2009 Parade Brochure, espanol
2009 Parade Brochure, espanol
Jardines Comunitarios Participantes 2009 Desfile de Jardines Comunitarios 12. Urban Ventures Community Garden On Midtown Greenway bike path between Clinton Ave & 3rd Ave S (just south of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage) Come 2. SC Common Ground Commurest your feet next to small ornity Garden 52nd and Newton Ave chard, sip free cup of CityKid North Tours of raingarden and Java, & get a free CD produced native plantings (BFN) by the kids! (BFY) 3. Lind Community Garden 51st & 13. Columbus Ave Community Dupont Aves N See our prosperGarden 3300 Columbus Ave ous raised beds at this productive Garden tours, decorative painting, time (FY) music, storytelling, snack buffet 1. Crystal Care Center 3245 Vera Cruz Ave N Garden Used by our residents & families for gardening and socialization. (B) for all! (F) 4. Camden Gateway Sculpture Garden 42nd and Lyndale Ave. N. Huge outdoor sculptures complimented by nature! Informational display boards about natives and butterfly attractants (AB) 14. Artstop Garden 3201 Chicago Ave Stop by for a familyoriented, children's take-homewith-you art project. (ABNY) 5. McKinley Community Garden 3350 North 4th St Food & beverages, music, and fun (AFY) 15. Powderhorn Park East Community Garden 3215 15th Ave S 14 year old garden in middle of residential area (BFN) 6. Mulberry Junction 2301 California St NE Art of the Garden, outdooor sculpture & interactive projects (BFN) Saturday, August 22nd 10:00am—2:00pm 16. 12th and 13th Avenue Block Club 2727 12th Ave S View the first community owned garden in Minneapolis. Come relax with friends and neighbors! (ABF) 7. South Hawthorne Community Garden 2123 6th St N New Garden 17. Waite House Community this year! Focused on growing food Garden 2529 13th Ave S Educaand building community. (BF) tional program for youth and 8. Urban Farming 12th and Mor- families, finding commonality in the garden (BFY) gan North 1119 Morgan Ave N KMOJ radio live 11-1. Perform18. Peaceful Patch Community ances by Taja Sevelle and Umar Garden 2444 11th Ave S Refrom Last Poets. FOOD & FUN!! (F) freshments, garden décor, relax 9. Soo Line Community Garden 2845 Garfield Ave S Food, Drink, Entertainment, and Fun next to the Midtown Greenway. (BFN) with friends (BF) 11. St Stephen's Whittier Community Garden 2224 Clinton Ave S. Come see companion planting of vegetables & flowers creates an artful edible landscape (ABFY) den 1813 S 5th Street Lemonade & Fat Chance Jug band at noon plus other musicians support the sidewalk and a democratic solution to the Dania Site (BN) 19. East Phillips Community 17th Ave. Garden 2428 17th Ave S Vacant lots turned garden! 10. Eat Street Community Garden Enjoy refreshing drink, conversation and shelter from sun. (FY) 2416 1st Ave. S A green oasis in the Whittier neighborhood. (F) 20. 5th Street Community Gar- 21. Augsburg Community Garden 601 20th Ave See our new greenhouse and garden expansion (BFY) 22. Northeast Neighborhood Gateway Garden Johnson St. NE at Interstate 35W Ramp (just south of 18th Ave NE) Combined effort of Windom Park & Northeast Park Neighborhood Associations. "Wind in The Trees" art trellis and the "welcome" garden. (AB) 23. Accord Community Garden Corner of 15th and Como Avenues Share birthday cake and lemonade with native plant lovers (ABN) 24. Minnehaha Avenue Community Garden 3128 Minnehaha Ave S Learn how to make bee houses, and enjoy FRESH food! (BFN) 25. Dowling Community Garden 46th Ave S and 39th St E Celebrate community gardening and share ideas with tomato tasting and seminars. Starts at 11am. (BF) 26. Celeste's Dream Community Garden 1884 Randolph Ave Explore our garden's array of heirloom vegetables and healing herbs! (F) A = arte en el jardín B = jardines de flores F = huertas N = plantas natives Y = participación de los jóvenes 27. Red River Ox-Cart Trail Heritage Garden St. Anthony Ave & Raymond Ave Red River Ox Cart Trail historical site made beautiful by neighbors (B) 30. Midway Greenspirit Community Garden SW Corner of Pierce Butler & Hamline Ave N. Enter garden from Albert St N Cool beverage, garden treats, friendly conversation, fun kid art, 28. St. Anthony Park Community and Q&A with the beekeeper. Garden 2217 Robbins St. northside Bee hive demo at 1pm. (F) of Robbins St & west of Raymond 31. Eleanor Graham CommuAve. Come share creative, earthnity Garden 1335 Ashland Ave friendly gardening techniques! (F) 38 plots, compost system, or29. Cornercopia Student Organic chard, and oak shade planting Farm Corner of Larpenteur and meet neighbors & talk garden! Cleveland Aves. Fruit and vegetable (BFN) varieties galore! Heirloom tomato more gardens on other side tasting! (F) www.gardenworksMN.org 32. Dunning Community Garden 350 Griggs St N Garden revitalization, vegetables, music let's talk garden! (BF) 33. Oxford-Dayton Community Farm 1035 Dayton Ave Stop by for lemonade! See examples of successful "square foot gardening" and come pet the goat! (BF) 34. Gateway Trail Community Garden Roughly 300 Arlington Avenue E (Arlington & Mississippi) Finally a community garden for our area! Brand new - visit and explore the possibilities! (F) “Los Datos” de Jardines Comunitarios: Nuestra definición es simple: Un jardín comunitario es cualquier espacio donde se cultiva plantas y es mantenido por una comunidad para alcanzar las necesidades de aquella comunidad. 35. Community Design Center of Minnesota 721 East 7th Street Fresh veggies grown by St. Paul youth for sale, next to café! Beneficios a los jardineros y las comunidades: (BFNY) Aumentar la comunidad por destruir las barreras culturales y económicas. 36. District 2 Community Gardens 1541 Maryland Ave Stop here to tour 3 gardens! Original southeast Asian gardening and food sampling! (F) 37. Mankato Community Gardens 170 Good Counsel Dr Join us for tours, potluck lunch, music, workshops and more! (BFNY) 38. International Outreach Church Community Garden 1512 Woodhill Road New Garden! Enjoy live music, family activities, beautiful arbor & more! (BF) Hacer que nuestros barrios estén mas “verdes” y lugares mas atractivos para vivir. Proveer acceso a comida nutritiva y adecuada a las culturas. Enseñar a los vecinos sobre el cuidado de la tierra. Ayudar en la prevención de la actividad criminal. El Sábado, 22 de Agosto, 40 jardines comunitarios en los Twin Cities abren sus puertas y invitan a la gente de la comunidad a pasear, mirar, aprender, y celebrar! Eventos del desfile son gratis y abiertos al público. Los jardineros y las jardineras de la comunidad dedican miles de horas cada temporada a cultivar comida para sus familias. Ellos mismos también hacen mas lindos sus barrios y proveen espacio en la ciudad en que los vecinos conozcan uno a otro. Nuestro desfile celebra la entrega de los jardineros a sus comunidades y a la tierra. Para encontrar un jardín comunitario cerca de usted, por favor visita la guía en nuestro sitio de Internet: www.gardeningmatters.org Navegando el Desfile de Jardines Comunitarios: Como decido a cuales jardines quiero visitar? Lee las descripciones en el sitio web www.gardeningmatters.org y hacer un mapa de su ruta! Que debo traer con migo cuando visito a los jardines? -Bloqueador solar -Botella de agua -Camera -Paraguas -Mapa de la ciudad …Y si no puedo encontrar el jardín? Los jardines participantes tendrán unos Proveer ejercicio físico y bienestar mental. En este momento hay aproximadamente 250 jardines comunitarios en el área de los Twin Cities, y este numero crece cada ano! A = arte en el jardín B = jardines de flores F = huertas N = plantas natives Y = participación de los jóvenes [email protected] 612-492-8964 www.gardeningmatters.org Gardening Matters fomenta y preserve la jardinería comunitaria en los Twin Cities por conectar los jardineros a otros y a la comunidad donde viven… …porque la jardinería importa! Presents E l 4th Anual Desfile de Jardines Comunitarios Sábado, el 22 de Agosto, 2009 10:00 de la mañana a 2:00 de la tarde Ven a experimentar los gran esfuerzos que hacen los jardines comunitarios en los Twin Cities! Visitan los jardines caminando, en carro, o en bicicleta! Jardines tendrán una variedad de eventos incluyendo música, refrescos, bocaditos, masaje, pruebas de comida y una colmena de abejas! …porque la jardinería importa! www.gardeningmatters.org El desfile es un evento gratis! Traiga un amigo o toda la familia y disfrute!