La profesión del ingeniero ALEJANDRO TERÁN C. Razones para seleccionar II: Por gusto “Las Mejores Universidades”, Reforma, Agosto 2005 Profesión del Ingeniero 2 Razones para seleccionar II: Orientación vocacional “Las Mejores Universidades”, Reforma, Agosto 2005 Profesión del Ingeniero 3 Razones para seleccionar II: Oportunidades de empleo “Las Mejores Universidades”, Reforma, Agosto 2005 Profesión del Ingeniero 4 Actividades de un ingeniero Un Ingeniero: • Resuelve problemas (También los matemáticos). • Realiza análisis (También los estadísticos y los economistas). • Diseña sistemas y procesos. Profesión del Ingeniero 5 ABET definition of Engineering Engineering is the profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences, gained by study, experience, and practice, is applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize, economically, the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind. Profesión del Ingeniero 6 Professions • Occupations commonly referred to as professions: law, medicine, ministry, teaching, architecture, and engineering. • Professions/vocations have some common characteristics: – Associated with a profession is a great body of special knowledge. – Preparation for a profession includes training in applying that knowledge. – The standards of a profession are maintained at a high level through the force of organization or concerted opinion. – Each member of a profession recognizes his or her responsibilities to the public over and above responsibilities to clients or to other members of the profession. “What is Engineering?”, Notas del curso: Introduction to Civil Engineering, Southern Illinois University, Profesión del Ingeniero 7 Definición de Profesión Profesión. (Del lat. professĭo, -ōnis). 1. f. Acción y efecto de profesar. 2. f. Ceremonia eclesiástica en que alguien profesa en una orden religiosa. 3. f. Empleo, facultad u oficio que alguien ejerce y por el que percibe una retribución. Real Academia Española de la Lengua, Diccionario de la Lengua Española, 22/e, Profesión del Ingeniero 8 Definición de Profesión Pro·fes·sion Pronunciation: pr&-'fe-sh&n Function: noun Etymology: Middle English professioun, from Old French profession, from Late Latin & Latin; Late Latin profession-, professio, from Latin, public declaration, from profitEri 1 : the act of taking the vows of a religious community 2 : an act of openly declaring or publicly claiming a belief, faith, or opinion: PROTESTATION 3 : an avowed religious faith 4 a : a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation b : a principal calling, vocation, or employment c : the whole body of persons engaged in a calling Merriam-Webster OnLine Dictionary, Profesión del Ingeniero 9 Definición de Profesar Profesar. (De profeso). 1. tr. Ejercer una ciencia, un arte, un oficio, etc. 2. tr. Enseñar una ciencia o un arte. 3. tr. Ejercer algo con inclinación voluntaria y continuación en ello. Profesar amistad, el mahometismo. 4. tr. Creer, confesar. Profesar un principio, una doctrina, una religión. 5. tr. Sentir algún afecto, inclinación o interés, y perseverar voluntariamente en ellos. Profesar cariño, odio. 6. intr. En una orden religiosa, obligarse a cumplir los votos propios de su instituto. Real Academia Española de la Lengua, Diccionario de la Lengua Española, 22/e, Profesión del Ingeniero 10 Engineering: Comparison to Science You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?" —George Bernard Shaw • Engineering is concerned with the design of a solution to a practical problem. – A scientist may ask "why?" and proceed to research the answer to the question. – By contrast, engineers want to know how to solve a problem, and how to implement that solution. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, Profesión del Ingeniero 11 Engineering: Parallels with the practice of medicine • Professions that are pragmatic — – Provide solutions to real world problems that often – Require moving forward before phenomena are completely understood in a more rigorous scientific sense. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, Profesión del Ingeniero 12 Engineering: Parallels with Art • There are close connections between the workings of engineers and artists; – Direct in some fields, for example, architecture / landscape architecture and industrial design, – Indirect in others. • Artistic and engineering creativity may be fundamentally connected. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, Profesión del Ingeniero 13 Engineering: Major Branches (Top 15) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Aerospace engineering Agricultural engineering Architectural engineering Biomedical engineering Computer engineering Civil engineering Chemical engineering Electrical engineering Environmental engineering Industrial engineering Materials engineering Mechanical engineering Petroleum engineering Railway systems engineering Software engineering Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, Profesión del Ingeniero 14 A Professional Engineer • • A person engaged in professional practice of rendering service or creative work requiring – Education, training and experience in engineering sciences. – The application of special knowledge of the mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences. Performs professsional or creative work as consultation, investigation, evaluation, planning or design of public or private utilities, structures, machines, processes, circuits, buildings, equipment or projects, and supervision of construction for the purpose of securing compliance with specifications and design for any such work. “What is Engineering?”, Notas del curso: Introduction to Civil Engineering, Southern Illinois University, Profesión del Ingeniero 15 Engineering: A Blend of Art and Science • • • It calls for the systematic application of knowledge and skill according to a set of rules. Engineering requires ingenuity, craftsmanship, and judgment in adapting scientific knowledge to practical purposes. A principle engineering activity is problem solving. – It involves a clear statement of the problem and a list of necessary assumptions, the creation of a concept or device or system that appears to meet the specified need, an analysis of the situation based on established principles, a careful checking of the results, and a set of conclusions or recommendations based on the facts. – On the basis of limited information, the engineer must often design for the unknown future. The ability to arrive at an original and creative solution and predict its performance and cost is an attribute of the modern professional engineer. “What is Engineering?”, Notas del curso: Introduction to Civil Engineering, Southern Illinois University, Profesión del Ingeniero 16 Engineering: Uses Applied Science • • • • • • • • Science represents a body of accumulated, established, and systematized knowledge. Engineering is based on the fundamental sciences of physics, chemistry, and mathematics. – These basic sciences are extended into engineering sciences such as materials science, mechanics, thermodynamics, and electrodynamics. The word "science" is derived from the Latin word scire, which means "to know." In contrast, the function of the engineer is "to do". The scientist is concerned with adding to the store of knowledge. The engineer brings science to bear on practical problems; the engineer is a person of action. The engineer uses science, but is not limited to scientific knowledge. No one knows exactly how and why materials behave as they do, but, using empirical data, the engineer is able to design efficient and safe structures. “What is Engineering?”, Notas del curso: Introduction to Civil Engineering, Southern Illinois University, Profesión del Ingeniero 17 Engineering Purpose: To Benefit Mankind • • • • Engineering has as it's ultimate purpose the benefit of mankind. An engineer should not receive complete satisfaction from the skillful solution of a technical problem. The contributions of the engineer have political, social, and aesthetic implications far beyond the immediate technical results. – A dam to harness the energy of a river in a remote canyon may flood a wilderness area that plays an important role in people's total existence. – An efficient and cheap automobile engine that reduces the energy problem may spoil the environment by polluting the air. An engineer must be concerned with all aspects and consequences of the work performed. “What is Engineering?”, Notas del curso: Introduction to Civil Engineering, Southern Illinois University, Profesión del Ingeniero 18 Professional Ethics in Engineering • • • • • There is a necessity for a statement of principles of professional practice that would serve as a guide in personal conduct. 1906: The American Institute of Electrical Engineers appointed a committee to draw up a code of ethics. 1963: The Engineers' Council for Professional Development (ECPD) adopted a detailed code of ethics that spelled out in considerable detail the obligations of engineers to the public and to each other. 1977: A shorter code was approved by the board of directors of ECPD, and it has since been adopted by most of the engineering societies. ECPD, now ABET, also adopted and has modified a set of guidelines for use with the Fundamental Code of Ethics. “What is Engineering?”, Notas del curso: Introduction to Civil Engineering, Southern Illinois University, Profesión del Ingeniero 19 Obligations of Engineers • • • • • Of particular interest to a beginning engineer is the obligation of experienced engineers to make available their knowledge to others. Only a minute part of your ultimate understanding will come as a result of your own original work; by far the greatest portion will be received from others in school, through engineering societies, and from other engineers. In turn, you will be obligated to make your contribution to the constantly expanding store of knowledge. Engineers also have an obligation to remain up-to-date by participating in continuing professional development. Engineers have met their professional obligations in varying degrees, with regard to professional society membership, engineering registration, and participation in continuing education. “What is Engineering?”, Notas del curso: Introduction to Civil Engineering, Southern Illinois University, Profesión del Ingeniero 20 Engineering Code of Ethics: IIE IIE endorses the Canon of Ethics provided by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology. “Engineering Code of Ethics”, Institute of Industrial Engineers, Profesión del Ingeniero 21 IIE Ethics: The Fundamental Principles Engineers uphold and advance the integrity, honor and dignity of the engineering profession by: 1. Using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare; 2. Being honest and impartial, and serving with fidelity the public, their employers and clients; 3. Striving to increase the competence and prestige of the engineering profession; and 4. Supporting the professional and technical societies of their disciplines. “Engineering Code of Ethics”, Institute of Industrial Engineers, Profesión del Ingeniero 22 IIE Ethics: The Fundamental Canons 1. Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public in the performance of their professional duties. 2. Engineers shall perform services only in the areas of their competence. 3. Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner. 4. Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees, and shall avoid conflicts of interest. 5. Engineers shall build their professional reputation on the merit of their services and shall not compete unfairly with others. 6. Engineers shall associate only with reputable persons or organizations. 7. Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their careers and shall provide opportunities for the professional development of those engineers under their supervision. “Engineering Code of Ethics”, Institute of Industrial Engineers, Profesión del Ingeniero 23 IEEE Code of Ethics We, the members of the IEEE, in recognition of the importance of our technologies in affecting the quality of life throughout the world, and in accepting a personal obligation to our profession, its members and the communities we serve, do hereby commit ourselves to the highest ethical and professional conduct and agree: 1. to accept responsibility in making engineering decisions consistent with the safety, health and welfare of the public, and to disclose promptly factors that might endanger the public or the environment; 2. to avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest whenever possible, and to disclose them to affected parties when they do exist; 3. to be honest and realistic in stating claims or estimates based on available data; 4. to reject bribery in all its forms; “IEEE Code of Ethics”, Institute of Electrical and Electronical Engineers, 8/index.jsp?&pName=corp_level1&path=about/whatis&file=code.xml&xsl=generic.xsl Profesión del Ingeniero 24 IEEE Code of Ethics 5. to improve the understanding of technology, its appropriate application, and potential consequences; 6. to maintain and improve our technical competence and to undertake technological tasks for others only if qualified by training or experience, or after full disclosure of pertinent limitations; 7. to seek, accept, and offer honest criticism of technical work, to acknowledge and correct errors, and to credit properly the contributions of others; 8. to treat fairly all persons regardless of such factors as race, religion, gender, disability, age, or national origin; “IEEE Code of Ethics”, Institute of Electrical and Electronical Engineers, 8/index.jsp?&pName=corp_level1&path=about/whatis&file=code.xml&xsl=generic.xsl Profesión del Ingeniero 25 IEEE Code of Ethics 9. to avoid injuring others, their property, reputation, or employment by false or malicious action; 10. to assist colleagues and co-workers in their professional development and to support them in following this code of ethics. Approved by the IEEE Board of Directors August 1990 “IEEE Code of Ethics”, Institute of Electrical and Electronical Engineers, 8/index.jsp?&pName=corp_level1&path=about/whatis&file=code.xml&xsl=generic.xsl Profesión del Ingeniero 26