June 12, 2016 Festival - St. Agatha Catholic Church


June 12, 2016 Festival - St. Agatha Catholic Church
June 12, 2016
Festival: June 10, 11 and 12th!
12 de Junio de 2016
¡Fiesta el 10, 11 y 12 de junio!
Suffering Disabilities, Jesus encounters a woman who
is “spiritually ill.” She is thus “disabled” from participating in Israel’s worshiping community or polite society. Bathing Jesus’ feet with tears, drying them with
unveiled hair, anointing them (Luke 7:38) risk Jesus’
becoming “unclean.” Yet his mercy welcomes even
such inappropriate behavior as her sincere manifestation of love: “Your sins are forgiven. Go in
peace” (7:48, 50). Go not just in “peace,” but in shalom, the all-enveloping, life-changing assurance of
God’s mercy. She is anonymous, “known in the city”
only as “a sinful woman” (7:37). The character with
name and religious title, “Simon the Pharisee” (7:36,
40), judges her harshly, but himself not at all, and thus
forfeits God’s mercy. This Jubilee Year of Mercy challenges us to self-examination. In which role do we most
often cast ourselves, humble sinner or judgmental
Pharisee? Jesus declares that only by an unfailing willingness to show mercy to fellow sinners can we hope to
obtain mercy ourselves (see Misericordiae Vultus, 9).
- Peter Scagnelli
Check in at St. Agatha’s Facebook Page!
-Alfio Mazzei
-Alicia Jimenez Bravo
-Andres Luna
-Arlasha Allen
-Barbara Harvey
-Bonita Sanderlin
-Camille Jones
-Carlos Antonio Vasquez
-Christina Paul
-Damacio Horta
-Dulce Maria E. Saviñon
-Dustin, Gabriel,
Carmelo, and Jorge
-Devina Molette-Ford
-Dominique Barksdale
-Edwin Raland
-Edwin Rivas
-Elsa Perez
-Elvia Herrera
-Ethel Lamirault
-Feliciana Escobedo
-Fredia Sanderlin
-Gabriel y Miralda Tahan
-Giovanni Garcia
-Gladys Green
-Glen Arellano
-Gloria Sanguillen
-Guadalupe Morales
-Irene Romo
-Jack & Michael Stokes
-Joan McLaughlin
-Juan Madariaga
-Juan Moreno
-Juanita Orozco
-Juanita Rubalcava
-Julia Ureña
-Kimberly Terry
-Linda Guillian
-Lisa Gallardo
-Lorraine Duperon
-Lucy Rodriguez
-Margaret Alexander
-Maria Jimenez
-Maria Luna
-Mariana Reynoso
-Marlene Debora
-Michael Lanham
-Michelle Porter
-Miguel Alfredo Piliado
-Nicole Michelle
-Norma Barker
-Nyniece Micheaou
-Oscar Barbosa
-Pam Terry
-Peggy Anderson
-Penelope Mendoza
-Rafael Segura
-Ramon Jimenez Andrade
-Ramon Reyes
-Raymond Almeida
-Rene Jacques Hunton
-Rev. Francis Cassidy
-Ricardo Morales
-Rita N. Ashe
-Robert Johnson
-Rosa Diaz
-Rose Thierry
-Sophie Demarcos
-Sergio Villanueva
-Sevarina Legaspi
-Silvia Esquivel
-Sylvia Smyles
-Timothy Akens
-Teri Lanham
-Terry Ally Sr.
-Virginia Gadison
Hoy en el Jubileo por los Enfermos y las personas con
Capacidades Diferentes, Jesús encuentra a una mujer
que está “espiritualmente enferma”. Ella no puede participar plenamente ni en la comunidad de culto y adoración de Israel ni en la sociedad. Ella lava los pies de
Jesús con sus lágrimas y los seca con el cabello, ungiéndolos, arriesgando a que Jesús quede “impuro”. Sin
embargo, su misericordia acoge estas acciones inapropiadas como una manifestación sincera de amor: “tus
pecados son perdonados. Vete en paz.” No solo ve en
“paz”, sino en shalom, con todo lo que esto significa, la
garantía de que la vida cambia con la misericordia de
Dios. Ella es una mujer excluida y “solo conocida en la
ciudad” como “una mujer pecadora” . El personaje con
nombre y título religioso “Simón el fariseo” la juzga
muy fuertemente, pero él mismo no se juzga y por lo
tanto, desaprovecha la misericordia de Dios. Este Año
Jubilar de la Misericordia nos desafía a hacer un examen personal de conciencia. ¿En cuál situación nos encontramos más frecuentemente, como una persona que
reconoce sus culpas o como un fariseo listo para juzgar? Jesús dice que mediante una voluntad inquebrantable para mostrar misericordia a nuestros prójimos pecadores nosotros mismos podemos obtener misericordia.
“Let us be neither dogs that do not bark
nor silent onlookers nor paid servants
who run away before the wolf. Instead let
us be careful shepherds watching over
Christ’s flock. Let us preach the whole of
God’s plan to the powerful and to the
humble, to rich and to poor, to men of
every rank and age, as far as God gives
us the strength, in season and out of
season.” - St. Boniface, Bishop and Martyr
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To build and foster a Christian Community that offers
the opportunity to experience God’s unconditional love
and acceptance to all who come into contact with it.
Construir y alimentar una Comunidad Cristiana que ofrece
la oportunidad de experimentar el amor incondicional de
Dios y la aceptación a todos con quienes nos encontremos.
oday we hear about forgiveness in our readings.
The first reading from 2 Samuel has always
seemed unreal to me. How could God forgive
David for taking the life of another woman's husband
so she could be his? I guess I am measuring God's
love and forgiveness by me rather than the other way
around. How many times have we done this? It is so
hard to believe that our God is made of love and
forgiveness. We need to spend more time
remembering that we are human beings. We all
sin and need to say, "I have sinned against the
Lord." Our tears wash Jesus' feet, inviting his
mercy to anoint us. May we not be discouraged.
Christ has come to lift this burden and give us
El día de hoy las lecturas se tratan del perdón. La
primera lectura de Samuel no se me hacen tan reales.
¿Cómo es que Dios perdonó a David por haber
matado el esposo de una mujer para que ella fuera de
él? A lo mejor estoy midiendo la misericordia y el
perdón de Dios con ojos subjetivos. ¿Cuántas veces
hemos hecho esto? Es muy difícil creer que nuestro
Dios es amor y perdón. Necesitamos tomar más
tiempo en ser humanos. Todos pecamos y
ocupamos decir, “He pecado en contra del
Señor.” Dejemos que nuestras lágrimas limpien
los pies de Jesús al ser invitados a la
misericordia. Que no nos rindamos puesto que
Jesús ha venido para tomar la carga y darnos
Since Christ has done this for us, how can we not do
the same for one another? Remember, Christians are
forgiven and forgiving.
Ya que Cristo ha hecho esto por nosotros, ¿cómo lo
podamos hacer por alguien más? Recuerden, los
Cristianos somos gente que perdona y que son
Have a blessed week,
Sr. Karen Collier
Que tengan una semana bendita,
Hermana Karen Collier
Cancer Support Group
We would like to form a cancer support group. If you
are interested to join, Please contact the Parish office
(323) 935-8127, or email: [email protected]. You
may also call Donal O'Sullivan at (323) 899-0317.
Save the Date: Parish Picnic will be
on Sunday, July 17th, 2016.
Anote el día: Nuestro Día de
Campo Parroquial será el domingo,
17 de julio de 2016.
St. Agatha’s Youth Ministry in Social Media
Instragram: @st.agathasyouth / Snapchat: stagathayouth
“As each one has received a
special gift, employ it in
serving one another as good
stewards of the manifold
grace of God. “
- 1 Peter 4:10
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Online Giving
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Online Giving
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"Que todos, como buenos
administradores de los
múltiples dones de Dios,
pongan al servicio de los demás el don que recibieron"
-1 Pedro 4:10
Congratulations to the 110 children
who received their First Communion.
It was a joy seeing the happy and
nervous faces of children who received the Blessed Sacrament for the
first time. I hope the parents commit
to bringing their children every Sunday so that they may receive Jesus
weekly. It is important to nourish your soul just as it
is to nourish your body.
Parents, thank you for your cooperation and
patience in attending the required parent
classes. The catechists and myself hope that
the lectures were of great benefit for you and
your families.
Catechists: In the name of our Parish Family I
THANK YOU for one more year of dedication and
love for the children and parents of our First Communion Program. You are a blessing for our parish,
our children, our teenagers and adults.
Special thanks to Mrs. Virginia Boccato, Ms. Connie
Santiago, Ms. Karla Orante, who will not be able to
return next year for personal and family reasons. We
are going to miss you every Saturday, and we look
forward to seeing you in our community. Many
thanks for your dedication, energy and time. May
God bless you!
Congratulations to the 34 teenagers and 11 adults
who received their Confirmation on June 4th with
His Eminence Bishop Thomas J. Curry, DD, PhD,
VG. I hope that the Holy Spirit has blessed the Confirmed with many Gifts and Talents. I hope that second reading becomes true to the newly confirmed:
“I have been crucified with Christ; yet I live, no longer I, but
Christ lives in me; insofar as I now live in the flesh, I live by
faith in the Son of God
who has loved me and given himself up for me ” (Gal 2:1920.
Muchas Felicidades a los 110 niños que hicieron
su Primera Comunión, que alegría ver esos rostros
felices y nerviosos porque por primera vez iban a
recibir a Jesús Sacramentado. Espero que sus papas continúen trayéndolos a Misa para que comulguen cada semana, ya que es importante continuar
alimentando nuestra alma así como alimentamos
nuestro cuerpo.
Padres de familia, muchas gracias por su cooperación y paciencia al asistir a las clases de padres requeridas. Los catequistas y yo esperamos que esas
clases hayan sido de mucho provecho para ustedes y
su familia.
Catequistas: en nombre de nuestra familia parroquial les doy las GRACIAS por un año más de dedicación y amor para con los niños y padres de familia de
nuestro Programa de Primera Comunión, son una
Bendición para nuestra parroquia y nuestros niños,
adolescentes y adultos.
Nuestro más sincero agradecimiento y apreciación para
Mrs. Virginia Bocatto, Miss Connie Santiago y Miss
Karla Orante, quiénes no podrán regresar a enseñar el
próximo año debido a otros compromisos familiares y
personales. Las vamos a extrañar los sábados, pero
continuaremos viéndonos aquí en nuestra comunidad.
Muchas, muchas gracias por toda su dedicación, energía y tiempo. Dios las Bendiga!!!
Muchas felicidades también a los 34 adolescentes y 11
adultos que recibieron su Confirmación el 4 de junio
de parte del Reverendo Obispo Thomas J. Curry,
D.D., Ph. D., V.G. Espero que el Espíritu Santo haya
derramado muchos Dones y Frutos en los nuevos confirmados. Nuestra Iglesia está rebozando de alegría y
llena del Espíritu Santo. Esperamos que de estos Jóvenes y Adultos que se han confirmado ayer se cumpla lo
que dice la segunda lectura: ““Estoy crucificado con Cristo.
Vivo, pero ya no soy yo el que vive, es Cristo quien vive en mi,
pues mi vida en este mundo la vivo en la fe que tengo en el Hijo
de Dios” (Gálatas 2:19-20)
Que tengan un pacífico y
Bendecido fin de Semana,
May you have a peaceful and
blessed week,
Teresa Amezcua
Directora de la
Oficina de
Formación de Fe
Teresa Amezcua
Director of Faith Formation
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Faith Formation News
Noticias de la Oficina de Formación de Fe
1) Registrations for First Communion are available
at the entrance (vestibule) of the church. You will
also find the guidelines and requirements to enroll
your children. If you have any questions, please call
the parish office at (323) 935-8127, extension 291.
1) Las registraciones para el programa de La Primera
Comunión ya están disponibles en los estantes que se
encuentran en el vestíbulo de la Iglesia. Ahí encontrará
los requisitos necesarios para registrar a sus hijos e
hijas, pero en caso de que usted tenga una pregunta
adicional por favor llame al numero 323-935-8127 y
pida la extensión 291.
2) If your children are from 14 to 17 years old,
please call the Faith Formation office at (323) 9358127 and ask for Ms. Gricelda de la Cerda or Mrs.
Teresa Amezcua. Space is limited, please register
your children ASAP.
3) If you are 18 years of age or older and you need a
sacrament, we will have registration forms available
for you in July. Please call
the Faith Formation office
for more information. We
have classes in English and
in Spanish.
June 18— S.H.A.R.E. Ministry Father’s Day
look around and see the big
grins and hear those happy gigEVERYTHING BUT
gles and sounds of enjoyment,
you can’t help but just smile and
2) Si usted tiene un adolescente que necesita hacer la
Confirmación, por favor llame a la Oficina de Formación de Fe al numero 323-935-8127 y pida hablar con
la Señorita Gricelda de la Cerda o la Sra. Teresa Amezcua. Este año tenemos cupo limitado, así que llame lo
más pronto posible.
3) Comenzando el mes de Julio, tendremos las registraciones para las personas mayores de 18 años y que
necesitan algún sacramento. Llame a la oficina pastoral
y pida que le transfieran a la Oficina de Catecismo para más información. Tenemos clases en ingles y en español.
June 24— Spanish Eucharistic Ministry
box of cereal , peanut butter and
jelly on a Sunday during the
next 8 weeks, it'll be a Godsend
for our families.
important and know that they
matter. One of our guests, who
did not appear to want to join in
our prayer circle, finally did this
enjoy the happiness you delivweek. He was comfortable
enough to speak up and make a
Thank you Mrs. Paul and the
prayer request. For us, this is a
AACE Ministry for providing
big deal. YOU sustain this outto
the meal for our guests. They
children back to school needs, it reach that touches lives, that
enjoyed the delicious sandwould be great. If you are clean- creates and stimulates hope.
wiches and Mrs. Stamps’ special
You ARE helping somebody
Please remember to save July ing out your child's last school
sliders. This week Mr. Rincon
climb that mountain. Always
brought fresh mangos and they
remember that...
sure went fast. The Zuniga's
brought a large load of bread,
gust for our Saturday Children. We pray always, that God gives
birthday. The mass is at
including bagels, muffins and
Especially teen girls and boys
you comfort in going out on the
cinnamon raisin bread. We don't
limb to reach out and be a blessknow if you can feel the prayers
ing for someone during your
of gratitude that are offered up
daily journey.
for your kindness each week by have a banner for you to write Thank you for sharing and cara birthday wish and a book
Please continue to be blessed
ing for the needs of our guests.
our guests. Praise God! He has
where you can write a speTimes for some of them are be- and be a blessing as you pray for
truly sent a band of wingless
cial personal message for An- yond hard. They have nowhere
unity and peace everywhere on
angels to St. Agatha. Amen.
nie to read later.
earth. Amen
to turn to and people just seem
to rush pass them looking away
Thank you for the ride tickets,
or crossing the street to avoid
food tickets, pennies, coins and The Saturday Children will be
out of school next week, for
any contact with them. They
paper pennies for our Saturday
most families who have a tight
seem to be invisible...then they
children and other children.
come to St Agatha on Saturday, S.H.A.R.E.
Your generosity is making it
where they are not only welpossible for children to have fun sandwich supplies and cereals.
during the festival. When you
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Best Buy Card
Dinner for two at Ugo
Restaurant in Culver City
Please help us sell our Raffle Tickets. They are NOW
available. Our Raffle is the biggest fundraiser during
our International Festival.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Por favor ayúdenos a vender boletos. Nuestra Rifa es lo
que más recauda fondos en nuestro
Festival Internacional.
Gracias por su apoyo continuo.
Save the Date:
3rd Degree Blues and Elson’s Band Soul
Barkada will play on June 12th!
Anote el día:
¡La SONORA DINAMITA estará con
nosotros el sábado 11 de junio!
Congratulations to our Granddaughter
Felicidades a nuestra nieta
We would like to congratulate our granddaughter Vanessa Jazmine Larios Zuniga for
graduating from the University of Irvine on
June 11, 2016. She has received the degrees
of Bachelor of Arts in Education Sciences
with a specialization in Early Childhood
Learning and Development, and a Bachelor
of Arts in Psychology & Social Behavior at
the Commencement Exercises.
Felicidades a nuestra nieta Vanessa Jazmine Larios Zúñiga por graduarse de la
Universidad de Irvine el 11 de junio de
2016. Ella recibió los títulos: Licenciatura
de Artes en Ciencias de Educación especializándose en la Infancia Temprana y
Licenciatura de las Artes de Psicología y
de Conducta Social.
We are very proud of you Vanessa. May
God continue to bless you and may God
give you good health to exercise your education. Thank you to our St. Agatha Family
for allowing us to share our joy.
Estamos muy orgullos de ti Vanessa. Que
Dios te siga bendiciondo y que Dios te dé
buena salud para que puedas ejercer tu
educación. Gracias a nuestra Familia de
Santa Águeda por dejarnos compartir
nuestra alegría.
Ana and Herminio Zuniga
Ana y Herminio Zúñiga
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Pastoral Staff Directory
Saturday June 11 ╬ Sábado 11 de Junio
5:30 p.m.
Miguel Enriquez †
- Requested by Rosa Enriquez
Sunday June 12 ╬ Domingo 12 de Junio
2 Sm 12: 7-10. 13/ Ps 32: 1-11/ Gal 2: 16. 19-21/ Lk 7: 36 – 8: 3
Ext. 227
[email protected]
Fr. Ernest Pathi
Student Priest
Ext. 223
[email protected]
Dn. Ricardo Recinos
Parish Deacon
(323) 935-1308
[email protected]
Enrique Reyes
Parish Business Manager
Ext. 224
[email protected]
- Requested by Family
Teresa Amezcua
Director of Faith Formation
(323) 933-0963
[email protected]
- A petición de sus abuelos Ana y Herminio Zúñiga
Gricelda de la Cerda
Youth Ministry
Ext. 240
[email protected]
Emmanuel Montenegro
Ext. 221
[email protected]
Eddie Hilley
Music Ministry Director
(323) 935-2853
[email protected]
Stephanie Ann Carranza †
- A petición de Alicia Mancilla
7:00 a.m.
Alberto Burgos †
- A petición de su hija Nelly Burgos
8:30 a.m.
Our St. Agatha’s Parish Family
10:00 a.m.
Giselle Gonzalez (Healing)
- Requested by Cecilia Garcia
10:00 a.m.
Joshua Buttia †
- Requested by Family
10:00 a.m.
Mary Ellen Brumbach
12:15 p.m.
12:15 p.m.
St. Agatha's Web: www.stagathas.org
Sr. Karen Collier
Parish Life Director
7:00 a.m.
12:15 p.m.
Pastoral Office (323) 935-8127
(323) 743-8127 (text messages)
Vanessa Larios Zúñiga (Graduación)
Fabian Molina (Presentación)
- A petición de sus papas
Lauriano Mateo †
- A peticion de sus nietas
5:30 p.m.
Our St. Agatha’s Parish Family
Monday, June 13╬ Lunes 13 de Junio
1 Kgs 21: 1-16/ Ps 5: 2-3ab. 4b-6a. 6b-7/ Mt 5: 38-42
Our St. Agatha’s Parish Family
6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, June 14 ╬ Martes 14 de Junio
1 Kgs 21: 17-29/ Ps 51: 3-4. 5-6ab. 11 and 16/ Mt 5: 43-48
6:30 p.m.
Nuestra Familia Parroquial
Wednesday, June 15 ╬ Miércoles 15 de Junio
Pastoral Office Hours
Monday - Friday • Lunes - Viernes
10:00 am – 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Saturday • Sábado
9:00 am - 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 5:30 pm
2 Kgs 2: 1. 6-14/ Ps 31: 20. 21. 24/ Mt 6: 1-6. 16-18
8:00 a.m.
Our St. Agatha’s Parish Family
Thursday, June 16 ╬ Jueves 16 de Junio
Sir 48: 1-14/ Ps 97: 1-2. 3-4. 5-6. 7/ Mt 6: 7-15
6 30 p.m.
Servicio de Comunión
Friday, June 17 ╬ Viernes 17 de Junio
2 Kgs 11: 1-4. 9-18. 20/ Ps 132: 11. 12. 13-14. 17-18/ Mt 6: 19-23
6:30 p.m.
Our St. Agatha’s Parish Family
Mass Times / Tiempos de Misa
Mon: 6:30pm (En) Tues: 6:30pm (Sp)
Wed: 8:00am (En) Thurs: 6:30pm (Sp)
Fri: 6:30pm (Bl) Sat: 5:30pm (En/Vigil)
Sun: 7:00am (Sp), 8:30am (En)
10:00am (En/Gospel) 12:15pm (Sp) 5:30pm (En)
Confession / Confesiones
Next Sunday Readings
- Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 19, 2016
Zec 12: 10-11/ Ps 63 / Gal 3: 26-29/ Lk 9: 18-24
Submit a bulletin Announcement
[email protected]
[email protected]
Saturday/Sábado: 4:40pm
Welcome to St. Agatha Catholic Church!
We extend our hands and hearts in Christian fellowship to you here celebrating with us, whether longtime residents or newly arrived in the parish.
New: [ ] parishioner [ ] address
[ ] phone [ ] email
Name: _________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________
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