saint joseph catholic church - St. Joseph Catholic Church, Frederiksted
saint joseph catholic church - St. Joseph Catholic Church, Frederiksted
SAINT JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH Diocese of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands #1 Mount Pleasant - Frederiksted P.O. Box 2150 St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands 00851 Tel. (340) 692-2005 Fax. (340) 692-2748 Web Site: E-mail: [email protected] Bishop Herbert A. Bevard Diocese of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands XIX Sunday in Ordinary Time August 8-9, 2015 «No one can come to me unless he is drawn by the Father» Directory Pastor: Rev. Fr. John Mark Weekend Assistant: Msg. Michael Kosak In Residence: Rev. Br. James Petrait, OSFS Deacons: Dea. Conrad Williams, SFO Dea. James Verhoff Dea. Neville Charles (Retired) Dea. Guillermo Huertas Dea. Hector Arroyo Business Manager: Ms. Victoria Soto Religious Ed. Director: Mrs. Petra Arroyo Parish Council Secretary: Mrs. Esther F. Donelly Parish Accountant: Mrs. Esther F. Donelly St. Joseph MASSES & DEVOTIONS Weekend Saturdays: 5:00 p.m. English Sundays: 7:00 a.m. English 9:00 a.m. Spanish 11:00 a.m. English Week-day Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays: 6:30 a.m. English Thursdays: 7:00 p.m. Spanish DEVOTIONS Sacred Heart Society Holy Hour, every Friday: 6:30 p.m. First Sunday: 3:00 p.m. Santo Niño First Saturday: 4:30 p.m. Divine Mercy Other Saturdays: 4:30 p.m. Fourth Sunday: 3:00 p.m. Handmaids of the Lord Fourth Sunday: 4:00 p.m. Office Hours Office Monday--Friday 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. St. Michael Chapel Tuesday– Saturday 8:00 am-2:00 p.m Sacristans Mrs. Miguelina Ayala Mrs. Marva O’Neale Sacraments Baptism Please register at the office at least one month before classes. Classes are held the 2nd, 3rd and the 4th Wednesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. Baptisms are on the last Saturday of the month at 3:00 p.m. Confessions Saturdays one hour before Mass. Sundays 30 minuts before Mass. Thursdays 6:30 p.m. (30 minutes befor mass.) Marriage Please call the Parish Office at least (6) months before the wedding date. Anointing of the Sick Please notify the parish staff if you are going into the hospital. Tuesdays—Hospital Fridays—Shut-ins Funerals Monday through Thursday “TOGETHER BUILDING THE KINGDOM OF GOD” . «No one can come to me unless he is drawn by the Father» Today, the Gospel shows how puzzled Jesus’ compatriots were when in his presence: «This man is the son of Joseph, isn’t he? We know his father and mother. How can he say that he has come from heaven?» (Jn 6:42). The life of Jesus amongst his own people had been so normal that, when He began with the proclamation of the Kingdom, those who knew him were shocked at what He was saying. What Father was Jesus referring to, whom nobody had ever seen before? Which could be that living bread coming from heaven that those who eat of it would live forever? He denied it was the manna in the desert because those who ate it also died. «The bread I shall give is my flesh and I will give it for the life of the world» (Jn 6:51). Could his flesh be an aliment for us? The baffling doubts Jesus was spreading amongst the Jews could also embarrass us should we not be able to answer a question basic for our Christian life: Who is Jesus? Many men and women before us have asked themselves the same question, have personally answered it, have gone to Jesus, have followed him and now they enjoy an endless life full of love. And those who now may come to Jesus, He will raise them up on the last day. (cf. Jn 6:44). John Cassian exhorted his monks by telling them: «‘Come close to God, and He will come close to you’, because ‘nobody can come to Jesus unless he is drawn by the Father who sent Him’ (...). In the Gospel we listen to the Lord inviting us to join Him: ‘You who are burdened and overwhelmed, come to me and I will make you rest’». Let us welcome the Word of the Gospel that every day brings us nearer to Jesus; let us welcome the invitation of the very Gospel to enter into communion with Him by eating his flesh, because «This is the true food, Christ’s flesh, which being Word has become flesh, as it is said ‘And the Word became flesh’» (Origenes). MASS INTENTIONS - AUGUST, 2015 Sat 8 5:00 pm +K. Chang, req. by Mary Lansiquot. Sun 9 7:00 am For the good of the people of St. Joseph Church. The Sanctuary Light is offered in birthday blessings for Natalie Vidal req. by her mother, sisters, daughter and nephew. 9:00 am Birthday blessings for José M. González and Aure Díez req. by their sister, Victoria Soto. 11:00 am +Ramón, Juan, Porfirio, Angélico and Noe Rodríguez, req. by their sister, Carmen Huertas and family. Tue 11 6:30 am +Mary Ann Tomlen req. by her daughter, Mary Lansiquot. Wed 12 6:30 am Thu 13 7:00 pm Birthday blessings for Marilyn Arroyo req. by parents. Fri 14 6:30 am Birthday blessings for Joaquim and David Mitchell. Readings of the XIX Week in Ordinary Time Mon. August 10 2 Cor 9, 6-10 Jn 12, 24-26 Tue. August 11 Dt 31, 1-8 Mt 18, 1-5. 10. 12-14 Wed. August 12 Dt 34, 1-12 Mt 18, 15-20 Thu. August 13 Jos 3, 7-10. 11. 13-17 Mt 18, 21--19, 1 Fri. August 14 Jos 24, 1-13 Mt 19, 3-12 Sat. August 15 Rv 11, 19; 12, 1-6 1 Cor 15, 20-27 Lk 1, 39-56 Sun. August 16 XX Sunday in Ordinary Time Prv 9, 1-6 Eph 5, 15-20 Jn 6, 51-58 HURRICANE SEASON PRAYER God, our Father. All the elements of nature obey your command. Keep us safe from the danger of hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, or other natural disasters. May we be secure in your protection and always feel the presence of your love as you turn our fears into praise of your goodness. Bless our families and bring peace to all nations. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. Lord, You are bread Week in Preview Lord, You are bread That satisfies our hunger and mitigated our thirst. Lord, You are bread That strengthens our weakness. Lord, You are bread That keeps us up when we fall. Lord, You are bread That makes us strong and courageous. Lord, You are bread That makes us witnesses of your kingdom. Lord, You are bread That You became love for saving us. Lord, You are bread That comes down from heaven for the benefit of the earth. Lord, You are bread Monday & Thursday: 7:00 p.m. Neocatechumenal Way. 7:00 p.m. Class of Dirigente’s. (Spanish Cursillo Movement) Wednesday: 7:30 a.m. Shepherds of Christ Associates 5:00 p.m. Choir 5:00 p.m. mass. Thursday: 4:30 p.m. Handmaids of the Lord 6:00 p.m. Spanish Choir. 6:30 p.m. Adult Choir. 7:30 a.m. Cursillo Movement Ultreya. (Spanish) PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS TODAY’s second collection is for the Bishop’s Appeal. Thank you. THE FUNERAL of Kendrick Hurtault will be here at St. Joseph next Monday, August 10th viewing at 9:00 a.m. Mass 10:00 a.m. The Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the St. Michael Chapel continues next Tuesday, August 11th from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Parish Ministries Baptism Preparation Dea. Conrard Williams (English) Dea. Guillermo Huertas & Dea. Hector Arroyo (Spanish) Marriage Preparation Dea. James Verhoff Spiritual Life Dea. Neville Charles Lector’s Ministry Laurie Thomas-Jacobs and Kathy King (English) Victoria Soto (Spanish) Music Ministry Mr. Edwin Thomas & Mr. Stanley Maynard (English) Mr. Otilio Concepción (Spanish) Cursillo Movement Mrs. Petra Arroyo Neo Catechumenal Way Dea. Conrad Williams Dea. Neville Charles Shepherds of Christ Associates Merle Seepersad Social Committee Ms. Noreen Vigilant Usher Ms. Mervelyn N.V. Tyrell (English) Mr. José Figueroa (Spanish) Altar Society Agneta Bailey (English) Ms. Carmen Huertas (Spanish) REFLECTION OF THE WEEK Don’t Judge the one who falls, better help him up because tomorrow it could be you.! Registration for religious education children is Monday through Friday in the rectory from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please bring your children’s baptism certificate when you come to register them. Thank You. CATECHISTS. We are in need of catechists to teach religion classes. If you are interested in teaching your faith to our children, please speak to Father John or call the rectory at 692-2005. Thank you. Registration for the Children Choir will be held on Saturdays from July 25th through August 22nd. 2015. If you would like your child to be a part of the Children Choir, please contact Laurie Thomas-Jacobs, Choir Director, at (340) 643-6601, or you may email at [email protected]. Thank you! our second collection next weekend August 15-16th will be for the Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa. Thank you. ADORATION. There will be a four-hour prayer session/adoration for the success of the World Meeting of Families during the Gethsemane hours of 11:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. on August 21st to 22nd 2015 at the St Michael Chapel. All are invited to join us in praying for this very important event. St. Joseph High School is looking forward to a wonderful new school year 2015-2016. Registration is at the school office Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Please ask Jesus to bless our Catholic high schools. JUST A REMINDER. During summer, many people go away for renewal and enjoyment. The financial obligations of the parish, on the other hand, stay with us all year. Please remember to use your envelopes during summer. Your help is much needed and will be greatly appreciated. pope francis call Some kind of revelation of the Almighty must have had Pope Francis! Pope asks priests to open the doors of their churches and invite people to pray the rosary and pray intensely before the tabernacle. He prays that we go to our parishes or nearest Church. He alerted the world saying: “The war in the Middle East and now in Ukraine and Crimea will become very serious and will extend”. To stop them, we must pray to God to bestow His mercy upon the world and that the Holy Spirit enlighten the rulers to be aware of good and evil and fight together for peace and love. Ask priests to be more humble, and heed the call of their parishioners when they need them. Also, ask priests that the Eucharist be simple and with love. Pray, pray, pray. “All we will unite in prayer every day. Wherever you are in the world, at your preferred time, leave everything and pray 3 times the Our Father and 3 Hail Mary. Pray for God to send his Holy Spirit upon the earth. DONELLY WOODWORKING For your Gilbert Donelly Cabinets-Closets (340)277-6364 Kitchen-Bathroom Bedroom [email protected] JAMES I. RODGERS MANAGER/OWNER NEIGHBORHOOD LAUNDRY 2D Estate Sion Farm Next to the Lew Muckle School Christiansted, St. Croix Tel: (340) 778-6138 U.S. Virgin Islands 00823 Fax (340) 778-5116 #129 Peter’s Rest, St. Croix U.S.V.I. Tel. (340) 773-0003 / (340) 773-0002 Fax (340) 773-3003 Eldon E. Rey LLC. Funeral Director Over 30 Years of Experience The St. Joseph Hospitality Lounge is available to rent for meetings, parties, fund-raisers and much more. Please call 692-2005 for rates and availability. A PRAYER FOR PRIESTS shrine. Keep them, I pray Thee, dearest Lord. Keep them, for they are Thine Thy priests whose lives burn out before Thy consecrated Keep them, for they are in the world. Though from the world apart; When earthly pleasures tempt, allure, Shelter them in Thy heart. Keep them, and comfort them in hours of loneliness and pain, when all their life of sacrifice For souls seems but in vain. Keep them, and oh remember, Lord, they have no one but Thee. Yet they have only human hearts with human frailty. Keep them as spotless as the Host that daily they caress; their every thought PRAYER TO ST. MICHAEL Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen Latin mass Learn and celebrate your Catholic heritage Tridentine Latin Mass coming soon to St. Croix For information contact the Virgin Islands Tridentine Latin Mass Association at: 340-332-0006 THE POPE’S PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR the year 2015 AUGUST Universal: Volunteers. That volunteers may give themselves generously to the service of the needy. Evangelization: Outreach to the Marginalized. That setting aside our very selves we may learn to be neighbors to those who find themselves on the margins of human Please patronize these sponsors. It is through their generous support that this Church Bulletin is provided to our Parish Family. Let us express our gratitude by making them our first choice. Iglesia Católica de San José Diócesis de St. Thomas en las Islas Vírgenes #1 Mount Pleasant - Frederiksted P.O. Box 2150 St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands 00851 Tel. (340) 692-2005 Fax. (340) 692-2748 Web Site: E-mail: [email protected] Obispo Herbert A. Bevard Diócesis de St. Thomas en las Islas Vírgenes XVIII Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario Agosto 1-2, 2015 «Nadie puede venir a mí, si el Padre que me ha enviado no lo Directorio Párroco: Rev. P. John Mark Ayudante domingos: Msñr. Michael Kosak En Residencia: Re Hno. James Petrait, OSFS Diáconos: Diác. Conrad Williams, SFO Diác. James Verhoff Diác. Neville Charles (Retirado) Diác. Guillermo Huertas Diác. Hector Arroyo Business Manager: Sra. Victoria Soto Educación Religiosa: Sra. Petra Arroyo Secretaria Consejo Parroquial: Sra. Esther F. Donelly Contable Parroquial: Sra. Esther F. Donelly San José MISAS Y DEVOCIONES Dominical Sábados: 5:00 p.m. inglés Domingos: 7:00 a.m. inglés 9:00 a.m. español 11:00 a.m. inglés Diarias Martes, miércoles y viernes: 6:30 a.m. inglés Jueves: 7:00 p.m. español DEVOCIONES Sociedad del Sagrado Corazón Hora Santa, todos los viernes: 6:30 p.m. Primer domingo: 3:00 p.m. Santo Niño Primer sábado del mes: 4:30 p.m. Divina Misericordia Otros sábados: 4:30 p.m. Cuarto domingo: 3:00 p.m. Handmaids of the Lord Cuarto domingo: 4:00 p.m. Horas de Oficina Oficina Lunes a viernes 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Capilla San Miguel Lunes a viernes 8:00 am-2:00 p.m Sacristanas Sra. Miguelina Ayala Sra. Marva O’Neale Sacramentos Bautismo El Bautismo se lleva a cabo el último sábado de cada mes. Favor de llamar a la rectoría para inscribirse. Confesiones Sábados una hora antes de la misa domingos 30 minutos antes de misa jueves 6:30 p.m. (30 minutos antes de la misa) Matrimonio Favor de llamar a la rectoría al menos seis (6) meses antes de fijar la fecha de la boda. Unción de los Enfermos Favor de notificar a la rectoría cuando se necesite, y si vas al hospital. Martes—Hospital Viernes—Confinados en sus casas Funerales de lunes a jueves “JUNTOS CONSTRUYENDO EL REINO DE DIOS” «No one can come to me unless he is drawn by the Father» Today, the Gospel shows how puzzled Jesus’ compatriots were when in his presence: «This man is the son of Joseph, isn’t he? We know his father and mother. How can he say that he has come from heaven?» (Jn 6:42). The life of Jesus amongst his own people had been so normal that, when He began with the proclamation of the Kingdom, those who knew him were shocked at what He was saying. What Father was Jesus referring to, whom nobody had ever seen before? Which could be that living bread coming from heaven that those who eat of it would live forever? He denied it was the manna in the desert because those who ate it also died. «The bread I shall give is my flesh and I will give it for the life of the world» (Jn 6:51). Could his flesh be an aliment for us? The baffling doubts Jesus was spreading amongst the Jews could also embarrass us should we not be able to answer a question basic for our Christian life: Who is Jesus? Many men and women before us have asked themselves the same question, have personally answered it, have gone to Jesus, have followed him and now they enjoy an endless life full of love. And those who now may come to Jesus, He will raise them up on the last day. (cf. Jn 6:44). John Cassian exhorted his monks by telling them: «‘Come close to God, and He will come close to you’, because ‘nobody can come to Jesus unless he is drawn by the Father who sent Him’ (...). In the Gospel we listen to the Lord inviting us to join Him: ‘You who are burdened and overwhelmed, come to me and I will make you rest’». Let us welcome the Word of the Gospel that every day brings us nearer to Jesus; let us welcome the invitation of the very Gospel to enter into communion with Him by eating his flesh, because «This is the true food, Christ’s flesh, which being Word has become flesh, as it is said ‘And the Word became flesh’» (Origenes). ORACIÓN PARA PROTECCIÓN CONTRA LOS HURACANES MISAS DE LA SEMANA - AGOSTO, 2015 Sab Dom 8 5:00 pm +K. Chang, por Mary Lansiquot. 9 7:00 am Por el bien de los fieles de la Iglesia de San José. La luz del Santísimo se ofrece en bendiciones de cumpleaños para Natalie Vidal por su madre, hermanas, hija y sobrino. 9:00 am Bendiciones de cumpleaños para José M. González y Aure Díez por su hermana, Victoria Soto. 11:00 am +Ramón, Juan, Porfirio, Angélico y Noe Rodríguez, por su hermana, Carmen Huertas y familia. Mar 11 6:30 am +Mary Ann Tomlen por su hija, Mary Lansiquot. Miér 12 6:30 am Jue 13 7:00 pm Bendiciones de cumpleaños para Marilyn Arroyo por sus padres. Vie 14 6:30 am Bendiciones de cumpleaños para Joaquim and David Mitchell. Lecturas de la XIX Semana en Tiempo Ordinario Lun. 10 de agosto 2 Cor 9, 6-10 Jn 12, 24-26 Vie. 14 de agosto Jos 24, 1-13 Mt 19, 3-12 Sab. 15 de agosto Ap 11, 19; 12, 1-6 1 Cor 15, 20-27 Lc 1, 39-56 Mar. 11 de agosto Dt 31, 1-8 Dom. 16 de agosto Mt 18, 1-5. XX Domingo en 10. 12-14 Tiempo Ordinario Prv 9, 1-6 Miér. 12 de agosto Ef 5, 15-20 Dt 34, 1-12 Jn 6, 51-58 Mt 18, 15-20 Jue. 13 de agosto Jos 3, 7-10. 11. 13-17 Padre, todos los elementos de la naturaleza obedecen tu mandato. Líbranos de los peligros de los huracanes, inundaciones, terremotos y otros desastres naturales. Que estemos seguros en tu protección y que siempre sintamos la presencia de tu amor. Cambia nuestros miedos en alabanzas a tu bondad. Bendice nuestras familias y trae la paz a todas las naciones. Te lo pedimos por Jesucristo nuestro Señor que vive y reina contigo y el Espíritu Santo, un sólo Dios por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. TU, SEÑOR, ERES PAN Tu, Señor, eres pan Que sacia nuestra hambre y mitiga nuestra sed. Tu, Señor, eres pan Que fortalece nuestra debilidad. Tu, Señor, eres pan Que nos levanta cuando caemos. Tu, Señor, eres pan Que nos hace fuertes y valientes. Tu, Señor, eres pan Que nos hace testigos de tu Reino. Tu, Señor, eres pan Que se hace amor por salvarnos. Tu, Señor, eres pan Que baja del cielo para beneficio de la tierra. Tu, Señor, eres pan Actividades de la Semana Lunes y jueves: 7:00 p.m. Camino Neocatecumenal (inglés. 7:00 p.m. Movimiento de Cursillo Escuela de Formación. Miércoles: 7:30 a.m. Pastores de Cristo. (inglés) 5:00 p.m. Coro misa 5:00 p.m. (inglés) Jueves: 4:30 p.m. Handmaides of the Lord (inglés) 6:00 p.m. Coro (español) 6:30 p.m. Adult Choir (inglés) 8:00 p.m. Movimiento de Cursillos-Ultreya. ANUNCIOS DE LA PARROQUIA La segunda colecta de hoy es para la Súplica del Obispo Gracias. EL FUNERAL de Kenrick Hurtault será aquí en San José mañana lunes 10 de agosto, la vista a las 9:00 a.m. y misa a las 10:00 a.m. ADORATION. La adoración del Santísimo en la capilla de San Miguel continúa el próximo martes 11 de agosto de 7:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m. MINISTERIOS DE LA PARROQUIA Preparación para el Bautismo Diác. Conrad Williams (inglés) Diác. Guillermo Huertas y Diác. Hector Arroyo (español) Preparación para el Matrimonio Diác. James Verhoff Vida Espiritual Diác. Neville Charles Ministerio de Lectores Victoria Soto (español) Laurie Thomas-Jacobs y Kathy King (inglés) Ministerio de Música Sr. Otilio Concepción (español) Sr. Edwin Thomas y Sr. Stanley Maynard (inglés) Movimiento de Cursillo Sra. Petra Arroyo Neo Catecumenado Diác. Conrad Williams Diác. Neville Charles Pastores de Cristo Sra. Merle Seepersad Comité Social Sra. Noreen Vigilant Ujieres Sr. José Figueroa (español) Sra. Mervelyn N.V. Tyrell (inglés) Sociedad del Altar Sra. Carmen Huertas (español) Agneta Bailey (inglés) Reflexión de LA SEMANA ¡No judges al caído, mejor ayúdale a levantarse porque mañana podrías se tú.! La inscripción para LOS Niños DEL CATECISMO es en la rectoría de lunes a viernes de 8:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m. Favor de traer el certificado de bautismo de sus niños cuando vengan a incribirlos. Gracias. CATEQUISTAS. Estamos necesitados de Catequistas para dar clases de religión. Si estás interesado/a en compartir tu fe con nuestros niños, favor de hablar con el Padre John o llamar a la rectoría al 692-2005. Gracias. La inscripción para el Coro de Niños es todos los sábados hasta el 22 de agosto 2015. Si desea que su hijo/a sea parte del Coro de Niños, favor de llamar a Laurie Thomas-Jacobs, directora del coro, al (340) 643-6601, o al correo electrónico a [email protected]. Gracias! La escuela Superior de San Jose espera tener un marvilloso nuevo año escolar 2015-2016. La matrícula se está llevando a cabo en la oficina de la escuela de lunes a viernes de 8:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. Favor de pedirle a Jesús que bendiga nuestras escuelas católicas. ADORACIÓN. Tendremos una adoración de cuatro horas de oración por el éxito del Encuentro Mundial de Familias 2015 en Filadelfia, durante las horas de Getsemaní, del viernes 21 de agosto a las 11:00 p.m. hasta el sábado 22 de agosto a las 3:00 a.m. en la capilla de San Miguel. Todos están invitados a venir y unirse a nosotros en oración por ese importante evento. LA SEGUNDA COLECTA del próximo domingo 16 de agosto es para el Fondo de Solidaridad de la Iglesia en Africa. Gracias. RECORDATORIO. Durante el verano, muchas personas se van por un periodo de tiempo para renovarse y disfrutar. Por otro lado, las obligaciones financieras de la parroquia las tenemos todo el año. Les recordamos que usen sus sobres durante el verano. Su ayuda es muy apreciada y necesitada. EL PAPA FRANCISCO PIDE Alguna revelación del Altísimo debe haber tenido el Papa Francisco! El Papa pide a los sacerdotes abrir las puertas de sus iglesias e invitar a la gente a rezar el Santo Rosario y rezar intensamente ante el Sagrario. Nos ruega que acudamos a nuestras parroquias o Iglesia más cercana. Alertó al mundo diciendo: “La guerra en el Oriente Medio y ahora también en Ucrania y Crimea se convertirán en algo muy serio y se extenderán”. Para detenerlas, debemos orar a Dios para que derrame su Misericordia sobre el mundo y que el Espíritu Santo ilumine a los gobernantes a tener conciencia del bien y del mal y luchen unidos por la paz y el amor. Le pide a los sacerdotes ser más humildes, y atender el llamado de sus feligreses cuando lo necesiten.También le pide a los sacerdotes que la Eucaristía sea sencilla y con amor. Oren, oren, oren. “Todos nos uniremos en oración todos los días. Donde quiera que estés en el mundo, a tu hora preferida, deja todo y reza 3 veces el Padre Nuestro y 3 Ave Maria. Oración para que Dios envíe su Espíritu Santo sobre la tierra. . DONELLY WOODWORKING For your Gilbert Donelly Cabinets-Closets (340)277-6364 Kitchen-Bathroom Bedroom [email protected] ORACIÓN A SAN MIGUEL JAMES I. RODGERS MANAGER/OWNER NEIGHBORHOOD LAUNDRY 2D Estate Sion Farm Next to the Lew Muckle School Christiansted, St. Croix Tel: (340) 778-6138 U.S. Virgin Islands 00823 Fax (340) 778-5116 THE SILENCE The silence during the Mass allows God to look into our hearts and hear in the depths#129 of our soul the Peter’s Rest, St. Croix U.S.V.I. piercing cryTel. of our needs (340) 773-0003 / (340) 773-0002 that no words can impart. Fax (340) 773-3003 Eldon E. Rey LLC. Funeral Director Over 30 Years of Experience El Salón de Hospitalidad de san José está disponible para alquilar para reuniones, fiestas, recaudación de fondos y mucho más. Favor de llamar al 692-2005 para tarifas y disponibilidad. ORACION POR LOS SACERDOTES Jesús, Sacerdote eterno, guarda a estos siervos en el recinto de tu Corazón, donde nadie pueda hacerles daño alguno; guarda inmaculadas sus manos consagradas que a diario tocan tu Sagrado Cuerpo; guarda sin mancha esos corazones sellados con el sublime Sacerdocio; haz tu santo amor los envuelva y separe del contacto del mundo Bendice sus trabajos con frutos abundantes y sean las almas por ellos dirigidas y administradas, su consuelo y gozo aquí en la tierra y después su hermosa corona en el Cielo. “San Miguel Arcángel, defiéndenos en la batalla. Sé nuestro amparo contra la perversidad y asechanzas del demonio. Reprímele Dios, pedimos suplicantes, y tú Príncipe de la Milicia Celestial, arroja al infierno con el divino poder, a Satanás y a los otros espíritus malignos que andan dispersos por el mundo para la perdición de las almas. Amén.” misa en latín Aprende y celebra tu herencia católica. La Misa Tridentina en Latín viene pronto a St. Croix Para más información póngase en contacto con la Asociación de Misa Tridentina en Latín en las Islas Vírgenes al: 340-332-0006 Intenciones de oración del Santo Padre para el aÑo 2015 AGOSTO Universal: Voluntarios. Para que quienes colaboran en el campo del voluntariado se entreguen con generosidad al servicio de los necesitados. Por la Evangelización: Ir a los marginados. Para que, saliendo de nosotros mismos, sepamos hacernos prójimos de quienes se encuentran en las periferias de las relaciones humanas Favor de auspiciar a nuestros patrocinadores. Es mediante su generosidad que este boletin se produce para nuestra parroquia. Expresemos nuestra gratidud y escogámoslos a ellos como nuestra primera elección.