July 31, 2016 - St. Barbara Parish
July 31, 2016 - St. Barbara Parish
Community of St. Barbara of Brookfield Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Directory Rectory: 4008 Prairie Ave. Brookfield, IL 60513 485-2900 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.stbarbarabrookfield.org Parish Center: 4015 Prairie Ave. Rev. Edgar Rodriguez, Parish Administrator 485-2900 [email protected] Rev. Michael Ahlstrom 485-2900 [email protected] Rev. Larry Janowski, O.F.M., Weekend Celebrant Deacon John Debnar 579-3674 Aida Gatch, St. Barbara Food Pantry / Lending Closet 9300 W. 47th St. 295-7336 [email protected] Maria Ramos, Religious Education Directress 927-4017 Religious Education Office: 8900 Windemere Ave. [email protected] Peter Bromann, Music Director 485-2900 [email protected] John Bradshaw, Weekend Music Ministry [email protected] Angela Lawler, Business Manager 485-2900 [email protected] Sister Mary Lou Pleitner, C.S.J. 485-2900 Administrative Assistant; Bulletin Editor [email protected] Sister Leyla Cerda, C.S.J. 485-2900 Receptionist [email protected] ——————————————————— Weekday Masses: 8:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday Rosary after 8:00 a.m. Mass -Mon. through Sat. Saturday Masses: 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses: 7:30 and 10:00 a.m., Spanish Mass: 12:30 p.m. Reconciliation: Saturday 8:45 to 9:30 a.m. Baptisms: 1st and 3rd Sundays at 2:30 p.m. Spanish Baptisms: 2nd and 4th Sundays at 2:30 p.m. Arrange beforehand, call the Rectory at 485-2900 Marriage Preparation: Call the Rectory for information Eucharistic Adoration: 2:00– 9:00 p.m. every Monday New Parishioners: Register at the Rectory Parish Office Hours: Monday — Wednesday and Friday 9:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m. Thursday 9:00 a.m. — 7:00 p.m. Closed on Saturday and Sunday July 31, 2016 St. Barbara Parish, Brookfield Page Two Parish Blood Drive St Barbara Centennial Golf Ou ng August 13, 2016 2:00 p.m. 9- Hole, Shot Gun Start Fresh Meadows Golf Course 2144 S Wolf Rd Hillside, IL 60162 Openings available for up to 18 foursomes Golf and cart $45.00 A er golf come back to the Parish Center for food and fellowship Food and beverage $10.00 Please EMAIL [email protected] to reserve your foursome Guide Book and Directory Update membership Info The pictorial directory will only have parish and family pictures and will not have an address and phone directory. We will have a new guide book directory this year. It is me for us to update our database with any changes, addi ons, or dele ons that may have occurred in your family over the past year. Have you changed your phone number? Have you moved? Are you preparing to move soon? Do you want your record published? If you have not already informed the Parish Office (708485-2900) about changes to your record, please let us know by August 1st so that the informa on in the next Guide Book and Directory is correct. Thank you for your help. Sunday, August 14th 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. St. Barbara’s Parish Center Gym Car accident vic ms who have suffered massive blood loss can need transfusions of 50 pints or more of red blood cells. Children being treated for cancer, premature infants and children having heart surgery need blood and platelets from donors of all types. Cancer, transplant and trauma pa ents, and pa ents undergoing open-heart surgery require platelet transfusions to survive. Run With the Spirit Family Fun Run / Walk Starts at 8:00 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 24th REGISTER ONLINE stbarbarabrookfield.org REGISTER by: Sept. 8th to receive free t-shirt *No fee to par cipate! Nonperishable food items will be accepted for the Food Pantry Elhert Park Congress Park Ave Brookfield, IL 60513 RAIN OR SHINE EVENT For more info contact: St. Barbara 708-485-2900 Aida Gatch 708-295-7336 For more informa on please contact LifeSource Blood Services at 1-877-LIFESOURCE or www.lifesource.org. To make an appointment contact Noel Thornton at 708-485-5935 or [email protected]. Appointments recommended, but walk-ins are always welcome! School and Tutors on Wheels School and Tutors on Wheels is hos ng a training for ESL tutors (for adult students) on Saturday, August 13th and Saturday, August 20th from 9:-00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. If you are interested in becoming a one-on-one tutor, please call Jeanie at 630-2170396 New this summer… Evening Rosary In the Church Tuesdays from 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. We also have Rosary a er the 8:00 a.m. Mass daily Monday through Saturday and in Spanish on Friday evenings 6:00 p.m. Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 31, 2016 From the Desk of Fr. Edgar The Peanuts cartoon is one of the best known cartoons in America. One of its characters is Linus. In some of the episodes, or strips, Linus is seen holding a blanket to his face and sucking his thumb. He does that as a way of feeling secure. That reminds me of a group of parishioners in my previous parish that made prayer blankets for those in the hospital. The blankets were prayed over and blessed by a priest before given away to those needing it. The idea was that those who received the blankets would wrap themselves with the prayers and blessings of the people who cared for them. We all need to feel secure, loved, cared for. That is why we spend a great part of our life making sure that we are. However, this need of ours can, and do, get out of hand. Jesus’ parable in this Sunday’s gospel, tells us of a rich man who has a "boun ful harvest". Although he is rich and probably already has plenty, it doesn’t seem enough for him—he wants to have more and feel even more secure. The problem is that, no ma er how much we might accumulate, there are things that wealth does not have power over. I was ge ng a haircut the other day and Maria, my barber, was telling me about her cousin who is a vitamin enthusiast and kind of health obsessed. Every me she comes to visit Maria she gives her a list of things she needs to take or do in order to be in top health. One day, a er one of those discussions Maria told her, “Oh dear cousin, you are going to die healthy…” Meaning that, death, is something that sooner or later will come to everyone regardless of our wealth or our physical health. Is it wrong to possess wealth or to pursue good health? No. Jesus’ issue is with those “…who store up treasure for themselves but are not rich in what ma ers to God.” This means that, although necessary, wealth and health are secondary to what is important to God which is Love—not eros but agape which is to desire the good for others, regardless of our feelings, and to take effec ve steps to secure that good for them (like Jesus did!). When we finally come face to face with the Lord, at the end of me, He is going to ask us the following ques on, “How did you love Me in your neighbor?” Are we ready to answer that ques on today? May we be open to God’s grace and may our thoughts and ac ons reflect His great love always and everywhere that we may be truly rich in God’s eyes. Page Three Desde el escritorio del P. Edgar La caricatura Peanuts es una de las historietas más conocidas en Estados Unidos. Uno de sus personajes es Linus. En algunas de las ras, Linus se ve sosteniendo una frisa contra la cara mientras se chupa el dedo. Es una forma de sen rse seguro. Eso me recuerda a un grupo de feligreses en mi parroquia anterior que hacía frisas de oración para quienes estaban en el hospital. El grupo oraba sobre las frisas y luego eran bendecidas por un sacerdote antes de ser regaladas a quienes las necesitan. La idea era que, los que recibieran las mantas, se arroparan con las oraciones y las bendiciones de quienes se preocupaban por ellos. Todos necesitamos sen rnos seguros, amados, y cuidados. Es por eso que pasamos una gran parte de nuestra vida asegurándonos de que somos. Sin embargo, esta necesidad nuestra se nos puede ir de las manos. En el Evangelio de este domingo, Jesús nos habla de un hombre rico que ob ene una "cosecha abundante". A pesar de que es rico y probablemente ya ene mucho más de lo que necesita, no le parece suficiente y quiere tener más para sen rse aún más seguro. El problema es que, no importa cuánto acumulemos, hay cosas sobre las cuales la riqueza no ene poder. El otro día fui para un corte de pelo y María, mi peluquera, me contó de una prima que esta algo obsesionada con las vitaminas y la salud. Cada vez que la visita, ésta le recomienda una lista de cosas para tomar para estar completamente saludable. Un día, después de una de esas listas, María le dijo: "Ay prima, usted se va a morir sana..." María le quiso decir que, la muerte, es algo que tarde o temprano llega a todos, independientemente de nuestra riqueza o nuestra salud sica. ¿Está mal poseer riquezas o buscar tener buena salud? No. Jesús nos dice que quien está mal es aquel o aquella “…que amontona riquezas para sí mismo y no se hace rico de lo que vale ante Dios.” Esto significa que, a pesar de que el dinero y la salud son cosas necesarias, aún son secundarias ante lo que más importa a Dios que es el Amor—no eros, sino ágape que es el desear el bien a los demás, independientemente de nuestros sen mientos, y tomar medidas eficaces para asegurar que el bien que les deseamos se haga realidad (tal como lo hizo Jesús). Cuando finalmente nos encontramos cara a cara con el Señor, al final de los empos, Él nos va a hacer la siguiente pregunta: "¿Cómo me has amado en tu prójimo?" ¿Estamos listos para responder a esa pregunta hoy? Pidamos hoy poder estar abiertos a la gracia de Dios y que permita que nuestros pensamientos y acciones reflejen su gran amor, siempre y en todo lugar, para que podamos ser verdaderamente ricos ante los ojos de Dios. St. Barbara Parish, Brookfield Page Four Mass Schedule Pray for Our Sick and Deceased SUNDAY, July 31 5:00(Sat) -+ 7:30-+ 10:00– Conversion and Transforma on of all teens and young adults 12:30 -+Margarita Jaramillo (Familia) MONDAY, August 1 St. Alphonsus Ligouri 8:00-+ TUESDAY, August 2 8:00-+ WEDNESDAY, August 3 8:00-+ THURSDAY, August 4 St. John Vianney 8:00-+Mar n Ahlstrom (Fr. Mike) FRIDAY, August 5 8:00– In Thanksgiving to the Sacred Heart of Jesus SATURDAY, August 6 Transfigura on of the Lord 8:00-+Marge Boivin (Kathy and Family) 5:00-+Geraldine Druska (Jose and Helen Flores) +Richard McClanathan (Kathy McClanathan) SUNDAY, August 7 7:30-+ 10:00-+Lucille Hernandez (Hernandez Family) +Patrick Kearney (Family) +Judy Catris (Family) 12:30 -+Natalio Llanas (Familia) Recemos por los enfermos y los que han fallecido May the healing hand of the Lord be with the sick: Sylvia Arndt, Eleanor Brousil, Bill Burke, Mike Burke, Edward Carey, , Diane Fagan, Dan Garinger, Bill Gomora, Greg Gregori, Jim Gronemann, Richard Feirick, Holly Funk, Karen Hekr, Alison Janes, Jozefa Jaskiewicz, Karen Lewis, Kevin Lynch, Ray Martin, Robert Mendel, Rick Molitor, Donna Moore, Michaeleen Nutley, Tom O’Dowd, Pat Petrik, Jesse, Rita Sanchez, Edvige Sancricca, Susan Smetana Butler, Dan Spacek, Chris Straka, Robin Stuker, Naomi Sweet, Jerry Thorburn, Jacqueline Villaseñor, Steven Wanda, Louise Zartman, Chris Zayner For our deceased, whom we remember and love: Eve Donovan “As with every voca on, marriage must be understood within the primary voca on to love, because humanity ‘is created in the image and likeness of God who is Himself love’” (CCC, no. 1604) —“Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan,” A Pastoral Le er of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), www.goo.gl/Fik6F2. The Medical Lending Closet is Temporarily not accep ng: Walkers, Commodes, Crutches, Canes Thank you for your kind dona ons. Liturgical Appointments for August 6—7 Lectors Eucharis c Ministers 5:00 pm Fr. Edgar Carol Fran lla Jim Vanecek Bread: Anne e Clemens, Angela Lawler, Rich Slehofer Cup: Ted Zayner, Tony Carey, Elaine Bartucci, Constance Tosheff, Therese Kourim, Ann Linsner 7:30 Fr. Larry Fred Gomez Tom Carlson Bread: Jose Flores, Jerry Gauthier, Marie Beilke Cup: Pam Carlson, Sylvia Gauthier, Linda Vokral, Cathy DeCola 10:00 Fr. Mike Marcia Schroeder Amanda Moore 12:30 pm Fr. Edgar Bread: Marge Kearney, Frank Schmidt, Alicia Mancini Cup: Cate Hansen, Gary Scelonge, Tracy Schroeder, Sheri Sauer, Elvira Vodicka, Dolores Maciejewski Ministros de Comunion: Jaime, Gabriela Salgado y Rosa Chavez Altar Servers: Carlos Gonzales, Armando Medina, Mar n Medina Altar Servers David Sullivan Isabella Perez Jaiden Salmeron Bryant Salmeron Colin Daniels Maya Daniels Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 31, 2016 Readings for the Week St. Barbara Parish July 24, 2016 Total Weekly Offering …………………$ 5,152.41 First Fruits …………………………………..$ 95.00 St. Mar n Sharing ……………………….$ Masses ………………………………………..$ 80.00 Summer Mission………………………….$ 261.00 Registra on Forms for the Religious Educa on Program for the 2016-2017 Registra on forms are on the welcome table in back of Church or they can be downloaded from our parish websites at www.stbarbarabrookfield.org. Please complete and return the registra on forms, along with a copy of your child’s cer ficate of bap sm if he/she has not been bap zed at St. Barbara or if you have not previously submi ed one to the Religious Educa on Office. Include a check or money order made payable to St. Barbara parish and bring the registra on form, along with the required registra on fee(s), to the rectory (4008 Prairie Ave) / For ques ons please call Maria Ramos at (708) 927-4017. MAIL YOUR REGISTRATION TO: St. Barbara Parish Religious Educa on Program 4008 Prairie Avenue Brookfield, Il 60513 Page Five Monday: Jer 28:1-17; Ps 119:29, 43, 79, 80, 95, 102; Mt 14:13-21 Tuesday: Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22; Ps 102:16-21, 29, 22-23; Mt 14:22-36 or Mt 15:1-2, 10-14 Wednesday: Jer 31:1-7; Jer 31:10, 11-12ab, 13; Mt 15:21-28 Thursday: Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt 16:13-23 Friday: Na 2:1, 3; 3:1-3, 6-7; Dt 32:35cd-36ab, 39abcd, 41; Mt 16:24-28 Saturday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9; 2 Pt 1:16-19; Lk 9:28b-36 Sunday: Wis 18:6-9; Ps 33:1, 12, 18-22; Hb 11:1-2, 8-19 [1-2, 812]; Lk 12:32-48 [35-40] Formularios de inscripción para el programa de educación Religiosa para el 2016-2017 Los Formas de inscripción las encontrará en la mesa de bienvenida a la entrada de la iglesia o las puede bajar de la pagina de la parroquia en este si o de internet a www.stbarbarabrookfield.org. Favor de completar la forma de inscripción y regresarla a la oficina parroquial o enviarla por correo acompañada de la copia del cer ficado de bau zo si su hij@ no fue bau zad@ en Santa Bárbara o no la ha traído antes. Favor de incluir el depósito de registración requerido junto con su forma de inscripción lo más pronto posible para poder apartar su lugar según el día que escoja. Favor de traerlas o mandarlas a la rectoría (4008 Prairie Ave) Para más información favor de llamar a María Ramos al (708) 927-4017 ENVIE SU FORMA DE INSCRIPCION A: St. Barbara Parish Religious Educa on Program 4008 Prairie Avenue Brookfield, IL 60513 Items needed for our Food Pantry: Canned Fruit, Jello, Tuna and Tuna Helper Hamburger Helper, Rice and Rice Sides, All Canned Soups, Noodles, Chili, Powdered Drinks, Green Beans and Peas, Peanut Bu er and Jelly These summers days are truly the most difficult me to keep our shelves stocked. We are running low on items and your help is always gratefully appreciated. I would like to thank you all for your con nued dedicated support to our pantry, you are a blessing. Please drop off dona ons in the family room before or a er Masses or you can drop off dona ons at the rectory Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Food Pantry is only open on Mondays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and we welcome your dona ons as well. Thank you again for your support. Aida Gatch Food Pantry Director St. Barbara Parish, Brookfield Council of Catholic Women Membership Drive The CCW membership drive is underway for 2016-2017. The annual dues are STILL only $5 which covers prin ng and mailing newsle ers, mee ng a endance (with great refreshments and fun programs), and other events during the year. This is s ll THE BEST BARGAIN IN TOWN!! New and con nuing members must complete the form below, include it with your $5 dues, and either drop it off at the Rectory, mail it to Starr Donovan, 3906 Forest Ave., Brookfield, IL 60513, or pay at our next mee ng. 2016-17 membership cards will be mailed with the next newsle er. Please note: Newsle ers are sent via first-class mail and will only be sent to paid members. Please forward your membership form and dues now to ensure your name and address will be included in the updated 2016-17 membership list (used for newsle er mailings). Those trickling in later in the year may not be added to the membership list. Thank you for your coopera on! Shirley Bednar ********************************************************** First name____________________ Last name_____________________ Address___________________________________ City __________________ State __________ Zip__________ Phone________________________ New member ______ Con nuing Member_______ Please check one or more of the following categories to let us know what you are interested in doing this year. Baker______ Rosary Maker_______General Mee ng hostess________ Help in Sacristy (once a week)_____ Honor Guard at Funeral Mass____ Help at Fundraising event____________________ Other_____________________________________________________ Page Six Week of July 31 August 7 at St. Barbara’s Sunday, July 31 —7:00pm Beds Plus (Windemere Rm) Monday, August 1 —8:30am Rosary (Church) —10:00am AA Mee ng (Prairie A) —2:00pm 9:00pm Eucharis c Adora on (Church) —7:00pm Beds Plus (Windemere Rm) Tuesday, August 2 —8:30am Rosary (Church) —9:00am & 3:00pm School on Wheels (Prairie A , B, and C) —10:00am AA Mee ng (Prairie A) —6:30pm Evening Rosary (Church) —7:00pm Beds Plus (Windemere Rm) Wednesday, August 3 —8:30am Rosary (Church) —10:00am AL-ANON (Prairie A) —7:00pm Beds Plus (Windemere Rm) Thursday, August 4 —8:30am Rosary (Church) —10:00am AA Mee ng (Prairie A) —8:00pm AA Mee ng (Prairie B) Friday, August 5 —8:30am Rosary (Church) —8:30am Friday Morning Regulars (Prairie C) —6:00pm Spanish Rosary (Church) —7:00pm Beds Plus (Windemere Rm) Saturday, August 6 —8:30am Rosary (Church) —7:00pm Beds Plus (Windemere Rm) Society of St. Vincent de Paul Chicago - Please Support Our Thri Stores! Our thri stores are a blessing to the community providing employment opportuni es, volunteer and community service hours, and affordable clothing, furniture, electronics, appliances, and much more for those with a limited budget. Thri store dona ons and proceeds support many of our programs and services including our Emergency Voucher Program—a source of hope for those who are unable to purchase basic necessi es such as back to school clothing or pots and pans to prepare meals. Not sure what to donate? Here's a list of essen al items: Microwaves, coffee makers, blenders, mixers, can openers, musical instruments, radios, clocks and clock radios, pots and pans, dishes, china, silverware, jewelry, children’s clothing, kitchen tables and chairs, dining tables and chairs, sofas, recliners, living room chairs, dressers and chest of drawers, back-to-school supplies and clothing. Thri Store Dona ons may be dropped off at: 10525 Delta Parkway, Schiller Park | Mon-Fri: 9a.m.-1:30 p.m. To schedule a FREE furniture pick-up, call (773) 779-6700, ext. 1. Financial dona ons to offset thri store opera ons and building maintenance costs are always needed and appreciated! Visit svdpchicago.org to make a secure online dona on today. Thank you and God bless. Hitzeman Funeral Home Ltd. Family Owned and Operated For Over 112 Years — Generations of Dignified Service Pre-Need Insurance and Pre-Need Insurance Payment Plans Available 9445 W. 31st St., Brookfield, IL 60513 (708) 485-2000 www.HitzemanFuneral.com You Deserve a Better Burger! Pick Up & Delivery! 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Cantata is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization Carpentry, Painting, Flooring & Remodeling • Misc. Jobs Interior-Exterior www.blueberrybreakfastcafe.com Parishioner Discounts Brian or Sally, coordinators Single and pregnant? Lic# 055-026066 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ Call 1-800-CARE-002 708-652-1444 Catholic Charities 512156 St Barbara Church (A) For further information, please call the Parish Office. www.lizkmet.com We care about you. We Do All Our Own Work (708) 952-1833 Lic# SL574 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. 708.431.0300 “I thank God for this program. 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