Guía Turística inglés de MANZANARES El Real
Guía Turística inglés de MANZANARES El Real
GUÍA TURíS Tourist Guide 2009 TICA MANZANARES EL REAL ACTIVE TOURISM MUNICIPALITY OF MANZANARES EL REAL turística Guía C O M U N I DA D D E M A D R I D 2009 TOURIST GUIDE N Contents: General information, location and connections with Madrid What to visit: DEL GUADARR A R Cuenca AM Parque Regional de la R Alta del Manzanares E I A La Pedriza S La Pedriza (Parque Regional de la Cuenca Alta del Manzanares). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Schematic map of La Pedriza. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Information centre for Environmental Education. . . . . . . . . 9 Hiking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Coruña . . . . . . 9 Climbing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Navacerrada 10 N-VI Pto. de Navacerrada El Escorial Cycling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Guadarrama 10 The river Manzanares and fishing. . . . . . . . . . . . .Collado . . . Villalba . . . 11 Miraflores Manzanares El Real 08 M-6 M M-608 Burgos N-I Soto del Real Torrelaguna -8 Cerceda Where to sleep and eat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 62 9 60 MColmenar Viejo San Agustín de Guadalix Circuito del Jarama Access from Madrid capital Torrelodones M-607 2 By road: San Sebastián de los Reyes Alcobendas M-607 (highway direction Colmenar Viejo) until connecting, at the end of highway, with the M-609, previously the M-862, and finally with the M-608. Madrid Extremadura N-V Aeropuerto Barajas Barcelona N-II M30 By bus: M40 Bus station Plaza de Castilla, bus line 724 Toledo N-401 M50 Valencia N-III Andalucia N-IV MANZANARES EL REAL At a distance of 50 km from Madrid, following the highway of Colmenar Viejo, the village of Manzanares El Real offers to its visitors an exclusive natural environment: el Parque Regional de la Cuenca Alta del Manzanares. It comprises the whole of the municipality of Manzanares El Real, a location which gives access to the area of the most ecological value and with the Park's highest protection level: La Pedriza. Although this territory was protected since 1930, with the objective to stop the deterioration that this natural area was suffering because of the uncontrolled influx of visitors, the region was declared Parque Regional in 1985. As from 1992 it was included in the global network of Reserves of the Biosphere, with different protection levels, La Pedriza de Manzanares being the most protected area and as such qualifying as an Integral Reserve for cherishing within its borders barely changed ecosystems. To get to know its valuable ecosystems: woods of stone oaks, area of river and brooklets, the Santillana lake, La Pedriza and the high mountain area represented by the Cuerda Larga, the best thing to do is entering in its interior without leaving the indicated paths and thus strictly respecting the norm –the earth doesn't belong to us, but to our children– a slogan that guarantees its conservation. A natural inheritance for all those who are looking for a natural and relaxed view, now and in the future. Apart from the interesting natural, historical and artistic heritage and the continuous sport events that are being organised, Manzanares El Real is increasing its attractive tourist offer with an unexpected selection of hotel accommodation, as well as with a huge number of apartments and chalets which are being rented out during stays that vary from weekends to the complete summer vacation period. For the more adventurous people, Manzanares also counts with a group hostel, a camping-site at the foot of the mountain range and a guarded refuge (Giner de los Ríos) in the heart of La Pedriza. Public institutions, Associations and, more importantly, the inhabitants of Manzanares, cordial hosts being acquainted with the natural prodigy and the cultural heritage of this area, daily enjoy, take care and enrich each remote place in this village with the aim to offer the most brilliant selection of Art, Culture and Landscape of the Comunidad of Madrid to its visitors Welcome to everyone 3 TOURIST GUIDE 4 Las Torres de La Pedriza (Pedriza posterior) MANZANARES EL REAL La Pedriza peculiar aroma. In the higher areas the creeping juniper In the Parque Regional de la Cuenca Alta del Manzanares The vulture is the indisputable king of the fauna of La you can find La Pedriza de Manzanares. A fantastic Pedriza, while the mountain goats (cabra montés) are composition of eroded and rounded rocks, complex widely spread in its most hidden parts. hidden places of contrasting colours and irregular forms. The legend is not far away in this natural caprice. La As from the village it is only possible to observe two of Cueva de La Mora (the cave of the Arab girl) owes its the three areas in which the famous geologist Casiano name to the legend that a young girl was locked inside de Prado divided La Pedriza, a distribution equally in this cave to keep her far away from a Christian boy adopted by Bernaldo de Quirós and that nowadays, a being in love with her. hundred years later, is still being valid: El Acornocal, La Equally, in the previous century these rock formations Pedriza Anterior and La Pedriza Posterior, three clearly formed a perfect hiding place for numerous groups different rock massifs. of bandits who inhabited these mountains, whose The summit, easy to be seen from a distance of dozens anecdotes gave their names to a lot of stones, amongst of kilometres, gives honour to its name: El Yelmo (Ro- others it is worthwhile mentioning El Cancho de los man helmet), but this enormous rock is not the roof of Muertos (the ledge of the dead). this mountain range, that is Las Torres (the Towers), a range of peaks that can be observed in the background. However, the highest mountain of the whole park is the Cabeza de Hierro at a height of 2383 m. In this universe of minerals, cork oaks, brambles, rock roses, oaks and hawthorns hardly root, vegetation that progressively diminishes when reaching La Pedriza posterior, where pine trees are growing. In the lower parts, these pine woods compete with stone oaks and rock roses, that permeate the atmosphere with its and the broom survive in this pure rocky soil. 5 El Dedo de Dios Las Torresde Pedriza Peña del Rayo La Bota El Risquin El Nevazo i Ca m Crestas de las Milaneras de los Arro yo av il La Foca GARGANTA DE LA CAMORZA A Río El Tranco M an za na re Mogote de San Bernardo s TRACK RIVER/BROOKLET ROCK FORMATION COLLADO DE MATAHERRADURAS o Quebrantaherraduras Se nd a de l Arroyo d e l a Ma jadi lla Arroyo de los Pollos G Senda de los Gavila Hoyos d n e l a Sierra Los Hermanitos Risco de los Hoyos Aguja Ruau an La Perra Gorda es Risco de las Nieves El Hombre Tres Cestos Sentado Cancho COLLADO DE LA VENTANA Risco de las Damas Centeno Risco del Risco de la Puente de Ventana na los Pollos nta e V La Corona Pared de Santillana la El Caballo e d de Ajedrez Tres Cestitos Cueva de la o yo r r A Mogote de Majada de Quila Dos Torres los Suicidas PRADERA DE LOS NAVAJUELOS MAJADA DE QUILA Tienda de La Tortuga Campaña LOS LLANILLOS La Bola de los Navajuelos El Torro Los Molondrios Cuatro Cestos Cancho de San Isidro El Teodomiro El Falso El Mataelvicial Molondrio El Buda El Capuchino La Muela Cancho Amarillo Mogote de la PUENTE DE Nido de Buitre Dehesilla LOS LOBOS PORTILLO Torre de Quila Peñalarco o Hueso El Elefante COLLADO DE LA DEHESILLA lla Las Buitreras Pajarito El Trípode hesi a De l Aguja e d o Arroy Jorge Prat Las Cuatro Damas Los Fantasmas Charca Verde La Momia La Cara El Vigía COLLADO CABRÓN Bola de San Bernardo Risco El Vigilante Refugio Senda del El Acebo Giner de los Ríos Arroyo Horcajo La Mano de Dios Peña El Centinela La Mujer Horcajo La Caperucita co El Matadero s i R o y Arro y el Hato La Maza El Dante Cancho de Los Caballeros los Muertos Rendueles El Cáliz El Castillo Peña del Corral del Yelmo El Cancho El Camello Yelmo Chozo Coladero Kindelan Elefantito Las Tres del Yelmo Gracias Risco de Aguja La Peseta Manuel Iradier COLLADO DE LA ENCINA El Risco Yuyu Peñas Cagás Peña Sirio La Cara de la Gran Cañada R ío Man Elefantito s zana Aguja J.A.Larios rto res os Hue Cinco Cestos LOS PORTALONES el yo d Arro Calzada de la Pedriza Risco de ra s Cancho las Mozas one LA GRAN CAÑADA Losillos Carb as Peña del N Ofertorio Canto LAS CANCHAS DE MANZANARES Cueva de Cochino Ave María Paso Paleto Cara del Indio COLLADO DE LA CUEVA Risco Ratos lo s nar es de Río Ma nza La Aguja de Singer El Pulpito no es La Esfinge La Pedriza COLLADO CARABINA LA CAMORZA EL ALCORNOCAL B Schematic map of the rivers, rock-formations and tracks of la Pedriza anterior and posterior, not based on topographic scale. Route of the Carboneras to El Yelmo This territory is Regional Park and Reserve of the Biosphere covering medium and high mountain ranges Take care of yourself and the territory. That nobody will notice your presence Before starting a route inform yourself of the difficulty-level and where it ends Inform yourself about the weather forecast Walk on the indicated paths Making a fire and camping is forbidden Taking all the waste that you generate and putting it in the appropriate containers will guarantee a clean day-after Park your car only in the indicated areas Route to the Cara del Indio, Collado de la Cueva… B Entrance to La Pedriza through the gorge of La Camorza H PRADERA DEL RODAJE PR-M1 H Ermita de laa Peña Sacr H Club de Pesca CENTRO SALUD Coto de pesca Parque la Hora Joven Castillo de los Mendoza H Fuente de las Ermitas CENTRO DE EDUCACIÓN AMBIENTAL Club Hípico A H Castillo Viejo Puente Medieval Nuestra Señora de las Nieves Entrance to La Pedriza through the Collado de Quebrantaherraduras Cementerio PANTANO DE SANTILLANA CAÑADA REAL SEGOVIANA Molino del Cura Coto de pesca MANZANARES EL REAL Information Centre for Environmental Education Hiking The whole area constitutes an ecosystem that is worth- between the high plains of Castilla and Madrid, pre- while being observed by the students of nature and its scribed passage for shepherds that moved their cattle various species of plants and animals in a protected through Spain (Cañada Real Segoviana, from Gibraltar environment. It concerns a special fauna and flora, to Soria, year 1273) and travellers (Long Distance generally rather unknown, that make the ecologists Tracks GR-10, from Valencia to Lisbon, 600km) which quite enthusiastic and that can be contemplated from have created a huge number of smaller tracks, named various perspectives, also in the lake's most distant PR (Short Distance Tracks), indicated with yellow-white places, thanks to the observation huts available in its marks, that are introduced in the park and give us the direct surroundings. opportunityw to enjoy the beautiful landscape. For this reason, apart from routes meant to learn and When recently the Saint James Route to Santiago understand the natural environment, the centre is often (320 km from Madrid to Sahagún, year 1987), was destiny for study days organized by various educational re-opened, Manzanares El Real has become again centres that participate in the Educational Programmes an obliged passage due to its privileged geographic (91 853 99 78). situation. In the beginning, Manzanares was traversed by paths In La Pedriza many tracks wind between rocks and small passages with suggestive names, like the Elephant Rock (El Elefante), the Chicken Bridge (El Puente de los Pollos) or the Calyx (El Cáliz) creating routes of one to various hours that even satisfy the most demanding hikers. It can equally be said of the tracks that exist between the unique spots situated in the surroundings of the river Manzanares and the Santillana Lake. 9 TOURIST GUIDE 10 Climbing Cycling For thousands of climbers Manzanares has been a start- Few municipalities of the Comunidad of Madrid are ing point to clamber the mountain-sides and corners so prepared to receive cyclists and bikers as Man- of the geological caprice of La Pedriza. zanares is. School by excellence of the Escalada Madrileña (Madrid As being labelled as a natural reserve, Manzanares Climbing) from its beginning (Casiano del Prado, first El Real is broadly charted and is being traversed by climb to the Yelmo for geographical purposes in the numerous tracks and kilometres of paths that allow middle of the 19th century; Zabala, Meliá y Bellido, first to pedal in groups or in solitary, in each season from climb to the Pájaro, 1916), La Pedriza has been col- January until December. lecting in its mountain-walls the whole development of Two main tracks enter into the area: the so-called “Las this sport until the 8th level. Zetas”, that starting from Canto Cochino goes up until El Capuchino, La Isla de Pascua, El Cáliz, El Pájaro, 1710 m westwards, and, apart from that, the one that El Yelmo, names for an unlimited number of historical is called La Hoya de San Blas, that, starting from the rocks as from where the climbers can contemplate the M-608 in km 20.5, covers the east side of the granite largest natural reserve of the Comunidad of Madrid massif of La Pedriza. MANZANARES EL REAL The river Manzanares Another quite different aspect of this Natural Park is the upper course of the river Manzanares. The origin of this natural designer, that excavates valleys and gorges in the mountain range, is located in the Alto de Guarramillas (2.160m), where its flow is brave and crystal clear thanks to the melting water. The river-sides are full of heather and scattered rocks that serve as a nesting place for the dippers that, together with the trout, are the most abundant species within in the middle of the drought; autumn, with its rich mixture of colours varying from yellow to the most intense red; or wintertime, where you can enjoy an incomparable silence. Fishing During the whole year, the river Manzanares hosts interesting species for sport-fishing. Along the river and in the Santillana lake, various reserved stretches exist for practising this sport, as well as a fish- the animal kingdom of the area. It is difficult to tell what the best moment is to visit ing club for fly fishing without killing, and another fishing club, the Alto Manzanares (91 852 70 65), responsible for the first fishing-spot in consortium the park; springtime, with all the brave waterfalls and the unfolding scenes of birds and amphibians with the Comunidad of Madrid, where proliferate the common trout (Fario), the rainbow trout (Arco Iris) that take place every year; summertime, fresh oasis as well as the carp and the pike. 11 Where to sleep Camping Casa Rural Hoja de Roble Hotel Hotel Rural Pensión Refugio Where to eat 12 Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar Comidas Bodega Cafetería Cervecería Churrería Discoteca Heladería Kiosco/Terraza Kiosco/Terraza Pizzería Restaurante Restaurante Restaurante Restaurante Restaurante Restaurante Restaurante Restaurante Restaurante Restaurante Restaurante/Cafetería El Ortigal La Escala Mirador La Maliciosa Parque Real La Pedriza El Yelmo Giner de los Ríos Calle Montañero, 19 Calle Rincón Canarias, 4 Avda. Pedriza, 60 Calle Padre Damián, 4 Calle Urumea, 8 Avda. de la Pedriza, 69 Reserva 91 853 01 20 600 450 741 91 852 70 65 91 853 99 12 91 852 89 00 91 853 06 55 659 021 754 Casa de León El Chanquete El Fogón de Ana El Paraíso El Picadero El Pulpo de la Sierra La Montería La Taurina Maliciosa Peces Pedriza City El Molino La Cañada Manín Cañada 49 La Rosca 13-58 La Jijonenca La Hora Joven La Huerta Pizzareal Asador de Carmen Casa Goyo Casa Julián Casa Parra Charca Verde El Yelmo La Cocina de mi Suegra La Taurina Parque Real Rincón del Alba La Jara de La Pedriza Calle de los Frailes, 6 Calle Panaderos, 16 Calle del Marqués de Santillana, 3 Calle Panaderos, 27 Avda. de la Paz, s/n Calle de la Cañada, 32 Calle Real, 8 Plaza del Pueblo, 7 Avda. de la Pedriza, 58 Avda. de Madrid, 16 Plaza del Raso, 7 Calle Camino de la Peña Sacra, 26 Calle de la Cañada, 19 Plaza del Pueblo, 1 Calle de la Cañada, 37 Calle de Correos, 4 Avda. de la Paz, s/n Plaza del Pueblo, 14 Avda. de la Pedriza, s/n Calle Colmenar, 17 Calle de la Cañada, 41-43 Calle Real, 5 Plaza del Sagrado Corazón, 2 Avda. de la Pedriza, 128 Calle Panaderos, 15 Plaza del Raso, 9 Avda. de la Pedriza, 69 Calle de la Cañada de Toros, 27 Plaza del Pueblo, 8 Calle del Padre Damián, 4 Calle de la Paloma, 2 Calle Panaderos, 6 91 853 08 85 91 853 94 82 91 853 93 89 665 704 394 608 314 269 91 852 72 48 659 896 290 91 853 93 89 91 852 70 65 91 853 07 23 91 852 76 99 91 853 98 46 91 855 80 21 91 853 94 89 91 853 94 88 91 855 87 99 91 853 04 87 91 853 90 71 610 811 867 91 853 94 84 91 853 97 48 91 852 85 01 91 853 94 84 91 853 04 86 91 853 94 60 91 853 03 57 91 853 06 55 91 855 88 06 91 853 93 89 91 853 99 12 91 853 91 11 91 853 93 38 Tourist Guide Consejería de Cultura y Turismo Dirección General de Turismo 902 100 007 [email protected] Ayuntamiento de Manzanares El Real Concejalía de Turismo 91 853 00 09 [email protected]
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turística - Manzanares el Real
with the M-609, previously the M-862, and finally with the M-608.
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