The catalyst is completely recovered at the end of the process for its re-use. As a result, water is not contaminated and can be used again for any purpose (e.g. irrigation) and there is neither an additional residue nor transfer of the problem. The main innovative outputs of the project will be: The development of a solar photacalysis method optimised for real farm conditions. The creation of one first prototype of AQUEMFREE equipment installed and running in one pilot farm. The setting of 5 pilot pieces of equipment installed and running in four selected farms. EXPECTED RESULTS: The main result of the project will be the development of an on-site waste-water decontamination plant able to completely degrade pesticides without generating any other residue. The main expected long-term achievement of the project is the implementation of the Aquemfree system in medium-size and large farms, which would provide a solution for 80-90% of this environmental problem, at least in Mediterranean farms thanks to their solar irradiation conditions. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9th of September 2014 Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management Demonstration of Anaerobic Mebrane Bioreactor technology for valorization of agrofood industry wastewater « WOGAnMBR» PROJECT LOCATION: Spain BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1,232,647 % EC Co-funding: 50% (616,323) DURATION: Start: 01/07/14 - End: 30/06/17 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: Universidad de Burgos Associated Beneficiaries): CETaqua, EUROFRITS, FIAB, PepsiCo. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, september 10th 2014 Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management BACKGROUND and AIMS: Problem targeted : Food industry wastewaters with high content in oils and fats are difficult to treat and usually require pre-treatment processes of degreasing, generating large amounts of mud and wasting their energy potential. Aims: •Development of anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBR) as emerging technology for sustainable wastewater treatment in the food industry with high content in oils and fats •Construction of a demonstration pilot which allows implementation in the food sector, under economically and technically viable conditions. MAIN EU POLICIES TARGETED: •European policies (WFD 2000/60 / EC) in relation to the wastewater treatment •Council Directive 91/271 / EEC [2] on Urban Waste Water Treatment •EUROPEAN INNOVATION PARTNERSHIP (EIP) on Water "Water and Wastewater Treatment" LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, september 10th 2014 Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management MAIN ACTIVITIES: A. Preparatory actions Previous study design, adaptation of facilities and staff training B. Implementation actions Configuration selection of membranes, operating modes and parameters, design and construction of a pilot plant, installation, operation and optimization of the prototype in EUROFRITS and in PEPSICO, technical evaluation of economic and environmental aspects C. Monitoring of the impact of the project actions D. Communication and Dissemination actions E. Project management and monitoring of the project progress Project management and coordination , networking, audit, communication plan Post-LIFE + EXPECTED RESULTS: • Achievement of performance of the AnMBR technology for the treatment of wastewater with high content in oil and grease, in order to evaluate its technical , economic and environmental feasibility. • Construction of a pilot plant with a treatment capacity transported and operated in two agro-food processing factories for the pre-industrial scale demonstration of the process • Reduction of the 100% in chemical reagent addition for the wastewater pre-treatment • A reduction of 90% in the sludge production commonly originated in the pretreatment • Valorisation of 100% oil and grease from wastewater with a biogas production • Reduction in greenhouse gases emission according to the neutral character of the biogas • Raising awareness to enterprises and general public that AnMBR present significant environmental and economic benefits. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, september 10th 2014 Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management NUTRIENTS AND REGENERATED WATER RECYCLING IN WWTPs THROUGH TWIN-LAYER MICROALGAE CULTURE FOR BIOFERTILIZERS PRODUCTION.- TL-BIOFER Project acronym: TL-BIOFER (add logo) Project location: El Viso WWTP (Córdoba) Coordinating beneficiary: BIOMASA PENINSULAR S.A. R&D&i manager Inmaculada GONZÁLEZ LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management NUTRIENTS AND REGENERATED WATER RECYCLING IN WWTPs THROUGH TWIN-LAYER MICROALGAE CULTURE FOR BIOFERTILIZERS PRODUCTION.- TL-BIOFER PROJECT LOCATION: El Viso (Córdoba) BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1,097,092 € % EC Co-funding: 50% DURATION: Start: 01/07/14 - End: 30/06/17 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: BIOMASA PENINSULAR S.A. Associated Beneficiaries: BIO-LOGICAL SOLUTIONS S.L. EMPROACSA UNIVERSITY OF COLOGNE LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management BACKGROUND and AIMS: Clear statement of the problem(s) targeted (this should be a short statement which environmental problem and/or species/habitats are targeted by the project, what is the main threat(s) that the project responded to? The main objective is to demonstrate the feasibility of an advanced nutrient removal technology by using microalgae immobilized culture in a TwinLayer system, to address the environmental problem of pollution from small and medium size urban agglomerations. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: The main EU area policy targeted is the Water. Water Framework Directive demands the achievement of good ecological across the EU by 2015, with specific targets for discharged wastewater fixed by Directive 91/271/EEC on urban wastewater treatment. LIFE+ TL-BIOFER represents an advanced tertiary treatment to meet the Directive especially in small populations and in areas with demanding quality objectives. Other related pieces of legislation areRegulation (EC) 834/2007 of fertilizers and soil conditioners suitable for EU organic farming and Regulation EC 2003/2003 on fertilisers. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management MAIN ACTIVITIES: (Please emphasise the innovative aspects of the actions) •Design and operation for 2 years of TL prototype in the “El Viso WWTP” for demonstration of the feasibility of TL prototype for nutrient removal (N and P) and competitiveness as tertiary treatment for urban wastewater. •Development of bio-fertilisers from the microalgae biomass collected operating the TL-prototype EXPECTED RESULTS: • Demonstration of the TWIN LAYER (TL) prototype for treatment of 12 m3/day wastewater from the secondary treatment along the two years of planned operation to produce a quality final effluent in compliance with discharge limits in sensitive zones according to the Directive 91/271/EEC, the general guidelines of the World Health Organization on water reuse and the Spanish Decree R.D. 1620/2007 on water reuse. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management EXPECTED RESULTS: •Uptake of 90-100% of nutrients (N and P) from wastewater and sustained performance of discharge limits of N = 15 mg/l and P = 2 mg/l to near reservoir (sensitive zone). •Development a concept for transformation of TL microalgae harvested into a bio-fertiliser marketable product. •Formulation and production of bio-fertilisers from microalgae in two seasons, compatible with high agronomical standards of sustainable farming and present and future EU regulations (Biowaste, End of Waste, New Harmonized Fertilizers Regulation in preparation and Organic Farming regulations (Regulation EC 834/2007 of fertilizers and soil conditioners suitable for EU organic farming and Regulation EC 2003/2003 on fertilisers and its future revision). LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management EXPECTED RESULTS: • Agronomical evaluation of the microalgae derived bio-fertilisers by the performance of two seasons laboratory and greenhouse tests, and two seasons agronomical micro-plots field trials (in 2 different crops in Northern Italy and 4 different crops in Spain) by comparison with organic, integrated and conventional (chemicals and pesticides inputs) agricultural systems. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management Project acronym: «MEMORY» PROJECT LOCATION: Site selection ongoing BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 2.102.327,00 € % EC Co-funding: 50% DURATION: Start: 01/07/14 - End: 30/06/18 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: FCC Aqualia S.A. Associated Beneficiary(ies): Koch Membrane Systems Universitat Politècnica de València Universitat de Valencia LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, September 10, Madrid Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management Decreasing the environmental impact of waste management: An innovative leachate treatment using recovered membranes (RELEACH) LOCALIZACIÓN: Catalunya (España) PRESUPUESTO: Cantidad Total: 2,145,730 € % co-financiación comunitaria: 50% DURACIÓN: 01/06/14 - 30/11/17 BENEFICIARIOS: Beneficiario coordinador: Beneficiario/s asociado/s: LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Name, Surname,Project Position Xavier Martínez, Manager Logo(s) ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVOS: El principal objetivo del proyecto LIFE RELEACH es demostrar y diseminar la viabilidad técnica y económica de reducir el impacto ambiental de la gestión de residuos mediante el uso de nuevas estrategias de tratamiento de lixiviados de vertedero. La nueva estrategia propuesta está basada en el uso de distintas tecnologías existentes, sobretodo tecnologías de membranas, con el objetivo final de reducir el máximo posible el corriente de concentrado producido. LEGISLACIÓN EUROPEA OBJETIVO DEL PROYECTO: Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) Landfill Waste Directive (1999/31/EC) Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) Groundwater Directive (2006/118/EC) LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Name, Surname,Project Position Xavier Martínez, Manager Logo(s) ACCIONES PRINCIPALES: A.1 Análisis de políticas y legislación actuales. A.2 Caracterización de lixiviados de distintos vertederos. B.1 Optimización del proceso y selección de los parámetros de operación. B.2 Diseño y construcción del nuevo proceso de tratamiento de lixiviados de vertedero. B.3 Implementación y operación del nuevo proceso de tratamiento de lixiviados en el vertedero de Manresa. B.4 Implementación y operación del nuevo proceso de tratamiento de lixiviados en el vertedero de Orís. C Monitorización del impacto del proyecto (ambiental, económico y socio-económico). D Acciones de comunicación y diseminación. E Acciones de coordinación y seguimiento del proyecto. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Name, Surname,Project Position Xavier Martínez, Manager Logo(s) ASPECTOS INNOVADORES: Esquema de tratamiento del lixiviado totalmente innovador basado en tecnologías existentes (UF, NF, RO y EDR). Uso de membranas de osmosis inversa regeneradas. Reducción del volumen de concentrado producido en el tratamiento de los lixiviados de vertedero. Reducción en el consumo energético del tratamiento de lixiviados de hasta dos veces respecto los procesos actuales. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Name, Surname,Project Position Xavier Martínez, Manager Logo(s) RESULTADOS ESPERADOS: El principal resultado que se espera después de haber ejecutado el proyecto RELEACH es aumentar la sostenibilidad de la gestión de residuos mediante el desarrollo de un nuevo proceso de tratamiento de lixiviados de vertedero basado en tecnologías de membranas. Resultados específicos: - Obtención de un proceso de tratamiento de lixiviados de vertedero altamente versátil basada en la combinación de distintas tecnologías existentes. - Disminución del concentrado obtenido en el tratamiento de lixiviados de vertedero. - Rendimiento y costes operacionales de la nueva tecnología para tratar los lixiviados de los vertederos de Manresa y Orís. - Disminución del impacto ambiental del tratamiento de lixiviados de vertedero comparado con las tecnologías utilizadas actualmente. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Name, Surname,Project Position Xavier Martínez, Manager Logo(s) Keywords (for BACKGROUND and MEMORYSING!) AIMS: Wastewater treatment technologies based on aerobic processes Membrane Filtration are characterized by a very high energy demand and the generation of undesirable outputs, mainly greenhouse gases and sludge, thus showing poor environmental performance. Anaerobic Treatment Resource Recovery Anaerobic digestion transforms the organic matter into a biogas flow that generates energy with low sludge production and, combined with membrane filtration, can treat and disinfect low-loaded wastewaters succesfully. Biogas XXI century: "FROM WASTEWATER TO REUSABLE WATER" Energy A new paradigm for wastewater treatment based on sustainability has been conceived. Wastewater now turns into a source of energy and nutrients, as well as a recyclable resource. In this context, LIFE MEMORY project targets for the sustainable Sustainability production of reusable water Reuse demonstrating the success of an innovative technology, the Submerged Anaerobic Membrane Wastewater Bioreactor (SanMBR), with three main aims: MAIN EU POLICIES TARGETED: •Decrease wastewater treatment plants energy consumption by 70% •Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Reduce Decision by 80% concernig the net greenhouse gases emission per unitCommunity, of COD removed influent ••Council approval, on behalf of European of thefrom Kyotothe Protocol •wastewater Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 october 2013 ••Treaty Lisbon effluent quality that meets reuse criteria, minimizing residuals by 50% Achieveofsuperior •Copenhagen Accord LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, September 10, Madrid Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management MAIN ACTIVITIES: -Evaluation of the effluent quality obtained as a function of different operating conditions and parameters, in order to find the optimal performance of the prototype -Maximization of the net energy production through methane recovery from both liquid and gas phase, improving the overall energy balance of the process -Determination of critical design parameters, establishing simultaneously guidelines for an accurate control and monitoring of the process -Demonstration of the economic feasibility of the tested prototype and quantification of environmental benefits EXPECTED RESULTS RESULTS: (Some numbers…) Example: WWTPdemonstration treating 50.000 m3optimization /d of typical of urban wastewaterSAnMBR that allows maximizing the recovery of energy and -The successful and the innovative resources from urban or industrial effluents, showing its economic feasibility and improved environmental performance -Net energy consumption of 0,11 kWh/m3 (sulfate rich sewage) or production of 0,10 kWh/m3 (low sulfate) 3 (Typical consumption in CAS rangesbenefits: from 0,25reduction up to 0,6 kWh/m ) footprint thanks to lower energy use and GHG emissions, high -Quantification of environmental of carbon potential for reuse and reduced sludge production -Avoidance of CO2 emissions: up to 2,4 Kg CO2/ kg COD removed -Elaboration of a protocol for the design and operation of treatment facilities based on this new technology -Reduction by 50% of sludge production and 25% of space requirements LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, September 10, Madrid Teresa de la Torre, R+D Project Management Mejora de la gestión agraria y forestal Melhoria da gestão agrícola e florestal LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Integrative management for an improved adaptation of cork oak forests to climate change «Life+ SUBER» PROJECT LOCATION: Catalunya (Spain) BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1.097.039 € % EC Co-funding: 50% DURATION: Start: 01/07/14 - End: 30/06/18 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 September 2014, Madrid Joan Rovira, secretario general BACKGROUND and AIMS: The project will allow the implementation and transfer of innovative sylvicultural techniques for cork oak forest management which will enhance their adaptation to climate change and will increase the resilience of forest ecosystems dominated by Quercus suber. Among the main expected threats affecting cork oak forests, and whose effects are already manifesting today, are included: lowers vitality and productivity due to increased water stress, increased pests, especially Coraebus undatus and increased frequency of large forest fires. In addition, these impacts are added to a policy framework in many ways inappropriate to this new context. The techniques proposed address the main threats posed by climate change in an integrated way: Diminish the sensibility of the trees and stands to water stress and will enhance or maintain their productivity. 1) 2) Reduce the availability of fuel and subsequently the frequency and intensity of large wildfires. Reduce the sensitivity of trees and stands to pests, and especially to Coraebus undatus which causes significant economic losses. 3) MAIN EU POLICIES TARGETED: 4) Adaptation to climate change in forest systems is a central aspect in the policy of de European Union. Positive effect in both strategic goals: adaptation + CO2 reduction (COM(2010)265 states that forestry offers in that field). 5) Forest and biodiversity protection: COM(2013) 659 final on a New UE Forest Strategy 6) Fostering competitiveness and sustainability of the forest sector value chain (EFE) LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 September 2014 Madrid Joan Rovira, secretario general MAIN ACTIVITIES: 3 preparatory actions: the authorizations for implementing demonstration activities will be formalized with the owners of the selected demonstrative forests and a diagnosis of each stand will be carried out in order to design the actions to be implemented. 5 implementation actions: demonstration stands will be established and the new integrated management techniques will be applied, with 4 different objectives: Improvement of the vitality of cork oaks and of cork production: 16 stands, 64 ha Prevention of large fires at landscape scale: 8 stands, 32 ha Restoration of degraded cork oak forests: 4 stands, 12 ha Biorational control of Coraebus undatus at real scale: 15 stands, 120 ha 4 monitoring actions 10 communications and dissemination actions 6 management and monitoring actions - EXPECTED RESULTS: R1) Implementation of a total of 43 pilot demonstration stands for the demonstration and transfer of innovative sylvicultural techniques. R2) Introduction and promotion of the use of these models and techniques by forest owners and managers on a large scale. R3) Elaboration of 5 management and decison-making tools for the adaptation to climate change. R4) Provision to the Forestry Administration and private users of decision-making tools for improving the adaptation to climate change in forests policy, specifically in cork oak forests. R5) Adaptation of regional policies and plans relevant to the management of cork oak forests. R6) Increase in the level of knowledge and awareness of the general public and European actors. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 September 2014 Madrid Joan Rovira, secretario general « Sistemas rentables de energía renovable de pequeña escala en la industria agroalimentaria y las áreas rurales: una demostración en el sector vitivinícola » REWIND Renewable Energy in the Wine INDustry LOCALIZACIÓN: España (todas las regiones) PRESUPUESTO: Cantidad Total: 1.562.994 € % cofinanciación comunitaria: 43,27 % DURACION: inicio: 01/07/14 - Final: 31/07/17 BENEFICIARIOS: Beneficiario coordinador: Universidad de Zaragoza Beneficiarios asociados: LIFTEC – CSIC Viñas del Vero S.A. Intergia energía sostenible S.L. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVOS: •La energía eléctrica utilizada en áreas rurales procede de extensiones de la red eléctrica o de generadores diésel. •La maquinaria agrícola utiliza gasóleo. •La combustión de gasóleo es fuente de CO2 y otros contaminantes en el medio rural. •Las extensiones de la red eléctrica en áreas rurales producen servidumbres e impactos paisajísticos y ambientales indeseables, totalmente inaceptables en los parajes naturales. El objetivo final del proyecto es demostrar que, en el sector agropecuario y la industria rural, el uso de energías renovables producidas in situ es viable técnica, medioambiental y económicamente, tomando como demostrador el sector vitivinícola. Adicionalmente, promover su uso como opción habitual. LEGISLACIÓN EUROPEA OBJETIVO DEL PROYECTO: Technologies for Sustainable Development: an Environmental Technologies Action Plan for the European Union. Emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en sectores difusos. Generación de energía en sistemas aislados. Autoconsumo eléctrico. Emisiones contaminantes en medio rural y natural. Emisiones de la maquinaria agrícola. Desarrollo en el medio rural. Uso eficiente de los recursos. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) ACCIONES PRINCIPALES: •A1. Recogida de información sobre usos energéticos del sector vitivinícola. •B1. Desarrollo de dos herramientas de software: Una para uso general y empresarial, de diagnóstico de viabilidad de la generación renovable; Otra para uso profesional en ingeniería energética, de dimensionado técnico. •B2. Adaptación de un vehículo de trabajo agrícola para consumo de hidrógeno, incorporando pila de combustible. •B3. Proyecto, montaje y pruebas de sistemas demostrativos. En campo, un sistema de energía renovable híbrido para bombeo de riego por goteo y producción de hidrógeno. En bodega, un sistema de energía renovable híbrido con autoconsumo gestionable. •B4. Los prototipos se operarán durante un año completo en condiciones normales de trabajo. •D1. y D2. Difusión en España y Europa Mediterránea. RESULTADOS ESPERADOS: •Un manual para la aplicación y fomento de energía renovable en el sector agropecuario (especialmente vitivinícola). Cuantificación de posible reducción de emisiones de CO2. •Dos herramientas de software para facilitar la replicación de las soluciones propuestas. •Una instalación demostrativa en bodega. Reducción de costes y de emisiones de CO2. •Una instalación demostrativa en campo, con producción de electricidad para riego e hidrógeno para un vehículo agrícola con pila de combustible. Reducción de emisiones de CO2. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) LIFE PISA (LIFE13 ENV/ES/000507) PROJECT LOCATION: BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1.118.232 € % EC Co-funding: 49,55% DURATION: Start: 01/07/14 - End: 30/06/17 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: AIMPLAS Associated Beneficiaries: Benaki Phytopathological Institute, U of Thessaly, Forestry Commission Scotland, Regione Molise, Sansan Prodesing S.L., U of Molise LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9 septiembre 2014 Joan Rovira, secretario general BACKGROUND and AIMS: The Pine Processionary and Pine tree lappet are abundant species found in pine woods and an important economic pest and health human and pet problem (allergic, skin illness, etc). Current methods to control this infestation have some limitations and they are expensive. The main objective of LIFE PISA project is to demonstrate the viability of the combination of several systems currently used to control processionary and tree lappet pest to be applied in different urban or recreational areas in 4 countries (Spain, Italy, UK and Greece). Moreover, it aims to improve current traps systems to increase significantly their effectiveness, reduce cost and to be adapted to each selected demonstrative urban pine areas. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: DIRECTIVE 2009/128/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 21 October 2009establishing a framework for Community action to achieve the sustainable use of pesticides- - Kyoto Protocol. The project will promote to the reduction of CO2, because the alternative proposed in the project: free of pesticides, minimize consume of medical and pharmaceutical resources and reduce the defoliation of pine trees. - LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9 septiembre 2014 Joan Rovira, secretario general MAIN ACTIVITIES: Update the review of environmental and health problems, legislation in EU regarding the control of pest in pines places out of forestall field. Definition of different place studies in partners regions (Spain, Italy, Scotland and Greece). Design and manufacture of trap system prototypes and Mating disturbing. Study of effectiveness of selected control technologies in the selected pine locations. Different aspects for objective monitoring. Results dissemination. Project Management & monitoring of action progress. EXPECTED RESULTS: Updated analysis of the current control system of pine processionary in Spain, Greece and Italy and Pine Tree Lappet in Scotland. Pilot plant experience to evaluate and demonstrate the viability of the traps. Study the impact over the population (during two years) of pine processionary and pine tree lappet in different selected areas. To evaluate and demonstrate economic and environmental feasibility advantages of the system proposed. Reduced environmental impact and to fulfil the Directive 2009/128/CE establishing a framework for Community action to achieve the sustainable use of pesticides. Reduction of the number of Lepidoptera population (30% at the end of the project) in studied areas. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9 septiembre 2014 Joan Rovira, secretario general Título del proyecto y/o acrónimo: «Implementation of efficient irrigation management for a sustainable agriculture (IRRIMAN)» LOCALIZACIÓN: e.g. Cuencas Hidrográficas del Guadalquivir (Sur) y Segura (Sudeste) PRESUPUESTO: Cantidad Total: 1,713,654.00 € % co-financiación comunitaria: 49% (840,193.00 €) DURACIÓN: Inicio: 01/09/14 - Final: 31/12/17 BENEFICIARIOS: Beneficiario coordinador: Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena Beneficiario/s asociado/s: Universidad de Córdoba, Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Comunidad de Regantes Genil Cabra, Consejería de Agricultura y Agua de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia y Federación Nacional y Europea de Comunidades de Regantes de España LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Alejandro Pérez-Pastor, PTU Logo(s) ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVOS: Clara description del problema objetivo (debería ser una frase breve sobré cuál es la problemática mediomabiental/especies/hábitats objetivo del proyecto y cuáles son las mayores amenazas hacia las que se dirige el mismo) Validar el uso del riego deficitario y fuentes alternativas de agua (agua depurada) en cultivos leñosos, como estrategias para ser aplicadas 'a gran escala‘ en 3 comunidades de regantes localizadas en las Cuencas Hidrográficas del Guadalquivir y Segura, caracterizadas por una escasez de agua estructural, y cuya elevada producción agrícola es destinada al resto de la UE, minimizando su dependencia externa de alimentos. El cambio climático podría afectar negativamente a la producción agrícola de esta zonas (incremento de la temperatura y de la evaporación, reducción de las lluvias y de la recarga de los acuíferos). Por ello, se pretende mitigar estos efectos, asegurando la viabilidad económica (reducción de inputs e incremento de la competitividad) y medioambiental (mayor poder fijador del carbono y menor contaminación de acuíferos) de estos agroecosistemas. LEGISLACIÓN EUROPEA OBJETIVO DEL PROYECTO: ACCIONES PRINCIPALES: (Destaque los componentes innovadores de las acciones) - Monitorización del estado hídrico del suelo y planta en las fincas-demostración de las 3 comunidades de regantes - Programación del riego según la información suministrada por los sensores y su posterior transferencia al resto de las comunidades de regantes. Aplicación, validación y difusión de un algoritmo para la toma de decisión sobre el riego, desarrollado a partir de la información obtenida por los grupos de investigación participantes en el proyecto - Monitorización del impacto ambiental (consumo de agua y energía, lixiviación de nitratos, capacidad de fijación del carbono por el suelo), económico y social de la estrategia de riego seguida - Efectos del riego sostenible sobre las características agronómicas y fisiológicas del cultivo - Actividades de comunicación y divulgación de los resultados. Implicación de las diferentes partes interesadas en la difusión y aceptación social de estas estrategias de riego RESULTADOS ESPERADOS: - Reducción aproximada del 30% del agua de riego - Reducción en un 30% de la lixiviación de nitratos, reduciéndose la contaminación de acuíferos. Reducción de tratamientos fitosanitarios - Mejora de la calidad de la cosecha durante su comercialización - Reducción del consumo de energía de las explotaciones, debido a la presurización de los sistemas de riego - Reducción de un 30-40% de las emisiones de CO2, como resultado de la disminución del consumo energético y de la emisión de CO2 por el suelo agrícola LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Alejandro Pérez-Pastor, PTU Logo(s) Buenas prácticas agrícolas frente al cambio climático: integración de estrategias de mitigación y adaptación Life+ ClimAgri (LIFE13 ENV/E/000541) LOCALIZACIÓN DEL PROYECTO: España, Portugal, Francia, Italia PRESUPUESTO: Total: 2.246.119 € % Cofinanciación UE: 49,96% DURACIÓN: Inicio: 01/06/2014 – Fin: 31/12/2018 MIEMBROS DEL CONSORCIO: Beneficiario coordinador: Beneficiarios asociados: Joan Rovira, secretario general CONTEXTO Y OBJETIVOS: El sector agrario se considera uno de los sectores que puede verse más afectado por el cambio climático (CC). Los cambios previstos podrían afectar a los rendimientos agrícolas, así como a la elección de los cultivos. Si no se produce una adaptación a tiempo y se toman medidas para mitigar los efectos del CC, las consecuencias económicas, sociales y ambientales podrían ser considerables, teniendo en cuenta el importante papel que desempeña este sector productivo, tanto como proveedor de alimentos como de bienes y servicios ambientales. El proyecto Life+ ClimAgri aborda dicha problemática, estableciendo como objetivo, el desarrollo de estrategias de manejo agronómico de cultivos extensivos, que contribuyan conjuntamente a la mitigación del cambio climático y la adaptación de los cultivos, tanto a las condiciones climáticas presentes como futuras, y que sirvan para el impulso y desarrollo de las políticas y legislaciones medioambientales de la UE y sus Estados Miembros respecto al CC. El ámbito de aplicación del proyecto se circunscribe a la Cuenca Mediterránea, al ser ésta una de las zonas más vulnerables a los efectos del CC en Europa y a los cultivos de regadío, muy demandantes en el consumo energético, esperándose por ello, un gran impacto por unidad de superficie de las acciones orientadas a la mitigación y adaptación. PRINCIPALES POLÍTICAS EUROPEAS ABORDADAS: •PAC 2014-2020. •Estrategia Europa 2020. •Directiva de Nitratos (91/676/CEE del Consejo). •Directiva Marco del Agua (DMA, 2000/60/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo). •Estrategia Temática de la Protección de Suelos (COM (2006) 231, COM (2006) 232). Joan Rovira, secretario general PRINCIPALES ACCIONES: •Implantación, en explotaciones con cultivos de regadío, de un sistema de manejo mitigador y adaptativo al cambio climático, a dos escalas: • Escala Piloto: Con dos escenarios demostrativos, uno para verificar la aptitud mitigadora y adaptativa del sistema de manejo en condiciones climáticas actuales (finca demostrativa) y otra para verificar dicha aptitud en las condiciones climáticas previstas en el futuro (ensayos demostrativos). • Escala Trasnacional: A través del establecimiento de una Red Europea de Fincas Demostrativas (REFD). •Realización de un SIG conteniendo la información de la REFD y con herramientas de ayuda a la toma de decisiones vía web. •Seguimiento del Impacto Socioeconómico en el área de actuación del proyecto. •Actividades de difusión y transferencia (jornadas de campo, seminarios, curso on-line, canal YouTube, perfil en redes sociales, workshop europeo). RESULTADOS ESPERADOS: •Modelo de gestión agronómica basado en la integración de medidas de mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático en cultivos extensivos (caso de éxito y estudio), exportable a explotaciones agrarias de regadío en la Cuenca Mediterránea. •Red Europea de Fincas Demostrativas con al menos 12 explotaciones agrícolas adheridas y manejadas bajo estrategias conjuntas de mitigación-adaptación al cambio climático. •SIG con herramientas para la ayuda a la toma de decisiones vía web. •Manual de procedimiento con recomendaciones técnicas para la adopción de buenas prácticas agrarias orientadas a la mitigación del cambio climático y la adaptación del cultivo frente a los escenarios climáticos esperados. •Conjunto de Indicadores para el seguimiento técnico-administrativo de estrategias de manejo mitigadoras y de adaptación al cambio climático en cultivos extensivos de regadío. •Identificación de medidas a adoptar en el sector agrario europeo que refuercen las políticas de adaptación y mitigación del cambio climático. •Mejora de la formación de colectivos pertenecientes al sector agrario. •Material documental sobre estrategias agrícolas basadas en la integración de medidas de mitigación y de adaptación al Cambio Climático aplicables a cultivos extensivos de regadío de la Cuenca Mediterránea. Joan Rovira, secretario general Sustainable management of shrubs formations for energy purposes «ENERBIOSCRUB» LIFE13 ENV/ES/000660 PROJECT LOCATION: SPAIN (Castilla y León, Galicia) BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1,889,758 € % EC Co-funding: 939,279 € DURATION: Start: 01-JUN-2014 - End: 31-DEC -2017 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: CIEMAT Associated Beneficiary(ies): MONTES DE LAS NAVAS, AYTO DE FABERO, TRAGSA, AVEBIOM, BIOMASA FORESTAL S.L. INIA, GESTAMP BIOMASS S.L., AGRESTA S. Coop. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid (Spain) Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) BACKGROUND and AIMS: •Forest fires are estimated to account for around 20% of global GHG emissions, emitting some 8 200 Tg of CO2 and consuming around 5 130 Tg of biomass every year. •In Spain, forest fires represent a big environmental and economic problem: more than 100.000 ha burns every year. •Around two thirds of the area affected by fires is scrubland (containing few trees). •Scrublands have a high potential as a source of bioenergy fuel. On an annual basis, some 3.75 million tonnes of biomass could be harvested sustainably in Spain The project aims to reduce forest fire risks by removing flammable scrub biomass in a sustainable manner and converting it to solid biofuel. New methods would be demonstrated for harvesting and processing the biomass. Findings from four pilot sites (in Castilla-Leon and Galicia)will be disseminated. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: •Climate change - Energy - Energy supply •Climate change - Energy - Reduction of greenhouse gases emissions •Habitats - Forests •Land-use and Planning - Forest management •Risk management - Natural risks (Flood - Forest fire - Landslide) LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid (Spain) Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) MAIN ACTIVITIES: Demonstrative activities including: Innovative methods of management and harvesting shrubs Production and testing of standardised solid biofuels (pellets and chips) Four demonstration sites with different biomass applications and capacities for stable biofuel supply and use: •A pellet factory in As Pontes (A Coruña-Galicia) with 70,000 t/year capacity. •A bioelectricity plant in Garray (Soria, Castilla y León) of 15 MWe nominal capacity. •Two district heating networks in Fabero (León-Castilla y León) and in Las Navas del Marqués (Ávila, Castilla y León) EXPECTED RESULTS: •Sustainable harvesting of 2000 tonnes of locally sourced biomass; demonstration of technical and economic feasibility of the supply chain of shrub biomass based on mechanised harvesting methods in four different locations. •Establishment of management guidelines and policy documents for discussion by the main stakeholders; and the creation of a network of projects that have similar goals but focus on different geographical areas. •To make important contributions to the EU’s 7th Environment Action Programme, the EU 2020 strategy and the Kyoto and Rio agreements. Saving of more than 3400 tonnes of CO2 (compared to fossil fuel equivalents) and contribution to stable renewable energy generation. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid (Spain) Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) Demostration of sustainable alternatives to chemical products for European crop protection. LIFE AGROINTEGRA PROJECT LOCATION: Navarra BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1,561,766 € % EC Co-funding: 774,642 € DURATION: Start: 01/Jul/14 - End: 30/Jun/17 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: Associated Beneficiary(ies): LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 septiembre 2014, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) BACKGROUND and AIMS: • Current crop protection model based on chemical for pest control carries an environmental risk •Transition from the chemical crops management towards more sustainable alternatives • Demonstrate the environmental benefits of implementing alternative methods of crop protection, such as biological and integrated pest management (IPM) • Demonstrate the biological efficacy of phytosanitary products of low risk MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: Directive 2009/128/EC Sustainable use of pesticides Directive 2000/60/EC Water Framework Directive LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) MAIN ACTIVITIES: • Transforming farms by new technologies to the new IPM model • Tools for IPM: Collaborative Alerts and Warning station Risk cartography • Implementation of an advice system based on a Decision Support Tool. • Promotion of IPM model in Navarra EXPECTED RESULTS: • Reduce use of chemical plant protection products by 30%, mainly on the higher level of risk • Crop production, advice and training protocols • After LIFE IPM Platform in Navarra with stakeholders LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) « FITOVID- Implementation of Demonstrative & Innovative Strategies to reduce the use of phytosanitary products in viticulture » PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: NEIKER Associated Beneficiaries: AZTI, UPC, UPV/EHU, TECNALIA LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9 septiembre 2014 Ana Díez, Researcher Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) BACKGROUND and AIMS: Grapevine downy and powdery mildews are worldwide spread diseases, causing important economic and environmental damages, because of repeated application along the growing season. Fungicides used to control both of disease are essential to maintain a good prophylaxis in vineyard. But fungicides get to generate resistance in pathogens, supposing a higher dose for future treatments and more aggressive fungicides; and so more exposition of growers to these compounds, decreasing their quality of life because of the latent risks; it supposes an increasing presence of toxic molecules in grape, must and wine, making possible the presence of them in humans by consumption of these products; and this affect negatively the surrounding environment, by soil and water flows pollution. The main objective of this project intends to demonstrate that fungicide application reduction is possible to control downy and powdery mildew, in areas where repetitive applications are applied each growing season because of the present environmental conditions (weather, topography, grape variety), and show the incidence of the reduction in soil, water flows and human health. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: DIRECTIVE 2009/128/EC of the European parliament and of the council of 21 October 2009, establishing a framework for Community action to achieve the sustainable use of pesticides. In Spain: DECREE (RD/131/2012), as a consequence of the Directive 2009/128/EC. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9 septiembre 2014 Ana Díez, Researcher Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) MAIN ACTIVITIES: • Evaluating new management strategies to control grapevine downy and powdery mildew by reducing the number of treatments, and the action of so called “zero residue” fungicides as an alternative to conventional products. In different climatic areas with different characteristics (topography, grape variety). • Creating awareness among the users about the importance of an adequate adjustment of spray application equipment, and its effect on efficacy and efficiency of the pesticide application. • Taking advantage of mandatory inspection of sprayers process to demonstrate its interest for the users by adding training and informative actions • Analysing the residues of the used fungicides in each applied strategy present in grape, juice and wine. • Appreciating the impact of fungicide applications in human health, by testing in zebrafish animal. • Evaluating the environmental and socioeconomical impacts from grape production. • Improving the efficiency of the phytosanitary use through hyperspectral imaging, by automatically detecting fungal disease in the early stages of the infection. EXPECTED RESULTS: - Reduction of the number of phytosanitary treatments alternatives to control grapevine downy and powdery mildew. - Detection of fungicide molecules residues in grape, juice and wine at different concentrations. These will be tested with the zebrafish animal model to show toxic effects comparable to human toxicity. - Better calibrated machinery to avoid undesirable drift, driving to a better quality of the working conditions. - A modern and an innovative device to detect downy mildew. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9 septiembre 2014 Ana Díez, Researcher Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) Project title: Citric Waste Integrated Management Acronym: LIFE ECOCITRIC PROJECT LOCATION: La Vall d’Uixó (Castellón-Spain) BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1,423,231 euro % EC Co-funding: 50% (711,615 euro) DURATION: Start: 01/06/14 - End: 30/11/2016 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: Ayuntamiento de la Vall d’Uixó LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/14, Madrid (Spain) Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) BACKGROUND and AIMS: Clear statement of the problem(s) targeted (this should be a short statement which environmental problem and/or species/habitats are targeted by the project, what is the main threat(s) that the project responded to? Need of the municipality. CDTI project (Aprovechamiento integral de residuos de árboles frutales mediterráneos). New innovative process uniting various technologies complementing and optimizing to obtain 5 products: essential oil, foliar fertilizer, animal feed, cattle bed, biofuel. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: Waste Recycle Re-use Valorize LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/14, Madrid (Spain) Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) MAIN ACTIVITIES: (Please emphasise the innovative aspects of the actions) •Collection and processing of data for identification and location of areas cultivated. •Planning of the agricultural territory (GIS tech and geo-location systems). •Waste management system. •Construction and operation of the Pilot Plant Ecocitric treatment. •Product applicability. •Monitoring of environmental indicators. EXPECTED RESULTS: •Increasing farmers interested in the use of waste management method that respect the environment. •Reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases. •High value-added products. •Implementation of a new system of agricultural waste management in other places. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/14, Madrid (Spain) Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) Energías renovables Energias renováveis LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid LIFE iSEAS: Knowledge-Based Innovative Solutions to Enhance Adding-Value Mechanisms towards Healthy and Sustainable EU Fisheries Ricardo I. Pérez Martín and Luis T. Antelo Marine Research Institute (IIM-CSIC) Vigo - Spain The LIFE iSEAS Project Knowledge-Based Innovative Solutions to Enhance AddingValue Mechanisms towards Healthy and Sustainable EU Fisheries •BUDGET Total: 3,866,342 €; % EU Co-financing: 1,919,325 € (49,79%) •DURATION Begins: 01/07/2014 Ends: 30/06/2018 (48 Months) •BENEFICIARIES: Coordinating Beneficiary: AGENCIA ESTATAL CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTÍFICAS (CSIC) – INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES MARINAS Associated Beneficiaries: Centro Tecnológico del Mar – Fundación CETMAR Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia - CESGA Universidad de Santiago de Compostela Instituto Español de Oceanografía IEO Organización de Productores de Pesca Fresca del Puerto y Ría de Marín Talleres Josmar, S.L. Why LIFE iSEAS Discards are one of the most important issues in fisheries, both from an socio-ecocomic and environmental point of view. It is a fact that any fishing operation has an unavoidable percentage of discards, from long-liners (2-10%) to trawlers (up to 90%), for a total of up to 7 millions of tons/year of discards. Why LIFE iSEAS Economic Regulatory little or no market Exceeded or No Quota Technical Poor selectivity To maximise the value of the catch larger specimen (highgrading) Minmum Landing Sizes (MLS) Protected species The multi-species nature of some fisheries Why LIFE iSEAS Discards constitute a purposeless waste of valuable marine resources which plays an important role in the depletion of marine populations. Ecological adverse impacts: a) Changes in the ecosystem and in the overall structure of trophic webs take place. b) Discarding of juveniles of target species results in a future reduction of spawning biomass. c) Discarding of mature specimen of target species inmediatelly reduces the spawning biomass of the stock. Socio-economic adverse impacts: a) Fish which is killed without contributing to the income to the sector will not contribute to the income in the future either (non-discarded fish will be a resource in the future). b) Fishing industry is affected in the longer term since it is dependent on a healthy marine ecosystem. Why LIFE iSEAS Discards are considered as an unacceptable waste of resources and a New Common Fisheries Policy has been set up by the European Commission to mitigate and prohibite them. REGULATION (EU) No 1380/2013 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 11 December 2013 Why LIFE iSEAS In this new legal framework defined by the new CFP, the pursued objectives are: Reduce/Eliminate discards (by improving fishing selectivity, avoiding nontargeted species zones or seasons). Make the best possible use of unwanted biomass in a sustainable manner and avoid its waste, also reducing the costs derived from shortage the storage capacity in the vessel. Previous work to LIFE iSEAS BE-FAIR FAROS2010-2013 BIOTECMAR 2009-2012 LIFE Programme - EU (2005-2008) 2005-2008 LIFE Programme - EU (2010-2013) IIM-CSIC, CETMAR, IFREMER, IPIMAR, Autoridad Portuaria de Vigo, Espaderos del Atlántico, HRG, S.L. IIM-CSIC, CETMAR, IEO, IPIMAR, CESGA, Autoridad Portuaria de Vigo INTERREG IVB (Atlantic Area Biotechnological Programme) – EU (2009-2012) Exploitation of Marine UEB-UBO, CSIC, MNHN, IPIMAR, TechnopoleProducts and By-Products Quimper, Université de La Rochelle, Irish Seaweed Centre, Université de Nantes, IFREMER, Indigo Rock, CETMAR, NET, S.A. FACTORY MICROGRID «Electric Vehicles to grid, renewable generation and Zn-Br flow battery to storage in industry» PROJECT LOCATION: Peralta (Navarra, Spain) BUDGET INFO: 1.987.462 € 50 % EC Co-funding DURATION: Start: 01/07/14 - End: 30/06/17 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: JOFEMAR, S.A. Associated Beneficiary: Fundación CENER - CIEMAT LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Date, Place Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) BACKGROUND and AIMS: Problems targeted Climate change Waste of renewable resources GHG due to industrial activities and transport Lack of technology to store efficiently RE Main EU Policy Targeted Theme 1 Climate Change Action « Development of innovative practices in the management of smart grids in the context of a high share of decentralized renewable energy production » MAIN ACTIVITIES: 1)Implement a microgrid in a real plant that integrates: • Renewable Energy: 100 kW windmill and 40 kW solar photovoltaic • Novel ZnBr flow batteries (500 kWh) • 6 V2G and 1 fast charging station for Electric Vehicles • 6 electric vehicles. 1)Develop energy management strategies to use all the RE produced 2)Transfer knowledge to stake holders. EXPECTED RESULTS: 1)Generate > 160.000 kWh/year CO2 free 2)Avoid > 96 Tm/year of CO2 due to RE production, energy management and EV 3)More grid stability LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9 septiembre 2014 Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) “Optimised Renewable Mix For Energy Saving in Waste Water Treatment Plants” PROJECT LOCATION: Archena (Murcia) BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1,366,044 Euro % EC Co-funding: 48.77% DURATION: Start: 01/07/14 - End: 30/06/17 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: Acciona S.A. Associated Beneficiaries: Acciona Agua, GRG and ESAMUR BACKGROUND and AIMS: Satisfying the EU water needs requires energy for supply, purification, distribution, and treatment of water and wastewater. At European Level, about 4 % of EU power generation is used for water supply and treatment, which is comparable to several other industrial sectors. Electricity represents approximately 75 % of the cost of municipal water processing and distribution. Waste water treatment is on the increase in the European Union, with 7% more m3 of waste water generated and treated every year. This increase will have an effect on energy demand, and therefore on greenhouse gas emissions and environmental damage. The project therefore aims at implementing technologies which are sustainable and which allow to reduce the energy demand of the WWTP, and to boost the re-use of treated water, with a great impact on the water cycle, particularly in those areas suffering hydric stress or deficiency. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: The EU encourages approaches for reducing energy and water consumption, particularly in the following areas of concern: drinking water production, wastewater treatment, industrial water use, irrigation for agriculture and water re-use. It contributes to the implementation of EU commitments under UNFCCC Kyoto Protocol, including the EU greenhouse gas emission reduction commitments in 2020 under the Climate and Energy Package. Moreover, thanks to the proposed changes on the aeration and oxygen concentration control in the biological reactor, it is expected to obtain better quality water for its reuse in irrigation on agricultural applications, and will reduce eutrophication from diffuse sources and direct discharger in agreement with the Water Framework Directive (WFD). For this issue, the parameters established by the RD 1620/2007 of the Spanish Law on reuse of treated waste water will be used as reference for the control of the output of the plant. MAIN ACTIVITIES: B1 Design of the demonstrator: taking into acount data fron renewables resources and consumption behaviour, RENEWAT will manage two kind of energy source (wind and solar) and grid suply surviying consumptión to warranty cero inyectión into the grid from renewables and improving the normal operation to improve the energy renewable source. All registred in a database. B3 Integration of the high-efficiency aeration system in the biological reactor: implementation of an innovative high-efficiency aeration system. B5 Integration of the new energy-efficiency elements in the control system software: RENEWAT control system will be able to manage two different renewable sources (wind and solar), grid and demand. EXPECTED RESULTS: Result 1: To reduce the cost per cubic meter of treated water by 24% (from 0,4 €/m3 to 0,3 €/ m3), closer to the price of drinking water (0,15 €/ m3) with a potential scope of implementation in 99% of the 16.000 WWTPs in the European Union. This will be a first step into boosting the re-use of treated water for uses such as agricultural and landscape irrigation. Result 2: To reduce the WWTP electric energy consumption by 30%. Result 3: To boost the intelligent integration of renewable energy sources adapted to WWTPs. The intelligent integration will discriminate both the energy input source (either PV or Wind, Grid or a mix of energy sources), adapting it to the precise demand of the WWTP at every stage of the process. Result 4: To reduce the foot print in about 45 Ton CO2 / year for every 100 kW from renewable sources. Desarrollo de una planta demostradora de cogeneración a partir de biomasa forestal sin ningún tipo de reducción granulométrica previa LIFE BIOBALE PROJECT LOCATION: Navia, Asturias BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1.744.893 € % EC Co-funding: 49,4 % DURATION: Start: 01/07/2014 - End: 31/05/2017 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: TUINSA NORTE S.A. Associated Beneficiary(ies): IDESA, Ayuntamiento de Navia, Fundación Prodintec LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Date, Place Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) BACKGROUND and AIMS: Desarrollo de un sistema de cogeneración formado por un novedoso ciclo Rankine orgánico (ORC) que incluirá un vaporizador directo de diseño propio así como un innovador sistema de condensación y aprovechamiento del calor residual, alimentado con pacas forestales de gran granulometría sin necesidad de tratamiento previo, muy abundantes en la zona en la que se implantará la planta demostradora BIOBALE. Contribución con la mejora del medioambiente, reduciendo significativamente las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, ayudando de este modo a cumplir con los compromisos adquiridos en el protocolo de KIOTO. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: Medioambiente: Cambio climático – Energía Reducción de emisiones de gases efecto invernadero LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Date, Place Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) MAIN ACTIVITIES: • Caracterización del enclave y la demanda • Ingeniería y fabricación del sistema de combustión • Ingeniería y fabricación del ciclo ORC • Instalación y puesta en marcha • Monitorización de indicadores ambientales • Validación de la tecnología • Difusión de resultados EXPECTED RESULTS: •Desarrollo de la planta cogeneradora alimentada por pacas de biomasa forestal mediante un ciclo orgánico Rankine. •Ahorro de hasta un 50% de los costes de operación respecto a otras plantas de generación de energía alimentadas por pellets de biomasa. •Generación de 670000 kWh de energía eléctrica y 100000 MWh de energía térmica anual mediante fuentes de energía sostenibles y renovables. •Reducción de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en 690 toneladas de CO2, 1267 kg de SO2 y 784 kg de NOx anualmente. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9 septiembre 2014 Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) From Whatever Residue into Levulinic Acid An innovative way to turn waste into resource: « WALEVA » PROJECT LOCATION: Madrid BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1,633,680 € % EC Co-funding: 50% DURATION: Start: 02/06/14 - End: 31/03/17 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: Técnicas Reunidas, S.A. Associated Beneficiary(ies): CICYTEX, FEIQUE LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 Sep. 2014, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) BACKGROUND and AIMS: •Rice straw waste by burning it, emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. •Any alternative use of the rice straw must be economically viable for rice growers. The LIFE WALEVA project will demonstrate on one hand, the possibility to eliminate the environmental damage produced by the burning of the rice straw and on the other hand, to turn this waste into raw material of added value by the introduction of a new value chain which ends in the production of LEVA (levulinic acid), a chemical monomer that is demand in a multitude of industrial sectors MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: •Climate change •Energy efficiency •Energy saving •Energy supply •Reduction of greenhouse gases emissions •Industry production •Waste LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 Sep. 2014, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) MAIN ACTIVITIES: •Collection and treatment of the residue (rice-straw) •Pilot plant technical design, procurement and construction •Pilot plant demonstration •Viability study of energy/environmental/economic aspects EXPECTED RESULTS: •Applying an innovative chemical technology to increase the value of the rice straw for rice growers •To demonstrate a new technology for the production of LEVA in high yield and high purity from agricultural waste (rice-straw) •Reducing CO2 emission by 40-55% from burning rice-straw •A more environmental friendly alternative to the current available technologies for levulinic acid production LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 Sep. 2014, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) VALPORC : Valorization of pig carcasses through their transformation into biofuels and organic fertilizers LIFE ENV/ES/001115 PROJECT LOCATION: EJEA de los CABALLEROS (ZARAGOZA) BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1.986.312 € % EC Co-funding: 992.456 € DURATION: Start: 01/09/2014 - End: 31/08/2017 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: ADS Nº 2 PORCINO Comarcal Porcino Associated Beneficiaries: CARTIFF CORPROAN IBEROIL LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, MADRID ArturoSurname, Daudén Ibáñez . Coordinator Name, Position Logo(s) LIFE BIOSEVILLE « New biofuel production technology to recover used frying oils and power the Seville’s urban bus fleet » PROJECT LOCATION: Seville BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1 543 690 € EC Co-funding: 50 % DURATION: 3 years. 01/10/2014 - 29/09/2017 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: CTAER (Fundación Centro Tecnológico Avanzado de Energías Renovables). Associated Beneficiaries: Universidad de Sevilla • BIODIESEL PROCESSORS, S.L. • • Fundación CARTIF CIEMAT (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas) LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid • Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) BACKGROUND and AIMS: The main objective of the project LIFE BIOSEVILLE is: “To develop an integrated and sustainable system for the recovery of used frying oils generated in the city of Seville in order to produce a new biofuel, more competitive and efficient, consisting of methyl esters and glycerin ethers.” MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: Urban Environment LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) MAIN ACTIVITIES: Supply and characterisation of domestic frying oils. Design, construction and adjustment of the prototype module for the production of methyl esters and glycerin. Optimisation and operation of the prototype module for the production of methyl esters and glycerin. Design, installation and adjustment of the prototype module for the production of glycerin esters. Module operation optimisation and production prototype glycerin esters. Demonstration of the improvement in the combustion process of the biofuel (methyl ester +bioadditive). Emissions measures in engine bench. Emissions measures in a urban bus. Analysis of the results of the demonstration system. Dissemination of the project. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) EXPECTED RESULTS: Demonstration of the technical and economic viability of the new production technology. Development of a prototype module for the production of methyl esters (99,5% purity) and glycerin (80% purity) from 55 m3 of used frying oils. Production of at least 40 m3 of high quality new biofuel according to the European standard EN 14214. Development of a production process, from glycerine, of at least 4 000 liters of additives (glycerin esters) for its use together with biofuels. Reduction of pollutant emissions in the urban buses fleet of the city of Seville for each 4 tested biofuels. Quantitative evaluation of the reduction of the impact on the global CO2 emissions, which is achieved through the demonstration process, integrating the collection of frying oils, the production of methyl esters and glycerin esters and the use of this new biodiesel to fuel Seville’s urban bus fleet. Analysis of the social effects of implementing this project. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) BACKGROUND and AIMS: Current processes to manage animal by-products from the pig sector, specially animal carcasses and manure, involve a serious environmental problem and they are not valorized since they are mostly disposed in landills or incinerated. The goal is to demonstrate a sustainable alternative to valorizing these wastes by transforming them into biofuels (biogas and biodiesel) and organic fertilizers. •Production of a second generation biodiesel from animal fats from category 2 •Use of meat and bone meal as new substrates for biogas production by their codigestion with pig manure. •Obtaining a high quality organic fertilizer MAIN EU POLICYIES TARGETED: LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, MADRID ArturoSurname, Daudén Ibáñez . Coordinator Name, Position Logo(s) MAIN ACTIVITIES: •Design and construction of a prototype for the treatment of pig carcasses to optimize the meal and fat production •Adaptation of a biogas pilot plant for the optimization of biogas production by anaerobic co-digestion of manure, meat and bone meal and glycerin. •Design and construction of a biodiesel production prototype based on cavitation technology, from animal fats from category 2 ABP. •Evaluation of the agricultural quality of the organic fertilizer obtained from digestate EXPECTED RESULTS: •Reduction of 100% of the contaminant emissions related to the current management of pig carcasses by incineration (Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen oxides, dioxins and furans, etc.) •Treatment of 1 ton/day of pig carcasses to optimize the energy efficiency of the process. •Biodiesel production in a prototype of 100 l/h of maximum capacity •Transformation of the 80% meat flour organic matter content into biogas (65% CH4) •Take benefit of the 20% meat flour organic matter content as fertilizer. •Transformation of the 90% grease from animals into biodiesel. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, MADRID ArturoSurname, Daudén Ibáñez . Coordinator Name, Position Logo(s) Project title and/or acronym: COOP2020 PROJECT LOCATION: Cambrils (Tarragona) BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 2.497.960 € % EC Co-funding: 50 DURATION: Start: 01/07/14 - End: 31/06/14 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: Agrícola i Caixa Agrària i SC Cambrils SCCL Associated Beneficiary(ies): ECONIA EMPRESARIAL,SL (ES) TRANSFER LBC, SL (ES) ATRES80,SCCP (ES) BAIWIND,SL (ES) CERTH (EL) LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Date, Place Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) BACKGROUND and AIMS: This project aims to demonstrate the economic and environmental viability of a new business model for agricultural cooperatives, integrating energy savings and the generation of renewable energies and biomass production. Principle environmental problems: Waste of agricultural resources, waste and biomass Loss of electric power and water Under-utilization of agricultural land MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: The Coop 2020 project is inspired by the EU's Agenda 2020 strategy on decarbonising the economy, increasing the use of renewable sources, and promoting energy efficiency intends to contribute to this challenge. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Date, Place Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9 septiembre 2014 Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) Reduciendo la huella ecológica Reduzir a pegada ecológica LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid « Removal of hazardous substances in polyethylene packages using supercritical carbon dioxide (sc-CO2) in recycling process – LIFE EXTRUCLEAN» PROJECT LOCATION: Madrid and Valencia regions BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1,470,010 € % EC Co-funding: 50% DURATION: Start: 01/07/14 - End: 31/12/16 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: AIMPLAS Associated Beneficiaries: ACTECO, AIDIMA, ARVET and ENPLAST LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting 9/09/2014 Madrid Cristina Abad, Project Manager « Demonstrative pilot plant for the valorisation of nonferrous metal waste (LIFE 13 ENV/ES/000173 GREENZO)» PROJECT LOCATION: Ibi (Alicante) BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1.062.170€ % EC Co-funding: 49,98% DURATION: Start: 01/06/2014 - End: 31/05/2017 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary:Asociación de Investigación de la Industria del juguete, conexas y afines (AIJU) Associated Beneficiaries: Cauchos Karey S.A, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC-ITQ), Wort Europ S.L LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 9th September Madrid R. Beneito, Area Manager, CristinaEnergy Abad, Project Manager AIJU BACKGROUND and AIMS: Zamak (Zn, Al, Mg and Cu alloy) is processed by injection molding pressure and is used in various industries (toy, automotive, metalwork, etc) due to its properties. • Consuming and processing companies of such non-ferrous metal (zamak) generate waste accounting 1 million tons per year at European level, such smelting slag and sludge vibrated. • This type of hazardous waste is deposited in landfills with the corresponding environmental impact that entails the generation of lixiviates, besides mineral resources contained therein are wasted. • The main aim of this project is the material valorisation of a category of non-ferrous metal waste generated by the industrial processes of Zamak transformation, by means of the development of a demonstrative pilot plant that allows the extraction of zinc oxide (ZnO) from this waste. • In addition, the obtained ZnO will be validated in two industrial sectors (rubber/EVA transformation and chemical catalysis) • MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governace (Natural Resources and Waste) LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 9th September Madrid R. Beneito, Area Manager, CristinaEnergy Abad, Project Manager AIJU MAIN ACTIVITIES: Establishment of specifications. • Design, development and tuning of the pre-industrial pilot plant. • Currently it doesn´t exist any process for obtaining ZnO from non-ferrous metal waste generated by the industrial processes of Zamak transformation. Development and validation of the demonstrators with the ZnO achieved. • The first process for hydrogen production in which the catalyst (ZnO) and the supply (bioethanol) are renewable. Dissemination and after-life communication plan. • EXPECTED RESULTS: Development of an eco –sustainable technology that turns a residual current into profitable byproducts. • Creation of a new source of supply of resources (ZnO) from waste. • Reduction of the waste going to landfills as a final management methodology. • Development and validation of demonstrators in the sector of manufacture of rubber/EVA and chemical catalysis by reforming of bioethanol. • Increasing competitiveness/sustainability of the industrial processes involved (both waste producers and validators). • LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 9th September Madrid R. Beneito, Area Manager, CristinaEnergy Abad, Project Manager AIJU BACKGROUND and AIMS: Around 3% of waste generated in the EU27 is hazardous, representing about 12 kg of hazardous waste per capita (2006 data, EUROSTAT). EU legislation covering hazardous waste requires Members States to comply with certain rules concerning its collection, handling, recycling and treatment. The conventional method for reducing or eliminating threats from hazardous waste containers involves the triple rinsing and draining of empty containers. The project’s main objective is to demonstrate the viability of a new technique for eliminating hazardous substances from waste polyethylene (PE) packaging for solvents or phytosanitary products. The project will use a technology that applies a supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) in the extrusion phase of the plastic recycling process. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: Directive 2008/98/EC on waste (Waste Framework Directive). Directive 94/62/EC on Packaging and Packaging Waste (2) and amendments (Directive 2004/12/EC). 7th Environment Action Programme (EAP). Decision No 1386/2013/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 November 2013 on a General Union Environment Action Programme to 2020 ‘Living well, within the limits of our planet’ Integrated National Waste Plan 2008-2015 (PNIR in Spanish). Kyoto Protocol. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting 9/09/2014 Madrid Cristina Abad, Project Manager MAIN ACTIVITIES: This process is expected to partially or totally substitute two of the three stages involved in conventional treatments, which should reduce the labour requirement and the consumption of energy, chemicals and water. EXPECTED RESULTS: The project will develop a new recycling technology for waste plastic packaging for hazardous substances. If applied in ACTECO’s plastic waste management facilities, which uses three washes with a capacity of 18 m3 of water and has an annual output of 1 000 tones/year, the project expects to achieve: • A reduction in water consumption: from 558 m3/year to 279 m3/year; • A reduction in chemicals use, from 45 tones/year of surfactants, NaOH and wastewater treatment substances to 15.75 tones/year; and • A reduction in energy consumption from 15,000 kWh/year to 1,500 kWh/year. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9/09/2014 Cristina Abad, Project Manager Demonstration of new natural dyes from algae as substitution of synthetic dyes actually used by textile industries « SEACOLORS » PROJECT LOCATION: Spain BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 697.273,00 € % EC Co-funding:c 50% DURATION: Start: 01/07/14 - End: 31/12/16 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: Associated Beneficiary(ies): LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, September 10th 2014, Madrid(Spain) Luis Miguel, Pérez, RTD Technician BACKGROUND and AIMS: Clear statement of the problem(s) targeted Textile is a pollutant industry as employs high quantities of water and chemicals, one of the most important being dyestuffs. All the dyes employed are synthetics and from a non-renewable or sustainable source, oil. Synthetic dyes are pollutants during their manufacturing and use due to the residues content (2-50%, depending on the dye & fiber type) in the wastewater following the dyeing process. SEACOLORS main aim is the demonstration and validation of obtaining natural dyes from a sustainable and renewable source, algae and their application in textile industry to replace synthetic dyes which are pollutant and harmful for the environment. With this improvement, it will be obtained less contaminated waste water, by the higher biodegradability of natural dyes, reducing the water purification process, contributing to the application of the politics and community legislation regarding waste waters specifically, the normative,2008/105/CE on environment quality in the field of water policy which sets the maximum allowable priority substances and other chemical contaminants and also in particular the REACH regulation MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: The normative,2008/105/CE on environment quality in the field of water. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, September 10th 2014, Madrid(Spain) Luis Miguel, Pérez, RTD Technician MAIN ACTIVITIES: Action A.1 Study and selection of algae with dye capacity BIOMASS CHARACTERIZATIO N PROCESSES Action B.1 Study of growing conditions of algae to increase dyes substance TEMPERATURE LIGHT LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, September 10th 2014, Madrid(Spain) NUTRIENTS Luis Miguel, Pérez, RTD Technician CONCENTRATI ON MAIN ACTIVITIES: B.2 Extraction of dyes from algae. AQUEOUS EXTRACTION SOLVENTS EXTRACTION B.3 Validation and demonstration of the application of algae dyes in textile dyeing process. FIBRES TIME AUXILIARIES LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, September 10th 2014, Madrid(Spain) Luis Miguel, Pérez, RTD Technician EXPECTED RESULTS: The main result is the development of different tissues tinted semi-industrial scale with dyes obtained from micro and macro algae. For its future viability following results must also be obtained: •To get a color range. •To obtain quantities of coloring to be used industrially. •The fabrics must meet the required quality standards. •To harness generated waste. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, September 10th 2014, Madrid(Spain) Luis Miguel, Pérez, RTD Technician Project title and/or acronym: « LIFE-BRIO » PROJECT LOCATION: Spain/United Kingdom BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1,107,626 € % EC Co-funding: 50% DURATION: Start: 01/07/14 - End: 31/12/16 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: Associated Beneficiary(ies): LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 09/10/14, Madrid IBERDROLA INGENIERÍA Y CONSTRUCCIÓN S.A. GAIKER and TECNALIA Marisa ProjectRTD Manager LuisAlvarado, Miguel, Pérez, Technician BACKGROUND and AIMS: Wind energy is a clean and environmentally conscious source of electricity. Its expansion, however, is creating a growing waste disposal issue associated with the decommissioning of WT rotor blades. In the very near future when the first wind farms start to be dismantled or repowered, the question is what to do with such complex waste streams afterwards. Therefore, LIFE BRIO aims to: •Anticipate feasible solutions for the management of emerging complex waste streams once the wind turbine blades start reaching their end of service life. •Develop policy and legislative recommendations to the EC for the end-of-life WT blades management and recycling. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: •Waste prevention and management. •Support the implementation, monitoring and development of EU waste legislation and policies designated to ensure sustainable managenet of natural resources and wastes. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 09/10/14, Madrid Marisa ProjectRTD Manager LuisAlvarado, Miguel, Pérez, Technician MAIN ACTIVITIES: •Analysis of the dismantling and reverse logistic of the Coal Clough windfarm (UK) •Demonstration of the mechanical recycling treatment focussed on recovering on one hand, fibres concentrates, and on the other hand, ground materials mixtures for multilayer panels. •Use of the recycled fibres as reinforcement in concrete, and other ground materials in multilayer panels •Elaboration of policy and legislative recommendations to the EC on wind turbine waste management •Comprehensive environmental LCA evaluation EXPECTED RESULTS: •Guidelines with best proven practices and methodology in dismantling and reverse logistic of rotor blades at onshore windfarms. •Recycling methodology that allows the recycling of rotor blades materials: metals, inorganic fibres, polymers. •Guidelines with recommendations for European Commission in legislation concerning the dismantling, management and recycling of end-of-life wind turbines. •LCA results, cost values and eco-efficiency rates. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 09/10/14, Madrid Marisa ProjectRTD Manager LuisAlvarado, Miguel, Pérez, Technician Prevention of diary product’s environmental impact trough ecodesign ECOLAC PROJECT LOCATION: Basque Country BUDGET INFO: Total amount: % EC Co-funding: 1.452.503 Euro 49,78 % DURATION: Start: 14/07/01 - End: 17/09/30 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: AZTI LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Date, Place Luis Miguel, Pérez, RTD Technician BACKGROUND and AIMS: The project aims to prevent and reduce the environmental impact associated to the production of dairy products. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: The main objective of the project is aligned with the indicated theme of "Strategic Approaches" of LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance, which aims to promote the implementation of environmental policies associated to the eco-design of food products. At the same time, this project enhances the environmental competitiveness of the companies of the food sector in general, and dairy in particular. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Date, Place Luis Miguel, Pérez, RTD Technician MAIN ACTIVITIES: A: PREPARATORY ACTIONS 1. Definition of a knowledge sharing round table in order to validate actions and main results of the project 2. Identification of the motivations of consumers from the environmental point of view B: IMPLEMENTATION 1. Definition of aspects of dairy products with the highest environmental impact. A life cycle analysis of all the stages and products involved in the manufacture of a dairy product will be performed 2. Development of a software tool to implement Eco-design strategies. It will be specifically designed to allow companies of the dairy sector to develop new sustainable products 3. Demonstration and validation of the tool. Validation of the new software in 6 different dairy products 4. Development a prototype of new dairy eco-designed product, based on the recommendations obtained in the previous actions 5. Study of consumers’ behaviour about eco-designed food products, which will serve as the basis for the development of future products and for enhance consumers’ environmental awareness Luis Miguel, Pérez, RTD Technician EXPECTED RESULTS: Implementation of Ecodesign strategies and minimization of environmental impact are the main results, however other expected results are: •Software Tool to Ecodesign dairy products. •Life cycle analysis of dairy products. •List of critical points with higher environmental (hot-spots) impact for dairy products. •List of the main environmental impact categories of the dairy sector. •Calculations of different environmental impact indicators for 6 dairy products (carbon footprint, waterfootprint, ozone layer potential depletion, loss of biodiversity, etc.) using the developed tool. •Production of 5000 units of one prototype at pilot scale of one dairy product, developed using the new methodology of eco-design •Lists of motivating factors which drive consumers to a more responsible purchasing. •Consumer environmental awareness and educational campaign. LIFE07 Kick-off Meeting, Date, Place Luis Miguel, Pérez, RTD Technician Prevention of diary product’s environmental impact trough ecodesign ECOLAC PROJECT LOCATION: Basque Country BUDGET INFO: Total amount: % EC Co-funding: 1.452.503 Euro 49,78 % DURATION: Start: 14/07/01 - End: 17/09/30 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: AZTI LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Date, Place Luis Miguel, Pérez, RTD Technician BACKGROUND and AIMS: The project aims to prevent and reduce the environmental impact associated to the production of dairy products. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: The main objective of the project is aligned with the indicated theme of "Strategic Approaches" of LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance, which aims to promote the implementation of environmental policies associated to the eco-design of food products. At the same time, this project enhances the environmental competitiveness of the companies of the food sector in general, and dairy in particular. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Date, Place Luis Miguel, Pérez, RTD Technician MAIN ACTIVITIES: A: PREPARATORY ACTIONS 1. Definition of a knowledge sharing round table in order to validate actions and main results of the project 2. Identification of the motivations of consumers from the environmental point of view B: IMPLEMENTATION 1. Definition of aspects of dairy products with the highest environmental impact. A life cycle analysis of all the stages and products involved in the manufacture of a dairy product will be performed 2. Development of a software tool to implement Eco-design strategies. It will be specifically designed to allow companies of the dairy sector to develop new sustainable products 3. Demonstration and validation of the tool. Validation of the new software in 6 different dairy products 4. Development a prototype of new dairy eco-designed product, based on the recommendations obtained in the previous actions 5. Study of consumers’ behaviour about eco-designed food products, which will serve as the basis for the development of future products and for enhance consumers’ environmental awareness Luis Miguel, Pérez, RTD Technician EXPECTED RESULTS: Implementation of Ecodesign strategies and minimization of environmental impact are the main results, however other expected results are: •Software Tool to Ecodesign dairy products. •Life cycle analysis of dairy products. •List of critical points with higher environmental (hot-spots) impact for dairy products. •List of the main environmental impact categories of the dairy sector. •Calculations of different environmental impact indicators for 6 dairy products (carbon footprint, waterfootprint, ozone layer potential depletion, loss of biodiversity, etc.) using the developed tool. •Production of 5000 units of one prototype at pilot scale of one dairy product, developed using the new methodology of eco-design •Lists of motivating factors which drive consumers to a more responsible purchasing. •Consumer environmental awareness and educational campaign. LIFE07 Kick-off Meeting, Date, Place Luis Miguel, Pérez, RTD Technician Transformation of disposed reversed osmosis membranes into recycled ultra-and nanofiltration membranes - TRANSFOMEM PROJECT LOCATION: Murcia, Madrid, Guadalajara, Almería BUDGET INFO: Total amount: € 954,977 % EC Co-funding: € 477,488 DURATION: Start: 01/06/2014 End: 30/06/2018 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: IMDEA Water Institute Associated Beneficiary: Sociedad Anónima Depuración y Tratamientos S.A. (SADYT) LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9th September 2014 Luis Miguel, Pérez, RTD Technician BACKGROUND and AIMS: •Main environmental problem: a)Reducing membrane waste: Nowadays, end-life reverse osmosis membranes are considered as a waste; however, they could have the potential to be used in others filtration processes. Due to the continuous growth of membrane technology, if nothing changes, what to do with the end-life membranes, could be an environmental problem in the near future. This project could change the current membrane waste management. b)Reducing new generation of new membranes units. The transformed membranes could be used in the industry as substitutes of virgin comercial nanofiltration and ultrafiltration membranes, reducing the creation of new units. Moreover, recycling of endlife reverse osmosis membranes could contribute to generate compact systems for wastewater treatment. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: •Directive 2008/98/CE on wastes (recycling and reuses of end-life reverese osmosis membranes) •Spanish Royal Decree 1620/2007 about reuse of waste water (it could be obtained reclaimed wastewater by using transformed membrane) LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9th September 2014 Luis Miguel, Pérez, RTD Technician MAIN ACTIVITIES: •Transformation of RO membranes for their reuse in pilot scale low pressure (ultra-nanofiltration) processes •Application of the transformed membranes in filtration processes different to RO (treatment of brackish water and urban wastewater) •Economic and financial assessment of the optimal solutions in order to assess market dimension •Monitoring plan •Dissemination plan •Maintenance plan after LIFE+ 13 EXPECTED RESULTS: Technological results: •a) Transformation of old RO membranes: demostration of the process, construction of 3 pilots •b) Economic and financial feasibility study of the project’s optimal solutions: study of the available market for the recycled products Social results: Guidelines for recycling and reuse of old RO membranes, practical experiences LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9th September 2014 Luis Miguel, Pérez, RTD Technician Project title: «Functional textiles and leathers by innovative MLSE process - TEXTILATHER» PROJECT LOCATION: SPAIN BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 942.842 € % EC Co-funding: 50% DURATION: Start: 02/06/14 - End: 30/11/16 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: ATEVAL Associated Beneficiary(ies): INESCOP, CCI, NEWPORT, TEX ATHENEA LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10-09-14, Madrid Felipe Carrasco, Project Manager Luis Miguel, Pérez, RTD Technician MAIN ACTIVITIES: Reducing the environmental impact of the finishing processes: • Continuous dry process • Reduction: greenhouse gases, consumption of chemicals, water and energy consumption, solid waste, wastewater and odors. From Whatever Residue into Levulinic Acid An innovative way to turn waste into resource: « WALEVA » PROJECT LOCATION: Madrid BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1,633,680 € % EC Co-funding: 50% DURATION: Start: 02/06/14 - End: 31/03/17 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: Técnicas Reunidas, S.A. Associated Beneficiary(ies): CICYTEX, Cámara de Comercio de Orense LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 Sep. 2014, Madrid Luis Miguel, Pérez, RTD Technician BACKGROUND and AIMS: •Rice straw waste by burning it, emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. •Any alternative use of the rice straw must be economically viable for rice growers. The LIFE WALEVA project will demonstrate on one hand, the possibility to eliminate the environmental damage produced by the burning of the rice straw and on the other hand, to turn this waste into raw material of added value by the introduction of a new value chain which ends in the production of LEVA (levulinic acid), a chemical monomer that is demand in a multitude of industrial sectors MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: •Climate change •Energy efficiency •Energy saving •Energy supply •Reduction of greenhouse gases emissions •Industry production •Waste LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 Sep. 2014, Madrid Luis Miguel, Pérez, RTD Technician MAIN ACTIVITIES: •Collection and treatment of the residue (rice-straw) •Pilot plant technical design, procurement and construction •Pilot plant demonstration •Viability study of energy/environmental/economic aspects EXPECTED RESULTS: •Applying an innovative chemical technology to increase the value of the rice straw for rice growers •To demonstrate a new technology for the production of LEVA in high yield and high purity from agricultural waste (rice-straw) •Reducing CO2 emission by 40-55% from burning rice-straw •A more environmental friendly alternative to the current available technologies for levulinic acid production LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 Sep. 2014, Madrid Luis Miguel, Pérez, RTD Technician ZINC-AIR ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM (ZAESS) Demonstration of a low cost and environmentally friendly Zinc Air Energy Storage System for renewable energy integration PROJECT LOCATION: Madrid, Pamplona BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1,207,151 Euro % EC Co-funding: 50.0% DURATION: Start: 02/06/14 - End: 01/10/17 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: TECNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. Associated Beneficiary(ies): CENER, G-ADVISORY, J&A GARRIGUES LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 9 Sep. 2014, Madrid Luis Miguel, Pérez, RTD Technician BACKGROUND and AIMS: •Energy sector is the largest single source of CO2 emissions in the EU •Low carbon electricity system requires larger shares of renewable energy •Energy storage is key for integrating intermittent renewable energies (eg. wind, solar) Demonstration of an energy storage technology for increasing the share of intermittent renewable energy and reducing CO2 emissions addressing the LCA and regulatory framework MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: •Climate change •Energy efficiency •Energy saving •Energy supply •Reduction of greenhouse gases emissions •Environmental management: cleaner technologies LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 9 Sep. 2014, Madrid Luis Miguel, Pérez, RTD Technician MAIN ACTIVITIES: •Design, build and operate a pilot plant for the demonstration of Zinc-air energy storage technology •Technical and economic analysis of zinc-air technology •Environmental impact assessment •Legal and regulatory assessment of large scale energy storage •Communication and dissemination of project results EXPECTED RESULTS: •Demonstration of the scalability of the technology (from lab scale to 14 kW) •Round trip energy efficiency 60-70%, 1.000-2.000 cycles •Conceptual engineering study for MW-scale plant •Environmental impact assessment of MW-scale plants based on zinc-air technology, including carbon footprint LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 9 Sep. 2014, Madrid Luis Miguel, Pérez, RTD Technician SOSTRICE: «CO2 emissions reduction of the rice cultivation through energy valorisation of the rice straw» LOCALIZACIÓN: España (Parque Nacional y Natural de Doñana, Marismas del Guadalquivir, Andalucía; Parque Natural de L’Albufera, Valencia). PRESUPUESTO: Cantidad Total: 1.583.235 € % co-financiación comunitaria: 50% DURACION: Inicio: 02/06/2014 - Final: 31/05/2017 BENEFICIARIOS: Beneficiario coordinador: IAT Beneficiario/s asociado/s: AINIA, CITAGRO, CTAER, LUDAN LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Gloria Rodríguez Lepe Name, Surname, Position Coordinadora Técnica Logo(s) ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVOS: Reducción de las emisiones de GEI derivadas del cultivo del arroz por medio de un modelo de gestión de la paja de arroz, basado en la valorización energética de este residuo a través de tecnologías de combustión y digestión anaerobia. LEGISLACIÓN EUROPEA OBJETIVO DEL PROYECTO: •Directiva 2000/60/CE, por la que se establece un marco comunitario de actuación en el ámbito de la política de aguas (Directiva Marco del Agua). •Directiva 2008/98/CE, sobre los residuos (Directiva Marco de Residuos). Además… •COM (2009) 147 final annex "Adapting to climate change: the challenge for European agriculture and rural areas" (EC, 01.04.2009). •COM (2009) 147 final "White Paper: Adapting to climate change: Towards a European framework for action" (EC, 01.04.2009). •Agriculture in the EU - Accept the challenge of climate change. European Commission. Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development, 2008. •Web Consultation "Agriculture and Rural Development. European Commission. 2013. •COM (2010) 672 final "The CAP towards 2020: Meeting the challenges of the future territory, natural resources and food." (EC, 18.11.2010) •Evolution of the area and production of rice in Spain. 2002/03-2011/12. Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs, 2013. LFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Gloria Rodríguez Lepe Name, Surname, Position Coordinadora Técnica Logo(s) ACCIONES PRINCIPALES: •DE PREPARACIÓN (A): análisis de requisitos administrativos y técnicos para la instalación de los prototipos en las áreas seleccionadas. •DE IMPLEMENTACIÓN (B): pruebas experimentales previas realizadas en relación a los dos prototipos para la valorización de la paja de arroz. Estudio de la influencia de las prácticas agrícolas identificadas en el cultivo de arroz. Evaluación técnica, económica y ambiental de los escenarios identificados. •MONITORING (C): Gestión de la supervisión ambiental y socio-económica del proyecto con enfoque ACV. Medida y establecimiento de indicadores basados en Sistemas de Gestión. •Difusión de los resultados del proyecto a otras zonas arroceras. RESULTADOS ESPERADOS: 1. Reducción emisiones CO2: 1,110-1,226 Kg CO2eq/t arroz producida 0,25% emisiones GEI (ES); 0.07-0.1% emisiones GEI (EU) 1. Producción de materia prima para el cultivo de arroz: Energía eléctrica 1,800 kWh/t arroz Bio-fuel 1,540 kWh/t arroz Bio-fertilizante 2.52 KgN/t arroz (42% del N necesario) 1. Reducción consumo de agua: 10-15% 55.64hm3/año (ambas zonas) LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Gloria Rodríguez Lepe Name, Surname, Position Coordinadora Técnica Logo(s) ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVOS: El objetivo final del proyecto es mejorar la sostenibilidad del transporte y distribución de frutas y hortalizas mediante el desarrollo de un innovador contenedor activo e inteligente. En él se almacenarán y transportarán diferentes tipos de frutas y hortalizas en una atmósfera adecuada y diseñada en función de la actividad respiratoria de cada producto. Además, el contenedor estará monitorizado por un innovador equipo de sensores integrados y será realizado con material reciclable, biodegradable y compostable (PLA). LEGISLACIÓN EUROPEA OBJETIVO DEL PROYECTO: -Marco Polo Programme: mejorar sector logística, reducir emisiones CO2 . -Thematic Strategy on the Prevention and Recycling of Waste (COM (2005) 666): desperdicio de alimentos. -Waste Framework Directive. -Guidance document “Preparatory study on food waste across UE27. -Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe (COM (2011) 571. -New Environmental Action Programme. -European CE Nº 1221/2008: relacionado con la comercialización de productos frescos en EU (estandares de calidad). -EU Directive 96/53/CE: reducción del consumo de combustible durante el transporte. -Resolution on how to avoid food wastage: strategies for a more efficient food chain in the UE (2012). Place Madrid LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Date, 10/09/2014, Luis Miguel, RTD Sara Remón Oliver, Pérez, Responsable Technician I+D+i NATUREZA E BIODIVERSIDADE NATURALEZA Y BIODIVERSIDAD LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid LIFE MONTSERRAT Plan de Gestión Pastoral Integrado: una herramienta innovadora para preservar la biodiversidad y evitar los incendios forestales Situación: Montserrat (Barcelona) Presupuesto: Total : 3.561.825 € Financiación EC: 49% Duración: Inicio: 1 de julio de 2014 - Final: 30 de junio de 2018 Socios del proyecto: Coordinador: Socios: LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting Madrid, 10 de septiembre de 2014. Antecedentes i objetivos: En el área del proyecto, la desaparición de los cultivos y otros usos forestales tradicionales y la recurrencia de grandes incendios forestales han provocado una gran uniformización del territorio con dos consecuencias claras: 1. La regresión de especies y hábitats debido a la falta de espacios abiertos y a los cambios de uso del suelo 2. La inestabilidad y la vulnerabilidad de los hábitats forestales postincendio. El proyecto LIFE MONTSERRAT tiene por objetivos: 1. Aumentar la resiliencia y estabilidad de los bosques frente a incendios forestales 2. Contribuir a la conservación y mejora de la biodiversidad de la zona, con hábitats y especies de alto valor incluidas en las Directivas Aves y Hábitats. 2. Aumentar la conectividad entre dos áreas de la Red Natura 2000 mediante un mosaico de pastizales, matorrales y bosques naturales. Principales políticas europeas tratadas: El proyecto LIFE MONTSERRAT comparte los objetivos de “La Estrategia de la UE sobre la biodiversidad 2020”, que tiene por objetivo detener la pérdida de la biodiversidad y la degradación de los servicios ecosistémicos en la UE para el año 2020. I trabaja en la línea del “libro verde sobre protección de los bosques e información forestal en la UE” donde describe que existe una correlación clara entre una gestión forestal activa y la reducción del riesgo de incendios. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid 10 de septiembre de 2014. Actividades principales: El proyecto es un plan integrado de restauración forestal, donde la acción principal se centra en la disminución de la carga de combustible en zonas estratégicas y en la creación y mantenimiento de un paisaje en mosaico. La particularidad del método es que se desarrolla mediante la asociación público-privada que involucra a los actores locales, las políticas transversales y la coordinación institucional en: la gestión forestal, la implementación del sistema de pastoreo y la prevención de incendios forestales. El proyecto debe ser sostenible tras la financiación LIFE+, para ello se basa en la infraestructura y economía local. Resultados esperados: - Restauración de los bosques de interés comunitario Hábitat 9540. - Reducción del volumen de combustible en áreas estratégicas por medio del pastoreo. - Disminución de la propagación de incendios forestales mediante el mantenimiento de un paisaje de tipo mosaico - Reducción de los costes de extinción de incendios. - Aumento de la concienciación y participación de las partes interesadas. - Mejora de la sostenibilidad económica de las áreas de la red Natura 2000. - Recuperación de hábitats abiertos (6220 y 6420 entre otros) y de hábitats agrícolas abandonados. - Aumento de la tasa de supervivencia y éxito reproductivo del águila perdicera (Aquila fasciata) y otras especies amenazadas (Alectoris rufa; Circus pygargus, Clamator glandarius, Corvus monedula, Neophron percnopterus, etc.). - Conservación y mejora de la calidad del paisaje. - Mejora de la funcionalidad de los ecosistemas como conectores. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid 10 septiembre 2014 Beneficiary: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Name, Position Luis Gil y Surname, Juan A. Martin Logo(s) LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Name, Position Luis Gil y Surname, Juan A. Martin Logo(s) • Desarrollo de técnicas de multiplicación in vitro de los clones resistentes de U. m inor • Propagación de U. m inor mediante estas técnicas y de U. laevis mediante semillado • Inventario de las poblaciones españolas de U. laevis y su diversidad • Plan de acción para facilitar el uso de los olmos ibéricos en los planes de gestión forestal y para incorporar medidas de conservación del U. laevis en la legislación ambiental • Control de la adaptación al medio de las plantaciones Elm • Difusión de los resultados del proyecto a la sociedad • Plantación de 9.500 pies de U. m inor en terrenos calizos (Aranjuez) y 7.000 brinzales de U. laevis en terrenos silíceos (San Sebastián de los Reyes) • Elaboración de un manual de gestión forestal sostenible de las olmedas ibéricas en la cuenca del río Tajo • Protección de la especie U. laevis mediante su inclusión en la legislación de conservación de la naturaleza LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Name, Position Luis Gil y Surname, Juan A. Martin Logo(s) Project title and acronym: «Migratory fish recovery and improved management in the final stretch of the Ebre River (LIFE MIGRATOEBRE)» PROJECT LOCATION: Tortosa (Catalonia) BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1.568.574,00 € % EC Co-funding: 50% DURATION: Start: 01/07/14 - End: 30/06/18 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: IDECE (Institute for the development of the regions of the Ebre River) Associated Beneficiaries: CERM (Center for the Study of Mediterranean Rivers – Ter River Museum), DAAM (Catalan Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Environment), Catalunya – La Pedrera foundation, and IRTA (Institute for Food and Agriculture Research and Technology) LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10th September 2014, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) BACKGROUND and AIMS: Recover river ecological connectivity and a healthy and sustainable population of migrating fish -European sturgeon (Acipenser sturio), European eel (Anguilla anguilla), twaite shad (Alosa fallax) and sea lamprey (Petromizon marinus)- in the lower Ebre River and Delta. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: Implement of mitigation measures in relation to hydromorphology improvement, especially on river ecological connectivity and fish passage issues associated by the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) and the European Eel Recovery Plan (Regulation 1100/2007; EC, 2007). Recover fish species targeted by the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10th September 2014, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) MAIN ACTIVITIES: 1. Apply a ship locks improved management (at Xerta’s weir and Flix dam), install new fish passes (at Xerta’s weir and Ascó’s weir), monitor annually and comunicate it. 2. Undertake a pilot project of sturgeon restocking: experimental releases in the lower Ebre (downstream of the Xerta’s weir and between Flix dam and Ascó’s weir as well). Collaboration with IRSTEA-Bordeaux and MIGADO (France). 3. Execute a communication campaign on the main project objectives for general public as well as to farmers, fishermen, anglers, among other sectors, and a community involvement plan. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10th September 2014, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) « CONSERVATION OF HABITAT "9570 * Tetraclinis articulata FOREST" IN THE EUROPEAN CONTINENT » PROJECT LOCATION: Región de Murcia BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1.544.168 € % EC Co-funding: 69% DURATION: Start: 01/06/2014 - End: 30/06/2018 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia Associated Beneficiary(ies): Universidad de Murcia, Ayuntamiento de Cartagena, Asociación de Naturalistas del Sudeste y Fundación Sierra Minera LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, septiembre 2014, Madrid A. Félix Carrillo, Project Management BACKGROUND and AIMS: •The main objective of this Project is to preserve, improve and increase the forest area of the priority natural habitat "9570* Tetraclinis articulata forests" in Cartagena mountains of the Region of Murcia, especially after the fire of 2011 when habitat was burned about 64,58% •This habitat only occurs naturally in European continent in the mountains of Cartagena. - Combat the threat that is generated mainly by the fire of human origin and its consequence -Reduce the loss of genetic diversity - Reconcile the conservation of habitat of Tetraclinis articulata with grazing by sheep and goats. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: Environment LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, septiembre 2014, Madrid A. Félix Carrillo, Project Management MAIN ACTIVITIES: (Please emphasise the innovative aspects of the actions) •Improve and extend the population and, therefore the habitat, works on large scale forestry will be made (selective thinning) •Combat the loss of genetic diversity will be made work of planting for habitat *9570 species and the means and staff of Regional Gene Bank. •We will control the presence of livestock in areas with excess through agreements with the owners of the pastures and shepherds. EXPECTED RESULTS: •61.08 hectares of selective thinning to facilitate Tetraclinis forest ecological competition against Pinus halepensis after fire of 2011. •33.51 hectares of plantation for species of 9570* habitats to facilitate ecological competition against Pinus halepensis after fire of 2011. •-Agreements with livestock farmers LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, septiembre 2014, Madrid A. Félix Carrillo, Project Management Mediterranean monk seal conservation in Madeira and development of a conservation status surveillance system « LIFE MADEIRA MONK SEAL » PROJECT LOCATION: Archipiélago de Madeira, Portugal BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1.143.364 € % EC Co-funding: 58,67 % DURATION: Start: 1/06/14 End: 30/05/18 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: CBD-Habitat Foundation, Spain Associated Beneficiary(ies): Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Recursos Naturais LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/14, Madrid Pablo Fernández de Larrinoa, LIFE director Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) LIFE CONHABIT ANDALUCÍA (LIFE13 NAT/ES/000586) LOCALIZACIÓN: Andalucía (España) PRESUPUESTO: Cantidad Total: 2.654.268 € Co-financiación comunitaria: 60 % DURACION: inicio: 01/06/14 - Final: 01/06/19 BENEFICIARIOS: Beneficiario coordinador: Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio. Beneficiario asociado: Agencia de Medio Ambiente y Agua. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVOS: Los ambientes costeros se ven afectados por acelerados procesos de pérdida, fragmentación y degradación de sus hábitats por diferentes causas, lo que compromete su futuro. El proyecto LIFE CONHABIT ANDALUCÍA aborda la corrección de algunas de las amanezas más importantes observadas en espacios de la Red Natura 2000 en ambientes costeros y trabaja para conseguir una mayor conciencia social sobre la necesidad de proteger estos espacios y sus hábitats con el siguiente objetivo general: Promover la mejora y la conservación de los hábitats prioritarios de la Directiva 92/43/CEE presentes en LIC del litoral andaluz. Los objetivos específicos son: OBJETIVO 1. Mejorar y actualizar el estado de conocimiento de la distribución de los hábitats y especies de flora prioritarios presentes en los espacios litorales de Andalucía. OBJETIVO 2. Conservar los ecosistemas litorales andaluces, mediante actuaciones de protección y reforzamiento de poblaciones de las principales especies amenazadas y de los hábitats litorales prioritarios. OBJETIVO 3. Evaluar el estado de conservación de Hábitats Prioritarios presentes en el litoral andaluz. OBJETIVO 4. Mitigar las principales amenazas que en la actualidad se han identificado para la conservación de los hábitats y flora amenazada del litoral andaluz. OBJETIVO 5. Reforzar mediante la formación a sectores profesionales implicados en estos espacios. OBJETIVO 6. Mejorar en la aplicación de fórmulas de gestión integrada del litoral dentro del ámbito de actuación del proyecto. OBJETIVO 7. Poner en valor la biodiversidad litoral andaluza (especies y hábitats prioritarios y Red Natura 2000). De este modo, el proyecto trabaja en 10 hábitats prioritarios presentes en 15 LIC. Las amenazas detectadas sobre las que se actúa son: presencia de especies exóticas invasoras, uso público no ordenado, presencia de especies competidoras, malas prácticas en tratamientos selvícolas, riesgo de incendios, residuos y actividades agrícolas inadecuadas. LEGISLACIÓN EUROPEA OBJETIVO DEL PROYECTO: Directiva 92/43/CEE de 21 de mayo de 1992 relativa a la conservación de los hábitats naturales y de la fauna y flora silvestres. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) ACCIONES PRINCIPALES: Las acciones se estructuran en torno a cinco ejes principales: 1. Ordenación de uso público. Instalación de vallados, pasarelas, aparcamientos y eliminación de residuos. 2. Restauración de hábitats. Replanteo de actuaciones, control de especies exóticas invasoras y especies competidoras, revegetación. 3. Gestión de hábitats. Cartografía de detalle, replanteo de actuaciones, orientaciones selvicolas, formación , reuniones sectoriales, divulgación. 4. Comunicación, formación y educación ambiental. Plan de Comunicación, difusión de resultados, cursos de formación, educación ambiental y voluntariado. 5. Evaluación y seguimiento. Indicadores de seguimiento, valoracion socioeconómica y medioambiental, evaluación del proyecto, auditoria y postlife. Entre las componentes a destacar se señalan: La mejora en la gestión de zonas forestales a través del desarrollo de buenas prácticas que tengan en cuenta valores medioambientales presentes en los espacios no tenidos en cuenta hasta la fecha, pudiendo servir de modelo, además, en otros espacios similares. El proyecto está en consonancia con los objetivos de la Estrategia de la UE sobre biodiversidad hasta 2020, en concreto en lo que se refiere a sus objetivos 1 y 2: aplicación plena de la Directiva Hábitats y mantenimiento y restauración de los ecosistemas y sus servicios. Así mismo, desarrolla las estrategias española y andaluza de biodiversidad. El proyecto aplicará modelos de trabajo ampliamente probados en otros proyectos LIFE y propone algunos estudios que pueden ser de aplicación para otros lugares y hábitats. Por último, el protagonismo que adquiere la valoración de los servicios ambientales y ecosistémicos en un ámbito como el litoral se valora como otro valor añadido del proyecto. RESULTADOS ESPERADOS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Ordenación del uso público: en 8 LIC. Ordenación/habilitación de aparcamientos: 4 LIC. Control de especies exóticas: 7 LIC (5 hábitats prioritarios). Control competencia de especies: 5 hábitats prioritario. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 5. 6. 7. 8. Plantaciones especies diagnósticas: 7 LIC. Cartografía de detalle de 7 hábitats prioritarios en 8 LIC. Información y capacitación a personal de sectores “clave”. Aumentar la sensibilidad social. Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) Título del proyecto y/o acrónimo: « PIROSLIFE » LOCALIZACIÓN: Pirineos de Lleida PRESUPUESTO: Cantidad Total: 2.435.639 € % co-financiación comunitaria: 75% DURACION: Inicio: 01/07/2014 - Final: 31/12/2018 BENEFICIARIOS: Beneficiario coordinador: Generalitat de Catalunya Beneficiario/s asociado/s: Conselh Generau d’Aran, Forestal Catalana SA, Universitat de Lleida, Fundación Oso Pardo LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 Septiembre 2014 RicardName, Casanovas, Director del Proyecto. Generalitat de Catalunya Surname, Position Logo(s) ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVOS: El OBJETIVO GENERAL del proyecto es implementar una serie de acciones que permitan consolidar el futuro del oso en los Pirineos en un entorno favorable Otros objetivos son: - Conocer y consolidar genéticamente la población. - Diseñar una red de espacios de conectividad para el oso y mejorarlos. - Probar que el riesgo de ataques "cero" a la ganadería y la apicultura es posible. - Generar un clima de aceptación y coexistencia. - Incrementar y mejorar los espacios de coordinación internacional en relación al oso. Un objetivo transversal es generar productos y metodologías que puedan ser exportadas a otros lugares, sobretodo de los Pirineos. LEGISLACIÓN EUROPEA OBJETIVO DEL PROYECTO: DIRECTIVA 92/43/CEE DEL CONSEJO, de 21 de mayo de 1992, relativa a la conservación de los hábitats naturales y de la fauna y flora silvestres. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 Septiembre 2014 RicardName, Casanovas, Director del Proyecto. Generalitat de Catalunya Surname, Position Logo(s) ACCIONES PRINCIPALES: Translocación de un macho para mejorar la genética de la población de osos del Pirineo: gestionando la estructura genética de la población. Nuevas acciones integrales para la prevención de ataques de oso sobre la ganadería y la apicultura: hacia el riesgo cero. Mejora del hábitat en las zonas de conectividad: prados de siega y frutos Ordenación del uso público en zonas de observación habitual de osos. Desarrollo de una red de voluntariado para la conservación del oso en el Parque Natural del Alto Pirineo: seguimiento, divulgación, ganadería y gestión. Formación de pastores y ganaderos en relación a la coexistencia con el oso (escuela de pastores, escuelas agrarias y asociaciones de ganaderos). Sensibilización y formación de adultos mediante sus hijos en relación a la integración del oso en la vida de la montaña. RESULTADOS ESPERADOS: Aumento de la demografía y de la diversidad genética de la población. Aproximación al riesgo cero en los ataques de oso sobre la ganadería y la apicultura. Mejorar la conectividad entre las zonas de utilización preferente por los osos. Regulación de las observaciones de osos sin riesgo para los osos ni para las personas. Formación de personal: pastores, voluntarios, etc. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 Septiembre 2014 RicardName, Casanovas, Director del Proyecto. Generalitat de Catalunya Surname, Position Logo(s) LIFE 13 BIO/ES/1407«RIPISILVANATURA» PROJECT LOCATION: Murcia (Spain) BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 2,454,611 Euro % EC Co-funding: 49.75% DURATION: Start: 01/09/14 - End: 31/08/19 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura Associated Beneficiaries: D.G. Medio Ambiente de la Región de Murcia, Universidad de Murcia, Asociación de Naturalistas del Sureste, Ayuntamiento de Calasparra, Ayuntamiento de Cieza, LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Jaime L. Fraile Jiménez de Muñana Jefe de Servicio OPH, CHS BACKGROUND and AIMS: Strengthening associated biodiversity of habitat 92A0 and control of Invasive Alien Species in the Segura River. The Segura River Basin is one of the most degraded sections within the distribution area of the habitat of Community Interest 92A0 (and associated habitats). The loss and degradation of the original habitat represents an advantage for opportunistic and exotic species of both fauna and flora, which entails a reduction of the rich biodiversity that was traditionally bound to the riparian forest or Ripisilva (Populus and Salix-dominated riparian gallery). MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Jaime L. Fraile Jiménez de Muñana Jefe de Servicio OPH, CHS MAIN ACTIVITIES: 1.Ripisilva-friendly Good Agrarian Practices. 2.Action Protocols for the detection of IAS of fauna. 3.Land Stewardship network. 4.RIPISILVANATURA 2.0 web server. 5.Multi-platform RIPI_NATURA mobile app. 6.IAS control (ecological engineering). 7.Native Riparian Habitats restoration. 8.Direct elimination of exotic fauna by environmental agents. 9.Fire prevention actions. EXPECTED RESULTS: • Restoration of the habitat 92A0 in the Segura River Basin. •Consolidation of succession stages for the riparian forest reforestation. •Dissemination to farmers and fishermen groups. •Information to land owners close to areas subject to repeated fire events •Creation of an early warning network for IAS and fire control. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 Jaime L. Fraile Jiménez de Muñana Jefe de Servicio OPH, CHS Project: « CIPRIBER» LIFE13 NAT/ES/000772 PROJECT LOCATION: Provincia de Salamanca BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 2.429.049 euros EC Co-funding: 50% de los costes elegibles DURATION: Start: 02/06/14 - End: 31/08/18 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: CONFEDERACIÓN HIDROGRÁFICA DEL DUERO Associated Beneficiary(ies): JUNTA DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, FUNDACIÓN PATRIMONIO NATURAL DE CyL CONFEDERACIÓN HIDROGRÁFICA DEL TAJO LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 BACKGROUND and AIMS: En los últimos años se ha comprobado un acusado retroceso de las poblaciones de ciprínidos ibéricos (bermejuela, colmilleja, sarda etc.), algunas de ellas declaradas como especies amenazadas, debido a múltiples causas, entre las que cabe destacar la degradación del hábitat fluvial, la fragmentación de los ríos por la presencia de obstáculos transversales infranqueables, y la proliferación de las especies exóticas. Se ha escogido cómo ámbito de actuación los LICs de la zona suroeste de la provincia de Salamanca por sus singulares características (endemismos, tipología de los ríos, etc.). MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: Directiva 92/43/CEE relativa a la conservación de los hábitats naturales y de la fauna y flora silvestres LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 MAIN ACTIVITIES: -Caracterización del estado de las poblaciones piscícolas. -Caracterización del estado de los cauces y principales presiones. -Desarrollo de un programa de cría en cautividad (conocimiento científico sobre la biología de estas especies). -Actuaciones en cauce para la mejora de los hábitats (demolición de obstáculos transversales y construcción de pasos piscícolas, y actuaciones de restauración fluvial). -Programa de seguimiento. -Plan de comunicación y divulgación. EXPECTED RESULTS: -La mejora de los hábitats fluviales. -Desarrollo de una metodología que permita la cría en cautividad de estas especies de ciprínidos, generando un stock que garantice su supervivencia a largo plazo. -Divulgación de la importancia de la conservación de estas especies. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 septiembre 2014 LIFE+ARCOS (Standing for ARenales COSteros, in Spanish) AR COS PROJECT LOCATION: N Coast of Spain (10 sites) BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1,327,816.00 € % EC Co-funding: 71,20% DURATION: Start: 01/07/14 End: 31/12/2018 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: Universidad de Oviedo Associated Beneficiaries: (1)Dirección General de Sostenibilidad de la Costa y del Mar (MAGRAMA) (2) Diputación foral de Guipuzkoa (3) Dirección General de Montes y Conservación de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Cantabria, (4) Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi, (5) Ecología Litoral S.L. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 9/09/2014, Madrid BACKGROUND and AIMS: • Dune systems in the northern coast of Spain (Atlantic bioregion) include rare, scarce and threatened habitats (2130*) and species which are needed of urgent restoration /reinforcement actions that guarantee their survival under an adequate conservation status. • Main goal of the project is to improve the conservation status of dune systems in 10 Natura 2000 sites and the establishment of a best practice guide for dune restoration that include in-situ and ex-situ perspectives with the participation of experts and public bodies with responsibilities on SCIs management policies. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: (from EU Action Plan to 2010 and beyond) • Objectives (1) to safeguard the EU's most important habitats and species and to conserve and (2) to restore biodiversity and ecosystem services in the wider EU countryside • Objective 5: to substantially reduce the impact on EU Biodiversity of invasive alien species (IAS) and alien genotypes LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 9/09/2014, Madrid MAIN ACTIVITIES: • (Ex-situ approach) Germplasm collecting actions in order to increase biodiversity in target sites • (In-situ approach) Conservation actions by elimination of invassive flora species and pinus non native forests, installation of sand fences, delimitation of dune areas, population reinforcement with structural and rare, threatened and protected species EXPECTED RESULTS: •Action plans for restoration of 10 selected dune systems in the whole Cantabrian coast involving public bodies with competencies in management of protected sites, expertise groups and NGOs. •Restoration of at least 50 ha of ‘grey dunes’ (2130* priorized habitat) and 65 ha of ‘white dunes’ (2120 habitat) • Conservation of germplasm of 28 native plant species (endangered and protected under regional legislation) to ensure their availability in restoration actions proposed in the project • Definition of culture and germination protocols of endangered dune species in order to establish a well defined method for getting successful breeding results. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9 septiembre 2014 De-urbanizing and recovering the ecological functioning of the coastal systems of La Pletera (Life-Pletera) PROJECT LOCATION: Torroella de Montgrí (Girona) BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 2.528.148 € % EC Co-funding: 75% (1.896.111 €) DURATION: Start: 01/07/14 - End: 30/06/018 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: Ayuntamiento de Torroella de Montgrí Associated Beneficiary(ies): Universitat de Girona; Parc Natural del Montgrí, les Illes Medes i el Baix Ter; Empresa de Transformación Agraria S. A. (TRAGSA) LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Date, Place BACKGROUND and AIMS: La Pletera is a coastal ecosystem affected in the late 80s by building works for a residential estate, discontinued in the early 90s. The aim of the project is to remove the manmade elements in order to recover the ecological functioning of the coastal ecosystem. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: Biodiversity strategy for 2020. Definitive restoration of at least 15% of degraded ecosystems. Coastal lagoons restoration. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Date, Place MAIN ACTIVITIES: •Dismantling the existing urban features and replacing the disused infrastructures (promenade, accesses, debris) by a fully functioning coastal lagoon system. •Foredune restoration. •To show that it is possible to reverse the process despite the severe deterioration of Mediterranean coastal ecosystems. EXPECTED RESULTS: •A coastal lagoon system with the natural spatial structure of a Mediterranean coastal wetland. •An increase in CO2 fixation capacity. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 9 septiembre 2014 LIFE13 NAT/ES/001171 Nuevos enfoques en la conservación del visón europeo en España LOCALIZACIÓN: País Vasco, La Rioja, Aragón y Comunidad Valenciana Presupuesto total: 2.536.461€ % de cofinanciación de la CE: 74,90% Inicio: 02/06/2014 Fin: 31/12/2018 Beneficiario Coordinador: TRAGSATEC Beneficiarios Asociados : Ayuntamiento de VitoriaGasteiz, Asociación Visón Europeo, Diputación Foral de Álava, Diputación Foral de Bizkaia, Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, Generalitat Valenciana, Gobierno de Aragón, Gobierno de La Rioja y Senda Viva LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) Restauración del hábitat de alimentación natural del buitre negro y otras aves necrófagas de interés comunitario en España central «LIFE FEEDING SCAVENGERS» LOCALIZACIÓN DEL PROYECTO: Castilla y León INFORMACIÓN PROSUPUESTARIA: Presupuesto total: 759,811€ % Cofinanciación CE: 60% DURACIÓN: Inicio: 01/07/14 - Fin: 30/07/14 IMPLEMENTADORES DEL PROYECTO: Beneficiario Coordinador: Fundación CBD-Hábitat Beneficiarios asociados: Fundación del Patrimonio Natural de Castilla y León Consejería de Fomento y Medio Ambiente. Junta de Castilla y León LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Surname, NuriaName, El Khadir Palomo.Position Gerente Logo(s) Antecedentes y Objetivos: El descenso de la ganadería extensiva en muchas zonas rurales , junto con las normativas zoosanitarias aplicadas durante las últimas décadas a la eliminación de cadáveres procedentes de estas explotaciones, han provocado un importante descenso en la disponibilidad de alimento para las aves necrófagas. La falta de alimento en cantidad , calidad y localización adecuadas supone una de las más importantes amenazas para la conservación de las poblaciones de aves necrófagas en su área de distribución europea. El Proyecto Life “Feeding Scavengers” se propone restituir unas condiciones adecuadas en cuanto a la disponibilidad de alimento para el buitre negro y otras especies de aves necrófagas de interés comunitario. Para ello se promoverá la aplicación de las nuevas normativas europeas, que permiten la utilización de cadáveres provenientes de la ganadería extensiva, para la alimentación de estas especies. Para alcanzar los objetivos previstos se contará con la colaboración con los ganaderos de las principales zonas de alimentación de estas especies en Castilla y León. Principales políticas de la UE implicadas: Políticas de desarrollo regional y cohesión Políticas agrícola y ganadera Políticas medioambientales Cambio climático Biodiversidad (Directivas Aves y Hábitat) Eficiencia de los recursos y los residuos Consumo y producción sostenibles Protección de los consumidores y de la salud pública Política industrial y de investigación (La política de innovación) LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Surname, NuriaName, El Khadir Palomo.Position Gerente Logo(s) PRINCIPALES ACTIVIDADES: Elaboración de Planes de Acción y Conservación de aves necrófagas de interés comunitario. Programas de restauración del hábitat de alimentación en explotaciones de ganadería extensiva . Programas de alimentación suplementaria mediante muladares móviles. Establecimiento de acuerdos con explotaciones de ganadería extensiva. Desarrollo de app para actualización «in situ» de la información sobre disponibilidad de alimento en la zona de actuación Alimentación en explotaciones de ganadería extensiva y en explotaciones asociadas a muladares móviles, y favorecimiento diferencial del consumo por las especies objetivo en cada ubicación en relación con la distribución de estas especies objetivo, frente a la competencia con buitre leonado. Evaluación continuada de las necesidades tróficas cubiertas por los programas de alimentación, y de la eficacia del aprovechamiento por las especies objetivo. Aportar información a los colectivos implicados , sobre los beneficios sistémicos aportados por las aves necrófagas, y sobre las nuevas posibilidades para su alimentación mediante SANDACH. RESULTADOS ESPERADOS: Disponer de información actualizada sobre cantidad y distribución de alimento, y adecuar de modo dinámico la cantidad biomasa aportada a las necesidades tróficas de las poblaciones. Informar al 100% de las explotaciones de ganadería extensiva y potenciar su adhesión a los programas de alimentación implementados. Transmitir al ganadero métodos que favorezcan el consumo de los cadáveres por las especies objetivo. Favorecer a las poblaciones de las especies objetivo, mediante el aporte de alimento en cantidad, distribución y disposición adecuadas, minimizando problemas pro competencia con buitre leonado. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Surname, NuriaName, El Khadir Palomo.Position Gerente Logo(s) ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVOS: LIFE Lutreola Spain pretende mejorar el estado de conservación del visón europeo (Mustela lutreola) en España La situación de la especie es crítica, hasta el punto de que si no se realiza una conservación más eficaz es muy probable que la especie desaparezca en un breve plazo de tiempo en España. En los últimos 15 años se ha constatado la expansión del visón americano (Neovison vison), habiéndose identificado ésta como la principal amenaza para la conservación del visón autóctono. Los trabajos de control realizados hasta la fecha se han mostrado ineficaces, por lo que urge mejorar las técnicas y protocolos de actuación. Los objetivos generales son: -La eliminación de los núcleos de visón americano dentro del área de distribución y zonas de riesgo del visón europeo - El aumento de la viabilidad de la población salvaje de visón europeo mediante el refuerzo poblacional y la creación de nuevos núcleos y - La creación de una red de seguimiento para evaluar la situación de ambas especies de visones. Esta especie figura en la Directiva 92/43 en los anexos II y IV, teniendo además la consideración de prioritaria. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) PRINCIPALES ACCIONES: 1. Estudio de la eficacia en la detección y captura de visones y creación de nuevos protocolos de trabajo combinando distintos métodos para la erradicación del visón americano, la detección temprana de sus movimientos dispersivos y el seguimiento del estado de conservación del visón europeo 2. Trampeo de visón americano dentro de las áreas de riesgo y de distribución de visón europeo 3. Restauración de las poblaciones de visón europeo. Refuerzo poblacional de los núcleos más vulnerables y creación de un nuevo núcleo poblacional 4. Creación de una red de seguimiento para evaluar de forma continua el estado de conservación del visón europeo y seguir la evolución del área ocupada por el visón americano 5. Evaluación de la unión de las poblaciones cautivas oriental y occidental de visón europeo 6. Restauración de hábitat del visón europeo en un tramo del río Ebro 7. Evaluación del impacto de estructuras viarias en Álava y de granjas peleteras en Guipuzcoa RESULTADOS ESPERADOS: Mejora en la conservación del visón europeo mediante: La eliminación del visón americano en áreas de riesgo y de distribución del visón europeo Restauración de la población Evaluación de la mejora genética de los ejemplares cautivos Reducción de la mortalidad no natural Concienciación social de la problemática de las especies exóticas invasoras LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10/09/2014, Madrid Name, Surname, Position Logo(s) Project title and/or acronym: « LIFE LimnoPirineus » PROJECT LOCATION: Pirineos. BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 2,619,047 € % EC Co-funding: 55.13% DURATION: Start: 01/06/2014 - End:31/05/2019 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Associated Beneficiary(ies): Conselh Generau d'Aran; Forestal Catalana, S. A.; Generalitat de Catalunya; Sorelló, Estudis al Medi Aquàtic S.L.; Universitat de Barcelona LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 de septiembre, Madrid BACKGROUND and AIMS: •LIFE+ LimnoPirineus persigue mejorar el estado de conservación de hábitats como las turberas, las fuentes carbonatadas y los ríos y lagos de alta montaña. Entre las especies objetivo a proteger hay algunos anfibios como la rana bermeja, el sapo partero común y el tritón pirenaico, la planta acuática Luronium natans, y el cavilat (Cottus gobio), un pez endémico de la cuenca de la Garona. •El proyecto se realizará en tres espacios de la red Natura 2000 de los Pirineos: Aigüestortes, Alt Pallars, y el Estanho de Vilac situado en el Valle de Aran. •Las amenazas identificadas que afectan a les hábitats acuáticos a los que se refiere el proyecto son la presencia y proliferación de especies exóticas invasoras de fauna acuática, modificaciones hidrológicas, el riesgo de extinción de Luronium natans y Cottus gobio, el pastoreo (compactación o disgregación del suelo, mineralización y eutrofia; y la sobre frecuentación turística. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: •DIRECTIVA 92/43/CEE DEL CONSEJO, de 21 de mayo de 1992, relativa a la conservación de los hábitats naturales y de la fauna y flora silvestres. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 de septiembre, Madrid MAIN ACTIVITIES: Las medidas de conservación que se realizarán contemplan estudios detallados del grado de conservación de especies y hábitats, así como la redacción de planes de gestión a largo plazo, la construcción de pasarelas y actuaciones de protección, y la restauración de hábitats a su estado natural. Esto incluye la eliminación de especies invasoras de peces y, en algunos casos, la reintroducción de ejemplares para reforzar las poblaciones de especies en riesgo. También se adecuarán espacios de divulgación ambiental y se realizarán campañas de sensibilización ciudadana. EXPECTED RESULTS: Se espera la erradicación completa de salmónidos alóctonos (S. fontinalis y S. trutta) y completa o parcial de Phoxinus sp. en lagos de seis sectores, y la correspondiente recuperación de estos hábitats y especies amenazadas. Se prevé recuperar la calidad de las turberas de Molières y Plans de Sotllo afectadas por sobre frecuentación turística, el restableciminto de una turbera y la restauración hydrológica de las turberas de Trescuro. La eliminación de la presión del ganado en dos fuentes calcáreas (Montsent de Pallars y Estanyeres). Recuperación poblacional de C. gobio del río Aiguamòg del SCI Aigüestortes. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 de septiembre, Madrid «Invasive species control through public participation» PROJECT LOCATION: Barreiro BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1 322 947 € % EC Co-funding: 661 473 € DURATION: Start: 01/07/2014 - End: 01/07/2019 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: Barreiro Municipality Associated Beneficiary(ies): None LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 September 2014 Nuno Cabrita, Coordinator of conservation actions BACKGROUND and AIMS: There is a strong invasion of various species of acacia in the Machada woods. In the surrounding marsh there is an invasion, less aggressive, of ice plants (Carpobrotus edulis (L.)). We seek an alternative to the traditional models of invasive species control, not neglecting the experience in many other projects . This project combines a public component and a strong support in volunteering programs. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: The problem of invasive species, especially flora in this case, is a global problem, identified in section 3.4 of the European Commission "Our life insurance, our natural capital reporting: an EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 "as one of the greatest pressures and drivers of loss of biodiversity. This identification is reflected in the definition of goal 5 of the strategy, which is a line of policy with subsequent developments. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 September 2014 Nuno Cabrita, Coordinator of conservation actions MAIN ACTIVITIES: 1. A team of multifunctional forest management will manage the conservation activities; 1.Cutting interventions, removal, occasional planting, etc., based on voluntary targeted audiences (schools, pensioners, associations, corporate, general public, etc.), leading to "adopting" control areas and eradication of invasive species by organized groups. These interventions are technically framed by the forest management team. The boost of actions as well as the mobilization of volunteers is based on extensive awareness actions. 1.The use of public participation components is expected to play an important role in raising public awareness to the problems of managing the natural heritage. EXPECTED RESULTS: The main expected result of the project is an immaterial result: to trigger a social dynamics to mobilizing volunteers, which in the future sustains itself. It is expected a concrete outcome: the"adoption" area of patches of invasive species, that comes to 20 hectares, representing more than 50% of the area with more serious invasion of acacia LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 September 2014 Nuno Cabrita, Coordinator of conservation actions Project: « Life Berlengas » PROJECT LOCATION: Berlengas Nature Reserve BUDGET INFO: Total amount: € 1,395,962 EC Co-funding: 50% DURATION: Start: 01/06/2014 - End: 30/09/2018 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: SPEA Associated Beneficiaries: Município de Peniche, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, ICNF LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10.09.2014, Madrid BACKGROUND and AIMS: Berlengas are a recent marine SPA with little baseline information and no legal management plan, project aims to establish a participatory and sustainable management by solving the main threats identified: - Insufficient knowledge on seabirds and trends - Predation by alien mammal species - Predation by yellow-legged gull - Presence of invasive plant species, especially ice-plant Carpobrotus edulis - Excessive visitation and disturbance at Berlenga - Impact of economic activities: fisheries, recreation and tourism - etc. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: The project represents a major contribution to EU policies and targets for 2020 Biodiversity Strategy, European Birds Directive, and Invasive Species policy. It also contributes to the European Plan of Action for reducing incidental catches of seabirds in the region. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10.09.2014, Madrid ! ! ! MAIN ACTIVITIES and EXPECTED RESULTS: 1. Understand the main threats affecting seabird populations and endemic plant species on land and at sea (for seabirds), and define actions to minimise/eradicate them – mapping and monitoring endemic plants; habitat restoration for seabird colonies; control of sea gull colonies and reducing their impact on seabirds; assessing and reducing the impact of mammal alien predators; conservation enhancement of the populations of seabirds (Cory’s shearwater, Storm petrel and guillemots) and plants; control of invasive ice-plant Carpobrotus edulis 2. Promote a sustainable use of the recently created Berlengas SPA, focusing its main 3 economic activities: fisheries, recreation and tourism – test mitigation methods for bycatch in fisheries; best practices guidelines for recreational activities; visitor centre in Berlenga 3. Define the necessary monitoring framework for the completion and approval of the management plan of Berlengas SPA – integration of all stakeholders; facilitating and integrating natural values to the resident population and visitors; management plan approved; long-term monitoring scheme LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10.09.2014, Madrid ! ! ! «Invasive species control through public participation» PROJECT LOCATION: Barreiro BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 1 322 947 € % EC Co-funding: 661 473 € DURATION: Start: 01/07/2014 - End: 01/07/2019 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: Barreiro Municipality Associated Beneficiary(ies): None LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 September 2014 Nuno Cabrita, Coordinator of conservation actions BACKGROUND and AIMS: There is a strong invasion of various species of acacia in the Machada woods. In the surrounding marsh there is an invasion, less aggressive, of ice plants (Carpobrotus edulis (L.)). We seek an alternative to the traditional models of invasive species control, not neglecting the experience in many other projects . This project combines a public component and a strong support in volunteering programs. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: The problem of invasive species, especially flora in this case, is a global problem, identified in section 3.4 of the European Commission "Our life insurance, our natural capital reporting: an EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 "as one of the greatest pressures and drivers of loss of biodiversity. This identification is reflected in the definition of goal 5 of the strategy, which is a line of policy with subsequent developments. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 September 2014 Nuno Cabrita, Coordinator of conservation actions MAIN ACTIVITIES: 1. A team of multifunctional forest management will manage the conservation activities; 1.Cutting interventions, removal, occasional planting, etc., based on voluntary targeted audiences (schools, pensioners, associations, corporate, general public, etc.), leading to "adopting" control areas and eradication of invasive species by organized groups. These interventions are technically framed by the forest management team. The boost of actions as well as the mobilization of volunteers is based on extensive awareness actions. 1.The use of public participation components is expected to play an important role in raising public awareness to the problems of managing the natural heritage. EXPECTED RESULTS: The main expected result of the project is an immaterial result: to trigger a social dynamics to mobilizing volunteers, which in the future sustains itself. It is expected a concrete outcome: the"adoption" area of patches of invasive species, that comes to 20 hectares, representing more than 50% of the area with more serious invasion of acacia LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, Madrid, 10 September 2014 Nuno Cabrita, Coordinator of conservation actions Project: « Life Berlengas » PROJECT LOCATION: Berlengas Nature Reserve BUDGET INFO: Total amount: € 1,395,962 EC Co-funding: 50% DURATION: Start: 01/06/2014 - End: 30/09/2018 PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS: Coordinating Beneficiary: SPEA Associated Beneficiaries: Município de Peniche, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, ICNF LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10.09.2014, Madrid ! ! ! BACKGROUND and AIMS: Berlengas are a recent marine SPA with little baseline information and no legal management plan, project aims to establish a participatory and sustainable management by solving the main threats identified: - Insufficient knowledge on seabirds and trends - Predation by alien mammal species - Predation by yellow-legged gull - Presence of invasive plant species, especially ice-plant Carpobrotus edulis - Excessive visitation and disturbance at Berlenga - Impact of economic activities: fisheries, recreation and tourism - etc. MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED: The project represents a major contribution to EU policies and targets for 2020 Biodiversity Strategy, European Birds Directive, and Invasive Species policy. It also contributes to the European Plan of Action for reducing incidental catches of seabirds in the region. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10.09.2014, Madrid ! ! ! MAIN ACTIVITIES and EXPECTED RESULTS: 1. Understand the main threats affecting seabird populations and endemic plant species on land and at sea (for seabirds), and define actions to minimise/eradicate them – mapping and monitoring endemic plants; habitat restoration for seabird colonies; control of sea gull colonies and reducing their impact on seabirds; assessing and reducing the impact of mammal alien predators; conservation enhancement of the populations of seabirds (Cory’s shearwater, Storm petrel and guillemots) and plants; control of invasive ice-plant Carpobrotus edulis 2. Promote a sustainable use of the recently created Berlengas SPA, focusing its main 3 economic activities: fisheries, recreation and tourism – test mitigation methods for bycatch in fisheries; best practices guidelines for recreational activities; visitor centre in Berlenga 3. Define the necessary monitoring framework for the completion and approval of the management plan of Berlengas SPA – integration of all stakeholders; facilitating and integrating natural values to the resident population and visitors; management plan approved; long-term monitoring scheme LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10.09.2014, Madrid ! ! ! Conservation of the Saramugo (Anaecypris hispanica) in the Guadiana Basin (Portugal) - LIFE13 NAT/PT/000786 LIFE Saramugo Budget: Total – € 1.453.664 Eligible – € 1.453.664 50% UE contribution – € 726.831 Duration: Star: 01/07/2014 – End: 31/01/2018 Coordinating beneficiary: LPN – Liga para a Proteção da Natureza Associated beneficiary: UEVORA – Universidade de Évora AQUALOGUS – Engenharia e Ambiente, Lda. ICNF – Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas 3 SCI: •Rio Guadiana; •Moura/Barrancos; •S. Mamede. European legislation: Implementation of the EU Habitats Directive, annexes II and IV. Background: Saramugo is a fresh-water endemic fish of the south Iberian Peninsula. In Portugal it is ranked as "Critically Endangered". The continuous nature of the threats to which it is subject, such as: habitat degradation, changes of the natural river flow regime, water extraction, sediment extraction, water quality degradation and also the introduction of non-native species increases the risk of the occurrence of local extinction of this species, which may lead to its extinction. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 Set. 2014, Madrid Miguel Geraldes SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT Main goal: Improvement of the Saramugo’s populations by improving their habitat. a)Update the situation of Saramugo’s populations in Guadiana River basin (Portuguese territory); b)Rehabilitation of shelter, feeding and reproduction habitats and their connectivity; c)Promotion of habitat suitability for the Saramugo,; d)Clarification of the potential impact that may derive from the co-existence of Bleak (Alburnus alburnus) in Saramugo’s populations and test for barriers; e)Reduction of pollution in waterlines due to livestock, in order to safeguard and improve water quality; f)Removal of exotic species and control of it expansion; g)Contribute to the long-term conservation of Saramugo; h)Raise public awareness for the conservation of endemic freshwater fishes. Actions: • Preparatory: update on the status of the Saramugo’s population and threats in the Guadiana basin (A3), essential for the development of GIS (A1) preparation of collaboration protocols with farmers and landowners and licensing permits (A2); study on the impact of Bleak (Alburnus alburnus) in the populations of Saramugo (A4) and study of control mechanisms of Aburno’s dispersion (A5); • Concrete Conservation: rehabilitation of the aquatic environment (C2 e C3), removal of non-native species (C1 e C5) and demonstration of a prototype effective barrier to the progression of Bleak. •Awareness and dissemination: increase the awareness about the importance of the conservation of Saramugo and its habitat in the long term among the general public (E1 to E3, E5, E10 to E14), with schools (E4), with target audience (farmers and fishermen - E7), and among stakeholders (E8, E9 and E15). LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 Set. 2014, Madrid Miguel Geraldes Expected results: •Information update on the status of the specie across the area of historical occurrence in the Portuguese territory (Guadiana River basin, for the 11 sub-basins of historical occurrence); •Compilation of the data collected referring to the situation of Saramugo’s population using GIS; •Clarification of the impact of Bleak (Alburnus alburnus) in Saramugo’s populations in situations of coexistence; •Research for devices (cross barriers; electric current; specific pheromones) that could represent tools to control the progression of the Bleak (Alburnus alburnus); •Removal of exotic species in at least 3 locations, repeated during three years; •Mitigate the impact of livestock presence in the freshwater habitat and promote the rehabilitation of riparian vegetation •Rehabilitation of Saramugo’s habitat (sediment removal and riverside gallery recovery with removal of invasive plant species and plantation of autochthonous species); •Development of a prototype barrier to the progression of the Bleak populations in areas of coexistence; •Implement and test an automatic device for the removal of exotic species; •Workshop and Seminar for sharing knowledge about exotic fish species control and conservation of native fish and Saramugo; •Good practices manual for the conservation and rehabilitation of Saramugo’s habitat; •Environmental awareness of the general public, landowners and stakeholders. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 Set. 2014, Madrid Miguel Geraldes Conservação do Saramugo (Anaecypris hispanica) na Bacia do Guadiana (Portugal) LIFE13 NAT/PT/000786 - LIFE Saramugo Orçamento: Total – € 1.453.664 Elegível – € 1.453.664 50% UE Co-financiamento – € 726.831 Duração: Início: 01/07/2014 – Fim: 31/01/2018 Beneficiário coordenador: LPN – Liga para a Proteção da Natureza Beneficiários associados: UEVORA – Universidade de Évora AQUALOGUS – Engenharia e Ambiente, Lda. ICNF – Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas 3 SIC: •Rio Guadiana; •Moura/Barrancos; •S. Mamede. Legislação europeia: Implementação da Directiva Habitats da União Europeia, anexos II e IV Background: O Saramugo é um peixe dulciaquícola, endémico do Sul da Península Ibérica. Está classificado como “Criticamente em Perigo” em Portugal. O carácter continuado das ameaças a que está sujeito como a degradação do habitat, a alteração do regime natural de caudais, a captação de água, a extracção de inertes, a degradação da qualidade da água e também a introdução de espécies não nativas aumenta o risco da ocorrência de extinções locais desta espécie, que podem levar ao seu desaparecimento. . LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 Set. 2014, Madrid Miguel Geraldes Objetivos: melhorar a situação populacional do Saramugo através da melhoria do seu habitat de ocorrência no país. a)Actualização da situação populacional da espécie em todo a sua área de ocorrência histórica no território português (bacia do Rio Guadiana); b)Reabilitação dos habitats de abrigo, alimentação e reprodução de Saramugo e da conectividade entre estes; c)Promoção da melhoria das condições de adequabilidade de habitat para a espécie, de modo a permitir futuras reintroduções ou reforços populacionais; d)Clarificação das ameaças que possam advir da coexistência do Saramugo e do Alburno; e)Demonstração de técnicas de remoção e controlo da expansão de espécies exóticas; f)Diminuição da poluição nas sub-bacias de ocorrência do Saramugo g)Contribuir para a conservação a longo prazo do Saramugo e sensibilizar o público para as questões de conservação da ictiofauna endémica. h)Ações: a) Preparatórias: atualização da situação populacional do Saramugo e das ameaças na bacia do Guadiana (A3), Elaboração de uma base de dados em SIG com informação atualizada (A1) preparação de protocolos de colaboração e licenciamentos (A2); estudo sobre o impacte do alburno (Alburnus alburnus) nas populações de Saramugo (A4) e estudo de mecanismos de controlo de dispersão de Aburno (A5); b) Gestão Concreta: reabilitação do meio aquático (C2 e C3), remoção de espécies não nativas (C1 e C5) e demonstração de dispositivo de barreira à progressão ao Alburno. c) Sensibilização e disseminação: aumentar o conhecimento sobre a importância da conservação do Saramugo e do seu habitat a longo prazo junto da população em geral (E1 a E3, E5, E10 a E14), junto de escolas (E4), junto de público-alvo (pescadores e produtores agro-pecuários – E7), e ainda das restantes partes interessadas (E8, E9 e E15). LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 Set. 2014, Madrid Miguel Geraldes Resultados esperados: •Atualização da situação populacional do Saramugo em todo a sua área de ocorrência histórica no território português (bacia do Rio Guadiana); •Informação recolhida sobre a situação populacional do Saramugo compilada em SIG; •Clarificação do impacte do Alburno, nas populações de Saramugo (situações de coexistência); •Averiguação do tipo de mecanismos (barreiras transversais; corrente eléctrica; feromonas especificas) que representem ferramentas de controlo da progressão do Alburno; •Remoção de espécies exóticas; •Protecção da linha de água do impacto do gado e promoção da reabilitação da vegetação ribeirinha; •Reabilitação do habitat de ocorrência de Saramugo através do desassoreamento de 2 pegos e recuperação de 4km de galeria ribeirinha; •Desenvolvimento de uma barreira protótipo à progressão do Alburno; •Implementação e teste de dispositivo de remoção automática de espécies exóticas; •Workshop e Seminário para partilha de conhecimento sobre formas de controlo da ictiofauna exótica e para disseminação de conhecimento sobre a conservação do Saramugo e da ictiofauna nativa; •Elaboração de um manual de boas práticas para a conservação e reabilitação do habitat do Saramugo; •Aumento da sensibilização do público em geral, dos proprietários e interlocutores que tem um papel fundamental na conservação a longo prazo desta espécie e do seu habitat. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 Set. 2014, Madrid Miguel Geraldes Conservation of the Spanish Imperial Eagle (Aquila adalberti) in Portugal LIFE13NAT/PT/1300 - LIFE Imperial Budget: Total – € 2,475,460 Eligible – € 2,473,010 75% UE contribution – € 1,854,725 Duration: Start: 01/07/2014 – End: 31/12/2018 European legislation: Implementation of the EU Birds Directive for the protection of a priority species included in Annex I 4 SPA: Castro Verde, Vale do Guadiana, Mourão/Moura/Barrancos and Tejo Internacional Background: Currently, this eagle is considered endemic of the Iberian Peninsula. The size of its breeding population is so small due to threats like habitat loss, prey decline and anthropogenic threats (such as poisoning, illegal shooting, electrocution and disturbance) that there is a high risk of extinction, due to unpredictable environmental factors. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 Set. 2014, Madrid, Spain Miguel Geraldes Main goal: Establish the basic tools to insure the population increase of Spanish Imperial Eagle in Portugal and, therefore, the global Iberian population a)To promote the maintenance and conservation of the habitat in order to enhance its natural recolonization; b)To improve the breeding habitat quality, to recover the prey species and increase species productivity; c)To reduce the factors that are limiting the reproductive success (eg: electrocussion and poisoning); d)To increase the efficiency of the main agents involved in this species protection (eg: managers, hunters, land owners, decision makers, birdwatchers, inspection and magistrate entities) ensuring its long-term continuity e)Raise awareness of general public and stakeholders including local communities, tourism operators and namely photographers about the importance of this species conservation Actions: • Preparatory: assessment of habitat quality (A2), evaluation of the impact of predators in prey species (A4) and the causes that limit the establishing of new breeding pairs (A6); compilation of information to identify priority interventions and create GIS database (A1), definition of Collaboration Protocols and a stewardship network (A3) and elaboration of the National Action Plan (A5); enabling GNR with canine teams detecting poisons for the first time in Portugal (A8) and sharing of Spanish experience in specific workshops given by the partners TRAGSATEC (A7) and SEO (A9). • Concrete Conservation: acquisition of trees (B1); application of management measures favorable to the species conservation (C2) and correction of dangerous power lines (C6); preventing the illegal control of predators, namely poisoning (C4) other illegal activities and disturbance (C3), construction of new nests and reinforcing the existing ones (C1) and application of supplementary feeding protocols (C5). • Awareness and dissemination: increase the awareness about the importance of its conservation among the general public (E1 to E4, E7, E10 to E12) and among the stakeholders (E5, E6, E8, E9 and E13). LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 Set. 2014, Madrid, Spain Miguel Geraldes • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Expected results: The maintenance of the 7 existing breeding pairs and the establishment of 3 new pairs; Acquisition of trees/small woods supporting nests or with nesting potential, installation of artificial platforms and reinforcement of existing nests; Promotion of favorable habitat management measures in the species territories; Identification of the factors limiting the establishment of breeding pairs; Manual of “Habitat Management Best Practices to the conservation of Imperial Eagle”; Increase the food availability in territories of Spanish Imperial Eagle; Correction of 157 electrical poels and 6 disconnectors in 25km of power lines; Creation and approval of the Spanish Imperial Eagle National Action Plan; Poison prospection actions made by the canine teams created; Training course about illegal poisoning for technicians, SEPNA-GNR, ICNF and other agents; Iberian workshop about fighting against poison; Training and seminar for lawyers, magistrates and judges; Manual of procedures on the conduct of proceedings of unlawful acts against protected species; Implementation of the Stewardship network for the Spanish Imperial Eagle; 2 workshops and an international seminar; Environmental awareness activities to young public, stakeholders and general public; Visitation map and good practice guide for nature photographers and birdwatchers. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 Set. 2014, Madrid, Spain Miguel Geraldes Conservação da Águia-imperial-ibérica (Aquila adalberti) em Portugal LIFE13 NAT/PT/1300 - LIFE Imperial Orçamento: Total – € 2,475,460 Elegível – € 2,473,010 75% UE Co-financiamento – € 1,854,725 Duração: Início: 01/07/2014 – Fim: 31/12/2018 Legislação Europeia: Implementação da Directiva Aves da União Europeia para proteção de uma espécie prioritária do Anexo I 4 ZPE: Castro Verde, Vale do Guadiana, Mourão/Moura/Barrancos e Tejo Internacional Background: Actualmente, esta águia é considerada endémica da Península Ibérica. O tamanho da sua população reprodutora é tão pequeno, devido a ameaças como a perda de habitat, declínio de presas e ameaças antropogénicas (como o envenenamento, abate ilegal, eletrocussão e perturbação), que há um elevado risco de extinção devido a factores ambientais imprevisíveis. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 Set. 2014, Madrid, Espanha Miguel Geraldes Objetivo: estabelecer as ferramentas base para assegurar o aumento da população de Águiaimperial em Portugal, e consequentemente da população global ibérica a)Promover a manutenção e conservação do habitat, de modo a potenciar a sua recolonização natural b)Melhorar a qualidade do habitat de nidificação, recuperar as espécies presa e aumentar a produtividade c)Reduzir os factores que limitam o sucesso reprodutivo (ex: eletrocussão e envenenamento) d)Aumentar a eficácia dos principais agentes com intervenção na protecção da espécie (ex: gestores, caçadores, proprietários, decisores, birdwatchers, entidades de fiscalização e da magistratura) e)Sensibilizar o público em geral e as partes interessadas (comunidades locais, operadores turísticos e fotógrafos em particular) para a importância da conservação da espécie Acções: • Preparatórias: avaliação da qualidade do habitat (A2), avaliação do impacte dos predadores nas espécies presa (A4) e das causas que limitam o estabelecimento de casais (A6); compilação da informação indispensável à identificação das intervenções prioritárias e criação do SIG (A1), definição de Protocolos de Colaboração e da Rede de Custódia da Natureza (A3) e elaboração do Plano de Ação Nacional (A5); capacitação da GNR com Equipas Cinotécnicas para detecção de venenos pela primeira vez em Portugal (A8) e partilha da experiência espanhola em formações específicas dadas pelos parceiros TRAGSATEC (A7) e SEO (A9). • Gestão Concreta: compra de árvores (B1); aplicação de medidas de gestão favorável à conservação da espécie (C2) e correcção de linhas elétricas perigosas (C6), prevenção do controlo ilegal de predadores por envenenamento (C4), outras atividades ilegais e da perturbação (C3); construção de novos ninhos e reforço dos existentes (C1) e aplicação de protocolos de alimentação suplementar (C5). • Sensibilização e disseminação: aumentar o conhecimento sobre a importância da sua conservação junto da população em geral (E1 a E4, E7, E10 a E12) e das partes interessadas (E5, E6, E8, E9, E13). LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 Set. 2014, Madrid, Espanha Nome do orador, função Miguel Geraldes • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Resultados esperados: Manutenção de 7 dos casais existentes e estabelecimento de pelo menos 3 novos casais; Compra de árvores/bosquetes com ninhos ou potencial de nidificação, colocação de plataformas artificiais e melhoria de ninhos existentes; Promoção de medidas de gestão do habitat favorável nos territórios da espécie; Identificação das causas limitantes ao estabelecimento de casais nas ZPE do projecto; Manual de Boas Práticas de Gestão de Habitat para a conservação da Águia-imperial; Aumento da disponibilidade alimentar em territórios de Águia-imperial; Correção de 157 apoios e 6 seccionadores em 25km de troços de linhas elétricas; Elaboração do Plano de Acção Nacional para a Águia-imperial-ibérica; Ações de prospecção mensais efectuadas pelas Equipas Cinotécnicas criadas; Curso de formação sobre venenos para técnicos, SEPNA-GNR, vigilantes da natureza e outros agentes; Workshop ibérico de capacitação sobre a luta contra os venenos; Acções de formação e seminário para juristas, magistrados e juízes; Manual de procedimentos sobre a instrução de processos de actos ilícitos contra espécies protegidas; Rede de Custódia da Natureza para a Águia-imperial; Dois workshops e um seminário internacional; Sensibilização ambiental para o público infanto-juvenil, partes interessadas e público em geral; Mapa de visitação e manual de boas práticas para fotógrafos de natureza e birdwatchers. LIFE13 Kick-off Meeting, 10 Set. 2014, Madrid, Espanha Nome orador, função MigueldoGeraldes