Diapositiva 1
Diapositiva 1
TALLER DE DISCUSIÓN DE FIGURAS, INTERPRETACIÓN DE DATOS Y RESULTADOS ENTRE GRUPOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN EN MICRONÚCLEOS. Luz Stella Hoyos Giraldo. [email protected] Departamento de Biología Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Exactas y de la Educación. Universidad del Cauca. MICRONÚCLEOS EN CÉLULAS EXFOLIADAS VALIDACIÓN DEL BIOMARCADOR DE MN EN CÉLULAS BUCALES AUMENTO DE PUBLICACIONES EN LOS ÚLTIMOS AÑOS. 2 USO DEL ENSAYO CITÓMICO EN DIVERSOS ESTUDIOS BÚSQUEDA EN ISI WEB OF KNOWLEDGE BÚSQUEDA EN ISI WEB OF KNOWLEDGE BÚSQUEDA EN ISI WEB OF KNOWLEDGE NATURE PROTOCOLS 2009 SEQUENTIAL ORIGINS AND SPATIO-TEMPORAL SEQUENCE OF THE VARIOUS CELL TYPES IN THE BMCyt ASSAY Thomas et al,. 2009 DIAGRAMMATIC REPRESENTATION OF THE VARIOUS CELL TYPES SCORED IN THE BMCyt ASSAY De acuerdo con Tolbert et al,. 1992 Thomas et al,. 2009 CRITERIA FOR CLASSIFICATION OF BMCyt CELL CYTOME ASSAY CELL TYPES BASAL CELLS • Large nucleus: cytoplasm ratio relative to differentiated cell • Smaller and more oval than differentiated cells • Uniformly stained nucleus • Darker green cytoplasm relative to differentiated cell when viewed under transmitted light DIFFERENTIATED CELLS • Smaller nuclear: cytoplasmic ratio • More angular and flatter than basal cells • Uniformly stained round nucleus MICRONUCLEATED CELLS • Contains both main nucleus and micronucleus • Micronuclei are round or oval with similar stain intensity as main nucleus • Micronuclei usually have 1/3–1/16 diameter of main nucleus • Micronuclei must be located in cellular cytoplasm • Scored in basal and differentiated cells only Thomas et al,. 2009 CRITERIA FOR CLASSIFICATION OF BMCyt CELL CYTOME ASSAY CELL TYPES NUCLEAR BUD CELLS • Main nucleus has a sharp constriction forming a bud • Bud is attached to main nucleus • Bud has similar staining intensity as main nucleus • Bud diameter can be quarter to half nuclear diameter BINUCLEATED CELLS • Cells contain two main nuclei • Nuclei are of similar size and staining intensity CONDENSED CHROMATIN CELLS • Nucleus shows areas of aggregated chromatin • Distinct areas of nucleus are more intensely stained • Nucleus exhibits striated pattern KARYORRHECTIC CELLS • Nucleus has extensive aggregated chromatin • Nuclear fragmentation may be evident Thomas et al,. 2009 CRITERIA FOR CLASSIFICATION OF BMCyt CELL CYTOME ASSAY CELL TYPES PYKNOTIC CELLS • Cell has small shrunken nucleus • Nucleus is uniformly and intensely stained • Nucleus diameter is 1/3–2/3 diameter of normal nucleus KARYOLITIC CELLS • Nucleus is depleted of DNA • Nucleus is not stained by Feulgen Thomas et al,. 2009 IMAGES OF THE DIFFERENT CELL TYPES STAINED USING FEULGEN AND LIGHT GREEN SCORED IN THE BMCyt ASSAY VIEWED BY TRANSMITTED LIGHT OR UNDER FLUORESCENCE WITH A FAR RED FILTER (a) Basal cell; (b) differentiated cell; (c) early differentiated cell with micronucleus (arrow); (d) late differentiated cell with micronucleus (arrow); (e) differentiated cell with nuclear bud (arrow); (f) binucleated cell; (g) condensed chromatin cell; (h) karyorrhectic cell; (i) pyknotic cell; (j) Karyolytic cell. Upper panels light microscopy, lower panels fluorescence microscopy. All images were taken at 1000x magnification. Thomas et al,. 2009 2013 BUCCAL MICRONUCLEUS CYTOME MODEL: DIAGRAMMATIC REPRESENTATION OF THE VARIOUS BUCCAL CELL TYPES AND MECHANISMS OF THEIR ORIGIN Bolognesi et al,. 2013 CRITERIOS PARA LA IDENTIFICACIÓN Y REGISTRO DE DIFERENTES TIPOS DE CÉLULAS CÉLULAS BASALES: • Su frecuencia refleja la actividad proliferativa de la mucosa bucal y puede depender del método de toma de muestras y su intensidad. CÉLULAS DIFERENCIADAS: • Células diferenciadas transicionales: para personas no experimentadas no son fáciles de clasificar por eso se recomienda agruparlas con las terminales. • Células diferenciadas terminales. Bolognesi et al., 2013 BASAL CELLS Photomicrographs of typical basal cells stained with feulgen and light green viewed at 1000x magnification under transmitted light (a–c) and fluorescence with a far red filter (d–f). Bolognesi et al., 2013 Criteria: 1. They are the smallest cells amongst the exfoliated buccal cell types being approximately 1/4th to 1/3rd the size of fully differentiated cells. 2. They have the largest nucleus: cytoplasm area ratio relative to transitional and differentiated cells. 3. Their cytoplasm shape is sometimes spherical and less angular than differentiated cells. 4. The nucleus is typically uniformly stained and has a round or oval shape. 5. The cytoplasm is stained darker green relative to differentiated cells when viewed under transmitted light. 6. These cells may contain MNi and/or NBUDs. TRANSITIONAL DIFFERENTIATED CELLS Photomicrographs of typical transitional cells stained with Feulgen and Light Green viewed at 1000 magnification under transmitted light (a–c) and fluorescence with a far red filter (d–f). Bolognesi et al., 2013 Criteria: 1. They are larger than basal cells and smaller than fully differentiated cells being greater than 1/3rd but less than 2/ 3rd the size of a terminally differentiated cell. 2. They may be more angular in shape than basal cells. 3. The nucleus:cytoplasm area ratio is less than that of basal cells due to their larger cytoplasm but greater than that of fully differentiated cells. 4. The nucleus is typically uniformly stained and has a round to oval shape. 5. They have a lighter green cytoplasm relative to basal cells when viewed under transmitted light. 6. These cells may contain MNi and NBUDs. TERMINALLY DIFFERENTIATED CELLS Criteria: 1. The cytoplasm is typically angular and flat in shape 2. The cytoplasm is sometimes folded at the edges. 3. They have a smaller nucleus: cytoplasmic area ratio relative to basal cells and to transitional cells. 4. The nucleus is typically uniformly stained and round or oval in shape. 5. The cells have a lighter green cytoplasm relative to basal cells. 6. These cells may contain MNi and/or NBUDs. Photomicrographs of typical differentiated cells stained with Feulgen and Light Green viewed at 1000 magnification under transmitted light (a–c) and fluorescence with a far red filter (d–f). Bolognesi et al., 2013 CRITERIOS PARA LA IDENTIFICACIÓN Y REGISTRO DE TIPOS DE CÉLULAS CON ANOMALÍAS ASOCIADAS A LA MUERTE CELULAR CÉLULAS CON CROMATINA CONDENSADA: •La estructura de la cromatina condensada tiene poca o ninguna actividad transcripcional y se ha asociado con el proceso de apoptosis. CÉLULAS CARIORÉTICAS: • Su patrón nuclear moteado densamente indica desintegración nuclear típica de etapas tardías de apoptosis. CÉLULAS PICNÓTICAS: • Picnosis representa una condensación irreversible de la cromatina en el núcleo de las células sometidas a apoptosis y se cree que precede a cariorrexis. • El significado biológico de las células picnóticas y el mecanismo que conduce a su formación en células bucales no se entienden completamente. CÉLULAS CARIOLÍTICAS: • Cariolisis es la etapa en que la desintegración del núcleo es completa y se produce en las etapas posteriores a la necrosis y la apoptosis. Bolognesi et al., 2013 CONDENSED CHROMATIN CELLS Criteria: 1. They are typically angular and flat in shape usually with the size of a terminally differentiated cell. 2. The nuclei show a striated pattern of parallel tracts of condensed chromatin. 3. The distinct areas of condensed chromatin in the nucleus are more intensely stained than the rest of the nucleus. Photomicrographs of typical condensed chromatin cells stained with Feulgen and Light Green viewed at 1000 magnification under transmitted light (a–c) and fluorescence with a far red filter (d–f). Bolognesi et al., 2013 CONDENSED CHROMATIN CELLS Photomicrographs of typical examples of nuclei of condensed chromatin cells stained with Feulgen and Light Green viewed at 1000 magnification under transmitted light (a–c) and fluorescence with a far red filter (d–f). Bolognesi et al., 2013 KARYORRHEXIS CELLS Criteria: 1. They are typically angular and flat in shape usually with a size of a terminally differentiated cell. 2. The nucleus contains more densely aggregated chromatin than that in condensed chromatin cells. 3. The nucleus may also exhibit extensive fragmentation indicative of advanced nuclear fragmentation. Photomicrographs of karyorrhectic cells stained with Feulgen and Light Green viewed at 1000 magnification under transmitted light (a–c) and fluorescence with a far red filter (d–f). Bolognesi et al., 2013 KARYORRHEXIS CELLS Photomicrographs of typical examples of nuclei of karyorrhectic cells stained with Feulgen and Light Green viewed at 1000 magnification under transmitted light (a– c) and fluorescence with a far red filter (d–f). Bolognesi et al., 2013 PYKNOTIC CELLS Criteria: 1. They are angular and flat in shape with a cytoplasmic area the size of a terminally differentiated cell. 2. The nucleus is small and shrunken with a diameter that is 1/3rd to 2/3rd of that in a fully differentiated viable cell. 3. The nucleus is uniformly and intensely stained. Photomicrographs of pyknotic cells stained with Feulgen and Light Green viewed at 1000 magnification under transmitted light (a–c) and fluorescence with a far red filter (d–f). Bolognesi et al., 2013 KARYOLYTIC CELLS Criteria: 1. They are angular and flat in shape usually with a cytoplasmic area that is the size of a terminally differentiated cell. 2. A ‘‘ghost’’ image of the nucleus is often apparent in the cytoplasm suggesting the remnant presence of the nuclear scaffold proteins. 3. They do not have a DNAcontaining nucleus or other structures that stain with Feulgen. Photomicrographs of karyolytic cells stained with Feulgen and Light Green viewed at 1000 magnification under transmitted light (a–c) and fluorescence with a far red filter (d–f). Bolognesi et al., 2013 CRITERIOS PARA LA IDENTIFICACIÓN Y REGISTRO DE CÉLULAS BINUCLEADAS CÉLULAS BINUCLEADAS: • El mecanismo más probable para su formación es el fracaso de la citocinesis, ya sea debido a defectos en la formación del anillo de microfilamentos o la detención del ciclo celular debido a la mala segregación de los cromosomas o disfunción del telómero. • La proporción de células binucleadas: mononucleadas es un biomarcador útil que indica insuficiencia en la citocinesis y susceptibilidad a aneuploidía . Bolognesi et al., 2013 BINUCLEATED CELLS Criteria: 1. Two main nuclei within a single cell 2. The nuclei are of similar size and staining intensity. 3. The nuclei may be either separated or touching each other. Photomicrographs of binucleated cells stained with Feulgen and Light Green viewed at 1000 magnification under transmitted light (a–c) and fluorescence with a far red filter (d–f). Bolognesi et al., 2013 CRITERIA FOR IDENTIFYING AND SCORING CELL TYPES WITH NUCLEAR ABNORMALITIES INDICATIVE OF CHROMOSOMAL INSTABILITY OR DNA DAMAGE CÉLULAS CON MICRONÚCLEOS (MN): • MN son observados y registrados generalmente en células diferenciadas transitorias o diferenciadas terminales, pero también pueden producirse a veces en células basales. • En células con cromatina condensada, células carioréticas y células cariolíticas no se registra la presencia de MN para evitar confusión con cuerpos apoptóticos de núcleos en desintegración. • La frecuencia basal de células bucales con micronúcleos en sujetos sanos no expuestos a agentes genotóxicos está por lo general dentro del rango de 0.30 a 1.70 por 1000 células diferenciadas. Bolognesi et al., 2013 CRITERIA FOR IDENTIFYING AND SCORING CELL TYPES WITH NUCLEAR ABNORMALITIES INDICATIVE OF CHROMOSOMAL INSTABILITY OR DNA DAMAGE CÉLULAS CON BROTES NUCLEARES (NBUDs): • Su estructura sugiere un proceso de gemación implicado en la eliminación de exceso de materiales nucleares tales como complejos de reparación del ADN no finalizados o ADN amplificado a partir de su segregación a la periferia del núcleo. • Existen brotes nucleares que casi alcanzan el tamaño del núcleo principal (broken egg, Tolbert et. al, 1992). Bolognesi et al., 2013 CELLS WITH MICRONUCLEI (MNi) Criteria: 1. They contain both a main nucleus and one or more MNi. 2. MNi are round or oval. 3. MNi are Feulgen-positive bodies. 4. MNi have the same texture and staining intensity as the main nucleus. 5. MNi are 1/3–1/16 diameter of the main nucleus. 6. MNi are not connected to the main nucleus. 7. The nuclear boundary of the micronucleus should be clearly distinguishable from that of the main nucleus. Photomicrographs of mononucleated cells with one or more micronuclei stained with Feulgen and Light Green viewed at 1000 magnification under transmitted light (a–c) and fluorescence with a far red filter (d–f). Bolognesi et al., 2013 CELLS WITH MICRONUCLEI (MNi) Photomicrographs of binucleated cells with micronuclei stained with Feulgen and Light Green viewed at 1000 magnification under transmitted light (a–d) and fluorescence with a far red filter (d–f). Bolognesi et al., 2013 CELLS WITH NUCLEAR BUDS (NBUDs) Photomicrographs of cells with broken eggs stained with Feulgen and Light Green viewed at 1000 magnification under transmitted light (a–c) and fluorescence with a far red filter (d–f). Bolognesi et al., 2013 Criteria: 1. The main nucleus has a sharp constriction forming a bud of nuclear material. 2. NBUDs are attached to the main nucleus by a narrow or wide nucleoplasmic bridge. 3. NBUDs and their associated nucleoplasmic bridges have similar staining intensity as the main nucleus 4. NBUDs usually have a diameter that is 1/3rd-1/16th that of the main nucleus but in some rarer case (broken eggs) could be even greater and almost up to the same size as the main nucleus. CELLS WITH NUCLEAR BUDS (NBUDs) Photomicrographs of typical nuclear buds (a, b and d, e) and broken eggs (c and f) stained with Feulgen and Light Green viewed at 1000 magnification under transmitted light and fluorescence with a far red filter respectively. Bolognesi et al., 2013 ESTUDIOS EPIDEMIOLÓGICOS MOLECULARES Biomarcadores de Exposición ICH Ensayo Cometa Biomarcadores de Efecto MNs en Linfocitos ACs MNs en células de Vejiga MNs en células nasales MNs en células bucales Biomarcadores de Susceptibilidad Genes del Metabolismo CYP2E1 GSTM1,GSTT1 Genes de Reparación XRCC1194/399 XRCC1280, XRCC3241 MNs en Peces Ensayo Citómico en Celulas Bucales Epigenética Perfiles de Metilación de GST ENSAYO DE MICRONÚCLEOS EN CÉLULAS DEL EPITELIO BUCAL CYTOME ASSAY Tabla 1: Principales variables de los estudios incluidos en la base de datos del HUMNXL (N= 5424). Tabla 2: Frecuencia basal de micronúcleos (MN/1000) en células exfoliadas del epitelio bucal. Total Número de Individuos Frecuencia basal encontrada Rango de la Frecuencia basal Promedio de Edad 35.55 5424 0.74 0.3 – 1.7 Fumadores N (%) 1381 (25.5) Consumidores de alcochol N (%) 1222 (22.5) Variables Tinción N (%) Específica para ADN No específica para ADN Número de células registradas ≤ 1000 ≤ 2000 ≥ 2001 Tabla 3: Frecuencia basal de biomarcadores del Cytome Assay en células exfoliadas del epitelio bucal evaluados con la base de datos del HUMNXL Biomarcador Número de Individuos Frecuencia basal Brotes Nucleares 789 1.36 Células Binucleadas 852 3.04 Células Cariorréticas 408 2.23 Células Picnóticas 210 4.38 3375 (62.2) 2049 (37.8) 777 3021 1505 (Bonassi et al., 2011) ENSAYO DE MICRONÚCLEOS EN CÉLULAS UROTELIALES EXFOLIADAS DE LA VEJIGA Tabla 4: Frecuencia basal de micronúcleos (MN/1000) en células uroteliales exfoliadas de la vejiga reportada en diferentes estudios de 1995 a 2004 Referencia Pais Número de Individuos Tinción Frecuencia Basal (Basu et al., 2004) India 154 Giemsa 1.41 (Basu et al., 2002) India 21 Giemsa 0.56 (Tian et al., 2001) China 13 Feulgen-Fast Green 0.53 (Murray et al., 1999) Australia 18 Diff-Quik 6.90 (Hofseth et al., 1996) Columbia Británica 26 Feulgen-Fast Green 0.098* (Burgaz et al., 1995) Turquía 20 Feulgen-Fast Green 0.66* * Frecuencia de micronúcleos reportada 100 células ANÁLISIS ESTADISTICO SPSS 13.0 Unidad de Muestreo: El Individuo (Albertini et al 2000) Distribución Normal Homogeneidad de Varianzas Independencia de Datos Kolmogorov Smirnof Levene Rachas PRUEBAS NO PARAMÉTRICA DESCRIPTIVO Primer Objetivo Frecuencias Genotípicas y Alélicas Desarrollo Binomial (p+q)2 = p2 + 2pq+q2 Verificar Equilibrio de Hardy-Weimberg Bondad de Ajuste de X² = ∑ (O-E)²/ E Kruskal-Wallis: comparar 3 o mas grupos Frecuencias de ACs/ 100 metafases Vs Edad de los Individuos Segundo Objetivo Frecuencias de ACs estructurales y Gaps / 100 metafases Expuestos – Referentes U de Mann Whitney: Para comparar 2 muestras Independientes Frecuencias de ACs / 100 metafases “Altas” y “Bajas” A Expuestos – Referentes E Tablas de Contingencia R X²: Prueba de Asociación2x2 Frecuencias de ACs / 100 metafases Vs Rangos de Tiempo de exposición (años) B Análisis de Correlación Spearman (Datos Ordenados) Tercer Objetivo INFERENCIAL Asociación gen-Ambiente → ACs Alta y Baja Frecuencia de ACs / 100 metafases Vs Genotipos de c/u de los genes Expuestos – Referentes RR IC95% y p<0.05: Significativo si IC (95%) No incluye al 1 LINFOCITOS HUMANOS CBMN 2006 • The ultimate objective of the HUMN project studies was to test the hypothesis that an elevated MN frequency in human tissues is predictive of cancer risk • This critical validation step is essential to justify the use of such techniques in human biomonitoring studies in populations LINFOCITOS HUMANOS CBMN Fuente: (Bonassi et al., 2006) LINFOCITOS HUMANOS CBMN Fuente: (Bonassi et al., 2006) LINFOCITOS HUMANOS CBMN Fuente: (Bonassi et al., 2006) LINFOCITOS HUMANOS CBMN Fuente: (Bonassi et al., 2006) LINFOCITOS HUMANOS CBMN 2010 LINFOCITOS HUMANOS CBMN • Frecuencia basal de MN en linfocitos • La frecuencia media de MN global en sujetos no expuestos (normal) fue de 6,5MN/1000celulas. • Rango intercuartil 3-12MN/1000 células Incremento de MN con la edad en ambos sexos, incremento se da en individuos > 30 años Fuente: (Bonassi et al., 2001) LINFOCITOS HUMANOS CBMN The HUMAN Project manifiesto The information was used to: (i) Determine the extent of variation of ‘normal’ values for different laboratories and the influence of other factors potentially affecting baseline MN frequency, e.g. age, gender and lifestyle. (ii) Provide information on the effect of experimental protocol variations on MN frequency measurements. (iii) Design and test optimal protocols for the different cell types (iv) Determine the extent to which MN frequency is a valid biomarker of ageing and risk for diseases such as cancer. Fuente: (Fenesh et al., 2010) CÉLULAS BUCALES “Citome Assay” The HUMNxL project on MN frequencies in human buccal cells The aims of the workshop were to (i) Discuss current state of knowledge on the buccal MN assay (ii) Identify important gaps of knowledge regarding theory, biology and methods (iii) Decide on a plan of action to resolve the key methodological and knowledge gap issues and (iv) Explore the possibility of the pooling of databases to determine the most important variables affecting the assay. Fuente: (Fenesh et al., 2010) CÉLULAS BUCALES “Citome Assay” The HUMNxL project on MN frequencies in human buccal cells (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) It was agreed at the workshop that four activities should be initiated as soon as possible, namely A method for collection of databases from different laboratories Writing of a protocol based on the most commonly used and best-validated methods Development of slide scoring procedures and An Inter-laboratory slide-scoring exercise, in this order. A follow-up workshop was held at the 10th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens in Florence in 2009 in which progress on these activities was reported. The following has been achieved so far. Fuente: (Fenesh et al., 2010) CÉLULAS BUCALES “Citome Assay” El HUMN xL proyecto en frecuencias MN en células bucales humanas Different confounding factors influencing the MN frequency in peripheral lymphocytes, such as gender, age and lifestyle habits have been considered for the buccal cell MN assay. However, the majority of studies failed to demonstrate any influence of age or sex, although only a few studies have investigated a broad age range. Fuente: (Fenesh et al., 2010) FUTURE CHALLENGES (a) MN assays in other tissues such as erythrocytes, nasal epithelium and hair root cells (b) The impact of diet and lifestyle factors and the studies reported to date are sparse. (c) Polymorphisms (d) In MN assays is the adoption of the cytome approach that not only scores MN but also captures other nuclear abnormalities (e) Automated scoring of MN (f) Larger and/or longer studies are required to verify the results of previous studies concerning the association of MN frequency with pregnancy complications, cancer and cardiovascular disease (g) Explore the relationship of MN expression with changes in DNA methylation and the associated transcriptome, metabolome and proteome profiles to unravel the underlying molecular mechanisms that correlate with this DNA damage biomarker. (h) The ultimate goal is to see the validated MN assays becoming a routine diagnostic in the new disease prevention paradigms and strategies required for this new millennium based on personalised prevention of DNA damage. Fuente: (Fenesh et al., 2010) CÉLULAS BUCALES “Citome Assay” Criterios para el registro • Coloración de Feulgen y Fast –Green es recomendada • Observar en microscopio de luz y confirmar en fluorescencia. Preparaciones se conservan por años CÉLULAS BUCALES “Citome Assay” Criterios para el registro 1. Paso: Registrar primero frecuencia de varios tipos de células (normales y anormales) en al menos 1000 células. 2. Paso: Registrar biomarcadores de daño en ADN en un mínimo de 2000 células normales diferenciadas (incluye células diferenciadas transicionales y terminalmente diferenciadas). CÉLULAS BUCALES “Citome Assay” (Holland et al., 2008) • Revisión del estado del conocimiento. Identificó: 1. Vacios en el conocimiento sobre el mecanismo biológico asociado a la expresión de MN. Explicación biológica básica de los diferentes tipos de células. 2. Necesidad de estandarizar en las preparaciones citogenéticas, protocolos de coloración y criterios de registro. El significado biológico de los diferentes tipos celulares y otras anomalías nucleares no están completamente entendidas. Aunque hay evidencia sugestiva sobre la asociación de los tipos de células y anomalías nucleares con: • Envejecimiento • Enfermedades neurodegenerativas (Thomas et al, 2008; Ferreira, 2009; Thomas et al, 2007). CÉLULAS BUCALES “Citome Assay” 2011 CÉLULAS BUCALES “Citome Assay” Linear correlation of FR's in 19 studies from the literature that simultaneously evaluated MN in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) and exfoliated buccal cells in the same individuals. Fuente: Ceppi, M., Biasotti, B., Fenech, M., & Bonassi, S. (2010). Human population studies with the exfoliated buccal micronucleus assay: statistical and epidemiological issues. Mutation research, 705(1), 11–9. CÉLULAS BUCALES “Citome Assay” Fuente: Bonassi, S., Coskun, E., Ceppi, M., Lando, C., Bolognesi, C., Burgaz, S., … Fenech, M. (2011). The HUman MicroNucleus project on eXfoLiated buccal cells (HUMN(XL)): the role of life-style, host factors, occupational exposures, health status, and assay protocol. Mutation research, 728(3), 88–97. CÉLULAS BUCALES “Citome Assay” Fuente: Bonassi, S., Coskun, E., Ceppi, M., Lando, C., Bolognesi, C., Burgaz, S., … Fenech, M. (2011). The HUman MicroNucleus project on eXfoLiated buccal cells (HUMN(XL)): the role of life-style, host factors, occupational exposures, health status, and assay protocol. Mutation research, 728(3), 88–97. CÉLULAS BUCALES “Citome Assay” Fuente: Bonassi, S., Coskun, E., Ceppi, M., Lando, C., Bolognesi, C., Burgaz, S., … Fenech, M. (2011). The HUman MicroNucleus project on eXfoLiated buccal cells (HUMN(XL)): the role of life-style, host factors, occupational exposures, health status, and assay protocol. Mutation research, 728(3), 88–97. CÉLULAS BUCALES “Citome Assay” Fuente: Bonassi, S., Coskun, E., Ceppi, M., Lando, C., Bolognesi, C., Burgaz, S., … Fenech, M. (2011). The HUman MicroNucleus project on eXfoLiated buccal cells (HUMN(XL)): the role of life-style, host factors, occupational exposures, health status, and assay protocol. Mutation research, 728(3), 88–97. CELULAS UROTELIALES COLORACION DE FEULGEN FAST-GREEN Prueba de MN COLORACION DE FEULGEN FAST-GREEN Coloración para la identificación altamente específica de ácidos nucleicos del ADN a partir del reconocimiento de los grupos aldehídos de la pentosa (azúcar). Para esto se realizan 2 pasos fundamentales: 1) Hidrólisis ácida: Se utiliza para romper los puentes de hidrogeno que unen a la doble hélice, mediante la desnaturalización de la cadena. Para esto se utiliza ácido clorhídrico (HCl), que es el componente reactivo mas critico del método, controlando la concentración del ácido, temperatura y tiempo, que depende del tipo de tejido (compactación de cromatina) y fijador empleado. Durante la hidrólisis ácida suave la mayor parte del RNA se divide en sustancias solubles y se pierde del tejido, sin ser removidos los grupos ribosil debido a la presencia de un grupo hidroxilo en la posición 2' de la ribosa, por lo que, este material no reacción posteriormente con el reactivo de Schiff. Mientras tanto el DNA es parcialmente hidrolizado siendo removidas y liberadas las bases púricas (A y G) de los residuos de deoxiribosa (depurinización) formando ácido apurínico y generando grupos aldehído (CHO) en el C1 de la pentosa, donde se encontraba unida la base nitrogenada. COLORACION DE FEULGEN FAST-GREEN CELULAS UROTELIALES COLORACION DE FEULGEN FAST-GREEN Prueba de MN CELULAS UROTELIALES COLORACION DE FEULGEN FAST-GREEN Prueba de MN CELULAS UROTELIALES COLORACION DE FEULGEN FAST-GREEN Prueba de MN CELULAS UROTELIALES Prueba de MN Fotografía de Células uroteliales coloreadas con tinción FeulgenFast-Gree (a-b) Fotografías de células transicionales de vejiga normales. (c-d) Fotografías de células transicionales de vejiga con Micronúcleos(MN) CELULAS UROTELIALES Prueba de MN