Los oyentes quedaron asombrados de las palabras de Jesús, pues
Los oyentes quedaron asombrados de las palabras de Jesús, pues
FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 1 , 2 0 1 5 I V D O M I N GO O R D I N A R I O 1 DE FEBRERO DEL 201 5 Los oyentes quedaron asombrados de las palabras de Jesús, pues enseñaba como quien tiene autoridad. ~ Marcos 1:22 FEBRUARY 1, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME F R OM O U R P A S T OR As I reflect on the events of Catholic School Week, I marvel at the excellence of our teachers. Every week, I have the opportunity to make the rounds, visiting classrooms to greet the students and teachers. As the teachers continue their lessons, they show how adept they are at engaging the student's imagination, perspective, culture, language, and stage of development. In the eighth grade classroom, the students are busy studying for their tests that are meant to help them get into a good high school (hopefully Catholic). In the PreK classes, I see the students forming shapes of the alphabet using Play-Doh or learning how to rhyme words. In 2nd grade, they are counting up to 100 using Cheerios and then making necklaces out of them (math and art combined)! In 5th grade, the students are using their IMac's to apply what they have learned about logic and computer programming to make certain animations move on the computer. All of this shows the creativity, love, competence and enthusiasm with which our teachers guide our students to grow in wisdom, age and faith. If you see one of our teachers this week, thank them and maybe give them some kind of treat! Most importantly, pray for them. It is a tough albeit joyful vocation that demands the involvement of their minds, bodies, and souls. Thanks be to God for our teachers! Fr. Christopher Plant Pastor “I prefer a church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security.” - Pope Francis Benefactor Plaque Our Benefactor Board now has name plaques available for purchase. A name plaque can be ordered in your family name to show support for our Church or in memory of a loved one. It will then be placed on the Benefactor board in the entrance of the Church. Cost $200. For more information contact Irma Arevalo at 832-671-6375 or Linda Andrade at 713-591-9191 or 713-672-2288. D E N U E S T R O P A R R OC O Al reflexionar sobre los acontecimientos de La Semana de las Escuelas Católicas, me maravillo de la excelencia de nuestros maestros. Cada semana, tengo la oportunidad de hacer rondas, visitando los salones de las clase para saludar a los estudiantes y a los profesores. Conforme siguen los maestros con sus enseñanzas, se muestran expertos en la participación del estudiante mediante su imaginación, la perspectiva, la cultura, el idioma, y etapa de desarrollo. En la clase de octavo grado, los estudiantes están ocupados estudiando para sus exámenes que están destinados a ayudar a entrar en una buena escuela secundaria (esperemos Católica). En las clases de Pre-K, veo a los estudiantes que forman formas del alfabeto utilizando plastilina o aprender a rimar palabras. En segundo grado, están contando hasta 100 usando Cheerios y luego hacer collares de ellas (las matemáticas y el arte combinado)! En quinto grado, los estudiantes están utilizando su iMac de aplicar lo que han aprendido acerca de la lógica y la programación de computadoras para hacer ciertas animaciones y trabajan en equipo. Todo esto muestra la creatividad, el amor, la competencia y entusiasmo con que nuestros maestros guían nuestros estudiantes a crecer en sabiduría, edad y la fe. Si usted ve uno de nuestros maestros de esta semana, demosle las gracias y tal vez darles algo de alegria! Lo más importante es orar por ellos. Es una vocación dura y alegre que exige la participación de sus mentes, cuerpos y almas. ¡Demos gracias a Dios por nuestros maestros! Padre Christopher Plant Párroco Prefiero una Iglesia golpeada, lastimada y sucia porque ha estado en las calles que una Iglesia insalubre por haberse confinado y aferrado a su propia seguridad.” Papa Francisco. S I L E N T A U C T I O N — D O N A T I ON S N E E D E D Resurrection School Board is Sponsoring the Silent Auction that will take place at the Gala, on March 6, 2015. “TO THE MOON & BACK” With us! We need your help & support so we can make a difference! We are taking all types of donations, (gift baskets, monetary, sports, tickets, etc.) Please turn in your items to the Carolyn Lopez at 713-2994049 Carmen Valdez - 713-679-3735 or [email protected] Carla Cortez - 713-962-8361 or [email protected]. If you have any question please give us a call or email. IV DOMINGO DE TIEMPO ORDINARIO M ASS I NTENTIONS ♦ I NTENCIONES DE M ISA Saturday, 5:30 pm † † 7:30 pm † † Sunday, 7:30 am January 31: St. John Bosco Epifania B. Castro Harold Yargo Sr. Maxyves Verzele Marina Silva February 1: Fourth Sunday in OT Elizabeth Kurusch Bishop Michael Olsen 9:00 am Xavier Hernandez † Margarito Perez 11:00 am † Marcos & Ignacia Cerda † Ignacio Peña 12:30 pm † Rosendo Maldonado † Jose Alfredo Alvarado Tuesday, February 3: St. Blaise & St. Ansgar 8:30 am † Adolfo Arana † Dr. Emilio Alvarez Montalvan Wednesday, February 4: St. Agatha 6:30 pm † Rev. Monsignor Phillippe Le Xuan-Thuong Thursday, February 5: St. Paul Miki 8:30am † Sergio D. Garcia † Dr. Thomas Nguyen † - Deceased PRAYERS FOR THE SICK / ORACIONES POR LOS ENFERMOS Serafin Mendoza, Elsa Salazar, Clara Balderas, Rosalie Benavidez, Allen Butschek, Melinda Mendiola, Mary Buri, and Martin Benitez. Names will be posted for three consecutive weeks once a year. Los nombres serán publicados durante tres semanas consecutivas una vez al año. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK / ORACIONES POR LOS ENFERMOS Evodio Ramirez Names will be posted for three consecutive weeks once a year. Los nombres serán publicados durante tres semanas consecutivas una vez al año. O F F E R T O R Y C O L L E C T I ON R E P O R T ( F I S C A L 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 ) R E P O R T E D E L A C O LE C TA ( F I S C A L 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 ) Weekly Needed: Necesitamos Semanalmente: $12,315 Jan-Week 4 Actual Budget Variance (+/-) Enero-Semana 4 Actual Presupuesto Diferencia (+/-) 1 DE FEBRERO DEL 2015 THIS WEEK AT RESURRECTION ESTA SEMANA EN LA RESURRECCIÓN Monday, February 2: 7:30am C.C..……….………………………………..…..Rectory 6:00pm Rosary…………………………………………...Church 6:00pm Adult Confirmation Class…………...……..Admin Bldg 6:00pm Middle School Sacramental Prep……………….Rm 205 6:15pm RCIA…………………………………………....Rm 204 7:00pm CII Discipleship Group………..Rm 205 & Youth Room 7:00pm Manly Monday…………………………………...GYM Tuesday, February 3: 8:30am Mass (English)………………....………………...Church 6:30pm High School Youth Group……………….………...Gym 6:45pm Choir Practice……………………………………Church 8:00pm A.A……………………………………………...Rectory Wednesday, February 4: 9:30am Legion of Mary……………….………………....Rectory 5pm-6:15pm Confessions………………………………...Church 6:00pm Rosario…………………..…..…………………..Church 6:30pm Mass (Spanish)…..………………………..……..Church 6:30pm Knights of Columbus……………………………....Gym 7:00pm Grupo de Oración………………………………..Church Thursday, February 5: 8:30am Mass.………......…………………………………Church 5:30pm High School Sacramental Prep….Contact Britany Guess 6:30pm Middle School Youth Ministry…………………….Gym 7:00pm CII Discipleship Group…..…...RM 205 & Youth Room 7:00pm A.A……………………………………………...Rectory Friday, February 6: 10:00am Legion of Mary (Spanish)…………………......Rectory 5:30pm Liturgy Task Force………………………...Admin Bldg Saturday, February 7:DSF Weekend 4:30pm-5:15pm Confessions………….……..…………...Church 5:30pm Vigil Mass (English)…………………...…….….Church 6:30-7:15pm Confessions…………….…...…...………....Church 7:30pm Vigil Mass (Spanish)……….…………………....Church Sunday, February 8: DSF Weekend 7:30am Mass (English)…………..………………..……...Church 9:00am Mass (Spanish)…………..….…………..…….…Church 11:00am Mass (English)……………..………………..….Church 12:30pm Mass (Spanish)…………………………………Church 2:00pm Cub Scouts…………………………………..…….GYM 4:00pm Girl Scouts………………………………………...GYM Bulletin Deadline: Monday 10:00 am Email announcements to: [email protected] Total $8,631 $12,315 -$3,685 For 30 Weeks Ending: / 30 Semanas Terminando: 1/25/2015 Year-to-Date Actual Budget Variance (+/-) Hasta la Fecha Actual Presupuesto Diferencia (+/-) Total $269,606 $369,450 -$99,845 Improvement Fund / Reparaciones: $282 Tuition Aid / Asistencia de Colegiatura: $51 Latin America/ Latino America:$1,111 G RUPO DE O RACION El grupo de oración se reúne todos los miércoles después de la Misa de 6:30pm en la iglesia. FEBRUARY 1, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME J OB O PENING AT R ESURRECTION S CHOOL Every Wednesday from 9:00 am—5:00 pm Director of Development Resurrection Catholic School (RCS) seeks a Director of Development with a passion for the mission of the Catholic Church, especially in its mission to the poor and in Catholic education; and, who has the skills and experience to lead all aspects of development, including but not limited to: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Developing and executing Resurrection Catholic Community’s (RCC) annual fundraising plan, including special attention to fundraising for the school; Securing financial support from individuals, foundations, and businesses; Coordinating teams of staff and volunteers that implement development plans for RCC; Developing and maintaining ongoing relationships with major benefactors; Creating and executing a strategy for a large sustained base of annual individual donors; Overseeing organization of special events; Developing and tracking proposals and reports for all fundraising events; Promoting the school within the local and larger community; and, A willingness to seek out grants and programs that would benefit RCS students. Qualifications ● Associates Degree or higher ● Demonstrated excellence in organizational, managerial, and communications skills ● A passion for the mission of the Catholic Church and Catholic education ● Knowledge and experience in budgeting ● Willing to learn customer relationship management software, or related technology Please submit a cover letter and resume to [email protected]. Todos los miércoles de 9:00 am — 5:00 pm S A V E T HE D A T E / A N O T E E S T A F E C H A Valentine’s Day Dance Saturday, February 7 7:00 pm - 12:00 pm Tickets available at the church office! $10 a ticket. Questions: Blanca Reyes at 832-891-1313. Hosted by the Hispanic Ministry. This event will benefit new projects for the community\ Se le invita a toda la comunidad al baile de san valentin el sábado, 7 de febrero a las 7pm. Boletos disponibles en la oficina a $10. CONFESSIONES/CONFESIONES Wednesday Spanish: 5-6pm Saturday English: 4:30-5:15pm Spanish: 6:30pm-7:15pm IV DOMINGO DE TIEMPO ORDINARIO 1 DE FEBRERO DEL 2015 Resurrection Catholic School PK3 - 8th Grade FAITH, FAMILY, FUTURE Fe, Familia, Futuro We want you to be a part of the Resurrection Catholic School Family! The school is now enrolling for the 2015-2016 school year! Financaial Aid Available Please call the school office at (713) 674-5575 to obtain more information. RACE INFORMATION What : Steps for Students 5k Run/Walk is a USA Track & Field Sanctioned 5K Run/Walk benefiting the Catholic Schools of the Archdiocese. When: Saturday, February 21, 2015 Where: Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, 1111 St. Joseph Pkwy, Houston, TX 77002 Registration Fees: Early Registration (ends Feb. 8 ) $15 Race Day Registration (Feb. 9 – Feb. 21) $25 ONLINE REGISTRATION ENDS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 at 11 PM INFO ON PARKING — Please note you should be prepared to PAY for parking downtown. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Fr. Abelardo Cobos LAUNCH DATE RESET FOR 03-06-15 SPECIAL HONORARY AWARD TO BE PRESENTED TO FATHER COBOS!! Due to our generous sponsors the cost of the Gala is covered! We have collected over $20,000!!!! Because of the generosity of our sponsors we can offer a discounted price on ckets for Parents and Parishioners of Resurrec on Catholic School and Parish! We are offering a limited number of ckets at $50! Special price ckets are now available at the office. Hope to see you for a night of interes ng speakers, delicious food, open bar, fun, music and the chance to buy unique and great items in our silent auc on! When: March 6, the fun begins at 6:00 pm Where: Heaven On Earth located at 300 Douglas Missouri City, TX Featured Speaker: Zeus Rodriguez is the President of St. Anthony School in Milwaukee, the largest K-12 Catholic school in the na on. Under his leadership, St. Anthony School has expanded to include a full High School, early childhood educa on, onsite health care services, and many addi onal programs and improvements. He is passionate about serving the Hispanic community, especially with expanding educa onal op ons for children. Zeus founded Hispanics for School Choice to inform and represent Hispanic families on the issues of educa onal choice, and currently serves as the Board President. In addi on to his work in educa on, he is also the Milwaukee Chapter President of the Catholic Associa on of La no Leaders. Zeus is involved in poli cs at the local, state, na onal, and interna onal levels, focusing on school choice, immigra on, as well as other issues that affect the Hispanic community. He is a Catholic convert, a Navy veteran and former Cardio-Thoracic Surgical First Assistant. Zeus and his wife Dr. Dana Rodriguez founded Padre Pio Clinic, Wisconsin's first independent school-based health care center, to provide care for the community's most underserved. Dr. Rodriguez serves as the director of the clinic, which is located at St. Anthony School. They have two children, Benjamin Jesus and Eva Meredith, who also a end St. Anthony School. IV DOMINGO DE TIEMPO ORDINARIO BAPTISM CLASSES CLASES P RE- BAUTISMALES Next Baptism Classes (English): Wednesday, March 11 & 18, 2015 7:00 pm—8:30 pm Admin Building –2nd Floor Both classes are required. Please register at the church office. Please do not bring children to class. Thank you. Próximas Clases Pre-Bautismales (Español): Martes, Marzo 3 & 10, 2015 6:15 pm-8:30 pm Edificio Administrativo Debe registrarse con anticipación en la oficina. Para mayor información llame al 713-675-5333. Se les pide no traer a los niños a la clase. Gracias. O UR LADY OF G UADALUPE—C ANDLE S TAND N UESTRA S EÑORA DE G UADALUPE—C ANDELABRO Light a votive candle for your special prayer intention. Minimum suggested donation of $2.00 Enciende una vela votiva por su oración especial a su intención . Donación mínima sugerida de $2.00 1 DE FEBRERO DEL 2015 Legion of Mary / Legión de María The Legion of Mary meets every Wednesday at 9:30 am in the rectory conference room. La Legión de María en español se reúne todos los Legion de Maria – Español viernes a las 10:00 am en el cuarto de conferencias en la rectoría. Para mayor información llamarle a María Martínez 713-672-0933. BUSINESS ADVERSTING - PUBLICIDAD DE NEGOCIO Interested in advertising on back of the bulletin? Call Rose Ann Mendiola at 832-630-0280 Estas interesado en publicitar en la parte posterior del boletín? Habla con Rose Ann Mendiola at 832-630-0280 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS (A.A.) Meets weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the rectory conference room. Tuesdays at 8pm and Thursdays at 7pm. 713-703-8360. You may view this bulletin online at www.rcchouston.org.
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What is Catholic Schools Week? - Resurrection Catholic Community
7:00pm Grupo de Oración………………………………..Church