East Aurora High School - East Aurora School District 131


East Aurora High School - East Aurora School District 131
East Aurora
High School
500 Tomcat Lane
Aurora, Illinois 60505
Phone 630-299-8000 FAX 630-299-8004
From the Principal’s Desk...
Dear Parents:
We were pleased to learn that we received a $5,000.00 grant from Lowe’s to
Issue 7
improve the main courtyard at the school this spring. Over the past several years,
more students are taking advantage of the courtyard during lunch periods and study
halls when the weather is warm. This grant will allow us to provide more seating
and make the courtyard a more enjoyable place for all.
March 18
We recently welcomed some new additions to our faculty: Anne Hughes, who
joined the Social Work Department; Mike Salerno, who joined the Special
Education Department; Science teachers Katie Hoffman and Kelly Miller; Kara
Bown, Math; Rachel Juarez, Social Studies and Jeff Melichar, English. Telephone
numbers for these new members of the faculty are included in this newsletter. As
parents, it is important to maintain on-going communication with your son or
daughter’s teachers to ensure that you are aware of their academic progress.
Third Quarter Ends
March 28 –
April 1
Spring Break
Coming in
April 22
Good Friday
No School
April 28
PSAE Testing
½ Day for Students
Coming in
May 13
Full-Day SIP
May 30
Memorial Day
Thanks to all who attended the spring parent-teacher conferences on February 24th.
As we move into the spring season, I encourage our Tomcats to continue to strive
for academic success and to challenge themselves to excel in all that they do. As
parents, I urge you to continue to support your students, both academically and
athletically and they progress through the school year.
By now, most of our Tomcats have made their course selections for next year. You
will soon be receiving a letter that lists the classes they have chosen. Please take a
few minutes to talk with your son or daughter about their choices to ensure that the
classes they take are helping to prepare them for their college or career plans after
graduation. Specific course details are available in the registration guide which is
given to each student during the course selection process, or through each student’s
counselor. 133 credits are required for graduation from East High School.
Students earn 3 credits for each semester course they successfully complete.
Students who are in the class of 2013 or beyond must also complete 40 hours of
community service before earning their diploma.
From the Principal’s Desk continued on Page 3...
Making Choices for Excellence
Número 7
18 de marzo
Finaliza el 3er
28 de marzo – 1
de abril
Descaño de
Pronto en
22 de abril
Viernes Santo
28 de abril
Examen PSAE
Medio día de clases
Pronto en
13 de mayo
Día completo de
30 de mayo
Día de
Del escritorio del director...
Estimados Padres:
Nos complace saber que hemos recibido una subvención de Lowe’s por $ 5,000.00
para mejorar el patio principal de la escuela, esta primavera. Por muchos años
pasados, mas estudiantes están aprovechando el patio durante los periodos de
almuerzo y de grupos de estudio cuando el clima esta cálido. Esta subvención nos
permitirá proporcionar más asientos y hacer del patio un lugar más placentero para
Nosotros recientemente hemos dado la bienvenida a nuevo personal para nuestra
facultad. Anne Hughes, quien se unió al departamento de trabajo social; Mike
Salerno, quien se unió al Departamento de Educación Especial; los maestros de
ciencias Katie Hoffman y Kelly Miller; Kara Bown de matemáticas; Rachel Juárez
de estudios sociales y Jeff Mellichar de Ingles. Los números de teléfono de estos
nuevos miembros de nuestra facultad están incluidos en esta carta informativa.
Como padres, es importante mantener una comunicación constante con el maestro
(a) de su hijo (a) para asegurar que usted esta al tanto de su progreso académico.
Gracias a todos aquellos quienes asistieron a la conferencia padres y maestros de
primavera, el 24 de febrero. Así como avanzamos hacia la temporada de primavera,
yo les recomiendo a nuestros Tomcats que continúen esforzándose por el éxito
académico y a desafiarse a si mismos para sobresalir en todo lo que ellos hagan.
Como padres, les pido que continúen apoyando a sus estudiantes, tanto
académicamente como atléticamente y en su progreso a lo largo del año escolar.
Por ahora, la mayoría de nuestros Tomcats han hecho su selección de cursos para el
próximo año. Usted pronto estará recibiendo una carta con la lista de cursos que
ellos han escogido. Por favor tómese unos minutos para hablar con su hijo (a)
acerca de sus elecciones para estar seguros de que las clases que ellos eligieron le
servirán de ayuda para el colegio o para sus planes de carrera después de la
graduación. Los detalles específicos de los cursos están disponibles en la guía de
registros la cual se entrega a cada estudiante durante el proceso de selección de
cursos, o por medio del orientador de cada estudiante. Se requiere de 136 créditos
para la graduación de la Escuela Secundaria del Este de Aurora. Los estudiantes
obtienen 3 créditos por cada semestre de curso que ellos completen
satisfactoriamente. Los estudiantes quienes están en la clase del 2013 o anterior
deberán también completar 40 horas de servicio comunitario antes de obtener su
Del escritorio del director continúa en página 3...
Attention Parents:
Atención Padres:
Please help us to eliminate
tardies to first period by
making sure your child
gets to school by 7:45 AM.
Por favor ayúdenos a eliminar
los retrasos en el primer
periodo, asegurándose que su
hijo llegue a la escuela a las
7:45 a.m. ¡Gracias!
Page 2
From the Principal’s Desk continued from Page 1...
Students who have not yet completed any community service activities for this year are missing out on
valuable opportunities to learn through experiences that benefit their school or community. Students who
complete 120 hours of service are eligible for the Mayor’s Silver Cord Service Award at graduation.
As always, I thank you for your support of our Tomcats and their education.
Sheila Conrad, Principal
Del escritorio del director continúa de la página 2...
Los estudiantes quienes no hayan realizado ninguna actividad de servicio comunitario por este año están
perdiendo oportunidades valiosas para aprender mediante experiencias que benefician a su escuela o
comunidad. Los estudiantes quienes completaron 120 horas de servicio comunitario son elegibles para el
premio de Mayor’s Silver Cord Service Award en la graduación.
Sheila Conrad, Director
& High School Student Schedule and ID Pick-up
& entrega del programa e identificación del estudiante en secundaria
August 2, 2011
2 de agosto 2011
August 3, 2011
3 de agosto 2011
August 4, 2011
4 de agosto 2011
August 5, 2011
5 de agosto 2011
9:00 AM-4:30 PM Schedule & ID pick up, fee payment
9:00 AM-4:30 PM Entrega de programa e identificación, pago de cuota
Wednesday 12:00 PM-7:00 PM Schedule & ID pick up, fee payment
12:00 PM-7:00 PM Entrega de programa e identificación, pago de cuota
9:00 AM-3:00 PM New students
9:00 AM-3:00 PM Estudiantes nuevos
9:00 AM-3:00 PM New students
9:00 AM-3:00 PM Estudiantes nuevos
Page 3
East High’s Parent Liaison, Ms. Ramona Velazquez is here to help
you! She can be reached at 630-299-8174.
¡La enlace de padres de la Secundaria es la Srta. Ramona Velásquez
y está aquí para ayudarle! Puede ser localizada en 630-299-8174.
For the safety of our students,
all visitors to East Aurora
High School must present a
picture I.D. upon entering the
Por la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes,
todos los visitantes a la Escuela
Secundaria del Este de Aurora deben
presentar una identificación con
fotografía antes de entrar al edificio.
The Career
Center is
Important Information…
Información importante…
Now Open!
East High’s Career Center
is open to students and
parents every Wednesday
and Thursday afternoon
from 4:30 – 6:30 PM.
¡El Centro
de Profesión
esta ahora
It is important to notify
the school nurse if
there have been any
changes in your child’s
medical conditions,
such as new medication,
allergies, etc. Please
call Nurse Karantonis at
630-299-8156 to
discuss these changes.
El Centro de Profesión de la Escuela
Secundaria esta abierto a los estudiantes y
padres, cada miércoles y jueves en las tardes
de 4:30 a 6:30 p.m.
Es importante notificar a la enfermera
escolar si ha habido cambios en las
condiciones médicas de su hijo(a), como un
nuevo medicamento, alergias, etc. Por favor,
comuníquese con la Enfermera Karantonis al
630-299-8156 para analizar estos cambios.
Online Sex Offender List
Lista de delincuentes sexuales vía Internet
The Illinois State Police provides an online listing
of sex offenders required to register in the State
of Illinois. The database is updated daily and
allows searching by name,
city, county, zip code,
compliance status, or any
combination thereof. The
database can be accessed at
Don’t Forget...
No lo olvide...
Please contact the
attendance office at
630-299-8111 when your child is
La Policía del Estado de Illinois proporciona una lista
en Internet de los delincuentes sexuales obligados a
registrarse por el Estado de Illinois. La información es
actualizada diariamente y proporciona investigar por
nombre, ciudad, condado, código postal, estatus de
cumplimiento o cualquier combinación existente. La
información puede ser vista en
Por favor comuníquese a la
oficina de asistencia al
630-299-8111 cuando su hijo(a)
esté ausente.
Page 4
School Tip Line
Violence Prevention Program
¡Estan Invitados!
- Totally Anonymous Phone Calls-24 Hours
- Keep Your School Safe — Protect Your
- Stop Violence and Other
Criminal Activity
Avisadora Escolar
Programa de Prevención de la Violencia
- Llamadas totalmente anónimas-24 Horas
- Para proteger su escuela y proteger
a sus amigos
- Pare la Violencia y otras actividades
East High Parents and Community
Padres de East High y miembros de
la comunidad
Community Advisory Committee
Reuniones del Comite Comunitario
Third Tuesday of the Month at
12:00 Noon
El tercer Martes del mes 12:00 PM
East High Room 206
En East High en el Salon 206
To learn more about East High
Para apreder más sobre East High
Meeting Dates
March 15, 2011
Fechas de las reuniones
Marzo 15, 2011
Remember: Spring Break is
March 28th through April 1st
This is the last meeting
of this school year!
Upcoming Events…
PTA Meeting
March 3, 2011
@ 7:00 PM in the Faculty Cafeteria
Jazz Concert
March 3, 2011
@ 6:00 PM in the EHS Auditorium
NJROTC Booster Club Meeting
March 14, 2011
@ 7:00 PM in the Room 1017
Parent Financial Workshop
(FAFSA Completion)
March 23, 2011
@ 6:30 PM in the EHS Library
Spring Play
March 25, 2011 @ 7:00 PM
March 26 and March 27, 2011
@ 3:00 PM in the EHS Auditorium
Fine Arts Festival
April 9, 2011
NJROTC Booster Club Meeting
April 11, 2011
@ 7:00 PM in the Room 1017
Parent Workshop
March 16, 2011 @ 6:30 PM in Room 239
Military Ball
March 19, 2011 @ 7:00 PM
at Gaslite Manor
NJROTC Awards Ceremony
April 13, 2011 @ 6:00 PM
Athletic Awards Banquet
March 23, 2011 @ 6:30 PM in the Student Cafeteria
Page 5
PSAE Testing
April 27, 2011 and April 28, 2011
Upstate Eight Conference Champion Wrestling (135lbs)
Campeon de Lucha Libre en Upstate Eight Conference Championship (135 libras)
Congratulations to Hector
Ruiz, EAHS Class of 2011,
for winning the Upstate
Eight Conference
Championship in Wrestling
(135lbs) on Saturday at the
UEC Wrestling Meet hosted
at East Aurora High School.
Felicitaciones a Hector Ruiz de
la Clase 2011 de EAHS, por
ganar el Upstate Eight
Conference Championship de
lucha libre (Campeonato estatal
de Lucha libre entre 14
escuelas secundarias en la
categoría de 135 libras) el
sábado en el Encuentro de
Lucha UEC, realizado en la
Escuela Secundaria del Este de
Hector’s overall season
record is 23-3, and he was
crowned Homecoming King
last fall.
He attended Allen
Elementary School and
Cowherd Middle School.
“Winning conference in my
senior year in my very last
home match is as good as it
can get,” said Ruiz.
“ Ganar la conferencia en mi año
senior, en mi ultimo partido del
encuentro en la escuela, no
pudo haber sido mejor’ Dijo Ruiz.
El promedio de los resultados
de la temporada de Hector es
de 23-3, y el fue coronado como
el Rey del Baile de Bienvenida
(Homecoming) el pasado otoño.
El asistió a la Escuela
Elemental de Allen y a la
Escuela Intermedia de
Since 2000, the City of Aurora’s Aurora Hispanic Heritage Advisory Board has recognized the
efforts and accomplishments of residents in our community, particularly those of our students.
During the annual Community Breakfast held on Friday, January 21st, over two dozen students
were honored from elementary through college. Nine of those students are enrolled in East
Aurora High School. This year’s East Aurora award recipients are:
Desde el 2000, La junta de Asesoría de la Herencia Hispana de la Ciudad
de Aurora, ha reconocido los esfuerzos y logros de residentes de
nuestra comunidad, particularmente a alguno de nuestros estudiantes.
Durante el Desayuno Anual de la Comunidad realizado el Viernes, 21 de
enero; más de dos docenas de estudiantes desde el nivel elemental
hasta el nivel de colegio fueron honrados. Catorce de aquellos
estudiantes están inscritos en el Distrito Escolar del Este de Aurora 131.
Los que recibieron este año el premio del Este de Aurora son:
DE LA HERENCIA HISPANA continúa en página 14…
Page 6
Why learn languages while at EA?
¿Porque aprender lenguajes durante su permanencia en EA?
"I speak English, so I don't have to learn a foreign
“Yo hablo Ingles, por eso no tengo que aprender
un lenguaje extranjero…”
Everyone speaks English, right? Well, certainly not
everyone speaks English. According to the CIA
World Fact Book, only 5.6 % of the world's total
population speaks English as a primary language.
That number doubles when people who speak
English as a second or third language are counted.
By conservative estimates, that means that well over
four-fifths of the world's population does not speak
Todos hablamos Ingles, ¿verdad? Bueno,
ciertamente no todos hablamos Ingles. Según el
libro de factores, CIA World Fact Book, solo 5.6%
de la población total en el mundo habla Ingles
como su idioma principal. Ese número se duplica
cuando se toman en cuenta a las personas
quienes hablan Ingles como segunda o tercera
lengua. Según cálculos conservadores, esto
significa que más de cuatro quintas partes de la
población mundial no hablan Ingles.
10 good reasons why you should
be learning a foreign language
10 buenas razones por las tu deberías
aprender un idioma extranjero
1. To increase global understanding
1. Para incrementar un entendimiento global.
2. To improve employment potential
2. Para mejorar el potencial de empleo.
3. To increase native language ability
4. To sharpen cognitive and life skills
3. Para incrementar la capacidad del idioma
5. To improve chances of entry into college or
graduate school
4. Para mejorar las capacidades de la vida diaria
y cognitivas.
6. To appreciate international literature, music, and
5. Para incrementar las opciones de ingreso al
colegio o a las escuelas licenciadas.
7. To make travel more feasible and enjoyable
6. Para apreciar la literatura, música y películas
8. To expand study abroad options
9. To increase understanding of oneself and one's
own culture
10. To make lifelong friends
7. Para hacer que los viajes sean más factibles
y placenteros.
8. Para ampliar las opciones de estudio en el
9. Para mejorar el entendimiento de uno mismo
y de nuestra propia cultura.
East Aurora High
School offers French,
German, Spanish and
Spanish for Native
Speakers. Next time
you're thinking about
what is right for you, talk
to your counselor and
ask her to enroll you in a
Foreign Language class. It will make a difference!
10. Para hacer amigos para toda la vida.
La Escuela secundaria del Este de Aurora
ofrece francés, alemán, español y español
para los que hablan español como lengua
nativa. La próxima vez que pienses sobre lo que
es mejor para ti, habla con tu orientador y pídele
que te inscriba en una clase de idioma extranjero.
¡Hará la diferencia!
Page 7
Curriculum Corner
Esquina del Programa Curricular
February through April is an active testing time here
at East High. During the fall, all students in grades
9-11 took the ThinkLink Assessment respective to
their grade. This provides us great information on
student learning. During February, grade 11
students took the second of these assessments, and
grades 9-10 will be doing so in April. Taking two
assessments during the school year allows teachers
to see student growth from test 1 to test 2.
April 27-28, 2011 are the
official PSAE testing days
for grade 11 students. The
first day will be the ACT
exam, with second day the
WorkKeys Reading and
Applied Mathematics
exam, in addition to a
state-developed science exam. These exams are
taken in testing rooms, which have been utilized all
Freshman and Sophomore students will be taking
the EXPLORE and PLAN tests, respectively. This
will be conducted on April 28, 2011, also in testing
rooms. These two tests are the “pre-ACT” tests
which give much information to parents and
teachers regarding college readiness. It is a great
source of information as we work to ensure our
curriculum is rigorous and relevant.
Desde febrero hasta abril es temporada activa de
exámenes aquí en la escuela secundaria del este.
Durante el otoño, todos los estudiantes en los
grados 9° al 11° rindieron el examen ThinkLink
es sus respectivos grados. Esto nos proporciona
una gran información sobre el aprendizaje del
estudiante. Durante febrero, los estudiantes del
11° grado rindieron la segunda parte de este
examen, y los estudiantes de los grados 9° y 10°
lo estarán dando en abril. El tomar dos exámenes
durante el año escolar les permite a los maestros
ver el desarrollo entre el examen 1 y el examen 2.
El 27 y 28 de abril son los días oficiales de los
exámenes PSAE para los estudiantes del grado
11°. El primer día será del examen ACT, el
segundo día será de lectura WorkKeys y el
examen de Applied Mathematics, además del
examen de ciencias desarrollado en el estado.
Estos exámenes son tomados en salones para
pruebas, los cuales han sido utilizados todo el
Los estudiantes Freshman y Sophomore estarán
rindiendo los exámenes EXPLORE y PLAN
respectivamente. Esto será llevado a cabo el 28
de abril del 2011, también en salones para
pruebas. Estos dos son los exámenes “pre-ACT”
exámenes que otorgan mucha información para
los padres y maestros con respecto a la
preparación para el colegio. Esto es una gran
fuente de información así como trabajamos para
asegurar que nuestro plan de estudios es riguroso
y relevante.
The Prairie State Exam
April 27 -28 are test days!
East Aurora High School…
Where we expect success
and nothing less!
Page 8
Athletic Department News
Spring sports are underway. Athletes and coaches are working hard and getting ready in
Badminton, Baseball, Softball, Boy’s Tennis, Boy’s and Girl’s Track, and Girl’s Soccer. Students
wishing to participate need to have the following:
- Must have passed five (5) classes the previous semester
- Must have a current physical on file
- Must have health/accident insurance or signed insurance
- Must have information sheet filled out, signed by parents
and on file in athletic office. (Information Sheet/Insurance
Waiver is available in the athletic office.)
- Pay $30 participation fee or have a fee waiver
- Photograph Permission Form
Listed below are the Head Coaches for our Spring Sports:
Boy’s Tennis
Boy’s Track
Girl’s Track
Girl’s Soccer
Rebecca Gabrys
Jorge Trejo
April Boldman
Sue Skelley
Shane Gillespie
William Anderson
Matt Shirk
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Check the schedule on line at www.highschoolsports.net. This website has pull down menus—the
first one is for the state. After you have pulled down the menu for the state, a list of schools will
pop up. Select East Aurora and it will take you to the calendar. If we cancel a game, it will be
shown on the website. Bus times are also available on the website.
Spring Break is March 28th- April 1st. Athletes should contact their coaches regarding practice and
game times and location during break.
Please note that our home baseball games are either played at East Aurora High School, or Tiger
Club located off of Hill Avenue. If you are a parent of a baseball player, please check with the
Coach or Athletic Department on the location of the games on a daily basis.
All home softball games are played at Phillips Park.
At each Athletic Awards Banquet, the Athletic Department awards one athlete from each team a
“Letterman’s Jacket.” The jacket is sponsored by the Sports Boosters, and is awarded to an
athlete that displays great sportsmanship, has at least at 2.5 GPA, attends every practice, and is
an outstanding citizen. Currently, twenty-six jackets have been awarded to athletes at East High
over the past two years. The Athletic Department, Coaches, and Sports Boosters look forward to
awarding seven more Jackets at our Spring Banquet which will be on March 23, 2011.
If you have any questions regarding Athletics, please contact one of the head coaches, or any
one of the members of the Athletic Department listed below. Go Tomcats!!!
Charles C. Leadbetter
Athletic Director
(630) 299-8175
Nathan Parry
Assistant Athletic Director
(630) 299-8061
Bea Thornton
(630) 299-8143
Noticias del Departamento de Deportes continued on Page 10…
Page 9
Noticias del Departamento de Deportes continued from page 9…
Los deportes de primavera están en curso. Los atletas y entrenadores están trabajando arduamente
se están preparando en Badminton, Béisbol, Softball, Tenis de varones, Atletismo de damas y varones,
y futbol de damas. Los estudiantes que deseen participar necesitan lo siguiente:
- Deberán haber aprobado cinco (5) clases del semestre previo.
- Deberán contar con un examen físico vigente en nuestros archivos
- Deberán contar con seguro medico y/o contra accidentes o tener una hoja firmada con la
exoneración de la póliza de seguro.
- Deberán contar con la hoja de informacion personal debidamente llenada y firmada por los
padres y en los archivo de nuestra oficina de deportes. (La hoja de informacion personal y/o
Exoneración de la póliza de seguro están disponibles en la oficina de deportes.)
- Pagar $30 por participación o contar con una exoneración de pago
Abajo detallamos la lista de entrenadores para nuestros Deportes de Primavera:
Tenis para varones
Atletismo de varones
Atletismo para damas
Futbol para damas
Rebecca Gabrys
Jorge Trejo
April Boldman
Sue Skelley
Shane Gillespie
William Anderson
Matt Shirk
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Vea las fechas en Internet en www.highschoolsports.net. Este pagina de Internet tiene diferentes
menús —el primero es para el estado. Después de que usted abra el menú del estado, una lista de
escuelas aparecerá en pantalla. Seleccione al Este de Aurora y lo llevará al calendario. Si nosotros
cancelamos un juego, esto se indicará en la página de Internet. También esta disponible el horario
de los autobuses.
El descanso de primavera será del 28 de marzo al 1 de abril. Los atletas deberán contactar a sus
entrenadores con respecto a los días, horas y lugares para las prácticas y juegos además del lugar
durante las vacaciones de primavera.
Por favor tome nota que nuestros juegos en casa de béisbol serán, ya sea en la escuela secundaria o
en el Tiger Club localizado en la avenida Hill. Si usted es padre de un jugador de béisbol, por favor
contacte al entrenador o al departamento de deportes en el mismo lugar de los juegos diarios.
Todos los juegos de béisbol en casa, serán jugados en el Phillips Park.
En cada Banquete de Premiación el Departamento de Deporte premiará a un atleta de cada equipo
con una “Letterman’s Jacket.” La chaqueta es auspiciada por Sports Boosters, y se le dará como
premio a un atleta que demuestre un gran espíritu deportivo, que tenga por lo menos 2.5 de
promedio general
(GPA), asista a cada práctica, y que sea un sobresaliente ciudadano.
Actualmente, se han premiado a veintiséis atletas de la Escuela Secundaria del Este de Aurora con
chaquetas por los últimos dos años. El Departamento de Deportes, entrenadores, y Sports Boosters
están ansiosos por premiar a siete estudiantes mas, con chaquetas en nuestro Banquete de Primavera
que se realizará el 253 de marzo del 2011.
Si usted tiene alguna pregunta respecto a los deportes, por favor contactar a uno de lo principales
entrenadores, o a cualquiera de los miembros del Departamento de Deportes indicado abajo.
¡¡¡Arriba Tomcats!!!
Charles C. Leadbetter
Director de Deportes
(630) 299-8175
Nathan Parry
Subdirector de Deportes
(630) 299-8061
Page 10
Bea Thornton
(630) 299-8143
East Aurora High School 2010/2011 Second Quarter Honor Roll
Escuela Secundaria del Este de Aurora - 2010/2011 Lista de honor de segundo trimestre
High Honor Roll
Grade 9
Lista de honor
principal 9° grado
Roxanne Abrica
Isabell Acosta
Nafisat Adekola
Gerardo Alcantara
Janira Ayala
Daisy Barrera
Jeremy Blocker
Erik Bravo
Omar Cabadas
Jose Cabral
Jorge Cabrera
Tanner Cassidy
Carolina Cazares
Karina Cazares
Carolina Chaidez
Angel Chavez
Justin Conley
Nixa Del Real
Clarissa Delgado
Leslie Elizarraras
Yulisa Feliciano
Clara Franco
Desirrea Franklin
Andrea Garcia
Carina Garcia
Melissa Garcia
Selena Garcia
Fatima Gomez-Moran
Alejandro Gudino
Marisol Guevara
Jannine Gutierrez
Omar Gutierrez
Thomas Guzman
Dihaney Heredia
Alondra Hernandez
Angela Hernandez
Cesar Herrera
Maribel Herrera
Nicholas Kluber
Yadira Lazcano
Margarita Llamas
Hector Martinez
Raul Martinez
Kimberly Mascote
Jennifer Mata
Ana Mazariegos
Reyna Mercado
Raul Millan
Miguel Munoz
Fernando Navarro
Rita Oceguera
Evelyn Ortiz
Nayeli Partida
Beatriz Perez
Hector Perez
Nancy Perez
Anthony Price
Yessica Puga
Andrea Ramirez
Guadalupe Ramirez
Luis Ramirez
Olivia Ramirez
Karen Relucio
Elizabeth Resendiz
Christian Reyes
Yesenia Reyes
Deisy Rico
Aracely Rios
Edith Rivera
Cynthia Rocha
Jailene Santana
Sarah Sebastian
Allyson Silva
Isaac Soriano
Emily Tracy
Jessica Valenzuela
Israel Vazquez
Jennifer Velasquez
David ViayraGutierrez
Alexis Williams
Regular Honor Roll
Grade 9
Lista de honor
regular 9° grado
Robert Acevedo
Fernando Aguila
Alma Aguilera
Oscar Aguirre
Jacqueline Alcala
Ismael Alquisira
Cristal Alvarez
Victor Amaro
Ignacia Anaya
Alexis Aragon
Humberto Armenta
Cristian Arriaga
Sheila Arriola
Mercedes Ballines
Justin Bogard
Jacqueline Bolivar
Bianca Bueno
Shequise Byers
Diana Campos
Selena Carrillo
Fabiola Castillon
Driana Cotto
Alexis Davis
Tamara Davis
Francisco Delgado
Isaias Denton
Nancy Diaz
Daniel Dumas
Jesus Ferrel
Porfirio Flores
Tamia Foster
Bertha Gonzales
Maria Guzman
Shabria Harris
David Herrera
Denise Herrera
Perla Herrera
Cornelio Ibarra
Melisa Ibarra
Daniel Jimenez
Amber Kelley
Kimberly Keith
Josue Landa
Erika Lopez
Sarah Lorenz
Ruby Lowe
Joel Magana
Laura Magana
Cesar Maldonado
Mariah Markham
Jose Martinez-Gonzalez
Dalia Martinez
Marcos Murillo
Alyssa Nieves
Alexis Nunez
Hector Ocampo
Raul Ochoa
Rebecca Ochoa
Adrian Ortiz
Daniel Ortiz
Heriberto Ortiz
Alan Padilla
Sabrina Perez
Josefina Pina
Dominique Presley
Sergio Quintanilla
Areli Ramirez
Nayeli Real
Elvira Renteria
Jocelyn Rico
Vanessa Rios
Henry Robles
Luis Rodea
Jessenia Rodriguez
Julio Rodriguez
Marco Rodriguez
Nehemiah Rogers
Tonari Ruiz-Escobedo
Alexis Russell
Perla Salas
Janice Sanchez
Javier Sanchez
Starr Sanders
Stephanie Smith
Jose Tavizon
Jesus Torres
Karina Tovar
Monique Trevino
2010/2011 Second Quarter Honor Roll continued on Page 12…
2010/2011 Lista de honor de segundo trimestre continúa en página 12…
Page 11
2010/2011 Second Quarter Honor Roll continued from Page 11…
2010/2011 Lista de honor de segundo trimestre continúa de la página 11…
Regular Honor Roll
Grade 9
Lista de honor
regular 9° grado
Carina Valente
Ismael Varela
Sarah Vargas
Jose Vera
Mckenna Walker
High Honor Roll
Grade 10
Lista de honor
principal 10° grado
Brenda Acosta
Catherine Arend
Miguel Arizmendi
Curesa Arnold
Areli Bazan-Villar
Jesus Cardenas
Jesus Cepeda
Jhael Cortes
Jesus Del Toro
Nidya Diaz
Viridiana Diaz
Marcos Escobedo
Lirio Galvan
Lorena Garcia
Beatriz Gutierrez
Jaqueline Hernandez
Juan Ibarra
Karina Martinez
Matthew Miller
Omar Miranda
Mayra Morales
Israel Mueller
Edward Murphy
Karina Myrtil
Guadalupe Navarro
Tomas Navarro
Erica Padilla
Miranda Perez
Angelica Pulido
Aaron Ramos
Elvis Reyes
Jocelyne Rodriguez
Andrea Salinas
Erick Tepox
Alexis Trujillo
Jaquelin Valerio
Emmelia Vanetten
Crystal Vazquez
Sarah Webber
Regular Honor Roll
Grade 10
Lista de honor
regular 10° grado
Yaritza Alonso
Klaryssa Arch
Crystal Avila
Sonia Borjon
Cynthia Campos
Eduardo Castaneda
Jorge Ceja
Criscela Ceniceros
Iris Cruz
Sharezza Cunningham
Jaqueline Deere
Brandon Delacruz
Gabriela Deloera
Troy Drolema
Jose Galindo
Juan Garcia
Victor Garcia
Sergio Gaspar-Leyva
Maria Gomez
Mauricio Gonzalez
Alejandra Gutierrez
Santiago Gutierrez
Shweta Gyasi
Joceline Hernandez
Karina Hernandez
Ricky Hernandez
Jessica Jimenez
Itzel Lazcano
Rebeca Lopez
Karla Luna
Stephanie Manriquez
Kevin Martinez
William Matuck
Paulina Meraz
Selena Morales
Jazmin Nicacio
Brenda Nicasio
Cody Nieves
Viviana Nino
Angelica Nunez
Riley O'Malley
Arturo Oceguera
Karen Ochoa
Armando Ortiz
Frank Ortiz
Aurora Perez
Jesus Ponce
Cristian Portillo
Marlen Quintana
Fredy Real
Erik Rios
Ezequiel Rios
Candido Rocha
Aaliyah Rodriguez
Martin Ruiz
Erica Salgado
Lorena Sanchez
Miguel Sanchez
Concepcion Sosa
Elyccia Stafford
Gabriel Suarez
Jose Tapia
Tonisha Taylor
Gabriela Torres
Jasmine Torres
Antonio Vazquez
Miguel Vega
Karina Villa
Jacqueline Villagran
Karla Webb
Tyree Willis
Alexis Zamora
Selena Zepeda
High Honor Roll
Grade 11
Lista de honor
principal 11° grado
Alfredo Alcala
Coraima Amaya
Uriel Baca
Miguel Barajas-Guzman
Javier Borjas
Cheyenne Brogie
Jose Calderon
Nallely Camarillo
Johann Chaidez
Miguel Gamboa
Maria Garcia
Serafin Garcia
John Gerhard
Luke Gerhard
Stephany Gonsalez
Hernan Gonzalez
Giovanni Gutierrez
Sanjuana Gutierrez
Diana Jimenez
Crystal Lazcano
Valentin Lopez
Janelle Magana
Rosaura Munoz
Maoneo Mushunduzi
Brian Nunez
Rodolfo Perez
Tania Perez
Gabriela Rios
Cinthya Rivera
Edgar Rivera
Nancy Rivera
Mariela Salgado
Daisy Sanchez
Veronica Soto
Erick Tapia
Vanessa Viayra-Gutierrez
Shelby Wommack
2010/2011 Second Quarter Honor Roll continued on Page 13…
2010/2011 Lista de honor de segundo trimestre continúa en página 13…
Page 12
2010/2011 Second Quarter Honor Roll continued from Page 12…
2010/2011 Lista de honor de segundo trimestre continúa de la página 12…
Regular Honor Roll
Grade 11
Lista de honor
regular 11° grado
Andrew Abell
Nathan Acevedo
Henry Alarcon
Richard Barajas
Arnela Beslagic
Dondre Brown
Clarissa Castro
Evelyn Chavarria
Jhoana Colin
Diana Cortes
Hernan De Jesus
Joseph Dumas
Xhenet Dzaferi
Josue Esparza
David Esquivel
Felicia Farbo
Angelica Gonzales
Miguel Hernandez
Carissa Hidalgo
Martha Jolly
Tanya Jonsson
Stephanie Lazcano
Yvette Leon-Valente
Denise Lopez-Quintero
Bertha Lopez
Amber Lyles
Mairam Martinez
Valeria Martinez
Patricia Monarrez
Valentin Morales
Audrey Moss
Patricia Nies
Juan Perez
Betsabe Plazola
Jessica Prado
Cynthia Ramirez
Srisel Ramirez
Araceli Reyna
Selina Reyna
Kimberley Rico
Ariel Rios-Sanchez
Antonio Rios
Elizabeth Saldana
David Salgado
David Sanchez
Elizabeth Sierra
Jahayra Solis
Angelica Sosa
Daniel Torres
Vanessa Valenciano
Margarita Valerio
Giovanni Vargas
Jakub Wrobel
High Honor Roll
Grade 12
Lista de honor
principal 12° grado
Aracely Barraza
Analidia Ceja
Fernando Cervantes
Andy De Jesus
Marcos Gomez
Yesenia Gutierrez
Virginia Handley
Jenny Hernandez
William Kelley
Emma Manriquez
Nancy Maravillo
Daniella Martinez
Daphne Martinez
Joseph McCall
Amarilis Medrano
Ana Nino
Ramiro Ontiveros
Gerardo Paleo
Ivan Palkov
Porsche Palmer
Desury Paredes
Victor Peralta
Evelyn Ramirez
Valeria Ramirez
Mariela Rios-Sanchez
Esmeralda Romero
Carla Salas
Viridiana Salazar
Alejandra Saldana
Danny Sanchez
Aneysha Santana
Daianna Soto
Jennifer Thomas
Cynthia Torres
Alejandra Vera
Agustin Villagran
Regular Honor Roll
Grade 12
Lista de honor
regular 12° grado
Ariadne Abrica
Alexis Aguirre
Evon Aldridge
Cinthia Arias
Laura Arredondo
Paloma Arroyo
Dulce Caballero
Maria Cabrera
Brenda Camacho
Francisco Cano
Jessica Cardenas
Rita Cardenas
John Cardoza
Liliana Cepeda
Osvaldo Chavez
Ricardo Contreras
Shakeita Courtney
Miguel Diaz
Rogelio Diaz
Oscar Espinal
Keisha Esquivel
Mary Ford
Jaclynn Gaddini
Mayanira Gomez
Yadira Gomez
Concepcion Gonzalez
Kayla Goodman
Kenneth Green
Megan Griesmann
Cecilia Gutierrez
Baltazar Guzman
Elizabeth Guzman
Abraham Heredia
Kevona House
Ruby Ibarra
Fabio Jimenez
Jaime Juarez
Tania Juarez
Page 13
Beatrice Kimani
Jessica Langston
Gracie Lopez
Emmanuel Lozoya
Cesar Maldonado
Kelly Marek
Berenice Martinez
Cynthia Martinez
Esmeralda Menchaca
Areli Mendez
Robert Moland
Gladis Nevarez
Cecilia Nicasio
Alejandra Noguera
Adrian Nunez
Andrea Nunez
Isaul Ocasio
Oscar Oliverio
Mayra Patino
Iris Perez
Diego Pizano
Jasmine Plummer
Ericka Rodriguez
Felipe Rodriguez
Yessica Rodriguez
David Romero
Avidan Rosales
Hector Ruiz
Fernando Salinas
Jacqueline Sanchez
Maria Sanchez
Derek Schwartz
Chantae Shepherd
Edgar Sias
Itzel Sotelo
Ruben Tagorda
Randolfo Torrez
Lauro Valente
Perla Vasquez
Yara Vazquez
Daniela Vilchez
Jazmin Villa
Maricarmen Villalpando
Carol Villanueva Perez
German Zamudio
Amy Zepeda
DE LA HERENCIA HISPANA continúa de la página 6…
Leadership in the School & Community (9th-11th)
Liderazgo en la Escuela y Comunidad (9no.-11vo.)
Antonio Vazquez
Vanessa Valenciano
Elizabeth Saldana
Erick Tapia
Class of 2011 Scholarships (12th)
Becas para la Clase del 2011 (12vo.)
Ana Nino
Desury Paredes
Jenny Hernandez
Alejandra Saldana
College Scholarships
Becas para el Colegio
David Ferrel (Class of 2008 EAHS) – Aurora University
Street Gang Information
What is a Street Gang?
A gang is a group of persons who follow a common code of conduct, have common beliefs, have common identifiers,
have a general geographic territory, have a formal or informal hierarchical structure AND attempt to accomplish their
goals through CRIMINAL ACTIVITY. Gangs are typically involved in crimes such as Narcotics Trafficking, Drive-By
Shootings, Murder, Burglaries, Aggravated Battery, Intimidation, Auto Thefts, Robberies, Thefts and Weapons Violations.
When did Gangs start?
Gangs have existed for generations primarily as ethnic protection groups. In the last 30-40 years some gangs have
started to evolve into extremely violent narcotics trafficking operations. These gangs are becoming the “Organized Crime”
groups of today. They function like “Domestic Terrorists” as they intimidate the citizens of the communities they operate
in. They damage the lives of individuals and families through the violence created by their criminal street gang activity.
Where do the Gangs exist?
Gangs are now in existence in nearly all communities across the nation. Some areas are affected more than others, but it
is clear that gangs are phenomena that are growing at an alarming rate. It is seriously impairing the quality of life today in
our communities and country. Major cities are the typical problem areas, but smaller communities are now experiencing
“Big City” type crime. With the mobility of the gang members today they come through and affect nearly every
Who joins a Gang?
Typically 11-24 year olds. However, some are born into a family deeply involved in gangs.
Typically Males. However, females are commonly active associates of the gang that a boyfriend, a friend or family
member may belong to. They may also form a female branch of the male gang.
All Races. Gangs are not necessarily divided by race, as many gangs mix races, regardless of the gang name.
Social / Economic Status. Typically, gangs attract individuals of the lower socio-economic class from the inner city or
older neighborhoods. However, middle and upper class youth can be involved as well.
Education Level. Typically, individuals involved in gangs tend to disregard education. However, some do complete high
school and even attend college. Often they obtain a G.E.D. as a means to satisfy court imposed sentencing
requirements, and possibly obtain early release benefits.
Street Gang Information continued on Page 15…
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Street Gang Information continued from Page 14…
Why does a person join a Gang?
A person can join a gang for a variety of reasons. Typically, we see the following reasons:
Lack of attention at home from their family
Lack of love from their family
Other family members involved in gangs
Raised in an area where gangs are active
Seeking adventure or excitement
Status among peers
Protection from other gangs
Lack of life goals
Breakdown of family unity and activities
Sense of power
Young people look to a gang to meet the needs that are not satisfied at home, in school or in other areas of their life.
The gangs are very skilled at identifying and meeting those needs as many of them joined the gang for the same
reasons. Although the attention a young person receives from the gang is a prescription for trouble, the youth perceives
it as better than none at all.
Types of Gangs
There are several types of gangs that exist, which include: Street Gangs, Motorcycle Gangs, Hate Gangs (Supremacists
and Separatists), Militant Gangs (Racial, Ethnic & Political), Drug Trafficking Gangs (Cartels and Posses). The Street
Gangs that typically operate in Illinois are divided into two major groups. These two groups are known as the
“PEOPLES NATION” and the “FOLKS NATION.” The two groups are made up of several smaller gangs, which are
aligned into one of the two nations. The “PEOPLES” and “FOLKS” are rivals of each other. This creates an alliance of
the gangs within each nation against gangs within the opposite nation.
Gang Structure
Gangs are typically operated by individuals who are incarcerated in the prison system. These individuals mastermind
the overall operations of the gangs and pass on orders to the gangs on the street through person-to-person visits, phone
conversations and letters. The individuals in prison also outline the codes of conduct, philosophies, by-laws, rules,
violations and the gang constitutions. These become the “handbook” of the gangs. Breaking the “rules” can result in
fines, beatings, ejection and even death.
The gangs follow a similar hierarchy, but different gangs have different names for specific “ranks.” Members can
achieve “status” based on their function or prowess within the gang. Gang structure may include some of the following:
Council or Board
Chiefs of Staff
Local Leaders / Shot Callers
Local Staff Officers
Hardcore Members
Hardcore gang members can be defined as persons who function on a daily basis for the gang. The gang provides for
the person and the person lives and dies for the gang. Hardcore members become more dedicated as they climb the
rank structure and gain power and status.
Members are persons who are part of the gang, but their lives do not revolve around the gang. They may only function
or associate with the gang on a less than daily basis and are normally not entrusted with a major role. Associates are
persons who may be trying to join a gang but may not have been officially adopted yet. It can also be person(s) who
“Hang out” with the gang and may be involved in some of the activities. A dedicated associate can sometimes be
deeply involved in a gang’s activities.
Supporters are persons who sympathize with the gang and perform acts that indirectly support its functions and
activities. Although many of the gang constitutions will appear to denounce criminal activity and violence, the gangs are
involved in all types of crime.
Narcotics Trafficking
Gun Trafficking
Arson / Bombings
Violent Crime (Assault to Murder)
Thefts (Burglary, Auto Theft, etc.)
Robberies (Extortion, Home Invasions, etc.)
Street Gang Information continued on Page 16…
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Street Gang Information continued from Page 15…
The gangs view themselves as “revolutionaries” for the “Oppressed” or “crusaders” for the “family religion.” Many gang
members and associates follow this belief with the intensity of a patriot for his country or a missionary for his religion.
The gang can often have a stronger influence than the gang member’s biological family.
The nations have identifiers, which “represent” their alliance. These identifiers are used to identify one’s gang affiliation
to other people. The common identifiers for the nations are as follows:
Left side of body
5 point star
“All is Well”
Right side of body
6 point star
“All is One”
Each individual gang will have its own common identifiers to show
membership to a specific gang. These specific gang identifiers will
commonly incorporate the fuse of the nation identifiers within. Identifiers can
include many things from which a specific gang can be recognized, such as:
Hand signs
Colors or combinations of colors
Numbers (coded for position of letters in the alphabet)
Sportswear (colors, symbols, names)
These identifiers can be found in graffiti, clothing, jewelry, tattoos, manner of dress and hairstyles. Identifiers for a gang
are what a nation’s flag is to its soldiers.
Identifiers are used to “represent” a specific gang or nation. When displayed right side up, they show respect. When
displayed upside down, backwards, crossed out or split, they show disrespect.
Disrespecting (aka: “dissing”) a gang’s identifiers is considered a challenge for confrontation to the gang. Graffiti is often
the first indicator of a gang presence. It serves as an excellent intelligence tool. Contact the police department to have
it photographed, interpreted and documented. Then it should be removed as soon as possible.
Graffiti is typically seen in areas that have an active gang presence. Graffiti is like a billboard for the gangs. They use it
to advertise their presence, gang identify and affiliations. They also use it to claim turf, disrespect rivals, issue
challenges, and take credit for an act or to threaten police.
Graffiti can show the “street status” within the gang world. It can be used to mark the area, or “hood” of a specific gang,
or to deface the “hood” of a rival gang. Some of this graffiti will be done by extremely talented “artists.”
Gang graffiti should not be confused with “tagger” graffiti. Tagger graffiti is typically done by individuals attempting to
show off their “artistic” talents or for the thrill of the crime. The typical difference between the two is that gang graffiti will
“represent” a specific gang or nation, and tagger graffiti will not.
Identifying with or imitating a gang’s identifiers can be extremely dangerous. Individuals have been attacked for
misrepresenting, representing a rival gang or for responding to a “challenge” improperly. Youths should be advised
NOT to imitate or disrespect a gang identifier, and if challenged, NOT to make ANY hand gestures, but to deny any
gang affiliation and attempt to avoid any confrontation.
Risks Involved
The youth, parents and community in general should be informed of the risks inherent to being involved in a gang or
gang activity. The threat of violence exists not only for the person involved, but others around them including friends,
family and neighbors. Gang violence often strikes innocent victims with or around the intended target.
The risk of a criminal record, jail, loss of opportunity and perhaps even loss of life are often a result of gang involvement.
Street Gang Information continued on Page 17…
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Street Gang Information continued from Page 16…
Prevention Efforts
Parents must have the “three I’s” in mind: Interest
Interest - Parents should show an active interest in their children’s lives, school grades, goals, activities, sports, hobbies
and interests, friends (know who they are)
Involvement - Parents need to be actively involved in their children’s lives, family activities (show unity and a sense of
belonging), give encouragement, praise and reward, attention (spend time with the youth), love (show your love for the
child, it is an important part of life for everyone), trust (should be earned by the youth and respected by the parents),
family values and morals (teach and demonstrate responsibility, common decency and a sense of community)
Investigation - Parents should be the “family Detectives.” This should not be done as a means to “spy” on the child but
to protect the child and family from negative outside influences. Who are their friends? Why do they want to wear
certain clothes, colors or jewelry? What is in the child’s room? (The child should have privacy, but the parent should
maintain control. At minimum, an occasional “inspection” should be done. The child can be present and the parent
should explain the purpose as “for the protection of the child and family from outside negative influences.”) What music
does the youth listen to? What are the lyrics saying and teaching? Look at the title and cover. Where is the youth
“hanging out” and with whom? How are the child’s school grades? Any drastic changes? Listen to the language the
youth speaks. Do you approve? Is it just slang or gang talk? Watch your child’s actions. Does the child imitate gang
What can family members do to help?
Support and encourage kids to stay out of gangs
Inform parents of at risk behavior of relatives
Share intelligence information with Police
Information Directory
Police Assistance
Aurora Police Department
Kane County Sheriff
Crime Stoppers
(630) 256-5000
(630) 232-6840
(630) 892-1000
Youth Services
Aurora Youth Director
501 College Ave., Suite 301, Aurora, IL 60505
Aurora Township Youth Services
313 Gale St., Aurora, IL 60506
(630) 264-8266
(630) 859-7501
Substance Abuse
Breaking Free, 120 Gale St., Aurora, IL 60506
Narcotics Anonymous (Addictions)
Alcoholics Anonymous, 200 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60601
Mercy Center Hospital (West Aurora)
Rush-Copley Medical Center (East Aurora)
(630) 897-1003
(708) 848-4884
(312) 346-1475
(630) 859-2222
(630) 978-6200
Counseling Services
Social Work Services, 157 N. Root St., Aurora, IL 60505
Family Counseling Services, 70 S. River St., Aurora, IL 60506
(630) 264-8129
(630) 844-2662
Street Gang Information continued on Page 18…
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Street Gang Information continued from Page 17…
All races
Five Points (one point up)
Three or five points (points up), or upside
down rounded Folks crown
Straight ears
Points down, may be crossed out
Left earring, Irish Claddagh ring (crown)
Tied on left or halfway up right
Black and gold, black and red, black and
purple, black and white, black and orange
Rolled up left
Truth, freedom, brothers, all is well, amor,
love, honor, obedience, sincerity and
Racial Mix
Side of Body
Star Symbols
Crown Symbols
All races
Six Points (Star of David)
Rounded crown, or upside down three
or five point People’s crown
Bent ear on left
Points up, may be cut into eyebrow
Right earring, Italian devil horn
Tied on right or halfway up left
Blue and black, black and white, green
and black, canary yellow and black
Rolled up right
Love, loyalty, understanding life,
knowledge, wisdom, all is one, brothers
of the struggle
Playboy Bunny
Pant legs
Code Words
Representing is the way street gang members communicate and display their
allegiance. Gangs need and seek recognition, not only from within their own
community, but also from rival gangs. A gang’s reputation depends on this
recognition. The more visible a gang is in a community, the more its reputation is
enhanced among its members and its rivals.
Gang members are proud of their gang and often will freely admit their affiliation to
peers and police. They also represent by dressing in gang clothes, openly
displaying gang tattoos, spraying gang graffiti and making hand gestures that
signify their membership. Many members adopt street nicknames that become
their gang identity.
Colors worn by youths also may indicate gang affiliation. Specific colors or color combinations are worn as a means of
identification. Any article of clothing worn alone or with another color can be used to signify membership in a gang.
Some gang color combinations are:
Gangster Disciples - Black and Blue
Latin Kings – Black and Gold
Two-Six Nation – Black and Tan
Vice Lords – Black and Red (also Black and Gold)
Black P-Stone Nation – Black and Red
Insane Deuces – Black and Green
La Raza – Red, White and Green
Latin Counts – Black and Red
Maniac Latin Disciples – Black and Light Blue
Satan Disciples – Black and Canary Yellow
Simon City Royals – Blue and Black
Two-Two Boys – Black and Light Blue
As a parent or guardian, you have the right to ensure your family’s safety. You may wish to
search your child’s room or vehicle for weapons or drugs. This is not a violation of your child’s
privacy. It is an act that may protect your child and the rest of your family.
(Portions of this article were reprinted from GANGS: Awareness – Prevention – Intervention, a brochure published by James W. Glasgow, State’s Attorney of
Will County 2007)
Page 18
Prairie State
Examination (PSAE)
Examen de Logro
del Estado Prairie
The PSAE is the state achievement test
for students in eleventh grade (juniors).
Given each spring, it tests four subject
areas: reading, mathematics, science,
and writing. The PSAE assesses the
progress of both high schools and
individual students in meeting the Illinois
Learning Standards.
El PSAE es el examen de logro del estado para los
estudiantes en el onceavo grado (juniors). Se rinde cada
primavera, para evaluar cuatro áreas en los cursos de:
lectura, matemáticas, ciencias, y escritura. El PSAE indica
el progreso de ambas escuelas secundarias y del
rendimiento de los estudiantes individualmente en lograr
los Estándares de Aprendizaje de Illinois.
Los Estándares de Aprendizaje de Illinois son descripciones
específicas de conocimiento y habilidades que los
estudiantes deberían de aprender en las escuelas públicas
de Illinois. Para desarrollar los Estándares de Aprendizaje
de Illinois, miles de ciudadanos de Illinois, maestros,
padres, administradores de escuelas, empleados, lideres
comunitarios, y representantes de una alta educación
contribuyeron con ideas acerca de lo que los estudiantes
deben saber y ser capaces de hacer a diferentes niveles. Si
usted tiene acceso a la Internet, podrá leer y descargar más
informacion de www.isbe.net/ils/default.htm.
The Illinois Learning Standards are descriptions of the
specific knowledge and skills that students should learn in
Illinois public schools. To develop the Illinois Learning
Standards, thousands of Illinois citizens—teachers, parents,
school administrators, employers, community leaders, and
representatives of higher education—contributed ideas
about what students need to know and be able to do at
different levels. If you have Web access, you may read and
download more information at
Students in Grade 11 will take the PSAE on April 27–28,
2011. Students are tested over two days. On Day 1 they
take the ACT® Plus Writing, which includes multiple-choice
English, mathematics, reading, and science tests and an
essay writing test. On Day 2, they take a science test and
Two ACT-developed WorkKeys® tests, Applied Mathematics
and Reading for Information.
Los estudiantes del 11avo. Grado rendirán el examen
PSAE el 27 y 28 de Abril del 2011. Los estudiantes son
evaluados por dos días. El día 1 ellos rinden el ACT® Plus
Writing, (escritura) el cual incluye múltiples opciones de
Ingles, matemáticas, lectura, y exámenes de ciencias y un
examen de redacción escrito. El Día 2, ellos rinden el
examen de ciencias y Dos ACT-developed WorkKeys®,
Matemáticas Aplicada y Lectura para Informacion.
It is important for all students to do their best on the PSAE.
It is a common misconception that students who may not be
planning to go to college immediately after high school do
not need to score well
on the PSAE. This is a
The Illinois
Learning Standards are
for all Illinois students,
not just those who plan
to go to college. Taking
the ACT, which is
aligned with the Illinois
Learning Standards, gives students a measure of their
academic strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, students
who do not want to attend college immediately after high
school graduation may decide to go back to school after they
have worked for a time. The need for learning in the
workplace is continuing; most high school graduates will
eventually have to continue their education to achieve career
or life goals. PSAE scores for each of the four subjects are
included on student transcripts.
Es importante que todos los estudiantes hagan lo mejor
posible el PSAE. Comúnmente se malinterpreta que los
estudiantes que no planean ir al colegio inmediatamente
después de la escuela secundaria no necesitan obtener un
buen resultado en el PSAE. Esto es una falacia. Los
Estándares de Aprendizaje de Illinois son para todos los
estudiantes, nos solo para aquellos quienes planean ir al
colegio. Rendir el ACT, el cual esta alineado con los
Estándares de Aprendizaje de Illinois, les da a los
estudiantes una medida de sus puntos fuertes y débiles
académicos. Es mas, los estudiantes que no desean asistir
al colegio inmediatamente después de la graduación de la
escuela secundaria podrían decidir ir a la escuela después
de que ellos hayan trabajado por un tiempo. La necesidad
de aprender en el centro de trabajo es continua; la mayoría
de los estudiantes graduados de la secundaria,
eventualmente tendrán que continuar con su educación
para obtener una carrera o sus metas en la vida. Los
resultados PSAE por cada una de las cuatro materias se
incluyen en las transcripciones del estudiante.
Page 19
The East Aurora
competed in West
Sectionals at the
end of January at
Charlestowne Mall
in St. Charles. A
total of 30 students
participated in the
event, facing off
against nearly 700 students from 20 area high
schools. Students compete by finding solutions
to scenarios and presenting them before a judge,
tested in their area of marketing or finance, and
tested in consumer economics.
El capitulo DECA de la Escuela Secundaria del
Este de Aurora compitió en los Seccionales
DECA de los Suburbios del Oeste (West
Suburban DECA Sectionales) a fines de enero
en Charlestowne Mall en St. Charles. Un total de
30 estudiantes participaron en el evento,
enfrentando a casi 700 estudiantes de escuelas
secundarias de 20 áreas.
Los estudiantes
escenarios y presentándolos antes a un juez,
evaluados en su área de mercado o finanza, y
evaluados en economía del consumo.
Rigoberto Moreno gano los 10 primeros honores
en Servicios Automotrices. Yessica Rodriguez y
Taesha Zackery también ganaron los 10
Comercialización. A los otros estudiantes les fue
muy bien ganando marcas de competencia por
sus altas puntuaciones. A aquellos estudiantes
incluida Elodia Fernandez y Jaqueline Corral en
Comunicaciones de Mercadotecnia, Esmeralda
Mechaca y Jesus Santellanes en Servicios de
Hospitalidad, Analidia Ceja y Amy Zamora en
Compra y Comercialización, y Liliana Cepeda y
Luis Mendoza en Gerencia de Mercadotecnia.
Varios de estos estudiantes competirán en la
Conferencia Estatal DECA de Desarrollo de
Development Conference) en Decatur del 3 al 5
de marzo y tendrán la oportunidad de ganar un
viaje a la Conferencia Internacional DECA de
Desarrollo de Carrera en Orlando, Florida.
Rigoberto Moreno earned Top 10 honors in
Automotive Services. Yessica Rodriguez and
Taesha Zackery also earned Top 10 honors in
Buying and Merchandising. Other students did
quite well earning competency marks for their
high scores. Those students include Elodia
Fernandez and Jacqueline Corral in Marketing
Communications, Esmeralda Mechaca and Jesus
Santellanes in Hospitality Services, Analidia Ceja
and Amy Zamora in Buying and Merchandising,
and Liliana Cepeda and Luis Mendoza in
Marketing Management.
Several of these
students will compete at the Illinois DECA State
Career Development Conference in Decatur
March 3-5 with a chance to earn a trip to the
Conference in Orlando, Florida.
Jacqueline Beltran and Gilda Garcia helped the
school store run by DECA students, the Paw
Place, earned Gold Certification from the National
Office and will compete in School Based
Enterprise in Orlando.
Jaqueline Beltran y Gilda Garcia ayudaron en la
tienda de la escuela administrada por
estudiantes de DECA, el Paw Place, ganó la
certificación de oro de la Oficina Nacional y
competirá en School Based Enterprise, en
Nice job DECAcats, good luck at State and keep
up the great work!
¡Buen trabajo DECAcats, buena suerte en el
Estado y continúen con ese gran trabajo!
Page 20
DECA Recognizes
Outstanding School Stores
The School-Based Enterprise (SBE) at East Aurora High School of Aurora, IL was among the 42
school stores that achieved Gold Level Certification (or 112 school stores that achieved Gold Recertification) this year and will be recognized at DECA’s International Career Development
Conference in Orlando, Florida. The students that worked on the Certification were Jacqueline
Beltran and Gilda Garcia with the assistance of their advisor Mark Lyons. The school store at East
Aurora High School has operated an SBE for 4 years and is to be commended for this achievement.
School-based Enterprises are effective educational tools in helping to prepare students for the
transition from school to work or college. For many students, they provide the first work experience;
for others, they provide an opportunity to build management, supervision and leadership skills.
While some in the education community have only recently discovered the value of school-based
enterprises, marketing educators and DECA advisors have used them as a powerful learning lab for
more than four decades
DECA’s School-based Enterprise (SBE) Certification Program
was developed to provide recognition for outstanding
achievement by school-based enterprises and to motivate
SBEs to strive for excellence and to grow.
School stores can be certified at three levels: Bronze, Silver or
Gold. In order to apply for the certification, SBEs must
submit extensive documentation showing how they have
achieved set standards that are outlined in the Certification
Guidelines. After the documentation is submitted, a Review
Committee evaluates the documentation to determine which level of certification has been achieved.
DECA is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit student organization preparing its membership for careers in
marketing, management and entrepreneurship. DECA operates in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, Guam,
the Virgin Islands, Canada, Germany and Mexico through charters held by each state’s/province’s
department of education. DECA has over 200,000 members nationwide.
Complete information about DECA’s School-based Enterprise Certification Program can be found at,
www.schoolbasedenterprises.org. If you have any questions or need additional information, please
contact Sissy Long, DECA’s School-based Enterprise Project Manager at 205-223-0204 or
[email protected].
Telephone Extensions
for New Faculty Members
Anne Hughes – Social Work
Mike Salerno – Special Education
Katie Hoffman – Science
Kelly Miller – Science
Kara Bown – Math
Rachel Juarez – Social Studies
Jeff Melichar – English Department
Page 21
The East Aurora Sports Boosters inducted five Tomcats into the Athletic Hall of Fame on
Saturday, February 12, 2011 between the sophomore and varsity East v. West basketball games
hosted at East Aurora High School.
The 2011 inductees included:
VINCE TESTONE – Class of 1968
Vince participated in football, wrestling, and track at East High. As a
wrestler, he was a key member of the Tomcat varsity squad for three
years who repeated as UEC, regional, and
sectional champion. He finished his wrestling
career by placing 3rd in the State Wrestling
Tournament. Vince was selected as the 1968
East High Athlete of the Year.
Hall of Fame
KEVIN AISTER – Class of 1973
Kevin participated in football, basketball, and track while at East High. In football, he was a 3-time
varsity letter winner as a defensive back and linebacker. He was named to the All-Conference
team and All-City team for both the 1971 and 1972 football seasons. He was captain of the 1972
squad and was named to the All-State 2nd Team that year.
MARK LINDO – Class of 1976
Mark participated in football and baseball while at East High. In football, he was the starting
quarterback for both the 1974 and 1975 varsity teams. Mark was on the varsity baseball team for 3
years. He was a pitcher for the 1976 squad that won the Upstate Eight Conference Championship,
the first in the history of East High baseball
DICK BOLEN – Coach and Former Teacher
After graduating from Indiana State University, Coach Bolen began his East High teaching career
in the fall of 1959. He joined the Tomcat football coaching staff in 1961 as the coach of the
freshman team. After serving as an assistant sophomore coach in 1962, he moved up to a varsity
assistant position in 1963. Coach Bolen was the offensive line coach for the next 15 seasons,
during which time the Tomcats won five Upstate Eight Conference Championships. The 1976
team was East High’s first team to reach the state playoffs, and remains the only team to earn a
playoff victory.
In 1963, Coach Bolen began a 17-year stint as East High varsity baseball coach. His 1963 team
won the District and Regional titles, and the 1972 team also earned a district championship.
Coach Bolen’s 1976 and 1977 squads won back-to-back Upstate Conference Championships, the
only East High conference baseball champions to date.
JIM SKELLEY – Coach and Former Teacher
After graduating from Augustana College, IL, in 1968, Coach Skelley began his teaching career at
Waldo Jr. High School. After coaching basketball for 7 years, and track for 3years, he became a
teacher and assistant boys’ basketball coach in 1975. Coach Skelley became the boys’ varsity
assistant/JV in 1977, a position he held for 7 seasons.
In 1984, Coach Skelley became the varsity girls’ basketball coach. His teams won 3 Regional
Championships (1985, ’87, ’89) and 2 Sectional Championships (1985, ’89). The 1988-89 team
was also Upstate Eight Conference Co-Champions. Coach Skelley was also named BeaconNews Girls’ basketball coach of the year for 1988-89.
Page 22
East High students were successful in raising funds to bring Sudanese author and former child
slave, Francis Bok, to speak at East Aurora High School last month.
On Tuesday, February 22, 2011, Bok lectured about his experiences as a child slave and his
mission to promote education in his home country. The lecture was held in the Hawks Auditorium
at East Aurora High School.
After reading the autobiography of Francis Bok, Escape from
Slavery, in the school’s popular Survival Literature class, the
students were inspired to organize a fundraiser to bring the
author to speak and to assist him in his efforts to promote
education in his native Sudan.
In an unprecedented one-day event held in December, The Day
of Sacrifice, over 150 students and staff members walked for
twelve consecutive hours and gained pledges of monetary
support from friends, family members, and area businesses for
their efforts. They raised over $7,000.00.
“Words cannot describe the deep appreciation I felt when
learned about your initiative to help me raise awareness and to
build a school in Gor Ayen, Sudan. Presently, the classes in
Gor Ayen are taking place under a tree, so when the rainy
season comes, there is not school at all,” said Bok in a personal
e-mail sent to East Aurora English teacher, Shane Gillespie.
Francis Bok, a Dinka tribesman and native of Sudan, was a slave for ten years but is now an
abolitionist and author living in the United States. On May 15, 1986, he was captured and
enslaved at age seven in a raid on the village of Nymlal in Southern Sudan during the Second
Sudanese Civil War. Bok lived in bondage for ten years before escaping imprisonment to
Kurdufan, Sudan, followed by a journey to the United States by way of Cairo, Egypt.
Bok has testified before the United States Senate and met with President George W. Bush,
Madeleine Albright and Condoleezza Rice, telling them his story of slavery. He has been honored
by the United States Olympic Committee, the Boston Celtics and colleges and universities
throughout the United States and Canada. Francis now lives in Kansas, where he works for the
American Anti-Slavery Group (AASG) and Sudan Sunrise, an organization that works for peace in
What’s another word?
When your high schooler writes a paper, does she often repeat the same words? A
thesaurus offers interesting word choices and can help build her vocabulary. For
example, slow might become creeping or sluggish. Suggest that she try a print thesaurus
or an online version like www.wordsymth.net
Reprinted from High School Years 2011 Resources for Educators, a division of Aspen Publishers, Inc.
Page 23
East Aurora High School
500 Tomcat Lane
Aurora, IL 60505
Address Service Requested
Highlights in
this Issue:
Page 1
Letter from the
Page 3
Pages 11-13
Honor Roll
Pages 14-18
Street Gang
Should the Aurora East School District 131 cancel classes due to inclement weather, you will be notified on
the following radio and television stations:
Aurora / Local Stations
WSPY FM 107.1
The River - FM 95.9
WKKD AM 1580
City News Bureau
WBIG AM 1280
WDCB FM 90.9
WONU FM 89.7
WETN FM 88.0
Chicago Stations
WGN AM 720
Chicago TV Stations
WGN TV – Channel 9
FOX TV – Channel 32
CBS – Channel 2
ABC – Channel 7
Spanish Chicago Stations
La Tremenda - WIND AM 560
Radio Ambiente - WOJO FM 105
La Ley - WLEY FM 107.9
NOTE: Class cancellations will be on the radio / television by no later than
6:00 AM. Listen carefully to the announcement for the closing date and locations.