1 - My English Trip
1 - My English Trip
Planificación Anual Unidad 1 Welcome! Tiempo estimado Contextos/ áreas de experiencia 10 a 15 horas Vida cotidiana: yo y mi escuela. Mis útiles escolares. Prácticas/ uso del lenguaje Presentarse. Saludar. Nombrar, describir y contar los útiles escolares (colores). Expresar sentimientos. Dar instrucciones o invitar (imperativo). Exponentes lingüísticos Feelings School objects Numbers 1–10 Indefinite article Colours Orders or invitations Pick up a pencil. Count to 10. Hello! Hi! Bye! Goodbye! be: What is your name? I am Eddie. / My name is Eddie. How are you? I am OK/ fine. a pen/an eraser 1 Teacher’s Notes Variedad textual: lo literario y los textos de la vida cotidiana Historieta Canción (rima) NAP La sensibilización hacia la presencia de diversas lenguas y variedades lingüísticas que circulan en la comunidad. El inicio en la reflexión, con la ayuda del/la docente, sobre algunos aspectos fundamentales del funcionamiento de la lengua extranjera que se aprende, por ejemplo: `` la entonación como portadora de sentidos; Habilidades sociales Conocer los propios sentimientos. Iniciar una conversación. Ser amigable. `` la relación entre ortografía y pronunciación. El reconocimiento de algunas similitudes y diferencias en relación con el español. Planificación Anual • p1 Planificación Anual (continuación) Unidad 2 Families Tiempo estimado Contextos/ áreas de experiencia 10 a 15 horas Vida cotidiana: yo y mi familia. Prácticas/ uso del lenguaje Presentar a la familia. Describir una persona (edad y apariencia física). Expresar afecto. Pedir ayuda. Exponentes lingüísticos Family members Adjectives: size and age Express affection Ask for help Variedad textual: lo literario y los textos de la vida cotidiana Historieta Canción I love my family. Help me, please. 1 10 a 15 horas Teacher’s Notes Vida cotidiana: yo y mi mascota. El mundo alrededor nuestro: la naturaleza. Dar información sobre mascotas y objetos propios. Preguntar sobre mascotas u objetos. Describir un animal. Pedir disculpas. Alertar sobre peligros. Animals Warnings Historietas Revista Stop! Sorry! Be careful! have: I have a dog. I don’t have a pet. Do you have a horse? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. His name is Elvis. Her name is Lolita. La transcripción de textos breves, reemplazando diferentes elementos (acciones, cualidades, escenarios, entre otros) con la ayuda del/la docente. El reconocimiento de la vinculación entre la lectura y la escritura como modo de favorecer el proceso de aprender a escribir. be: This is my mum. Tom is young. He is Robert. She is Maria. I am 7. Emma is not 3. She is 7. 3 Animals NAP Poster La formulación de anticipaciones e hipótesis sobre el sentido de los textos a partir de palabras o expresiones relacionadas con el tema, del tono de voz de quien habla, entre otras pistas temáticas, lingüístico-discursivas, paraverbales y no verbales. Habilidades sociales Pedir ayuda. Ayudar (a la familia). Identificar los sentimientos de otros (miembros de la familia). Expresión de amor agrado y afecto. Estar atento a las señales e indicaciones y respetarlas. Iniciar y mantener una conversación. Hablar en público. Planificación Anual • p2 Planificación Anual (continuación) Unidad 4 Food Tiempo estimado Contextos/ áreas de experiencia Prácticas/ uso del lenguaje 10 a 15 horas Vida cotidiana: yo y mis gustos. La comida Vida personal y social. La alimentación saludable. Expresar agrado y desagrado. Agradecer. Preguntar sobre gustos. Exponentes lingüísticos Food Expressing likes and dislikes Bananas, please. Here you are. Thank you. like: Do you like sandwiches? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. I like sandwiches and I like carrots. I don’t like beans. I like vegetables but I don’t like fish. 1 Teacher’s Notes Variedad textual: lo literario y los textos de la vida cotidiana Historietas Receta Adivinanza (Activate) Secuencia de recomendaciones/ Encuesta (Explore) NAP El inicio en la reflexión, con la ayuda del/la docente, sobre algunos aspectos fundamentales del funcionamiento de la lengua extranjera que se aprende, por ejemplo: `` el uso de conectores básicos. La apreciación del ritmo y la musicalidad en los textos trabajados. Habilidades sociales Dar instrucciones y seguirlas. Ser amable y solícito. No herir los sentimientos de otros. Dar las gracias. Hacer un cumplido. Expresar nuestros gustos o preferencias. Respetar los gustos de otros. Planificación Anual • p3 Planificación Anual (continuación) Unidad 5 Different abilities Tiempo estimado Contextos/ áreas de experiencia Prácticas/ uso del lenguaje 10 a 15 horas Actividades cotidianas y actividades del tiempo libre: los deportes, canto, tocar instrumentos musicales. Expresar habilidad para hacer algo Preguntar por habilidades. Teacher’s Notes Actions Musical instruments Sports Suggestions Let’s swim. Help! Sugerir/invitar. Pedir ayuda. 1 Exponentes lingüísticos can: I can swim. I can’t fly. Can you climb a tree? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. She can play tennis. They can’t fly. Can he swim? Variedad textual: lo literario y los textos de la vida cotidiana Historietas Canción NAP Habilidades sociales La aproximación a la comprensión de que un texto oral puede abordarse aunque no se conozca el significado de todas las palabras que lo constituyen, y de que el sentido de un texto no depende exclusivamente de las palabras que lo conforman. Admitir ignorancia. Comprender los sentimientos de los demás. Capacidad de convencer a los demás. Ser autentico. No simular. La escucha de diferentes textos orales expresados por el/la docente o provenientes de fuentes diversas (grabaciones de audio y video, entre otras). Esto supone: `` el inicio en la identificación de la situación comunicativa, los interlocutores y el tema abordado, es decir, de elementos relacionados con el contexto de enunciación. Planificación Anual • p4 Planificación Anual (continuación) Unidad Tiempo estimado Contextos/ áreas de experiencia Prácticas/ uso del lenguaje Exponentes lingüísticos 6 Homes 10 a 15 horas Vida personal y en sociedad: yo y mi hogar. El hogar de mis amigos. Informar sobre la propia vivienda y la de amigos y vecinos. Places Types of homes Mi barrio/ ciudad/ provincia/país. Preguntar sobre el lugar donde alguien vive. Where do you live? I live in the city. We are Peter and Sara. He lives in a house but I live in a flat. Variedad textual: lo literario y los textos de la vida cotidiana Historietas Folleto turístico You are a great friend. Canción Las casas y el alojamiento. La ciudad y el campo. Otros hábitats. Texto informativo (Activate) Entrevista (Explore) NAP La comprensión y construcción de sentidos del texto escrito apelando a diferentes estrategias. Esto supone: `` la identificación del género; `` la identificación, con la ayuda del/la docente, del tipo de lectura requerida -global o focalizadaacorde con el propósito comunicativo; Habilidades sociales Valorar a los amigos. Ser amigable (con nuevos compañeros o vecinos). Expresión de opiniones personales. `` el recurso a pistas que brindan los textos y su paratexto; `` la confirmación o modificación de las anticipaciones e hipótesis formuladas. La lectura de textos breves instruccionales, relacionados con situaciones de la vida cotidiana de los niños/as y con áreas del currículum como, por ejemplo, folletos, invitaciones, historietas, instructivos, listados. 1 Teacher’s Notes Planificación Anual • p5 Optional lesson starter Say, Look at Cathy. Then ask pupils what Cathy is doing. Make them look at the cover of the album she is holding and the title of the unit. Learning strategy Becoming morphologically aware Write ‘animals’ on the board and make pupils notice that both animals in the target language and animales in Spanish share most letters. `` Say, Now look at Trip. Is he happy? Make pupils notice Trip is asking a question. Ask pupils if they can see why some animals are on one page and a different group is on the other page. Ask them to look at the left side of the album and enquire what kind of animals they can see there. Ask them if they can keep them at home. Make them aware of the fact that a goat can be a pet in the country, but not in a flat. This can also start a short conversation on cultures and how what is acceptable in each varies. Learning strategy Page 35 1 Teaching Notes Making connections Make pupils focus on the word ‘pet’. Some of them may know the word ‘pet shop’. Then draw their attention to the right-hand side of the page. Make them notice that it says not pets. They should realize these are wild animals. This should not be translated as salvajes but as silvestres, eg: World Wildlife Fund – Fundación Vida Silvestre. `` Make them look at the word ‘pet’. Read it aloud and ask them to copy you. • ! TIP If we have told them to exaggerate and they can’t yet get the plosive \t\ perhaps they will say \petS\. As we have said before (see intro) this should not be seen negatively. `` At this point, a discussion will surely start because more than one pupil may have a tortoise at home. It is time to make them conscious that many of the animals we keep at home as pets are not pets or are species in danger of extinction. It is good for them to understand that wild animals should be kept in their habitats and if we change their lives, we are harming them because they will never be able to live in the wild again. `` Note that hamsters are originally wild animals now bred in captivity. Their biological characteristics require respect they frequently do not get. Interesting links about the topic: http://www.worldwildlife.org/ http://www.vidasilvestre.org.ar/ http://www.vidasilvestre.org.ar/dia_del_ medio_ambiente/ecorregiones/monte/ http://www.endangeredspecieshandbook. org/trade_wild_turtle.php http://www.arkive.org/chaco-tortoise/ chelonoidis-chilensis/ Unit 3 • p1 Lesson 1 • a. Make pupils number the animals in the unit opener on page 35. Once they have done this, you can call out the numbers and they can say ‘pet’ or ‘not pet’. Then the activity can be reversed with individuals calling out a number and the teacher saying ‘pet’ or ‘not pet’. 2 b. Memory game: The numbers pupils gave to the animals in the Unit Opener could be in a sequence so that any number beyond 4 will be ‘not pet’ and up to 4 ‘pet’. With books closed, say a number from 1 to 8 for pupils to say whether the animal is a pet or not. `` Write the rubric of the activity on the board. Ask them what words they recognize (‘circle’, ‘cat’). Ask them what word is new: They have seen one in picture 2. They should realize they have to identify the bed that goes with the cat. Say, Quickly, 1 minute to circle (gesture)! Answer: 2 17 `` Say, Open your books at page 36. From now on, if you have not done it before, when pupils need to open the book give the numbers in English and write the number on the board so they can recognize the part they know – as they do not know any number beyond 10. `` Say, Look at the pictures. Ask pupils what they can see. Ask, What animal is this? Have them look at the picture on the right and say, It is a cat. Ask, Is the cat a pet? Pupils should say Yes or No. Ask, What is the cat’s name? Make them look at the capital letter in the middle of the sentence. See more information about punctuation and capitalization in the Introduction. • ! • EJE DE LA COMPRENSIÓN ORAL ‘confirmar o modificar las anticipaciones e hipótesis formuladas;’ `` Say, Open your books (gesture). Play the track a second time and invite pupils to follow the reading. Optional lesson starters 1 N A P s TIP Pupils may tend to hear a Spanish sound \g\ in ‘cat’ instead of \k\ because of the morphological similarity with the word in Spanish. Be on the alert. 1 Teaching Notes 3 `` Ask pupils what they think the heart expresses. Tell them to look at picture 3 and read what the girl says. She uses ‘love’. The sentence starts with ‘I’. Page 36 Learning strategy Building semantic relationships `` Ask them how they think the girl and the cat feel, Is she happy? Is the cat happy? (her face, she hugs him, he ‘smiles’, etc.) `` Say, Look at picture 4. The cat is in the…? If you have introduced ‘Good morning!’, ‘Good afternoon!’ as greetings, you can lead pupils to infer that this one also starts with ‘good’ but referring to a different daytime. See if pupils can infer the missing element: She (girl) … Jazz the cat. The little hearts show the girl’s feelings. This sentence is about her feelings. Do not expect ama as an answer. Quiere is a perfectly valid alternative. `` Say, OK, again 1 minute. Answer: Yes `` Say, Close your books (gesture of open hands closing) and listen. Play track 17. Ask pupils if they can confirm the girl’s feelings for the cat. Unit 3 • p2 Lesson 2 3 `` Have pupils look at the pictures. Say, Count (mime the action with your fingers) the birds. How many? Also showing with your fingers. And dogs? Right. And fish? Optional lesson starters a. Play with colours and numbers, eg: Say, white and pupils provide the numbers of the white animals in the picture. Do the same with other colours. Do not allow shouting. Nominate a pupil. The rest should listen to say Yes/No. This activity can be reversed. `` Ask if the pairs are similar or different. OK. One is big, the other one is small. `` Invite pupils to read the rubric. Tell them to show you (gesture) what they have to do. b. Do the same as the above activity for ‘big/small’. You need to be very flexible here because sizes are relative. `` Do the same as the above for ‘big/small’. Answers: 1 d; 2 e; 3 b; 4 a; 5 c; 6 f 1 18 `` Have pupils look at the pets the children have in Activity 1. Ask if they know their names in English. Pupils may have gathered the name of some other of the animals from Tiny and you or through watching TV or from some other sources. Optional activity Click here for photocopiable material. `` Say, Look at the pictures and listen. Listen (gesture) and point (gesture). Now repeat and point. `` Play track 18 once. Have them pay attention to the pronunciation of some of the new words. 1 2 `` Chorus repetition after each word is said. Then volunteers can do it individually. Correct and praise. Time for a game `` Ask pupils to look again at the pets the children in Activity 1 have. Tell them to pay attention and say a number. Pupils can now call out the name of the animal. `` Draw a detail of one of the animals on the board and have pupils say what animal it is. You can do it slowly to create suspense. Then you can invite some pupils to draw. 1 bird; 2 horse; 3 dog; 4 fish; 5 rabbit; 6 cat 1 yellow, blue; 2 black, white Page 37 2 `` Ask pupils to mime what they have to do. They can point to their eyes for ‘look’ and draw a circle in the air for ‘circle’. Before they circle the words, make sure you check that they can read all the words. The vowel sound in \b‰…d\ may pose some difficulty. Ask them what face they pull when a medicine does not taste good and what sound they produce: \‰…\. Then say, Well, like \b‰…d\. Repeat. Check the activity orally. Answers: 1 cat; 2 rabbit; 3 horse; 4 bird 1 Teaching Notes Unit 3 • p3 Lesson 3 `` Invite pupils to look at Beakie’s first sentence. Make them notice the appearance of ‘don’t’. `` Have pupils look at the ‘Look!’ box. Make them notice the ‘not’ that they saw in Unit 2. Remind them of the similarity with ‘no’. Optional lesson starters a. Go back to the unit opener and play the same memory game as in Lesson 1. This time you can change ‘pet/not pet’ for the names of the pets. As ‘goat’ is a peculiar pet for city children tell them to skip that or teach it if they are interested. `` Tell them to look at the ‘Grammar Trip’ section and cover the comic strip at the top of the page. Have them write the words in order without looking at Activity 2. Then they can check their answers when they finish. b. Play a guessing game with sounds. Ask, What animal goes ‘woof, woof’? Although children do not know all the words in the questions, they will realize what animal the sound refers to and they may callout the name. This activity can be easily reversed. 1 Answers: I have a dog. / I don’t have a dog. 2 `` Make sure pupils understand what they have to do – focus on the first person, that is to say the speaker – and where they should go to get the information. 19 Answers: 1 have; 2 don’t have; 3 don’t have; 4 don’t have; 5 have; 6 don’t have `` Make sure pupils have their books closed. Play track 19 once. Ask them to listen for names of animals. Have them open their books to check. 3 `` Say, Look at Eddie and Beakie. What is Eddie’s pet, Ana? • ! TIP When you call individuals, the name should go at the end to keep all pupils paying attention to the question. `` Ask pupils to look at the rubric and underline what they have to do. Page 38 Learning strategy `` Say, You have to ..., ... and ... . Encourage them to read what they have underlined. `` Say, Is the boy in picture 3 happy? Once they answer tell them to read and tell you why he is angry. `` Say, Right! What about Beakie? What are his pets? Building semantic relationships `` After that they can read one sentence each. `` Tell pupils to underline the name of the pets. Write the sentence on the board but leave a blank for ‘have’. Make them look at ‘I’ and check the meaning. Then go to ‘a dog’ and check that too. Then ask them what can go in the blank (in L1, of course). ‘Have’ is the most possible option. `` Have pupils write the sentences about themselves in their notebooks/folders. If you get short of time, they can do it for homework. `` Ask them if there is a new word. They should notice ‘have’. 3 4 1 Teaching Notes 1 d; 2 b; 3 a; 4 c 1 fish; 2 dog; 3 bird; 4 rabbit; 5 horse; 6 spider; 7 cat Unit 3 • p4 Lesson 4 `` Ask, Is Fiona the girl or the horse? Make pupils notice the words ‘he’ and ‘she’ and who they refer to. And Elvis? `` Pupils take turns to read the texts once they have completed the sentences. Go back to the tips related to the teaching of the sound \h\ in Unit 2. Optional lesson starters a. Have pupils socialize what they have written about their pets for homework. Answers: 1 his; 2 her b. Game: Start by saying a word, eg: I. A pupil continues by adding the verb for possession (I have) and another one ends the sentence (I have a dog). It is not a good idea to separate the article at this stage or even to demand it. 3 `` Elicit what pupils have to do. Ask, What is the difference between sentences a and b? Help pupils focus on the difference between ‘my’ and ‘his’. Check orally. 1 Answers: 1 c; 2 b; 3 a `` Have pupils tell you what they have to do and give them a few minutes to read the text on their own for the first time. Optional activities `` Once they have read it, draw this chart on the board and ask them to complete it with the information in the book. Name Pet Pet’s name `` They can either do it on the board or copy the chart into their notebooks/folders and do it; they can do it individually or in pairs and then check it on the board. `` Have pupils look at the ‘Grammar Trip’ section. Ask a few to introduce themselves as if it were the first class. Then tell them to look at Daniel and Susan and the words they use when they introduce their pets. Try to elicit why Daniel says her name and Susan his name. Focus on the name of the dog – the name of the rabbit is not transparent so it will not be of help. Make them notice ‘he/she’, which they studied in Unit 2, Lesson 5. `` At this point, if pupils ask, you could compare these two words with what we say in Spanish. It may be a source of confusion because we say su for both masculine and feminine. You could even say El nombre de él/ella to clarify. 1 Teaching Notes 1. To be done oraly or in writing or both, depending on the time you have. You can leave it as a lesson starter for the next class. Divide the class in groups. Write on the board: Pet: fish, dog, bird. Add more if you like. Bed: draw a nest, a dog’s bed and a fish bowl. Name: Chippy, Titan, Pippa or any pet name you like. If you wish, allow pupils to choose the name of the pet. Have each group introduce a pet and where he/she sleeps (This is Chippy. He is a fish. This is his bed.) One sentence each at the beginning. Then see if they can say, not read, all three sentences. When mentioning the bed, pupils point at the drawing on the board. Page 39 `` Once the ‘Grammar Trip’ section has been done, invite pupils to answer the question in the rubric in Activity 1. Answers: Her / His 2 `` Say, Read the instruction. You have to complete with... Get pupils to answer. Then ask how they decide if it is a ‘he’ or a ‘she’ pet. Yes, the name helps you. 5 2. Click here for photocopiable material. 1 His; 2 His; 3 Her Unit 3 • p5 Lesson 5 Optional activity Optional lesson starters Write the following information on the board to revise comprehension and numbers. Pupils can then make sentences. Once they have finished, invite them to write some of their exponents on the board. a. Play the ‘Pet Game’ included in the ‘Optional activity’ section in Lesson 4. b. Play ‘Coincidences’ to revise colour and size. A pupil says a sentence, eg: I have a dog. All the pupils that have a dog stand up and say, I have a dog. Another pupil says, My dog is brown. Those who have a brown dog echo the sentence, My dog is big, etc. Those who do not have a brown dog or a big dog sit down. Then start with another pet. Match. two Vicky four Natalia Leo seven Luke eight nine Rocky Molly Oscar Cindy 1 `` This would be the first extended reading activity they can do entirely on their own. 3 `` To guide pupils on this first experience, lead the reading of the first text all together. Ask them to focus on how the text starts, what Vicky says (greets, says her age), etc. Ask them to count the number of sentences in each text, and how they begin. Point out the use of ‘he/his’, ‘she/her’ in particular. `` Make sure pupils know what they have to match. Then ask them what the lines are for and what they have to do in the square. `` Give them 15 minutes to read the rest and match. Once they finish, check answers. Make sure pupils account for their answers; ask them where the information is, why they chose a given picture, etc. This prevents pupils from providing answers because they heard them. `` Once you have finished, they can read the description of the pets aloud for pronunciation practice. Answers: 1 b; 2 d; 3 a; 4 c Page 40 `` Invite them to do the first matching together and complete the task. Invite pupils to socialize what they have drawn. Answers: 1 b; 2 c; 3 a 2 Learning strategy Whenever there are pronouns, make sure pupils know who is talking in each case or who the pronoun refers to in each case. Pronouns are an abstraction and so are difficult to process. `` Check pupils understand each of the items they are supposed to complete: What name, the children’s or the pets’? What is the difference between ‘pet’ and ‘pet’s name’? Also see that they know where to get the information from. Give them 10 minutes to do it. Answers: Natalia, cat, Oscar, black and white / Leo, cat, Molly, brown / Vicky, dog, Cindy, brown / Luke, dog, Rocky, black and white 6 7 1 Teaching Notes Pupils’ own answers have a black dog and two small rabbits. Unit 3 • p6 Lesson 6 `` Have pupils look at the ‘Grammar Trip’ section. Then say, Read the question, Laura. Answer it, Ben. Repeat, Leila. Optional lesson starters `` To make clear what they have to do, write the options on the board and say, The answer is… Write it. a. Ask, Open your books at page 35. Are all the animals pets? Let’s name the pets only. Answers: Yes, I do. b. You may do the same Optional activities as in Lesson 2. 1 2 20 `` Say, What number is this lesson? Point to the lesson number on the top right-hand side of the page. Elicit why pupils have to look at Lesson 3 and give them 3 minutes to answer. `` Make pupils focus on the differences between the speech bubbles –there are ‘yes’ and ‘no’ questions but do not focus on the words yet. This time have them listen to the audio while reading. `` Check orally. Answers: 1 Yes, I do. 2 No, I don’t. `` Play track 20 once and ask them who asks the questions and if the other answers always the same. They should notice that some sentences are not heard. Then play the track again and have pupils mark in the comic strip the sentences that do not appear in the audio (thoughts). 3 `` Get pupils to tell you what they have to do. Focus on the words ‘answer about you’. Make sure they understand they have to answer the truth about their pets. You can add a question: Do you have a pet? Perhaps they have a pet other than those mentioned. `` Ask, Is the frog Eddie’s pet? What is his pet? Pupils may say araña, but someone may remember Spider-Man and say spider. Remind them of the pets on page 35 and ask, Is the spider a pet? • ! Page 41 TIP Optional activity If pupils have trouble with the pronunciation of the word ‘spider’, write another word for the same sound, eg: five, my, Sprite and have them compare. Pet Game: Divide the class into three groups. Group 1 asks the question. Group 2 answers. Group 3 says if it is a pet or not, eg: `` Play the track again and have pupils listen once more, focusing on Eddie’s answers and then role play the scene. G1: Do you have a cat? G2: Yes, I do./No, I don’t. G3: A cat is a pet. 1 Teaching Notes `` When producing the written form try to obtain the whole sentence but accept either the abbreviated form Yes, I do. or just Yes. 8 1 Yes, I do. 2 No, I don’t. 3 Yes, I do. 4 No, I don’t. G1: Do you have a frog? G2: Yes/No. G3: A frog is not a pet. Unit 3 • p7 Lesson 7 `` Elicit what information is missing. Give pupils 3 minutes to complete it and write the name of the cats in the picture. Then read the result in turns. Optional lesson starter `` If necessary, in order to simplify the activity, provide the missing words on the board but not in the right order. Divide the class into groups. Each group stands for a colour. Ask pupils to put their school objects on the table/desk. Say, Show me five blue pencils. They pick up the objects mentioned and show them to the class. If the number they show is incorrect or the colour is wrong, someone from another group has to stand up and help. Answers: 1 brown; 2 black; 3 white 3 `` Tell pupils to read and underline the information Henry gives. Then draw a chart for them to complete with the relevant information. 1 Name `` Have pupils open their books on page 42 and say, Look at the picture. Are the children in class? Read their names. Read the rubric. Tell them there is a mistake in the rubric. One name is not the one they should write. Which? Challenge them to discover it. Ask them where they will write the names. Make sure they understand they have to find the answer through reading. Say, Fine, 10 minutes. `` After they finish, check. One pupil reads and another one gives the name of the owner of the school things. Answers: 1 Rob; 2 Paula; 3 Tom • ! TIP Do not forget to include the whole group by asking around who agrees, who would like to read the same sentence again, who has a different answer, etc. As you walk around the class while they are working, make sure you notice wrong answers. Make them realize what the mistake is and/or where it is. 1 Teaching Notes Age Pet Pet’s name Age Size `` Invite pupils to write about their pet. If someone does not have a pet, ask him/her to write information about a relative’s or a friend’s pet and say he/she does not have a pet. Page 42 2 • ! TIP It is important for pupils to follow a certain order but it is not advisable to let them copy the exact structure of the piece in the book. `` Say, Look at the note. Read the instruction. You have five minutes. Get pupils to discuss if they agree with this affirmation. `` Ask, Who wrote (gesture of writing, the verb is in the past) the note? She wrote (gesture) about...? Her pets... Yes. And... Her sister. Good! Then say, Read the names, please. Who (gesture) are Brownie and Kuna? OK, the cats. What is her sister’s name? They may say in L1 that it is not in the note. Good! She does not say. Unit 3 • p8 Lesson 8 `` Call their attention to the section with the two robots, where this expression appears. `` Play the track again and have pupils pay attention to pronunciation. Optional lesson starters `` Go back to the rubric and ask pupils to answer the question too. Be careful. • a. Make small talk with the class for a short time to show you are genuinely interested in each of them. Make each exchange really personal. Say, Hi, children. How are you today? Andrea, it is your birthday today. Happy Birthday! Let’s sing! Pablo, is your dog OK? And so on. ! Every time expressions like ‘Sorry’, ‘Be careful’, etc come up, incorporate them to everyday classroom speech and make pupils use them as well. Make them reflect on the importance of being careful in our everyday lives. Ask them to reflect on what they do and to consider whether there are things they could change for the better. b. Socialize what they have written about their pets in the previous lesson. 1 21 2 `` Invite pupils to close their eyes and listen carefully to words and noises. Play track 21. Once they have heard it, wait for their comments: a cat, ‘Bye’, a car (horn). `` Read the rubric. Ask pupils what they have to do. `` Say, Problems? Are the pictures OK? Three minutes, start. Make sure they understand the different situations. `` Play the track again and tell pupils they have to imagine what is going on. They give their ideas and you write them on the board, in L1. You may choose to write two columns in case some pupils give an answer in English. • ! TIP Answers: 1 Sorry! 2 Stop! 3 Be careful! Page 43 TIP There are no wrong guesses, only guesses that may not appear in the text. `` Tell pupils to open their books at page 43 and look at the pictures now. Call volunteers or individuals to tick the matching guesses and cross out or erase the others. `` Say, Let’s listen again and read. Open your books. Play the track again. Say, Mum says,... Yes, and the man says,... Stop! Yes, Camila. 1 Teaching Notes `` Talk about what pupils say when they make a mistake or when they push someone inadvertently. Ask them what they think the English for that is and make them look up the word in the story. Make them act it out when they get it. `` Keep on talking about carelessness and what people normally say when, for example, you are about to step on someone’s foot or cross the street without looking. You will probably get Cuidado./Tené cuidado. or more colloquial Ojo!/Guarda! Elicit if anybody says this to the girl in the story. They may not know how to pronounce these words, so model out the phrase and have them repeat it. 3 `` Say, Do you have to read? Write? Look at the drawing next to number 3. What are they? Pupils explain, if they know, in L1. If not, you tell them what the masks represent. `` Say, So now you are actors. Distribute roles and role play the story. Optional activity Click here for photocopiable material. Unit 3 • p9 Lesson 9 `` With books closed, play track 22. Ask pupils to pay attention to the name of the animals they hear. When you finish, they can write on the board, one pupil at a time, the name of the animals they heard or understood. Optional lesson starters `` Play the track again, but this time with books open. Have one pupil at a time cross out the name of the animals that appear in the song, leaving only those that are missing. They can now complete the song. a. Make eye contact. Spot changes like new hairdo/haircut (tell the pupils that he/she looks good); sleepy faces; and exchange a few words with each pupil. b. Recreate the story on page 42, Activity 2 changing the hazard (child about to trip on a backpack, child looking backwards going straight into a closed door, etc). One pupil acts out the hazards you whisper into her/his ear and the class shouts out the warning. `` Play the track one more time. Try to sing the song this time. Pronunciation of ‘tiger’ won’t be a problem, point to ‘spider’ to remind them of the pronunciation. Answers: cat, fish, dog, rabbit p35 Optional activity `` Tell pupils to read the instruction which appears next to the robot at the top of the page. Focus on the words ‘big’ and ‘small’. Try to get pupils to realize what they have to do. Accept variety of answers as sizes are relative. Answers: Big: cat, rabbit, toucan / Small: dog, goat, spider, monkey, tortoise, iguana This song can be used as a lesson starter or an end-of-class activity when they are tired. Sing the song and instead of naming the animal, reproduce the sound they make, eg: Do you have a miaow, miaow? 1 Page 44 `` Say, Open your books at page 44. Have pupils look at the billboard and ask them to tell you what they see. Make sure they understand what the pictures depict. As regards the notes, the words they don’t know are transparent and easily understood. In case of trouble, use the comparison technique: adopt/adopt_ _, abandoned/abandon_d_. `` Go back to the rubric and elicit what they have to do and where the numbers are. Give them 5 minutes to complete. Check answers. `` Say, What is the girl’s pet? Ask if what she is doing is acceptable. It is important to consider respect again. Ask, Is the dog in number 3 happy? 2 Answers: 1 c; 2 b; 3 a My Project If you have enough periods of English, do this in class. Otherwise, give it as homework. The following class each group shares the poster with the rest. You can even make a competition for the best poster, within the class or among teachers. Hang them round for some time to make pupils feel proud of their production. 22 `` Say, Look at the song. Is it complete? `` See if pupils can tell you what the missing words are (names of animals). To achieve it, call their attention to the words that appear in the other questions. 1 Teaching Notes 9 a 5; b 2; c 3; d 4; e 1 Pets: fish, rabbit / Not pets: frog, spider, tiger Unit 3 • p10 2 1 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2015 3 3r 2h 1c bb t rs t 5d 4b g r 1 3 5 4 Colour the bird blue. Colour the dog pink. Colour the rabbit orange. Colour the horse brown. Colour the cat yellow. Read and colour the picture in Activity 1. Pets: red Not pets: blue Look at Activity 1 and complete. 2 1 Circle. Unit 3 • Lesson 2 Unit 3 • p11 Unit 3 • Lesson 4 Write in order. I have a bird. My name is Samantha. She is 2. Her name is Sisi. I am 8. 1 I am 10. His name is Sully. My name is Lucas. He is a dog. I have a pet. 2 1 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2015 Unit 3 • p12 Unit 3 • Lesson 8 Look and write. Stop! Oops! Sorry, cat. Please, be careful. Bye, Mum. Bye, Dad. Stop! Sorry. 1 3 2 4 Hi, David! What’s up? 1 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2015 Unit 3 • p13