Spring 2011 Commencement Program


Spring 2011 Commencement Program
Board of Regents
The University of Texas System
Wm. Eugene “Gene” Powell, Chairman ................ San Antonio
James D. Dannenbaum, Vice Chairman ........................ Houston
Paul L. Foster, Vice Chairman............................................ El Paso
R. Steven “Steve” Hicks, Vice Chairman .......................... Austin
Alexis “Alex” Cranberg . ................................................... Austin
Printice L. Gary.................................................................... Dallas
Wallace L. Hall, Jr. .............................................................. Dallas
Brenda Pejovich . ................................................................ Dallas
Robert L. Stillwell............................................................ Houston
Kyle J. Kalkwarf (Student Regent).......................... San Antonio
Francie A. Frederick
General Counsel to the Board of Regents
Senior Administrative Officials
The University of Texas System
Francisco G. Cigarroa, M.D.
David B. Prior, Ph.D.
Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Kenneth I. Shine, M.D.
Executive Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs
Scott C. Kelley
Executive Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs
Morning Ceremony 9 a.m.
Diana Natalicio
President of the University, Presiding
Concert ............................................................ UTEP Symphony Orchestra
Mark Schuppener, Conductor
Assistant Professor, Music
Academic Procession ...................................... Z. Anthony Kruszewski, Grand Marshal
Professor, Political Science
National Anthem ............................................. The Audience and UTEP Symphony
The Star Spangled Banner (Key) Orchestra
Welcome and Introductions ............................ Diana Natalicio, President
Presentation of Candidates’ Names ............... Diana Natalicio, President
Conferral of Degrees ....................................... R. Steven “Steve” Hicks, Vice Chairman
The University of Texas System
The College of Liberal Arts .............................. Patricia Witherspoon, Acting Dean
The Graduate School ....................................... Benjamin S. Flores, Acting Dean
Announcement of Candidates’ Names . ......... Richard Pineda
Associate Professor, Communication
Yvonne Carranza, Coordinator Student Services, Liberal Arts
University Faculty Marshals of Students ....... Irasema Coronado
Professor, Political Science
James H. Holcomb
Associate Professor
Economics and Finance
Christian A. Meissner
Associate Professor, Psychology
Graduates will recess through the center aisle and out the south tunnel of the Don Haskins
Center. Family members may meet their graduate in Lot P-11. Refer to the diagram on page 7 of
the program.
Order of Academic Procession
Morning Ceremony 9 a.m.
Z. Anthony Kruszewski
Grand Marshal of the University
Lorena Mondragón Rodriguez
The University Banner
Shane Ray Epting
Graduate School Banner
Michelle Samantha Kaiser
Liberal Arts Banner
Diana Natalicio
R. Steven “Steve” Hicks
Vice Chairman
The University of Texas System
Richard Padilla
Vice President for Student Affairs
Carl S. Lieb
President, Faculty Senate
Mary Helen Padilla
Junius Gonzales
Pedro Reyes
Associate Vice Chancellor
The University of Texas System
Howard Daudistel
Senior Executive Vice President
Benjamin S. Flores
Acting Dean of the Graduate School
Lawrence Ellzey
President, Alumni Association
Chair, Graduate Council
Diana Gloria
Melanie Thomas
Student Government Association
Chair, Staff Council
Members of the Faculty
The Graduate School
Lawrence Ellzey, Marshal
Benjamin S. Flores, Acting Dean
The College of Liberal Arts
Harmon M. Hosch, Marshal
Patricia Witherspoon, Acting Dean
Faculty of the College
Candidates for the Degree
The Graduate School
The College Banner Bearer
Stephen L. Crites, Jr.
Faculty Marshal of Students
Silvana Ayala Peláez, Liberal Arts
Student Marshal
Candidates for the Degree
The College of Liberal Arts
The College Banner Bearer
Michael Topp
Faculty Marshal of Students
Christina Snodgrass
Student Marshal
Candidates for the Degree
The University Librarians
Charles Gaunce, Marshal
The University Staff
Ramona Segura, Marshal
Student Seating and
Student Seating and
Post-Commencement Family
9:00 a.m. Ceremony
Spring Commencement • Saturday, May 14, 2011
œ““i˜Vi“i˜ÌÊUÊ->ÌÕÀ`>y, May 14, 2011
Reserved for
Graduation Candidates
Oregon St.
Graduate School
Afternoon Ceremony 2 p.m.
Diana Natalicio
President of the University, Presiding
Concert ............................................................ UTEP Symphony Orchestra
Mark Schuppener, Conductor
Assistant Professor, Music
Academic Procession ...................................... Arturo Pacheco, Grand Marshal
Professor, Education
National Anthem ............................................. The Audience and UTEP Symphony
The Star Spangled Banner (Key) Orchestra
Welcome and Introductions ............................ Diana Natalicio, President
Presentation of Candidates’ Names ............... Diana Natalicio, President
Conferral of Degrees ....................................... R. Steven “Steve” Hicks, Vice Chairman
The University of Texas System
The College of Education ................................ Josefina Villamil Tinajero, Dean
The College of Business Administration.......... Robert Nachtmann, Dean
The Graduate School ....................................... Benjamin S. Flores, Acting Dean
Announcement of Candidates’ Names . ......... Elena Izquierdo
Associate Professor, Teacher Education
Yvonne Carranza, Coordinator Student Services, Liberal Arts
University Faculty Marshals of Students ....... James H. Holcomb
Associate Professor
Economics and Finance
Judith H. Munter
Associate Dean, Education
Graduates will recess through the center aisle and out the south tunnel of the Don Haskins
Center. Family members may meet their graduate in Lot P-11. Refer to the diagram on page
11 of the program.
Order of Academic Procession
Afternoon Ceremony 2 p.m.
Arturo Pacheco
Grand Marshal of the University
Alejandro Muñoz
The University Banner
Hsin Ju Chen
Graduate School Banner
Vicente Ortega
Amanda Erica Coyne
Business Administration Banner
Education Banner
Diana Natalicio
Junius Gonzales
R. Steven “Steve” Hicks
Vice Chairman
The University of Texas System
Howard Daudistel
Pedro Reyes
Associate Vice Chancellor
The University of Texas System
Roberto Osegueda
Senior Executive Vice President
Vice President for Research
Gary Edens
Cynthia Vizcaino Villa
Associate Vice President and
Dean of Students
Carl S. Lieb
President, Faculty Senate
Melanie Thomas
Chair, Staff Council
Diana Gloria
Student Government Association
Vice President for
Business Affairs
Benjamin S. Flores
Acting Dean of the Graduate School
Lawrence Ellzey
Chair, Graduate Council
Mary Helen Padilla
President, Alumni Association
Members of the Faculty
The Graduate School
Lawrence Ellzey, Marshal
Benjamin S. Flores, Acting Dean
The College of Education
Heriberto Godina, Marshal
Josefina Villamil Tinajero, Dean
Faculty of the College
The College of Business
Richard Posthuma, Marshal
Robert Nachtmann, Dean
Faculty of the College
Candidates for the Degree
The Graduate School
The College Banner Bearer
Godwin J. Udo
Arturo Olivarez, Jr.
Faculty Marshals of Students
Courtney Rios
Business Administration
Miriam Gardea, Education
Student Marshals
Candidates for the Degree
The College of Business
The College Banner Bearer
Mary Stevens
Faculty Marshal of Students
Anthony M. Hart
Student Marshal
Candidates for the Degree
The College of Education
The College Banner Bearer
Helen M. Hammond
Faculty Marshal of Students
Mariel Mireles Contreras
Student Marshal
Candidates for the Degree
The University Librarians
Sebastian Diaz, Marshal
The University Staff
Luis B. Morales, Jr., Marshal
Student Seating and
Family Waiting Areas
Spring Commencement • Saturday, May 14, 2011
Evening Ceremony 7 p.m.
Diana Natalicio
President of the University, Presiding
Concert ............................................................ UTEP Symphony Orchestra
Mark Schuppener, Conductor
Assistant Professor, Music
Academic Procession ...................................... Keith H. Pannell, Grand Marshal
Professor, Chemistry
National Anthem ............................................. The Audience and UTEP Symphony
The Star Spangled Banner (Key) Orchestra
Welcome and Introductions ............................ Diana Natalicio, President
Presentation of Candidates’ Names ............... Junius Gonzales, Provost
Conferral of Degrees ....................................... Diana Natalicio, President
The College of Engineering . ........................... Richard Schoephoerster, Dean
The College of Science ..................................... Anny Morrobel-Sosa, Dean
The College of Health Sciences........................ Kathleen A. Curtis, Dean
The School of Nursing....................................... Elias Provencio-Vasquez, Dean
The Graduate School ....................................... Benjamin S. Flores, Acting Dean
Announcement of Candidates’ Names . ......... Richard Teschner
Professor Emeritus, Languages and
Irma M. Lopez, Assistant Director
Human Resource Services
University Faculty Marshals of Students ....... James H. Holcomb
Associate Professor
Economics and Finance
Harry H. Meeuwsen, Associate Provost
Stephen W. Stafford
Professor, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Graduates will recess through the center aisle and out the south tunnel of the Don Haskins
Center. Family members may meet their graduate in Lot P-11. Refer to the diagram on page
15 of the program.
Order of Academic Procession
Evening Ceremony 7 p.m.
Keith H. Pannell
Grand Marshal of the University
Cassandra Muro
The University Banner
Churna B. Bhandari
Graduate School Banner
Oscar Veliz
Laura Margarita Carmona
Engineering Banner
Health Sciences Banner
Luis Alberto Rubio
Rosa Monique Valenzuela
Science Banner
Nursing Banner
Junius Gonzales
Diana Natalicio
Stephen Riter
Pedro Reyes
Associate Vice Chancellor
The University of Texas System
Vice President for Information
Resources and Planning
Benjamin S. Flores
Richard Padilla
Vice President for Student Affairs
Acting Dean of the Graduate School
Patrick J. Davis
Carl S. Lieb
Senior Associate Dean
UT College of Pharmacy
President, Faculty Senate
Lawrence Ellzey
Chair, Graduate Council
Jose O. Rivera
Director, Cooperative Program
in Pharmacy
Melanie Thomas
Chair, Staff Council
Mary Helen Padilla
President, Alumni Association
Diana Gloria
Student Government Association
Members of the Faculty
The College of Engineering
The Graduate School
Peter Golding, Marshal
Richard Schoephoerster, Dean
Faculty of the College
Lawrence Ellzey, Marshal
Benjamin S. Flores, Acting Dean
The College of Science
Lorraine Torres, Marshal
Kathleen A. Curtis, Dean
Faculty of the College
Joan G. Staniswalis, Marshal
Anny Morrobel-Sosa, Dean
Faculty of the College
The College of Health Sciences
The School of Nursing
Gloria McKee-Lopez, Marshal
Elias Provencio-Vasquez, Dean
Faculty of the College
Candidates for the Degree
The College of Engineering
The College Banner Bearer
Salvador Hernandez
Faculty Marshal of Students
Sylvia Carroll
Student Marshal
Candidates for the Degree
The College of Science
The College Banner Bearer
Kaja Michael
Faculty Marshal of Students
Katherine Armine Diaz
Student Marshal
Candidates for the Degree
The University Librarians
Robert Klapthor, Marshal
The University Staff
Francisco Medina, Jr., Marshal
The Graduate School
The College Banner Bearer
Leticia Velazquez
Diane B. Monsivais
Faculty Marshals of Students
Allan Garcia, Engineering
Jerald J. Brady, Science
Sarah Frances Anderson, Health Sciences
Charleen Catherine McNeil, Nursing
Student Marshals
Candidates for the Degree
The College of Health Sciences
The College Banner Bearer
Mark Lusk
Faculty Marshal of Students
Amanda Rocio Garcia
Student Marshal
Candidates for the Degree
The School of Nursing
The College Banner Bearer
Pedro J. Ramon
Faculty Marshal of Students
Pamela Dee Anstead
Student Marshal
Candidates for the Degree
Student Seating and
Family Waiting Areas
7 p.m. Ceremony
Spring Commencement • Saturday, May 14, 2011
distinguished Alumni
The University of Texas at El
Paso is proud to recognize its 2010
Distinguished Alumni Award recipients
presented by the UTEP Alumni
Association. The award is the highest
honor bestowed upon graduates who
have excelled in their professions
and sustained a commitment to the
Our 2010 distinguished alumni are
Hank Cohen, Mike Loya, and Cecilia
Miles Mulvihill.
Hank Cohen
The fast-paced
life Hank
Cohen ’78
leads as CEO
and partner
in Trifecta
& Media seems
far removed from his days at The
University of Texas at El Paso
playing Miner baseball for his dad,
El Paso legend Andy Cohen.
The 2001 College of Liberal
Arts Gold Nugget recipient
has had a successful career in
television: As CEO of MGM
Television, he helped produce
and distribute such hit series
as Stargate SG-1 and its spinoffs, as well as Dead Like Me,
Jeremiah and the syndicated
hit show She Spies. However,
Trifecta, the fully integrated
multimedia development,
production, distribution, sales
and programming company
Cohen created with his ex-MGM
management team, promises to
be his crowning achievement.
With his degree in
communications and a love of
live theater, Cohen set off to tour
the country in dinner theater for
several very enjoyable years. “Not
to be trite,” he said, “but if you
find what you love, you’ll not only
succeed, but you’ll never feel like
you’re even working.”
Cohen never did consider
performance as work, but when
it was time to start making a
living he headed to Burbank,
Calif. A connection between UTEP
mentor John Siqueiros and The
Tonight Show producer, El Paso
native Rudy Tellez, gained him
an interview at NBC. Starting
as a page, he followed a rapid
trajectory as he moved to his first
network executive job at ABC a
short time later. It was that leap
that eventually propelled him to
the top of MGM.
UTEP’s inclusive, “grounded”
atmosphere laid a solid foundation
for Cohen’s endeavors. The
security of acceptance on his own
terms lent resilience when the
bumps and disappointments came.
And when he became president at
MGM, he said, he knew he could
either transform into what the
high-flying television business
expected him to become or “stay
me.” He decided to stay Hank
Cohen, UTEP Miner.
Mike Loya
Mike Loya ’77
calls engineering
“the best first
degree” a
student can
have, describing
his UTEP
education as
“second to none.” He earned his
B.S. in mechanical engineering,
a field that teaches an analytical
and disciplined perspective that
provides a solid foundation for
further study and professional
The maturity and confidence
nurtured by faculty and peer
interactions in the encouraging
environment at UTEP served him
well. His background as a Miner —
along with solid family foundations
and a competitive nature — made
for a successful transition from El
Paso to Harvard Business School,
where he received his M.B.A. in
Loya heads Vitol Inc., an
independent oil trading company
that sees much success through the
efficiency and diversity of products
and partnerships that are hallmarks
of its powerful global presence.
He built his career on the drive to
be the best, parlaying his talents
and initiative into an early move
to London and the global markets,
where his trajectory accelerated. Competition has always been a
factor in Loya’s success. “I always
wanted to be the best at what I
did … You’re proving yourself to
yourself,” he said. Early on, the
object was to get ahead, but now
“it’s more internal: can I stay on top
of the game?” he said.
Now based in Houston, Loya,
the 2006 Gold Nugget from
the College of Engineering,
has embraced new challenges,
particularly in social and economic
development and arts and
education initiatives. His interests
include being involved in local arts
and service organizations as well
as supporting institutions of higher
education, among them UTEP and
The University of Texas Health
Science Center at Houston. He is
passionate about his service on
the Board of Directors of YES Prep
Public Schools, a system that, like
UTEP, is dedicated to enhancing
the educational attainment of
traditionally underserved students.
Ceci Miles
Cecilia Miles
’69 heads
the successful
personnel and
business services
firm based in El Paso that has been
ranked since 1993 as one of the
top 500 Hispanic companies in
the country by Hispanic Business
magazine. As the president of a
3,000-plus-employee operation
focused on human resources, she
has the opportunity to build on her
passion for people.
Miles Mulvihill’s interest in the
business goes back to a part-time
job in the personnel office at The
Popular department store. She
worked for college expenses, but
the job turned out to be something
she loved. It also helped her
organize her time between work,
sorority, clubs and attending Miner
football and basketball games.
UTEP enabled Miles Mulvihill
to open her horizons, which
culminated in a bachelor’s degree
in education. It was at the
University that she learned in her
first Spanish class to be careful not
to come to conclusions until she
had all the facts. She has carried
this and other valuable lessons to
the staffing industry, where issues
dependent on less-than-obvious
data, such as employment risk,
company viability and worker
compensation require skillful
Although she had enjoyed
the challenge of teaching young
students, she continued her
association with her father’s
customs brokerage business — in
the personnel office. Ultimately,
she decided to channel her
powerful empathy for working
adults into Integrated Personnel
Services, which evolved into today’s
Miles Mulvihill’s dedication to
people has extended to numerous
community groups, including
the El Paso Zoological Society,
the Regional Economic and
Development Corp. (REDCo) and
the Paso del Norte Group, and last
fall she was one of 35 role models
honored by the Paso del Norte
Entrepreneurship Oral History
Project. The 2006 UTEP Department
of Education Gold Nugget gives
tirelessly to UTEP, serving on the
Centennial Commission, Centennial
Campaign Leadership Council,
Development Board, College of
Education Advisory Board and
the newly formed UTEP 2014
Ex alumnos Distinguidos
La Universidad de Texas en El
Paso se enorgullece en anunciar a
los ganadores del Reconocimiento
al Ex - Alumno Distinguido 2010,
que presenta la Asociación de Ex Alumnos de UTEP. Este galardón es
la distinción de mayor rango que se
otorga a los ex -alumnos que han
sobresalido en sus profesiones y por
su compromiso hacia la universidad.
Los reconocimientos al ExAlumno Distinguido 2010 se
otorgan a Hank Cohen, Mike Loya, y
Cecilia Miles Mulvihill..
Hank Cohen
El acelerado
ritmo de vida
que lleva
Hank Cohen,
del 78, como
Ejecutivo y
socio de la
compañía Trifecta Entertainment
& Media, está muy lejos del que
llevaba durante su época en la
Universidad de Texas en El Paso
cuando jugaba beisbol como
Minero para su papá Andy Cohen,
la leyenda de El Paso.
El ganador del reconocimiento
Gold Nugget 2001 de la Facultad
de Artes Liberales ha tenido una
exitosa carrera en televisión:
como Director Ejecutivo de MGM
Television ayudó a producir y
distribuir las populares series
Stargate SG-1 y sus derivados, así
como Dead Like Me, Jeremiah y el
exitoso programa de distribución
a otras redes televisivas She Spies.
Sin embargo, la que promete ser
su máximo logro es Trifecta, una
compañía totalmente integrada
de desarrollo, producción,
distribución, ventas y programación
de multimedia que fue establecida
por Cohen y su antiguo equipo
administrativo de MGM.
Cohen, con un título en Ciencias
de la Comunicación y su amor al
teatro en vivo, decidió recorrer
el país durante algunos años
disfrutando la presentación de
obras mediante “dinner theater”.
“Aunque suene trillado” comentó,
“cuando haces lo que te gusta
no solamente tienes éxito sino
que incluso no sientes que estás
Cohen nunca consideró el
teatro como trabajo, pero cuando
llegó el momento de empezar
a ganarse la vida se dirigió a
Burbank, California. Cohen obtuvo
una entrevista con NBC gracias a
un contacto entre John Siqueiros,
su mentor de UTEP y Rudy Téllez,
originario de El Paso y productor
del programa The Tonight Show.
Empezando como mensajero,
continuó con una rápida trayectoria
que poco tiempo después lo llevó
a su primer trabajo ejecutivo en
televisión en la ABC. Fue un salto
que con el tiempo lo lanzaría a la
cima de MGM.
El ambiente integral y de buen
aprendizaje de UTEP fue una sólida
base para el esfuerzo de Cohen y
pudo hacer frente a las dificultades
y decepciones, gracias a su firme
aceptación de las condiciones
que él mismo se había impuesto.
Cuando llegó a ser presidente de
MGM dijo que él sabía que podía
convertirse en lo que el prometedor
negocio de la televisión esperaba
o que podía “seguir siendo el
mismo”. Decidió seguir siendo
Hank Cohen, Minero de UTEP.
Mike Loya
Mike Loya,
generación del
77, dice que la
Ingeniería es “la
primera y mejor
que puede tener
un estudiante
mientras al tiempo que describe
“insuperable” su educación en
UTEP. Loya obtuvo su título en
Ingeniería mecánica, una rama que
enseña una perspectiva analítica
y disciplinada y ofrece una sólida
base para continuar estudiando y
alcanzar la excelencia profesional.
La madurez y confianza que le
brindaran sus maestros así como la
interacción entre sus compañeros
en el animoso ambiente de UTEP
le fueron de gran utilidad. Su
formación como Minero – así como
las firmes bases familiares y su
carácter competitivo – le ayudaron
en su transición de El Paso a la
Escuela de Administración de
Harvard, donde obtuvo su maestría
en 1979.
Loya dirige Vitol Inc., una
empresa comercializadora de
petróleo independiente que
asegura grandes resultados a través
de la eficiencia y diversidad de
productos y asociaciones que son
el sello distintivo de su dinámica
presencia mundial. Forjó su carrera
pensando en ser el mejor y utilizó
su iniciativa y talento trasladándose
anticipadamente a Londres y a los
mercados globales, donde aceleró
su trayectoria.
La competencia siempre ha sido
clave en el éxito de Loya. “Siempre
quise ser el mejor en lo que
hacía… uno se prueba a sí mismo”,
comentó que en un principio el
objetivo era salir adelante, pero
ahora “es algo más personal:
¿puedo seguir en la cúspide?”.
Ganador del reconocimiento
Gold Nugget 2006 de la Facultad de
Ingeniería y ahora establecido en
Houston, Loya se ha comprometido
en nuevos retos, particularmente
en iniciativas de desarrollo social
y económico así como en arte y
educación. Sus intereses incluyen
seguir involucrado en el arte y en
organizaciones locales de servicio
así como apoyar instituciones de
educación superior, incluyendo
UTEP y el Centro de Ciencias de la
Salud de la Universidad de Texas
en Houston. Le apasiona su puesto
en el Consejo Directivo de YES de
escuelas preparatorias públicas,
un sistema que como UTEP, está
dedicado a mejorar los logros
educativos de estudiantes que
comúnmente no se atienden.
Ceci Miles
Cecilia Miles
del 69, dirige
RMPersonnel, la
exitosa empresa
de servicios
de personal y de administración
establecida en El Paso y que
desde 1993 ha sido clasificada
por la revista Hispanic Business
como una de las 500 principales
compañías hispanas en el país.
Como presidenta de una operación
de más de 3,000 empleados que se
enfoca en recursos humanos, tiene
la oportunidad de desarrollarse en
base a su pasión por la gente.
El interés de Miles Mulvihill
en este ramo se remonta a un
empleo de tiempo parcial que tuvo
en la oficina de personal de la
tienda departamental The Popular.
Trabajaba para pagarse sus estudios
universitarios pero terminó
amando lo que hacía. Esto también
le ayudó a organizar su tiempo
entre el trabajo, la fraternidad
estudiantil, organizaciones y asistir
a los juegos de fútbol americano y
basquetbol de los Mineros.
UTEP permitió que Miles
Mulvihill expandiera sus horizontes,
lo que culminó en una licenciatura
en educación. Fue en su primera
clase de español en la universidad
donde aprendió que hay que
ser prudente y no formarse un
juicio hasta no tener todos los
hechos. Ha llevado éste y otros
valiosos conocimientos al ramo de
personal, donde existen asuntos
como riesgos del empleo, viabilidad
empresarial y compensación laboral
que dependen de una información
menos obvia, requieren de una
diestra evaluación.
Aunque disfrutó del reto de
enseñar a jóvenes estudiantes,
continuó asociada con la agencia
aduanal de su padre — en la oficina
del personal. Al final, decidió
canalizar la fuerte empatía que
sentía por los trabajadores adultos
en Integrated Personnel Services,
empresa que posteriormente
evolucionó a lo que hoy en día es
La dedicación de Miles Mulvihill
hacia la gente se ha extendido a
numerosos grupos comunitarios,
incluyendo la Sociedad Zoológica
de El Paso, el Grupo Paso del
Norte y la Regional Economic
Development Corp (REDCo). Fue
uno de los 35 modelos a seguir
reconocidos el otoño pasado por
el Paso del Norte Entrepreneurship
Oral History Project. La ganadora
del premio Gold Nugget 2006
del Departamento de Educación
de UTEP contribuye de manera
incansable con UTEP como miembro
de la Comisión del Centenario,
del Consejo de Liderazgo de la
Campaña del Centenario, del
Consejo de Desarrollo, del Consejo
Asesor de la Facultad de Educación
y de la Comisión de UTEP 2014,
recientemente integrada.
Traducciones al español por Victoria Alicia Garcia
“No man is an island
No man stands alone”
-John Donne
Today we pay tribute to the accomplishments of the graduates of the University
of Texas at El Paso. For them, this ceremony marks both the culmination of years of
hard work and commitment to this goal, and a prelude to many future opportunities.
We congratulate them and wish them well as they pass this major milestone in their
Of equal importance to us, however, is the opportunity to recognize you, the
family members and friends of the graduates. For today as we honor these graduates, we honor you as well. We see in their success the love and support of parents,
grandparents, brothers, sisters, spouses and children – all of you who have so willingly made many sacrifices because you believed in the importance of their education.
You invest many todays to achieve a brighter tomorrow, and we are all enriched
by your commitment. The faculty and staff of the University of Texas at El Paso thank
you for your support, and we congratulate you, too, for we know that these graduates’ achievements are not theirs alone. Your presence here today illuminates this
ceremony with warmth and love.
´ hombre es una isla
Ninguno existe solo”
-John Donne
Rendimos homenaje hoy a los logros de quienes se reciben de la Universidad de
Texas en El Paso. Para ellos, esta ceremonia representa no sólo sino también la culminación de años de trabajo y de compromiso personal hacia esta meta, el preludio a
innumerables oportunidades en el futuro. Los felicitamos y les deseamos lo mejor en
esta ocasión de crucial importancia en su vida.
Pero nos parece indispensable también aprovecharnos del momento presente
para brindarles nuestro reconocimiento a ustedes, los familiares y amigos de los
graduados, puesto que al honrar éstos honramos además a todos ustedes. Vemos
en el éxito de ellos el amor y el apoyo de padres, abuelos, hermanos, esposos e hijos
todos los que han hecho de buen grado sacrificios porque han creído firmemente en
la importancia de la educación de sus seres queridos.
Ustedes han hecho la inversión provechosa de su presente para alcanzar un
porvenir mejor, y todos nosotros nos hemos beneficiado por su empeño en esta labor.
Los profesores y empleados de la Universidad de Texas en El Paso les agradecemos su
apoyo y los felicitamos también, porque comprendemos que lo que han conseguido
estos graduados no lo han conseguido solos. Iluminan ustedes nuestra ceremonia
hoy con su presencia aquí, con su calor humano y su cariño.
for Degrees
May 2011
College of Liberal Arts
Bachelor of Arts
Nora Angelica Benavides
Ashley Dailey
David H. McKenney
Arlina Palacios
Frank Alexis Prado
Art History
Veronica L. Barragan
Jose Alberto Alvarado
Deborah Caroline Chenausky
Andy Flores
Lluvia Celeste Gonzalez
Cynthia Michelle Grunsten
Daniel Hernandez
Alexandria Josefina Lozano
Damaris Alejandra Mateo
Jessica Rodriguez
Karla Ruiz
Adriana Zavala
Art/Media Advertising/
Martha Yahareli Aguilera Rubio
Blanca Beatriz Cantero Briones
Chicano Studies
Celia Aguilar
Barbara Almanzar
Benjamin Hernandez
Communication Studies
Marcela Aguirre
Joseph Lawrence Flores
Cristina Rivera
Mia Natalie Villarreal
Creative Writing
Samantha Duarte
Don Patrick Fenton
Heidy Aidee Flores
Elizabeth Michelle Levesque
Marco A. Monarrez
Alessandra Narvaez-Varela
Tafari A. Nugent
Sarah Olivas
Criminal Justice
Juan Christian Acevedo
Lupe Yvette Acuna
Claudia Aguilera
Beatrice Irene Anchondo
Alma D. Blea
David Calderon
Judy Carrillo
Eduardo Chavira
Patricia Cordero
Jose Cordova
Tony De La Cruz
Alejandra Duarte
Daniel Escobar
Jennifer Fidler
Aurora Patricia Garcia
Lisa Y. Garcia
Luis Omar Garcia
Abraham Young Han
Eva Christina Hernandez
Derrick Leon Johnson
Marcus Edward Jones
Emma Isela Lopez
Cynthia Maldonado
Vincent Edwin Mccormick
Armando Medina
Christopher Angel Olivares
George Perez
Judith Jessel Portillo
Angelica Yvonne Quiroga
Julian Lujan Ramirez
Louis Andres Reyes
Cesar Armando Rodriguez
Fausto Rodriguez
Karla Alejandra Rosas
Ernesto D. Ruelas
Joshua Aaron Sarinana
Raquel Yiddah Tovar
Jose Luis Valdez
Alyssa Beth Vargas
Rocio Gabriela Vasquez
Marco Antonio Vazquez
Michael Alexander Woods
Criminal Justice/Linguistics
Lilian Avila
Criminal Justice/Political Science
Linda Calderon
Criminal Justice/Psychology
Kellie Nicole Foster
Cadie Lynn Navar
Pamela Concepcion Nunez
Nidia Ugalde
Criminal Justice/Sociology
Erika Luisa Cedillos
Digital Media Production
Alain Lizarraga
Electronic Media
Miranda E. Alvarez
Iris Samantha Banuelos
Briana Stephanie Carbajal
Randy L. Culpepper
Erin Eley
Miguel Alberto Favela
Eduardo Alejandro Garcia Olivas
Jose Luis Hernandez
Cynthia C. Ibarra
Christopher Scott Jolley
Daniel Ytuarte Lopez
Alejandro Morales
Belinda Jo Olivares
Stanley John Petraitis
Priscilla Ruby Pinon
Lina Marie Rayos
Neryza Rivera
Alejandro Sanchez
Cesar Sierra
Ruben Soto
Sissy Lynn Stroud
Robert Michael Towne
Electronic Media/Organizational and
Corporate Communication
Lydia Berenice Garcia
Electronic Media/Philosophy
Mariana Olmos
Electronic Media/Psychology
Luisa Ileana Garcia
English and American Literature
Rosanna I. Al-Hakeem
Rocky Shahbaz Amiri
Kara Anne Bennett
Thania Alexandra Bernal
Vanessa Consuelo Chacon
Monica Italia Chavez
Eileen Lopez Colangan
Josephine Ann Conde
Sylvia S. Darnold
Christine Anne Endlich
Crystal Gonzalez
Matthew John Harding
Michelle S. Kaiser
Irma Angelica Kinderman
Paul David LaPrade
Leslie Ann Mansfield
Sweeann Moreno
Matthew J. Munden
Anahi Najera
Crystal Orozco
Susan Lorraine Seeman
Sheena Lora Sookbirsingh
Sabrina Vargas-Ortiz
Veronica Vasquez
Jennifer Ann Vega
Mark Patrick Yenshaw
Tiffany Amorette Young
English and American Literature/
Celina Osuna
English and American Literature/
Political Science
Rebeca Anna Nunez
Marcos Carrasco
Diana Carolina Escalante
Carla Yvonne Garcia
Laurie Michel Garcia
Lisa Gonzalez
Adriana Gutierrez
Sara Dyan Kiesel-Fowler
Jessica Lee Kim
Consuelo Martinez
Gabriela M. Meraz
Naomi Sue Morales
Michelle Olivas
Heather L. Wydra
Christina Belio
Nancy Cavazos
Alejandra Macias
Adan Rene Armendariz
Jeremy Jay Blandin
Tobias Block
Omar Ulises Breacher
Carlos Bustillos
Celia Victoria Carzoli
Eric Chavez
Danielle Contreras
Arturo Rene Cornejo
Marisela Cruz
Andres Cuevas
Verna Deudor De la Cruz
Victor Jesus Del Hierro
Michael S. Deslongchamps
Betsaida Fierro
Edgar Adrian Garcia
Michael Armando Garcia
Cesar Gomez
Nashelly Gonzalez
Deborah Hernandez
Diana Hernandez
Anthony Wayne Lopez
Melissa Jane Martinez
Manuel Moreno
Christopher Reed Morris
Erick Ortiz
Lorena Patterson
Gabriel Pedregon
Alicia Placencio
Michael Reese
Arturo Regalado
Amanda Rose Rimer
Michael Paul Rios
Megan A. Rivera
Bertha Alicia Rodriguez
Christian Guadalupe Rodriguez
Rosa Maria Sandoval
Mark A. Tanner
Doriana Rhea Torres
Mario Trejo
Juan Carlos Varela
Melissa Sue Wegleitner
Lee Douglas Willmott
Erika Gonzalez
Raquel Gonzalez de Anda
Rosemary Lazarin
Jesus Miguel Rivas
Media Advertising/Communication
Fernando Enrique Acevedo
Monica Ivette Almeida
Laritza Lizania De Santiago
Laura Eire Espino
Andres Gonzalez
Manuel Gonzalez Luna
Noemi Hewitt
Sharon Montelongo Navar
Karina Rocio Sandoval
Alexandra Velazquez
Media Advertising/Communication/
Electronic Media
Edgar Ivan Gonzalez
Multimedia Journalism
Paola Chavez-Payan
Jennifer Melissa Estrada
Brenda Rocio Lepenski
Georgia Angela Rodriguez
Organizational and Corporate
Elyana Amparan
James A. Bramble
Sarah A. Burchett
Evan Ivory Davis
Jesus D. Espinoza
Yubhya Corina Garcia
Gema Gonzalez
Stephanie Kristine Gonzalez
Janet Jacquez
Cynthia Mabel Mendoza
Rebecca Cathleen Mendoza
Cornelius Allen Miller
Veronica Rebecca Monarez
Lorena Mondragon Rodriguez
Jameson Ricardo Navar
Victor Manuel Reta
Cilda Sandoval
Christina Richelle Snodgrass
Sean P. Conroy
Marilyn Francis Corbin
Annai Escobedo
Edgar A. Galindo
Robert Lorenzo Oropeza
Nadia Angelica Ruiz
Philosophy/Political Science
Janet Denise Arteaga
Alan A. Jimenez
Ricardo Bueno
Political Science
Wendy Alexandra Avalos
Anelisa Benavides
Matthew Robert Brame
Jason Michael Casey
Humberto Cruz
Teodoro Garcia
Armando Lara
Ryan Andrew Lumley
Lehi Madero
Ryan Emmanuel Prat
Bianca Ramirez
Jonathan E. Saldana
Cagney Victoria Sanders
Daniel Valencia
Diamante Leon Williams
Political Science/Communication
Luzmarina Garcia
Political Science/Psychology
Leonel Ruiz
Print Media/Communication
Jesus C. Martinez
Miguel Humberto Martinez
Justin Anthony Monarez
Natalia Quiroz
Cynthia Romero
Travis B. Aikman
Fernando Araiza
Jessica Armendariz
Julia Lucia Arreola
Adrian Barrios
Blanca A. Blanco
Michael Robert Brune
Mayra Gisel Flores Montoya
Martin Ignatius Gallegos
Ramiro Garza Hernandez
Kimberly Gasca
Melissa Lorraine Gavaldon
Stephanie Abigail Gines
Frank E. Gomez
Alan Gonzalez
Monica Granados
Valerie Ann Hernandez
Michelle Marie Lee
Karla D. Llanes
Myra Alejandra Loya
Alfredo Lujan
Brenda Martinez
Karla Ivonne Melendez Guadian
Julie Caroline Montero
Naomi Montez
Gilbert Morales
Sara Isabel Oaxaca
Diane Ohashi
Anna Ornelas
Juliana Orozco
Abril Emanuelle Parra
Jacqueline Paz
Yuria Anais Perez
Regina Porras
Roxanna Ramirez
Christine M. Rawlings
Christine Louise Reeves
Sonia Bianca Rico
Benjamin Robledo
Yomaira Yolanda Rodriguez
Rosario Margarita Ruiz
Efren Sanchez
Rosa Maria Sevilla
Crystal Sierra
Shalaiyah D. Sommerville
Randolph S. Taylor
Claudia Elodia Terrazas
Ivan Noe Torres
Jorge A. Uribe
Fatima Valles
Mariana Yalitl Vega
Psychology/Criminal Justice
Liliana Griselda Gomez
Areli Guajardo
Cristina Camille Hinojosa
Adiel Jose Holguin
Alejandra Sarai Dominguez
Brenda Leigh Lopez
Angelica Catalina Menchaca
David Contreras
Tony Gasca
Valerie Maureen Juarez
Norma Cristina Martinez
Jasmine Ramirez
David Ariel Godinez
Cecilia Acosta
Brissa Almaraz
Nayeli Armendariz
Viridiana Arredondo
Elizabeth Arreola
Sonia Alejandra Azua
Adela Carr
Alejandra Carrillo
Cristhian Xavier De Haro
Teresa Federico
Thomas Antonio Figueroa
Elvira Lazo
Crystal Trejo
Theatre Arts
Alejandra Leticia De Matias
Monica Hernandez
Daniel Edward Villasenor
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Carina Monique Luna
Susane Theresa Salazar
Oscar Manuel Vasquez
Music Theatre
Maurice Andre San-Chez
Music Theatre/Dance
Emmanuel Rene Munoz
Cassandra Suzanne Davisson
Stephanie Ann Sanchez
Daniel Rene Short
Carlos Alberto Gonzalez
Arturo Molinar Avitia
Graphic Design
Ana Marie Cano
Rocio Esmeralda Chacon
Bihong Chang
Javier Chavarin
Edmundo Chavez
Alejandra Guerrero
Erik Hernandez
Yasmin Marquez
Raymundo Mendoza
John Edward Moss
Deryk Brendan Snow
Jesus Arturo Torres Fernandez
Kevin C. Trow
Erick Guardado
Ivan Isaac Calderon
Jose Octavio Cano
Laura Anne Bombach
Danielle Amanda Gonzalez
Brandon Christopher Graves
Bachelor of Multidisciplinary
Ernesto Aguilar
Lucio Aguilera
Sandra Pilar Alderette
Diane L. Andrade
Tom Avalos
Norma I. Bautista
Misty Dawn Blasing
Dawn Gaye Brooks
Josephine Lorraine Burzynski
Regina R. Bustamante
Manuel Caballero
Thomas H. Carrasco
Clarence Leon Court
Michelle Crawford
Tanner Brooks Cullumber
Deandra De Los Santos
Alejandra Helena Del Hierro
Christopher Michael Delgado
Bobby S. Dubeansky
Cortland Blake Dubose
Jeremy A. Espinoza
Thomas F. Finnegan
Jesse R. Flores
Victor Flores
Kathryn Gasca
Enrique Gomez
Alfredo Alfonso Gonzalez
Deborah Ann Graham
Gilbert Guillen
Avina C. Gutierrez
Melissa Jane Hernandez
Conrad Irigoyen
Dolores Annette Ituarte-Valenzuela
Jennifer E. Jasso
Charae Latrice Jones White
Marisol Lara
Guadalupe Leyva
Perla P. Livengood
Alejandro Alberto Lopez
Eileen Marie Lopez
Viridiana Lopez
Pascual Saul Marin
Monique Mata Gonzalez
Alicia Lewis McDonald
Casey Walter McNamee
Eric Christopher Melson
Hector Montes
Erick David Montiel
Ruby Nares
Nii-Amaa Ollennu
Gloria I. Quinones
Gabriela Ramirez
Samone Shari Randolph
Justin Cain Richter
Charles Roberts
Aaron Angelo Robinson
Roman Gabriel Robles
Manuel Rodriguez
Patricia Marie Rodriguez
Marcela A. Rupprecht
Timothy Andrew Rybak
Ruvi Ann Salgado
Derek Sanchez
Gabriel Ivan Sanchez
Juan Manuel Sanchez
Kurtis H. Schuldt
Nicole Leanne Smith
Alexander Ian Solot
Audrey Stadler
Christian Sullivan
Eunice Torres
Ana M. Trillo
Sandra Urista
John Urquidi
Virginia Valdez Vasquez
Adam Vazquez
Robert Rusell Verkon
Jack Arnold Walley
Pui Chung Wan
Clarissa Wardy
Anna Wolfinger
Christina Zamora
Bachelor of Music
Commercial Music
Daniel Aaron Natividad
Orchestra/Band Instrumental
Francisco David Pedroza
Keyboard Performance
Abigail A. O’Leary
Vocal Performance
Davida Danielle Washer
General Music
Timothy Jay Adame
Justin Kyle Conrow
Priscilla Esparza
Eric Michael Gonzales
Michael R. Hernandez
Matthew Louis Nava
Mathew Joseph Sanchez
Denise Elizabeth Swanberg
Isabel Velazquez
Abel Villalobos
Bachelor of Science
Luisa Daniela Diaz
Isabel Jazmin Gonzalez
Melissa E. Pena
Jeremiah Ramos
Alberto Ivan Rodriguez
Cynthia Marie Rojas
Omar Solis
Deane Sosa
Liliana Vacio
College of Business Administration
Bachelor of Arts
Lehi Madero
Bachelor of Business
Rasha Ahmad Al-Najdawi
Viannka Vianney Barroso
Tanya Elaine Cazares
Timothy Darryl Flosi
Angelica Garcia
Vanessa Gonzalez
Scott Jennings Gorby
Anthony M. Hart
Barton Alan Henderson
Willard Keith Hill
Amro Gamal Hussien
Nasser A. Ikhlail
Dimitry C. Isita
Rebekah Marie Jay
Bonghan Jung
Natalia Kovtunova
Gloria Maria Mejia
Alejandra Montalvo
Libia Dania Olguin
Melissa Marie Ortega
Ada Luz Paniagua
Alicia Perez
June Renee Prieto
Francisco Javier Rios
Alejo Antonio Rodriguez
Alicia Rodriguez
Michael P. Scott
Adriana Berenice Sierra
Javier Alberto Sierra-Rodriguez
Ann Marie Skirvin
Maribel Trevino
Maria Teresa Valles Gardea
Adrian Viramontes
Nathalia Vota Echavarri
Isabel Cristina Zavala
Irvin Adrian Caballero
Daisy Guerrero
Sean Dominick Isassi
Jorge Alejandro Munoz Mendieta
Vanessa Parga
Accounting/General Business
Marisol Gonzalez
Armando Rivera
Computer Information Systems
Ricardo Chavira
Matthew Yves Collins
Rodrigo Diaz
Jesus Gerardo Flores
Fernando Garcia
Joseph Scott Garza
Fernando Javier Hernandez
Perla Valerie Loya
Eduardo Oscar Lucero
Patrick David Solis
Aaron Michael Tafoya
Matthew Robert Taylor
Marcus Hugh Tubbs
Joshua Timothy Waters
Computer Information Systems/
Claudia Veronica Martinez
Antonio Delgado
Norma Jimenez
Eduardo Alejandro Lopez
Roberto Soto
Carlos Carrasco
Deborah Martinez V
Arely Munoz
Fernando Ramirez
Edgar Israel Villasana-Morales
Economics/General Business
Daniel E. Parga
Adolfo A. Alvarez
Tiffany Amador
Amanda Vanessa Arnal
Cynthia P. Avila
Jaqueline Bernal
Alfonso Castaneda
Oyuki Cervantes Olivas
Heidi Duarte
Christina Marie Fleming
Jose Manuel Gallegos
Mario Alberto Gonzalez
Adam Cody Herrera
Marco Antonio Herrera
Yung-Shin Hsu
Marcela Jaquez Tarin
Ossiris Leyva
Gerardo Fernando Lopez
Jorge Alfredo Loya
Gabriel Alberto Mendez
Raul Alfredo Mendoza
Jose Roberto Morales
David Hinton Murray
Nicodemus Kirwa Ngetich
Vicente Ortega
Yreri Carolina Padilla Alvarez
Laura Lorena Parra
Karla Y. Parrao
Erick A. Reza Pena
Marcos Rocha
Jose Alfredo Rodriguez
Jose Luis Rodriguez
Christopher Steven Santoscoy
Gilbert Serna
Alfonso Sierra
Aaron Terrazas
Liliana V. Colon
Alyssa R. Faubion
Cristina Flores
Marian Consuelo Quevedo
Finance/Operations and Supply
Chain Management
Eduardo Corona
General Business
Marina Armida Heredia
Sandra Jaqueline Hernandez
Ernesto Hudson
Lorenzo Resendiz
Emmanuel Sanchez
Sviatlana Trukshanina
Brandon Kristopher White
General Business/Finance
Yadira Aldina Gonzalez-Hernandez
Sairym Ibarra
Job Islas Navarrete
General Business/Management
Marina Camargo De Luca
General Business/Marketing
Yazmin Adriana Almanza
Javier Chavez
Analaura Fernandez
Vely Alejandra Peralta
General Business/Operations and
Supply Chain Management
Sarahi Dominguez
Alejandra Mendez Castro
Casandra Dominique Adams
Tiffany Denise Adams
Cecilia C. Anchondo
Cesar E. Apodaca
Thomas Mitchell Bailey
Paige Renee Cabrera
Susan Eleanor Calderon
Irma Irene Calvillo
Yesenia Casas
Kevin Joseph Chaisson
Jose A. Chavez
Daisy Rubi De La Rosa
Timothy E. Escamilla
Juan Joaquin Garcia
Crystal Amber Gonzalez
Hector Gustavo Gonzalez
Roberto Gonzalez
Luis Adrian Gutierrez
Eric Hansen
Helen Kieko Iwabuchi
Brittany Krystal Jaso
Debra A. Kosich
Patricio R. Lopez
Flor I. Lujan
Michael Mendivil
Eric Louis Munoz
Arden Pease
Joann Pena
Daniel Alfonso Perez
Jessica Ponce
Fernando E. Quirarte
Judith Rodriguez
Maria De Los Angeles Ruiz
Rafael Salcido
Iris Sanchez
Jaime A. Sanchez
Frank Saucedo
Dessarae Alid Serna
Elizabeth Ann Sobczak
David Miguel Soltero
Sonia Yudit Soriano
Jeremy Shane Springer
Breland Logan Trainer
Francisco Valencia
Carlos M. Valle
Melissa Vasquez
Rocio Alejandra Vazquez Herrera
Erika Marie Villarreal
Louis Abiel Cepeda
Marysol Corrales
Claudia Fernandez
Ruth N. Flores
Irma Edith Lopez
Juan J. Macias
Laura Samantha Mack
Melissa Mendoza
Karla Karina Mora
David Aaron Padilla
Magdalene Pracht
Brenda Isabel Ramirez
Dominiek Salas
Management/Operations and
Supply Chain Management
Francisco E. Ortega
Mariana Alarcon
Oliver Andazola
Alejandra Chavez
Aggrey Birgen Chirchir
Edith Compean
Kayla D. Demaria
Trelvis P. Deschamps
Edward Droutsas
Stephen Luis Gaucin
Arminda Isela Gonzalez
Marylee Vivian Hughes
Karl Karam
Louisa Nancy Madriles
Jesus M. Marrero
Daisy Lysette Martinez
Miguel Navarrete
Ivan Quiz
Patricia Rangel
Alonzo Ruelas
Rosanna Segura
Marketing/General Business
Raul Hernandez
Marketing/Operations and Supply
Chain Management
Sara Ivette Chavez
Operations and Supply Chain
Ana Valeria Cardenas
Samantha Elise Carpio
Cindy Esparza
Cynthia Franco
Daniel Guizar Izquierdo
See Won Hwang Yu
Patricia Nallely Reyes Botello
Jacqueline Nicol Sandoval
College of Education
Bachelor of Interdisciplinary
Bethzaida Acevedo
Andrea Acosta
Luz Gisella Acosta
Vilma L. Acosta
Laura Alejandra Acuna
Teresa Adovasio
Luz Belen Aguayo
Aurora Aguilar
Juana Aguilar
Shawn Michell Albo
Maria Del Socorro Alcaraz
Erika Alegre
Ana M. Aleman
Carolina Elsie Aloma
Liz Abigail Alonso
Elvira Alvarado
Juana G. Alvarado
Rocio E. Alvarado
Illissa M. Alvillar
Leticia Amaya
Vanessa Anaya
Luis Anchondo
Valerie Janel Anguiano
Diana Maria Aragon
Ligia Soad Aragon
Gabriel Isabel Arciniaga
Gloria Elizabeth Armendariz
Julieta Arredondo
Belen Ruby Arriaga
Bianca Annette Arrieta
Joanna Ivette Avila
Pamela Azaeta
Aracely Baca
Lisett Badillo
Bianca Baily
Alejandra Baltazar
Gloria Banda
Reyna Maria Viridiana Banuelos
Rachel Dominique Battle
Irene Franco Becerra
Mayra Betancourt
Anaid Elizabeth Bolanos Cadena
Tiffany L. Brooker
Ruby Buendia
Jezabel Burrola
Iris Irene Cadena
Annette Cambria
Luz Elena Campbell
Lorena Campos
Maria Guadalupe Cantu
Sergio Cardenas
Edna Janeth Cardoza
Manuel David Cardoza
Brenda Melissa Carrasco
Gabriela Carrillo
Georgina Carrillo
Mariana Carrillo
Chloe Renee Casas
Joanna J. Casey
Grissel Castaneda
Enrique A. Castellanos
Karen Selene Castillo
Lauren Alexandra Catlett
Adriana Gabriela Cervantes
Claudia Y. Chaidez
Griselda Champagne
Laura Alicia Chaparro Flores
Brenda Chavez
Isabel Chavez
Leticia Isabel Chavez
Lorena Chavez
Irma Olga Chavira
Rebecca Lynn Clarke
Mariel Mireles Contreras
Darlene Cortez
Monica D. Cortez
Amanda Erica Coyne
Laura Crispin
Christopher Miles Crouse
Myra Cuevas
Laura Marie Custard
Gail Kathleen Danberry
Deanna Sue Davis
Teresa D. De La Cruz
Rosario De los Santos
Barbara Delgado
Brittney Elyse Devine
Blanca Yvette Diaz De Leon
Aracely Dominguez
Christina Dominguez
Maria Isabel Dominguez
Silvia Dorador
Laura M. Duran
Ashley Nichole Ellis
Mayra Alejandra Escandon
Maria A. Escobedo
Amalia Velez Espinoza
Carmen Janeth Espinoza
Rosa M. Espinoza
Diana Estrada
Joanna Estrada
Jaqueline Favela
Amanda J. Fernandez
Blady Fernandez
Nailea Antonella Fernandez
Andrea Michelle Ferro
Dalia Fierro
Deanna Fierro
Maria Fierro
Perla Lizette Fierro
Norma Figueroa
Angelica Flores
Luz A. Flores
Mardeny Flores
Michelle Christine Flores
Janette Fuentes
Wendy Lynn Gaglione
Charlene Rosario Galvan
Karla Ivonne Gandarilla
Abigail F. Garcia
Adriana Garcia
Carolina Garcia
Daniel Garcia
Erica Kendle Garcia
Gabriela Yolanda Garcia
Graciela Garcia
Jenny Garcia
Leilani Quezada Garcia
Lillian Garduno
Yolanda Garrison
Rebeca Marie Gimbel
Justine Marie Gleichauf
Sandra Michele Gomez
Vienna Monique Gomez
Cybet Blanca Gomez Munoz
Alejandra Gonzalez
Celina Gonzalez
Claudia Lorena Gonzalez
Kristine Marie Gonzalez
Maria G. Gonzalez
Luz Elena Gorman
Laura Leticia Griego
Vanessa Guajardo
Celeste Desire Guevara
Jose F. Guillen
Leticia Gutierrez
Chelsea Kay Haarstad
Christina M. Hendershot
Elizabeth P. Heredia
Amelda Hermosillo
Desiree Hernandez
Eduardo Hernandez
Erica Hernandez
Ida Stella Hernandez
Mary Lou Frances Hernandez
Cynthia Mena Hidalgo
Kimber Leigh Hirsch
Irma Soledad Holguin
Noel Holguin
Jennifer Hubbard
Azusena Huizar
Melanie Amber Irrobali
Veronica Jackson
Stella Juarez
William Robert Knox
Minerva Lara
Maria Elena Licon
Monica Cristina Linden
Veronica Lira
Alonso Israel Lopez
Armando Lopez
Cindy Lopez
Flor Lopez
Jacqueline Annette Lopez
Nellie Jean Lopez
Sandy Lopez
Susan Denise Lopez
Tatiana Raquel Lopez
Valerie Ann Lopez
Maria G. Loury
Priscilla Loya
Jose Raymundo Lozano
Stephanie Lozano
Elizabeth Corina Lugo
Sylvia Lujan
Esperanza Erika Maciel
Bonnie K. Mafnas
Cynthia T. Magana
Monica Leticia Marquez
Alysia Lelani Martell
April Flower Martinez
Gabriela Martinez
Leah Esther Masters
Eric Joel Mata
April Marie Medina
Lilibeth Medina Romero
Nallely Mendez
Yolanda Mendez
Guadalupe Mendieta
Edward Roger Mendoza
Brenda Meraz
Victoria E. Meraz
Alma Rosa Meza
Lorena Miranda
Delfina Montana
Brittany Leigh Montano
Isabel Montes
Norma Velia Montes de Lopez
Isis Citlali Moreno
Jessika Marie Morgan
Jeffrey P. Morse
Ashley Nicole Munoz
Vanessa Elizabeth Munoz
Marisela Navarrete
Sara E. Navarro
Sandra Consuelo Nores Quezada
Vivian Janet Ochoa
Nancy Irene Ojeda
Marta Rocio Olivas
Gloria Paulina Olmos
Ana Luisa Ontiveros
Lourdes Ordonez de Castillo
Aurora Elena Ordonez-Loya
David Oropeza
Sandra Orozco
Silvia L. Orozco
Mirna Yvonne Ortiz
Yliana Yanelly Padilla
Melissa Palacios
Morgan W. Palm
Stephanie Lynn Paoli
Maria Eva Parra
Alexias Altalucille Pena
Miriam Erika Pena
Ricardo Perez
Natalie Pichardo
Margarita Pinales
Maribel Pinela
Vanessa Pioquinto
Erika Yuriana Portillo
Zulema Haydee Portillo de Gomez
Yvonne Elizabeth Price
Maribel Quezada
April Michelle Quinones
Olivia Quinones
Diana Quinonez
Juan Manuel Rabelo
Carmen Veronica Ramirez
Yuzuky Ramirez
Ricardo Ramirez Montoya
Ana Luisa Ramos
Latasha Nicol Rankins
Nora Regalado
Melissa R. Reliford
Zaira Lizeth Renteria
Jessica Reyes
Noemi Ribot Munoz
Jaime D. Rivera
Christina Robles
Stephanie Rocha
Kaleena Ann Roche
Erika Ann Rodriguez
Jessica Ann Rodriguez
Jessica Marie Rodriguez
Oscar Rodriguez
Gabriel Rojas
Judith Roman
Ruth Romero
Amanda D. Rubio
Monica Lorena Rueda
Elizabeth Saenz
Maria R. Salas
Aida Antonia Salcedo
Imelda Salgado
Patricia Samaniego
Roxanne Nicole Sambrano
Denise Bentancourt Sanchez
Marcela Sanchez
Cynthia Santillano-Acosta
Liseth Sarinana
Valerie Marie Serna
Rebecca L. Shindo
Marlene Siebert
Jesus Fernando Sifuentes
Cristina Silerio
Jessica Claudette Silva
Rocio Silvestre
Carol Jeanette Smith
Griselda Ivette Solano
Elva Estela Soltero
Nancy Grisel Sosa
Brenda Patricia Suarez
Shelly R. Tamez
Danielle Tarin
Claudia M. Telles
Omar Teran
Patricia Tonche
Erik Trejo
Brenda Valadez
Kristine Valadez
Liliana Veronica Valadez
Jade Valdez
Deborah Marie Valenzuela
Krystal Valles
Viviana Natalie Valles
Carmen E. Vandergrift
Belinda Vasquez
Stephanie Dianne Vega
Minerva Velez
Gloria Vidana
Abril Alejandra Villanueva
Marylou Woolridge
Vanessa Zubia
College of Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Civil
David Acosta-Jaquez
Isaac Campos Flores
Shaddy R. Castillo Ponton
Lorenzo Emanuel Cornejo
Sergio Delgado
Rafael Gandara
Braulio Garcia
Miriam Garcia
Rafael Armando Gomez Lozano
Gabriela Yanin Leyva
Tomas Alberto Lucero
Jose Madrid
Luis Demetrio MaldonadoCastaneda
Nicholas A. Mazzocchi
Saul Mejia
Nicolas E. Mercado
Edith Montes
Marco Antonio Murillo
Abel Pineda
Arkinus Nehemiah Reed
Iskra Socorro Rodriguez
Olga Dayami Rodriguez
Fabian Saldivar
Edgar Saucedo
Brad Thompson
Jesse Valles
Jorge Vazquez Bordas
Bachelor of Science in
Computer Science
Gloria Berumen
Cesar Ricardo Chacon De La Torre
Daniel Eleazar Chavez
Sandra Ivette Griffin
Eric John Gutierrez
Andrew Houston Latimer
Joshua C. McKee
Jorge Mendoza
Derek Allen Myerly
Julio Cesar Primo
Hector Adrian Saenz
Yair Saenz
Daniel V. Salazar
Jose Roberto Salcido
Michelle Rosario Soto
Adrian Edward Veliz
Oscar Samuel Veliz
Charles Andrew Wolcott
Omar A. Zorrilla
Bachelor of Science in
Electrical Engineering
Mityas Al Douri
Donna Ibrahim Alhakeem
Robert Gabriel Almendarez
Dustin H. Anderson
Alexander Joseph Arnold
Ivon Armida Ayala
Baltazar Betancourt
Daniel Canaba
Francisco Antonio Cano
Carlos Carmona
Sylvia Carroll
Victor Castillo
Adrian Rene Chacon
Jose Juan Chavez
Jose Arturo Cisneros
Veronica Cruz
Lee David Deloach
Mario Diaz
Marco Ernesto Escudero
Liliana Fierro-Veloz
Julio Cesar Flores
Lizeth Fraire
Lindsay Davina Frederick
Shane Louis Fuller
Alejandro Garcia
Enrique Garcia
Cesar G. Gonzalez
Cory Gutierrez
Eduardo Jose Hernandez
Jaime Herrera
Eric Norberto Jacquez
Derrek C. Landauer
Pedur Bassam Lulu
Oscar Machado
Nathaniel Medrano
Hector Hugo Moreno
Dan Jeffrey Torralba Onate
Jacob Henry Ontiveros
Marcos G. Pacheco
Nicholas Henry Paine
Jaime Parra
Sandy Perez
Israel Prieto
Fatima Lizeth Ramos
Jose Luis Reygadas
Benjamin Eduardo Rodriguez
Eduardo Rodriguez
David Alberto Saenz
Ember Leanne Stone
Gabriel Lawrence Tapia
Hugo A. Velasco
Luis Humberto Villalobos
Jacob Zuniga
Bachelor of Science in
Industrial Engineering
Jessica Adriana Chavez
Monica Iveth Corella
Ana C. Cram
Gilberto Ramiro Echavarri
Adrian Manuel Esparza
Ernesto Gallegos
David Garcia
Eric Manuel Gonzalez
Nataly Yvette Guerrero
Jose L. Gutierrez
Laura Patricia Lopez
Sergio Pablo Lopez-Trujillo
Bruce Alejandro Saenz
Bachelor of Science in
Mechanical Engineering
Arturo Acosta-Zamora
Gerardo Alarcon
David Chapiro Alvarez
Sergio Alvarez
Eric Stephan Anchondo
Victor Omar Arellano
Enrique Busquets Gonzalez
Miguel Angel Castillo
Gerardo Ceballos Gracia Medrano
Rene Chacon Portillo
Miguel Angel Chacon-Quintero
Mario Alberto Chavez
Edgar Adolfo Cordero
Martin Alejandro De la Torre
Steven Andrew Del Gaizo
Renato Ivan Delgado
Federico Eduardo Esquivel Rios
David Francisco Estrada
Rogelio Rene Gallegos Gamboa
Christopher Genera
Lucero Gonzalez
Javier Enrique Grajeda
Daniel Hernandez
Matthew Hernandez
Hector Salvador Hinostroza
Luis Humberto Iturralde
Jose Ramon Lagos
Daniel Agustin Lopez
Sergio Alberto Luna Fong
Hugo Alberto Marin
Tony John Martinez
Gregory Carl Maus
Miguel Mendoza
Rafael Montano
Alejandro Ortega
Edgar Santiago Pacheco Zapien
Joel David Pagan
Omar Gerardo Pizana
Javier L. Provencio
Arturo Quijano
Joe H. Ramos
Luis Cesar Ramos Castaneda
Ernesto Javier Rubio
Alejandro Salas
Carlos A. Sanchez
Edgar A. Soto
Lorenzo Zavala
Bachelor of Science in
Metallurgy and Materials
Gina Aranda
Michelle Renee Brown
Samuel John Dixon
Flor Gabriela Gallegos
Laura Leticia Lugo
College of Science
Bachelor of Science
Applied Mathematics
Diego Armando Canales
Biological Sciences
Johnathan Salim Abou-Fadel
Fernando A. Alarcon
Dively Inez Argueta
Jesus Alex Armendariz
Uriah Aurora Astorga
Monica Elena Benjamin
Kimberly Aimee Berry
Jodie Dawn Callison
Lucy R. Camarena
Jasmine Carbajal
Sylvia Carroll
Jesus G. Castillo
Gerardo Chavez
Amber Noelle Chenausky
Marie C. Adrian Claremont
Aleyah Monique De La Torre
Katherine Armine Diaz
Macey Victoria Downing
Karla Annette Esparza
Nancy Noemi Espinoza
Martha M. Flores
Jon William Floresca
Daniela L. Franco
Daniel Robert Friedman
Karla Kristine Frietze
Monica Gamez
Diana J. Gomez
Vanessa Gosseck
Angela Danielle Guerra
Eric B. Gutierrez
Celina Leticia Hodges
Patricia Christina Jarmoc
Alfredo Daniel Jurado
Jacqueline Lomeli
April Ranee Loving
Soledad Lucero
Alejandra Martinez
Antonio Mendoza Martinez
Jael Martinez
Kendra Demeka McCray
Jesus Alonso Melendez-Pereyra
Denisse Meza
Nickole A. Miller
Christine Nicole Munoz
Rosa I. Munoz
Kimberly Anne Peuziat
Angelica Ramirez
Ivonne Ruby Reyes
Jaime Eusebio Robles
Francisco J. Rocha
Brenda Lorena Rodarte
Luis Alberto Rubio
Tala Saliba
Rubi I. Santiesteban
Alejandra Munoz Santillana
Enedina Solis
Amanda Kwok-Yu Tse
Randle A. Umeh
Liliana Angelica Valenzuela
Alfonso Vasquez
Alejandro Vazquez
Veronica Villalpando
Eduardo Ivan Villanueva
Nicole Renee Wagner
Amanda Marie Yanez
Jesus Zambrano
Elizabeth Crystal Zubiate
Biological Sciences/Chemistry
Luis Alfonso Barrera
Salomon Hernandez
Jimena Ivonne Aguirre
Alyssa Marie De La Rosa
Melissa Christine Desilets
Gabriela Escalera
Jessie Nakuma Garay
Victoria Eugenia Loya
Alexander Thomas Matney
Elias J. Munoz, III
Noe Perez
Abraham Radovich Komiyama
Adrian Daniel Ugarte
Holly Victoria Villegas
Environmental Science
Sahara Natalia Jordan
Alfred E. Lowe
Anna Cristina Ortiz
Geological Sciences
Lisa Marie Anaya
Augustine Gilbert Garcia
Andrew Avila
Marisol Beltran del Rio
Brenda I. Delgadillo
Carolina Ferrer
Ivan Andres Gatewood
Alberto Isassi
Robin Lerma
Sonia Loya
Juan Manuel Martinez
Sergio A. Padilla
Cesar Omar Ramirez
Maria Guadalupe Rodriguez
Lisa Marie Sanchez
Enrique Urrutia
Jaqueline Alexandra Abogado
Amanda Irene Andrade
Jacqueline Bianca Apodaca
Nora Angelica Benavides
Katie L. Bryant
Rodolfo Rafael Canizales Collazo
Carmen Casillas
Jacob Isaac Contreras
Ryann Danielle Fierro
Patricia Daniela Garcia
Jazmin Gonzalez
Rafael Servando Gonzalez
Susana Elena Gonzalez
Ricardo Herrera
Victor Alfonso Holguin
Ernesto Licon
Karina Ivanna Martinez
Carlos Nieto
Selene Beatriz Raga
Elisa Robles
Valerie Rodriguez
Claudia Sofia Salmon
Paloma Regina Sanchez
Jennifer Lynnette Smith
Jacaranda Solis
Walter Villalobos
Joshua Eldridge Vincent
Nadia Herrera
Zachary Sean Martinez
College of Health Sciences
Bachelor of Science
Clinical Laboratory Science
Martha Rubi Aguirre
Meena Aldouri
Ashley Elise Barceleau
Crystal Antoinette Bolden
Cynthia Chavez
Claudia Ivette Diaz
Clarissa A. Garcia
Yazmin Gaytan
Isabel Graciela Gonzalez
Terresa Marie Gonzalez
Paulina Grisanti
Elisa Holguin
Natali Macias
Timothy William Mallard
Marie Marques
Sylvia Marcela Mejia
Nephtali Ponce
Natalia Quintero
Yllorelle Veronica Rodriguez
Delia Angelica Saenz
Elizabeth Araceli Sanchez
Diana Michelle Silva Diaz
Selena Eiko Takahasi
Maria Isabel Trujillo
Sarahi Valverde
Health Promotion
Jennifer Nicole Black
Amanda Rocio Garcia
Kristen Eileen Hernandez
Valerie LeBlanc
Tameka Rena Sumter
Sylvia Ysasi
Karen Nayeli Acosta
Paul Anthony Adame
Angelica Aguirre
Alfredo Alvarado
David Casillas Angulo
Maria America Armendariz
Marissa Isabelle Baeza
Irasema Barragan
Silvia Wendy Barraza-Sandoval
Jessica Aileen Bock
William S. Boroff
Christina Denise Boutin
Aaron Camacho
Raul German Cantu
Wendy Cazares
Valerie A. Chavez
Emily A. Childs
Oscar Diaz
Hans Lars Olov Eriksson
Joshua Aaron Fong
Eric Franco
Nathan Lee Garrido
Eric Adrian Gomez
Gerrod Donrese Gomez
Silvia Edith Gutierrez
Hadeel Adriana Hamdan
Marco Miguel Hernandez
Imelda Herrera
Laura Rose Hoover
Alejandro Jezbera
Patricio Jiron
Afton Marie Kutzman-Check
Marlene Lara
Minerva Leon
Brianna Veronica Lopez
Mary Beatrice Martin
Andrew Sergio Martinez
Valerie Medina
Amanda Maria Molina
Jessica Murillo
Titus Olayinka Olowe
Jorge Alberto Oropeza
Bianca Ortiz
Bernardo Perez
Evelyn Rodriguez
Jeanette Rodriguez
Claudia Saldivar
Matthew David Segovia
Nicolas Emiliano Sias-Penrod
Ernesto Adrian Silva
Alexandra M. Telles
Elise Jaqueline Urrutia
Jorge Valdez
Mariel Villar
Dawn Kristin Williams
Bachelor of Social Work
Laura Elena Alonzo
Michelle Marlene Alvarado
Jessica Archuleta
Claudia Yvonne Borunda
Maria Elizabeth Canterbury
Laura Margarita Carmona
Brenda Adriana Colunga
Melanie Amanda Delgado
Bernadette M. Dominguez
Jennifer Duran
Daniel Robert Fierro
Laura Susana Flores
Diana Raquel Gomez
Daniel Gonzalez
Magda Hall
Kimberly Heredia
Luz Adriana Ibarra
E. Chrystal Loveless
Priscila Lucio
Griselda Monreal
Cassandra Muro
Alma Veronica Rubio
Corene Marie Seymour
Karla Dayanna Silva
Elizabeth Marie Veloz
Gabriela Villalobos
Laura Zavala
School of Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Jessica Marie Acosta
Octavio Aguilera
Alicia Gabrielle Alexander
Max Todd Allen
Paloma Athena Becker
Carlos Abraham Betance
Sylvia Ann Brzeski
Yadira Ivonne Cabrera
Stephany L. Castillo
Karla Chan
Mayra Sonia De Avila
Cesar Alejandro De la Vega
Magaly Diaz
Cynthia Ann Edgar
Robert William Ewing
Christopher Michael Franco
Irma Gonzalez
Jaclyn Michelle Gresham
Monica Hallak
Omar Adrian Hernandez
Sory Kaba
Kirsten Elizabeth Kadlec
Kimberly Marie Landeros
Daniela Leon
Jun Martinez Mendez
Hilda Elena Martinez-Campos
Reginald McRae
Justine Marie Murray
Kayoko Ogata
Peter Efe Ogbebor
Edmundo Olivas
Jeremy Kainoa Pahukoa-Malia
Alyssa Evangelina Palomino
Sonia Maria Pena
Leslie Justine Pierce
Ana M. Pineda
Jonathan Michael Ramos
Anthony Roger Reedy
Alejandra Rendon
Cathleen Jeanette Reveles
Luisa Alejandra Ruder
Jannette Jacqueline Saenz
Andrea Sanchez
Elizabeth Kay Smith
Alma Lorena Solis-Alba
Claudia Soto
Catherine B. Tarango
Maria Cruz Thomas
Matthew Alexander Uzquiano
Rosa Monique Valenzuela
Carlos Valles
Janetee Shaka Villegas
Ana Maria Woo
Naomi Dawn Yanke
Jacqueline Stevens Yellen
Registered Nurse
Leslie Daniel Andersen
Pamela Dee Anstead
Luisana Argelia Aranda
Katy Michele Arnett
Monina Avalos
Veronica Baltazar
Faith Borunda
Bryan Botello
Paulette Deann Bowker-Wallis
Julianne Aurelia Braudis
Lynda M. Chavez
Laurence Chiu
Martha Angelica Davila
William Isaac Estrada
Marlena Ann Flores
Isabel Teresa Fraire
Jesus Manuel Fraire
Katherine Camille Franklin
Pamela D. Gilbert
Gregory Gladstone
Melinda Ann Guevara
Patricia L. Hood
Maria M. Johnson
Xochitl Lara
Eula V. Lee
Norma C. Luna
Kim L. Martin
Helena Equi Martins
Ronald G. Meza
Kirsten Rose Middleton
Guadalupe Dominguez Najera
Monica Ozaeta
Jennifer P. Pauli
Jennifer J. Penn
Susie Wayman Pyle
Miguel Angel Rodriguez
Marina R. Sabirova
John C. Simmons
Krystal Dawn Subia
Leana Tarin
Twain Patrick Thornton
University honors program
University Honors Degree
University Honors Certificate
Biochemistry and Microbiology
Nadia Herrera
Biology and Chemistry
Christopher J. Molina
Biological Science
Monica Delgado
Christina G. Luna
Luis Rubio
Biology and Electrical Engineering
Sylvia Carroll
Creative Writing, Political Science
and Psychology
Leonel Ruiz
English and American Literature and
Political Science
Rebeca A. Nunez
Celia V. Carzoli
Deborah Hernandez
Interdisciplinary Studies
Sarah A. Martinez
Rodolfo R. Canizales Collazo
Jazmin Gonzalez
Paloma R. Sanchez
Jessica Veliz
Melissa E. Pena
Computer Science
Adrian E. Veliz
Finance and Marketing
Mirian Quevedo
Christina Belio
Interdisciplinary Studies
Luz B. Aguayo
Ernesto Licon
Jennifer L. Smith
Psychology and Sociology
Alejandra S. Dominguez
Graduate School
Doctor of Education
Educational Leadership and
Christopher Edward Avila
Dissertation Title: “Smaller
Learning Communities and Student
Performance at the High School
Belinda A. Lujan
Dissertation Title: “SchoolBased Management in Colorado
Public Schools: The Impact of
Administrative Decision Making
on the Achievement of Low SocioEconomic and Minority Students”
Doctor of Philosophy
Biological Sciences – Pathobiology
Shawn Thomas Dash
Dissertation Title: “A Taxonomic
Revision of the New World
Hypoponera Santschi, 1938
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae)”
Johanny Tonos De Leon
Dissertation Title: “Identification
and Characterization of FKBP52Specific Inhibitors for the Treatment
of Prostate Cancer”
Jaidee Kneeni Zavala
Dissertation Title: “Gender
Differences in the Processing of
Acute and Repeated Emotional
Christina Alvarado
Dissertation Title: “The Reactivity of
Organo-Potassium in Nucleophilic
Sudheer Kumar Molugu
Dissertation Title: “Structural
Investigation of a Chaperonin
Protein Encoded by a Bacteriophage
Civil Engineering
Imad Nasser Abdallah
Dissertation Title: “Strategies to
Improve and Preserve Flexible
Pavements at Intersections”
Manuel Celaya
Dissertation Title: “Evaluation
of Nondestructive Technologies
to Assess Presence and Extent of
Delamination of Hot Mix Asphalt
Airfield Pavements”
Ralph Warren Jensen
Dissertation Title: “Improved
Joining Method for Segmental
Prestressed Structures”
Electrical and Computer
Juan de Dios Cota
Dissertation Title: “ Collaborative
and Distributed Algorithms for
Localization in Wireless Sensor
Networks based on the Solution
of Spatially Constrained Local and
Sub-Local Problems”
Erika Guadalupe Meraz Tena
Dissertation Title: Impulse
Oscillometric Features and
Parsimonious Respiratory Models
Track Small Airway Function in
Hispanic and Anglo Children”
Pablo Rivas Perea
Dissertation Title: “Algorithms
for Training Large-Scale Linear
Programming Support Vector
Regression and Classification”
Environmental Science and
Hiram Armando Castillo-Michel
Dissertation Title: “Accumulation,
Speciation, and Distribution of
Metal(loids) in Plants: Applications
of Synchrotron Techniques in
Environmental Sciences”
Roberto Javier De La Torre-Roche
Dissertation Title: “Analysis of
Endocrine Disrupting Compounds
in Wastewater Treatment Plants: A
Perspective of Trans-Boundary Water
Amit Ugamraj Raysoni
Dissertation Title: “Assessment
of Intra-Urban Traffic-Related Air
Pollution on Asthmatic Children’s
Exposure at schools in the Paso del
Norte Region”
Geological Sciences
Michael Nicholas Feinstein
Dissertation Title: “A Proposed
Epithermal Model for the High
Grade District, California”
Oscar Romero-De La Cruz
Dissertation Title: “Seismological
Studies in South Central Alaska and
Northern Mexico”
Mitchell Ryan Scharman
Dissertation Title: “Structural
and Tectonic Investigations of a
Transpressional System, Chugach
Metamorphic Complex, Southern
Interdisciplinary Health Sciences
Edina Reka Bene
Dissertation Title: “An Investigation
of the Effect of Repeated
Testings and Extra Incentive on
Neurocognitive Performance in NonConcussed Adults”
Patricia M. Juarez-Carrillo
Dissertation Title: “Comparison of
Two Environmental Health Education
Methods to Reduce Exposure to
Residential Pesticides in Hispanic
Households in the U.S.-México
Allyson Judith Horgan
Dissertation Title: “Examination
of Investigative Interviewing
Techniques for Use in Secondary
Screening for Malintent”
Luis Omar Rivera
Dissertation Title: “The Role of
Perceptual Processes in People’s
Willingness to Seek Professional
Healthcare Services”
Brooke Alison Smith
Dissertation Title: “Studying Rape
through a Theoretical Lens: The
Development of a Serial Rape Model
Using FBI Data”
Elizabeth Rose Uhl
Dissertation Title: “Reinforcement
Induced Suggestibility: Its
Developmental Trajectory and
Relation to Individual Differences”
Li Hao Yeh
Dissertation Title: Bilingual Lexical
Interaction on the Resolution of
Relative Clause Attachment
Rhetoric and Composition
Theresa Louise Donovan
Dissertation Title: “Era[c]ing
Diversity: Critical Rhetoric, Racial
Formation, and the New Citizen”
Yowei Kang
Dissertation Title: “Hybrid Interactive
Rhetorical Engagements in Massively
Multiplayer Online Role-Playing
Games (MMORPGs): Examining the
Role of Rhetors and Audiences in
Generative Rhetorical Discourses”
Master of Accountancy
Brandon Matthew Bier
Eileen Saby Carbajal
Stephanie Gail Holen
Eleazar Pando Midoue
Courtney Hearin Rios
Terri Rittmann Rutter
Nicolas Alejandro Valles
Liye Zhou
Master of Arts
Meghana Aleti
Laura Abril Pacheco
Art-Art Education
Melissa Burger
Victor Zavala
Clinical Psychology
Celia Medrano
Yvette Valenzuela
Latin American and Border Studies
Kerry Ann Doyle
English and American Literature
Michael C. Duncan
Jorge A. Gomez
Javier Guerra
John Orrin Hanna
Jorie Grace Licking
Christina Morales
Cecilia A. Ramos
Ira Anthony Walker
Leadership Studies
Joel Ater
Tyler Earl Barnum
Allen James Barron
William Burch
Sergio E. Carrasco
Richard Trent Choron
James Arthur Conway III
Francis Ian D’Allura
Michael Edwin Fisher
Chad Forsythe
Mark Anthony Garcia Sr.
Larisa Gomez-Valdez
Kurt George Hildebrandt
Terrell Jevon Jackson
Cynthia Gabriela Jimenez
Richard Mard
Don Christian Palermo
Govindasamy Parthiban
Mirella Pasillas
Stephen Glen Peterson Jr.
Priscilla Portillo
Carlos Mario Puertas
Mathias Sampson
Jason Shelton
Phillip Eugene Spence Jr.
Justin Richard Stoddard
Marilyn Marie Upton
Irene Gutierrez Valenzuela
David Lawrence Yates II
Gregory Allen Young
Experimental Psychology
David R. Herring
Linguistics-Applied Linguistics
Whitney Russell Krause
Dennis Jason Aguirre
Susannah Estelle Aquilina
Joanna Marie Camacho-Escobar
Cullen J. Haskins
Miguel Juarez Jr.
Monet Nicole Munoz
Lina Maria Murillo
Stephanie Yvonne Parham
Jaime Rene Ruiz
Abraham Zamora
Diana Diaz
Marisol Moreno
Dan W. Morgan
Arthur Alexander Aguirre
Gildas Fanomezantsoa Andriamalala
Patricia Teresa Ayala
Gankhuyag Balbar
Gloria Leticia Bebber
Sanjaa Bolortsetseg
Kandice Nikkole Diaz
Patricia Ann Gonzalez
Angkana Makvilai
Vashti D’Shan Maycock
Sara Elizabeth Sanchez
Margaret Vilomena Noble
Elaina Marie Todd
English: Rhetoric and Writing
Marie Antoinette Aguirre
Jose Luis Gomez
Alma Dalia Rojo
History-US/Mexico Border
Sandra Ivete Enriquez
Shane Ray Epting
John Curtis Foster III
Gareth Paul Fuller
Ricardo Andres Rivera
Political Science
Mark Daube
Carmen Michelle Gonzalez
Won Ha Reyes Gonzalez
Jordyn Elizabeth Haught
Jared K. Hundley
Aldo Adrian Lopez
Azuri L. Ruiz
Oscar Humberto Salcedo
Ijtsuri Anayantzin Viveros
Elias Gonzalez
Alma A. Hernandez
Mary Margaret Nelan
Heriberto Jesus Oronoz
Rosario G. Casillas
Maria Socorro Cedillos
Carlos R. Estrada
Miguel Garcia
Christian Tovar
Viridiana Vidana
Master of Arts in
Interdisciplinary Studies
Oscar Lozoya Sr.
Cesar A. Zamora
Master of Arts in Teaching
Bradford V. Hincher
Constance Sharon Luna
Persis Samanta Beaven
Ruben Carrizales, Jr.
Alma Delia Alvarez
Maria Elsa Pope-Campos
Master of Business
Adrian Alfredo Aguilera
Maria Christina Araujo
Rosana Aroche
Vanessa Balderrama Chavira
Alma Delia Barcenas
Marcio Pizzignacco Barreto
Javier Caraveo
Jesus Jose Chavez
George Robert Coon
Thomas Eric Estrada
Jorge Carlos Garza
Arlae Viridiana Hernandez
Hector Emilio Hernandez Gonzalez, Sr.
Bernhard Hajo Hinrichs
David Odilon Maldonado
Jennifer Ruth Maxwell
Henry John Mineros
Sanket Ramchandra Moharir
Amanda Marie Monroy
Raul Rene Mora
Irene Yolanda Natividad
Miguel Perez
Eduardo Antonio Ramos
Norberto Alonso Rivas
Francisco Javier Rubio
Haruka Sakuma
Victor Sanchez-Saldivar
George A. Sapien
Nina Pia Johanna Schvedoff
Stacie Kathryn Townsend
Analucy Garcia Villarreal
Sofia Carolina Voglewede
Master of Education
Educational Administration
Erika Michelle Anchondo
Luz Irene Apodaca
Laura Leticia Baez
Muhammed Fatih Bogrek
Monica M. Brinkley
Luis Cardenas
Diana J. Davis
Kentyl Cae Edwards
Andrea Quintanar Esparza
Veronica Ericka Galindo-Castor
Jose Francisco Gallegos
Anne Marie Isaac
Jason Perry Lilly
Frank Martinez
Ricardo Porras Jr.
Myrna Quinones
Brenda Pena Quintanilla
Guadalupe Ramirez
Bianca Nicole Rodriguez
Jocelyn Scott
Elizabeth Ann Speed
Mark Anthony Teran
Rudy Greg Trejo
Christina L A Vanderlinden
Educational Diagnostician
Hsin Ju Chen
Guidance and Counseling
Gizelle Alvarado
Gayle Diane Arnold
Yvonne Gardea
Hilda Violeta Guerra
Debbie S. Long
Laura A. Lopez-Hernandez
Beatrice Macias
Ana Laura Molina
Sonia Angelica Ortega
Melissa Ortiz
Michael Anthony Perez
Monica Lorraine Quezada
Fernando Reyes
Corinna Scott
Jaime Silva
Katherine Denise Tapia
Charles William Wessel, III
Instructional Specialist
Maria Isabel Acosta Bernal
Fabian Jesus Aguilar
Maria Esther Aguilar
Olivia Perches Aguilar
Melissa Arlene Alvarez
Diana Mercedes Arellano
Becky Avila
Karen Patrice Bedell
Aleberta R. Buenaventura
Amber Regina Calvin
Sandra Cecilia Camacho
Sandra Carrillo
Edna Lilia Castillo
Saray Chapa
Nora Chavez
Manuel Colorado, Jr.
Paola Cecilia Cordero
Elisa Cumplido
Patricia Alvarado de Mendoza
Claudia Isabel Del Hierro
Amanda Lea Diaz
Gabriela Adriana Diaz
Isela O. Diaz
Northa Lee Dobbins
Stacy Rae Dominguez
Marcela Calderon Duran
Katherine Ramona Escandon
Pedro Miguel Espinoza
Nancy Esqueda
Vilma Maria Fajardo
Natalie Fernandez
Narda Marisela Flores
Rebecca Helen Flores
Silvia Flores
Monica Gallegos
Bianca Raquel Garcia
Miriam Elizabeth Gardea
Claudia Gomez
Yiesenia Gomez
Patricia Gonzalez
Yanel Gonzalez
Erica Guerrero
Daisy Rocio Gutierrez
Azucena Guzman
Margarita Hall
Jeri Marie Hallberg Harmon de
Jaime S. Huerta
Juanita Huerta
Gabriela Iglesias
Erika Imhoff
Paola Jackson
Alfred Leonardo Jasso Jr.
Monica Landeros
Judith Lara Reyes
Stephanie Anne Legarreta
Miriam Lerma
Siang Chng Lim
Rocky Edward Loggins
Mark Dumlao Lorilla
Martha Alicia Luckett
Carlos Martinez
Jose Alberto Mata
Delia Yunnuen Mclaughlin
Christy Mendoza
Stephanie Gloria Morales
Myrna Munoz
Luz Maria Nevarez
Angel Novelo
Jesse J. Ochoa
Laura Lorenie Orozco
Tracy Pace
Maria D. Pajarito
Monique Mary Grace Penner
Sergio Manuel Peralta, Sr.
Bertha Alicia Pineda
Jenny Annette Porras
Jose Manuel Ramirez
Josefina Ramirez
Liliana H. Ramirez
Julia Jean Reeves
Juan Manuel Reyes
Virginia Reyes
Patricia Eunice Rios
Sarah Danielle Rocha
Daisy Rodriguez
John Rodriguez
Paul Michael Rodriguez
Janette Rueda
John Vincent Salas
Virginia Sano
Melissa Marie Santiago
Ruth Evelyn Shirley
Agustin Sosa
Roberta Dawn Stout
Juan Rafael Torres
Cristina Urquiza
Cecarea Teresa Valdez
Lee Vasquez
Joel Jesus Villegas
Magda Elena White
Allyson Victoria Wiest
Sarah Nicole Woods
Reading Education
Christine Marie Cox
Valerie Paula Huizar
Claudia Mudloff
Special Education
Christopher Matthew Akers
Ernie Delgado
Sephra Elizabeth Farias
Matthew Wayne Surber
Master of Fine Arts
Creative Writing
Silvana Ayala Pelaez
Ana Lourdes Cardenas
Byron Wade Cross
Sahalie Saecker Hashim
Arturo Javier Lechuga
Hector Hugo Montero Quintero
Tanya Marie Robertson
Lucia Sanchez-Llorente
Master of Music
Music Education
Efrain Ezequiel Munguia
Master of Physical Therapy
Sarah Frances Anderson
Magnolia Urbano Dela Cruz
Jonathan Franco
Tara Laneil Garza
Lilia Ayde Gonzalez
Paulina Herrera
Christopher Jimenez
Kevin Donohue Jones
Carla A. Kriegbaum
Christopher Wayne Mallett
Stephanie Jocelyn Marmolejo
Desiree D. Munoz
Mayra Carolina Navarrete
Rachel Marie Schaeffer
Master of Public
Dani Rene Acosta
Claudia Janet Cardoza
Benjamin Elliot Fyffe
Cindy Hernandez
Michelle B. Kistenmacher
Erick Eduardo Klemchak
Jennifer L. Pence
Fred Joseph Perea
Paula Jo Powell
Sonam Wangmo
Master of Public Health
Julie Anne Krill
Rosina Rodarte
Master of Science
Biological Sciences
Lorena Yajahira De Los Santos
Mariana Vargas Medrano
Civil Engineering
Abubaker Ali Alamailes, Sr.
Edel Gabriel Arrieta
Sandra June Everett
Hector Antonio Hernandez, Jr.
Shahram Misaghi-Bonabi
Derrick O’Hara
Computational Science
Juan Clemente Juaquin Aguilar
Carlos Andres Ramirez Villamarin
Reinaldo Sanchez Arias
Uram Anibal Sosa Aguirre
Computer Engineering
Carlos Guillermo Beas, Jr.
Horacio Resendiz, Jr.
Computer Science
Bivas Das
Ondrej Nebesky
Carolina del Pilar Cerda
Mario Elizalde
David Alan Juarez
Adrian Christopher Villasenor
Katherine Christena White
Electrical Engineering
Ricardo Baca
Marco Antonio Barrera Cruz
Luis Enrique Bonilla
Oscar Del Real
Alba Alicia Diebel
Srinivasa Tejarka Emani
Fernanda De Souza Leite
Noel Felipe Marquez Arciba
Patrick Isaac Puga
Humberto Santacruz
Pedro Arturo Espinoza
Hugo Gomez
Ivan Roberto Reyes
Environmental Science
Jerald James Brady, III
Ingrid Briseida Camacho Araujo
George Walker Johnson
Geological Sciences
Abdusalam Ali Agail
Mariana Guereque
Victor Manuel Avila
Industrial Engineering
Miguel Alberto Acosta
Luis R. Castillo
Griselda Cheda
Cesar Alberto Jimenez
Devon X. Johnson
Nestor Yamel Ramirez
Claudia Evangelina Valles Sosa
Alberto Vargas
Intelligence and National Security
Chandra Starr Barcinas
Pedro Arturo Dominguez
Karina Aidee Enriquez
Giovanni Amy Guerra
Rafael Lerma, Jr.
Elizabeth Natera
Benito Fernando Perez
Christiaan Renee
Francisco Salgado
Matthew Thomas Taylor
Elisabeth Inge Cavegn
Maricarmen Vizcaino
Manufacturing Engineering
Augusto Cesar Daumas
Acny Esau Garcia
Victor Manuel Lara, Sr.
Julio Cesar Orozco
Jonatan Esau Paredes
Pedro Paredes
Shahrbanoo Daneshtalab
Jennifer L. Love
Alexandra Macedo
Mechanical Engineering
Pedro Renato Acosta Herrera
Sunny Sharad Ambure
Carlos Eduardo Castillo
Luis Carlos Holguin
Brenda Lizzet Mota
Sandeep Reddy Peddamailla
Daniel Reyna Soriano
Jesus Lucio Valles
Metallurgical and Materials
Monica Adriana Torres
Alma Rosa Vazquez
Churna B. Bhandari
Elsa Castillo
Kanokporn Chattrakun
Erik Rodrigo Valdes-Estrada
Speech-Language Pathology
Amanda Beth Allen
Nadia Bordier
Anna Lilia Garcia
Esnire A. Gomez
Natalie Crystal Montoya
Krista Alexis Ortiz
Princess Arcelia Puga
Ashlee D. Regan
Elizabeth Reyes
Carly Ruth Robalin
Valerie Jo Sanchez
Lorie Ann Watson
Systems Engineering
Hugo Alejandro Almaraz
Maria Del Rosario Anaya
Victor A. Caraveo
Javier Alejandro Flores
Jose De Jesus Hernandez
Nayeth Pamela Herrera
Mark G. Sassenfeld
Master of Science in
Information Technology
Harish Kumar Bayyavarapu
Adriana Corral
Jyothi Gunnam
Michael William Kolstad
Pradeep Reddy Madduri
Ivan David Miranda
Edevaldo J. Orozco
Carol Brigitte Rivera
Pradeep K. Venishetti
Master of Science in
Interdisciplinary Studies
Claudia Isabel Ortega
Gabriel Valles, Jr.
Master of Science in Nursing
Nurse Clinical Specialist
Mansurah Ibironke Adams
Carla Jean Ellis
Raceli Lastimosa Gibson
Irene Rodriguez Lugo
Tonya Maddox
Sandra Irene Mendoza
Christopher James Smallwood
Armando Sosa
Nursing Practitioner
Alexis Jimenez
Lirio Elizabeth Lopez-Urias
Gabriela Martinez
Nursing Systems Management
Charleen C. Mcneill
Angel R. Pina
Master of Public Health
Cooperative UTEP-The University
of Texas Health Science Center at
Houston School of Public Health
Ramu Gudigantala
Laura Jeanpierre Raymundo Lozano
Azucena Madani Leonard Monks
Martha C. Ochoa
Beremise Rivera
Kristine Rubio
Fernando Sanchez Kamie Semaan
Hugo Villarreal
Doctor of Pharmacy
UTEP-UTA Cooperative Pharmacy
Veronica E. Baeza
Oscar Chavez
Marisa Nicole Galan
Stephanie K. Gonzalez
Ahmed R. Jallad
Eryn N. Kennedy
Crystle L. Lopez
Claudia D. Maldonado
Heather N. Manns
Steven L. McLemore
Jenny L. Nelson
Federico Ramirez, Jr.
Sandra S. Renteria
Honors Candidates
May 2011
College of Business
Gloria Elizabeth
Julieta Arredondo
Rasha Ahmad Al-Najdawi
Belen Ruby Arriaga
Adolfo A. Alvarez
Pamela Azaeta
Carlos Carrasco
Lisett Badillo
Timothy Darryl Flosi
Bianca Baily
Anthony M. Hart
Gloria Banda
Willard Keith Hill
Rachel Dominique Battle
Nasser A. Ikhlail
Tiffany L. Brooker
Dimitry C. Isita
Ruby Buendia
Marcela Jaquez Tarin
Iris Irene Cadena
Rebekah Marie Jay
Luz Elena Campbell
Natalia Kovtunova
Maria Guadalupe Cantu
Deborah Martinez V
Joanna J. Casey
Gloria Maria Mejia
Karen Selene Castillo
Alejandra Mendez Castro
Griselda Champagne
Alejandra Montalvo
Leticia Isabel Chavez
Karla Karina Mora
Lorena Chavez
Alejandro Munoz
Brenda Chavez
Vicente Ortega
Irma Olga Chavira
Ada Luz Paniagua
Rebecca Lynn Clarke
Marian Consuelo
Mariel Mireles Contreras
Monica D. Cortez
Alicia Rodriguez
Myra Cuevas
Michael P. Scott
Gail Kathleen Danberry
Elizabeth Ann Sobczak
Deanna Sue Davis
Patrick David Solis
Teresa D. De La Cruz
Jeremy Shane Springer
Rosario De los Santos
Matthew Robert Taylor
Barbara Delgado
Edgar Israel
Brittney Elyse Devine
Silvia Dorador
Maria A. Escobedo
Adrian Viramontes
Nathalia Vota Echavarri Amanda J. Fernandez
Blady Fernandez
College of Education Nailea Antonella
Vilma L. Acosta
Norma Figueroa
Laura Alejandra Acuna
Angelica Flores
Teresa Adovasio
Mardeny Flores
Aurora Aguilar
Michelle Christine Flores
Shawn Michell Albo
Wendy Lynn Gaglione
Carolina Elsie Aloma
Carolina Garcia
Liz Abigail Alonso
Daniel Garcia
Juana G. Alvarado
Jenny Garcia
Rocio E. Alvarado
Gabriela Yolanda Garcia
Diana Maria Aragon
Adriana Garcia
Kristine Marie Gonzalez
Celeste Desire Guevara
Chelsea Kay Haarstad
Christina M. Hendershot
Elizabeth P. Heredia
Kimber Leigh Hirsch
Azusena Huizar
Melanie Amber Irrobali
Monica Cristina Linden
Valerie Ann Lopez
Jacqueline Annette Lopez
Cindy Lopez
Sandy Lopez
Maria G. Loury
Priscilla Loya
Monica Leticia Marquez
Lilibeth Medina
Guadalupe Mendieta
Delfina Montana
Norma Velia Montes
de Lopez
Ashley Nicole Munoz
Vanessa Elizabeth Munoz
Marta Rocio Olivas
Gloria Paulina Olmos
Lourdes Ordonez
de Castillo
Aurora Elena
Silvia L. Orozco
Melissa Palacios
Stephanie Lynn Paoli
Alexias Altalucille Pena
Natalie Pichardo
Maribel Quezada
Olivia Quinones
Yuzuky Ramirez
Carmen Veronica
Nora Regalado
Zaira Lizeth Renteria
Noemi Ribot Munoz
Oscar Rodriguez
Gabriel Rojas
Ruth Romero
Amanda D. Rubio
Maria R. Salas
Patricia Samaniego
Roxanne Nicole
Denise Bentancourt
Marcela Sanchez
Cynthia Santillano
Rebecca L. Shindo
Cristina Silerio
Jessica Claudette Silva
Rocio Silvestre
Claudia M. Telles
Omar Teran
Patricia Tonche
Kristine Valadez
Liliana Veronica Valadez
Jade Valdez
Deborah Marie
Krystal Valles
Stephanie Dianne Vega
Minerva Velez
Gloria Vidana
College of
Arturo Acosta-Zamora
Robert Gabriel
Ivon Armida Ayala
Baltazar Betancourt
Enrique Busquets
Isaac Campos Flores
Carlos Carmona
Sylvia Carroll
Shaddy R. Castillo
Jose Juan Chavez
Martin Alejandro
De la Torre
Steven Andrew
Del Gaizo
Samuel John Dixon
Lizeth Fraire
Shane Louis Fuller
Christopher Genera
Tony John Martinez
Gregory Carl Maus
Joshua C. McKee
Edith Montes
Hector Hugo Moreno
Jacob Henry Ontiveros
Marcos G. Pacheco
Nicholas Henry Paine
Jaime Parra
Israel Prieto
Ernesto Javier Rubio
David Alberto Saenz
Yair Saenz
Ember Leanne Stone
Adrian Edward Veliz
Luis Humberto
College of Liberal
Juan Christian Acevedo
Celia Aguilar
Martha Yahareli Aguilera
Marcela Aguirre
Miranda E. Alvarez
Jessica Armendariz
Wendy Alexandra Avalos
Arturo Molinar Avitia
Christina Belio
Anelisa Benavides
Tobias Block
Laura Anne Bombach
Matthew Robert Brame
Dawn Gaye Brooks
Briana Stephanie
College of Health
Adela Carr
Celia Victoria Carzoli
Meena Aldouri
Jason Michael Casey
Laura Elena Alonzo
Nancy Cavazos
Jessica Aileen Bock
Crystal Antoinette
Bihong Chang
Paola Chavez
Aaron Camacho
Sean P. Conroy
Laura Margarita
Clarence Leon Court
Humberto Cruz
Claudia Ivette Diaz
Cassandra Suzanne
Hans Lars Olov Eriksson
Daniel Robert Fierro
Michael S.
Laura Susana Flores
Joshua Aaron Fong
Alejandra Sarai
Amanda Rocio Garcia
Diana Raquel Gomez
Christine Anne Endlich
Eric Adrian Gomez
Annai Escobedo
Daniel Gonzalez
Jeremy A. Espinoza
Magda Hall
Thomas F. Finnegan
Kimberly Heredia
Heidy Aidee Flores
Marco Miguel
Jesse R. Flores
Mayra Gisel Flores
Afton M. Kutzman
Marlene Lara
Martin Ignatius Gallegos
Andrew Sergio Martinez Carla Yvonne Garcia
Cassandra Muro
Laurie Michel Garcia
Yllorelle Veronica
Luis Omar Garcia
Luzmarina Garcia
Evelyn Rodriguez
Lydia Berenice Garcia
Maria Isabel Trujillo
Frank E. Gomez
Elizabeth Marie Veloz
Eric Michael Gonzales
Erika Gonzalez
Areli Guajardo
Adriana Gutierrez
Matthew John Harding
Deborah Hernandez
Michael R. Hernandez
Noemi Hewitt
Dolores Annette
Alan A. Jimenez
Christopher Scott Jolley
Michelle S. Kaiser
Paul David LaPrade
Rosemary Lazarin
Michelle Marie Lee
Christine Louise Lemon
Elizabeth Michelle
Eileen Marie Lopez
Alejandro Alberto Lopez
Alejandra Macias
Brenda Martinez
Jesus C. Martinez
Damaris Alejandra
Justin Anthony Monarez
Matthew J. Munden
Alessandra NarvaezVarela
Daniel Aaron Natividad
Rebeca Anna Nunez
Sara Isabel Oaxaca
Abigail A. O’Leary
Belinda Jo Olivares
Crystal Orozco
Celina Osuna
Arlina Palacios
Melissa E. Pena
Bianca Ramirez
Gabriela Ramirez
Michael Patrick Reese
Louis Andres Reyes
Michael Paul Rios
Megan A. Rivera
Lorena Mondragon
Cynthia Marie Rojas
Karla Alejandra Rosas
Karla Ruiz
Leonel Ruiz
Rosario Margarita Ruiz
Susane Theresa Salazar
Mathew Joseph Sanchez
Cilda Sandoval
Christina Richelle
Claudia Elodia Terrazas
Jesus Arturo Torres
Ana M. Trillo
Jose Luis Valdez
Fatima Valles
Sabrina Vargas-Ortiz
Jennifer Ann Vega
Davida Danielle Washer
Tiffany Amorette Young
Carlos Valles
Naomi Dawn Yanke
Jacqueline Stevens
College of Science
Jaqueline Alexandra
Fernando A. Alarcon
Amanda Irene Andrade
Andrew Avila
Marisol Beltran del Rio
Monica Elena Benjamin
Katie L. Bryant
Jodie Dawn Callison
Rodolfo Rafael Canizales
Sylvia Carroll
School of Nursing
Jacob Isaac Contreras
Leslie Daniel Andersen
Melissa Christine Desilets
Pamela Dee Anstead
Katherine Armine Diaz
Luisana Argelia Aranda
Macey Victoria Downing
Katy Michele Arnett
Karla Annette Esparza
Monina Avalos
Nancy Noemi Espinoza
Paloma Athena Becker
Julianne Aurelia Braudis Karla Kristine Frietze
Ivan Andres Gatewood
Sylvia Ann Brzeski
Jazmin Gonzalez
Yadira Ivonne Cabrera
Angela Danielle Guerra
Cesar Alejandro
Eric B. Gutierrez
De la Vega
Celina Leticia Hodges
William Isaac Estrada
Alberto Isassi
Katherine Camille
Alfredo Daniel Jurado
Ernesto Licon
Gregory Gladstone
Omar Adrian Hernandez Alfred E. Lowe
Karina Ivanna Martinez
Patricia L. Hood
Alexander Thomas
Sory Kaba
Kirsten Elizabeth Kadlec
Cristina Ortiz
Kim L. Martin
Lorena Rodarte
Kirsten Rose Middleton
Justine Marie Murray
Monica Ozaeta
Alberto Rubio
Jennifer P. Pauli
Regina Sanchez
Sonia Maria Pena
Susie Wayman Pyle
Jennifer Lynnette Smith
Krystal Dawn Subia
Jacaranda Solis
Twain Patrick Thornton
Randle A. Umeh
Rosa Monique
Amanda Marie Yanez
Marcela Aguirre
Communication Studies
Humberto Cruz
Political Science & Latin American Studies
Monica Delgado
Biological Sciences
Melissa Christine Desilets
Katherine Armine Diaz
Biological Sciences
Jose Domingo Guerra
Finance & Accounting
Alejandro Muñoz
Finance & Accounting
Rocio Jeanette Orozco
Luis Alberto Rubio
Biological Sciences
Rubi Karina Yañez
Interdisciplinary Studies: Mathematics 4-8
Student Honors
Members of the Graduating Class
Men and Women of Mines
Marcela Aguirre
Amber Calvin
Humberto Cruz
Diana Gomez
Jazmin Gonzalez
Nadia Herrera
Leonel Ruiz
Paloma Sanchez
Samuel Urquiza
Who’s Who Among Students
in American Colleges and Universities
Amber Calvin
Humberto Cruz
Gina Carrion
Diana Gomez
Jazmin Gonzalez
Nadia Herrera
Wayne Landry, III
Pablo Padilla
Ramiro Pinon
Leonel Ruiz
Paloma Sanchez
Samuel Urquiza
ROTC Commission as Second Lieutenant
United States Army
Casandra D. Adams
Tiffany D. Adams
Julia L. Arreola
Jonathan I. Boggs
Alejandro Carreon
Michael W. Collins
Ashley N. Dailey
Yadira D. Dante
Manuel J. Delcastillo
Pedro A. Dominguez
Thomas F. Finnegan
Maureen Gibson
Gerrod D. Gomez
Willard K. Hill
Victor A. Holguin
Efrain Jimenez
Aaron N. Johnson
Bradley A. Lane
Xavier A. Lombardo
Eduardo Lopezayala
Vincent E. Mccormick
Daniel R. Mottsmith
Imad S. Odeh
Kurtis H. Schuldt
John Urquidi
Alan Valle
Honors Regalia
University Academic Honors candidates are recognized by cords with the following designations:
Summa Cum Laude (Highest Honors).....................................................................................Gold
3.9 - 4.0
3.8 - 3.89
Magna Cum Laude (High Honors).........................................................................................White
Cum Laude (Honors)...................................................................................................College Color
3.5 - 3.79
Business Administration........................................................................................................................................Drab
Education.......................................................................................................................................................Light Blue
Engineering....................................................................................................................................................... Orange
Health Sciences.................................................................................................................................................. Salmon
Liberal Arts.................................................................................................................................................... Royal Blue
Science....................................................................................................................................................Golden Yellow
Honors Degree ............................................................................................................................................ Gold Stole
Honors Certificate...................................................................................................................................................Lilac
Honors Senior Thesis................................................................................................................................. Dark Green
College of Education
Chi Sigma Iota - Blue/White..............................................................................National Counseling Honor Society
Kappa Delta Pi..............................................................................................International Education Honor Society
Double Gold
3.9 - 4.0
Double White
3.8 - 3.89
3.5 - 3.79
3.25 - 3.49
College of Engineering
Alpha Pi Mu - White Cowl............................................................................ Industrial Engineering Honor Society
Alpha Sigma Mu - Yellow ............................................................................ Materials Engineering Honor Society
Chi Epsilon - Purple Cowl........................................................................National Civil Engineering Honor Society
Eta Kappa Nu - Red/Blue................................................................ National Electrical Engineering Honor Society
Pi Tau Sigma - White Cowl.........................................................National Mechanical Engineering Honor Society
College of Liberal Arts
Iota Iota Iota - Lavender ................................................................................. Honor Society for Women’s Studies
Lambda Pi Eta - White/Red..................................................................................... Communication Honor Society
Phi Alpha Theta - Red/Blue . ...................................................................................National History Honor Society
Pi Sigma Alpha - Red/White/Black with a Red/White Medallion.........National Political Science Honor Society
Psi Chi - Gold Double Cords with Blue/Gold Tassels.................................. National Honor Society in Psychology
University Honor Societies/Programs
Alpha Chi - Royal Blue/Emerald Green....................................... National Honor Society for Juniors and Seniors
Alpha Lambda Delta - Red, White and Gold Honor Cords...............................................National Honor Society
for Freshmen Year Students
Mortar Board - Silver/Gold or Gold Medallion/White Ribbon..............................National Senior Honor Society
National Order of Omega - Gold/Black....................................................................National Greek Honor Society
National Society of Collegiate Scholars - Gold/Maroon or Gold Sash (officers)......................... National Society
of Collegiate Scholars for First and Second Year Students
Phi Kappa Phi - Navy Blue/Gold...........................................................................................National Honor Society
University Honors Council - Royal Blue/Orange................................................... Honors Program Honor Society
Prior to 1980, The University
of Texas at El Paso (and its
predecessors, the Texas College
of Mines and Metallurgy and
Texas Western College) borrowed
regalia for ceremonial occasions.
In 1980, Drama Department
faculty member C.L. Etheridge
suggested that the time had come
for UTEP to have its own unique
regalia. President Haskell Monroe
established the University Heritage
Commission to raise funds for
the creation of official regalia, to
include a mace, chains of office
for the President and the Vice
President for Academic Affairs,
a UTEP banner and seal, and a
banner and seal for each of the
A University seal, depicting
El Paso’s sun, mountains and
river, had been created for
Texas Western College in
1949 by renowned local artist
José Cisneros. This seal was
incorporated into the official
heraldic layout for the University
banner designed by Art
Department faculty member Sally
Bishop Segal, who also designed
seals for the colleges of Liberal
Arts, Science, Nursing and Allied
Health (now the College of Health
Sciences), and the Graduate
School. Albert Ronke, Drama
Department faculty member,
designed the seals for the colleges
of Business Administration,
Education, and Engineering. All
eight seal designs in their heraldic
layout were then crafted into
fabric by Esther “Terrie” Cornell.
In 2001, the seals for Engineering,
Business and Health Sciences were
updated by Sally Segal to reflect
new programs offered by those
UTEP alumnus James Love
created the Chain of Office for the
President, consisting of eight seals
reproduced on two-inch-diameter
enameled disks; the Chain of
Office for the Vice President
for Academic Affairs; and the
University Mace.
C.L. Etheridge developed
the ceremonial rituals used in
University commencement since
Among the many traditions
associated with commencement,
the presentation of the
ceremonial University and
College banners symbolizes the
accomplishments of the graduates
whom we honor on this occasion
and the University’s commitment
to their success. Each banner
bears a unique seal placed on a 4
x 6-foot heraldic field, or saltire,
and each incorporates symbols
and colors that define it:
University Banner
Colors: Orange, White and Blue
Symbols: Open Book – the learning
process; the Sun, Mountains and River
– the city of El Paso; Star – The Lone Star
of Texas; Laurel Branch – high academic
achievement; Oak Branch – solidity and
learning process and literacy
Business Administration
Color Stripes denote disciplines within
liberal arts: Brown for Fine Arts, Crimson
for Journalism, Pink for Music, Dark Blue
for Philosophy, Violet for Psychology,
Scarlet for Religion, Citron for Social
Work and Silver Gray for Speech and
Colors: Brown - Business and Accounting
Copper - Economics
Symbols: Flame - depicts knowledge and
enlightenment; Miner’s pick - represents
unity with the University’s identity;
Column - symbolic of strength and an
emblematic inference to the importance
of international accreditation; Scroll
- associated with commerce and
contracting; Laurel branches - denote
academic and professional success;
Globe -international
Color: Light Blue
Symbols: Lamp – lamp of learning; Book
– learning and literacy; Sigma – Greek
symbol for “all-encompassing”; Book,
Ruler and Compass – the tools of learning
Color: Dark Orange
Symbols: Castle Structure – civil
engineering; Gear – mechanical
engineering; Bolt of Lightning
– electrical engineering; Hammer and
Assaying Scale – metallurgical and
mining engineering; Human Form
– industrial engineering; Computer Card
and Binary Numbers – computer science
Health Sciences
Colors: Apricot – Nursing
Green – Healing Arts
Symbols: Dark Red Field – blood
of life; White Shield and Red Cross
– humanitarian aid; Human Figure
– physical care and therapy; Beaker,
Needle and Test Tube – laboratory
research and application
Liberal Arts
Color: White – Humanities, Arts and Letters
Symbols: Alpha/Omega – first and last
letters of Greek alphabet symbolizing
the scope of studies in Liberal Arts;
Torch – knowledge; Open Book – the
Color: Golden Yellow
Symbols: Clouds/Sky – the atmosphere
surrounding the earth; Globe – earth
and geography; Methane Molecule
– chemistry, biology and physics; Five
Mathematical Symbols – basic and
higher math concepts; Tree – the history
of science; and the Mountains, Earth
and Strata – geology
Graduate School
Colors: University colors of Orange,
White and Blue and other colors from
academic areas offering graduate study
Symbols: Rainbow – the spectrum of
disciplines forming the Graduate School;
Star – the Lone Star of Texas and the
skyward direction of the flames; Pan of
Flames – group knowledge; and Laurel
Branches – high academic achievement
Color: Apricot
Symbols: Maltese Cross - exceptional
service to humanity; Lamp of
Knowledge - tribute to Florence
Nightingale; Eternal Flame - lifelong
quest for knowledge; Laurel Leaves
- honor; “Corpus Sanare” - healing the
body; Burnt Orange Ring - School of
Nursing becomes part of The University
of Texas System in 1972; Columbia Blue
and Navy Blue - past and present shades
of blue designated as official colors; Stars
- the State of Texas with Miner orange.
The mace, originally a weapon
of combat, has been associated
with civil and academic ceremonies
from at least the 14th century,
and symbolizes the authority and
dignity of office.
The University Mace is made
of materials indigenous to this
region. The head of the Mace,
which is joined to the shaft by the
University Seal, consists of a group
of flanges which are made of silver
and gold-plated copper; within
these is mounted a rose quartz
stone. The design resembles an
abstract flower bud, with the rose
quartz about to break through
the flanges that surround it. This
symbolizes the attainment of
knowledge, the student’s growth
from novice to scholar.
The tradition of the gown, cap
and hood worn at UTEP events
dates back to universities in the
Middle Ages, when such garments
had very practical applications. The
gown and hood kept the chill away
as students and teachers labored
in halls of learning that were often
damp and drafty.
Originally, the mortar board, or
flat square cap, was a hat which,
when removed, provided its wearer
with a flat writing surface. Writing
instruments and paper were kept
in the long sleeves of the gown.
Until modern times, caps and
gowns were made of black fabric
to illustrate the gravity of learning.
Although today’s gowns, caps and
tassels are available in a variety
of colors, the symbolism of color
remains. For example, students
who graduate from UTEP wear a
tassel whose color represents the
college from which they receive
their degrees.
The hood drapes over the
shoulders and is worn by those
who have earned a master’s or
doctoral degree. It consists of a
black shell, lined in satin, and bears
the color of the institution that
conferred the degree. The hoods
worn by UTEP graduates have an
orange lining crossed with a white
chevron. The velvet on the border
bears the color of the field of
learning in which the degree was
Commencement Stoles
The University of Texas at El
Paso Alumni Association honors
the Faculty and Student Marshals,
Banner Bearers and University
Banner Bearer with a white satin
stole bearing the 100,000th
Commemorative Class Medallion
and Alumni Association logo.
Inaugurated in May 2004, the
stoles are proudly worn by students
who were selected to represent
their college based on their
exceptional academic achievement.
The University Banner Bearer
— selected based on academic
achievement, leadership and
campus involvement — is
considered the highest honor
bestowed upon a student during
commencement. This student
follows the Grand Marshal and
leads the college banners in the
processional. The University Banner
Bearer is the second to receive their
diploma in their respective college.
In the second phase of the
processional, undergraduate and
graduate Student Marshals lead
their fellow candidates and are the
first in their college to receive their
The College Banner Bearers
carry their college banner and
lead their college in the second
phase of the processional. These
students are second in their college
to receive their diploma except
in the college represented by the
University Banner Bearer.
Class Medallion
The first class medallion was
created to commemorate UTEP’s
100th Commencement ceremony
in May 1998 at the Sun Bowl
featuring The Honorable George
W. Bush, then Governor of Texas.
Because of the medallion’s
popularity, University officials
decided to create a Class Medallion
for each year’s graduating class
starting in the new millennium.
The proceeds from the sale of these
medallions go to the Medallion
Endowed Scholarship Fund. The
sale of the medallions has endowed
the scholarship fund to ensure
opportunities for future students.
Now in their thirteenth year,
the medallions have become
a tradition and part of the
regalia worn by graduates at
commencement ceremonies.
All candidates for graduation
in the Spring Class of 2011 will
receive a complementary 100,000th
Medallion to commemorate
their participation in this historic
milestone on May 14, 2011. The
design of this Medallion represents
the 100,000th degree to be
awarded during the ceremony. Therefore, all candidates are
recipients of the University’s
100,000th degree.
To honor the Class of 2011
Spring Semester graduates, Mining
Minds, the iconic piece of public
art installed in 2010 to enhance
the entrance of the University
of Texas at El Paso campus, will
glow in orange and blue through
the weekend of commencement.
Michael Clapper, sculptor who
created Mining Minds, honored
President Diana Natalicio by
selecting and converting into binary
code on the pick the final lines from
her Fall 2008 Convocation remarks:
Believe in yourself and in your
dreams. Believe in UTEP and its
aspirations. Share the dream!
At night, light illuminates the
steel structure, while LED’s emanate
from the perforated ones and zeros
at each end of the pick. On special
occasions, including historic dates,
annual milestones and to celebrate
special accomplishments, the pick
illuminates the campus’ entrance.
The majestic pix-axe sculpture
is located in the roundabout
at University Avenue and Sun
Bowl Drive, in front of the UTEP
La Universidad de Texas en El
Paso, al igual que sus antecesoras,
Texas College of Mines and
Metallurgy y Texas Western College,
pedían prestados los trajes que
se usaban en algunas ocasiones
solemnes que tuvieron lugar antes
de 1980. En el verano de dicho
año, el profesor C.L Etheridge,
miembro del cuerpo docente del
Departamento de Arte Dramático,
sugirió que ya era hora de que
UTEP contara con sus propios
trajes de ceremonia. El Presidente
Haskell Monroe fundó la Comisión
Patrimonial de la Universidad con el
fin de recaudar fondos destinados
a la creación de una serie de
elementos decorativos oficiales,
que incluirían un bastón de mando,
collares emblemáticos de los
cargos de Rector y Vicerrector de
Asuntos Académicos, el estandarte
universitario y el escudo, así como
estandartes y escudos para cada una
de las facultades.
En 1949, el renombrado pintor
paseño José Cisneros creó un
escudo universitario para Texas
Western College. Más tarde, se
incluyó el escudo que representaba
el sol, las montañas y el río de El
Paso en el diseño heráldico oficial
del estandarte de la universidad,
diseñado por la profesora y pintora
Sally Bishop, quién también creó
los diseños de los emblemas
para las facultades de Artes
Liberales, Ciencias, Enfermería y
Ciencias Afines (actual facultad
de Ciencias de la Salud), y la
Escuela de Graduados. A su vez,
Albert Ronke, profesor de arte
dramático y escenógrafo, concibió
los diseños de los escudos para las
Facultades de Administración de
Empresas, Educación e Ingeniería.
Los ocho diseños de los escudos
y su disposición heráldica fueron
plasmados en tela por Esther
“Terrie” Cornell. En el 2001,
los escudos de la Facultad de
Ingeniería, de Administración de
Empresas y de Ciencias de la Salud
fueron rediseñados para que se
incluyeran los nuevos programas
ofrecidos por dichas facultades.
Un ex-alumno, James Love,
artista y joyero de El Paso, elaboró
el collar del cargo oficial de
Rector, que comprendía ocho
escudos reproducidos sobre discos
esmaltados de dos pulgadas de
diámetro, así como el collar de
cargo de Vicerrector de Asuntos
Académicos y el bastón de mando
de la Universidad.
Los procedimientos y
procesiones ceremoniales que se
siguen actualmente fueron ideados
por C.L Etheridge y fueron puestos
en práctica desde 1981.
Entre las diversas tradiciones
relacionadas con la Ceremonia de
Graduación, la presentación de
los estandartes ceremoniales de
la Universidad y de las Facultades
simboliza los logros alcanzados
por los graduados a los cuales
honramos en cada ocasión, así como
el compromiso de la Universidad
para que tengan éxito. Cada
estandarte ostenta el escudo oficial
de la universidad colocado en un
campo heráldico de cuatro por seis
pies, y cada uno de ellos muestra los
colores y símbolos que identifican a
cada una de las facultades.
Colores: Naranja, Blanco y Azul.
Artes Liberales
Símbolos: Libro Abierto-el proceso de
aprendizaje; el Sol, las Montañas y el
Río-La ciudad de El Paso; La Estrella- La
Estrella Solitaria de Texas; La Rama de
Laurel-logros académicos superiores, La
Rama de Roble-solidaridad y permanencia.
Administración de Empresas
Colores: Café- Administración y Contabilidad
Cobre – Economía
Símbolos: Flama – conocimiento e
iluminación. Pico Minero – unidad con la
identidad de la Universidad, Columna –
Fortaleza y es una inferencia emblemática
a la importancia de la acreditación
internacional, Pergamino – relacionado
al comercio y contratos, Ramas de Laurel
– éxito académico y profesional, Mapa
Mundi – internacional
Color: Azul cielo
Símbolos: Lámpara- luz del conocimiento;
Libro – aprendizaje y alfabetismo; Sigma
– símbolo griego que significa “que lo
abarca todo” ; Libro, regla y compás- las
herramientas del aprendizaje
Color: Humanidades, Filosofía y LetrasBlanco
Símbolos: Alpha / Omega – Primera
y última letra del alfabeto Griego
simbolizando los ámbitos de estudio
en las Artes Liberales; Antorcha –
conocimiento; Libro abierto – el proceso
de aprendizaje y el alfabetismo.
Las franjas de colores denotan las
disciplinas que forman parte de las Artes
Liberales: Café para las Bellas Artes,
Carmesí para Periodismo, Rosa para
Música, Azul Rey para Filosofía, Violeta
para Psicología, Escarlata para religión,
Verde Lima para trabajo Social y Gris
plateado para Declamación y Drama.
Color: Amarillo dorado
Símbolos: Nubes/ cielo – la atmósfera
que rodea la tierra; Globo – la Tierra
y la geografía; Molécula de Metano –
química, biología y física; Cinco Símbolos
Matemáticos – conceptos matemáticos
básicos y superiores; Árbol – la historia de
la ciencia; y las Montañas, la Tierra y el
Estrato –geología
Escuela de Graduados:
Simbolos: Castillo – ingeniería civil;
Engranaje – ingeniería mecánica;
Relampago – ingeniería eléctrica;
Martillo y Bascula de Ensaye – ingeniería
metalúrgica y materiales; Forma
Humana – ingeniería industrial; Tarjeta
de Computadora y Números Binarios
– Informática
Colores de la Piedra Angular: los colores
universitarios Anaranjado, Blanco y Azul
y otros colores de áreas académicas que
ofrecen estudios para graduados
Símbolos: Arco iris – el espectro de las
disciplinas que forman la escuela de
graduados; Estrella – la estrella solitaria
de Texas y las flamas dirigidas hacia el
cielo; Bandeja de Flamas – conocimiento
grupal; y Ramas de Laurel – conocimiento
académico superior.
Ciencias de la Salud
Color: Enfermería – Albaricoque
Artes de Curación – Verde
Color: Albaricoque
Símbolo: Cruz de Malta - Servicio excepcional
a la humanidad; Lámpara del Conocimiento
- Tributo a Florence Nightingale; La Llama
Eterna - Búsqueda del conocimiento durante
toda la vida; Hojas de Laurel - Honor; “Corpus
Sanare” - Sanador de cuerpo; Aro Naranja
Quemado - La Escuela de Enfermería forma
Color: anaranjado oscuro
Símbolos: Campo Rojo Oscuro – la
sangre de la vida, Campo Blanco y Cruz
Roja– ayuda humanitaria; Figura
Humana – cuidado y terapia física; Vaso
de precipitado / Aguja / Tubo de Ensaye
– investigación de laboratorio y su
parte del Sistema de la Universidad de Texas
en 1972; Azul Columbia y Azul Marino - Tonos
anteriores y actuales del color azul designados como oficiales; Estrella – El estado de
Texas con el color naranja de los Mineros.
El bastón de mando, un arma
de origen bélico, está asociado con
las ceremonias académicas y civiles
por lo menos desde el siglo catorce y
simboliza la autoridad y dignidad de
un cargo.
El bastón de mando universitario
está hecho de materiales autóctonos
de esta región. La cabeza del bastón
está unida al asta por medio del
escudo de la Universidad y tiene un
grupo de rebordes hechos de plata
y de cobre bañados en oro dentro
de los cuales se haya incrustada una
piedra de cuarzo color rosa. El diseño
semeja un capullo abstracto de
una flor a punto de brotar a través
de los rebordes que lo encierran
y simboliza el florecimiento del
intelecto, la trayectoria recorrida por
el estudiante de neófito a erudito.
La tradición del uso de las
togas, birretes y esclavinas que se
utilizan en las ceremonias de UTEP
tiene su origen en los albores de las
universidades medievales, cuando
dicha vestimenta tenía usos prácticos.
La toga y la esclavina eran utilizadas
por los estudiantes y profesores
para abrigarse del frío y la humedad
imperantes dentro de los salones de
En un principio, el birrete, o sea
la gorra plana cuadrada, se utilizaba
para cubrir la cabeza del estudiante,
y cuando se quitaba podía emplearse
como una superficie plana para
escribir (el papel y los instrumentos
para escribir se guardaban en las
amplias mangas de la toga).
Incluso actualmente, las togas
y los birretes se fabrican con tela
negra para simbolizar el aspecto
sombrío de la educación. Aunque
hoy en día existe variedad en los
colores de las togas, birretes y
borlas, el simbolismo del color
permanece. Por ejemplo, los
estudiantes que se gradúan de UTEP
utilizan borlas cuyo color representa
la facultad de la cual se están
La esclavina la portan
únicamente aquellos que han
obtenido un grado de Maestría o
Doctorado. Consiste en una capa
negra forrada en satín que cuelga
sobre la espalda de la toga; el
color del forro varía según el color
de la institución que confiere el
título. Las esclavinas que portan los
graduandos de UTEP ostentan un
forro color naranja atravesado por
un listón blanco. El terciopelo del
borde ostenta el color del campo de
estudios del cuál se está obteniendo
el título.
Estolas distintivas de
La Asociación de Ex-Alumnos de
la Universidad de Texas en El Paso
honra con una estola de satín color
blanco que ostenta el Medallón
conmemorativo que simboliza
la entrega de 100,000 diplomas
y el Emblema de la Asociación a
aquellos estudiantes y profesores
que fueron distinguidos para fungir
como Marshals, como portadores
del estandarte universitario y de la
insignia de cada facultad.
Los estudiantes que llevan con
orgullo estas estolas instauradas en
mayo de 2004, son seleccionados
para representar a su escuela en base
a sus logros académicos.
Ser Portador del Estandarte
Universitario, es el mayor honor
que se otorga durante la ceremonia
de graduación a un estudiante que
ha sido elegido por su desempeño
académico, liderazgo y participación
en el campus. El galardonado
sigue al Grand Marshal, guía a los
estandartes de las facultades durante
la ceremonia y es el segundo en
recibir el diploma en la facultad que
le corresponde.
En la segunda fase de la
procesión ceremonial, los estudiantes
de licenciatura y de posgrado que
fueron designados como Marshals
guían a sus compañeros graduandos
y son los primeros en recibir el
diploma de su facultad.
Los Portadores del Estandarte de
la Facultad llevan el que representa
a su escuela, sirven de guía para
los graduandos de la misma en la
segunda fase de la ceremonia y son
los segundos en recibir el diploma
de su facultad, a excepción de la
representada por el Portador del
Estandarte Universitario.
Medallón de la
El primer Medallón de la
Generación fue ideado con el fin
de conmemorar la Ceremonia de
Graduación del Centenario de UTEP
en mayo de 1998 en el Estadio Sun
Bowl. La ceremonia contó con la
presencia del Honorable George W.
Bush en ese entonces, Gobernador
de Texas.
Debido a la popularidad
del medallón, los funcionarios
universitarios decidieron crear uno
para cada generación a partir del
nuevo milenio. La recaudación de la
venta de estos medallones se destina
al Fondo de Becas del Medallón,
que garantiza oportunidades a los
futuros estudiantes.
Los medallones, ahora en su
treceavo año, se han convertido en
toda una tradición y en parte de
las decoraciones, insignias y trajes
que los graduados portan en las
ceremonias de graduación.
Todos los estudiantes candidatos
a graduación como parte de la clase
de primavera de 2011 recibirán
como obsequio un medallón
conmemorativo por los 100,000
diplomas otorgados y por su
participación durante este evento
histórico el día 14 de mayo de 2011. El diseño del medallón representa
el diploma número 100,000 que se
entregará durante la ceremonia. Por lo tanto, todos los estudiantes
candidatos a graduación son
acreedores al diploma numero
100,000 de la Universidad.
En honor a la clase de primavera
de 2011, Mentes Mineras, pieza de
arte emblemática instalada durante
el 2010 para engalanar la entrada a
La Universidad de Texas en el Paso,
será iluminada en colores anaranjado
y azul durante el fin de semana
de graduación. Michael Clapper,
escultor creador de Mentes Mineras,
incluyó una leyenda en la escultura
en código binario, dando honor a
las palabras pronunciadas por la
Presidenta Diana Natalicio al final de
su discurso durante la ceremonia de
convocación en el otoño del 2008:
Cree en ti mismo y en tus sueños. Cree en UTEP y en sus aspiraciones. ¡Comparte el sueño!
Por la noche, luz ilumina la
estructura de acero, mientras luces
tipo LED emanan de entre las
perforaciones en forma de números
uno y cero en cada extremo de
la escultura en forma de pico. En
ocasiones especiales, incluyendo
fechas históricas, metas alcanzadas
y para celebrar logros significativos,
la escultura ilumina la entrada a la
universidad. La majestuosa escultura
en forma de pico se encuentra
localizada en la glorieta al frente de la
librería de la universidad en las calles
University Avenue y Sun Bowl Drive.
Traducciones al español por Richard Ford y Victoria Alicia Garcia
Previous Commencement Speakers
May 15, 2010 & December 11, 2010
May 16, 2009 & December 12, 2009
Dr. Diana Natalicio
President, The University of Texas at El Paso
officiating morning, afternoon and
evening ceremonies
December 13, 2008
Dr. Richard Jarvis
Provost, The University of Texas at El Paso
officiating morning ceremony
December 13, 2008
Dr. Diana Natalicio
President, The University of Texas at El Paso
officiating afternoon and evening ceremonies
May 10, 2008
Antonia Hernández
President and CEO
California Community Foundation
December 15, 2007
Henry A. de La Garza
Chairman and CEO
de La Garza Public Relations
May 12, 2007
The Honorable Shana Dale
Deputy Administrator, NASA
December 9, 2006
Brian J. Haley
The University of Texas System
Student Regent
May 13, 2006
Gilberto Perez
President of U.S. Operations, CEMEX
December 10, 2005
John Brooks Slaughter
President and CEO
National Action Council for Minorities
in Engineering Inc.
May 7, 2005
Steffen E. “Steve” Palko
President, XTO Energy Inc.
December 11, 2004
The Honorable Carlos de Icaza
Ambassador of Mexico to the
United States
May 8, 2004
Bob Malone
Chief Executive, BP Shipping Limited
December 13, 2003
Robert Wingo
President and CEO
SWG&M Advertising
May 10, 2003
The Honorable Antonio O. Garza Jr.
U.S. Ambassador to Mexico
December 14, 2002
Dr. Rita R. Colwell
Director, National Science Foundation
May 11, 2002
Dr. Irving Wladawsky-Berger
Vice President of Technology and
Strategy, IBM
December 15, 2001
Dr. Bonnie Dunbar
Astronaut and Assistant Director
NASA Johnson Space Center
May 12, 2001
The Honorable Henry Cuellar
Texas Secretary of State
December 16, 2000
John Daniel Olivas
NASA Astronaut
May 13, 2000
Sara Martinez Tucker
President and CEO
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
December 18, 1999
The Honorable Richard W. Riley
U.S. Secretary of Education
May 12, 1995
The Honorable James R. Jones
U.S. Ambassador to Mexico
May 15, 1999
The Honorable Lucille Roybal-Allard
U.S. Representative
33rd Congressional District, California
December 16, 1994
Mario E. Ramirez, M.D.
The University of Texas System Regent
December 19, 1998
David Satcher
U.S. Surgeon General
May 15, 1998
The Honorable George W. Bush
Texas Governor
December 20, 1997
Adair Margo
Member, Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board
Carlos Villa
Member, Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board
May 17, 1997
The Honorable Silvestre Reyes
U.S. Representative
16th Congressional District, Texas
December 21, 1996
C. Paul Robinson
President, Sandia Laboratories
May 18, 1996
The Honorable Kay Bailey Hutchison
United States Senator, Texas
Dr. France Cordova
Chief Scientist, NASA
December 16, 1995
Dr. Felix Gutierrez
Vice President and Executive Director,
The Freedom Forum, Pacific Coast
El Gran Paseño Award Recipient
May 13, 1994
The Honorable Ronald Kirk
Texas Secretary of State
December 17, 1993
Carol Bellamy
Director, U.S. Peace Corps
May 15, 1993
Dr. Luther S. Williams
Assistant Director for Education and
Human Resources,
National Science Foundation
December 18, 1992
Dr. Herminio Blanco
Chief Negotiator of the Free Trade
Agreement for Mexico,
Undersecretary of Foreign Trade
May 15, 1992
Maestro Abraham Chavez Jr.
Commencement Performance
December 13, 1991
Ellen C. Temple
The University of Texas System Regent
May 11, 1991
The Honorable Dan Morales
Texas Attorney General
December 14, 1990
Dr. John D. Negroponte
U.S. Ambassador to Mexico
May 12, 1990
Sam Donaldson
ABC News Journalist
December 15, 1989
Allen Born
Chairman, CEO and President of
May 17, 1986
The Honorable Wilhelmina R. Delco
Chair, Texas House Committee on
Higher Education
May 13, 1989
The Honorable Jaime Oaxaca
Corporate Vice President,
Northrop Corp.
December 20, 1985
Helen Houser Popovich
President, Florida Atlantic University
December 16, 1988
The Honorable Katherine D. Ortega
U.S. Treasurer
May 11, 1985
Wilson H. Elkins
President Emeritus
University of Maryland
May 14, 1988
The Honorable William Sessions
Director, Federal Bureau of
December 21, 1984
Dr. Hans Mark
The University of Texas System
December 18, 1987
Daniel W. Foster, M.D.
Outstanding Ex-Student 1987
Professor of Internal Medicine
UT-Dallas-Health Science Center
May 12, 1984
Rudy Tellez
President, Telco Productions Inc.
May 17, 1987
The Honorable George H. W. Bush
Vice President of the United States
December 19, 1986
Bobby Ray Inman
CEO, Microelectronics and Computer
Technology Corp.
December 18, 1983
Dr. Gerald W. Thomas
President, New Mexico State University
May 14, 1983
Major General James P. Maloney
Commanding General, U.S. Army Air
Defense Center and Fort Bliss
December 19, 1982
The Honorable Wallace E. Snelson
Texas Senator
Committee on Commencement
Yvonne Carranza...............................................................College of Liberal Arts
Olympia Caudillo........................................................................ Graduate School
Richard Daniel................................................................ Alumni Relations Office
Holly Denney............................................................................... Veterans Affairs
Ofelia Dominguez.............................................................................Union Office
Gary Edens..................................................................................... Student Affairs
Hector Flores.................................................................Disabled Student Services
Charles Gibbens................................................................................Miner Village
Diana Gloria..................................................... Student Government Association
Pete Hensgen...............................................................................University Police
James H. Holcomb.................................................Economics and Finance, Chair
Chester N. Jacinto......................................................University Communications
Beto Lopez............................................................................. University Relations
Catie McCorry-Andalis.................................................................. Student Affairs
Lisa Moten.................................................................................. Facilities Services
Alex Muñoz......................................................................................Food Services
Fernando Padula..................................................................University Bookstore
Miguel Sifuentes............................................... Registration and Records Office
Mike Spence.......................................................................... Don Haskins Center
Paul Stresow............................................... Parking and Transportation Services
Craig Thompson............................................................................ Career Services