September 4, 2016 - All Saints Catholic Church


September 4, 2016 - All Saints Catholic Church
Manassas, Virginia
M ass I ntentions
This year of 2016-2017, our parish theme is
We have found the Messiah. …
Come and you will see.
based on John 1:39, 41
All Saints is a tithing parish, giving of our time, talent,
and treasure so as to give glory to God.
We begin with a new parish theme for the 2016-2017 year. The
theme, above, is taken from phrases of the Gospel according
to John, Chapter 1, verses 41 and 39. It is the passage about
the first disciples. Two disciples of John the Baptist are with
John when John points out Jesus as the Lamb of God. One of
these two disciples was Andrew. Then we read:
Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to
them, “What are you looking for?” They said to him,
“Rabbi” (which translated means Teacher), “where are
you staying?” 39 He said to them, “Come, and you will
see.” …
Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was one of the
two who heard John and followed Jesus. 41 He first found
his own brother Simon and told him, “We have found
the Messiah” (which is translated Anointed). 42 Then he
brought him to Jesus.
Later in the passage we have Philip talking to Nathanael:
Philip said to him, “Come and see.”
This theme is to encourage us to evangelize, to share our faith
with others. Like Andrew and Philip, we are to discover Jesus
first and then to bring others to him.
As we celebrate Labor Day on Monday, we recall the dignity
of human labor which, with God, acts to build the Kingdom
of God on earth. Our physical and mental activities take on a
spiritual meaning, when we direct the intention of our efforts
to reflect the glory of God. On this day, we remember in
prayer those who are unemployed.
Next Sunday is the 15th anniversary of the tragedy of the
9/11 attacks in 2001 in New York, Shanksville, PA, and at the
Pentagon. In this coming week, it would be great if we could
pray the rosary in memory of all who died in that tragedy, for
public safety personnel, and for peace and protection of our
country from future danger.
Father Lee Roos
St. Teresa of Calcutta, religious
[Labor Day holiday]
Sobczynski Family
The unemployed
Grimes & Ford Family +
Lori Ann Para +
Theresa Nadal Monteforte
Nancy A. Maloney +
The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Gabriel Castro-Aguilar +
Richard Damico +
St. Peter Claver, priest [USA]
Arno Van Abs +
Michael Grimberg
Vera & Anthony Paletsky +
7:00 am
8:30 am
7:00 am
8:30 am
7:00 am
8:30 am
7:00 am
8:30 am
7:00 am
8:30 am
8:00 am
Later we read:
September 4, 2016
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:30 pm
7:30 am
9:30 am
9:30 am [Sp]
11:30 am
1:30 pm [Sp]
5:30 pm
7:00 pm [Sp]
Susanna George & George Varghese +
Laura Aveni & Joseph Gallina +
Daniel Patrick Trant +
David Lopez Riquelme +
[at MPCC]
Restituto Masanque +
Julia Tapia Sanchez +
For all parishioners
En agradecimiento a la Virgen Maria
Sp = Spanish • “+” indicates person is deceased.
MPCC= Manassas Park Community Center
Readings: 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ex 32:7-11, 13-14; 1 Tm 1:12-17; Lk 15:1-32 or 15:1-10
The 2nd collection next Sunday is for The Catholic University
of America. It provides funding for academic scholarships
at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC
in response to the commitment made by the bishops at its
foundation in 1887. It is the only U.S. university with
Pontifical faculties. Students are enrolled from all 50 states
and almost 100 countries in 12 schools.
The parish and school offices are closed on Mon., Sept. 5, the
Labor Day holiday.
w w w . a l l s a i n t s va . o r g
Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time
classes. This is to help families adapt to the new twoyear sacramental program.
I mportant S acramental P reparation P rogram
C hanges for 2016-2017
For this coming year, the Religious Education (RE)
office has established a two-year sacramental preparation
program. This means that children and teens who are
receiving a sacrament will need to be enrolled in Religious
Education class during their sacrament year and the
preceding year. For example, a child who would receive
First Communion in second grade in 2017-2018, would
need to be enrolled in first grade for 2016-2017. This
program will include the First Communion, Confirmation,
and Christian Initiation sacrament preparation programs.
2016-2017: Program Transitional Year
This year, all children may be enrolled into their
appropriate grade regardless of whether they
completed a preceding year of religious education
With the Presidential election a few months away, Bishop
Loverde is writing a series of articles that will guide us in
making decisions based on our core values as Catholics.
The series is called Forming Our Consciences. You are
encouraged to read it. Look for the articles in the Arlington
Catholic Herald, or online at c at h o l i c h e r a l d . co m .
S tewardship S unday : M inistry F air
Next Sunday, Sept. 11, is our parish’s Stewardship Sunday.
Each of us has been entrusted with many talents for the
building up of the Kingdom of God on earth. This happens in
a very practical manner in our parish, as you serve in various
liturgical, educational, pastoral care, and social outreach
ministries. After the Sunday morning Masses and the 1:30 pm
Spanish Mass, we will have our Stewardship Ministry
Fair in the Parish Activities Center, along with coffee and
donuts. Many of our ministries will have information and
sign-up tables. Please consider how you may volunteer to
share your talents and time with your fellow parishioners in
the coming year. Parish organizations that would like to have
a table at the Ministry Fair are asked to contact Peg Colby
(pcolby @ allsaintsva . org or 703-393-2155).
I n O ur P arish
Legion of Mary, Activities Center, St. Joseph Room,
Tuesdays, 7:00–9:00 pm.
The Spirit of Love Prayer Group resumes Tuesdays at
7:00 pm. The Sept. 6 prayer meeting is in Room 1 (adjacent to
Fr. Kelley Hall). All are welcome to learn and experience the
charisms of the Holy Spirit.
Children who did not complete religious education
classes for 1st grade or 7th grade will need to complete
a transitional packet before they begin classes in
September, 2016. This packet will ensure that the
child has the adequate preparation they need as they
approach their sacrament year. These packets are
available in the RE Office.
Please note: If a child is scheduled to receive a
sacrament in 2017-2018 they need to be enrolled into
an RE class in 2016-2017 for their preparation year.
More information about RE class sessions is available by
calling the RE Office (703-393-2142) or on the RE Office
website (w w w . a l l s a i n t s r e l i g i o u s e d u c at i o n . o r g ).
The Thursday morning Bible Study is in the Parish Library
beginning at 10:00 am. Deacon Brian Majewski leads this.
Adult Faith Formation Resource. New programs, movies,
audio talks, and e-books are continuously being added, so
please visit f o r m e d . o r g and see what’s new. There are
now over 40 movies on the site that are great for family
movie night. New in the ever-growing Lectio series is
Evangelization, great for small group or individual study.
New in the Special Program section are Happiness,which
discusses the four levels of happiness; From God to Cosmos;
God and Science; and Invited to Courageous Love, a series of
the Courage apostolate (for those with same-sex attraction).
Coming soon is a new program called Forgiven. Don’t miss
these fabulous, Catholic resources that are being provided
for you by our parish subscription. You can view these over
streaming internet at w w w . f o r m e d . o r g . Our parish access
code is 16e125. Use this to set up your login credential of a
User ID and password.
E ucharistic A doration
Take one hour before the Blessed
Sacrament exposed for public prayer in
our chapel. We have needs for adorers on:
2:00–3:00 am; 3:00–4:00 am
2:00–3:00 am
2:00–3:00 am
Information: Aime (703-392-5260 or alnuar @ gmail . com ).
Adorers, when you arrive at the chapel, please sign-in for
your time slot so we know that the time is covered.
Manassas, Virginia
Through Infant Baptism we welcome into the Catholic
Church: Thomas Martin, Michelle Aguilera, Jessie Callejas,
Ruby Costilla, Jessica Espinoza, Karla Flores, Jimmy Garcia,
Arlene Ibarra, Leonardo Lopez, Nathaniel Lopez, and
Jonathan Munoz.
Congratulations to those who were married at All Saints:
José Balcarcel & Erica Izaguirre, Duarte Silva & Patricia
Castaneda, and Edgar Medrano & Sandra Osorio. May the
Lord bless you and support you in this beautiful commitment.
For Christ’s healing of the sick we pray for: Anastasia
Adams, Jean Agnew, Marcella Altizer, Helen & Rakesh
Andrews, Rita Arellano, Megan Arp, Lorrie Ball, Robin
Bast, Robert Benedetto, Margaret Berdak, Denise Biggs,
Maria Biosca, Mary Blizzard, John Borden, Ann Brien,
Jay Briseno, Paul Byrne, Jane Carney, Timothy Ceschin,
Maurilio Chaves, Michael Chettle, Brian Clark, Lisa Colgan,
John Connelly, Joseph Conway, Valerie Corliss, Richard
Cruz, Sandra Culebro, Carly Czajkowski, Robert Dantona,
Peter DeFranks, Angel Dietzel, Sister Lydia D’Souza, David
Dugas, Vincent Eugenio, Lynn Ferguson-Kerns, Nicole Fini,
Justin P. Flemming, Anthony Gabriel, Shannon Gammon,
Graciela Garcia, Sam Garman, Teresa Ann Gilday, K. Darrell
Gillman, Mary Giordano, Dick Goble, Joseph Gonzalez,
Claude Grant, Mike Hadro, Rachel Harley, Danyl Henderson,
Gary Herman, Francisco Hernandez-Tarralba, Virginia
Hoffman, Marie Horn, Sherry Hudson, Mrs. Husk, Mary
Hutchinson, Audra Peer Jackson, Consuela Juarez, Molumba
Kamuamga, Mary Margaret Kohill, Bill Lansing, Sr., Brian
Lee, Geraldine LeFierre, Marian Lomis, John Lucas, Morris
Lusk, Betty Maag, Nicole McGinn, Ariadna MelendezGuzman, Liem Shinta Maria, Cathy Marshall, Lenny Martelli,
Hazel Martino, Kimberly McNamara, Eduardo Minas, Ken
Moan, Bobbie Moore, Tullis Moyers, Francis Munsell, Julie
Kay Natali, Emily Navarra, George H. Nitzel Jr., Melanie
Nocera, Philip Nuar, Daniel W. O’Leary, Anthony Panameno,
Michelle Parker, Sandra Patterson, Abigail Pell, Tom Propes,
Michael Puzynski, Laurel Quinn, Joe Reading, Jose Manual
Rosales Rescendiz, Sean Riley, Megan Rivera, Rosalie Robl,
Mary Rogers, Rita Rooney, Fred Rose, Anthony S., Des
Sassov, Susie Serene, Jerry Shea, Mike Shoults, Diane Lynn
Smith, Patricia Smith, Sheryl Smith, Stan Sobczynski, Donna
Stecker, James Suraci, Barbara Tasker, Charles Tolley, Mary
Tolley, Sylvia Urani, Antonio Uribe, Virginia Walsh, Kiki
Warrick, Bob Weaver, George Whitfield, Collette Williams,
Frances Williams, Eleanor Wisniewski, Beatrice Yeager, and
Richard Zavadowski.
In every age, O Lord, you have been our refuge.
Psalm 90
September 4, 2016
M ass C oordinators N eeded
We are in need of Mass Coordinators, who assist in the
church sacristy (work room) before and after Mass, preparing
the sacred vessels, altar hosts and wine, and altar linens,
along with the books used by the priests and lectors. You
build relationships with others who serve at Mass in various
ministries. Being “behind the scenes” helps grow your
relationship with the Lord! Times especially needed are:
Sun., 7:30 and 11:30 am, and 5:30 pm, but any are welcome.
Also, Sun., 5:30 pm might appeal to parents who take their
teens to that Mass. Information: Tim Lewicki, Coordinator of
Liturgical Ministries (tlewicki @ allsaintsva . org or 703393-2146).
A dult F aith F ormation
This Fall-Winter, for Adult Faith Formation, we will do a
13-session video series entitled Catholicism: The Pivotal
Players, Volume I. This series is from Bishop Robert Barron
(Archdiocese of Los Angeles). Our plan at All Saints is to
show these 13 episodes in the Activities Center this Fall/
Winter on particular Mondays. Deacon Brian Majewski and
Fr. Lee will facilitate these sessions. This series is appropriate
for adults. Watch a trailer on the web at p i v o ta l p l ay e r s .
w o r d o n f i r e . o r g /# wat c h .
Registration is necessary for all participants so that we may
pre-order the materials which are used during the sessions.
If a spouse attends with you, then only one registration form
and fee needs to be submitted. The registration fee (to cover
materials) is $25.00. The registration form is available on the
web at w w w . a l l s a i n t s va . o r g . Sept. 19 is the 1st session.
A ll S aints C atholic S chool
Upcoming events:
Open House for Pre-Kindergarten students/parents,
9:00–11:00 am / 12:30-2:30 pm
First day of Pre-Kindergarten
Back-to-School Nights. Back-to-School Night for parents
of students in grades 1-5 is scheduled for Tues., Sept. 6 at
7:00 pm in the Parish Activity Center. There will be a separate
meeting for middle school parents on Thurs., Sept. 15
beginning at 7:00 pm.
Pre-K and Middle School – Openings Available. Our
award-winning parish school has openings available in prekindergarten (4 year old students), middle school, and a few
select grade levels. To schedule a tour or request information,
please contact Mrs. Joyce D’Eugenio (703-393-1490 or
jdeugenio @ allsaintsva . org ).
Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time
A L abor D ay T hought
C hildren ’ s R eligious E ducation
In the prayers at Mass during the Preparation of the Altar and
the Gifts (said silently by the priest, as the hymn is sung), the
priest praises God:
Answering God’s Call: Becoming a Catechist. The RE office
is blessed with volunteers who teach our children about the
faith. However, we are in need of more catechists! If you
enjoy working with children and feel called to share God’s
love with children, contact Samantha Welsh, Director of
Religious Education (swelsh @ allsaintsva . org or 703393-2142) for more information.
Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation,
for through your goodness we have received
the bread we offer you
fruit of the earth and work of human hands,
it will become for us the bread of life.
Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation,
for through your goodness we have received
the wine we offer you:
fruit of the vine and work of human hands,
it will become our spiritual drink.
These prayers are from Jewish Berekah (food blessing)
prayers. God is blessed (praised; acknowledged) as the source
of all creation. We then recognize that the gifts we offer are
the work of human hands.
All that we do to work (whether paid or unpaid) is to use our
efforts and talents to glorify the God of all creation. In the
Mass, we offer the work of the last seven days to God the
Father. In Holy Communion, Jesus nourishes us and gives the
Holy Spirit so that we can live out the next seven days ahead
of us. We give thanks to God for allowing us to cooperate in
bringing the kingdom of God to fulfillment. This direction of
intention is an important part of our actions and makes even
the most mundane of work have eternal value. May all that
human hands and hearts make, lead us into God’s kingdom.
W edding A nniversary J ubilee
Celebrating a Silver or Golden Wedding
Anniversary this Year? Were you married
in 1966 or 1991? Then join Bishop Paul S.
Loverde for the 2016 Marriage Jubilee
Mass to be celebrated on Sun., Oct. 16 at
2:30 pm at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More,
Arlington. The parish office has to submit all registrations
on/before Fri., Sept. 23. Please come by the parish office to
complete a registration form for the Marriage Jubilee Mass.
All Jubilarians must be registered members of All Saints.
Couples who cannot attend but would still like to receive a
personalized certificate and have your name in the program
must also register through the parish. Questions? Call Linda
at the parish office (703-393-1430)
Religious Education Classes Begin Soon! Families who
have already registered their child for Religious Education
classes will be notified the week of Sept. 8 regarding
their child’s class information. Families who have not yet
registered their child for religious education classes should
contact the RE Office (703-393-2142).
Did you miss the Registration Deadline? Your child can
attend the second week of classes if you haven’t registered
them yet for RE classes. Please call the RE office (703-3932142) so we can help you register your child for class.
The All Saints Young Adult Ministry is a
faith-filled, energetic, and dynamic
group of Young Adults in their 20s & 30s,
single or married, who seek to engage
and grow deeply in their faith
This Wednesday night (9/7)
6:30 P.M. – Confessions
7:00-8:00 P.M. – Adoration in the chapel.
8:00 P.M. – Dinner at a local pub or restaurant!
Next Wednesday night (9/14)
Join Deacon Brian Majewski from 7:00-9:00pm
in the St. John Vianney Room… lessons and
discussion on living the Catholic faith with zeal
Every Tuesday night
in the St. John Vianney Room (in the P.A.C.) from
7:30-9:00pm. Theological studies vary from books
to encyclicals to scripture… currently we are studying the Acts of the Apostles… come & grow in faith!
For more information about our All Saints Young Adult Ministry,
please contact Pam DeRivero at [email protected]
or visit us at
The Michael Pennefather Memorial Color Fun Run and
5K will be held on Sat., Sept. 24 at Signal Hill Park, Manassas
Park (9300 Signal View Dr.) Come get blasted with color as
you loop the grassy course and/or run the competitive 5k
on the beautiful grounds of the park (the first event of its
kind held here!) Proceeds benefit Holy Family Academy,
Michael’s beloved school. Information / Registration: w w w .
i m at h l e t e . co m / e v e n t s / m i c h a e l p e n n e fat h e r 5 k .
Manassas, Virginia
A J ourney
F aith
If you’re curious about the Catholic faith, or you’ve thought
about becoming a Catholic, then the Rite of Christian
Initiation for Adults (RCIA) process is for you! Adults
from all faith traditions or with no religious background
at all, are welcome to participate in this process. It is a
journey that begins in the middle of September and
continues until the Easter Vigil and the reception of the
Sacraments of Initiation.
Young people from the ages of 8–17 who have not been
baptized or have been baptized and have not received the
sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist are invited to
join the Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC)
process. This process also runs from mid-September to the
Easter season.
For more information, check the website at w w w .
a l l s a i n t s r e l i g i o u s e d u c at i o n . o r g
Samantha Welsh or Marylee Grabowski in the Religious
Education Office (703-393-2142).
P astoral C are
Cancer and Prayer Support in the church library, Mon.,
Sept. 26, 1:00–2:00 pm for cancer victims and care givers.
WOW—Widows or Widowers. You are invited to come
and join us … this is a group to socialize with, to help
overcome the loneliness, to share experiences and form new
friendships. Come and meet with those who have walked a
similar path as you. Contact Steve Schnur (703-369-7061) or
wow @ allsaintswow . org or Gillian, Pastoral Care Office
Grief / Bereavement “Jesus Wept.” A 6‑week adult
bereavement support group will begin each Friday, Sept.
23 – Fri., Oct. 28, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm. This group is for
those adults hurting from the loss of a loved one. We care
about you. Please register with Gillian (703-393-1411 or
gquintana @ allsaintsva . org ).
New or existing homeschooler? The Manassas Area Roman
Catholic Homeschoolers (M.A.R.C.H.) is a group of local
homeschoolers in our area that sponsors activities for kids
and parents alike. Information: On the web visit w w w .
h o m e sc h oo l - l i f e . co m / va / m a r c h or contact Katie Rinker
(katierinker @ gmail . com or 703-307-3739).
G od
September 4, 2016
is still calling
We offer prayerful congratulations to two All Saints
parishioners who have made important milestones in the
religious life.
Sister M. Stephanie Gabriel Tracy, IHM, daughter of Mike
and Patty Tracy, made her first profession of vows for the
Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, on Aug.
10, in Immaculata, PA (near Philadelphia). Sister Stephanie
is a graduate of All Saints Catholic School and Paul VI High
School, Fairfax. She graduated from Franciscan University of
Steubenville, Ohio in 2003 and then earned a Master’s degree
in journalism from the University of Maryland–College Park.
She is in formation at the Villa Maria House of Studies in
Immaculata, PA.
Sister Alison Van de Voorde, SHM, daughter of Deacon Jim
and Fran Van de Voorde, will make her final profession as
a Sister of the religious community Home of the Mother in
Madrid, Spain on Sept. 8. Sr. Alison is a former parishioner
of All Saints. She graduated from Seton School in 2005
and from Ave Maria University in 2009. She joined her
community as a candidate in 2008. She completed her
novitiate in Santander, Spain in 2010. Her community was
founded in 1982 in Spain. The Servant Sisters now serve in
15 communities in Spain, Italy, Ecuador and one location
in Florida. Sr. Alison currently supports pastoral work at a
parish and hospital in Valencia, Spain.
Please pray for these two sisters and for all young women
that they may consider how God may be calling them to be
a religious.
The Forgetful Friends Chorus has recently been formed
to create an opportunity for people living with early stage
Alzheimers and related dementia to join together with
their care partners and friends to connect through the
power of music. No vocal experience is required. The
chorus will rehearse every other Tuesday evening, 6:30
– 7:15 pm beginning on Sept. 13, at the Manassas Church
of the Brethren under the direction of Susan Dommer. The
Forgetful Friends Chorus is sponsored by the Alzheimers
Association and is a ministry of the Manassas Church of the
Brethren. To register, contact Connie Young (703-743-1841
or connieyoung 11@ gmail . com ).
Seton School Golf Tournament. Wed., Oct. 5 at Bull Run
Golf Club. Support Catholic education and have a fun day on
a great course. Many sponsorship opportunities. Information
/ Registration: See s e to n g o l f . co m or call 703-367-7871.
Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time
Tuesdays, 3:15 - 4:45pm
Snacks are out, the Wii is on, Sports
Equipment is out, & the time is yours!
Meet in the Upper Room
All High School Teens are welcome!!!
6:30-8:00pm in the P.A.C.
Girls: Wednesdays, 7:30 - 9:00pm
Guys: Thursdays, 7:30 - 9:00pm
Dinner & Faith Served Every Sunday Night
plus Catechesis, Games, Small Groups,
Small group of teens who share,
support, pray, play, serve, and learn.
Meet in the Upper Room
High School Teens welcome to show up!
Fellowship, Prayer & Talks for TEENS
PARENTS of High School Teens!!
Sun., September 18th 6:40-7:00 Parent Meeting
Send your Teens to our Sunday Night Life Teen KickOff and then get an overview of our Youth Ministry
offerings for the year: Workcamp, Theatre, Trips, etc.
Join us for the Answer…
A night to reconnect, meet new people,
have fun, & grow in faith!
Want More? Stay for AFTER-LIFE
from 8:10-8:30 each Sunday we’ll
gather on stage to pray… each
week will be something different!
High School Musicians needed
for the 5:30 Sunday Teen Mass
starting September 11th...
simply show up at 4:15pm & join!
3rd Fridays: 7:30-9:30pm
Public School… Catholic School… Home
School… ALL Teens Welcome!
NEW THIS FALL for 6th-8th Grade
1st & 3rd Fridays Starting Sept. 16th
7:00-9:00pm in Father Kelly Hall
Kick-Off: September 16th
Join Fr. Mauricio and Mary Lambert for
a Faith Topic, Food, Adoration, & Fun!
Parent Meeting
join us FRIDAY,
in the P.A.C.
from 7:15-7:45pm
Faith & Fun
Guys and Girls: Come and have
fun with music, friends, snacks,
and activities, while journeying
deeper into your faith!
7 - 9pm in the PAC
Pizza, Games,
Inflatables &
Much more!!!
Information on
Ministries for
6th-8th graders
Learn about & Register
for Middle School,
Ascend, Mania,
Mission School Mission...
Saturday, Sept. 24th
3:30-10:30pm, $20
to register, go to
Coming Up:
Oct 29th: Corn Maze
Manassas, Virginia
4 de septiembre, 2016
Sacred Music at All Saints Concert Series
Opening Concert!
Trio illumino
Friday, September 23, 2016
7:30 pm
The fourth season of our parish Concert Series kicks off with
violoncellist Stephen Czarkowski, trumpeter Neil Brown, and
pianist Virginia Lum, a unique chamber ensemble. Trio Illumino
was formed by members of Apollo Orchestra because audiences
were so energized and excited listening to the solo performances
of these three amazing and versatile musicians. Trio Illumino
will perform a variety of chamber music.
All events are free and open to the public. A free-will offering will be taken
to support current and future programming for this annual concert series.
All Saints Catholic Church • Office of Music and Liturgy • 9300 Stonewall Road, Manassas, VA • • 703-393-2146
Neil Brown, Trumpet
Virginia Lum, Piano
Stephen Czarkowski, 'cello
S ección
E spañol
FRIDAY Evening, JUNE 26, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.
religiosa. Esto es para
a las familias
a adaptarse
The ayudar
at Strathmore
al nuevo programa sacramental de dos años.
I mportantes C ambios del P rograma de
P reparación S acramental para el 2016-2017
Para el próximo año, el Departamento Educación Religiosa
ha establecido un programa de preparación sacramental de
dos años. Esto significa que los niños y adolescentes que
se están preparando para recibir un sacramento deben estar
inscritos en las clases de educación religiosa durante su
año de Sacramento y el año anterior. Por ejemplo, un niño
que recibe la primera comunión en el segundo grado en
2017-2018, tendría que ser inscrito en el primer grado para
2016-2017. Este programa estará vigente para la primera
comunión, confirmación, y los programas de Iniciación
P rograma
T ransición
del año
Este año, todos los niños deben estar inscritos en
su grado correspondiente independientemente de
si terminaron el año pasado de clases de educación
A Special Evening of Chamber Gems, including a Trio by Ewazen, DeFalla
Dances, Piazzaolla and MORE!
Los niños que no completaron
las clases
de educación
religiosa para el 1er grado o 7º grado tendrán que
completar un paquete de transición antes de que
comiencen las clases en septiembre de 2016. Este
paquete se asegurará de que su hijo tiene la preparación
adecuada que necesitan a medida que se acercan a
su año para los sacramentos. Estos paquetes estarán
disponibles en la Oficina de Educación Religiosa.
Tenga en cuenta: Si un niño está programado para
recibir un sacramento en 2017-2018 tienen que estar
inscrito en clase de Educación Religiosa en 20162017 para su año de preparación.
Más información sobre las sesiones de clase de educación
religiosa está disponible llamando al 703-393-2142 o en
el sitio web de la Oficina de Educación Religiosa (w w w .
a l l s a i n t s r e l i g i o u s e d u c at i o n . o r g ).
Manassas, Virginia
XXII Domingo del tiempo ordinario
Misa en Manassas Park 9:30 am ~ Por las intenciones
de Rolando & Morena Rodriguez • Misa de 1:30 pm ~ En
memoria de Miguel Ornelas & Guadalupe Franco • Misa de
7:00 pm ~ En memoria de Gelvin Martinez.
E ducación R eligiosa
N iños
Cartas de Notificación para las Clases de Educación
Religiosa. Las familias que ya registraron a sus niños para
las clases de educación religiosa recibirán una Carta de
Notificación la segunda semana de septiembre informándoles
la clase y salón en que está su hijo.
¡Necesitamos Catequistas y Asistentes! El programa de
educación religiosa tiene a 1,500 niños, jóvenes, y adultos
inscritos para clases cada año. Tenemos necesidad de
catequistas que enseñen sobre la fe. Especialmente en los
siguientes horarios.
domingo .
Rev. Lee R. Roos
Vicarios Parroquiales
Rev. Juan Puigbó
Rev. Mauricio Pineda 703-393-2154
Rev. Noah Morey
Oficina Parroquial
Horario de Misas en Español
Domingo: 9:30 am en el Centro Comunitario
de Manassas Park; 1:30 pm y 7:00 pm en la
de la
El Centro Vocare les invita a su tradicional Domingo Familiar
hoy domingo 4 de septiembre de 11:00 am a 5:00 pm en el
parque Brandon Park, las canchas del Stonewall Middle
School. Habrá comida, juegos y muchas diversiones. Vengan
todos después de misa.
Tú, Señor, nuestro refugio.
Salmo 89
Si usted siente el llamado a este ministerio, por favor
contacte a Marylee Grabowski (703-393-2142 x215) para
más información.
Seguridad Vial. Hemos colocado nuevas señales de tránsito
entre la iglesia y la escuela. No está permitido estacionarse
y pararse en el paso entre la iglesia y la escuela. Solamente
serán permitidos los buses o automóviles que dejan o recogen
personas con incapacidades físicas para la misa dominical
en la iglesia. Si usted tiene niños que dejar o recoger de la
Escuela o Educación Religiosa, por favor, siga las reglas
de tránsito y use el estacionamiento. Gracias por respetar la
seguridad de niños y adultos.
Las Clases de Educación Religiosa empiezan pronto! Las
familias que ya están registradas recibirán una notificación
con mas información sobre las clases de Educación Religiosa
la primer semana de septiembre. Las familias que aun no
se han registrado para clases pueden llamar a la oficina de
Educación Religiosa al 703-393-2142.
¿Usted Perdió la Fecha Limite de Registro? Su hijo puede
asistir a la segunda semana de clases si todavia usted no lo
ha registrado para las clases de educación religiosa. Por favor
llame a la oficina de Educación Religiosa para que podamos
ayudarle a registrar a su hijo para la clase.
4 de septiembre, 2016
La escuela católica de Todos los Santos que ofrece grados
de pre-kinder hasta octavo, tiene espacios disponibles para
este nuevo año escolar. Una buena oportunidad para sus
hijos. Para más información vea el boletín de hoy.
Adoración del Santísimo
Horario de Oficina
Miércoles: 6:30-8:00 pm • Viernes: 7:308:00 am • Sábados: 3:00-4:00 pm • Primer
Viernes de Mes: 7:00-8:00 pm
Domingo 8:00 pm a Lunes 7:00 am •
Miércoles 9:00 am a Jueves 7:00 am •
Jueves • 7:00 pm a Viernes 7:00 am; •
Viernes 9:00 pm(después de la Hora Santa)
a Sábado 7:30 am
Primera Confesión y Primera Comunión
Se ofrece en 2do Grado. Es obligatorio
un año de preparación. Llame al 703-3932142 x216.
Se ofrece en 8vo Grado. Es obligatorio
un año de preparación. Llame al 703-3932142 x249.
La oficina parroquial está abierta de lunes
a jueves de 9:00 am a 12:00 del medio día
y de 1:00 pm a 9:00 pm. Los viernes de
9:00 am a 12:00 del medio día y de 1:00 pm
a 8:00 pm. Sábados y Domingos de 9:00 am
a 3:00 pm
Para ser héroes de Dios con el Padre Juan,
conéctate a w w w . v i vat r e x . n e t .

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