i-dig Remote Ticket Entry - Ohio Utilities Protection Service


i-dig Remote Ticket Entry - Ohio Utilities Protection Service
Ohio Utilities Protection Service
1-800-362-2764 or 811
Call Before You Dig!
Remote Ticket Entry
The system is ONLY compatible with Mozilla Firefox, Google
Chrome or IE9 or greater
For Assistance contact:
Maureen Beardman, Internet/GIS Support Specialist
Shari Davies, Internet/GIS Support Specialist
Revised: 8/13
The system is ONLY compatible with Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome
or IE9 or greater
General Information
Excavation Notice
Ticket Number Definition
Ticket Menu
(Repeat, Update & Cancel Notification)
Recent Tickets
+ Response
Ticket Screen
Cancel Notification
Ticket Search
General Information
Excavation Notice
Ohio State Law requires 48 hours (two working days) excluding weekends and legal holidays, with the
excavation to start within ten (10) business days notice to be given to the member facility owners prior to
the start of your excavation. This is to insure that adequate time is given to the member facility owners to
mark their underground facilities.
Routine notification requests must be started within ten (10) business days from the date and time of the
request. According to state law, a notification requests (i.e. ticket (reference) numbers) are valid as long
as excavation has started within the ten (10) business days and your company has not left the job site and
your markings are still visible and safe for digging.
Notification requests need to be relocated (Updated) any time you have not started the excavation within
ten (10) business days, left the job site, or markings are no longer visible. Another 48 hours (two working
day) notice must be given for a relocated (Updated) ticket.
Ticket Number Definition
The letter of A or B designates the O.U.P.S. server in which the ticket was created on
The first digit will be the year in which the ticket was created
The next three digits are for the Julian Date. The Julian Date beings as 001 on January 1st
The last five digits designates the sequence number
The diagram below shows the different sections of a ticket number and from where they are derived.
The sequence number (below) represents the 56th ticket generated from the A server on February 18th,
2011 (February 18th is the 49th day of 2011).
A log In box will appear for you to enter your Account (username) and Password.
Once you have logged in your Caller Profile information will appear, this is the contact information that
will be listed on the notification request. This contact information can not be changed, if information in
the Caller Profile area does need to be changed, please contact the i-dig Remote Ticket Entry Department at 800-240-7190.
You will then need to choose I Agree to proceed.
Ticket Menu
The function options/buttons are listed within the Ticket Menu. You can choose to do any function by
clicking on that option/button.
New allows you to create a new notification request.
Once you have chosen New, a new dialog box will appear asking if you would like to Clear all
Yes will clear the complete notification
No, will keep the Map and all information
except Lot #’s and Comments Box with the
chosen map area from previous ticket.
Ticket Menu
O.U.P.S. will accept Design notification requests from designers/engineers requesting to know the location of underground facilities in an attempt to layout a plan for excavation activities. Since Design requests are not excavation requests, O.U.P.S. member facility owners have up to ten (10) business
days to respond to the notification request. A response does not mean the member facilities owners
will mark their underground facilities. It is the discretion of the member facility owner to provide information regarding the location of their facilities.
Design function acts the same as the New (page 5) function.
Within the Design ticket notification screen please make sure you choose:
Would like Plans Requested
(which will have the member facility
owners send you plans of their underground facilities)
Would like a Telephone Response
(which will have the member facility
owners contact you via telephone)
If Physical Markings are needed along with either Plans Requested or Telephone Response, a Design ticket will be sent. In the Comments box you must type: Customer is also requesting physical
markings. A request for Physical Markings on a Design ticket DOES NOT take the place of a normal 48 hour notice of excavation. You are NOT covered to excavate on a Design ticket. You will
not be able to change the Work Date field, as it will automatically default to the ten working day notice
instead of the routine 48 hour (two working day) notice.
If Physical Markings are needed before the Design default date and time, you must follow the instructions on this under Ticket Screen (see Ticket Screen page 9-21).
The Work Date field will automatically default to the ten working day notice instead of the routine 48
hour (two working day) notice. This information cannot be changed and will be grayed out.
Ticket Menu
Inquire allows you to look at an
existing ticket and also edit the
existing ticket by choosing Print,
New, Design, Repeat, Update
and Cancel Notification. Enter
the ticket number, including the A
or B, into the box and then click
on Submit button. The ticket will
then be displayed.
Recent Tickets
Recent Tickets allows you to look at existing tickets you have entered. You can choose to look at your
Today, Yesterday or Last 50 tickets that were entered. You can also edit the existing ticket you
choose to look at by choosing Print, New, Design, Repeat, Update and Cancel Notification at the
bottom of the ticket.
Recent Ticket options:
Today: Allows you to review your notifications you submitted that day.
Yesterday: Allows you to review your notifications you submitted the day before
Last 50: Allows you to review the last 50 notification tickets you submitted
Ticket Menu
Under the Today, Yesterday and Last 50 Ticket options, you can Export out your ticket notifications.
It will list basic information for your notification requests, such as: Ticket number, Account/Username,
Completed, Work Date, Type, Category, Priority, Company Name, Caller, Phone, County, Place, Address, Street, Cross1, Cross2. You are able to copy it to the Clipboard and paste it into a spreadsheet
Positive Response
What is positive response?
Positive response is a closing of the communication loop. It allows each facility owner to communicate to
the excavator the status of their one call ticket.
Will log you out of the program and bring you back to the Log In Screen.
Ticket Screen
Ticket Screen
At the top of all Dig Site Location box you will have the option to enter the Alt Contact, Phone and Ext.
In these three boxes, please provide an additional contact person
and phone number if necessary, if
not, your information that was appearing on the Logged In page will
automatically be listed on the notification request.
You will then begin to fill out the
Dig Site Location information:
Find Place Button: To be used when unsure of what county a particular city or township is located within. Making a
selection will automatically populate the County and Place Fields.
Counties: The county in which the excavation will be done. This field has a drop down box with all of the county
names, from which a county can be selected.
Places Field: This field has a drop down box with all of the valid place names in the county, from which a place name
can be selected. You must state the incorporated city or township the location falls within. DO NOT use mailing addresses.
Address/Street: Enter the Numerical component of the physical street number and street name of the address you
are digging at (ex: 100 Smith Ave). Multiple addresses may be entered, but must be in the same block range. Multiple
addresses must be entered as: (ex:) 100-199 or 1154-1186 (low to high). If the physical address has a letter or half
address in it, you cannot type the letter or half address in the address field, please place it in your Where field description. If the excavation will not take place at an physical address just enter the street name only that you are digging on or off of. For the street name please provide both a road direction (if applicable) and street type ending. A
street can be listed as: Smith Ave — W Smith Ave — Smith Ave NW (See HTML5 General Information Manual for
all Street Type Endings and Street name abbreviations). As you are typing in street name it can Auto-Populate the
street name into that field.
Cross Street 1: The name of the street that intersects the notification site street name. Please provide a cross street
whenever possible. As you are typing in street name it can Auto-Populate the street name into that field.
Cross Street 2: Name of an additional intersecting street; to be used when requesting the street to be located from
cross1 to cross2 or if location falls between two streets. As you are typing in street name it can Auto-Populate the
street name into that field.
Work is at the Intersection Button: To be used only if your notification site is at a intersection or at a corner lot or at
the intersection. If the notification area is at the intersection please change ‘No’ to ‘Yes’ by clicking on the button.
Work is between cross streets button: To be used only if your notification site is located between two streets, listed
in Cross1 and Cross2. If the notification area is between two streets please change ‘No’ to ‘Yes’ by clicking on the
Ticket Screen
Dig Site Mapping Area
buttons for
finding the
Notification Area
Ticket Screen
Dig Site Mapping Overview
Various buttons for finding the notification area
Find Street button: to change the map to the
area of your notification. The given address
range will be highlighted in red and/or the
street will be highlighted in red
Intersection button: Useful when a street address is not being used. It will search for the
intersection of Street and Cross1
Both Cross Streets button: searches for the
street name between the Cross1 and Cross2
street names. Will put a point at the intersection of your street at the Cross1 and Cross2
intersections on the map
County/Place button: Will zoom the map out
to the Place found in that specified County
(+) More Map Lookups: (click on (+) sign to expand
Latitude: Latitude of the notification site, if applicable (north coordinate). Enter in decimal degrees
(i.e. 39.960712)
Longitude: Longitude of the notification if applicable (west coordinate). Enter in decimal degrees
(i.e. -83.000015)
Get GPS: Using a mobile device in the field click on
this button to get within a 500ft radius of the latitude
and longitude point of your location. (You still need
to fill out the full description of notification area. Not
all facility owners and/or private locating services go
off of lat/long points when marking)
Clear GPS: Clear the latitude and longitude coordinates entered in those fields.
Go to Lat/Long: Used to find latitude and longitude
point on the map
Save coordinates: If using lat/long please click on
the button and change ‘No’ to ‘Yes’ to save the coordinates on your ticket request
*Please note: Latitude and Longitude are to be
NAD83 compatible
Ticket Screen
Dig Site Mapping Overview Continued...
After hitting the Find Street, and a
exact match is not found, a pop-up
box will appear giving you a list of
possible matches within the County
name entered. You can be presented with up to 3 pop-up boxes.
(Please always read all information in the pop-box to understand why it appeared)
Find Street Address Not
Find Street button will search for an
exact or close match to the given
address on that Street in the Places
Find Places and Address
Finds a list of all Places that have
this address.
Find Street Places Mismatch
Finds a list of all Places this street
name falls within.
Ticket Screen
Dig Site Mapping Overview Continued...
Will zoom the map area to show that entire Places
name and also the entire length of the Address/
Street that was entered.
Entire Street
Will zoom the map area to show that entire length
of the Address/Street that was entered.
Ticket Screen
Dig Site Mapping Overview Continued...
Map Display Area
Notification Area
Upon completion of all necessary Dig Site Location Information entry fields, access the map to define
and select the notification area. This is to ensure that the member facility owners using a geographical
mapping database are notified of your excavation.
There are some instances where the excavation area is too new and will not display any of the street /
cross street data. Should this occur please make a note in the Work Area Description field stating the
area is new development and then draw your notification area around the bounded by area the new development falls within.
Once the notification area is selected, O.U.P.S.’ internal grids will generate the list of member facility
owners that will be notified within the blue notification area drawn on the map.
Note: Notification areas not drawn properly or large enough on the map to cover your entire Work Area
Description (more than 200ft off of roadway, entire length between two streets, drawing around entire
mobile home parks etc…) can result in incorrect member facility owner transmission.
Ticket Screen
Dig Site Mapping Overview Continued...
Map Tools Area
Zoom buttons: (+) and (-) allow you to zoom in (+) and out (-) on the Map Display Area
Aerial button: allows you to view an aerial photograph of the area on the
map image. This can be useful for selecting an area where there are no
roads in the mapping database. When there appears to be a disagreement
between the road centerlines and the Ortho photograph, trust/select the
road centerlines. The photo will be overlaid on top of the normal mapping
data. You can draw your selection on the map while the photograph is
displayed. Turn off the Aerial view by hitting ‘Roads’ button to view street
Segment button: automatically covers a highlighted street segment with the buffer distance set in
the Buff field
 Only works if a street segment is displayed in red on the map from using the Find Street,
Intersection or Both Cross Streets options
Block: capability to select an entire block(s)
Line button: creates precise linear polygons with mathematical extents or boundaries
 Click Line and then Single click on a starting point on the map and move the mouse in any
direction. Keep single clicking to follow the centerline of a roadway and/or draw any shape
off of road etc...then double click to create a linear polygon/notification area. (computer defaults to preset in Buff field).
Clear button: clears all objects, selected grids and drawn polygons/notification area from the map
Dist button: measuring tool used to determine distance between locations or objects on the map
 Measurements are displayed in feet and
miles at the bottom left hand corner of the
map screen
 Click Dist and point the mouse to a start point on the map. Click and move the mouse in
any direction. Single click to change direction and double click to exit the Dist tool and you
will be able to view a blue line of your total measurement
 When directions are changed in the Dist tool, the reading displays the length of the current
segment as well as the total distance from the start point.
Ticket Screen
Dig Site Mapping Overview Continued...
Near button: is an identification tool used to identify particular street segments
 Click on ‘Near’ and then the street in the map display and it will mark it in pink and display
the address range (if available) and name information (along with any alias’s) in the pop-up
Buff 200ft button: Buffer radius
 Clicking on the Buff 200ft button will drop down other Buffer options
to choose from.
 This will allow you to extend your buffer radius in all directions when
drawing your notification area on the Dig Site Mapping display area
from the center of the drawn line.
Search for and highlight the match on the map, as Street (Highlight Street) (red), Cross1 (green), or
Cross2 (blue). This only works if a single match for the search field is found and street names are
abbreviated properly. (See HTML5 General Information Manual for all Street Type Endings and
Street name abbreviations).
Highlight Street (aka Address/Street): highlights entire length of the street listed in Street field
Cross1: highlights entire length of the street listed in Cross 1 field
Cross2: highlights entire length of the street listed in Cross 2 field
Ticket Screen
Dig Site Information
Ticket Screen
Dig Site Information Continued...
Work Area Description: This box is to be used to describe your ENTIRE notification area. This will
include all distances from cross streets, footages off road, and any descriptive information that describes the notification area and/or any special notes that need to stay on your notifications requests.
Full description of notification area
Starting and ending points (where will the notification area begin and end)
How far and which direction does your notification area need to be located
If requesting a radius around an object to be located, be sure to provide the footage, i.e.
“locate a 10 ft radius around pedestal”
State if the location is marked in white (See abbreviation list…)
Mark with paint and flags (See abbreviation list…)
Mark all main & service lines (See abbreviation list…)
Expand Last Word button: If you type ‘FRONT’ and hit this button it will auto populate ‘FRONT OF
PROPERTY’ (look at the Expanded Words List for more abbreviations to use)
Expanded Words List button: Provides you with a drop down list to choose from on where the dig site
is taking place. When you click on one these options it will be inserted at the end.
Ticket Screen
Dig Site Information Continued...
Lot #: Lot or building number or numbers of your notification site, i.e. 2-6 or A-C
Subdivision: Name of the subdivision that your notification site is located within.
Work Type: Type of excavation to be performed. Common work types can be selected from the
auto-populated menu or typed in manually.
Means of Excavation: Type of equipment being used to perform excavation. Common types of
equipment can be selected from the auto-populated menu or typed in manually.
Work For: The company the excavator is working for, other than yourself
Done By: Company or person who is performing the work, other than yourself
RR or Highway: Please choose from the pull down box only if applicable. If you do choose RR or
HWY please enter the mile marker numbers (if available) in the Mile Marker From/To box provided.
Highways are considered to be only:
 State Routes (S R)
 US Routes (U S)
 Interstates (I)
 Turnpike (Ohio Tpke)
Blasting, Meet, White Lining Please change ‘No’ to ‘Yes’ by clicking on the button if stating that
you are blasting (use of explosives), you are requesting a meeting with member facility owners and
if you have marked your notification area in white.
Comments: Any additional remarks. ** Please be advised... Information in this box will automatically be deleted on every New and Design ticket and when Updating an existing ticket for remarking
Ticket Screen
Member Lookup
Ohio State Law requires 48 hours
(working days) excluding weekends and legal holidays
Excavation to start within ten (10)
working days from the date and
time of the request
Get Members: Click this button to receive a listing of
O.U.P.S. member facility owners who will receive the notification request. This command button is active only
when the map has been accessed and a notification area
has been selected.
Get Members: Shows a listing of O.U.P.S. member facility owners who will receive the notification request. (Effective July 1, 2013 LBP (Limited Basis Participants) members - which will be highlighted in
yellow, have begun receiving notifications from O.U.P.S. .) from the Ohio Call Center of proposed excavation.
Ticket Screen
When this button is selected you will receive a box
stating the following.
Click Yes to add additional information to the notification ticket request or to be able to go back up to
Menu button at the top left corner of the ticket to abort and go back to the Ticket Menu option.
Click No to transmit the notification request to the member facility owners. The ticket number will be
displayed after the notification prompt. (Please read over all information entered on the notification
request to verify it is correct before submitting)
Repeating tickets is to be used for:
When a notification request was not
Markings are incorrect or incomplete
for any reason
The notification request does NOT
need changed in anyway
Please note:
 If you need to request an Emergency or Dig In (hit underground line) you must call in to a
Customer Service Representatives at 800-362-2764 or 811.
Repeat is NOT to be used when you need remarking. Please see Update, pages 24-25.
You will be able to retrieve and Repeat tickets for 3 months from the Original call date.
If information DOES need to be changed on your notification request a New request must be made and
the existing request with incorrect information must be cancelled (see Cancel, pages 26).
To Repeat a notification request you must Inquire a ticket (see Inquire, page 7).
Once you have inquired and reviewed the information on the request, you then choose Repeat at the
bottom of the ticket screen and your ticket information will automatically be populated on the screen.
For the Members to Notify box you now have the option to pick and choose which member facility owners will be notified on your repeated message.
If choosing:
 Press None below the list of member facility owners and it will remove all check
boxes (except for Limited Basis Participants)
 Choose ALL utilities which fall within the same Type category (i.e., all water, all
gas, all telephones, etc) It is strongly advised if you are concerned with one
particular facility owner that you choose all member facility owners in the
same category. (Please refer to the General Information Package for listing of
facility owner categories)
If not choosing member facility owners you can leave this area as is and the system will notify all member facility owners listed.
Type any ‘Additional Comments’
concerning your ‘Repeat’ Reason in
this field
The Repeat Date & Time shows the original start date and time.
If you need to change the date and time
on the ticket, select from the drop down
box on the date and then choosing the
To Finish Submitting the ‘Repeat’ ticket:
Choose ‘Get Members’
For the Members to Notify box you now have the option to pick and choose which member facility owners will be notified on your repeated message.
If choosing:
 Press Select None below the list of member facility owners and it will remove all check boxes (except for Limited Basis Participants)
 Choose Select ALL utilities which fall within the same Type category (i.e., all water, all gas,
all telephones, etc) It is strongly advised if you are concerned with one particular facility owner that you choose all member facility owners in the same category. (Please
refer to the HTML5 General Information Manual for listing of facility owner categories)
If not choosing member facility owners you can leave this area as is and the system will notify all member facility owners listed.
A notification request is valid if the excavation begins within ten working days from the date and time the
notification request is created. A ticket is valid as long as the markings are visible and you have never
left the job site. If the markings are destroyed or removed before excavation is completed, the excavator
shall notify the utility that the markings have been destroyed or removed, and the utility shall remark the
approximate locations within two working days of the notice. You will be able to retrieve and Update
tickets for 3 months from the Original call date.
To Update a notification request you must Inquire
and verify information.
Choose Inquire
**If after you have Inquired a notice and you have
reviewed the information and it is now incorrect,
you must follow the directions on how to make a
New notification request and Cancel the incorrect
notification request.
You will then have to Cancel the original incorrect ticket (See Cancel, pages 26)
Please note: If you need to request an Emergency or Dig In (hit underground line) you must call in to a
Customer Service Representatives at 800-362-2764 or 811.
Once you have inquired and reviewed
the information on the request, you
then choose Update at the bottom of
the ticket screen. and your ticket information will automatically be populated
on the screen.
Type any Additional Comments
concerning your Update Reason in
this field
The Update Date & Time shows the New
48 hour (two working day) notice up to ten
working days, start date and time.
You can only request a routine 48 hour
(two working day) notice up to ten working
days, from the current date and time. If
you need to request short of this, you
must call one of our Customer Service
Representatives at 800-362-2764 or 811.
To Finish Submitting the Update ticket:
Choose Get Members
Cancel Notification
Cancel Notification
A cancellation is a request to terminate an existing notification request. Cancel Notification request
must adhere to the following criteria:
You are not doing the excavation at this
You did not begin the excavation within
ten working days
You have changed the original notification
area/digging description to be marked
Incorrect Address and/or Street Name
You must ALWAYS Inquire a ticket first and verify the Information.
Once you have inquired and reviewed the information on the request, you then choose Cancel Notification at the bottom of the ticket screen.
Not doing the excavation at this time (example):
Inquire and verify the notification request
Select Cancel Notification at the bottom of screen
Cancel Ticket box appears
In the Reason for Cancel box enter the following:
 Not digging at this time
Click Submit
Ticket number displayed along
with Revision
Please note: If you need to request an Emergency or Dig In (hit underground line) you must call in to a
Customer Service Representatives at 800-362-2764 or 811.
Ticket Search
Any notification requests submitted by your company that WERE created within the Newtin system are
available to you, free of charge, by using Ticket Search. Those NOT created within the Newtin software are available from the O.U.P.S. archives. Should an archived ticket search be required, contact
O.U.P.S. at 800-362-2764 or 811. Please note: A nominal search fee will apply.
There are two (2) ways to search for tickets.
 Within 90 days of the current date
 Long Term Server Search
To search for notification requests, within 90 days
of the current date, click Search and the Search
Criteria window will appear.
To search for notification requests that are over
90 days of the current date, click on Data Source.
This will bring up a Select Data Source window.
Choose OUPS Long-Term Server, it may prompt
you for your username and password. Once chosen and entered, please click OK and you will be
able to choose a year within in the Search Criteria window from which to search for the notification requests.
Select year if
searching within
the Long-Term
Ticket Search
On the Search Criteria window you will be able to enter a date range and search such things as; a Locate Request Number, County, Place, Street name, etc.
Once you have entered a Search Criteria either continue on to Output Columns or choose Search.
Count will give you just a count of how many tickets that match
your search criteria.
The Output Columns tab will allow you to customize your listing
of notification requests.
By default, several items are already chosen. To change this, just
Check or Uncheck which columns you would like.
You are able to Uncheck All and start over or Check All.
Ticket Search
On the Ticket Listing window you
will be able to preview all notification
request information that meet your
Search Criteria.
To view detailed information concerning a particular notification, select it and then click on Details
or double click on it.
A second window will appear, and you will be able
Save or Print this information.
To print tickets from the Ticket Listing window, click the Print button. Specify if you want to Print Ticket List or the ticket details. All tickets will print unless Print Selected Tickets Only is checked. To print
multiple tickets at one time, hold the ‘Ctrl’ button, click on each ticket needing to be printed and click
Print. Be sure Print Selected Tickets Only is checked.
To copy tickets from the Ticket Listing window to a text file or Excel file, click the Copy button. Specify
the format and if Column Headers are needed as well. Specify only the selected tickets and then click
Copy. Open the desired program, right click and choose Paste.