Presentation CDAL - CarbonDiversionAmericaLatina


Presentation CDAL - CarbonDiversionAmericaLatina
MÉXICO is a na&onal compe&&on, which aims at suppor&ng the development of Mexican green industries, by crea&ng a common pla;orm which includes government ins&tu&ons, interna&onal development agencies, trade and industrial associa&ons, academic ins&tu&ons and private sector. “The Agave Opportunity: Turning waste to energy and profits” Founded in year 2007 as a R & D Company CDAL has 4 patents pending developing them from 2007 – 2010 Is vinculated with ITESO -­‐ Proggint University Proprietary technology for trea<ng agave bagasse
THE PROCESS In Jalisco, according to the Tequila Denomina&on of Origin , the Agave Azul Tequila Weber is cul&vated
The agave is formed by “piña” & leaves The“Piña” is used to make Tequila and Mezcal The first solid WASTE Leaves are ignored… left in the /ields… to decade…. TheCRT, (regulatory department that oversees tequila produc&on) es&mates that more than 25,000,000 tons of these leaves will be available in the next 7 year cycle, equivalent to 3,571,428 tons per year,so there is sufficient material for manufacturing 1,785,714 tons of briqueXes per year . Cooking and smashing the “piña”, the juice is obtained and the Tequila is produced The 2nd solid WASTE, the BAGASSE v  The raw material: Agave-­‐based tequila is produced by approximately 150 Tequila manufacturers, genera&ng approximately 648,000 tons of bagasse per year, (currently le] to decay without any use). This is equals 324,000 tons of briqueXes and/or pellets per year. Mexico produced 289 million liters of tequila in 2010 1 liter of tequila creates 10-­‐15 liters of vinazas (>2.89 billion liters!) per year Low pH (acidic), high BOD, FOG component The LIQUID WASTE Liquid residues Vinazas CDAL TREATS THE AGAVE RESDIUES FROM THE TEQUILA INDUSTRY CDAL offers an answer, reducing the waste and carbon emissions created while producing in the first stage renewable fuels from AGAVE biomass in a pellet and brique_e format, methane with anaerobic diges&on, biobutanol and other biofuels in a second phase, power and steam using gasifica&on, torrefac&on to produce biocarbon in the next stage. WHAT ARE AGAVE BRIQUETTES AND PELLETS? =
They are solid fuels, obtained from the conversion of the agave biomass. THE BY PRODUCTS:: ENERGY OBTAINED FROM A RENEWABLE FEED STOCK Carbon Diversion America La<na S.A. de C.V. (CDAL) is a Mexican company, that has as a goal to design, install promote and cer&fy Facili&es that Convert biomass and organic waste into Clean Energy in a Closed Cycle CDAL looks for capital to:
“Scale an Replicate Solid Biofuels from AGAVE Biomass, en México.”
Similar to the Closed Cycle Energy Conversion Plant # 1
CARBON DIVERSION AMERICA LATINA S.A. DE C.V. COMPARATIVE FUEL AGAVE AND ITS USES CDAL will also partner with a leading anaerobic diges&on company to transform the liquid waste from the produc&on of tequila into 3 products: v Methane, v Digestate, v Clean water with nutrients for irriga&on Biogas production from Agave vinazas
v  Bad for groundwater -­‐ Rivers -­‐  Lakes -­‐  Aquifer v  Food crops (including Agave) Agave vinasses can poten&ally be transformed into energy THE OPPORTUNITY v Massive amount of vinazas available v Few can afford the capital investment v Lack of opera&ng knowledge v MX government is threatening to regulate vinazas disposal v Tequileras willing to pay for responsible disposal SBMX TREATS THE VINAZAS v  1 kg of organic
material from
agave vinazas
produces approx.
750 L1 of biogas
(50% methane)
v  Contains dry
matter (DM) 2-8%
v  1,000 L of
vinazas of 5%
DM will produce
approx. 64kWh
DIGESTER EFFICIENCY – AGAVE VINAZAS Vinaza Effluent water Limit (Rule 001)2 TS 4.9% 0.67% n.a. VS 91% 59% n.a. pH <5 7.3 5-­‐10 Temperature > 50 C < 38 C < 40 C COD 77 000 mg/L 5 200 mg/L n.a. BOD n.d. 1000 mg/L n.a. TOC 27 000 mg/L 1 800 mg/L n.a. Oil (ether sol.) 160 mg/L <5 -­‐ 16 mg/L 15 mg/L (monthly av. 25 mg/L daily ) THE SBMX GOAL: 600,000 TON/YEAR Agave can poten&ally transformed into energy v 600 million liters at $0.03us/liter = $18 million v 20% of total market v 4 projects v Hub and spoke system v 10+ year contracts BUSINESS CASE v We offer a unique solu&on (B-­‐O-­‐O model) v Tip fee is agreeable to tequileras v AXrac&ve unlevered returns (30% +) v Virtually no compe&&on v Poten&al for favorable publicity RISK MANAGEMENT v Private and governmental rela&onships v Long term vinazas supply agreements v Long term energy off-­‐take agreements v Tiered development process – fail fast / fail cheap, 2.5% CAPEX v Cost-­‐plus design-­‐build EPC contrac&ng with up front GMAX price AGAVE PRODUCTION AREAS #3 Guanajuato
& Michoacan
#2 Highlands, Arandas
& Atotonilco
#1 Zona Valle,
#4 Sur de
Second Genera&on Biofuels and Biorefining Butanol Produc&on •  Biobutanol or Biobased Butanol Fuel is second genera&on alcoholic fuel with a higher energy d e n s i t y a n d l o w e r vola&lity vs. ethanol. •  The secondary appeal of biobutanol is its variety of commercial uses in an exis&ng market worth over $5 billion dollars. BioButanol Feedstocks What are the feedstocks for biobutanol in Mexico to start with? Agave Juice from the leaves Sugarcane Juice (cellulosic technology) •  Agave Bagasse & Sugarcane Bagasse •  Vinaze from Tequila Industry What are common uses of butanol? N-­‐butanol finds applica&ons as: -­‐*gasoline addi&ve -­‐*gasoline octane booster -­‐produc&on intermediate for: -­‐butyl acrylate -­‐butyl acetate -­‐dibutyl phthalate -­‐extractant for: -­‐an&bio&cs -­‐-­‐hormones -­‐-­‐vitamins -­‐perfume ingredient -­‐degreasers and cleaning solu&ons -­‐repellent -­‐paint solvent-­‐ink ingredient. -­‐deriva&ve ester precursor -­‐viscosity reducer in paint -­‐automo&ve polish and paint cleaner addi&ve -­‐paint remover ingredient -­‐solvent -­‐synthesis intermediate of: -­‐methyl tert-­‐butyl ether (MTBE) -­‐ethyl tert-­‐butyl ether (ETBE) -­‐tert-­‐butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP) Biobutanol Bio-­‐n-­‐butanol El butanol es un alcohol que puede ser u&lizado como un combus&ble para el transporte. Es un miembro superior de la serie de alcoholes de cadena lineal con cada molécula de butanol (C 4 H 10 O), que con&ene cuatro átomos de carbono en lugar de dos como en etanol. El butanol se puede producir por fermentación tradicional ABE -­‐ la conversión anaeróbica de carbohidratos por cepas de Clostridium en acetona, butanol y etanol. Sin embargo, cues&ones de costos, las fermentaciones rela&vamente de bajo rendimiento y lento, así como los problemas causados por la inhibición del producto final y las infecciones de fagos, significa que el butanol ABE no podía compe&r a escala comercial con el butanol que se produce sinté&camente y casi toda la producción cesó en la industria petroquímica industria de la evolución. Sin embargo, existe actualmente un interés creciente en el uso de biobutanol como un combus&ble para el transporte. 85% de butanol / gasolina mezclas se pueden u&lizar en motores de gasolina sin modificar. Se puede transportar en los gasoductos existentes y la gasolina produce más energía que el etanol. El biobutanol puede ser producido a par&r de cul&vos de cereales, caña de azúcar y remolacha azucarera, etc, pero también puede ser producido a par&r de materias primas celulósicas. Para aprovechar estos beneficios potenciales, nuevos procesos de producción es necesario desarrollar. Biorefining enclose des&la&on Plant. CPC´s BioMax 100(kw): Small Modular Bioenergy System PURPOSE: Convert on site/neearby biomass residues to clean& green onsite energy services CARBON DIVERSION AMERICA LATINA THANK YOUR ATENTTION ______________________________________________________________________________ Planta: Carretera internacional Guadalajara – Nogales km 40, Ama&tán, Jalisco, México. ____________________________________________________ q (52) 33 3720 6455 Tel q(52) 33 3630 9349 [email protected] www.carbondiversionamericala&