Economic Valuation of Agricultural Assets


Economic Valuation of Agricultural Assets
Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering
Economic Valuation of Agricultural Assets
Degree in Agri-food Engineering and Biological Systems
Course 2015/2016
1. Subject information
Economic Valuation of Agricultural Assets
Matter *
Economic Valuation of Agricultural Assets
Module *
Study plan
Teaching period
Common materials
Degree in Agri-food Engineering and Biological Systems
Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering (ETSIA)
Specific optional subject (compulsory nature) of the Mention in
horticulture and gardening
Four-month period
Hours / ECTS
Total workload (hours)
* All terms marked with an asterisk are defined in References for teaching at the UPCT and
Glossary of terms:
2. Teacher information
Lecturer in charge
Knowledge area
Location of the office
Javier Calatrava Leyva
Business Economics
Agricultural Economics, Sociology and Policy
Office 0.10, Ground floor of ETSIA building
968 325 906
[email protected]
968 325 433
Timetable available / Tutorials
Location during the tutorials
See virtual classroom of the subject in Moodle
Office 0.10, Ground floor of ETSIA building
Teaching and research
Agricultural Engineer, Agricultural Economics and Sociology
specialty, by the University of Cordoba (1997).
Doctor by the Polytechnic University of Madrid (2002).
Associate Professor of the Agricultural Economics, Sociology
and Policy Unit.
Teaching experience
Professor since 1999 at the Public University of Navarra and
UPCT. Three five-years teaching periods acknowledged.
Lecturing in of degree, Master and doctorate studies in:
Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Policy, Spanish and
European Agriculture, International Economics, Agricultural
Valuation, Water Economics, Introduction to Research,
Research Methodology, Analysis of decision making under
uncertainty context, Economics of Natural Resources.
Research Lines
Other topics of interest
Agricultural and Resource Economics (water, soil), Economics
and economic modelling of agricultural production, Economic
valuation of natural resources.
Two six-year research periods recognized by the CNEAI (200005, 2006-11).
Consulting and technical assistance to national and
international public organizations.
University management: Secretary of Department (20052010); Deputy director of the ETSIA (2012-2015).
3. Contents
3.1 Contents according to the study plan of the subject
1. Introduction to the economics valuation and appraisal of agricultural assets
2. Main agricultural valuation methods
3. Farms valuation
4. Valuation of damages
5. Valuation of agricultural and food enterprises
6. Writing agricultural valuation reports
3.2 English program theory (Teaching units and topics)
I. Introduction to the Economic Valuation of Agricultural Assets
Chapter 1. Introduction to the Economic Valuation of Agricultural Assets: Main
concepts and applications
II. Main agricultural valuation methods
Chapter 2. Synthetic methods
Chapter 3. Statistical methods
Chapter 4. Analytical or income capitalization method
Chapter 5. Objective-Subjective valuation
III. Farms valuation
Chapter 6. The market for farms
Chapter 7. Objectives of farms valuation
Chapter 8. Valuation for mortgages
Chapter 9. Valuation for expropriations
Chapter 10. Valuation of isolated farm elements and other agricultural assets
IV. Valuation of damages
Chapter 11. Valuation of damages
V. Valuation of agricultural and food enterprises
Chapter 12. Valuation of agricultural and food enterprises
VI. Writing agricultural valuation reports (Horizontal)
Chapter 13. Writing agricultural valuation reports
4. Bibliography and resources
4.1 Basic bibliography*
• Alonso, R. e Iruretagoyena, M.T. (1995). Valoración Agraria. Conceptos, métodos y
aplicaciones. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
• Caballer, V. (2008). Valoración Agraria: Teoría y práctica. 5ª edición. Mundi-Prensa.
Madrid. [Disponible como recursos electrónico]
4.2 Complementary bibliography*
• Alonso, R. y Serrano, A. (2007). Valoración Agraria: Casos Prácticos de Valoración de
Fincas. 2ª edición. Editorial Agrícola Española, Madrid.
• Alonso, R. e Iruretagoyena, M.T. (1993). Casos Prácticos de Valoración Agraria.
Aplicaciones a Empresas Agrarias y Agroalimentarias. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
• Alonso, R. y Villa, A. (2006). Valoración de Empresas; Teoría y Casos Prácticos.
Aplicaciones al Sector Agroalimentario. 1ª edición. Ed. Mundi-Prensa, Madrid.
[available as electronic resource]
• Caballer, V. y Guadalajara, N. (1998). Valoración del agua de riego. Ed. Mundi-Prensa.
• Caballer, V. (1994). Métodos de Valoración de Empresas. Ed. Pirámide, Madrid.
• Ballestero, E. (2000). Economía de la Empresa Agraria y Agroalimentaria. 2ª edición.
Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
• Juliá, J.F. y Server, R.J. (coordinadores) (1996). Dirección Contable y Financiera de
Empresas Agroalimentarias. Pirámide. Madrid.
4.3 Network resources and other resources
Teacher materials placed in the Aul@virtual of the subject.
Some of the listed literature is available as electronic resources in the UPCT Digital Library.