At Berkley Riverfront Park


At Berkley Riverfront Park
Periódico Bilingüe Kansas City
La Escuela de
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe,
Atrae a La Comunidad
Fiesta Hispana
At Berkley Riverfront Park
Our Lady Of Guadalupe School
Courts Community
Joe Schramp, the new principal at Our Lady of Guadalupe School, along with
staff members, are looking to connect with students, parents and community as
the new school year begins.
Joe Schramp, el nuevo director de la Escuela Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, junto
con los miembros del personal, buscan conectarse con los estudiantes, padres de
familia y comunidad asi como el nuevo año escolar que comienza.
Traduce gemma Tornero
Joe Schramp, el nuevo director en la
Escuela ‘Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe’,
ubicada en el Westside de la Ciudad y
su personal, organizaron una reunión
social especial, donde ofrecieron helado
para las familias de los estudiantes y los
residentes a mediados de agosto.
“Invitamos a las familias aquí, no
sólo a celebrar el regreso a clases, sino
también para que ellos rieguen la voz
y tratar de conseguir que otros niños
vengan acá”, explicó Schramp. “Esto
significa amigos y familia - cualquiera
de la comunidad que necesite un lugar
para venir a la escuela, son bienvenidos
de venir aquí”.
El jardín de niños y la escuela hasta el
quinto grado, tiene 98 años, y celebrará
su aniversario 100mo en el 2014.
Joe Schramp, the new principal at Our
Lady Of Guadalupe School on the City’s
Westside, and staff hosted a special ice
cream social for students’ families and
residents in Mid- August.
“We are inviting families here to
not only celebrate the back to school
time but also for them to spread the
word to try to get other kids to come
here,” explained Schramp. “That means
friends and family - anybody from the
community who needs a place to come
to school. They are welcome to come
The kindergarten through fifth
grade school is 98-years-old and will
be celebrating its one hundred year
anniversary in 2014. The school is
planning a big celebration.
En el Parque Berkley Riverfront
By JOE ARCE & Caleb Zimmerschied
Traduce Gemma Tornero
Preparations have begun for the 31st Fiesta
Hispana, which will be held at Richard L.
Berkley Riverfront Park this year on September
8 and 9.
“This is the first (time at Berkley Park),” said
Dave Tinoco, president of the Greater Kansas
City National Hispanic Heritage Committee.
“With the history of the fiesta, (the Port
Authority) thought this was a great blend for
the riverfront. They were looking for a couple of
Los preparativos han comenzado para la 31ra
Fiesta Hispana, que se llevará a cabo este año
el 8 y 9 de septiembre, en el Parque Riverfront
Richard L. Berkley.
“Ésta es la primera vez (en el parque Berkley)”,
declaró Dave Tinoco, el presidente del Comité
Nacional de Herencia Hispana de Kansas City.
“Con el historial de la fiesta, (la Autoridad
Portuaria) pensó, esto era una gran mezcla para
la ribera. Buscaban un par de grandes anclas, y han
SCHOOL IS 98... / PAGE 4
Upward Bound Offers
Step Up For East High Students
By joe arce and jose faus
Mike Macias, director of the League of United Latin
American Citizens (LULAC) Learning Center in Kansas
City, was in a daze for a week after learning that the
organization was awarded a million dollar grant from the
Department of Education for an Upward Bound program
at East High school in the KCMO school district.
“I was extremely elated,” recalled Macias. “I know the
staff at East high school. I have had programs there for
several years. Their (staff’s) hearts and minds are into the
success of these kids and making sure that they are prepared
for life after high school. To know that we could bring
more money into the school and some more successful
programming that is excellent.”
The Upward Bound grant will channel $1.25 million
dollars over five years to the Learning Center to implement
a college prep mentoring program at East High School
in KCMO. The Learning Center will work with 60 low
income youths starting with ninth grade and following
them through to twelfth grade.
The program will assist participants with core academics,
tutoring and cultural enrichment and will include a
Saturday and summer school component that provides a
stipend based on attendance and grades.
Macias noted that often the biggest challenge is
attendance. “It’s part of the big battle. If you don’t attend
Upward Bound, Ofrece
Un Paso Adelante a Los Estudiantes
de Prepataroria del Este
Mike Macias said he is
excited to be able to
offer the Upward Bound
program and incentives
to the East High students.
“It sent a message that
students are, “doing well
on a test or giving them
a cash incentive to spend
as they wish because they
have done what they need
to do, the [feeling] is they
have earned it.”
Mike Macías dijo que
se emociona de tener
la capacidad de ofrecer
Bound e incentivos, a
los estudiantes de la
Preparatoria del Este. “Esto
envia un mensaje de que
los estudiantes están, “bien
en una prueba o dándoles
un incentivo en efectivo,
para que gasten en lo que
deseen porque han hecho
lo que tienen que hacer; el
sentimiento es el de que se
lo han ganado”.
Mike Macías, el Director de la Liga de Ciudadanos
Latinoamericanos Unidos (LULAC por sus siglas en inglés),
en el Centro de Aprendizaje en Kansas City, estuvo en un
aturdimiento durante una semana después de saber que le
concedieron a la organización la subvención de un millón
de dólares, de parte del Departamento de Educación para
un programa ‘Upward Bound’ (El programa Upward
Bound, es un programa pre-universitario y pertenece
al grupo de programas federales TRIO) en la Escuela
Preparatoria del Este en el distrito escolar de KCMO.
“Estaba muy eufórico”, recordó Macías. “Conozco al personal
en la escuela preparatoria del Este. He tenido programas allí
durante varios años. Los corazones y mentes de su personal
están enfocados en el éxito de estos niños, asegurándose que
estén preparados para la vida después de la escuela preparatoria.
Saber que podríamos traer más dinero a la escuela y, un poco de
programas más acertados, es excelente”.
La subvención Upward Bound canalizará $1.25 millones
de dólares, por más de cinco años para el Centro de
Aprendizaje, para poner en práctica un programa preuniversitario de mentores en la Escuela Preparatoria del
Este en KCMO. El Centro de Aprendizaje trabajará con 60
jóvenes de bajos ingresos, que inician el noveno grado y los
guian hasta el duodécimo grado.
El programa asistirá a los participantes con curriculum
común, tutoría y enriquecimiento cultural, e incluirá un
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La Fiesta Es Para Celebrar
a Los Pueblos de Herencia Hispana
sido muy, muy amables como
uno de los patrocinadores para el
evento. Realmente querían que
nosotros fueramos allí”.
La fiesta Hispana es realizada
por el Comité Nacional de
Herencia Hispana de Kansas
City. Según su sitio electrónico,
el evento es para promover un
reconocimiento y apreciación
más amplia para el papel
significativo y las contribuciones
de los hispanos en el desarrollo
de los Estados Unidos, por medio
de la promoción del progreso de
desarrollo cultural, educativo
y económico de la comunidad
hispana. La entrada a la fiesta es
Fiesta Hispana conmemora
el Mes Nacional de la Herencia
Hispana, que ocurre del
15 de septiembre al 15 de
octubre. El Mes Nacional de
la Herencia Hispana, celebra
las contribuciones históricas
y culturales de ciudadanos
americanos, cuyos antepasados
vinieron de España, México,
el Caribe, América Central y
América del Sur.
“La adelantamos”, comenta
Tinoco. “Tradicionalmente la
tenemos más cerca al 15 y 16
de septiembre, pero la fecha se
cambió y es una mejor fecha para
nosotros, la economía fue un
factor muy importante, e impactó
en lo que teníamos que hacer, y
en lo respecta a otras actividades
en el vecindario y la comunidad,
quisimos asegurarnos de ser el
único evento en ese tiempo”.
Cuando Tinoco fue electo
presidente, una de las primeras
cosas que hizo fue buscar una
nueva ubicación que permitiría
a la Fiesta Hispana crecer.
“Maneje en coche por la ciudad
y miraba otras áreas que pensaba
impactarian la Fiesta Hispana —
Cómo nosotros podemos hacerla
mejor, cómo nosotros podemos
hacerla más grande, cómo
nosotros podemos tener un
impacto más grande no sólo para
hispanos, sino para la ciudad en
general. Y regresaba al parque
Riverfront. Barney Allis, ha sido
un gran lugar para nosotros, y
todavía es un gran escenario,
pero esto simplemente nos da
la posibilidad de expandirlo un
poquito más y darnos un poco
más de proyección”.
Fiesta Hispana comenzó en
1980 como un pequeño festival
de la calle, pero ha crecido
en alcance e impacto. Ahora
se encuentra entre el evento
hispano más grande abierto al
publico de manera gratuita en
el área metropolitana y el Medio
Oeste. Esto requirió encontrar
un espacio de eventos más
“Hemos tenido a más de
30,000 personas en Barney
Allis, para el evento de fin
de semana”, explicó Tinoco.
“Y las cosas que hemos oído
durante el proceso son: -ustedes
necesitan algo para los niños.
Es difícil subir y bajar los
escalones-. Así pues con esto
en mente (encontramos algún
sitio) donde mi mamá, mi papá,
nuestras tías, abuela y abuelo
pueden venir. (El riverfront) El
acceso es más fácil para ellos. El
estacionamiento es muy simple.
Está ahí mismo y camina
atravesando la calle y ya está en
el parque”.
Hay más espacio también, lo
que significa que se puede hacer
más durante la fiesta. “Además
de la fiesta tradicional, hemos
añadido boxeo y un torneo de
fútbol. También hemos sido
capaces de añadir a ello, el
aspecto del carnaval”.
El torneo de box le parecía una
opción natural a Tinoco. “ (El
boxeo) es un área que cuando está
en él, hay muchos hispanos que
se interesan. El Policía de KCK
,Greg Conchola, tiene un club
de boxeo, lo buscamos durante
el último evento que hicimos,
y tuvimos una gran respuesta
que quisimos asegurarnos que
lo teníamos como un pilar para
lo que hacemos ahora. Pero hay
muchos clubes de boxeo que
tienen a muchos individuos
latinos, mujeres, varones, y
esta creciendo como deporte.
Todas las organizaciones ahora,
hispanas o no, buscan lugares
para salir, entretener y mostrar
su talento”.
Tinoco dijo que el torneo
de fútbol se dio a través de la
colaboración con el Centro
Mattie Rhodes. “Nos hemos
reunido y hablado con John
Fierro de Mattie Rhodes. Ha
sido muy sincero en la tentativa
de asegurarse de que la fiesta
continue y, nos ofreció un torneo
de fútbol que actualmente
realizan en uno de sus escenarios.
Quiso traer eso, ampliarlo y
darle un sabor más familiar, por
lo tanto, nos hemos tendido la
mano con John”.
Tinoco se dio cuenta de la
importancia de la fiesta, una vez
que se hizo responsable de la
fiesta. “Este año probablemente
ha sido cuando realmente lo
Fiesta Hispana
The Greater Kansas City National Hispanic Heritage Committee president David Tinoco and his board
members are hoping that this year’s new venue at Richard L. Berkley Riverfront Park will be a huge
success and possibility a permanent home for Fiesta Hispana annual event.
El presidente del Comité Nacional de Herencia Hispana de Kansas City en el área metropolitana, David
Tinoco y sus consejeros tienen la esperanza de que con el nuevo lugar este año, el parque Richard L.
Berkley Riverfront, seá un gran éxito con la posibilidad de que sea el hogar permanente para la Fiesta
Hispana anualmente.
entendí. Siempre he trabajado
en esto, y he sido una parte de
ello durante treinta años o más,
pero nunca me di cuenta de su
dimensión y del gran impacto
que este acontecimiento tenía en
la comunidad. Ahora, más que
nada, es simplemente un honor
el ser una parte de ello, porque
para mí, esto es más grande que
nada y cualquier individuo. Mi
motivación personal la conservo
y la mantendre en marcha para la
próxima generación”.
La Fiesta Hispana, es en
gran parte llevada a cabo por
voluntarios. “Todavía estamos
voluntarios”, explica Tinoco,
“así que por favor mire el
sitio electrónico, que es
y hay un poco de información
allí si quiere ser un voluntario,
se necesitan más que sólo unas
Según hispanicheritagemonth.
gov, la conmemoración comenzó
en 1968 como la ‘Semana de
Herencia Hispana bajo el mando
del presidente Lyndon Johnson,
y fue ampliada por el presidente
Ronald Reagan, en 1988 para
cubrir un período de 30 días. El día
15 de septiembre es significativo
porque es el aniversario de
latinoamericanos como Costa
Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala,
Honduras y Nicaragua. Además,
el Día de la Independencia de
México, es el 16 de septiembre
y Chile celebra su independencia
el 18 de septiembre. El tema
de la celebración de este año
es -“Muchas Raíces, Muchas
Historias … Un Espíritu
Fiesta Is Meant To Celebrate
All Peoples Of Hispanic Heritage
great anchors, and they’ve been
very, very helpful as one of the
sponsors for the event. They
really wanted us to come down
Fiesta Hispana is put on
by The Greater Kansas City
National Hispanic Heritage
Committee, Inc. According
to their website, the event
is meant to promote wider
recognition and appreciation
for the significant role and
contributions of Hispanics in
the development of the United
States by promoting cultural,
educational, and economic
of the Hispanic community.
Admission to the fiesta is free.
Fiesta Hispana commemorates
National Hispanic Heritage
Month, which takes place from
September 15 through October
15. National Hispanic Heritage
Month celebrates the historic
and cultural contributions
of American citizens whose
ancestors came from Spain,
Mexico, the Caribbean and
Central and South America.
“We moved it up,” said
Tinoco. “Traditionally we have
it closer to the 15th and 16th
of September … (but) the
date was changed and is better
timing for us … the economics
was a good deal, and it made an
impact in what we needed to
do, and as far as other activities
in the neighborhood and the
community, we wanted to make
sure we were the only event at
that time.”
When Tinoco was elected
president, one of the first
things he did was to search for
a new location that would allow
Fiesta Hispana to grow. “I drove
around the city and was looking
at other areas that I thought
would impact Fiesta Hispana
— How can we make it better,
how can we make it bigger, how
can we make a bigger impact
not only for Hispanics but for
the city in general. I kept going
back to Riverfront Park. …
Barney Allis has been a great
place for us, and it still is a great
venue, but this just gives us the
chance to open it up a little bit
more and give us a little more
Fiesta Hispana started in 1980
as a small street festival, but it
has grown in scope and impact.
It’s now among the largest freeadmission, public, Hispanic
event in the metro area and
the Midwest. This necessitated
finding a larger event space.
“We’ve had as many as 30,000
people at Barney Allis for the
weekend event,” said Tinoco.
“And things we’ve heard
through the process is: You need
something for the kids. It’s too
separated. It’s hard to get up and
down the steps. So with that in
mind … (we found somewhere)
where my mom and my dad, our
aunts, grandma and grandpa can
come. (The riverfront) is easier
access for them. Parking is very
simple. It’s right there and you
walk across the street and you’re
in the park.”
Many local entertainers are
scheduled to perform at this
year’s fiesta. On Saturday night
Sonora Dinamita takes the
stage at 9 p.m. On Sunday the
headliner is Powerhouse Avizo
from Houston, Texas with
special guest Tejano legend Joe
Bravo at 8 p.m.
More space also means more
can be done during the fiesta.
“Other than the traditional
fiesta, we’ve added boxing and
a soccer tournament. We’ve also
been able to add carnival aspect
to it as well.”
The boxing tournament
seemed like a natural choice
to Tinoco. “(Boxing) is an area
that, when you’re at it, there
are a lot of Hispanics that are
involved. KCK Police Officer
Greg Conchola has a boxing
club, and … we reached out
to him back in the day in the
last event we did, and we got
such a great response that we
wanted to make sure we had
it as a mainstay for what we’re
doing now. But there are a lot
of boxing clubs that have a lot
of Latin … individuals, females
and males, and it’s growing as a
sport. All the organizations now,
Hispanic or not, are looking for
venues to come out to entertain
and show their talent.”
Tinoco said that the soccer
through collaboration with the
Mattie Rhodes Center. “We’ve
gotten together and talked
with John Fierro with Mattie
Rhodes. He’s been very sincere
in trying to make sure the fiesta
continues, and he offered us a
soccer tournament that they
currently do in another one
of their venues. He wanted to
bring that and expand on it and
give it more of a family flavor,
so we’ve extended that olive
branch with John.”
The importance of the fiesta
hit Tinoco once he became in
charge of the fiesta. “This year
probably has been the year that
it actually hit me. I’ve always
worked it and been a part of it
for thirty years or better, but
I’ve never realized how big and
how big of an impact this event
was to the community.
Now, more than anything,
it’s just an honor… to be a part
of it, because this is bigger than
anything and any individual for
me. ... My personal motivation
is to preserve it and keep it
going for the next generation.”
Fiesta Hispana is largely
sponsorships and volunteers.
“We’re still actively looking for
volunteers,” said Tinoco, “so
please look at the website, which
and there’s some information
there if you want to be a
volunteer … it takes more than
just a few people.”
to, the
observation started in 1968 as
Hispanic Heritage Week under
President Lyndon Johnson and
was expanded by President
Ronald Reagan in 1988 to
cover a 30-day period.
The day of September 15
is significant because it is the
anniversary of independence
for Latin American Countries
Costa Rica, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras, and
Mexico’s Independence Day is
on September 16th and Chile
celebrates their independence
on September 18th. The theme
of this year’s celebration is
“Many Backgrounds, Many
Stories … One American
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El Programa Es Basado
En El Curriculum
Program Is Curriculum Based
work or school, how can you
be good at what you do? Cash
incentives are there so these kids
get paid for being a student, for
succeeding. This is preparing
them for life after high school.”
Macias defended the program’s
incentive based portion by
pointing out that the field is
not level when it comes to
“A lot of times … when
you look at incentives outside
of the urban core those are
already there. Those students
have a house. They have a nice
car. They get to go to the pool.
Our urban families … if they
don’t have money and they see
this opportunity and they see
us being able to take the kids
to a place they have not gone to
before, such as a nice restaurant
for doing well on a test or
giving them a cash incentive
to spend as they wish because
they have done what they need
to do, the [feeling] is they have
earned it.”
Macias added that the
stipend, though substantial, is
not enough to be considered
a part time job. Organizers
will work with the parents
to make sure that even if the
students take a part time job
they will advocate on behalf
the program
“Teaching the parents what
the program is about and
keeping them in the loop …
where they see the progress
the child is making and they
see the potential, that they will
encourage them if they do work
another part time job that they
… stay true to this program
Participants will be referred
by East High counselors.
Parents will be informed of
the parameters of the program
and will sign a contract along
with the student pledging their
“If they do not meet those
commitments then we have to
drop them from the program,”
explained Macias. “It is a
very rigorous program but
the reward and the payout is
extremely high for them.”
Macias said that the strength
of the program lies on its strong
curriculum based approach.
“Look at Latino for Tomorrow,
Young Women on the Move
and Youth Build, those three
programs don’t get a lot of
public attention but they are
very successful and they have
a strong foundation. That is
the core of helping these kids.
A strong, academically-sound
program enriches. You give
them everything they need. It is
like planting seeds and watering
them. They will grow even in
the harshest environments.”
The program is income based
and not ethnic centered. Macias
sees a potentially diverse range
in the participants.
“The program will be
an inclusive group. The
only qualification is that
the students have to be low
income. The statistics indicate
that 85 to 87 percent of the
students at East qualify for free
or reduced lunch. That should
be fairly open to anyone that is
complimented by a cultural
enrichment component. “It
is going to be a potpourri
of culture. We don’t want to
discount any of the students
that are in the group. I can’t
tell you the number of schools I
have been in where you go into
the lunch room and even Latino
kids from different regions are
sitting in small tribes. They
are in their comfort zone
instead of being out and being
comfortable with other cultures
and people from other areas of
South America.”
According to Macias, “The
harsh alternative of not
understanding each other can
be violence. We want to make
sure these kids are well rounded
and strong academically … but
it takes more than the cognitive
“The program will be an inclusive group. The only qualification is
that the students have to be low income. The statistics indicate that
85 to 87 percent of the students at East High.” said Macias.
“El programa será global. El único requisito, es que los estudiantes tienen
que ser de bajos ingresos. Las estadísticas indican, que el 85% al 87 %
de los estudiantes en la Preparatoria Este lo son”, asegura Macías.
ability to process problems. It
takes the ability to work with
others to be successful in life.”
Macias pointed out that
thought the urban core has
had more than its share of
bad publicity when it comes
to education, he sees many
success stories. He highlighted
Dr. Uzziel Pecina, who recently
received his PHD and is a
professor at UMKC.
“If we have more students
coming from the urban core
that are successful like Dr.
Pecina, they give back to the
community they came from.
It is a perpetuating wheel of
success. … It is a natural cycle
of success.”
The program began this
semester. Macias added that
though the program will be
referral based, he encourage
parents and students to
take advantage of the many
other programs that the
For more information call
(816) 581-5683or go to the web
at or e-mail
[email protected].
sábado y un componente del
curso en verano que proporcione
un estipendio basado en asistencia
y calificaciones.
Macías notó que a menudo el
desafío más grande es la asistencia.
“Es parte de la gran batalla. ¿Si no
asiste al trabajo o a la escuela, cómo
puede ser bueno en lo qué hace?.
Los incentivos en efectivo están allí
para pagarles a estos muchachos
por ser estudiantes, por tener
éxito. Ésto los prepara para la vida
después de la escuela preparatoria”.
Macías defendió la parte del
programa a base de incentivos,
indicando que no se les da a
todos las mismas ventajas u
“Muchas veces cuando se busca
a los incentivos fuera del corazón
urbano, aquellos ya están allí.
Esos estudiantes tienen una casa.
Tienen un buen coche. Asisten
a la piscina. Nuestras familias
urbanas si no tienen dinero,
ven esta oportunidad y nos ven
capaces de llevar a los muchachos
a un lugar al cual no han ido antes,
como un restaurante agradable
para salir bien en una prueba, o
dándoles un incentivo en efectivo
para que se lo gasten en lo que
deseen porque han hecho lo que
tienen que hacer, el sentimiento
es el de que se lo han ganado.”
estipendio, aunque sustancial,
no es suficiente para considerarse
como un trabajo de medio tiempo.
Los organizadores trabajarán con
los padres para asegurarse que
aunque los estudiantes tomen un
trabajo de medio tiempo abogarán
a nombre del programa.
“El enseñar a los padres de
lo que se trata el programa y
mantenerlos informados de
donde ven, que el muchacho
tiene un progreso y potencial que
lo animarán si inicia otro trabajo
de medio tiempo parcial, seran
fieles a éste programa.
remitidos por consejeros de la
Preparatoria del Este. Los padres
se informarán de los parámetros
del programa y firmarán un
contrato junto con el estudiante en
el cual se compromete.
“Si no cumplen aquellos
tenemos que sacar del programa”,
explicó Macías. “Es un programa
muy riguroso, pero la recompensa
y la paga son muy altas para ellos”.
Macías dijo que la fuerza del
programa consiste en su fuerte
plan a base del curriculum.
“Observe a Latino del Mañana,
Mujeres Jóvenes en Movimiento
y Construcción Juventud, y esos
tres programas no consiguen
mucha atención pública, pero
tienen mucho éxito y tienen una
fundación fuerte. Eso es el núcleo
de ayudar a estos muchachos. Un
programa fuerte, académicamente
sano enriquece. Se les da todo lo
que necesitan. Es como plantar
semillas y regarlas. Crecerán hasta
en los ambientes más ásperos”.
El programa es basado en
ingresos y no se centra en lo
étnico. Macías ve una variedad
potencialmente diversa en los
participantes. “El programa será un grupo
global. El único requisito, es que
los estudiantes tienen que ser de
bajos ingresos. Las estadísticas
indican que del 85% al 87% de
La Escuela Tiene
98 Años de Edad
School Is 98 Years Old
“We are getting all the alumni
… contacting them and having
them come back for a big party
for all the graduates of Our Lady
of Guadalupe,” he said.
Schramp has had a long
connection to the Westside
and credits his Puerto Rican
grandmother for introducing
him to it.
“My grandmother lived in
Iowa and whenever she came
down she would bring us down
to the Westside because it had
the largest Hispanic population
in Kansas City. We would come
to the Hispanic stores and eat
at her favorite restaurants. You
know in Puerto Rico they have
the red beans and rice and she
really liked the refried beans.”
He maintained the connection
over the years doing community
service projects in the area
while a student at Rockhurst.
Schramp’s affinity for the area
was rewarded when he was
named principal of the school.
“I was thrilled. I speak some
Spanish. I studied in Veracruz
in Jalapa, Mexico about twelve
years ago so now I can practice
my Spanish. I was also thrilled
because I had applied to various
schools, but I truly felt at home
here on the Westside. I enjoy the
community and families around
here,” said Schramp.
He tells families that their
children will get the best of a
Catholic education.
“Not only are they going to
get a Catholic education but we
also have some great teachers,”
he said. “We are also going to
focus on improving our reading
and math scores, so you get
that catholic education. That
is what we really value treating
character development and to
be able to pray in school as well.
We feel that is important. That
is what we have to offer at Our
Lady of Guadalupe.”
In the last few years, the
school’s enrollment has been
around 90 to 100 students. This
year as school begins, enrollment
sits at around 60. The school
can easily double that according
to Schramp. He told Hispanic
News that though it is a private
school, money considerations
should not be a factor.
there are three central Catholic
elementaries, Our Lady of
Guadalupe, Our Lady of Angels
and Holy Cross in the Northeast
“All three schools are funded
by the Central City School Fund.
They do various fundraisers
throughout the year that will
help parents with their tuition,”
he explained. “They also apply
for grants or scholarships. This
fund can help parents send their
children to a parochial school.
Come and see us and we will
try and work with you. We want
to make this affordable and we
want families to come here.”
He pointed out that the
school is accredited and their
third and fifth grade scores have
been improving each year.
“That is something I want to
continue,” he added. “Another
area I want to grow is the
technology. I am going to write
grants to get new computers
and a new updated technology
room because I believe that is
where education is going in the
future and that is something I
value and want to grow in the
school.” For more information
call 816-221-2539.
La escuela planea una gran
a todos los ex-alumnos,
poniendonos en contacto con
ellos, para hacerles que regresen
para una fiesta grande para todos
los graduados de Nuestra Señora
de Guadalupe”, afirmó.
Schramp ha tenido una
conexión larga con Westside,
y se lo acredita a su abuela
puertorriqueña al presentárselo.
“Mi abuela vivió en Iowa y
siempre que venía nos llevaba
al Westside porque tenía la
población hispana más grande
en Kansas City. Veníamos a las
tiendas hispanas y comíamos en
sus restaurantes favoritos. Sabe
que en Puerto Rico, tienen los
frijoles rojos y arroz, y a ella
realmente le gustaban los frijoles
Mantuvo la conexión durante
años, realizando proyectos
en el área, mientras era un
estudiante en Rockhurst. La
afinidad de Schramp para el
área se recompensó cuando
fue nombrado director de la
“Me encantó. Hablo algo
de español. Estudié en Jalapa,
Jose “Joe” Arce
Ramona Arce
(Gerente Operaciones)
Lisa Sidenstick
(Editor) Jose Faus
(Representante de Ventas)
Richard Ware
Veracruz, en México hace
aproximadamente doce años;
por lo tanto, ahora puedo
practicar mi español. También
me encantó, porque había
solicitado a varias escuelas; pero
realmente me sentí en casa aquí
en el Westside. Disfruto de la
comunidad y de las familias por
aquí”, declaró Schramp.
Dice a las familias que sus
niños obtendran lo mejor de
una educación católica.
“No sólo ellos van a conseguir
una educación católica, sino
“También vamos a concentrarnos
en mejorar nuestra lectura y
los resultados en matemáticas,
para que obtenga esa educación
católica. Eso es lo que
realmente valoramos, tratando
a los individuos con respeto,
desarrollo de carácter y ser
capaces de rezar en la escuela
también. Sentimos que esto
es importante. Eso es lo que
tenemos que ofrecer en “Nuestra
Señora de Guadalupe’”.
En los últimos años, la
matrícula de la escuela ha
a 100 estudiantes. Este año
que comienza, la escuela, la
inscripción es de alrededor 60.
La escuela puede doblar esto
Debra DeCoster, Jose Faus,
John Silva, Yvonne Bruner
Tony Balandran
(Diseño Editorial/Diagramación)
Janneth-B Rodríguez
(Traducción a español)
Gemma Tornero
los estudiantes en la Preparatoria
del Este, tiene derecho al
almuerzo gratis o con descuento.
Esto debería estar abierto para
cualquiera que se interese”.
Esa diversidad es complementada por un componente de
enriquecimiento cultural. “Va
a ser un popurrí de cultura. No
queremos descartar a cualquiera
de los estudiantes que están en
el grupo. No le puedo decir el
número de escuelas en las que
he estado, en donde entra al
comedor y hasta los muchachos
latinos de diferentes regiones se
sientan en pequeñas tribus. Están
en su zona de confort, en vez de
salir y estar cómodos con otras
culturas y la gente de otras áreas
de Sudamérica”.
Según Macías, “La áspera
alternativa de no entenderse el
uno al otro puede ser violencia.
Queremos asegurarnos que estos
muchachos estan completos y
académicamente fuertes, pero
toma más que la capacidad
cognoscitiva de tratar problemas.
Toma la habilidad de trabajar con
otros para tener éxito en la vida”.
Macías indicó que aunque
el corazón urbano ha tenido
más responsabilidad en la mala
publicidad, cuando se habla de
la educación, ve muchas historias
de éxito. Destacó al Dr. Uzziel
Pecina, quien recientemente
recibió su doctorado, y es un
profesor en UMKC.
“Sí tenemos a más estudiantes
que son del corazón urbano, y que
tienen éxito como el Dr. Pecina,
ellos retribuyen a la comunidad de la
cual vinieron. Es una perpetuación
de la rueda del éxito. Esto es un
ciclo natural del éxito”.
El programa comenzó este
semestre. Macias añadió ,que
aunque el programa se basa en
referencias, ánima a los padres
y estudiantes, a aprovechar
muchos otros programas que
el Centro de Aprendizaje
ofrece. Para más información
llame al (816) 581-5683, o
visite la red en www.lnesc-kc.
org, o al correo electrónico
[email protected].
fácilmente según Schramp. Dijo
a Hispanic News, que aunque
sea una escuela privada, las
consideraciones del dinero no
deberían ser un factor.
Según Schramp, hay tres
primarias católicas centrales,
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe,
Nuestra Señora de Ángeles
y Santa Cruz en el área del
“Las tres escuelas son
financiadas por el Fondo Escolar
Central de la Ciudad. Realizan
varias recaudaciones de fondos
a lo largo del año, que ayudarán
a los padres con su matrícula”,
explicó. “También solicitan
subvenciones o becas. Este
fondo puede ayudar a los padres
a enviar a sus niños a una escuela
parroquial. Venga y veanos e
intentaremos trabajar con usted.
Queremos hacer esto accesible,
y queremos que las familias
vengan acá”.
Indicó que la escuela es
acreditada, y los resultados de
tercer y quinto grado, han estado
mejorando cada año.
“Eso es algo que quiero que
continue”, añadió. “Otra área que
quiero cultivar es la tecnología.
Voy a escribir subvenciones para
conseguir nuevas computadoras
y, un nuevo cuarto de tecnología
actualizada porque creo que
esto es donde la educación va a
futuro y esto es algo que valoro y
quiero que cresca en la escuela”.
Para más información llame al
KCHN is a weekly publication of Arce Communications
Inc. who bears no responsibility for accuracy or
content advertisements. All rights reserverd. Arce
Communications Inc does not guarantee the absence of
error and every attempt will be made to remedy in KCHN
at our next edition.
KCHN es una publicacion semanal de Arce Communications
Inc. quienes no se hacen responsables por la presición o
contenido de los anuncios. Todos los derechos reservados.
Arce Communications Inc. no garantiza la ausencia de
errores en KCHN los cuales seran corregidos en nuestra
siguiente edición.
2918 Southwest Blvd.
Kansas City, MO 64108-1911
PHONE: (816)472.KCHN
FAX: (816)931.NEWS
E-MAIL: [email protected]
(Becario) Jose Muñiz
City of Merriam Police
Please view full detailed ad on our
Web site at or call 913-322-5560
between 9:00am - 2:00pm to schedule a testing.
Testing time:
September 14, 2012 at 6:00 PM;
September 15, 2012 at 8:30 AM;
September 21, 2012 at 6:00 PM;
September 22, 2012 at 8:30 AM;
September 28, 2012 at 6:00 PM;
September 29, 2012 at 8:30 AM.
Closing date for scheduling testing
September 28, 2012 at 4:30PM
EOE/ADA/Drug Screen
Sealed bids for
WRDCC, St. Jo­
seph, Missouri, Proj­
ect No. C1308-01
will be received by
FMDC, State of MO,
UNTIL 1:30 PM,
9/20/2012. The prebid meeting is 10:00
AM, on 9/11/2012.
For specific project
information and or­
dering plans, go to
The KCMO Police
Department will accept
bids for The following: Bid
No.2013-2, Police Uniforms.
Bid opening 9-11-12
@ 2:00 p.m.,
1125 Locust, Suite 301,
KCMO 64106
For more information
contact Michael Flavin
(816)234-5353 or download
Public Bids.
The Lee’s Summit Housing Authority is accepting applications for the position of
Maintenance Technician I. Performs all necessary maintenance, replacement and
repairs of all equipment, appliances, structures, building systems and appurtenances
thereof; including electrical, plumbing, painting, carpentry, masonry, concrete, drywall,
HVAC, roofing, sheet metal, floor coverings, insulation, guttering and downspouts.
Work includes operation of mowing equipment, power equipment, hand tools, grounds
work and landscaping. Knowledge and Experience in residential property maintenance
required. Must have valid State of Missouri driver’s license.
Applications may be picked up at the Lee’s Summit Housing Authority, 111 SE Grand
Avenue, Lee’s Summit, MO 64063 Monday through Thursday 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM.
This is a full time position with benefits.
Applications plus resumes will be accepted until September 17, 2012.
The Lee’s Summit Housing is an equal opportunity employer.
Request for Proposals
Swope Community Builders (SCB), as a part of the Neighborhood
Stabilization Program (NSP3), is accepting proposal packets from qualified
General Contractors for the Rehabilitation of (1) Single Family Affordable
Home located @ 4038 Paseo in the urban core of Kansas City, Missouri. SCB
requests each responder to provide the following:
Firm qualifications, insurance, bonding capacity,
relevant and specialized experience in redevelopment,
“especially those in the urban core”.
Schedule for contractor walk thru is Wednesday September 19th, 2012
@ 9:00 AM. Proposals will be submitted Wednesday, September 26th,
2012 @ 4:00pm.
Responses should be sent to:
Swope Community Builders
Attn: Riccardo C. Lucas
4001 Blue Parkway Ste. # 102
Kansas City, MO 64130
City of Kansas City, MO. Certified MBE/WBE and Section (3) Contractors
are encouraged to apply. Interested Developers/Consultants should submit
three copies of their proposals.
If you have questions please contact Riccardo C. Lucas at 816-627-2162
Burns & McDonnell Construction is requesting bids from Kansas City
Missouri certified MBE and WBE subcontractors for the following projects.
1. East High School
1924 Van Brunt Blvd.
Kansas City, MO 64127
2. Northeast High School
415 S. Van Brunt Blvd.
Kansas City, MO 64124
The project includes the following scopes of work: Selective Structural
Demolition, Concrete, Masonry, Misc. Steel, Railings, Carpentry, Architectural
Wood Work, Membrane Roofing, Metal Wall Panels, Joint Sealants, Doors/
Frames/Hardware, Windows, Gyp. Board Assemblies, Acoustical Ceilings,
Painting, Window Shades, Fire Suppression, Mechanical, Electrical and Voice/
Data Systems.
For information on procuring documents and questions concerning the
project, call Bob Stehi @ 816-627-6143.
15% MBE and 10% WBE participation goals have been established for
this project.
Bids are to be submitted by 2:00pm on Wednesday, September 19, 2012 to:
Burns & McDonnell
9400 Ward Parkway
Kansas City, MO 64114.
Preferred method of receiving bids is via e-mail
to [email protected]
Bids can be submitted via fax to 816-822-4353.
Grow a Community Garden - Sep 29
Fall Growers’ Tasks: Get Ready for 2013
The City of OPKS has a Traffic Engineering Technician position
available in the Public Works Dept.
To apply, go to EO/M/F/D/V
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Duties include greeting clients,
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2000 W. Jesse James Rd.
1,2 & 3 Bedrooms
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NO Experience necessary.
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Requirements: -Should be computer literate,
must be efficient and dedicated.
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It Is Still Pre-Season
By Jose Faus
You can excuse Chiefs fans for feeling less than optimistic following last Friday’s defeat
at the hands of the Seattle Seakawks. The offense was the picture of futility going threeand-out in three of their first four possessions. The defense fared no better giving up
points on the Seahawks first six drives. But really, is it enough to start thinking the
You would think the wheels had come off the bandwagon in a season where the Chiefs
are tied for first place with the other teams in the division at 0-0. Don’t let that get in the
way of rational fans who are already calling for the firing of the general manager, saying
the head coach is too soft, or that (fill in your personal favorite including your mother)
is a better quarterback than the starter Matt Cassel.
There are strong reasons to believe that the Chiefs will have a better season than last
year and will be able to compete for a playoff spot. Well at least that was the case until
last week when a third-round draft pick decimated a defense that was finally going to step
into the elite ranks of NFL defenses.
Throw in the fact that the much hated Denver Broncos’ starting all-world quarterback
Peyton Manning threw two touchdown passes and looked like a gunslinger in their
third pre-season game against the San Francisco 49rs, and you have a recipe for a dismal
But the head coach, the guy that gets paid to deliver the wins, is a cheerful and rational
man. He knows how to inspire the faithful. In his weekly news conference Romeo Crennel
tried to calm the city.
“It’s not always as bad as it seems on gameday when things don’t go well. I’m not saying
that everything is hunky-dory or anything like that, but there were some good things that
occurred. I still think this team is a good football team, has good talent and we’re not
as good as we’re going to be at this point, but we’re still going to work to improve and
get better because we’ve got the regular season right around the corner, getting ready to
Hunky-dory? Now that is motivation of a kind that you never hear. “Come on men let’s
not get down, everything is going to be hunky-dory.” Well, now that we know that, all
Chiefs fans need to do is sit back and wait for the pros to do their thing.
But seriously, Eric Berry, Jamal Charles and Tony Moeaki are going to be on the field
and showcasing the productivity that was sorely lacking last year. Dwayne Bowe is signed
up and no matter what you say is still your number one receiver. Eric Winston guarding
the line has to be better than Barry Richardson and Matt Cassel is still standing.
Sure there is this little thing about the defense what with Brandon Flowers and Kendrick
Lewis hobbled, but the first real test is not until Atlanta comes to town. And isn’t this
team better off than they were last year? Come on now, this team is ready.
What is that you say? Oh yeah, I forgot about Tamba Hali. Well, to quote the coach,
“I am not saying that everything is hunky-dory …”
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2918 Southwest Blvd. KCMO
Kansas City Missouri
Police need assistance in
identifying this individual,
who is a suspect in an
aggravated assault.
The victim was at a club in
the 2800 block of Southwest
Boulevard on July 8, 2012.
Around closing time, he got
in a verbal argument with
the suspect. The suspect
struck him on the head
with a beer bottle, causing
a severe laceration to his
The suspect is described
as an Hispanic male who is
21 to 26 years old, about 5
feet 6 inches tall and weighs
about 165 pounds. He wore
his hair spiked in a mohawk
the night of the assault.
If you know who the
suspect is, call Detective
Joe Nelson of the Assault
Squad at 813-234-5227
or the TIPS Hotline
at 816-474-TIPS (8477).
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