flopec - Intertanko
flopec - Intertanko
¿QUIENES SOMOS? We are an Ecuadorian maritime company. We attend the hydrocarbons maritime transportation necesities of our customers in the national and international market, providing diversified services, competenet employees. We protect the environment and we contributes the development and improvement of our country. The article 313 of the Ecuadorian Constitution states the hydrocarbons transportation constitute an estrategic activity for the homeland. Executive Decree 1117 of May 26th/2012 creates the new “Empresa Publica Flota Petrolera Ecuatoriana – EP FLOPEC”, dedicated to the maritime hydrocarbons transportation. In the 2012, EP FLOPEC have suffered several changes, among other in their Management since the control of the Ecuadorian Navy to a new Management. EP FLOPEC have the opportunity to expand their services, increasing the comercial and operational capabilities, focusing in the market and customer neccessities. We know what we do and we do it right! Due to the several changes in the administration, EP FLOPEC is leaded to create their own Strategic Planning, addressing the efforts to the fleet expand, earnings improvement and taking control over the ecuadorian and international market. MARKET - ANALYSIS MARKET SHARE TOTAL PRODUCT 83.5 MILL BBLS/DIA 100% CRUDE OIL 38.0 MILL BBLS/DIA 45.5% PRODUCTS PIPELINES 16.5 MILL BBLS/DIA 19.8% 29.0 MILL BBLS/DIA 34.7% MARITIME TRANSPORTATION 54.5 MILL BBLS/DIA 65.3% BP STATISTICAL REVIEW OF WORLD ENERGY JUNE 2012 10 MARKET - ANALYSIS MARITIME SEA BORNE The total volume of oil moved between areas arrive to 26,2 millon barrels per day. (9,563 millon bbls/year). Total volume moved within the same area arrives to 28,3 millon barrels/day. FUENTE: BP STATISTICAL REVIEW OF WORLD ENERGY - JUNE 2012 11 MERCADO - ANALISIS ESTRUCTURE OF THE MARKET By 2012 we analized about 3 thousand oil & product tankers for the hydrocarbons transportation in the world with over 4 hundred millons of DWT. The sizes used in the analysis are VLCC, Suezmax, Aframax and Handymax. FLOTA MUNDIAL DE TANQUEROS 2012 (Tanker & Product Carriers) 200,000 913 187,885 1,000 3,004 tanqueros 413 millones de DWT 180,000 160,000 MILES DE DWT 140,000 120,000 100,000 900 800 700 615 602 97,477 600 466 72,027 80,000 408 500 400 300 60,000 29,376 26,733 40,000 200 100 20,000 ‐ ‐ AFRAMAX/LR2 VLCC HANDYMAX/MR Suma de Dwt FUENTE: CLARKSON REGISTER - 2012 SUEZMAX PANAMAX/LR1 Buques 13 MERCADO - ANALISIS SPOT RATES VS TIME CHARTER RATES 2000 - 2012 FUENTE: CLARKSON REGISTER - 2012 14 COMPETENCIA - ANALISIS Competitors are Vessel’s Owners and Vessel’s Commercial Operators that participates directly in the maritime transportation over the world. Commercial Operators are mainly pools, but also alternative joint ventures asociations or strategic alliances between some players in this market. The strengh of this kind of commercial operations constitute share cargoes, availability of different kind and numbers of vessels and sinergies with some companies. Armador A Armador B Armador C Asociaciones Join Venture Alianzas POOL OPERADOR COMERCIAL Armador N COMPETENCIA C L I E N T E S PETROLERAS TRADERS REFINERIAS 15 COMPETENCIA - ANALISIS ACTUAL ESTRUCTURE TRANSPORTE MARITIMO 54.5 MILL BBLS/DIA – 65.3% Mundo Tanker & Product Carrier ARMADORES OPERADORES Dueño del buque Operación Comercial del buque Holdings Pools Alta diversificación Traders Empresas (Baja diversificación) Petroleras CONTRATO A TIEMPO CASCO DESNUDO Otros CONTRATO POR VIAJE CONTRATO A TIEMPO EL TRANSPORTE SE LO REALIZA EN BUQUES TANQUEROS, QUEMIQUEROS Y PRODUCTEROS CLASIFICADOS POR TAMAÑO. 16 COMPETENCIA - ANALISIS TOP TANKER OWNERS 2012 OIL AND PRODUCT TANKERS Top 23-32 No. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Owners Formosa Thenamaris AFRAMAX VLCC DWT NUM 2.982 637 Torm Nordic American BP plc Tanker Pacific Schoeller Holdings Ltd. Diamond S Shipping LLC 600 Cido Shipping 595 2 909 6 337 TOTAL LR2 NUM 229 1.861 948 2 17 9 DWT LR1 NUM 436 6 517 7 MR TOTAL DWT NUM DWT NUM 901 424 2.191 19 10 48 4.548 3.831 3.656 37 35 64 12 9 3.246 3.130 3.016 21 32 28 21 4 4 1.795 1.284 16 12 75 1 563 427 1.595 10 438 4 441 6 478 13 2.952 33 1.270 8 30 16 4 2 7 10 1.449 702 636 211 796 1.108 2.930 2.093 1.744 40 25 14 36.968 239 38.766 360 11.185 153 21.224 475 211.274 1564 211 2 201 3 91 2 503 7 127 202.225 1440 602 413.499 3004 EP FLOPEC OTROS DWT HANDYMAX 3.246 772 630 2 Arcadia TOTAL TOP 32 103.130 127 10 2 SUEZMAX DWT NUM PANAMAX 84.755 278 35.059 227 58.711 553 18.191 255 5.509 187.885 615 72.027 466 97.477 913 29.376 408 26.733 TONELAJE: EN MILES DE DWT FUENTE: CLARKSON REGISTER - 2012 (JERARQUIZACIÓN DE ACUERDO A TONELAJE DWT) 19 CLIENTE ANALISIS Customers are primarily formed by Oil Companies, Refineries and Traders involved into the maritime hydrocarbons transportation in the world. OIL COMPANIES.- Goverment of private companies with activities within the oil production chain (Upstream, Downstrem and Comercialization). REFINERIES Son compañías constituidas para la refinación de hidrocarburos. Muchas de estas compañías son Empresas Petroleras. TRADERS Cusually public companies marketing commodities into the market. In the oil industry, traders usually agreed COA with owners operators in order to have some control in the shipping. This strategic was adopted also by Oil companies and refineries. It is very common that big oil companies has their own or affiliate shipping company. OFERTA MUNDIAL DE TANQUEROS C L I E N T E S PETROLERAS CRUDO UPSTREAM TRADERS REFINERIAS DOWNSTREAM PRODUCTOS PROCESO DE REFINACION 20 CLIENTE - ANALISIS Biggest Oil Companies by oil reserves NOMBRE MILES DE MILLONES BARRILES % PARTICIPACION DEL TOTAL 1 PDVSA 296.5 17.94% 2 Saudi Arabian Oil Company 265.4 16.06% 3 National Iranian Oil Company 151.2 9.15% 4 Irak National Oil Company 143.1 8.66% 5 Kuwait Petroleum Corporation 101.5 6.14% 6 Abu Dhabi National Oil Company 97.8 5.92% 7 Gazprom/Sonatrach/Rosneft 88.2 5.34% 8 National Oil Corporation 47.1 2.85% 9 Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. 37.2 2.25% 10 Qatar Petroleum 24.7 1.49% TOP 10 PETROLERAS 1,252.7 75.80% EP PETROECUADOR 6.20 0.38% 393.80 23.83% 1,652.7 100% 22 OTROS TOTAL MUNDIAL FUENTE: OPEC web site 2012 21 CLIENTE - ANALISIS COMPAÑIAS CON MAYOR CAPACIDAD DE REFINACION DEL MUNDO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 COMPAÑÍA EXXONMOBIL ROYAL DUTCH SHELL SAUDI ARAMCO TOTAL S.A. PHILLIPS 66 VALERO BP PETROBRAS PDVSA NIOC ROSNEFT PEMEX CHEVRON BPD 4.824.540 3.674.000 2.900.000 2.704.500 2.423.400 2.336.900 2.336.500 2.275.975 1.761.200 1.618.000 1.478.100 1.245.000 1.235.401 %TOTAL 5,78% 4,40% 3,48% 3,24% 2,90% 2,80% 2,80% 2,73% 2,11% 1,94% 1,77% 1,49% 1,48% # REF 22 22 9 15 15 15 11 14 8 9 8 7 9 %TOTAL 3,48% 3,48% 1,42% 2,37% 2,37% 2,37% 1,74% 2,21% 1,26% 1,42% 1,26% 1,11% 1,42% 14 NIPPON OIL CORPORATION 1.217.000 1,46% 7 1,11% 15 MARATHON PETROLEUM CO. 1.193.000 1,43% 6 0,95% TOP 15 COMPAÑÍAS 33.223.516 39,82% 177 27,96% TOTAL MUNDIAL 83.431.880 633 22 MAPA ESTRATEGICO Objective Mission We are a hydrocarbons and other natural resources maritime transportation company, strategic for Ecuadorian State. We satisfy the national and international market growing needs, providing different quality services through competent personnel aligned to our objectives, values, and principles. We preserve the environment and contribute to a good lifestyle and country development. Gestionar la operación del transporte marítimo del 100% de las exportaciones e importaciones de hidrocarburos, desde y hacia Ecuador, así como el 25% del mercado regional a través de tonelaje controlado por EP FLOPEC; priorizando las necesidades nacionales, generando empleo, contribuyendo al presupuesto general del estado y favoreciendo a la balanza de pagos, en términos de rentabilidad y competitividad sistémica, fomentando la generación de alianzas estratégicas Focusing Areas 2012-2017 1. Increase our participation in national and international market. 2. Strengthen the maritime hydrocarbons transportation trade by Ecuador nationally and internationally level. 3. Reinforce and develop strategic alliances. 4. Increase productivity and earning levels at the industry standards. Visión EP FLOPEC, leader in hydrocarbons maritime transportation within the Pacific’s American Coast. Has optimal infrastructure to cover the national demand and the regional market’s requests. 2012-2017 Guidelines 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Develop and Implement a commercial plan of enterprise strengthen. Develop and Implement an organizational culture guided to quality. Implement a Business Intelligence System. Fleet growth and upgrade. Develop and Implement a relation strengthen program with key people. Develop and Implement an OPEX system. Guidelines 2013 - 2017 1.Develop and Implement a commercial plan of enterprise strengthen. 3. Implement a Business Intelligence System. 1.Develop and Implement an organizational culture guided to quality. 4. Fleet growth and upgrade. 1.Develop and Implement a relation strengthen program with key people. 1.Develop and Implement an OPEX system. Programs 1. Develop and Implement a National and International Growth Plan 4. Develop and Implement Key people strengthen plan. 7. Develop and Implement Customer Culture System 2. Implement strengthen Information Technology Plan 5. Implement Business process re-engineering system for the quality 8. Implement an Information and Communication Integrated System 6. Design and Implement a Bussiness Intelligence System 9. Develop and Implement a Strengthen Program for the maintenance of the own vessels. 3. Develop and Implement a Human Resources Plan. 10. Develop and Implement a Company Strenghthen Plan TRADING The Trading of our fleet is primarily the American Continent, area where we are leaders in the Panamax sector and actually reaching a significant participation in the Aframax sector. OWN CONTROLLED FLEET 12 NUMERO DE BUQUES 10 3 8 1 6 16 PANAMAX 2 AFRAMAX (OSG/Ultratank) (Ultratank) 3 5 4 2 2 4 2 0 AQUA FLOPEC AFRAMAX 3 1 1 HC Accounting Srv. NAVIG8 HANDYMAX PANAMAX 1 2 1 PETREDEC SMALL SOLVANG TUG VLGC TSAKOS TOTAL 29 BUQUES ACTIVIDADES SHIPMANAGEMENT Maintenance Repairs Vetting Dry-docking Certification Insurers MANING Crew Management Trainning Certification COMMERCIAL OPERATOR Chartering Operations Postfixture Claims ECUADORIAN CRUDE OIL COMPOSITION 2012 PANAMAX 50,281 39% SUEZMAX 6,367 5% AFRAMAX 65,956 51% VLCC 7,095 5% EN MILES DE BBLS The 51% of total ecuadorian crude oil is moved in AFRAMAX vessels, the 39% in PANAMAX vessels, 5% in SUEZMAX vessels and 5% in VLCC vessels. Actually EP FLOPEC has control on the PANAMAX and AFRAMAX liftings from Ecuador. ECUADORIAN CRUDE OIL DESTINATION 140,000 120,000 OTRAS 10 OTRAS 10 USG OTRAS 10 OTRAS 10 OTRAS 10 USG CHILE CHILE USG CHILE PERU PERU PERU PANAMA PANAMA USWC USWC 2010 2011 USG CHILE 100,000 PERU MILES DE BBLS USG CHILE PERU 80,000 PANAMA 60,000 PANAMA PANAMA 40,000 USWC 20,000 USWC USWC 0 2008 2009 2012 About the 85% of total ecuadorian crude oil exportation have USWC, WC Panamá, Perú and Chile destination. IMPORTACIONES DE PRODUCTOS AL ECUADOR 9.00% 40,000 EN MILES DE BBLS 35,000 CAGR, 8.40% 8.00% 7.00% 30,000 6.00% 25,000 5.00% 20,000 4.00% 15,000 3.00% 10,000 2.00% 5,000 1.00% 0 TOTAL CAGR 2007 22,168 8.40% 2008 21,048 2009 24,733 TOTAL 2010 33,714 CAGR 2011 31,405 2012 33,183 0.00% COMPOSICION DE LAS IMPORTACIONES AL 2012 CUTTERSTOCK 2.521 8% NAPTHA 13,732 41% EN MILES DE BBLS DIESEL OIL 16,930 51% TRANSPORTE REGIONAL • EP FLOPEC comenced the growing plan into the regional market on the 2006 with an strategic alliance with OSG Group of USA and Ultragas Group of Chile and constitute Panamax International Shipping Company PISCO, obtaining the regional control in the PANAMAX sector. • The pool lets EP FLOPEC to lift the 100% of the ecuadorian crude oil in Panamax vessels, but also increase a significant participation in the DPP transportation over the Americas. • Ecuador contributes about 32% of all the cargos transported by all the vessels of Panamax International NUMERO DE CARGAS TOTAL CARGAS PANAMAX INTERNATIONAL 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 68% 65% 50% 50% 55% 45% 51% 49% 35% 2008 2009 FUERA ESMERALDAS 2010 ESMERALDAS 2011 Linear (ESMERALDAS) 32% 2012 COMERCIAL AGREEMENTS EP FLOPEC have some comercial agreements with national and international companies which provides significant benefits to the contractual parties. These agreements obtained better rates for customers driven by an efficiency and optimizatrion of the fleet. ANDES TANKERS PANAMAX INTERNATIONAL GOAL Cooperate and participate the individual strenghs and sinergies bewteen the companies and improve the use and operation of the total available fleet shared by the members. We have reduced the ballast passages and in economics sense, reduce the market volatibility of the freight rates. MIEMBERS OSG (EEUU) SONAP (Chile) FLOPEC International Market FLEET 24 buques tipo PANAMAX 100% of the Ecuadorian Market POOL PANAMAX INTERNATIONAL ANDES TANKERS ANDES TANKERS OBJETIVO Comercial Agreement leaded to operate AFRAMAX vessels sharing cargoes and operated vessels between members. Each memeber operates the vessel by itself, but we share cost saving agreements. MEMBERS CAPE TANKERS (USA) FLOPEC Mercado Internacional FLEET 6 buques tipo AFRAMAX 100% mercado de Ecuador OPERATIVITY INDEX CRUDE OIL LIFTINGS Levantes de crudo ECUADORIAN CRUDE OIL LIFTINGS BY CLASS OF VESSEL For the last years, AFRAMAX sector increase the participation and liftings of crude cargoes in Ecuador, affecting the PANAMAX available cargoes in Ecuador. EARNINGS TREND The trend on the company resultas follows the market trend where since the 2000 significant earnings obtained over the next 8 years. But since 2009 the market was affected by the low freight levels and Ship Owners have a challange to continue operating under actual circumstances. STORAGE LPG TERMINAL MARITIME TERMINAL AND FACILITY IN MONTEVERDE STORAGE The Ecuadorian Goverment, leaded by EP FLOPEC proposal in the 2006, FLOPEC is building a new LPG infraestructure in Monteverde to Storage in a efficient terminal the LPG required by the country. However, the terminal have capacity to storage not only the amount imported by Ecuador, but also to storage and distribuite LPG in the west coast of Amercia. This new terminal will reduce significant the operational actual costs in the floating storage in Cuarentena, close to Guayaquil.. The terminak will be ready by the end of this month and later on delivered to EP PETROECUADOR. ALMACENAMIENTO, MANEJO DE CARGA Y TRANSPORTE MARÍTIMO DE GLP FLOPEC had the responsibility to trade in the market the LPG requirement for Ecuador since November 2009 till June 2011. Then after we just take control over the logistics in receiving the imports of LPG and deliveries to the internal terminals through small LPG carries. All the logistics uses time chartered vessels. AGENCY SERVICES Since the issuance of the Executive Decree No. 1127, EP FLOPEC merged the well recognized agency servicios marítimos y logísticos SEMALOG S.A with offices in Esmeraldas, Guayaquil and La Libertad. In the 2012, EP FLOPEC agency services attended 1.386 vessels in the three mentioned ports, with a grow rate of 13% compared with the 2011. Actually EP FLOPEC agency services is doing a market research to expand the agency servicies to other sectors and cargo tankers, reefs, containers, etc. wihtin the country. In a second stage, the participation will be expanded to strategic foreign ports in which we have a significant participation with the own opertaed fleet. RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL MEJORAS BARRIO PUERTO LIMON CONVENIO FASAN PABELLÓN DE AULAS ESCUELA GONZALO PIZARRO APOYO A NIÑOS