Rules of Play


Rules of Play
Rules of Play
Game Setup
• 9 Dice (3 Hero dice and 3 Monster dice and 3 Maiden dice)
• 2 Character Cards (1 Hero card and 1 Monster card)
• 3 Epic Fail Cards
• 1 Rules Sheet
The youngest player decides who goes first.
Put the Hero card and Monster card in front of the
starting player.
Use a pencil and paper to keep score.
Standard Game Rules
In the standard game, all players assume the role of a Hero
trying to rescue Maidens.
After rescuing all Maidens, compare the number of
Heroes and Monsters on the remaining dice. Each Hero
battles one Monster and they cancel each other out.
Set aside all cancelled Heroes & Monsters.
Monsters and Maidens is played over a series of turns,
divided into 6 phases that are completed in order:
1. Roll
2. Rescue Maidens
3. Battle
4. Repeat 1, 2, 3 (optional)
5. Score
6. Cleanup
Phase Details
The active player rolls all 9 dice.
Rescue Maidens
Any Maidens rolled are automatically rescued.
Rescued Maidens are placed on the Hero card.
Maidens are never re-rolled.
If Monsters remain: 1 Maiden is captured for
each remaining Monster. Move that many
rescued Maidens from the Hero card to the
Monster card. If there are too few Maidens on
the Hero card, then move them all.
If Heroes remain: 1 Maiden is rescued for each
remaining Hero. Move that many captured
Maidens from the Monster card to the Hero
card. If there are no Maidens on the Monster
card, then do nothing. If there are too few
Maidens on the Monster card, then move
them all.
Repeat 1, 2, 3 (optional)
As long as none of the automatic end turn conditions
have been triggered (see Automatic End Turn
Conditions), you may choose to (A) stop rolling after
the Battle phase, score your reused Maidens, and end
your turn, or (B) return to the Roll phase by re-rolling
all dice not showing Maidens. (see Score)
Epic Fail Bonus
Your score for this turn is the number of rescued Maidens
on the Hero card. Add this number to your accumulating
tally of rescued Maidens, then check to see if the total of
all player scores has triggered the game end (see Game
It is possible that your turn will end with your first roll.
If your turn ends on your first roll because of having
no rescued Maidens, you receive an Epic Fail Card.
Collect all dice, and pass them and the character cards
clockwise to the next player.
On the first roll of your next turn, after rolling all the
dice, you may use the bonus card to change the face
of any 1 die to any other face. This bonus is not
cumulative. You may not save it to combine it with
another bonus later.
Automatic End Turn Conditions
• If all dice show Maidens, you score the rescued Maidens
and your turn ends.
• In the Battle Phase, if the non-Maiden dice are all Heroes
or all Monsters, move Maidens from card to card as usual
then score the rescued Maidens and your turn ends.
• After the Battle phase, if you have no rescued Maidens on
the Hero card, you score zero and your turn ends.
Game End
When the total of all player scores meets or beats 20
times the number of players, the game end is
triggered (example: with three players, the game end
is triggered when the total of all three scores is 60 or
higher (20 x 3 = 60). Finish the current round so that
all players have had an equal number of turns, then
award the title of King's Champion to the player who
rescued the most Maidens.
Sample Turn
David is the active player. He places the character cards on
the table to his left and right, leaving room to roll the dice
between them.
David starts his turn by rolling all 9 dice. The results are 2
Heroes, 3 Monsters, and 4 Maidens.
David moves the 4 Maidens to his Hero card. He then
looks the 5 remaining dice to see how the battle goes.
The 2 Heroes battle with 2 of the Monsters and, while
they’re occupied, the 1 remaining Monster captures 1 of
the Maidens. David moves 1 Maiden from his Hero card to
the Monster card.
David could decide to end his turn here and score 3 points
for the Maidens left on his Hero card. But he wants to roll
again. Maidens are never re-rolled, so David takes the 5
Monsters and Heroes and re-rolls them.
With those 5 dice, David rolls 2 Maidens, 2 Heroes,
and 1 Monster.
As before, David moves the 2 Maidens to his Hero card
(there are now 5 Maidens on his Hero card) then
checks out the battle happening with the remaining
dice. The 1 Monster fights with 1 of the Heroes,
allowing the 2nd Hero to sneak into the Monster’s
camp and rescue 1 Maiden. David moves 1 Maiden
from the Monster card to his Hero card.
David must again decide if he wants to end his turn
and score 6 points for the Maidens on his Hero card, or
if he wants to keep rolling. David’s feeling lucky, so he
re-rolls the 3 available dice (remember, Maidens are
never re-rolled).
This time David’s roll comes up 3 Monsters. Uh oh!
With no Heroes to keep them busy, the 3 Monsters
raid the Hero’s stronghold and carry off 3 Maidens.
David moves 3 Maidens from his Hero card to the
Monster card.
There are only 3 Maidens on the Hero card now and,
because David rolled all Monsters, his turn must end.
David adds 3 rescued Maidens to his score, then
passes the Hero card, Monster card, and all 9 dice to
the next player.