Bulletin 08-28-16 - Microsoft Publisher
Bulletin 08-28-16 - Microsoft Publisher
COMUNIDAD CATÓLICA de ST. GREGORY-OUR LADY OF FATIMA TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME XXII DOMINGO DE TIEMPO ORDINARIO August 28 de Agosto, 2016 SUMMER MASS SCHEDULE ~ LA MISA Saturday 5:00 pm Hart Sunday 9:00 am Hart Sunday 11:00 am Shelby Domingo 11:30 am Hart; Español Our Lady of Fatima: 1372 S Oceana Dr, Shelby St. Gregory: 316 S Peach Ave, Hart RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:00 pm By appointment Hart (231) 873-2660 BAPTISM~ MARRIAGE~ANOINTING Please call the Parish Office (231) 873-2660 BAUTISMOS~ MATRIMONIOS Por favor llame a la oficina (231) 873-2660 PARISH OFFICE ~ OFICINA PARROQUIAL: 316 S Peach Ave, Hart 49420 Phone: 231-873-2660; Fax: 231-873-4823 Website: www.stgregoryathart.org Open Tues-Thur 9:30-3:00; Fri 9:30-12:00 Fr. Tom Bolster, Pastor/Párroco Anne Gurecki, Business Manager/Negócios Vickie Oomen, Bookkeeper/Secretary [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] HISPANIC MINISTRY ~ MINISTERIO HISPANO Sister Guadalupe Moreno 301-1899 [email protected] FAITH FORMATION TEAM Linda Foster Sr. Guadalupe Moreno Mary Lorenz 873-3071 301-1899 861-2475 [email protected] BREAD OF LIFE FOOD PANTRY Wednesdays 3-5:00; 11 Washington St., Hart LITURGY ~ LITÚRGIA August 29-Sept 4 ~ 29 de Agosto-4 de Septiembre Tues/Martes 9:00 am StG Thurs/Jueves: 5:15 pm StG Fri/Viernes: 9:00 am OLF Saturday/Sabado 5:00 pm StG Sunday/Domingo 9:00 am St 11:00 am OLF 11:30 am StG Mass Mass Mass Parish Family Bud Warmuskerken Parish Family Familia Parroquial SCHOOL YEAR MASS SCHEDULE: Begins Saturday, September 10, 2016 Saturday/Sabado 5:00 pm OLF Sunday/Domingo 9:30 am StG 11:30 am StG (Sp) MINISTRY SCHEDULE MINISTERIOS DE LA MISA Sept 3/4 de Septiembre Ministers of the Word/Lectura 5:00 pm Linda Foster 9:00 am Jim Cunningham 11:00 am Walter Carrier Ministers of the Eucharist: 5:00 pm H Schouten, M Mahynski, V Griffin 9:00 am A Bosse, G Merten, J Merten 11:00 am P Earhart, R Setlak, V Pochyla Ministers of Hospitality/Bienvenida 5:00 pm H Schaner, L Schaner 9:00 am Vanderstelt Family Ushers/Colecta y Ofrendas 5:00 pm T Bosse, C Wiegand, C Aerts, D Schaner 9:00 am J Schaner, J Lamie, R Ulmstead, B Steen WEEKEND COLLECTION August 21 de Agosto Envelopes Loose Total $2,988.25 1,568.09 $4,556.34 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Together, as committed followers of Jesus, we worship, value diversity, work for justice and create community. ENUNCIADO DE LA MISIÓN DE NUESTRA PARRÓQUIA Juntos, como seguidores comprometidos de Jesús, adoramos a Dios, valoramos la diversidad, trabajamos por la justicia y creamos comunidad. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION FORMS are available from Sr. Guadalupe after the 11:30 Mass this weekend. The completed forms can be turned in after 11:30 Mass next Sunday, in the Parish Center. General Registration is after all Masses on Sept 10 and 11. All students must be registered before entering classes. WE ARE ALL ON THE SAME PAGE! Both Religious Ed sites (STG/ OLF) will be using the same texts this year! This is much more convenient for your DRE and the catechists! Grades K-5 will be using Sadlier’s new edition of “We Believe”. Grades 6-8 will use St. Mary’s Press, “Catholic Connections”. Once again, all students Grades 6-8 will meet on Monday’s, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Confirmation students meet at the same time. NEW THIS YEAR: Any student entering the Confirmation program who did not attend a Religious Ed program last year, will have to take an extra year of classes on the Catholic Faith. YOUTH MINISTRY KICKOFF: Sun, Sept 18 after 11:30am Mass. Register after all Masses on Sept. 10/11. LOOKING FOR TREATS! Once again, we are looking for donations of snacks and juice boxes for our Wednesday afternoon classes at St Gregory. You may leave them in the kitchen marked Religious Ed. Some ideas: popcorn (microwave), fruit snacks, crackers & cheese/peanut butter, raisins, cookies, etc. THANK YOU in advance for your generosity. NOTES OF INTEREST PRAYER GROUP: Mon, Sept 5, 8-9:00 am at 206 S Peach, Hart. FIRST SATURDAY DEVOTIONS: Sat, Sept 3, 10:00 am at St Gregory. FALL BIBLE STUDY: Begins Thurs, Sept 15, 7-8:30 pm, for 8 to 10 weeks. We’ll be studying First and Second Thessalonians: Stay Firm in Faith. A look into how these letters, written by St. Paul over 2000 years ago, are still relevant in our faith journey today. Guide $7.00; order by Aug. 30. Call Sharon Hedinger 873-5829. PARISH POTLUCK: Sat, Sept 10 at OLF, following 5:00 pm Mass. CROP HUNGER WALK: We are looking for walkers and accepting donations for the Crop Walk, after masses the weekend of Sept 10 & 11. WALK FOR PEACE (County-wide) is planned so that anyone and everyone can make a witness…can make a statement…FOR PEACE! Mark your calendars NOW for Thur evening, Sept 22 at 6:00 pm for the Oceana County Walk for Peace. The short walk, up and down State Street will begin and end at The Commons in Hart. Let us unite our hearts and our feet for peace! POLISH FESTIVAL: A new festival in Muskegon over the Labor Day weekend has selected Catholic Charities West Michigan as its charity of choice. Sept 2 & 3 at Hackley Park in downtown Muskegon. Polka bands and Polish food. Visit muskegonpolishfest.com for more info. AQUINAS COLLEGE VISIT DAY: Fri, Sept 2, for high school juniors and seniors. Get the inside scoop on academics, athletics, scholarships, service learning, study abroad, and more. Visit Aquinas.edu for details. YOUTH DRUG & ALCOHOL FOCUS GROUPS: Middle and high school students and parents are invited to "Join the Conversation" about youth drug and alcohol use in Oceana county. Contact Kortni at [email protected] or 231-902-8539 for more information. The feast of one of our patrons, Saint Gregory the Great, is celebrated Sept 3. One of our Latin Doctors of the Church, Gregory was pope from 590 to 604 and is only one of four popes honored with the title of “the Great.” A member of a noble family, Gregory could have pursued a brilliant political career, but he renounced all worldly interests and used his large inheritance to feed the poor and to establish seven monasteries, including one in Rome on his own estate. He entered the Roman community himself around 574 and was soon a trusted adviser to the popes. Against his desires, he was unanimously chosen pope at a time of great crisis. The Germanic tribe of the Lombards threatened the Eternal City, and Rome itself suffered from a vacuum of political leadership. He thus assumed many civil powers, saved Rome from Lombard attack by a peace agreement, reorganized the papal lands, introduced reforms in religious practice and gave a major impetus to missionary activity by sending St. Augustine of Canterbury to the British Isles in 596. He also is credited with the creation of what came to be called Gregorian chant. For all of his immense achievements, he never forgot the poor. Gregory called himself Servus Servorum Dei (“Servant of the Servants of God”) and was much concerned with the needs of the poor, forgotten and defenseless. He regularly invited the poorest of the city to eat with him and once performed days of personal penance when he learned that a beggar actually had starved to death in Rome. Much about St Gregory rings true to me regarding Pope Francis: His dedication to the poor, rising to pope during difficult times and against his personal desires, seeking peace and reform, and leading a life of service, especially to the poor and vulnerable. Pope Francis will visit Sweden in October to participate in an ecumenical service and the beginning of a year of activities to mark the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Leaders from the Catholic Church and the Lutheran World Federation had already been set to meet Oct 31, for the ecumenical celebration in Lund, Sweden, where the federation was founded in 1947. Pope Francis “intends to participate” in the joint ceremony to commemorate the anniversary. Pope Francis is scheduled to lead the ecumenical commemoration in Lund alongside Bishop Munib Younan, president of the Lutheran World Federation, and the Rev. Martin Junge, federation general secretary. The event is to include a common worship based on the recently published Catholic-Lutheran ‘Common Prayer’ liturgical guide, and will highlight ecumenical developments between Catholics and Lutherans over the past 50 years. This week, let us look to St Gregory and Pope Francis for guidance in leading Christian lives of peace, and service to the poor and vulnerable. Let us keep Pope Francis and his efforts in our prayers. We are indeed blessed, during tumultuous times, to be guided by a true shepherd. Peace, Fr Tom Hace poco, una mujer inmigrante y pobre que había criado a 11 hijos ella sola contestó, cuando alguien le dijo que tenía mucho mérito, que seguramente sería porque Dios la había inspirado. Ella no daba mayor importancia a lo que había hecho y al efecto que eso había tenido en las vidas de sus hijos y de las familias que ahora han formado ellos. Le parecía lo normal; nada de lo que debiera presumir; sin embargo, hay otras personas que pregonan cualquier cosita que hacen y de alguna manera menosprecian lo que hacen los demás. Hay un dicho que afirma que las almas más grandes suelen ser las más sencillas; es decir, las más humildes. No es una humildad que niegue las buenas cualidades que le ha dado Dios, sino una humildad que las reconoce como dones. Humildad tiene la misma raíz latina que la palabra humus, es decir, suelo. El humilde está cercano al suelo y eso significa que es realista, que se sabe acercar a los verdaderos problemas, las limitaciones y necesidades de las personas en su alrededor. No se levanta sobre los demás ni hace valer su autoridad, su prestigio o su fama; pero la persona humilde tampoco es la que va diciendo que no sirve, que no vale, que no sabe y se insulta a sí misma. Esa persona, más que humilde, es injusta, porque no reconoce los dones y cualidades, los regalos que Dios ha puesto en ella. Tales personas grandes, es decir, humildes y sencillas, son las que saben que todo lo que son y tienen está en función del servicio a los demás, porque nada de lo que se tiene es por derecho o mérito propio, sino por la gracia de Dios; y no se tiene para sí mismo, sino para los demás. San Pablo dice: “por la gracia de Dios soy lo que soy”. Seguramente es difícil mantener esta actitud, porque en esta sociedad se da importancia a ciertas personas: autoridades civiles y eclesiásticas, profesores, doctores, abogados o estrellas famosas. Quizá incluso se consideren importantes las personas que tienen mucho dinero… incluso si ese dinero se logra por explotación de otros; pero el evangelio lo deja bien claro: para Jesús los importantes son quienes sirven a los demás. Es grande la mujer que cuidó a sus 11 hijos. Es grande el padre que se sacrifica por los suyos. Es grande quien trabaja codo a codo con otros. Es grande quien camina sencillamente con su Dios. · · · ¿A quiénes consideras grandes o importantes? ¿Si tuvieras que describirte a ti mismo, ¿qué palabras positivas utilizarías? ¿Serías capaz de hacer una lista de tus buenas cualidades? de Nuestra Parroquia à La inscripción. Falta solo un mes para empezar las clases. Hay algunos cambios que se les dará a conocer esta fin semana. Las hojas de inscripción estarán disponibles a partir de este fin de semana en las dos Iglesias. Deben llenarlas y regresarlas el 4 de septiembre después de la Misa de 11:30 o el fin de semana 11 y 12 de septiembre después de las Misas. Habrá una rifa de un certificado sorpresa para las familias que han Inscrito a sus hijo(a). à Esperando por donativos de alimentos para el refrigerio de nuestros alumnos. Sugerimos, cajas de: jugos, palomitas para hacerse en micro Ondas, pasas, paquetes individuales de galletas. Pueden dejar las cosas. En la cocina de la Iglesia poniendo el nombre de Educación Religiosa. Gracias por su generosidad. KING FUNERAL HOME & CREMATION SERVICES BRADLEY R. KING - FUNERAL DIRECTOR Two Locations: Wm. P. 2370 N 72nd Ave, Hart ~ 301 N Jebavy Dr, Ludington Ph: 231-873-3415 Ph: 231-425-4412 Email: www.kingfuneralhome.net DAN MORAT’S B.C. PIZZA CORNER BAKERY Pizza * Subs Salads * Wings * Stix FULL LINE BAKERY EUROPEAN STYLE BREADS “at the corner in downtown Hart” 231-873-5555 2327 N Comfort Dr, Hart [email protected] rent the State St, Hart 231-873-0000 [email protected] JANE MORAT Est 1937 DAN MORAT HALLACK CONTRACTING SHELBY LOADING DOCK EVENT HALL beautifully restored Depot Insurance Agency 231-861-5036 4223 W Polk, Hart 231-873-5081 www.hallackcontracting.com 231-873-1095 254 N Michigan Shelby 2790 Tyler Rd Hart, MI 49420 208 Washington St, Hart [email protected] Steve Rossiter Kathy Dillingham Toll-Free 888-361-9722 Fax 231-873-1625 Heating & Cooling 20 W Third St, Shelby “Bill” Harris, Manager 267 N. Michigan Avenue • Shelby 231-873-2665 www.adamsheatingcooling.com spacious two level 231-206-2167 www.renttheloadingdock.com “La Probadita” GALE’S IGA Sales &Service Tienda Mexicana 710 S State 204 State Street, Hart 231-873-3562 Venta de todo tipo de Articulos Groceries, Restaurant & more LAUNDRY BASKET CHRISTMANN AGENCY Atendido por sus Propietarios Hodges Serving The Area For Over 70 Years 213 Lincoln St, Hart 231-873-4214 231-873-4556 Independent Insurance Agent 19 South State Street Hart, Michigan 49420 Phone: 231-873-4069 Fax: 231-873-0489 OPEN HEARTH GRILLE & BAR 2430 N 56th Suite A, Hart 231-873-8800 [email protected] Nicole VanderSys Kevin Fuglseth Big Washers COUNTRY ACRES POOLS & SPAS Carpet Cleaning La Fiesta authentic mexican restaurant & tortilla chip company family owned and operated since 1987 [email protected] OCEANA EYECARE IN MEMORIAM: LIGHTHOUSE HANSEN FOODS CAR CARE CENTER “The Good Cooks Store” Don & Ginny Ashcraft Greg & Margie Mahynski Michael E. Jonassen, OD Bob & Louise Busch 44 State St, Hart James Bland 231-873-2575 Norman Goodwin “Advanced Eyecare For Your Entire Family” EAGLE TOWING Flat Bed, Lockouts, Tire Changes, Winching Shelby Montague Muskegon 2359 N Comfort Dr, Hart 231-873-2349 BECKMAN BROTHERS, INC 3581 Baker Rd - Shelby 24 Hour Towing 231-861-8988 231-894-5424 231-720-0728 12 S State St - Hart; 231-873-4345 www.lafiesta-restaurant.com DALY ORCHARD COMPANY 3585 W Jackson Rd, Hart 231-873-3894 231-861-2031; 231-861-5474 Oceana, Newaygo, & S. Mason QUALITY aggregate, stone, top soil, etc. All your excavation needs! 231-873-2826 Fresh Fruit & Asparagus Wholesale “Have you eaten your Daly fruit?” KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 2199 109 Washington MEETINGS 2nd Mondays,7:00 pm Grand Knight Financial Secretary 231-233-5529 231-301-8094 Three Swans Quilting 4253 E Arthur, Hesperia 231-861-5703 A partnership in beauty! You do the quilt top, I’ll do the rest! Sharon Ariss, Owner JARVIS SAWMILL INC. 1570 S. 112th Ave, Shelby 231-861-2078; 800-290-9510 We Purchase Standing Timber Husqvarna Dealer Since 1978 We service what we sell 3505 S. Oceana Dr., New Era 231-861-2405 Complete Auto Repair Services Charlie Mero Ray’s Automotive Service 24 Hour Tire Service ON SITE REPAIRS 861-5390 231-894 -9258 7558 Grant St., Rothbury WE DELIVER 179 N Michigan Ave Shelby, MI 49455 Brian L. Schaner Anita Anderson Wayne Richard Wells Marivel Brandel Familias Davila y Herrera Fred & Virginia Schaner Richard Birkman Lucy Vasquez y Familia Jeff & Fran Aerts Ralph & Ev Wenner Lee & VanZoeren Families Jerry Dennert Paul R. Strzyz Tom C. Strzyz