Control Number: 40627 Item Number: 284 Addendum StartPage: 0
Control Number: 40627 Item Number: 284 Addendum StartPage: 0
Control Number: 40627 Item Number: 284 Addendum StartPage : 0 SOAH DOCKET NO. 473-13-0935 PUC DOCKET NO. 40627 PETITION BY HOMEOWNERS UNITED FOR RATE FAIRNESS TO REVIEW AUSTIN RATE ORDINANCE NO. 20120607-055 § § § § 2C 13 FEB ' 5 Pi l 2: 3 C OF^ FICE-, 'A BEFORE '1' P,' .,f=^.. ^, OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS CITY OF AUSTIN DB/A AUSTIN ENERGY'S RESPONSE TO TEXAS LEGAL SERVICES CENTER'S AND TEXAS RATEPAYERS' ORGANIZATION TO SAVE ENERGY'S FIFTH REQUEST FOR INFORMATION To: Texas Legal Services Center and Texas Ratepayers' Organization To Save Energy, by and through their attorney of record, Lanetta M. Cooper, 815 Brazos Street, Suite 1100, Austin, Texas 78701. COMES NOW the City of Austin ("City") doing business as Austin Energy ("Austin Energy" or "AE") and makes the following attached Response to Texas Legal Services Center's ("TLSC") and Texas Ratepayers' Organization To Save Energy's ("Texas ROSE") Fifth Request for Information ("RFI") to Austin Energy filed on January 16, 2013. Pursuant to P.U.C. PROC. R. 22.144(c)(2)(F), Austin Energy agrees and stipulates that all parties may treat the responses as if the answers were filed under oath. INSPECTIONS In those instances where materials are to be made available for inspection by request or in lieu of a written response, the attached response will so state. For those materials that a response indicates may be inspected at the Austin voluminous room, please call at least 24 hours in advance for an appointment in order to assure that there is sufficient space and someone is available to accommodate your inspection. To make an appointment at the Austin voluminous room located at Town Lake Center, 721 Barton Springs Road, Austin, Texas, 78704 or to review those materials that a response indicates may be inspected at their usual repository, please call Irene Lopez at 512-322-6432. Inspections will be scheduled during business hours so as to -4^78y accommodate all such requests with as little inconvenience to the requesting party and to company operations as possible. Respectfully submitted, LLOYD GOSSELINK ROCHELLE & TOWNSEND, P.C. 816 Congress Avenue, Suite 1900 Austin, Texas 78701 (512) 322-5800 (512) 472-0532 (Fax) tbrocatoa,lglawfirm. com mlonga ^ 1'T1 ')MAS L. Ii1^.C) ' ' O State Bar No. 0303^^ 30 MELISSA A. LONG State Bar No. 24063949 ATTORNEYS FOR THE CITY OF AUSTIN CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing document was transmitted by fax, e-mail, hand-delivery and/or regular, first class mail on this 5th day of February, 2013, to the parties of record. l'I-IOMAS L. BRC&XT ^ 2 SOAH Docket No. 473-13-0935 PUC Docket No. 40627 City of Austin's Response to TLSC and Texas ROSE's 5th RFI TLSC/Texas ROSE 5-1 Please list each report, memo, analysis, letter, and such other document Mr. Wood reviewed in preparing his testimony or is aware of that addresses Austin Energy's development of remote turn-on/turn-off capability. RESPONSE: AE Executive Bi-weekly update conference call meeting agenda. Prepared by: Sponsored by: David Wood David Wood SOAH Docket No. 473-13-0935 PUC Docket No. 40627 City of Austin's Response to TLSC and Texas ROSE's 5th RFI TLSC/Texas ROSE 5-2 Please provide a copy of each document identified in the above RFI No. 5-1. If the document has already been provided in Mr. Wood's work papers, schedules or attachments, please identify the location of the document by title ( i.e. "Wood's schedule No. X") and by bates stamp. If the document is publically available, please provide the location with enough specificity to easily access the document, including any internet addresses. RESPONSE: Please see Attachment 1. Attachment 1- AE Executive Bi-weekly update conference call meeting agenda, 4 pages. Prepared by: Sponsored by: David Wood David Wood PUG Docket No, 40627 Response to TLSC(fexasROSE 5-2, Attachment I Page 1 of 4 Austin Energy Bi-Weekly Update - 11/30/12 Billing Cycle T 2 Read Schedule Wiling Performance For November, 2012 Skfps 2 1 Way Reads 2 2 Way Way t3ilfing"Pa Way B[Iling% . . . . . _.. . . _._..___ Combined Combined Skips Billing % Combined Reads Reads 1 Way Skips 1 Way 2Nov-12 5236 18 99.7 15266 80 9.5 20502 98 99.5% 3-Nov-12 7325 8 999 12647 74 99.4 19972 82 99.6% 3 4-Nov-12 5772 10 998 16863 111 993 22635 121 995% 4 6-Nov-12 7477 34 995 15480 92 99.4 22957 126 99.5% 5 7-Nov-12 6223 15 998 13809 63 99.5 20032 78 99.6% 6 7 8-Nov-12 9-Nov-12 10380 3690 39 14 99.6 99.6 15164 18364 95 87 99,4 995 25544 22054 134 101 99.5% 99,5% 8 10-Nov-12 3516 9 99.7 16133 66 99,6 19649 75 99.6% 9 11-Nov-12 3430 14 99.6 17346 129 99.3 20776 143 99.3% 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14Nov-12 21 102 99•4 15852 17006 14265 15661 16924 15142 15225 14730 101 69 75 72 62 93 78 69 994 99.6 995 995 99.6 99.4 99.5 995 19226 23001 21566 17323 18922 22392 23720 21553 19121 123 115 86 83 75 82 127 106 88 99.4% 99.5% 17 18 14 17 8 3 20 34 28 19 99.1 99.8 99,6 997 99.9 99.6 99.6 99.6 99.6 16855 15-Nov-17 16-Nov-12 17-Nov-12 18-Nov-12 20-Nov-12 21-Nov-12 22-Nov-12 25-Nov-12 2371 7149 4560 3058 3261 5468 6578 6328 4391 19 27-Nov-12 5446 18 99.7 15646 69 99.6 21092 87 996% 20 28-Nov-12 5808 20 99.7 55 109487 363 ^ m 99.7 14604 312982 99•6 99.5 20412 422449 75 2005 99.6% 99.5% 1642 99,6% 99.5% 99.6% 99.6% 99.5% 99.5% 99,5% aileng CycM Per} Wmance 1& 2 Way tlune 2012. November 2012) ^,ne ^ il0% ^ A'J ^% .:^ . h11'/l (IU^eK4. ^It^i12M9L vi 27E '%.1% ' G`Jh". 'F. U5,93. 4 71e 6 T "11% {k93`A ,'I 4^ 7 ... .%^ ^ t% ^ .{9^ 992,% f255 $^J N+ 13^ [email protected] ACG±4 V4,1% 09m lY-•-^ ^i^^.--^^i- .° 19 ^^ go A: S@aa°§ %^... ^t% Y4: YJ^^ JS.Si 9h-01G `}§'y*L % . T 3 :°^ `^` ^^^ ^.,,..,:«..... "^ % ; U ^rr UE7.1X ^'JS'. p ^^ .o d . . ^^^ S'r^ 47.ux Oil AVERAGE DAILY & MONTHLY BILLING (COMBINED 1&2 WAY) t:. 99.(Xt% 97.0096 9610096 ... _ __..._.,_...v_ _ .... .-__ i y ....., w ,^ b .. ..^.m...m .. . - ^. ...... . .... . . .,. ,:. . .. . . .. . . ,. . ......,.,.. ....,. ................. ...... .......^ . ^.. _.„.....a ^ ...._. ___.-_ , . .- .. .,. . . . ,. ,..--,^..^, ^« .,^..w...,^.,w...^ ....,...w.,.- ..w .. ..--_- - _ _ .. -... _ - ...,:»«_-...- --„..-.«....- ..,.,«.- .....-„„......,:..- R r°^+ w ^ 20 ^ ^ P3 5N. 894% 9741K^ ildwtaUv^ Crend ^^ ^% r°t °rv 2 5 '79514 9! x'8 .- PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to TLSC1TexasROSE 5-2, Attachment 1 Page 2 of 4 Austin Energy Update - 11/30/12 - - - - - -Bi-Weekly -------- Read Performance • Additional Collectors: o Fiskville - Pole has been released for collector/antennae installation which is scheduled for early/midDecember. Perimeter fencing is complete. Currently repairing ground grid. o Mueller - Construction work for pole installation began 11/13. Setting and curing of pole and foundation is estimated at two weeks. Next step is building the L+G annex. Firmware / Geocoding Upgrades: o Recently completed geocode and firmware upgrade on 2/3 largest complexes that are requiring field activities (596 meters). Third is 90% completed. o Continuing with four additional complexes this week (525 meters). • Focus AX Data Flash 500 468 a10 New Meters Exceeding Threshold 40') New Meters on Report .6 j s^. 'dKi 6W a^e za? isc too soc a;^r ac.r, E, se ss ,^ aax 4S 32 15 29 44 5 5G t^C <v rv rv .v rv rv V n rv rv yti.rv .v r, -a w .ti j -+ ^ .-* i .i .-1 ^ V+ •A .i i fv -i f . w p i n D nrf ~ M ^ • V rV w "r V' - ^ ^-V-Sr :es.t. V t a 9 10 7 11 25 78 14 17 Xr 12 . .. •\ M ^ . . e^ -, :b .. rv N yti N . rv .•a r+, .. . N M .. N <s -r+ G ro .v. •µ®•WS:rust • Reviewing data from identical report run at CSU to perform a comparison surrounding meters with discarded packets in the range of 1-14. • Side letter draft regarding Focus AX presented to AE for review on 11/9/12. Interval Data Recording • Presented final IDR process document for sign off on 11/14/12. IDR Meter Metrics Om 7123t2012 7/30/2012 8/6/2012 812212012 9/6l2012 9119l2012 101312012 10/1712012 1013112012 Te^Mekrs MelarsOorivering Metarsinwaitftbs 60 208 207 20t 211 194 40 175 179 185 179 171 4 0 0 4 20' 3 202 ^...^._. 70d 177 ..._ 180 Mebrs Requiring L+G Invesigalon 16 29 28 6 3 12 2 .. _.. ^^... - . . . . ... _. ._.._.__. _ 4 23 10 abers 0 0 0 6 9 8 0 5 for Excha e, i LP=N Resolved as of 9I8 1 resetwe are verikin , 5 have CRM tckeN, 3 outolmver e 5 wih CRM tidcets, 3 Outofocverage, 18 cutof 23 are not reaishred - 3 out ohnver elbrribry, 7 Requested br Exchan e 192 184 0 8 0 11I1412012 203 183 0 7 '3 14 are relatsd b rrodule seb) s 11/2812012 202 184 0 10 8 8 Meters - SET MC for Snap and LP setangs -- -._ .-------- _-._.......................--_ 6 n PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to TLSC/TexasROSE 5-2, Attachment 1 Page 3 of 4 Austin Energy Bi-Weekly Update - 11/30/12 Power Outage Notification • Targeted for 18.5i platform. • Support AE with OMS testing Pseudo Outage DCW has been released. o Remote Meter Connect/Disconnect Testing of 2(}0 random AX•SD meters which will include disconnect/rccar~nect functionality and response performance of all three expected returns (Connect/Disconnect Confirmation. ORR; Load side voltage report) Implementation of Command Center system upgrade and AE's MOMS AE workingto socialize and gain final sign off on Internal charter to cover PC/RD protocols across the utility and serve as basis to policy development. • • • Repeated Last Gasps (=) • Investigation with infrared camera conducted on 10/5/12. IR photos received and reviewed. No evidence of abnormal heat • signatures 12 Meters from 11/7 report field visited. o 7 Focus AL, I Focus AX, 9. GE, I Elster, 2 Itron o 1= physical damage, 2= intermittent displays, 2= Power issues • 10/12 Meters were exchanged and returned to L+G for review. Focus AL Calculated TOU (Residential) • Received Electricity Rate Schedule from AE • IOU schedule in the host system was updated. • Meters require CN rate = TOU System Timing • CD The scheduled delivery is the week of February 25th, 2013. USC Web Interface 30/60/90 Day Report • Installation performed on 10/29/12. • LG reviewing 2 issues with the report Pecan Street Project = • • Dialogue with PSP around router expansion has been initiated. Scheduling follow up discussion with PSP by 12/7 7 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to TLSC/TexasROSE 5-2, Attachment 1 Page 4 of 4 Austin Energy Bi-Weekly Update - 11/30/12 Command Center Migration SOW: CD • SOW review session held on 11/15/12, and submitted updated SOW to AE on 11/26. Awaiting response from AE. • Targeting SOW review session on 12/11/12 • Targeting SOW and Project Charter sign off by 12/19/12. With sign off, will start joint planning effort • Command Center v5.9 targeted for installation on 12/19/12 Contract Discussion Business Process Meetings: 11/27 - IDR o o 11/28 - Power Outage o Follow up meetings for IDR with additional SME's and Power Outage Executive Briefing set for 12/11 Continuation of contract meetings scheduled for 12/12. Largely focused on SLA's & operational roles. SOAH Docket No. 473-13-0935 PUC Docket No. 40627 City of Austin's Response to TLSC and Texas ROSE's 5th RFI TLSC/Texas ROSE 5-3 What is the current cost to Austin Energy to connect, re-connect, same day reconnect or connect, and disconnect its customers? If the costs differ by customer class, please provide the costs by customer class. RESPONSE: Austin Energy is currently conducting study to reflect current costs; however, this study has not yet been completed. The results of Austin Energy's last study are shown below. FY 2006 Field Services Current Diversion Total Service Orders or Reads Performed 281,703 Total Cost Average Cost (per Service Order or Read) $2,800,905.48 $16.17 18,863 $569,668.74 $32.38 The costs broken out by service order are shown below: Field Services FY2006 Cost per Type Service Order Descri tion SO Turn on All-Svcs off in field $10.19 CONA $8.82 DFNL Disconnect Final ALL SERVICES $8.65 DNP Disconnect/Non-Pa All Serv) RECEL Reconnect ELECTRIC $13.27 RECON Reconnect ALL Services $16.09 RCA $8.40 Read and Change ALL Services ELECTRIC S/O Re-Read $9.05 SORRE (BILLING) $8.73 MSTMW Memo Check-Stop Meter-WATER $9.01 SORRW WATER S/O Re-Read BILLING Turn On Memo Check ELECTRIC $10.55 MCTOE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^. . _ ._.^__.... $22.60 ADIVR _ Diversion Notice from Field $13.37 MCTOW Turn On Memo Check WATER XMTRE Check for Cross Meter ELECTRIC $90.47 RRAMR ReRead AMR $8.77 RECWA Reconnect WATER $12.64 High Bill Re-Read Electric HBRRE $8.79 CKMRL Check Water MTR for $8.36 _....... ......._..._..._ ___.Leak $90.47 XMTRW Check for Cross Meter WATER .^ ^...__......._..._. Disconnect Memo Check $8.75 DMCE Cost per Type $ $ $ $ $ $ 553,387.23 514,862.30 435,516.89 246,862.59 262,653.92 160,274.89 Quantity 54,333 58,385 50,330 18,596 16,328 19,071 $ 122,420.69 13,526 79,203.77 9,071 $ 7,857 $ 70,761.21 58,672.51 5,563 $ 1,926 $ 43,526.44 34,723.84 2,596 $ 33,884.30 375 $ 3,721 32,619.29 $ 1,809 $ 22,862.98 $ 21,437.42 2,439 $ ..._ 17,654.46. 2'112 _.^ $^^....^ 14,644.91 ._...._.._ .....^,. 162 1,597 $ 13,969.01 SOAH Docket No. 473-13-0935 PUC Docket No. 40627 City of Austin's Response to TLSC and Texas ROSE's 5th RFI ELECTRIC MOMC Off Meter Ck Consumption$9.00 W WATER $8.93 NRMCE No Read Meter Condition Elect Off Meter Ck ConsumptionMOMCE ELECT $8.73 ..._^_ LLPP w/o AMR Mtr Read & LLPRC $8.81 Change SUPRE $9.05 Supervisor Re-Read ELECTRIC RRWA Re-Read _WATER (Vendor Only) $9.62 .^,.. DFNLL Disconnect Final Landlord $8.52 MCTOA Turn On Memo Check All Srvcs $12.27 NRWA No Read Water $9.22 Re-Read ELECTRIC (Vendor RREL Only) $8.86 HBRRW Cust. Request Re-Read WA _...._.____V. $8.68 ._.._..^..._ HBRRA Cust._._ Rec^uest Re-Read El & Wa $8.49 .. SUPRW $11.31 Supervisor Re-Read WATER Disconnect Final ELECTRIC Only $10.45 DISE NREL No Read Electric $8.46 DFNLA Disconnect ARCP $10.01 .......^...................._ MOMCA Off Meter Ck Consumption-ALL $8.54 DMCA $8.22 Disconnect Memo Check ALL DISW Disconnect Final WATER Only $11.08 DMCW $8.14 Disconnect Memo Check WATER MCKME Memo Check-Mtr Maintenance-EL $23.00 Memo Check Stop MeterMSTME ELECTRIC . .. .........$7.95 NRMCW No Read Meter Condition Water $9.99 RECXT Re-connect w/Service Extender $15.66 MCKTE.^.. Memo Check-Tamperinp,-Elec $11.06 _w..._...._._.. ^__,...,_.__.._.. MCKEX Install Service Extender $7.19 REMXT Remove Service Extender $7.79 .....^ LV-24 $7.41 Leave 24 Hour Notice Prepared by: Sponsored by: $ $ 13,306.85 12,257.96 1,479 1,372 $ 11,000.27 1,260 $ $ $ $ $ $ 10,710.97 9,527.14 8,414.15 7,542.89 5,970.20 5,237.76 1,216 875 875 886 487 568 4,407.81 $ 4,373.78 $ $ .^ 3,492.51 3,565.12 $ $ 3,359.71 $ 1,611.24 $ 1,419.13 $ 1,237.26 991.40 $ 996.25 $ $ 662.97 $ 292.06 497 .._.504 412 315 322 190 142 145 121 90 81 13 $ 252.36 32 . . ._^ ._.^_.__.............._ 84.58 8 $ $ 66.26 4 $ 35.09 ........_...._...._......._....._._..^ ...._............M...^. 3 4 $ 30.44 2 $ 16.47 $ 2 15.68 Jawana Gutierrez Jawana Gutierrez 10 SOAH Docket No. 473-13-0935 PUC Docket No. 40627 City of Austin's Response to TLSC and Texas ROSE's 5th RFI TLSC/Texas ROSE 5-4 Please detail the cost savings Mr. Wood discusses in his testimony that are to occur when Austin Energy is able to remotely connect and disconnect its services, RESPONSE: Mr. Wood's testimony is based on intuitive logic. Austin Energy has not quantified these cost savings at this time. However, the following costs saving components have been identified: administrative overhead to run a program cost of creating, dispatching and closing a service order cost of rolling a truck to complete the service order labor cost required to complete the service order Prepared by: Sponsored by: David Wood David Wood 11 SOAH Docket No. 473-13-0935 PUC Docket No. 40627 City of Austin's Response to TLSC and Texas ROSE's 5th RFI TLSC/Texas ROSE 5-5 Please provide a timetable, by month (if possible) and year of Austin Energy's plan to remotely connect or disconnect its services, starting with Austin Energy's decision to purchase advance meters for its system and ending with the start date, proposed or actual, of remotely connecting, re-connecting, and disconnecting its services. RESPONSE: Austin Energy cannot provide a timetable by month and year. Below is the timetable: Start date: Initial purchase of AXSD meters that have remote connect/disconnect functionality June 2008: Initial meter purchase inventory installed by Feb. 2010 Ending date: TBD - estimate of Q 1 2014 coinciding with completion of meter testing, implementation of upgraded AMI system and a meter data management system Prepared by: Sponsored by: David Wood David Wood 12 SOAH Docket No. 473-13-0935 PUC Docket No. 40627 City of Austin's Response to TLSC and Texas ROSE's 5th RFI TLSC/Texas ROSE 5-6 Please provide all cost studies or cost estimates prepared by or for Austin Energy relating to the remote connection or disconnection of its services that have been developed since Austin Energy's decision to purchase advanced meters. RESPONSE: No cost studies or cost estimates have been prepared. Basic cost components include: the administrative overhead to run a program (customer - utility communications); cost of creating, dispatching and closing a service order; cost of rolling a truck to complete the service order; and actual work needed to connect/disconnect. These components would be applicable for each event (i.e., once for a connect and again for a disconnect and re-connect). Prepared by: Sponsored by: David Wood David Wood 13 SOAH Docket No. 473-13-0935 PUC Docket No. 40627 City of Austin's Response to TLSC and Texas ROSE's 5th RFI TLSC/Texas ROSE 5-7 Please provide copies of all press releases, newspaper inserts, advertisements, and other public outreach materials issued or prepared by or for Austin Energy relating to its advanced meters that are in Austin Energy's possession, care, custody or control. (This request incorporates all meters, including those deployed in 2002. See p. 26 of Mr. Wood's pre-filed testimony.) RESPONSE: Please see the attached documents. Attachment 1- Meter Change door hanger, 2 pages Attachment 2 - Meter Change Postcard, 2 pages Attachment 3 - Meter Change door hanger, 2 pages Attachment 4 - Statesman Inside Line page about AMI, I page Attachment 5 - AE Sorry door hanger, 2 pages Attachment 6 - Statesman Inside Line Cover page about meters, 1 page Attachment 7 - AMI Phone Card, 2 pages Attachment 8 - Statesman Inside Line page about AMI, 1 page Attachment 9- Riata AMR door hanger, 1 page Attachment 10 - December 2008 PowerPlus, 2 pages Attachment 11 - February 2008 EnergyPlus-Spanish, 2 pages Attachment 12 - July 2009 PowerPlus-Spanish, 2 pages Attachment 13 - February 2008 EnergyPlus, 2 pages Attachment 14 - October 2008 EnergyPlus, 2 pages Attachment 15 - December 2008 PowerPlus-Spanish, 2 pages Attachment 16 - July 2009 PowerPlus, 2 pages Attachment 17 - October 2008 PowerPlus, 2 pages Prepared by: Mark Dreyfus Sponsored by: Mark Dreyfus 14 PUC Docket No, 40627 ^^fl exa,5 ROSE 5-7 Attachment 1 Page 1 of 2 I 'j ' . .. : ip ..: has made a -change for the better'. kWh ;=u Today, we successfully replaced your mechanical meter with a state-of-the-art automated meter at no additional cost to you. AIE , . ;,f?rlirt^:?rll?! 111198 ^81 713 ^ros .^' To Reset Your Electronic Devices; such as clocks, alarms and sprinkler systems. A Few More Visits from meter readers while we complete our automated meter deployment system. 4' To Receive A Bill with two readings: one from the old meter and one from -the new one. You can .. forward . ^ Peace Of Mind: With better outage information, we will be able'to respond to outages more'quickly and provide you with more accurate information about the outages. !> Increased Privacy: We will have the technology to read your electric meter remotely. Greate:r Accuracy: With remote capabilities, the chances for human error are reduced. Nith few moving parts, the new moters are extremely accurate and reliable. ^ Enhanced Offerings ( to come): ThEi new meters will allow new biUing, payment, energy management, and outage features in the foreseeable future. Questi'Ons? Please visit us at ww« or cau 972-7540. Mlgl., . enj o y im p r o vement. 15 PUC Docket No. 40627 ^ ^ ^Rasoo bCrT^xas ROSE 5-7, Attachment I Page 2of2 A ustiin s.'j En r e 9 ha hecho i^^ • ^ mejorar. Hoy, canLbiatnos su medidor meca.n.ico con un medidor de lo mejor y automatizado sin costo adicional. ^ AE 300( 98 081 713 ^ ^^^ r, °t uf ^1u= Fijar Sus Aparatos Electrbnicos: como relojes, alarmas y sistemas de riego. Mas Visitas del personal que lee los medidores mientras terminamos de instalar nuestros sistema de despliegue ' automatico: Recibir Una Cuenta Con Dos Lecturas: una del medidor viejo y una del nuevo. Tranquillidad: Con mas informaci6n sobre interrupciones electricas, podremos responder mas rapidamente y proveerle informacion mas confiable. Aurnento Ea Privacidad: `Iendremos la tecnologia de leer su medidor electrico por control remoto. Mayor Precision: Con la capacidad de lectura remota, se reducen los chances de error ]i,umano. Con pocas partes movibles 1,)s nuevos medidores son extremadamente exactos y confiables. -.a. Aurnento De Ofertas ( venideras): Los nurwos medidores permitiran nuevas cuentas, pap manejo de energia y caracteristicas en interrupciones en un futuro previsible. 6.Preguntas? Visitenos en o uame a1572-7540. 16 ^ F- V`^ ' •U , ^.^ . ^ q) ^ w U) ^t .^ #+ , Q •" ^ .^ +^- p °. ,m ^ a4 J N rn *o Is o^ Q O '0 K O: O. •,..^ ^ v V b o ^^'^ ' 7L)D CL i r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • f ^, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' c ^FI 0 tn RN O 'T O 7• ".in• 3aS q e 1 W Q ^ Ln Z co aain aV) a 0 oC a ^w n W oao x W tw- 00 ^^^^ o 2 oF Q f~q > > > x;.,^^:r .54 aaaa ">^ o« , E^ w ^ ^ •^ y G ~ y Q^ U7 4^ .^ Ci7 O+^^ ^ ^y Q^ r .°. y"+ W $. E 0 9 15'0 ro I a 3 W^ E ^„wg CF 'o, ^ R.•^ ,^ ^ p ^^^ ►;f3,^ .p^cZ ro r a ^ ^ .^ •.+ ro 0 It V ^^ ^ '^ '^ ►.^ P 28 CL: W cd^ Q1 ^1^ 9ti w^ ro :eC`. I w Ay o y ^ . ^ N r ^ .^ b O 'R ^ (D Ii' . PUC Docket No, 40627 s'LsCI Te^ss ROSE 5-7, ^ttachment 3 Pages of 2 I rnvJ1 has, made a Cha,nge for . the better! Today, we successfully replaced your mechanical meter with a state-of-the-axt automated meter at no additional cost to you. .^; To Reset Your Electronic Devices: such as clocks, alarms and sprinkler systems. .! A Few More Visits from meter readers while we complete our automated meter deployment system. !. To Receive A$ill with two readings: one from the old meter and one from the new one. :!.' Peace Of Mind: With better outage information, we will be able to respond to outages more quickly and provide you with more accurate information about the outages. Increased Privacy: We will have the technology to read your electric meter remotely. Greater Accuracy: With remote reading capabilities, the chances for human error are reduced. With few moving parts, the new meters are extremely accurati: and reliable. Enhanced Offerings (to come): The new meters will allow new biL'ing, payment, energy management, and outage features in the foreseeable future. Q'uestions? Please visit us at , or call 972-7540. hope • -pro - ^ent. 19 PUC Docket No. 40,627 L5Cf1 ex es RC3SE 5-7, Att achrrte n13 l^ Page 2 of 2 . . :111 U&I ha hecho cambios paira ^y mejorar! » .. 3 kWh AE 300( Hoy, carltbiamos su medidor mecanico con un medidor de lo mejor y automatizado sin costo adicional. 3a1' 4 081t7131 ^^. 4" Fijar Sus AparatosElectrb'uicos: ..^ como relojes, alarmas y sistemas de riego. Ma.s Visitas del personal que lee los medidores mientrasi termfnamos de instalar nuestros sistema de despliegue automatico. :!. Recibir Una Cuenta Con Dos Lecturas: una del medidor viejo y una del nuevo. + Tranquillidad: Con mas informaci6n sobre interrupciones electricas, podremos responder mas rapidamente y proveerle infoimacion mas confiable. Aumento En Privacidad: Tendremos la tecnologia de leer su medidor electrico por control remoto, ^ Mayor Precisibn: Con la capacidad de lectura remota, se reducen los chances de error humano. Con pocas panes movibles los nuevos medida;-es son extremadamente !^xactos y confiables. Aumento De Ofertas (ven;lderas): Los nuevos medidores permitiran nuevas cuentas, pago manejo de energia y caracteristicas en interrupciones en un futuro previsiblo. jreguntas? Visitenos en www.austinenergy. com 0 11ame al 972-7540. Esperarnos que disfrutarcilost^smej oraseneI , 20 1'lJC Docket No. 40627 Response to TLSC/Texas ROSE 5-7, Attachment 4, Page I of I ` 06^ " rs"VS t'E.'YI t V. 6014 ^, ADVANCED METERING 00` . ^ How !4•1uc11Will It C.:ostr The technology used in Austin 's AMI project is relatively new, even though forms of remote meter reading have been around for many years. Plans for citywide installation Thc t(rt.i 1 c,, it for 290,000 smart meters and installation is S17 milliuis Will Those Costs be Passed on to Customers? No, they will be paid out of Austin Energy's operating budget. The new system is expected to allow Austin Energy to work more s ti efficiently and cost effectively in the future. of the new metering system started in September of 2007, as one of the first major deployments of its type in the country. The City of Colorado Springs is installing the same equipment as Austin. 4' '40 r• R Other cities in Texas are planning to install AMl systems as well. ^t Bill Rwmna, of 1.auclrs c:yh; beads up Hie irutattntras of Arrstie 's 2•ioey qe/umk, it uHlt he Caudes + Gyrr 1.lrgest rnstr^ll;ttinn nr Amerirn. AUSTIN'S AMI SOPHISTICATION Austin's AMI is a wireless radio transmission system that uses radio frequency (RP) local mesh collectors (routers) to transmit information to and from smart meters to 18 central towers. Information is converted to a TCP/IP format, which allows for faster communications with a larger bandwidth, and then it is transmitted over telephone lines to a data collection center. Because the collection system is wireless and has local collection points, it is extremely flexible. AMI requires smart meters to communicate with local collectors or routers that gather readings within a six-block radius. The meters send out readings at frequent intervals, track energy usage and identify power quality problems. They send out a signal when they are without power, and indicate when power is restored. The RF (radio frequency) mesh network will connect information from the smart meters and a distribution automation system. Together with the outage analysis system and in conjunction with a distribution management system, they will provide the ability to identify, predict and, in some cases, prevent outages and power disturbances before they occur. The combined systems of a mesh network, smart meters, distribution automation and distribution management system will allow the ability to identify the location of a power failure, provide for more rapid restoration efforts and, in some cases, provide the ability to automatically restore and reroute electricity from unaffected areas to affected areas. Where Will We Save? Meter reading costs: Current costs for electric meter readers can be reduced considerably with automated reads. Reread costs: Savings can be realized from reduced labor, gas, vehicles, maintenance and insurance for Austin Energy employees driving out to reread a meter, as well as saving customer service time on a second call back. Estimated read costs: Inaccessible meters increase reread costs and customer service time, and require additional time for billing adjustments. Frequent service costs: Hundreds of starts and stops of electric service each day currently require one site visit for the stop of service and another for the start of service. Many of these site visits will not be necessary with remote turn on and turn off, Power theft costs: Enhanced detection will make it more difficult to tamper with meters. Increased system efficiency: Better information about the location and sources of power outages and meter tampering, better demand response and better demand forecasting will also result in savings. Long range savings have also been found in similar AMI systems when: 1) time-of-use pricing and 2) an interactive Web site are in use. Both of these features help keep electric demand down when prices for power are highest. What Will Happen to the Meter Readers? Austin Energy's 63 contracted meter readers are also employed by Austin's water utility - so they will still have a}ob. Eventually, the adoption of new automated technology nationwide will require a workforce shift, as fewer meter readers will be needed in the field, but more employees will be needed in other areas. Pbotography by Patrick Wong 'Statesntan For more information call 972-7450 or visit INSIDE LINE FREE PHONE INFORMATION S'1 2. 4'1 6. S 7 0 0 Pormwemfo;matlooon the topics, please call lnNdeLine at 41(r570(i or 800•(iG2-9784 and enter a four digit code heio,w 3019 YvurEiactrlcMeter Exchange 3020 Autt7n'sAMtSystem 9196 Energy SavIngTips 21 22 23 rmzng soc T ^ way . . ',4 .. 4 . f r^"" ^ ^'^^, . . ^ . . +a . . 1 . . ^ s ' ; . s -Ma+ i ^^^ i ^ . . r" ^" 333 S{ ` S^ . A. ,• '. '^.,w ^-f >^ 'r ,^^. . r # ^.. :^. ectrtc meters d 1 . ^i ^ . ^ r . y^,.~'^'^ ^ ^^i : ^. ^ ^y . ^,^ ^^ f,". . ^ ,. ... . ^^^ e3'^ • . .^ .. . . . >^"^r^ . ^,1 :; .w. . . . . ... W ^ . y .. ^ ^. mom I ... 3 24 VA •^ {V Y` O IL) co 9 LM1R^ s LO N fl ° ^..^ d 0 ^ o 2 ^'^° X. N n E ,o1O U v^ o o ,o cEt) td 0 00 2 w ^ 9' E ea ..^ !_' • • • d U3 • o . 0 0 N--4 alx ^ E Ji rn ^'+ a r:3 N ^ ^A m Cn ^ d ^ p z 'C3 .n p U2 w ^ cr b1 rn w 5, th >m a a a w^, r^v C ^r- o a • w 0 "W Cm = ^ ^ a ^ •^, ^ w FA d E d . N E Ji .0 fr• e^ m 0 a 42 O 0 s...^ o ►►yy V ^ p ^^,, p o a o CL. a Q }r •^•+ R/7 _ •^ y^, • • AN • • • • U w rt^ oU ~ U • y02 •^^i ^ s ^ N 4, ^.. V 0 ..^ M"i d . Q (0 0 N O N 4) N 0 ^j W N 9 N E N U sr I n u r rog ro^ W 0 0 IV ON . r..r E (d ro ^ ~ cs^ O^ ro • ^+ (a Uy ^ ^U ro e axi F1 . . . . . I0 Q^ N C 0 CL aNi Ri r^ CD o C7, CV ^ O Z C." U3 N c N ,^4 ^i N 'El cn D CL 4) 0 P' ^ •^ -0 E; o '^i O ^, *+ .C a C02^ . . . ,r N ^. •w^i A .^ E 7 ° ^ . a. ^ ^. o; A^ ^ - •^ ^" ^ -^ '^ b.d "Cf ^ q '^ O1 ^ b m ro o o v° ^ b^ b ro W^ ba ^ ^ a^ a ro ^ v U ^ UU^ ^f dA Cd W10 0 A^ a ^ y N itl ^u ron tI! ^ f Gi :0'4 0 •O ^. oM 0 b ^. •. ^ No ro •t3 C ^•..... ai 902 .14 * ;^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ 4 e t5 .=1 • /^ ' f.. L ^ ^. • R.( .rT f^. O m ^ ^^^ L:: V: .-. ry% p a t ..,..o j i.... - y •^ ^' ^ '8{^ X •^ , ^^ y- ..a.+,.i. . ^ ^ ` -;4 •$N ^ ^ tl p .. I t.l 'L%• . 4Y .. y^" 1^1 ,^^, ;o t f .C14 ^..^ w L c v >^ ^ p^^ ^ py g C z r•-. ^ "axx 'Fy ^ o c^ `'°' u• . x cU ^ .^ ^ G O L IT E s". tt^ x x b. y `^^ .. O G O $ L ^ 'u ^ T ^ vi G. '.L n V ..i:_.'' .: ` .+^ .. - • • ^ V M ^ -w R ^h 7 $ ^ . ^.. -H .^ a ^ ^ Q ^ ^ g ; •^ ^ y^ m b ^,'°^ p 0 3 ^ ^ ^ p {=.a § ^ G 0 m 9 ^•G < ^ y G C ^^.^{ L ^ ^^^ 8 O .+' i^^R \ C !ii 7 ^a ` ^ ^ fr Jil!fl t:r^ ^ ^ rti"5 ^ 1^ < .c^^ 1 m ^•^^ ebg C_^+ $ ^ ^ y o 1 0 ^ 19; .^i ^ ^.^ ^ a" '^ ^ Op ^ ^ p ^^Y w; •g^.^ ^^ •.^v^^ ^•,^ ^wo ^^6 •^ r^: 7 6o C ` ^ ^ ' CY ^ ' ^• ^ ^x. ^^. F ^.^x 'y ga, ^c iL+ '^ ^ ^ ^ y ^^$ a^n• p^F'{3^a•^dG^3'^w^ y •i' L^ V •0 E, ^^ •• ^ ^^!^' [ fs •^ p Oi g ^ •O o` 4 ^ i.^ ve ^:: y a ^ C b G`i ^ MM d L" S. Li P^ N H F W {y ^ C E' E u^' `^J '" s, ^y ^J ^'s ^ ""° •^ ^ {y O m L• O .U ^ ^ ^ 0. 3° ^ ^ r °^ ^^. 4 .. .;. • . 10 n ^ j^°` O ^k N qgq b'`•E ^ ^ GF .^ ( 7.1 V^ 4 F J 4r ^^ ^ c { h 1! r Y<r9 ^'F 3^ kit yn ^^^ •^ ^ ^.:. ea .ek'a^ •a^^a 3 ^ ` O ^ ^ y ^.., ^;, a"r ^•o^ ^ ^ m- ^ y p F. oa ^^.y .. "" =j 2^v ^-j^ G w 5 (u^?°GV^•^^,:^' LF u Y' 5:u * PUG Do"et Nu . 40627 Response to TLSCIi'exas ROSE 5=f, Attacliment d .. •1. ! xk. P . . ...k" . 1-' ^,^'^^^^^• . ^^ is ^.. Austin 'I"oc'iav. we visited your honic replace your current electt.ic- with ; a^c t4 a:cit xn7rec3 na(.t:cT. It "vf11 k>Crrntt u', -o t"r)l.dt . 7r lN fitl !t "il€i'ii` t^7 L•7;,:C :;3 C^I>i iCi) > u 6A t Y;:a . r:! aacr tti.`^ `;it-4^'}:4 ^,rS•' ._. ^• ^ ' ^^^ fC r ;?t1C^ .l1 ','^'t ^ ilL;l^Jf^!ii7iE^ Cost to 1)11. ... «. :^.^.^« :., .. J We successfully installed Vyaur new electric meter. kt7 i . .iC1`) .. ..: ^.: a ?"40V !!ti' your new C'!1?tc''I 111E:'.ets our hi^-ikl ^,tant:;Iards of accuiacy, we will nerA to manually read your meter at At << ,?SL one more time. ry^ Replacing your rneter may have resulted in a rnomentary power loss, so you may need t I_3 ^ t'; Dtjr clocks, VCRs, and certain other l'lk>ts^ call ^'js :at ^O^j-f}(iOil tt r`G^u 1'iRtr:^^ .art1^ ck !xrS1:4pt1S or c..c:inc.t:t°ns reg arding this ;ystcns. THANK YOU for the opportunity to provide you with this new metering capability. AUSTIN ht^F2G^Y Austin's Cornmun!ty-Owned EIsdric Utr dty 28 PUC Docket No, 40827 Response to TLSC/Texas ROSE 5-7, Attachment 10, Page 1 of 2 I Austin's Community-Owned Electric Utility System Reliability The Best Ever Automated Meters Update T he rollout of automated meters to all Austin Energy customers is progressing well. ^ About 90,000 meters have been installed since April - about 1,000 meters each day, with the goal of doubling that number beginning in January. All installations are expected to be completed by early summer 2009. The new meters transmit meter readings via radio waves, eliminating the need for manual reads. Residential customers receive a post card a few weeks in advance of their meter installation. Workers knock on the door before installing the new meter. If no one is at home, a green door hanger is left indicating the change out occurred. If the meter cannot be exchanged due to a dog, locked gate or other reason, a red door hanger is left with a number to call to arrange for an installation. p I(£ M B I{j 2008 he number of power outages per customer T and the average length of outages for the Austin Energy electric system during the fiscal year that ended September 30th was he lowest since standardized outage reporting to the Public A ^ Utility Commission began in the mid-1990s, ^^ The number of outages per customer (called the System Average Interruption Frequency In* dex or SAIFI) was .63 while the average duration ^! of outages (System Average Interruption Duration Index or SAIDI) was 46.48 minutes. Both measures are far below electric utility industry averages nationwide. The excellent performance of the Austin Energy electric system is due to increased maintenance over recent years as well as system upgrades. It is also due to the excellent response time by Austin Energy crews when power outages occur. Another important factor has also been a year of reduced storm activity. For instance, a key measure of storm activity is lightning, and 2008 will rank among the lowest for Austin. January through mid-November, the Austin area had 2,670 cloud-to-ground lightning flashes. Last year over the same period, there were 6,600 and the average since 2005 has been more than 6,000 per year. E Offsetting The Need for A Power Plant nergy efficiency improvements made by customers -• ^ «. participating in the Austin Energy Power Saver Program and Austin Energy Green Building will reduce peak energy demand by almost 62 megawatts (MW) in AKIN the coming year, reducing day-to-day energy use by 105 million kilowatt-hours (kWh). ^ The reductions almost match last year's record as Austin Energy marches toward a 2020 goal of offsetting the need for a 700 MW power plant through its energy saving programs. More than 10,500 Austin Energy residential customers and 615 businesses participated in the programs during the fiscal year that ended September 30, 2008. The resulting energy savings will reduce electric bills of the groups by more than $12 million annually. They will also reduce carbon dioxide (CO') emissions by more than 86,000 tons and nitrogen oxide (NOx), a pollutant that helps form smog, by almost 60 tons each year. Energy efficiency is also the least expensive way to meet new electric demand. Austin Energy efficiency programs cost the utility about $350 per kilowatt (kW) of energy saved. Building a new natural gas-fueled power plant would cost approximately $700 per kW. 29 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to TLSCfTexas ROSE 5-7, Attachment 10, Page 2 of 2 A ustin Energy customers who meet income guidelines can qualify for free energy improvements for their home. A These improvements are available to renters, as long as they 1 have lived in the home for at least three months, and with the ti _^?A consent of their landlord. The program provides additional attic insulation, repair of leaking ducts, installation of solar screens on windows getting direct sunlight, weather stripping around doors, a CO, detector, caulking of plumbing penetrations under sinks, compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) and smoke detectors, all as needed. The Austin Energy program also provides minor repairs to the home to ensure energy efficiency measures are effective. The most frequent repairs made include replacement of cracked or broken glass, replacing broken exterior doors and minor duct repairs. These improvements will reduce both air conditioning and heating costs. Since the program's 1986 inception, more than 11,000 homes have received improvements through the Free Weatherization program, offsetting the need for an additional 18 megawatts (MW) of power for the Austin community, Visit or call 974-7827 for an application. Free Weatherization Qualifying Guidelines M ore than 1,200 families facing emergencies have received utility bill payment assistance this year. Thank you, City of Austin utility customers, for sending in a few extra dollars with your utility bill payment to help the Customer Assistance Program help others. Austin Energy Speakers Bureau Austin Energy has excellent speakers on a variety of topics for your business or community group. Topics include: 3 Free Thermostat Program 3 Green Building 3 Energy Efficiency 3 Streetlights 3 Green Power 3 Customer Assistance Program To schedule a speaker or power plant tour for your group, call 322-6144. $50 For Your Old Refrigerator Austin Energy will pay you $50 for each old working refrigerator or freezer (limit two per customer). Just call 1-800-452-8685 to arrange for a pick up. To date, we have collected more than 12,000 of these old energy guzzlers. Next to heating, cooling and hot water, refrigerators and freezers use more electricity than any other home appliance. Refrigerators that are at least 15 years old use about twice the electricity of today's new energy-efficient models. ^Z 49? Para una Traduccion en Espanol: Si gusta recibir este folleto en espahol, llamc a Austin Energy al 972-9523. CQA 10I !'he City of Austin Is committed to compliance with the Amercens with D*abititles Act. Reasonable mod6catbns and equal acwss to commurucations will be provided upon request T?JO 477•3633. 30 PUC Docket No. 40627 La Primera Unidad de Austin Energy B del Pais que Obtiene Certificacion Roger Duncan fue HombradoGerente General Interino Roger Duncan fue nombrado Gerente General Interino de Austin Energy, El Sefior . Duncan asume este cargo en reemplazo de Juan Garza quien dirigi6 Roger Duncan Austin Energy por seis anos y al presente ha aceptado el nuevo cargo de Gerente General de Pedernales Electric Cooperative. Duncan, que cuenta con mas de dos decadas de experiencia en el gobierno de la Ciudad, incluyendo dos periodos como Concejal Municipal de Austin, desde 1981 a 1985, ha prestado servicios como Sub-gerente General de Austin Energy desde e12004. El mismo ha tenido la responsabilidad de supervisar el programa de eficiencia energetica, el programa de construcci6n ecol6gica "Green Building"y el de energia renovable de Austin Energy reconocidos nacionalmente, como asi tambien el programa de generaci6n de electricidad en sitio, planeamiento estrategico, relaciones gubernamentales y calidad del aire. Duncan ingres6 a Austin Energy en 1998 como vice-presidente a cargo de la politica de conservaci6n, recursos renovables y medio ambiente. T a divisi6n de Austin Energy responsable de la construcci6n, mante L/nimiento, y operaci6n del sistema el@ctrico de Austin Energy se convirti6 en la primera, entre las demis companias de electricidad del pafs, en obtener el registro ISO 9001. ISO 9000 (Organizaci6n Internacional de Estandarizaci6n) representa una serie de normas internacionales de calidad las cuales son disefladas para asegurar que todas las actividades relacionadas con la provisibn y distribuci6n de un producto o servicio cumplan con las normas de calidad adecuadas. Para obtener este registro, los solicitantes deben planear un sistema de Administraci6n de Calidad que refleje las normas de rendimiento de cada tarea importante, como son en este caso las relacionadas con la construccidn, mantenimiento y reparaci6n de sistemas electricos. Los auditores de la Direcci6n de Normas Nacionales de Irlanda (NSAI), que es la entidad mundial que administra el programa de administraci6n de calidad de ISO, emiti6 el registro en Enero 3, 2008. La certificaci6n fue obtenida despues de una inspecci6n rigurosa del Sistema de Administraci6n de Calidad en la Distribuci6n del Servicio E16ctrico la cual dur6 cuatro dfas y fue realizada por los auditores de NSAI durante el mes de Diciembre. Los auditores observaron que se implementaron procedimientos e instrucciones de trabajo por escrito en mas de 530 actividades laborales. Alrededor de 250,000 compafiias de todo el mundo, 25,000 en E. U. estan certificadas con la serie ISO 9000. Sin embargo, las unidades de trabajo de transmisi6n y distribuci6n son las primeras, entre todas las compafiias de electricidad del pais, en ser certificadas. '^,j7'ir^ r ^^ t:j^^ 1^11f^f.:^I.Y f ^ ^= r r^ ^ f ': ^K^x`^^ t: ^•f' ^ x.^: ^ ' r a^4 t,Y ^. ^ i^^ E C n 2003, Austin Energy reemplaz6 aproximadamente 127,000 medidores por otros que son automAticos. En estos momentos, las actualizaciones hechas a la presente red automatica de lectura de medidores estan siendo puestas " a prueba. Cuando se logre el exito completo de estas pruebas, Austin Energy comenzarl a reemplazar el resto de los 260,000 medidores mecAn.icos, residenciales y comerciales, con medidores automaticos. Esta actividad podria comenzar tan pronto como en Marzo 2008 y continuari a to largo de todo e12008. Una vez que la instalaci6n de los medidores automaticos est6 lista para comenzar, los clientes recibirin un aviso a trav8s de varios medios Para dar a conocer en qud fecha aproximadamente, el personal estari trabajando en su area Para hacer el intercambio de medidores. Previamente a este intercambio, asegurese por favor que no haya ningun arbusto u algtin otro tipo de estorbo que pudiera obstaculizar su medidor. Todo objeto que impida el cambio de un medidor tendra que ser removido por el personal de Austin Energy, Los medidores automaticos evitan la necesidad de lecturas manuales de medidores ya que dstos comunican por medio de ondas radiales el total del consumo a las computadoras. Los medidores autom'aticos tambidn mejoran la fiabilidad y porque comunican cortes de electricidad sorpresivos. Sin los medidores automaticos, las companias de electricidad en muchos casos no tienen forma de saber cu'ando una residencia o un comercio esti sin electricidad, a menos que el cliente llame para informar sobre la interrupci6n el@ctrica. Los medidores automiticos tambi6n sientan las bases necesarias para incrementar Jos ofrecirnientos de servicios a los consumidores. Estos servicios pueden llegar a incluir fechas de faeturaci6n elegidas por los mismos consumidores, determinaci6n de precio de electricidad por hora y dia y, programas Para ayudar a los consumidores a reducir el uso de la energia. 31 PUC Docket No 40627 Response to TLSCRexas ROSE 5-7. Attachment 11. Page 2 of 2 C asi unos 23 comerciantes de Austin _ .^ han instalado paneles que en su conjunto generarran 629,000 horas kilovatios (kWh) de electricidad todos los anos. Esta energia libre de contaminacibn ahorrar'a a estos comerciantes alrededor de $55,000 anuales al evitarles costos de energia; a la vez que la misma reduce ]as emisiones de gas en un total de 410 toneladas por ano. Estos comercios participan del Programa de Reembolso de Energia Solar de Austin Energy el cual pagb 67% de los costos de los paneles. Esta ayuda permitiri que los comercios recuperen sus inversiones en un periodo promedio de 13 anos cuando la vida util de los paneles fotovol.taicos es de 25 anos. Hasta la fecha, 470 clientes de Austin Energy que viven en residencias familiares instalaron tambien paneles solares. El tamazZo de estos paneles es de 2.5 kilovatios (kW) con Austin Energy pagando reembolsos de hasta un promedio del 65% de los costos de instalacidn. Ademis, la compafiia ya instalo paneles solares en 25 predios publicos como el Austin Convention Center y en 20 escuelas. En estos momentos, el total de la capacidad solar instalada en Austin es de 1.8 megavatios (MW). Comercios Participando en el Programa Alori Properties (dos locales) American Bank of Commerce American YouthWorks Applied Materials Centex Beverage Community Clinical Research Courtyard Tennis & Swim Club Elizabeth Alford Projects Escarpment Village Foundation Communities (cinco locales) Habitat Suites Hotel IBM Jason's Deli Lake Austin Marina Lower Colorado River Authority Ronald McDonald House St. Andrew's Episcopal School St. Gabriel's Catholic School Sportsman's Finest Star Center Gymnastics, Dance & Cheer Tejas Securities Villas on Sixth Apartment Homes Hines Pool and Spa P'repararacio'n Gratis de Declaraci©n de Ingresos Anuales m COMMUNITY T os centros comunitarios Ilamados Community Tax Centers que ayudan La llenar los formularios de declaracidn de ingresos anuales y que forman parte de un programa de la organization sin fines de lucro local TAX CENTERS llamada Foundation Communities, ofrecen servicio de ayuda gratis a las personas y familias de bajos recursos, Este servicio gratis que estA disposicion de la poblaciGn en nueve locales ubicados en distintas partes de Austin es ofrecido por voluntarios que han sido certificados por IRS. Los locales estan abiertos durante el dia, durante la noche, y los fines de semanas con horarios convenientes para todo el publico. Tanto las personas que reciben $25,000 de ingresos o menos, y los grupos familiares que cuentan con dos y hasta cuatro miembros y reciben $50,000 de ingresos o menos, califican para recibir este servicio GRATIS de ayuda con los formularios para la declaracion de ingresos anuales que deben ser enviados al IRS. Las familias de cinco o mds miembros con un ingreso relativamente mas alto que el ya mencionado, tambi6n califican para este servicio. El ano pasado, estos centros comunitarios ayudaron a llenar 14,000 formularios que representaron $17 millones de dolares en reembolso para todos aquellos contribuyentes que recibieron este servicio gratis de declaracion de ingresos. Visite o Ilame al United Way a12-1-1 para obtener detalles sobre los locales, el horario, y los documentos que se requiere presentar. Austin Energy Oradores Austin Energy tiene excelentes oradores sobre una variedad de tbpicos para su negocio o grupo comunitario. Tbpicos incluyen: 3 Pru1'narrcaTermostato Gratis 3 Vehiculos Hibridos de Enchufe 3 IluminaeiGn de Calles 3 Recorte de Arboles ^ 3 Energia Eficiente Para agendar a un orador para su grupo, o para una visita a la planta, flame at 322-6144. t.a Ciudad to A.stin c:rrnple con ol pecreto de fos Americanos In<7apaottaoos, Al eopotado so uroveer3n modificaaones razonab es e igual acceso a corryunicao!onas TOO 4 ? i •ac63 32 PUC Docket No. 40627 to TLSC/Texas ROSE 5-7, Attachment 12, Page 1 of 2 Central El6ctrica-Propiedad de 3a Comunidad Pague su Cuenta por Internet as de 23,000 consuM midores de electricidad de la Ciudad de Austin cada mes pagan su cuenta por Internet a trav6s del programa de Transferencias de Fondos Electronicas de la Ciudad (EFT). Inscribirse es fAcil y una vez registrado, un retiro de fondos de su cuenta de banco ocurre automaticamente para pagar su cuenta elcctrica y sanitaria cada mes en la fecha de vencimiento. Esto le da suficiente tiempo para recibir y .revisar su cuenta primero. Ademfis, esto significa que el cliente no tiene que escribir ni enviar el cheque por correo ni preocuparse si su pago Ilega tarde. El programa ya tiene tres afios y trabaja muy bien. Alrededor de un tercio de los 400,000 clientes de la Ciudad de Austin pagan su cuenta por medio de la Internet o a trav8s del programa EFT de in Ciudad, usando los servicios de pago a traves de su banco por la Internet o haciendo los pagos en la ventanilla de Servicios al Consumidor en los supermercados que aceptan el pago de la cuenta electrica de In Ciudad de Austin. Esos pagos se envfan electronicamente a la Ciudad. Para inscribirse en EFT, visite o flame al Centro de Servicios al Cliente de In Ciudad de Austin al 494-9400, wwwr:austlnenergy.oorr ► ALIO 10099 Auditoria de EnQrgia en Was a la Venta Encuentra un Exceso de 86 Por Ciento de Fuga en los (onductos a mayor£a de las casas recibiendo auditor£as de energ£a Llpara cumpllr con la nueva ordenanza de la Ciudad esta dejando escapar niveles excesivos de enfriamiento y calefaccidn en el atico a un sistema de conductos que tienen escapes y en promedio, necesitan unas 6 pulgadas adicionales de aislamiento FOR en el atico. ^ De las primeras 400 auditor£as de energia recibidas por Austin Energy, un 86 por ciento de las casas tienen escapes en exceso a110 por ciento considerado aceptable para la eficiencia energetica. Las casas tienen un estimado de un 22 por ciento de escapes - aunque hubo casas con el doble o el triple de este estimado. Una casa auditada dejaba escapar un 81 por ciento de aire acondicionado y calefaccidn en el i;tico. En otra casa el sistema de conductos emit£a tantos escapes que el equipo de prueba no pudo registrar una lectura. Efectivo en Junio 1, 2009 se requieren auditorlas de energ£a en todas las casas que estan a la venta localizadas dentro de la Ciudad de Austin, que tienen 10 o mds anos de construidas y reciben electricidad de Austin Energy. Hay alguna exenciones de esta ordenanza - por ejemplo, las casas que recibieron mejorias Para eficiencia de energ£a durante los ultimos 10 afios o aquellas envueltas en algunos procedimientos legales que envuelven el traspaso de propiedad, como reposesion de la casa o un acuerdo de divorcio. Los vendedores potenciales de casas pueden usar una herramienta en la Internet en para determinar si una auditoria es necesaria en su casa o para obtener informacibn adicional sobre la ordenanza. Como grupo, las 400 casas estan gastando 778,000 kilovatios- hora de electricidad anualmente o$77,800 en costos de energia debido al escape de los ductos y aislamiento insuficiente en el Atico. Mientras tanto, Austin Energy, Texas Gas Service y creditos de impuestos federales estin disponibles Para ayudar a pagar por muchas de las mejoras de eficiencia energetica. Visite para informacidn adicional sobre los programas de eficiencia energdtica y sobre la ordenanza de Conservacion de Energia y Revelacibn de Auditorias (ECAD), Medidores Automatizados Precisos y Duraderos e A ustin Energy esta proveyendo a todos sus 400,000 clientes con unos nuevos medidores automatizados y modernos. Los medidores nuevos tienen m6s poder de calculos que las PC de hace 5-10 aflos y son muy exactos. Ellos reemplazan medidores que tienen de 20 a 30 ailos. A medida que los medidores viejos son retirados, Austin Energy esta probando uno de cada diez medidores. Se encontrd que un mimero pequeno de cllos funcionan despacio. Un cliente cuyo medidor viejo funcionaba despacio puede notar un aumento en su uso ..^^ de energia una vez los nuevos medidores sean instalados. Esto se debe a que el nuevo medidor esti registrando correctamente toda la energia utilizada. En cualquier momento que un cliente de Austin Energy piense que su medidor, viejo o nuevo, no estd registrando correctamente el uso de electricidad, debe llamar al Centro de Servicios al Cliente, a1494-9400 o enviar un correo a [email protected] para que su cuenta sea revisada. De ser necesario, Austin Energy enviar'a a un tecnico para probar su medidor, viejo o nuevo, y ayudar en el proceso. 33 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to TISClTexas ROSE 5-7, Attachment 12, Page 2 of 2 10 Por Ciento de Descuento para los Pequanos Negocios A ustin Energy facilita que los pequehos negocios puedan recibir hasta un 70 por ciento en descuentos en nueva iluminaci6n eficiente e instalaci6n. Nosotros proveeremos un aniilisis gratis de iluminaci6n, nos ^ encargamos del papeleo, proveemos un contratista e i inspeccionamos todo el trabajo para garantizar calidad al completarse el trabajo. La iluminacidn de energia eficiente puede reducir los gastos de iluminaci6n en una tercera parte y aumentar la productividad de su negocio. Usted recobra su dinero en aproximadamente menos de un atio. Desde e12005, mas de 1,100 negocios han disminuido el uso de energia por 32 millones kilovatios-horas (kWh), reduciendo, colectivamente su costo anual de casi $3 millones. Empiece Ilamando a Austin Energy al 482-5346 o envie un correo a [email protected]. Ahorre con una Bomba de Alberca Has Ificiente a alberca promedio en Austin gasta un tercio de la energia de una casa promedio. Por eso es que una bomba de eficiencia energetica nueva y un sistema de motor puede ahorrar un promedio de $300 al ano en costos de energia. ,.^ Ahora Austin Energy ofrece un reembolso de $200 con la compra de una bomba de alberca de velocidad variable cuando es instalada por un profesional. El costo inicial de la bomba y el sistema de motor es mas alto que una bomba de alberca de una velocidad, pero dura el doble de tiempo y ahorra tanta ,.. energia que los ahorros pagan por la bomba en unos 2 o 3 anos. Durante la vida del sistema el ahorro de energia puede promediar sobre $2,200. I.,lame al 974-7827 o visite para mds detalles. Austin Energy Oradores Austin Energy tiene excelentes oradores sobre una variedad de topicos para su negocio o grupo comunitario. T6picos incluyen: 3 Programa Termostato Gratis 3 Iluminaci6n de Calles 3 Recorte de Arboles 3 Energia Eficiente Para agendar a un orador para su grupo, o para una visita a la planta, flame al 322-6144. L iNecesita Dinero Extra? Usted puede tener algun dincro esperandolo en la forma de propiedad sin reclamar. El Administrador de Cuentas Publicas de Texas tiene mas de $62 millones en propiedad sin reclamar en el area de Austin. En el ano fiscal 2008, Austin Energy solamente informo de 71 dep6sitos abandonados con un valor de casi $13,000. Es importante que al mudarse contacte a su compania de servicios eldctricos, porquc una gran porci6n de la propiedad sin reclamar proviene de dep6sitos en cuentas el@ctricas y sanitarias abandonadas y de sobrepagos de cuentas. Propiedad no reclamada es cualquier activo que ha sido abandonado por uno o mas anos. Las companias tienen la obligaci6n de informar al estado los activos abandonados, y estos se convierten en propiedad sin reclamar. La Oficina del Administrador facilita la busqueda para saber si tiene alguna propiedad sin reclamar. Visite y siga los pasos para la busqueda. En segundos puede estar en camino de reclamar su dinero. $50 Por su Refrigerador Viejo A ustin Energy le pagara $50 por cada refrigerador o congelador viejo que funcionen (limite dos por cliente). Llame al 1-800-452-8685 para arreglar el recogido. Hasta ahora hemos recogido unos ^ ^ 14,000 de estos comelones f de energia. Despuds de la calefacci6n, el acondicionador de aire y el agua caliente, los refrigeradores y congeladores usan mIs energia que ningun otro aparato clectrodom6stico. Los refrigeradores que tienen por lo menos 15 afios usan el doble de electricidad que usan los modelos nuevos de eficiencia energ6tica. L a Noche Nacional ' al Aire Libre este iN AT ^ o^^ r aflo sed en Octubre 6 air en lugar del tradicional primer Martes del mes de Agosto. Comuniquese con su agencia del orden publico para mis informaci6n. La Ciudad da A stin cumple con ol Decreto de os Americanos Incapacitados AI soiicttario so provoor3n modificaciones razonabios o Igual acceso a comunlcaciones. TDD 477-3663 34 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to TLSC/Texas ROSE 5-7, Attachment 13, Page 1 of 2 Roger Duncan Named Interim GM oger Duncan has been named interim General Manager of Austin Energy. Mr. Duncan assumes GM responsibilities with the departure of Juan Garza, who is the new General R Roger Duncan Manager of the Pedernales Electric Cooperative. Mr. Garza led Austin Energy for six years. Mr. Duncan, who has more than two decades of experience in City government, including two terms as an Austin City Council Member from 1981 to 1985, has served as Austin Energy Deputy General Manager since 2004. He has had responsibility for overseeing Austin Energy's nationally recognized energy efficiency, Green Building and renewable energy programs, as well as the utility's on-site generation program, strategic planning, governmental relations and air quality. Mr. Duncan joined Austin Energy in 1998 as Vice President in charge of conservation, renewables and environmental policy. Austin Energy Unit First In Country To Earn Certification T he Austin Energy division responsible for the construction, maintenance and operation of Austin's electric system has become the first of any utility in the nation to earn ISO 9001 registration. ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 9000 is a series of international quality standards designed to ensure that all activities related to providing and delivering a product or service are appropriately quality assured. To earn the registration, applicants must develop a Quality Management System that reflects standards of performance for every major task, in this case, related to building, maintaining and repairing the electric system. Auditors from the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI), the worldwide entity that administers the ISO quality management program, issued the registration on January 3, 2008. The certification followed a rigorous four-day review in December of the Electric Service Delivery Quality Management System by NSAI auditors. The ISO auditors noted that procedures and written work instructions have been implemented for more than 530 work activities. Approximately 250,000 companies worldwide, including 25,000 in the U.S., are certified in the ISO 9000 series. Austin Energy transmission and distribution work units, however, are the first of any utility in the country to be so certified. , iq + ^ustin Energy replaced approximately 127,000 meters with /^^ automated meters in 2003. Upgrades to the current automated ^/ meter-reading network are in testing now. When these tests are successfully complete, Austin Energy will begin replacing the remaining 260,000 residential and commercial mechanical meters with automated meters. This activity could begin as early as March 2008, and will continue throughout 2008. Once installation of automated meters is ready to begin, customers will receive notification in various forms to let you know approximately when crews will be in your area to exchange your meter. In advance of installations, please make sure shrubbery or other obstacles do not block your meter. Obstructions that prevent a meter change out will have to be cleared. Automated meters eliminate the need for manual meter reads. Instead, the meters signal consumption totals to computers via radio waves. Automated meters also improve reliability because they signal outages. Without automated meters, utilities do not know when a home or business is without power, in most instances, unless the customer calls in the outage. Automated meters also lay the foundation needed to increase service offerings to customers. This could include customer selected billing dates, time-of-day pricing of electricity use and programs that help customers reduce their energy use. 35 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to TL.SC/Texas ROSE 5-7, Attachment 13, Page 2 of 2 S ome 23 Austin businesses have installed solar arrays that together will generate 629,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity each year. That pollution-free energy will save those businesses about $55,000 annually in avoided power costs while reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 410 tons a year. The businesses are participants in the Austin Energy Solar Rebate program, which paid 67% of the costs of the arrays. That assistance will allow the businesses to recover their investments within 13 years on average. The life of photovoltaic arrays is 25 years. Solar arrays have also been installed by 470 Austin Energy residential customers to date. The arrays average 2.5 kilowatts (kW) in size, with Austin Energy solar rebates paying 65% of the installation costs on average. Austin Energy has also installed solar arrays at 25 public facilities such as the Austin Convention Center and at 20 schools. Total installed solar capacity in Austin is 1.8 megawatts (MW). Solar Program Participating Businesses Alori Properties (two locations) IBM American Bank of Commerce Jason's Deli American YouthWorks Applied Materials Centex Beverage Community Clinical Research Courtyard Tennis & Swim Club Elizabeth Alford Projects Escarpment Village Foundation Communities (five locations) Habitat Suites Hotel Hines Pool and Spa Lake Austin Marina Lower Colorado River Authority Ronald McDonald House St. Andrew's Episcopal School St. Gabriel's Catholic School Sportsman's Finest Star Center Gymnastics, Dance & Cheer Tejas Securities Villas on Sixth Apartment Homes Free Income Tax Preparation ^ommunity Tax Centers, a program of local nonprofit C^ M ^'^ U N I TY Foundation Communities, provides free income tax TA X ^F ^" ^^^^ ^ preparation for individuals and families with low incomes. __1 This free service is provided by IRS-certified volunteers and is available at nine locations around Austin.'I'hose locations are open during convenient day, evening and weekend hours. Individuals making $25,000 or less and households of two to four members making $50,000 or less are eligible for this FREE tax preparation service. Households of five or more members with somewhat higher incomes also qualify. Last year, Community Tax Centers prepared almost 14,000 tax returns that returned more than $17 million in refunds to those tax payers. Visit www. or call the United Way's 2-1-1 line for details on locations, hours of operation and what documents to bring. tHabla Espanol? Tenemos disponible asistencia bilingile para impuestos. Llame al 2-1-1 para mas detalles. ^ Speakers Bureau Austin Energy has excellent speakers on a variety of topics for your business or community group. Topics include: 3 Free Thermostat Program 3 Green Building 3 Energy Efficiency 3 Tree Trimming 3 Streetlights 3 GreenChoice® ` = To schedule a speaker or power plant tour for qr'^ your group, call 322-6144. The City of Austin is committed to complpnce with the Aniencana wth Disabftes Act. Reasonable madfa:atrc m arui equal access to rommunicatbns wil be F;rnvidedWon request. 1DL1477-383;i. COA-AE Feb 08 36 PUC Docket No, 40627 Response to TLSCRexas ROSE 5-7, Attachment 14, Page 1 of 2 owerplus .. . +^... 3.K:- i r^G T:p , i^tY. }:. - f .e^. :i ` ...^s^ ^.. ^,.IF^.. i .. Ya Vienen los Medidurus Automaticos a instalaci6n de medidores L automaticos para todos los clientes de Austin Energy acelera.rA este mes. Esto significa que en promedio, acerca de 1,400 cambios de medidores ocurrira diariamente en fareas residenciales. La •snstalaci6n de medidores automaticos para los clientes comerciales de Austin Energy comenzara en volumen temprano el pr6ximo afio. El total de medidores a ser cambiados: acerca de 270,000, con todas las instalaciones a completarse para el verano del 2009. Los clientes residenciales recibieron una tarjeta hace varias semanas avisandoles del cambio. El cambio involucra cambiar su medidor actual electromecanico con uno nuevo, automitico estado-s6lido. El cambio toma solo unos minutos, y despu@s, se pone un aviso en la puerta indicando que el nuevo medidor ya ha sido instalado, Cuando un medidor no estl accesible debido a un port6n cerrado o por alguna otra raz6n, se deja un aviso en la puerta con un numero dc telefono para que el cliente ilame y haga una cita para la instalaci6n. Los medidores automiticos transmiten lecturas por medio de las ondas de radio y eventualmente eliminaran la necesidad de lecturas manuales mensuales. Una vez que todos los nuevos medidores hayan sido instalados, una de las primeras ventajas de este servicio serl la capacidad de enviar senales al centro de control de Austin Energy durante una interrupci6n electrica. Actualmente, los clientes deben llamar para reportar las interrupciones electricas, ya que los medidores viejos no tienen la capacidad de enviar senales. .^.,1 ^. r^^ . S _.. Planeando Para El Futuro omo parte del planeamiento continuo para las ^necesidades de generaciones futuras, Austin Energy ha propuesto un plan de energia que requerira construir y asegurar la generaci6n de unos 1,000 megavatios adicionales (MW) de nueva generaci6n para e12020, la mayoria como recursos de energia renovable. El plan propuesto provee la energia necesaria para satisfacer las demandas de electricidad proyectada en la comunidad de Austin en los pr6ximos doce anos y al mismo tiempo mantenemos nuestro aire limpio reduciendo nuestras emisiones de greenhouse gases. ; Oportunidades de Evaluar Todo el Proceso Un Proceso de Participaci6n Publiea se ha lanzado para poder recibir sugerencias sobre el plan propuesto. Este proceso de 8-meses incluye una serie de sesiones en el ayuntamiento, sesiones con grupos de clientes interesados, encuestas del cliente y la creaci6n de un recurso en linea sofisticado permitiendo que cualquier cliente de Austin Energy disene y presente recomendaciones. El Plan Refleja tambios in la Industria de Servicios Electricos y Sanitarios El plan propuesto esta disenado para satisfacer la demanda de electricidad proyectada de acuerdo con las metas fijadas por el Concilio de la Ciudad de Austin por medio de actividades que estan siendo adoptadas por companias de servicios eldetricos en toda la naci6n. Esto incluye la compensaci6n de una planta de energia de 700 MW para e12020 por medio de programas de energia efciente y de cambio de cargas; adquiriendo recursos renovables, incluyendo 100 MW recursos solares para cubrir por lo menos 30 por ciento de la energia vendida por Austin Energy para el 2020; y tomando medidas que permitan a la empresa, con el tiempo, convertirse a carb6n neutral. Participe Visite y vease cl horario de las sesiones de Participacion Publica en el ayuntamiento e informacidn sobre el plan propuesto de generaci6n y otras opciones de generaci6n. Este sitio es un recurso de informaci6n que proveera reportes sobre sesiones publicas y respuestas a preguntas hechas por los clientes. Tambien incluiri un espacio para facilitar comentarios en cualquier momento, y una encuesta que se sugiere que todos los clientes tomen y, para Enero, el recurso en linea que permitira a los clientes disenar su propia combinaci6n de generaci6n. La meta de este proceso es proveer informaci6n extensiva para que los clientes tengan la informaci6n necesaria para evaluar el plan propuesto. El plan, con modificaciones si se necesita, despuds de este proceso publico, sed presentado al Concilio de la Ciudad el pr6ximo verano. 37 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to TLSClfexas ROSE 5-7, Attachment 14, Page 2 of 2 Has Locales para Pago de Cuentas E I numero de locales que reciben pagos de servicios electricos y sanitarios de Is Ciudad de Austin son ahora 87. Los pagos pueden hacerse en Austin en las oficinas de servicio al cliente de las tiendas H-E-B, Randalls, Ace Cash Express, the Money Box, University Co-op y Fiesta Mart. Pagos pueden tambi6n ponerse en las cajas de depbsito de pagos en 625 East 10th Street y 505 Barton Springs Road y pueden hacerse en la oficina de asistencia de Austin Energy en el centro Rosewood-Zaragosa Community Center, 2800 Webberville Road. La mayorfa de los locales para pagos tales como las tiendas H-E-B, envfan los pagos a la Ciudad por medio de Western Union. Los pagos son procesados por el personal de Austin Energy, quienes, por medio de mejoras de operaci6n, ahora procesan todos los pagos el mismo dia que se reciben. Esta practica la tienen muy pocas compa6fas. Para obtener las direcciones de todos los locales de pago visite y haga click en "Payment Options." TT n record de 156 clientes residenciales y comerciales V de Austin Energy instalaron sistemas solares durante el ano fisca12008 - lo mejor en la historia de cinco-anos del Programa Solar de Reembolso de Austin Energy. Austin Energy provee un reembolso en instalaciones de sistemas solares que estan entre los mis grandes del pais. Desde 2004, sistemas solares han sido instalados por 577 clientes residenciales y 48 negocios. Sistemas tambi6n han sido instalados por Austin Energy en 17 escuelas y 32 edificios publicos como las bibliotecas. Por todo, la capacidad solar instalada en Austin por medio del programa de Austin Energy totaliza casi 3 megavatios. Es interesante que el costo de instalaciones solares fotovoltaicas ha aumentado en los ultimos cinco anos. En FY 2006, el costo de instalaciones solares fue acerca de $8 por vatio. En FY 2008, el costo promedio fue $8.80 por vatio. El reembolso solar de Austin Energy es $4.50 por vatio. Reembolsos para Iluminacian en los Negocios ambiando la iluminacibn ineficiente por nueva iluminacibn C eficiente es una de las maneras mis rapidas y mejores para los pequefios negocios y negocios sin fines de lucro de ahorrar en el costo de energfa. Austin Energy paga hasta un 80% de costos para nueva iluminacibn e instalacibn con reembolsos en promedio de menos de seis meses. Hacemos todo mas ficil al proveer el contratista, conducir un analisis gratis de energfa, procesando todo el papeleo, inspeccionando el trabajo del contratista y manejando el proyecto desde el principio al fin. Los clientes comerciales y 501(c) sin fines de lucro, 100-kilovatios de demanda o menos son elegibles, asf como todas las iglesias. El ano pasado, mAs de 200 clientes usaron el programa, reduciendo una combinacibn de 3.5 millones de kilovatios-horas de electricidad y $320,000 en costos de electricidad. Para mayor informaci6n, Ilame al 482-5346 o envfe un e-correo a conservationC^ Sus tontribuciones flacen la Diferencia E l ano pasado, 1,235 familias con emergencias financieras recibieron asistencia de pago para su cuenta de servicios ^ w. el6ctricos y sanitarios por medic, del Programa de Asistencia a! Cliente de la Ciudad de Austin (CAP). Miles de familias, sin embargo, son rechazadas cada afio por falta de fondos. Para ayudar, incluya una donaci6n que es deducible de impuesto de $1 o mds con el pago de su cuenta de servicios elbctricos y sanitarios de la Ciudad de Austin e indique la cantidad en la lfnea siguiente a "CAP Contribution" en el tal6n de pago. Cualquier cantidad que pueda dar ser'a apreciada. Conferencistas de Austin Energy Austin Energy cuenta con excelentes conferencistas versados en una variedad de temas para negocio o grupo comunitario. Los temas incluyen: 3 Programa deTermostato Gratis 3 Construccidn EcolcSgica 3 Eficiencia de Energia 3 Poda de Arboles 3 Energia Ecolbgica 3 Luz Mercurial Para agendar a un conferencista o un tour por una planta de energia para grupo, llame a1322-6144. t.a Ciudad de Austin cumpie con el Decreto do los Americanos ncapecikados. Al sofic.itarlo so proveer2n modificaciones razonables e igual access a comunicaciones. TnD 477-3663 38 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to TLSC/Texas ROSE 5-7, Attachment 15, Page 1 of 2 I Central Electrica-Propiedad de la Comunidad Actualizacion sobre los Medidores Automatizados La implementacion de medidores automatizados para todos los clientes de Austin Energy esd progresando bien. Se han instalado cerca de 90,000 medidores desdc Abril - aproximadamente 1,000 medidores por dia, con el objetivo de duplicar esa cifra para comicnzos de Enero. Se espera que todas las instalaciones se hayan completado para comienzos del verano del 2009. Los nuevos medidores transmiten lecturas del mcdidor via ondas de radio, eliminando la necesidad de lecturas manuales. Los clientes residenciales reciben una tarjeta postal unas semanas antes de la instalaci6n de su medidor. Los trabajadores Haman a su puerta antes de instalar su nuevo medidor. Si no hay nadie en la casa, se cuelga un folleto en la puerta indicando que ocurri6 el cambio. Si el medidor no puede ser cambiado debido a un perro, portdn con cerradura u otra raz6n, se dejara colgado un folleto en la puerta con un numero telef6nico para que pueda hacer arreglos para la instalaci6n. www.austinenergy.corn D I( I E M 6 R I 1 0 0 8 Confiabilidad del Sistema, Mejorque Nunca L a cantidad de interrupciones electricas por cliente y la duraci6n promedio de las interrupciones del sistema el6ctrico de Austin Energy durante el afto fiscal que finalizd Septiembre 30 the el mfis bajo desde que comenzaron los r reportes estandarizados de interrupciones a 1a Comisi6n de Servicios Publicos a mediados de los 90's. El numero de interrupciones electricas por cliente (llamado fndice de Frecuencia Promedio de Interrupci6n del Sistema 6 SAIFI) fue de .63, mientras que la duracibn promedio de las interrupciones (fndice de Duraci6n Promedio de Interrupci6n del Sistema 6 SAID) fue de 46.48 minutos. Ambas medidas son mucho mAs bajas que el promedio de la industria de servicios publicos de electricidad a nivel nacional. El excelente rendimiento del sistema el6ctrico de Austin Energy se debe a un aumento del mantenimiento en anos recientes asi como a actualizaciones del sisterna. Tambicn se debe al excelente tiempo de respuesta del personal de Austin Energy cuando ocurren las interrupciones. Otro factor importante es que este ha sido un ano de reducida actividad de tormentas. Por ejemplo, una medida clave de la actividad de tormentas son los relampagos, y 2008 estar^ entre los mas bajos para Austin. Entre Encro y mediados de Noviembre, el area de Austin tuvo 2,670 relAmpagos de nube a suelo. El afto pasado, en el mismo periodo, hubieron 6,600 y el promedio desde e12005 ha sido de mds de 6,000 por aflo. Posponiendo la Necesidad de una Planta de Energia ` L as mejoras a la eficiencia de la electricidad hechas por los clientes que participan en el programa `Power Saver' y`Green Building' de Austin Energy reducir^,n la demanda de energia pico en casi 62 megavatios (MW) el ano entrante, reduciendo la utilizacidn de electricidad diaria en 105 millones de kilovatios-hora (kWh). IL Las reducciones casi alcanzan el record del ano pasado a la vez que Austin Energy marcha hacia el objetivo para e12020 de posponer la necesidad de una planta el6ctrica de 700 MW mediante sus programas de ahorro de energia el6ctrica. Mis de 10,500 clientes residenciales de Austin Energy y 615 negocios participaron en los programas durante el ano fiscal que finaliz6 Septiembre 30, 2008. Los ahorros de energia resultantes reduciran las facturas de electricidad de los grupos en mAs de $12 millones por afio. Tambien reduciran las emisiones de dioxido de carbono (COZ) en mis de 86,000 toneladas y de 6xido de nitrdgeno (NOx), un contaminante que contribuye en la formaci6n del smog, en casi 60 toneladas por ano. La eficiencia de la energia es tambien la manera mAs econ6mica de satisfacer las nuevas demandas de energia eldctrica. Los programas de eficiencia de Austin Energy le cuestan a la compaiua de servicios ptiblicos cerca de $350 por kilovatio (kW) de energia ahorrada. Construir una nueva planta de energia a gas costaria aproximadamente $700 por kW. 39 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to TLSCRexas ROSE 5-7, Attachment 15, Page 2 of 2 I i i '(' os clientes de Austin Energy que reunen los requisitos j..Jde ingreso pueden estar calificados para recibir mejoras gratis de energia para sus hogares. Estas mejoras estAn disponibles para inquilinos, siempre que hayan vivido en esa casa por un minimo de tres meses, y si tienen el consentimiento del propietario. El programa provee aislamiento adicional del itico, reparacion de los conductos que tengan escapes o p6rdidas, instalacion de filtros solares en las ventanas que reciben luz del sol directa, burletes (cintas aislantes) alrededor de las puertas, un detector de CO,, enmasillado de plomeria bajo los lavabos, luces fluorescentes compactas (CFLs) y detectores de humo, todos ellos segun se necesiten. El programa de Austin Energy tambi6n provec reparaciones menores a la casa para asegurar que las medidas de eficiencia de energia sean efectivas. Las reparaciones que se hacen con mis frecuencia incluyen la reparacion de vidrios agrietados o quebrados, reemplazar puertas externas rotas y reparaciones menores a conductos. Estas mejoras reduciran tanto los costos de aire acondicionado como de calefaccion. Desde los inicios del programa en 1986, mAs de 11,000 casas ban recibido mejoras a traves del programa de Climatizacion Gratis, eliminando la necesidad de 18 megavatios (MW) de energia adicional para la comunidad de Austin. Visite o flame a1974-7827 si desea recibir una solicitud. r ste aflo mas de 1,200 familias que se enfrentan a emergeneias ban recibido ayuda para pagar su factura electrica. Les agradecemos a ustedes, los clientes de servicios publicos de la Ciudad de Austin, por enviar unos dolares extras con el pago de su factura, para ayudar at Programa de Asistencia at Cliente a ayudar a otros. E^ Austin Energy Oradores Guia para Calificar para Mejoras Gratis Austin Energy tiene excelentes oradores sobre una variedad de tbpicos para su negocio o grupo comunitario. Topicos incluyen: 3 ProgramaTermostato Gratis 3 Vehiculos Hibridos de Enchufe 3 Iluminacidn de Calles 3 Recorte de Arboles 3 Energia Eficiente Para agendar a un orador para su grupo, o para una visita a la planta, llame a1322-6144. $50 Por su Viejo Refrigerador ustin Energy le pagar'a $50 por cada viejo refrigerador 1 eJ -„/ o congelador que este funcionando (el limite es dos por cliente). Solo flame at 1-800-452-8685 para hacer arreglos para que lo recojan. Hasta la fecha, hemos recogido 12,000 de estos viejos tragadores de energia. En segundo lugar despues de la calefaccion, la refrigeracion y el agua caliente, los refrigerados y congeladores usan mas electricidad que cualquier otro aparato electrodom6stico. Los refrigeradores que tienen 15 afios o mds usan el doble de electricidad que los modelos m'as eficientes de la actualidad. La Ciudad do Austin cumple con el Decreto de as Americanos "ncapacitatms Al solicitarlo se proveerbn motlificaciones razonables e fgual acceso a comunlcaciones. TDD 477-3663, 40 II PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to TLSCTfexas ROSE 5-7, Attachment 16, Page 1 of 2 Austtn`s Community-Owned Electric Utility Pay Your Utility Bill Online M ore than 23,000 City of Austin utility customers pay their utility bill online each month through the City's Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) program. Sign-up is easy and once enrolled, a draft on your bank account occurs automatically to pay your utility bill each month on its ;; payment due date. This gives you ample time to receive and review your utility bill first. In addition, this means a customer no longer has to write or mail checks nor be concerned about ever being late with their payment. The program is now three years old and works well. In fact, about one-third of the 400,000 City of Austin utility customers pay their utility bill online either through the City's EFT program, by using their bank's online payment services or by making payments at Customer Service counters at grocery stores accepting City of Austin utility bill payments. Those payments are delivered to the City electronically. To sign up for EFT, visit or call the City of Austin utility Customer Service Center at 494-9400. JULY 1009 Energy Audits Find 86 Percent Of Homes For Sale With Excessive Duct Leakage A majority of homes receiving energy audits to comply with a new City ordinance are leaking excessive levels of .•, ^ cooling and heating into their attics from leaky duct systems, 7 and on average, need an additional 6 inches of attic insulation. Of the first 400 energy audits received by Austin Energy, FOR ^^ 86 percent of the homes have ducts leaking in excess of the 10 percent considered acceptable for energy efficiency. The homes average a 22 percent leak rate - though there were homes with double or triple the average. One audited home was leaking 81 percent of air conditioning and heating into the attic. The duct system in another was leaking so badly the testing equipment could not produce a reading. Effective June 1, 2009, energy audits are required for homes for sale located within the City of Austin that are 10 years old or older and receive electricity from Austin Energy. There are several exemptions from the ordinance - for instance, homes that have undergone energy-efficiency improvements during the last 10 years or those in various legal proceedings that involve transfer of the property, such as foreclosure or a divorce settlement. Potential home sellers can use an online tool at www., to determine whether the audit is required for their home, or to get additional information on the ordinance. The 400 homes as a group are wasting 778,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, or $77,800 in energy costs due to leaking ducts and insufficient attic insulation. Meanwhile, Austin Energy, Texas Gas Service and federal tax credits are available to help pay for many energy efficiency improvements. Visit for additional information on energyefficiency programs and details on the Energy Conservation and Audit Disclosure (ECAD) ordinance. 5%( ^ti Automated Meters Accurate and Durable ustin Energy is providing may notice an increase in electric usage once their new state-of-the-art meter is installed. 1a. I tomers with new solid-state This is because the new meter is correctly automated meters. The new meters have recording all power used. more computing power than PCs had 5-10 Anytime an Austin Energy customer feels years ago and are very accurate. They replace their meter, old or new, is not recording meters that are 20-30 years old. usage properly, they should call the utility As the old meters come in from the Customer Service Center at 494-9400 or field, Austin Energy is testing about one e-mail to have of every ten. A small number of old meters their account reviewed. If needed, Austin were found to be running slow. A customer Energy will send out a technician to test any with an old meter that was running slow meter, old or new, to assist the process. all of its 400,000 cus- 41 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to TLSC/Texas ROSE 5-7, Attachment 16, Page 2 of 2 lD Percent Discounts for Small Businesses Austin Energy makes it easy for small businesses to receive up to 70 percent in discounts on new efficient lighting and installation. We will provide a free lighting analysis, handle all paperwork, provide a contractor and inspect all work for quality assurance upon completion. Energy efficient lighting can reduce lighting costs by one-third and enhance your business productivity. Payback on average is less than one year. Since 2005, more than 1,100 businesses have lowered their energy use by 32 million kilowatt-hours (kWh), reducing their annual energy costs collectively by almost $3 million. Get started by calling Austin Energy at 482-5346 or send an e-mail to r-' ,^.. Save With a More Efficient Pool Pump he average swimming pool in Austin one-third as T much energy as the average home. That's why a new ^ ^:. energy-efficient pump and motor system can save an average of $300 a year on energy costs. Austin Energy now offers ^ a $200 rebate on the purchase of new variable-speed pool pumps, when installed by a pool professional. The initial cost of the pump and motor system is higher than a single-speed pool pump, but it lasts twice as long and saves so much energy that savings pay for the pump in about 2 to 3 years. _i Over the life of the system, energy savings can average about $2,200. Call 974-7827 or visit www. for details. ^ e. Need Some Extra Cash? You might have some waiting for you in the form of unclaimed property. The Texas Comptroller of ^- ^- -: Public Accounts is holding more than $62 million in unclaimed property from the Austin area. In fiscal 2008, Austin Energy alone reported 71 abandoned utility deposits worth almost $13,000. It is important to let your utility company know when you move, since a large portion of unclaimed property comes from abandoned utility deposits and bill overpayment. Unclaimed property is any financial asset that has been abandoned for one or more years. Companies are required to report the abandoned asset to the state, where it becomes unclaimed property. The Comptroller's office makes it easy to find out if you have unclaimed property. Visit and perform the simple search steps. In seconds, you may be on your way to reclaiming your cash. Austin Energy Speakers Bureau Austin Energy has excellent speakers on a variety of topics for your business or community group. Topics include: 3 Free Thermostat Program 3 Customer Assistance Program 3 Energy Efficiency 3 Energy Conservation Ordinance 3 Green Building To schedule a speaker or power plant tour for your group, call 322-6144, A $50 For Your Old Refrigerator ustin Energy will pay you $50 for each old working refrigerator or freezer (limit two per customer). Just call 1-800-452-8685 to arrange ^ for a pick up. To date, we have collected nearly 14,000 of these old energy guzzlers. ti ,./ Next to heating, cooling and hot water, refrigerators and freezers use more electricity than any other home applianee. Refrigerators that are at least 15 years old use about twice the electricity of today's new energy-efficient models. N Nat i o n a l ^ 1^^ ational Night Out N will occur this year " "' `` on October 6 instead of the traditional first Tuesday in August. Contact your local law enforcement agency for more information. The City of Austin is committed to compliance wilh the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modihcallons and equal access to communications will be provided upon reQuest. MD 477-3633. COA361 42 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to TLSC/Texas ROSE 5-7, Attachment 17, Page 1 of 2 Jau^iJ^JI S Automated Meters Rolling Out Installation of automated meters for all Austin Energy customers will accelerate this month. This means that on average, about 1,400 meter changeouts will occur daily in residential areas. Automated meter installations for Austin Energy business customers will begin in volume early next year. Total meters to be exchanged: about 270,000, with all installations to be completed by summer 2009. Residential customers receive a post card several weeks in advance alerting them to the changeout. The changeout involves replacing their current electromechanical meter with W dw%ki:'- a new, solid-state automated one. The exchange takes only a few minutes, and afterward, a door hanger is placed indicating the new meter has been installed. When a meter is inaccessible due to a locked gate or other reason, a door hanger is left with a telephone number for the customer to call to set an installation appointment. Automated meters transmit meter reads via radio waves and will eventually eliminate the need for monthly manual reads. Once all the new meters have been installed, one of the first service enhancements will be their capability to signal the Austin Energy control center when they experience a power outage. Currently, customers must call to report power outages, because the older meters have no signaling capability. V. 1;V1 ^;, Planning For The future A s part of the ongoing planning for future generation needs, Austin Energy has unveiled a proposed energy plan that would require building --, or securing the output of an additional 1,000 megawatts (MW) of new generation by 2020, most of it as renewable energy resources. The proposed plan provides the energy needed to meet projected electricity demands in the Austin community over the next dozen years while keeping our air clean and reducing our emissions of climate-changing greenhouse gases. Opportunity To Assess The Big Picture A Public Participation Process has been launched to seek feedback on the proposed plan. This 8-month process includes a series of town hall meetings, meetings with interested customer groups, customer surveys and creation of a sophisticated online resource allowing any Austin Energy customer to design and submit generation portfolio recommendations. Plan Reflects Changing Utility Industry The proposed generation plan is designed to meet projected electricity demand in line with goals set by the Austin City Council through activities increasingly being embraced by electric utilities nationwide. These include the offset of a 700 MW power plant by 2020 through energyefficiency and load-shifting programs; acquiring renewable resources, including 100 MW of solar, to cover at least 30 percent of the power sold by Austin Energy by 2020; and taking steps that allow the utility to become carbon neutral over time. Get Involved Visit www. for the Public Participation town hall meeting schedule and information on the proposed generation plan and other generation options. This site is an information resource that will provide reports on the public meetings and answers to questions posed by customers. It will also include a blog to facilitate comments at any time, a survey all customers are encouraged to take and, by January, the online resource that will allow customers to design their own generation mix. The goal of this process is to provide extensive information so customers have the facts they need to assess the proposed plan. The plan, with modifications if needed following this public process, will be presented to the City Council next summer. 43 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to TLSC/Texas ROSE 5-7, Attachment 17, Page 2 of 2 More Locations for Payment of Utility Bills he number of locations where City of Austin utility bill payments be made now totals 87. Payments can be made at the customer service desks of Austin area H-E-B stores, Randalls, Ace Cash Express locations, the Money Box, University Co-op and Fiesta Mart. Payments can also be placed in drop boxes located at 625 East 10th Street and 505 Barton Springs Road and can be made at the Austin Energy walk-in assistance office located in the Rosewood-Zaragosa Community Center complex at 2800 Webberville Road. The vast majority of the retail payment locations such as H-E-B stores, send the utility bill payments to the City via Western Union. City of Austin utility bill payments are processed by Austin Energy staff, who, through operational improvements, now process all payments the same day received. This is a standard achieved by few companies. For address locations of all payment locations visit and click on "Payment Options." E.. ^^µ7^ ^ . . . . . . . . .. . . A record 156 residential and commercial Austin Energy customers installed solar systems during the 2008 fiscal year - the best showing in the five-year history of 01 the Austin Energy Solar Rebate Program. Austin Energy -0, provides a rebate on solar installations that is among the largest in the country. Since 2004, solar systems have been installed by 577 residential customers and 48 businesses. Systems have also been installed by Austin Energy on 17 schools and 32 public facilities such as libraries. In all, the installed solar capacity in Austin through the Austin Energy program totals almost 3 megawatts. Interestingly, the cost of solar photovoltaic installations has risen over the past five years. In FY 2006, the cost of solar installation was about $8 per watt. In FY 2008, the cost averaged $8.80 per watt. The Austin Energy solar rebate is $4.50 per watt. Rebates for Business Lighting Changing out inefficient lighting with new, efficient lighting is one of the fastest and best ways for small businesses and non-profits to cut energy costs and improve their bottom line. Austin Energy pays up to 80% of the costs for new lighting and installation with paybacks averaging less than six months. We make it easy by providing the contractor, conducting a free energy analysis, handling all the paperwork, inspecting the contractor's work and making this turnkey project hassle-free from start to finish. Commercial customers and 501(c) non-profits with 100-kilowatts of demand or less are eligible as are all churches. Last year, more than 200 customers went through the program, reducing a combined 3.5 million kilowatt-hours of electricity and $320,000 in electricity costs. For more information, call 482-5346 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Your Contributions Make A Difference L ast year, 1,235 households facing financial emergencies <. , - ^ received utility bill payment assistancc through the City of Austin Customer Assistance Program (CAP). Thousands of households, however, must be turned away each year for lack of funding. To help, include a tax-deductible donation of $1 or more with your City of Austin utility bill payment and indicate the amount on the line next to "CAP Contribution" on the payment stub. Any amount you can provide is greatly appreciated. Austin Energy Speakers Bureau Austin Energy has excellent speakers on a variety of topics for your business or community group. Topics include: 3 Free Thermostat Program 3 Customer Assistance Program 3 Green Building 3 Energy Efficiency 3 Tree Trimming 3 Streetlights 3 Green Power To schedule a speaker or power plant tour for ^` , your group, call 322-6144. The City of Ausf m is aarnm:tfed to compliance with the Americans with D'saGilitiec Act Reasonable modifications and equal access to comrrunkoations will be provided upon request TDD 477-3633. COA08I 44 SOAH Docket No. 473-13-0935 PUC Docket No. 40627 City of Austin's Response to TLSC and Texas ROSE's 5th RFI TLSC/Texas ROSE 5-8 Please explain what Austin Energy is doing to develop a remote In your turn-on/turn-off capability of its advanced meters. explanation please include the purchase of any goods and or services Austin Energy is or has made for its development of this capability. RESPONSE: Austin Energy has purchased the AXSD that provides this functionality and is in the testing phase of remote connect/disconnect capability. Austin Energy is currently working to ensure that disconnect/connect requests will be timely executed and supply AE with both a close out read and verification of no load side voltage after disconnect. Prepared by: Sponsored by: David Wood David Wood 45 SOAH Docket No. 473-13-0935 PUC Docket No. 40627 City of Austin's Response to TLSC and Texas ROSE's 5th RFI TLSC/Texas ROSE 5-9 Please provide a description of the capabilities of the advanced meters Austin Energy has installed in its system. If there are different capabilities among the advanced meters, please describe the differences, explain why Austin Energy determined to use advanced meters that did not have the same capabilities, and if differences in capabilities were caused by differing needs of its customers (Please identify the customers by customer class.) RESPONSE: Meter L+G Focas AL (residential) Capabilities kWh /PV kWh /kW/PF/TOU/IDR/Net/PV L+G Focas AX (residential/commercial) L+G Fqcas AXSD (multifamily/residential) kWh /kW/PF/TOU/IDR /remote connect-disconnect/Net L+G Focas AXR (commercial) kWh /kW/PF/TOU/IDR/Net/PV(DG)/PI GE KV2C (commercial/residential) Elster A3 (commercial) kWh /kW/PF/TOU/IDR/PV(DG)/PI ( needed for a small number of residential with three-phase power) kWh /kW/PF/TOU/IDR/Net/PI/DG The following are "advance meters" but not AMR (not using RF) ION (ERCOT settlement) kWh/kW/PF/IDR ION (industrial) kWh/kW/PF/IDR/PQ/PI L+G S4E (with Metrum cell phones) kWh/kW/PF/IDR/TOU/PI kWh - Kilowatt hour PV - photovoltaic kW - kilowatts PF - power factor TOU - time of use IDR - interval data recorder Net - net power (difference between delivered and received power) PV (DG) - photovoltaic associated with distributed generation PI - pulse initiator PQ - power quality 46 SOAH Docket No. 473-13-0935 PUC Docket No. 40627 City of Austin's Response to TLSC and Texas ROSE's 5th RFI Austin Energy uses different meters for different customer classes (identified in the initial listing) since different meters provide different functional capabilities. Austin Energy's meters were procured at different times. In addition, Austin Energy purchased the meters according to the City of Austin purchasing requirements. It is possible for multiple meters to offer acceptable metering capabilities. In this case, different meters may be procured as long as they are specification compliant (i.e., functional equivalents). Prepared by: Sponsored by: David Wood David Wood 47