- Fraser - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
- Fraser - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK Fiscal Agent of the United States 'Circular No. 2 3 2 5 1 » December 4, 1941 J CLOSING OF SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS On Cash Offerings of 2 Percent Treasury Bonds of 1951-55 and 2Y2 Percent Treasury Bonds of 1967-72, Additional Issue To all Banking Institutions, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve District: In accordance with instructions received today from the Secretary of the Treasury, the subscription books for the current offering of $500,000,000, or thereabouts, of 2 percent Treasury Bonds of 1951-55 and of $1,000,000,000, or thereabouts, of 2% percent Treasury Bonds of 1967-72 closed at the close of business Thursday, December 4, 1941, except for the receipt of subscriptions for amounts up to and including $5,000 where the subscribers specify that delivery be made in registered bonds 90 days after the issue date. The subscription books for each of these issues will be closed for the receipt of subscriptions of that class at the close of business Saturday, December 6,1941. Subscriptions of either class addressed to a Federal Keserve Bank or Branch and placed in the mail before 12 0 'clock midnight of the respective closing days will be considered as having been entered before the close of the subscription books. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ALLAN SPKOTJL, President. THE PROCLAIMED LIST OF CERTAIN BLOCKED NATIONALS Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • o Supplement No. 4, December 3, 1941 to the PROCLAIMED LIST Issued July 1 7 , 1 9 4 1 SUPPLEMENT NO. 4 OF DECEMBER 3, 1941, TO THE PROCLAIMED LIST OF CERTAIN BLOCKED NATIONALS ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER By virtue of the authority vested in the Secretary of State, acting in conjunction with the Secretary of the Treasury, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Commerce, the Economic Defense Board, and the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, by Proclamation 2497 of the President, promulgated July 17, 1941 (6 F. R. 3555), the following Supplement No. 4 containing certain additions to, deletions from, and amendments to "The Proclaimed List of Certain Blocked Nationals", promulgated July 17, 1941, is hereby promulgated. Date: December 3, 1941. By direction of the President: Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CORDELL HULL Secretary of State HENRY MORGENTHAU, J R . Secretary oj the Treasury FRANCIS BIDDLE Attorney General JESSE H. JONES Secretary of Commerce M I L O PERKINS Executive Director, Economic Defense Board NELSON A. ROCKEFELLER Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs l ADDITIONS ARGENTINA Barbero, Luis . : : : : . . . . ; . . ; ; Brugger, Fernando G. ; . ; ; . . . . . . Ciarlo, Agustin . ; . . . . Clemens, Pedro "Club del Libro", A l l . (Amigos del Libro Americano). Gbiricgbelli, Celestino Hossman & Cia Industria Frigorifica Argentina, "I.F.A.", S.A. Klein, Otto Kyburg, Bernardo L . . . Kyburg, Luis Mampoy, Julio Marmoles y Piedras de Italia, S. A., Sociedad General. Millinghausen, Guillermo Orduvini, Augusto H Pellegrini & Cia., Clemente Pesci, Remo Trabanco, Aquilino Trabanco, Casa A Winkler & Cia Buenos Aires. Arcos 2070, Buenos Aires. 25 de Mayo 375, Buenos Aires. Bartolome Mitre 559, Buenos Aires. Carlos Pellegrini 1536, Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires. Corrientes 330, Buenos Aires. Defensa 533, Buenos Aires. 25 de Mayo 158, Buenos Aires. Peru 375, Buenos Aires. Peru 375, Buenos Aires. Lavalle 341, Buenos Aires. Brasil 71-73, Buenos Aires. 5 de Julio 489, Buenos Aires. Bernardo de Irigoyen 330 and Santa F6 3936, Buenos Aires. Carlos Pellegrini 1536, Buenos Aires. Juan de Garat 2260, Olivos. Bernardo de Irigoyen 15, Buenos Aires. Bernardo de Irigoyen 15, Buenos Aires. Avda. R. S. Pefia 636, Buenos Aires. BOLIVIA Aramayo del Rio, Ricardo Barrientos, Emilio Benavides, L A . Borda, Jose Vicenio Brocker, Bruno Burgos, F. Isaias Bustillos y Cia Guardia, Dario Hero, S. A., Cia. de Representaciones y Comercio en General. Jacobsen, Haye Lutsch, Sigmar 2 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Potosi and Sucre. La Paz. LaPaz. Cochabamba. Cochabamba. Villaz6n. Casilla 167, Potosf. La Paz. Casilla 422, Avenida Montes, La Paz. Viacha and La Paz. Casilla 199, Cochabamba. ADDITIONS BOLIVIA—Continued. Paz Hermanos. . . . ; . . . . Representaciones y Comercio en General Hero, S. A., Cia. de. Rivas Guzman, Blanca T. de Schomann and Company, Gustavo Schuchard, Werner Schuett, Nicholas Jurgen x Siles, A Von Landwust, Hans Weichert, Wolfgang Zetsche, Heinz G Zetsche and Company, Herbert . . . . . . . Ziegler & Cia., Alfredo Santa Cruz, La Paz, Oruro. Casilla 422, Avenida Montes, La Paz. La Paz. La Paz. La Paz. Potosi and Sucre. La Paz. Potosi and Sucre. Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Sucre, Oruro. Calle Colon 168, La Paz. Calle Col6n 168, La Paz. La Paz. » Not to be confused with firm of same name in La Paz. BRAZIL Aichinger, M. E. ; ; ; ; A Ultraferramenta, Limitada Brasileira de Carbureto de Calcio, Companhia. Costa Carvalho & Cia Distribuidora Brasileira de Acos e Metaes Dibraco Ltda. Fabrica de Machinas Raimann, Ltda. . . . Hafers, Ernesto Magalhaes (Dr.) Halboth, Armin Heinzerling & Lock, Limitada Horst do Brasil, Limitada, Theodor Jos. . . Industrias Chimicas Geronazzo, Ltda. . . . Industrias Rodolpho, S. A Institutes Terapeuticos Reunidos "Labofarma", S. A. Labofarma, S. A., Institutes Terapeuticos Reunidos. Lang & Cia., Ltda Lecoultre & Companhia, Ltda. Lettieri, G "Loja Telefunken" Luck & Cia., Gurgel Mangels & Kreutzberg, Ltda Meridional Tintas e Composites, Limitada . Minas Brasilmica, Limitada . . . . . . i s Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Rua Tamoyos 438, Bello Horizonte. Rua Novo Prado 406, Sao Paulo. Rua 1° de Marco 31, Rio de Janeiro. Rua do Bom Jesus, Recife. Rua Jose* Bonifacio 278, Sao Paulo. Joinville, Santa Catarina. Santos. Rua Buenos Aires 152, Rio de Janeiro. Rua Turiassu 1687, Sao Paulo. Rua Carnot 548, Sao Paulo. Rua Catarina Braida 9, Sao Paulo, and all branches in Brazil. Fortaleza, Ceara. Rua Glicerio 497, Sao Paulo, and all branches in Brazil. Rua Glicerio 497, Sao Paulo. Rua Cdr. Manoel Pereira 177, Porto Alegre. Rua Libero Badar6 173, Sao Paulo. Rua Chile 65, 67, 103, 106, Natal. Rua Tamoyos 438, Bello Horizonte. Rua do Comercio 161-165, Natal. Avenida Presidente Wilson 1866, Sao Paulo. Rua da Candelaria 9, Rio de Janeiro. Rua Lino Coutinho 1718, Sao Paulo. 4 ADDITIONS BRAZIL—Continued. Perfumaria Claco Ltda ; : ; : ; ; : : : : Regnier de Maquinas e Baterias Electricas, S.A. Ricordi & Companhia, G . . . . ; . ; . ; Scheidt & Companhia, Ltda., F. W ' Schmidt & Companhia . Van Rees do Brasil, Ltda . . . . . . . . . Von Densteinen, Carlos Wanderley & Cia., Ltda., Tercio. Fortaleza, -Ceard. Rua Candelaria 92, Rio de Janeiro. Alameda Barao de Limeira 331, Sao Paulo. Rua Domingos Lima 322, Sao Paulo. Rua Julio Adolfo 14, Bahia. Rua Libero Badar6 92, Sao Paulo. Recife, Pernambuco. Rua do Comercio 508-518, Maceio* Alagoas. CHILE Alvarez R., Osvaldo Kristl, Peter J Kristl y Cia., P. J Martinez.y Cia., Jesus Mutzembecher, Juan Parnow, Juan (Johannes) Pensi6n Alemana Schulze, Otto Sepulveda, Aurelio Willumsen, Hening K Calle Errazuriz 845, Punta Arenas. Calle O'Higgins 625, Antofagasta. Calle O'Higgins 625, Antofagasta. Bandera 843, Santiago. 21 de Mayo 1262, Punta Arenas. Punta Arenas. Calle O'Higgins 625, Antofagasta. Calle Baquedafio 111, Antofagasta. Agustinas 972, Santiago. Roca 858, Punta Arenas. COLOMBIA Abuchaibe, Nicolas D . . . ; . . ; ; ; ; Almacen Mil Novedades Arrazola, Manuel Bizzarri, Enrique Boll, Karl Anton . Delle Donne, Ottavio Empacadora Nacional de Consumos Alimenticios Standard Ltda.—ENCA Standard Ltda. ENCA Standard Ltda.—Empacadora Nacional de Consumos Alimenticios Standard Ltda. Exportadora y Comercial del Atlantico, Ltda., Compafiia. Francois, Xavier. Garbade, Giinther Gebhardt, Gustavo Haas, Federico Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . . . . . . ; . ; Santa Marta. Bogota. Bogota. Bogota. Edificio Teodosio Moreno, Medellln. Bogota. Medellin. Medellin. Real, 20 de Julio, Cuartel, Apartado 882, Barranquilla. Bogota. Real, 20 de Julio, Cuartel, Apartado 882, Barranquilla. Barranquilla. Apartado Nacional 1696, Bogota. ADDITIONS COLOMBIA—Continued. Horn, Jose" (Josef) ; : : : : : : : : : : ; Industria Caucbera Hercules, Cia., Ltda. j : Laumayer, A l f r e d o . . . . . . . . . . . : Laumayer, Fritz Manjarres, Jose Manuel . . ; Martin L., Jorge Mazzanti, Spartaco Menotti, Pierantonio . . . . . Miani, Alfredo Morin, Mario . . . ; ; Munevar, Bernardo Paschke, Rheinhold Pernigotti, Carlo Reyes & Cia., Alberto Rodriguez, H. & Cia., Sucr . . Serventi, Emilio Serventi, Giovanni Taddei, Renato Taller de Fotograbado Thierl, Ricbard Zapateiro, Manuel ; . . . . . ; . . . . ; . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . i Bogota1. Cartagena. Edificio Teodosio Moreno, Medellin and all branches in Colombia. Edificio Teodosio Moreno, Medellin and all branches in Colombia. Bogotd. 12-49, Carrera 9, Bogota. Barranquilla. Medellin. Manizales. Medellin. Bogota. Plaza de la Aduana 6, Cartagena. Bogota. San Bias, Progreso, La Paz, Barranquilla. Progreso, Boyaca, San Roque, Barranquilla. Manizales. Bogota. Barranquilla. Barranquilla. Cartagena. Apartado 84, Cartagena. COSTA RICA Brenes Gutierrez, Ramiro (Dr.). ; ; ; ; : Gurcke y Cia., Werner "NICSA" Panaderia Musmanni Sastreria y Tienda Scaglietti y Sobrinos . ; ; Scaglietti, Hugo Seaglietti, Mario Scaglietti & Sobrinos ; . . . . . Sclilager Quesada, Sucrs., Arturo . ; . . . . Wimmer, Frank . . . ; . . . . San Jose. Apartado 219, San Jose. Apartado 785, San Jose. Calle 12, Aves. F. G. y 2, San Jose". Apartado 478 and Calle 2, Aves. F. G. y 1, San Jose. Apartado 478, San Jose. Apartado 478, San Jose". Apartado 478 and Calle 2, Aves. F. G. y 1, San Jose. San Jose". Puerto Lim6n. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Dominican Tobacco C o m p a n y ; : ; ; : ; : Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ciudad Trujillo. 6 ADDITIONS ECUADOR Panse, Ernesto : . : • . . . - . . . . . . . Sachs, Herbert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Malecon Sim6n Bolivar 307, Apartado 787, Guayaquil. Guayaquil. GUATEMALA Almacen A. E . G. . . . . t . . . . . . . Asociacion Industrial Alemana B r a c k m a n y Cia., M Cojulun R., Raquel (Lcda.) . . . . . . . . Fabrica de Sombreros " Atlas" "Imprenta Electra" Jaeger, Augusto L . . . . . . . . . . . . Jaeger Hermanos Sak, M a x . . . ; ; . ; . . . . S&nchez, A l b e r t o . : ; ; : ; . ; . . ; . Stabler (Staebler) H e r m a n o s . . . . . . ; 7a Avenida Sur No. 10, Guatemala City. 7a Avenida Sur No. 10, Guatemala City. Guatemala City. Guatemala City. Guatemala City. 10a Calle Oriente y Pasaje Coloma, Guatemala City. 7a Avenida Sur No. 10, Guatemala City. 7a Avenida Sur No. 10, Guatemala City. 7a Avenida Sur y 10a Calle Oriente, Guatemala City. 6a Calle Oriente No. 11, Guatemala City. 10a Calle Oriente y Pasaje Coloma, Guatemala City. HAITI Beck, K u n o . . . . . . . . . : . . . ; Beck, K u r t Beck, Vera Teuchler (Mme. Kuno) . . . . Buch, Wilhelm (Jr.) Grohl, Arthur Karl . . . . . . . . . . . Petersen, Johannes Wehrle, Laurent Port-au-Prince. Port-au-Prince. Port-au-Prince. Port-au-Prince. Port-au-Prince. Port-au-Prince. HONDURAS Brito, Jorge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Pedro Sula. MEXICO Bahnsen, Johann Heinrich : ; ; ; : : Benitez y Ajuria, S. en C. por A Bossero Advertising Agency, S. de R. L. ; Busch, Juan . . de Moeller, J. . ; de Pena, O. A Farmacia Moderna Fiehn, Ulrich . . . . ; ; : . ; . . . Frank, W a l t e r . . . ; : "s j ; 5 .= : ; Galvan, Alberto R. . . . ; ; . . . ; Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis : : ; ; ; ; . . : . . . Calle Jimenez Norte 145, Monterrey. Bahia Concepci6n 3, Mexico, D. F. Gante No. 14, Mexico, D. F. Uruguay 42-1°, Mexico, D.F. Ocello 8, Mexico, D.F. Calzada de la Piedad 91-3°, Mexico, D.F. Chihuahua. Chihuahua. Guadalajara. Calle Obreg6n 52A, Guadalajara. 7 ADDITIONS MEXICO—Continued. Haas, Walterio . . . . . . : . . ; : : : Industria Mexicana de Tintas Industrias Sanitarias Unidas Inteinacional de Drogas, S.A., Cia Laboratorios Carbo Hnos., S.A Laboratories Gardee . . ; . Laboratorios J. C. Thome Laboratorios Nutrex, S.A La Torre e Hijo, S.R.L "La Voz del Pueblo" Monticello Drug Co Pasquel, Bernardo Pasquel, Jorge ; Productos Quimiccs Fletcher, S.A Queralt Mir, Casa Relojeria Suiza Schalch, Willy Sekiguchi, Casa '. Stein y Schuetze Talleri y Cia., Sucre., Eugenio Terapia Infantil Unidas de Mexico, Agencias Villasefior Hnos., Tinajero Woehler Bartning Sues Apartado 163, Avenida Morelos 464, Monterrey. Bahfa Concepcion 3, Mexico, D.F. Sabiflo 154, Mexico, D.F. Isabel la Catolica 85, Mexico, D.F. Cipres 259, Mexico, D.F. Ramon Guzman 51, Mexico, D.F. Ramon Guzman 58, Mexico, D.F. Cerrada 3a de Colima 2, Mexico, D.F. Uruguay 73-1 °, Mexico, D.F. Mazatlan. Joyas 16, Mexico, D.F. 5 de Mayo No. 43, Veracruz, and Hamburgo No. 32, Mexico, D.F. Hamburgo No. 32, M&rico, D.F. Morelia 15, Mexico, D.F. Sinaloa 56, Mexico City, D.F. Apartado 163, Avenida Morelos 464, Monterrey. Guadalajara. Mexico, D.F. Edificio Lutecia 220, Guadalajara. 16 de Septiembre 66, Mexico, D.F. Mexico, D.F. Av. 5 de Mayo, Pasaje America, Mexico, D.F. Pino Suarez 76, Mexico, D.F. Mazatlan. PANAMA Front Street, Colon. 4 de Julio No. 3, Apartado 1225, Panama, R. P. Papio, Miguel (Dr.) . ; . . ; . Wegener, Sigfrido PARAGUAY Asuncion. Calle Estrella 288, Asuncion. Grabow, Federico . . ; Grabow & Muller PERU Candela y Candela, Constantino Detgen & Barten, S. A Labarthe y Durand, Luis A. Von Steinitz, Kurt Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . ; . ; : . . ; ; . . : Lampa 936, Lima. Mercedes 112, Arequipa, and all branches in Peru. Lima. Lima. 8 ADDITIONS SALVADOR Moritz, Friedrich : : : : : : : : : : : : Roverso, Patuzzo y Cia ; Schmidt, Guillermo ; . . . . San Salvador. l a Calle Oriente N o . 102, San Salvador. Tepecoyo, L a Libertad. URUGUAY Schamweber, Walter Stahl, H e r m a n n . ; : ; : : : : : : : Piedras 419, Montevideo. Convencion 1403, Montevideo. VENEZUELA H a d a m o v s k y & Co. ' : : : : ; : ; ; : : : H a d a m o v s k y , Walter Stegemann & Co. s . . . . . . . . . . . Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Caracas. Caracas. Avenida Sur, 15-Altos, Apartado 847, Caracas. DELETIONS BRAZIL Reichlin, N. A. . . ; . ; : : : : : ; : 2 Rio de Janeiro. COLOMBIA Osswald, Rudolf (Agencias de Ultramar S.A.; Trilladoras Deco S. A.1) Ribbentrop y Cia. (Standard Agencies de Colombia.2) Ribbentrop, Erich (Standard Agencies de Colombia1). Staats, Luis (Enrique Kausel & Cia.; Laboratorios Enka Standard 1 ). Barranquilla. 1 This deletion relates only to individual listed and does not affect listing of finn. This deletion relates only to Eibbentrop y Cia. and docs not affect Standard Agencies de Colombia listed separately. 1 CUBA Aguirre, Camilo V : : : : : ; : ; ; : : : Merced 324, Habana. HONDURAS Marrugat, Jose Riba . . : ; ; ; . . . : : La Ceiba. MEXICO Anahuac, Agencia Comercial—Hugo Schoener. Brandi, Nicolas Itturiaga, Joaquin Fernandez Melnitzen, M. (Salchichoneria "Bavaria"). . Salchichoneria "Bavaria" (M. Melnitzen). . Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Apartado 2303, Mexico City, Avenida Zaragoza 725 Sur, Monterrey. Querataro 48, Mexico City. Morelos 142 Pte., Monterrey. Morelos 142 Pte., Monterrey. 9 AMENDMENTS BOLIVIA In relation to Barber & Co., Sues., Alfredo W., Riberalta, see footnote 1. In relation to Bend el & Cia., La Paz, see footnote 2. For Bedregal, Daniel, La Paz, substitute Bedregal Vela, Daniel 3 La Paz. > Not to be confused with Casa Barber, Coc'nabamba. • Not to be confused with Baender & Cia., La Paz. 1 Not to be confused with Daniel Bedregal Urquizo, La Paz. COSTA RICA For Fernandez Parma, Claudio, San Jose, substitute Fernandez Palma, Claudio (C. Fernandez P.) In relation to Pan American Agencies Co., S. A. (Rafael Delcore), Apartado 785, San Jose, see footnote 1. San Jose. i Not to be confused with Pan American Agencies operated by Roberto Sutherland Polsen. MEXICO In relation to Equipos Para Oficinas, S.A., Ave. Juarez 56, Mexico City, see footnote 1. For Farmacia Plaza, Abasolo 954, Monterrey, substitute Farmacia Plaza. For Wellstein, Oscar, Uruguay 51, Mexico City, substitute Wettstein, S.A., Casa (Oscar Wettstein). Zuazua y Morelos, or Zuazua 943 Sur, Monterrey. Uruguay 5, Mexico, D.F. i To be distinguished from Equipos Para Oficinas, S. de B. L., Calle Juan A. de la Fuente 320 Sur, Torreon, Coahuila. NICARAGUA For Bayer, Agencia, Managua, substitute Bayer, Agencia. Apartado 359, Managua. PERU For Moebius, Fritz, Carabaya 569, Lima, substitute ,Mevius, Fritz . : ; . : . . . ; . . . ; 10 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Calle Buenos Aires 185 Miraflores, Lima, a n d Jir6n, C a r a b a y a 569, Lima.