“The Son of Man has come to seek and to save what was lost.”
“The Son of Man has come to seek and to save what was lost.”
Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time — November 3, 2013 “The Son of Man has come to seek and to save what was lost.” Luke 19:10 REFLECTION PRESENTATION ON THE EUCHARIST FLOWER DONATION REFLECCIÓN DOMINICAL Saint Luke once again presents us with a story about a m a n whose wealth was gained at the expense of others. But this time the man, Zacchaeus, repents, and Jesus proclaims salvation for him. As we move through this celebration today, let us pray for the wisdom to repent of our own sins, so that we too will hear Jesus proclaim salvation for us. Fr. Mathew and Fr. José have graciously agreed to do a presentation on the Eucharist on November 16, beginning at 10:00 a.m. WHERE: The place we hold most dear, where we celebrate Mass and the Eucharist each weekend. WHO SHOULD COME: All Eucharistic Ministers should want to come and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. WHO CAN COME: As one of our beautiful hymns proclaims: “All are welcome in this place.” Thank you to Benita Gomez, who donated flowers this weekend in honor of the birthday of Mary Gawley-Gomez. We appreciate your generous donation to our Masses. Happy birthday, Mary! Una vez más San Lucas nos presenta una historia acerca de un hombre cuya riqueza fue ganada a costa de lo demás. Pero en este caso el hombre, Zaqueo, se arrepiente y Jesús le proclama su salvación. A medida que nos vamos sumergiendo en esta celebración, oremos para recibir la sabiduría de arrepentirnos de nuestros pecados y así podamos también nosotros escuchar a Jesús proclamar la salvación para nosotros. OUR WEEKLY COLLECTION Our Sunday offering for the weekend of October 27 was $9,942. Thank you for your generous offering. May your love and sacrifices be greatly rewarded. QUESTION OF THE WEEK Thirty-First Sunday of Ordinary Time Week of November 3, 2013 Theme: Jesus' love transforms all people and all things! Question for Adults: Why do you suppose Jesus was so kind to Zacchaeus? What lesson do you draw from this reading regarding those who are considered “public sinners” today? Question for Children: Jesus showed that he loved Zacchaeus by having supper with him. How does Jesus show his love for you? REMEMBERING OUR DEPARTED The Book of Remembrance of the Dead will be in the Narthex throughout the month of November to be filled with names of our departed loved ones. There will also be envelopes available if you would like to make an offering in remembrance of a loved one. The envelopes will remain on the altar throughout the month, and those whose names are written will be included in the prayers during Mass. FAMILY ROSARY EVERY TUESDAY Join us for a family rosary! Every Tuesday starting November 5, you will have the opportunity to pray the rosary in the chapel with other families. It is a great way to bring the kids to adoration without the stress of distracting others. There will also be fun activities for kids. For more information, contact Loreley Bower at (530) 488-9224. We hope to see you there! MASS OF ANOINTING On SATURDAY, Nov 9, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. we will celebrate an Anointing Mass for all who are suffering from an ailment or undergoing medical treatments, as well as the frail elderly. Volunteers are needed to help with the transportation needs, greet and seat at the Mass or set-up/ clean-up for the luncheon. Sign-ups will be held after all Masses this weekend, Nov 2 & 3, 2013 Anyone in need of transportation to this Mass should call the Parish Office by Monday, Nov 4, 2013 at 447-2354 or sign up after Masses on Nov 2 & 3, 2013. We will do all we can to assist you with your transportation needs. GOOD SHEPHERD PROGRAM The Vocation Committee needs individuals/families to bring home the Good Shepherd statue to pray for Vocation. Sign-ups will be taken during the week of November 19, 20, 26, & 27 after all Masses in the Narthex. For any questions, please call Phoebe Fernandez at (707) 365-4657. PARISH FINANCIAL REPORT Last year’s parish financial report and this year’s budget are now available. Please pick up a copy in the Narthex. Thank you for your continued financial support of the parish. CONCERT AT DIVINE MERCY Singing priests from the Diocese of Malaybalay, Philippines, called Paring Bukidnon, will have a religious concert at Divine Mercy Parish located at 2231 Club Center Dr., Sacramento, CA 95835 on Friday, November 8 at 7:00 p.m. with the theme: The Greatest Gift - a concert of Faith, Hope, and Love. There will be a Mass at 5:00 p.m. before the concert. General Admission is a minimum donation of $15 per ticket. Benefactor ticket is $100 good for 2 persons with reserved front row seating. Please contact Marical Lumaquin (916)716-7471, Mayet Delfin (916)4020881, or the Divine Mercy Parish Office (916)256-3134. MAINTENANCE FUND COLLECTION This weekend is our monthly second collection going toward the parish’s Major Maintenance Fund. All donations collected will go toward a reserve fund for major repairs and maintenance. Thank you for your generosity. FOOD DRIVE The monthly Food Drive for St. Mary’s Food Locker is next weekend (November 9-10). Food items needed include: boxed cereals, individual packaged instant oatmeal, canned soups, peanut butter, etc. Donations of brown paper bags are also needed. NO FOOD AT MASS Please refrain from bringing food into the church and chapel during Mass. Giving snacks to your children can be a distraction to other children and also makes a mess, as crumbs are left on the floor after Mass. Thank you for maintaining the sacredness of the space. MAGNIFIKIDS There will be no MagnifiKids during the month of November. The booklets will be available again at the beginning of December. Thank you for your understanding. FONDO DE MANTENIMIENTO Este fin de semana habrá la segunda colecta mensual hacia el Fondo de Mantenimiento de la parroquia. Todas las donaciones recogidas contribuirán al fondo de reserva para proyectos grandes de reparación y mantenimiento. Gracias por su generosidad. COLECTA DE COMIDA La colecta mensual de comida para la iglesia St. Mary’s será el próximo fin de semana (9-10 de noviembre). Comidas deseadas incluyen: cereales, avena en paquetes individuales, sopa enlatada, crema de cacahuate, etc. También se necesita bolsas de papel. NO COMIDA EN LA MISA Por favor no traiga comida a la iglesia o la capilla durante la misa. La comida es una distracción a los otros niños presentes y también deja el área sucia. Gracias por mantener nuestra iglesia limpia. MAGNIFIKIDS No habrán copias de la revista MagnifiKids durante el mes de noviembre. Estarán disponibles otra vez al principio de diciembre. Gracias por su comprensión. EARTHQUAKE RELIEF SOCORRO A VÍCTIMAS DE TERREMOTO Those who wish to help the victims of the recent earthquake in Bohol, Philippines, are encouraged to donate to the overseas agency of the U.S. Bishops, Catholic Relief Services. Donations can be made online by going to the CRS website or by dropping your contribution into one of the boxes in the Narthex. About 200 people have died in the earthquake and many have been left homeless. Widespread damage was done to property, including churches. Los que quieren ayudar a las víctimas del terremoto reciente en Bohol, Islas Filipinas pueden donar a la agencia de los obispos católicos, Servicios de Auxilio Católico. Se puede donar por el sitio web de CRS o dejar su contribución en una de las cajas en la entrada de la iglesia. Acerca de 200 personas han muerto y mucho fueron dejados sin casa. El terremoto dañó muchos edificios, incluso iglesias. OFFICE HOUR CHANGE The parish office hours will be returning to normal on Wednesdays, with the office closing at 4:00 p.m. If you have any questions regarding Faith Formation, please call or come in to the office Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00p.m. Thank you. CAMBIO EN LAS HORAS DE LA OFICINA El horario de la oficina parroquial volverá a normal los miércoles, cerrando a las 4:00 de la tarde. Si tiene preguntas acerca de catecismo, por favor llame o venga a la oficina lunes a viernes entre 9:00 de la mañana y 4:00 de la tarde. Gracias.