Baltus Floor Plans
Baltus Floor Plans
RESIDENCE 11, 12, 15 1 BEDROOM / 1 BATH RESIDENCE 15 / FLOOR 7 634 SQ.FT. RESIDENCE 11 / FLOORS 5 TO 16 RESIDENCE 12 / FLOORS 5 TO 16 RESIDENCE 15 / FLOORS 7 TO 16 RESIDENCE 12 / FLOOR 5 340 SQ.FT. TERRACE RESIDENCE 11 122 SQ.FT. MASTER BEDROOM 11'-0" x 14'-0" GREAT ROOM 12'-8" x 18'-0" CL FED ERA 16 L HIG HWA Y 15 14 12 07 POOL 17 18 01 08 10 FOYER 09 KITCHEN 10'-4" x 10'-2" 06 BATH W/D 05 04 19 11 03 N A/C 02 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BISCAYNE BAY A/C INTERIOR AREA TERRACE TOTAL RESIDENCE 700 SQ.FT. 340 SQ.FT. 1040 SQ.FT. 65.03 SQ.M. 31.58 SQ.M. 96.61 SQ.M. Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is + or - 648 sq. ft. for units 511, 611, 711, 811, 911, 1011, 1111, 1211, 1411, 1511, 1611, + or - 643 sq. ft. for units 512, 612, 712, 812, 912, 1012, 1112, 1212, 1412, 1512, 1612, + or - 639 sq. ft. for units 715, 815, 915, 1015, 1115, 1215, 1415, 1515, 1615. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. RESIDENCE 04, 05, 19 1 BEDROOM / 1 BATH + DEN RESIDENCES 04, 05 / FLOORS 7 TO 14 RESIDENCE 19 / FLOOR 7 FLOOR 7 / LANAI 182 SQ.FT. BATH STUDY 8'-0" x 9'-1" CL A/C MASTER BEDROOM 11'-6" x 12'-5" W/D FOYER GREAT ROOM 16'-5" x 12'-9" TERRACE 156 SQ.FT. KITCHEN 11'-3" x 8'-0" FED ERA 16 L HIG HWA Y 15 14 12 07 POOL 17 18 01 08 10 09 06 05 04 19 11 03 N 02 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BISCAYNE BAY A/C INTERIOR AREA TERRACE TOTAL RESIDENCE 740 SQ.FT. 156 SQ.FT. 896 SQ.FT. 68.74 SQ.M. 14.49 SQ.M. 83.24 SQ.M. Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is + or - 672 sq. ft. for units 704, 804, 904, 1004, 1104, + or - 671 sq. ft. for units 1404, + or - 690 sq. ft. for units 705, 805, 905, 1005, 1105, 1205, 1405, + or - 722 sq. ft. for units 719. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. RESIDENCE 07, 08, 09 1 BEDROOM / 1 BATH + DEN RESIDENCE 07 / FLOORS 7 TO 15 RESIDENCES 08 / FLOORS 5 TO 15 RESIDENCES 09 / FLOORS 7 TO 15 W/D FOYER KITCHEN 9'-8" x 10'-3" STUDY 9'-0" x 8'-0" CL BATH A/C CL GREAT ROOM 14'-7" x 18'-10" MASTER BEDROOM 12'-9" x 11'-6" FED ERA 16 L HIG RESIDENCE 08 139 SQ.FT. HWA Y 15 14 12 07 POOL 17 18 01 08 06 10 09 RESIDENCE 08 FLOOR 5 61 SQ.FT. RESIDENCE 09 133 SQ.FT. 05 04 19 11 TERRACE 124 SQ.FT. 03 N 02 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BISCAYNE BAY A/C INTERIOR AREA TERRACE TOTAL RESIDENCE 790 SQ.FT. 124 SQ.FT. 914 SQ.FT. 73.39 SQ.M. 11.52 SQ.M. 84.91 SQ.M. Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is + or - 747 sq. ft. for units 707, 807, 907, 1007, 1107, 1207, 1407, 1507, + or - 730 sq. ft. for units 508, 608, 708, 808, 908, 1008, 1108, 1208, 1408, 1508, + or - 733 sq. ft. for units 509, 609, 709, 809, 909, 1009, 1109, 1209, 1409, 1509. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. RESIDENCE 09 1 BEDROOM / 1 BATH + DEN FLOORS 5 TO 6 CL STUDY 10'-4" x 7'-0" W/D KITCHEN 7'-2" x 11'-2" BATH A/C FOYER LN CL GREAT ROOM 17'-6" x 15'-6" MASTER BEDROOM 11'-2" x 11'-10" FED ERA 16 L HIG RESIDENCE 07 144 SQ.FT. HWA Y 15 14 12 07 POOL 17 18 01 08 10 09 06 05 04 19 11 03 N 02 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BISCAYNE BAY A/C INTERIOR AREA TERRACE TOTAL RESIDENCE 800 SQ.FT. 144 SQ.FT. 944 SQ.FT. 74.32 SQ.M. 13.37 SQ.M. 87.69 SQ.M. Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is + or - 747 sq. ft. for units 707, 807, 907, 1007, 1107, 1207, 1407, 1507, + or - 730 sq. ft. for units 508, 608, 708, 808, 908, 1008, 1108, 1208, 1408, 1508, + or - 733 sq. ft. for units 509, 609, 709, 809, 909, 1009, 1109, 1209, 1409, 1509. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. RESIDENCE 14 1 BEDROOM / 1 BATH FLOORS 5 TO 16 FLOOR 5 493 SQ.FT. TERRACE 121 SQ.FT. MASTER BEDROOM 11'-0" x 11'-0" CL GREAT ROOM 12'-8" x 18'-0" FED ERA L HIG W/D HWA Y CL 16 15 14 12 07 POOL 17 18 01 08 06 03 10 09 A/C KITCHEN 8'-0" x 13'-0" BATH FOYER 05 04 19 11 N 02 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BISCAYNE BAY A/C INTERIOR AREA TERRACE TOTAL RESIDENCE 680 SQ.FT. 121 SQ.FT. 801 SQ.FT. 63.17 SQ.M. 11.24 SQ.M. 74.41 SQ.M. Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is + or - 616 sq. ft. for units 514, 614, 714, 814, 914, 1014, 1114, 1214, 1414, 1514, 1614. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. RESIDENCE 02 1 BEDROOM / 1 BATH FLOOR 12 A/C FOYER BATH KITCHEN 14'-0" x 6'-10" GREAT ROOM 21'-8" x 16'-0" W/D WIC BED ROOM 12'-6" x 13'-2" FED ERA 16 L HIG TERRACE 647 SQ.FT. HWA Y 15 14 12 07 POOL 17 18 11 08 10 09 06 05 03 N 01 02 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BISCAYNE BAY A/C INTERIOR AREA TERRACE TOTAL RESIDENCE 800 SQ.FT. 647 SQ.FT. 1447 SQ.FT. 74.32 SQ.M. 60.10 SQ.M. 134.43 SQ.M. Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is + or - 714 sq. ft. for units 1202. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. RESIDENCE 18, 19 2 BEDROOMS / 2 BATHS RESIDENCE 18 / FLOORS 8 TO 16 RESIDENCE 19 / FLOORS 8 TO 11 BATH DINING ROOM 9'-0" x 12'-0" WIC MASTER ROOM 13'-6" x 11'-2" LIVING ROOM 18'-0" x 12'-5" TERRACE 213 SQ.FT. FOYER KITCHEN 9'-8" x 8'-4" BEDROOM 2 11'-6" x 11'-0" A/C CL FED ERA 16 L HIG POOL 18 Y 15 14 12 01 11 08 10 09 06 05 04 19 BATH HWA 07 17 W/D 03 N 02 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BISCAYNE BAY A/C INTERIOR AREA TERRACE TOTAL RESIDENCE 1020 SQ.FT. 213 SQ.FT. 1233 SQ.FT. 94.76 SQ.M. 19.78 SQ.M. 114.54 SQ.M. Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is + or - 915 sq. ft. for units 818, 918, 1018, 1118, 1218, 1418, 1518, 1618, + or - 955 sq. ft. for units 819, 919, 1019, 1119. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. RESIDENCE 16, 17 2 BEDROOMS / 2 BATHS FLOORS 8 TO 16 CL BATH CL MASTER ROOM 13'-6" x 11'-6" DINING ROOM 10'-0" x 10'-0" LIVING ROOM 18'-0" x 13'-6" FOYER TERRACE 222 SQ.FT. KITCHEN 9'-8" x 8'-4" BEDROOM 2 11'-6" x 11'-0" FED ERA L HIG A/C Y CL 16 15 14 12 07 POOL 17 18 01 11 08 BATH 10 09 06 05 04 19 W/D HWA 03 N 02 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BISCAYNE BAY A/C INTERIOR AREA TERRACE TOTAL RESIDENCE 1060 SQ.FT. 222 SQ.FT. 1282 SQ.FT. 98.47 SQ.M. 20.62 SQ.M. 119.10 SQ.M. Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is + or - 999 sq. ft. for units 816, 916, 1016, 1116, 1216, 1416, 1516, 1616, + or - 988 sq. ft. for units 817, 917, 1017, 1117, 1217, 1417, 1517, 1617. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. RESIDENCE 01 2 BEDROOMS / 2 BATHS FLOORS 3 TO 11 A/C BATH FOYER BEDROOM 12'-8" x 12'-10" CL W/D BATH KITCHEN 13'-6" x 8'-10" WIC CL MASTER ROOM 14'-0" x 12'-0" GREAT ROOM 18'-9" x 11'-0" FED ERA L HIG HWA Y TERRACE 430 SQ.FT. 16 15 14 12 07 POOL 17 18 01 08 10 09 06 05 04 19 11 03 N 02 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BISCAYNE BAY A/C INTERIOR AREA TERRACE TOTAL RESIDENCE 1160 SQ.FT. 430 SQ.FT. 1590 SQ.FT. 107.76 SQ.M. 39.94 SQ.M. 147.71 SQ.M. Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is + or - 1,062 sq. ft. for units 301, 401, 501, 601, 701, 801, 901, 1001, 1101. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. RESIDENCE 02 2 BEDROOMS / 2 BATHS FLOORS 3 TO 11 A/C BATH FOYER BEDROOM 11'-10" x 13'-8" MASTER BATH W/D CL WIC CL KITCHEN 13'-6" x 8'-10" GREAT ROOM 18'-9" x 11'-0" MASTER ROOM 14'-0" x 12'-0" FED ERA 16 L HIG HWA Y 15 14 12 07 POOL 17 18 01 08 10 09 TERRACE 426 SQ.FT. 06 05 04 19 11 03 N 02 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BISCAYNE BAY A/C INTERIOR AREA TERRACE TOTAL RESIDENCE 1150 SQ.FT. 426 SQ.FT. 1576 SQ.FT. 106.83 SQ.M. 39.57 SQ.M. 146.41 SQ.M. Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is + or - 1,044 sq. ft. for units 302, 402, 502, 602, 702, 802, 902, 1002, 1102. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. RESIDENCE 03 2 BEDROOMS / 2 BATHS FLOOR 12 FED ERA 16 L HIG HWA Y 15 14 12 07 POOL 17 18 11 08 10 09 06 05 03 N 01 02 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BISCAYNE BAY A/C INTERIOR AREA TERRACE TOTAL RESIDENCE 1130 SQ.FT. 318 SQ.FT. 1448 SQ.FT. 104.98 SQ.M. 29.54 SQ.M. 134.52 SQ.M. Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is + or - 1,052 sq. ft. for units 1203 Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. RESIDENCE 09 2 BEDROOMS / 2 BATHS FLOOR 16 FED ERA 16 L HIG HWA Y 15 14 12 11 09 07 POOL 17 05 18 01 02 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BISCAYNE BAY N A/C INTERIOR AREA TERRACE TOTAL RESIDENCE 1430 SQ.FT. 241 SQ.FT. 1671 SQ.FT. 132.85 SQ.M. 22.38 SQ.M. 155.24 SQ.M. Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is + or - 1,261 sq. ft. for units 1609 Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. RESIDENCE 01 2 BEDROOMS / 2 BATHS FLOORS 15 TO 16 W/D A/C FOYER WIC LN WIC KITCHEN 14'-2" x 9'-4" GREAT ROOM 27'-8" x 14'-6" TERRACE 502 SQ.FT. BEDROOM 2 13'-6" x 11'-5" MASTER ROOM 15'-0" x 12'-0" TERRACE 213 SQ.FT. FED ERA 16 L HIG FLOOR 16 237 SQ.FT. HWA Y 15 14 12 07 11 08 10 09 POOL 17 05 18 01 02 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BISCAYNE BAY N A/C INTERIOR AREA TERRACE TOTAL RESIDENCE 1420 SQ.FT. 715 SQ.FT. 2135 SQ.FT. 131.92 SQ.M. 66.42 SQ.M. 198.34 SQ.M. Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is + or - 1,317 sq. ft. for units 1501, 1601. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. RESIDENCE 02 2 BEDROOMS / 2 BATHS FLOOR 14 TERRACE 6'-0" x 27'-1" MASTER ROOM 11'-0" x 11'-0" MASTER ROOM 11'-0" x 11'-0" KITCHEN 12'-4" x 9'-7" BATH CL W/D TERRACE 498 SQ.FT. CL WIC GREAT ROOM 36'-0" x 16'-10" A/C MASTER BATH CL FED ERA L HIG HWA Y FOYER 16 15 14 12 07 POOL 17 18 08 10 09 06 05 04 01 11 N 02 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BISCAYNE BAY A/C INTERIOR AREA TERRACE TOTAL RESIDENCE 1396 SQ.FT. 498 SQ.FT. 1894 SQ.FT. 129.69 SQ.M. 46.26 SQ.M. 175.95 SQ.M. Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is + or - 1,266 sq. ft. for units 1402. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. RESIDENCE 05 2 BEDROOMS / 2 BATHS FLOORS 15 TO 16 FED ERA 16 L HIG HWA Y 15 14 12 11 09 07 POOL 17 05 18 01 02 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BISCAYNE BAY N A/C INTERIOR AREA TERRACE TOTAL RESIDENCE 1282 SQ.FT. 228 SQ.FT. 1510 SQ.FT. 119.10 SQ.M. 21.18 SQ.M. 140.28 SQ.M. Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is + or - 1,183 sq. ft. for units 1505, 1605. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. RESIDENCE 07 3 BEDROOMS / 2 BATHS FLOOR 16 FED ERA 16 L HIG HWA Y 15 14 12 11 09 07 POOL 17 05 18 01 02 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BISCAYNE BAY N A/C INTERIOR AREA TERRACE TOTAL RESIDENCE 1520 SQ.FT. 264 SQ.FT. 1784 SQ.FT. 141.21 SQ.M. 24.52 SQ.M. 165.73 SQ.M. Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is + or - 1,438 sq. ft. for units 1607. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. RESIDENCE 02 3 BEDROOMS / 2 BATHS FLOOR 15 TO 16 TERRACE MASTER BEDROOM 15'-0" x 12'-10" BEDROOM 2 13'-6" x 12'-2" MASTER ROOM 11'-2" x 12'-0" KITCHEN 13'-8" x 9'-4" GREAT ROOM 33'-6" x 17'-4" CL WIC TERRACE 695 SQ.FT. A/C WIC BATH BATH W/D W.H. FOYER FED ERA 16 L HIG FLOOR 16 570 SQ.FT. HWA Y 15 14 12 07 11 08 10 09 POOL 17 05 18 01 02 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BISCAYNE BAY N A/C INTERIOR AREA TERRACE TOTAL RESIDENCE 1782 SQ.FT. 851 SQ.FT. 2633 SQ.FT. 165.55 SQ.M. 79.06 SQ.M. 244.61 SQ.M. Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is + or - 1,623 sq. ft. for units 1502, 1602. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. RESIDENCE 01 3 BEDROOMS / 2 BATHS FLOORS 12 TO 14 W.H. A/C FOYER BATH BATH W/D WIC GREAT ROOM 19'-2" x 8'-5" LN WIC WIC TERRACE 860 SQ.FT. MASTER BEDROOM 15'-0" x 12'-0" BEDROOM 2 13'-6" x 11'-6" BEDROOM 3 13'-6" x 11'-2" KITCHEN 10'-8" x 13'-2" TERRACE FED ERA 16 L HIG FLOOR 14 543 SQ.FT. HWA Y 15 14 12 07 POOL 17 18 11 08 10 09 06 05 03 N 01 02 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BISCAYNE BAY A/C INTERIOR AREA TERRACE TOTAL RESIDENCE 1720 SQ.FT. 860 SQ.FT. 2580 SQ.FT. 159.79 SQ.M. 79.89 SQ.M. 239.68 SQ.M. Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is + or - 1,599 sq. ft. for units 1201, 1401. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. RESIDENCE 06 STUDIO FLOORS 7 TO 14 FED ERA 16 L HIG HWA Y 15 14 12 07 POOL 17 18 01 08 10 09 06 05 04 19 11 03 N 02 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BISCAYNE BAY A/C INTERIOR AREA TERRACE TOTAL RESIDENCE 540 SQ.FT. 72 SQ.FT. 612 SQ.FT. 50.16 SQ.M. 6.68 SQ.M. 56.85 SQ.M. Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is + or - 488 sq. ft. for units 706, 806, 906, 1006, 1106, 1206, 1406. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. RESIDENCE 10 STUDIO FLOORS 5 TO 15 FED ERA 16 L HIG HWA Y 15 14 12 07 POOL 17 18 01 08 10 09 06 05 04 19 11 03 N 02 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BISCAYNE BAY A/C INTERIOR AREA TERRACE TOTAL RESIDENCE 530 SQ.FT. 108 SQ.FT. 638 SQ.FT. 49.23 SQ.M. 10.03 SQ.M. 59.27 SQ.M. Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is + or - 472 sq. ft. for units 510, 610, 710, 810, 910, 1010, 1110, 1210, 1410, 1510. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. RESIDENCE 03 STUDIO FLOORS 7 TO 11 FED ERA 16 L HIG HWA Y 15 14 12 07 POOL 17 18 01 08 10 09 06 05 04 19 11 03 N 02 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BISCAYNE BAY A/C INTERIOR AREA TERRACE TOTAL RESIDENCE 520 SQ.FT. 162 SQ.FT. 682 SQ.FT. 48.30 SQ.M. 15.05 SQ.M. 63.35 SQ.M. Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is + or - 485 sq. ft. for units 703, 803, 903, 1003, 1103. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. RESIDENCE 07 STUDIO FLOORS 5 TO 6 FED ERA 16 L HIG HWA Y 15 14 12 07 POOL 17 18 01 08 10 09 06 05 04 19 11 03 N 02 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BISCAYNE BAY A/C INTERIOR AREA TERRACE TOTAL RESIDENCE 620 SQ.FT. 113 SQ.FT. 733 SQ.FT. 57.59 SQ.M. 10.498 SQ.M. 68.09 SQ.M. Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is + or - 610 sq. ft. for units 507, 607. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change.
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