Strategic Projects List
Strategic Projects List
Strategic Projects List: APPROVED EUROPEAN PROJECTS IN WHICH SARGA LEAD/COLLABORATES YEAR PROGRAMME 2016-19 H2020 LOGO PROJECT TITLE BUDGET PARTNERS ABRACADABRA. Assistant builidings´addition to retrofit, adopt, cure and develop the actual buildings up to zero energy, activating a market for deep renovation 1.993.678,75 € 18 socios de diferentes países Flanders Technology International: TECHNOPOLIS (Bélgica) Association Savoir Apprendre: EXPLORADOME (Francia) Centre For Advancement of Research and Development: CARDET (Chipre) INTEGRA Institut (Eslovenia) Kommunforbundet SKANE (Suecia) WIN (Alemania) DMSZSZ (Hungría) 2015-16 ERASMUS + CLIMATE LITERACY. An understanding of your influence on the climate and climate's influence on you and society. 298.785 € 2014-17 LIFE DISCOVERED. Lab to field, soil remediation demostrative project. New ISCO application to DNAPL multicomponent environmental problem // 1.123.305 € IHPA Gobierno de Aragón Food Industry Cluster Ebro´s ValleySpain FUNDAGRO Lannemezan (CCPLB) 2014-15 POCTEFA GUSAPIR. Taste and flavor of Pyrenees // 349.875€ 2013-15 INTERREG MED MED MAIN. Matériaux intélligents. (MAIN) // 1.972.120 € 11 socios de diferentes países 2012-15 INTERREG MED HOMER Harmonising Open Data in the Meditterranean through better access and reuse of public sector information /// 3.666.437,50 € 19 socios de diferentes países 2012-15 ENPI CBCNED SHAAMS. Strategic Hubs for the analysis and acceleration of the Mediterranean Solar Sector // 17.400 € FUNDITEC 2012-15 INNPACTO FEDER GO RURAL Generation of logistic services for rural areas 802.838 € HIBERUSTECNOLOGÍA ITAINNOVA INNPACTO FEDER NANOSENSOR. Intelligent streetlights with nanosensors for air quality control which aims is to develop a platform of nanosensors to monitor the ozone concentration in urban , suburban environments and industrial zones File númber: IPT-2012-0749-310000 745.359 € Telnet Redes Inteligentes S. A. Instituto de Investigación en Ingeniería de Aragón Universidad de Zaragoza. Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragón 2012-15 Strategic Projects List: YEAR 2012-15 PROGRAMME INNPACTO FEDER LOGO PROJECT TITLE DRIP IRRIGATION IN CROPS. Technologies and tools for saving water and energy by localized irrigation crops BUDGET 909.530,48€ PARTNERS Regaber Unizar AARHUS UNIVERSITY (Dinamarca) CRPA (Italia) IRTA (España) CSIC-CBAS (España) WM (Polonia) UNIMI (Italia) ITACYL (Castilla y León) 2011-15 LIFE + Environment MANEV: Evaluation of manure management and treatment technology for environmental protection and sustainable livestock farming in Europe // 4.061.498,69 € 2013-14 INTERREG SUDOE WOODTECH. Promote innovation to improve the competitiveness of SMEs in the timber industry in SUDOE region// 3.000 € CTFC (Cataluña) 2012-14 INTERREG IVC STEP: Improving Communities` Sustainable Energy Policy tools 1.576.530,61 € 9 socios de 7 países diferentes 2012-13 PROGRESS GOODWORX3 Identifying and promoting good practice in cross-sectoral cooperation for development // 291.915,87 € 8 socios de Grecia, Italia y España 2011-13 POCTEFA OPCC. Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory // 719 234,20 € FORESPIR (France) BRGM (France) 2011-12 PROGRESS NEW SKILLS FOR GREEN JOBS. A case for a more gender inclusive labour market 333.466,57 € 7 socios de Italia, Rumanía, Reino Unido y España 1.421.327 € Fundación San Valero Comunidad de Regantes Montesnegros Environment Park Gobierno de La Rioja Europa Innovación y Desarrollo 2010-13 LIFE + Environment POWER: water optimization and emission reduction // 2010-13 INTERREG MED WOODE3: Wood energy exploitation for entrepreneurship // 1.247.592 € Cámara de comercio de Drôme (región Rhône Alpes) (FRANCIA) Región de Piamonte. (Italia) Ciudad de Entracque, (Piamonte). Provincia de Ioannina(Grecia) National Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry (Eslovenia) Centro Tecnológico Forestal de Cataluña(España) 2010-13 INTERREG IVC WATERCORE: water scarcity and droughts; coordinated actions in European regions // 2.548.858,98 € 14 socios de diferentes países Strategic Projects List: YEAR PROGRAMME 2009-13 LIFE + Nature & Biodiversity 2008-11 Intelligent Energy Europe LOGO PROJECT TITLE BUDGET Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga (Italia) Junta de Andalucía Gobierno de Aragón ANTIDOTO: a new strategy against the poisoning of large carnivores and scavenger raptors ADORE IT. Promoting biofuels in transport PARTNERS 822.724 € Provincia de Groningen. Holanda. Universidad de Ciencias de la Vida. Estonia. Municipalidad de Östersund. Suecia. Agencia de la Energía de la Provincia de Sassari. Italia. Instituto de Investigación de Economía del Transporte. Noruega. Intertermo. Centro de Investigación en Energías Renovables. Rumanía 2006-11 LIFE III Environment ES-WAMAR: Environmentally-friendly management of swine waste based on innovative technology: A demonstration project set in Aragón (Spain)// 6.899.568 € CEMAGREF ADS TAUSTE Comarca del Maestrazgo Peñarroya de Tastavins Gobierno de Aragón 2004-07 INTERREG IIIA SILVAPYR dinamization of forestry management an explotation // 2.800.000 € 18 socios de diferentes países Strategic projects Telephone: +0034 976 07 00 00 E-Mail: [email protected] Address: Avda. de Ranillas nº 5 A 3ª planta 50018 Zaragoza-Spain