Dear Bridgewater Families - Northfield Public Schools


Dear Bridgewater Families - Northfield Public Schools
Dear Bridgewater FamiliesWe have had a beautiful fall this year, and winter is just around the corner. It is time to bring
out the warm winter clothing since students will still go outside for recess as long as the temperature is above -10° and it is not raining. Please label your child’s outerwear so that it can
easily be returned to them if they should lose a piece of clothing.
November 2015
Nancy Antoine,
Attendance Line
Our Lost & Found is growing quickly and we have many items that have been left behind. Please make sure to check the Lost & Found while you attend Parent-Teacher Conferences or the Book Fair. You may also stop in any week day before 6:00 pm and check for
lost items.
The 94th Annual American Education Week is scheduled for November 16-20th. This event
highlights the importance of providing every child in America with a quality education, and
the need for everyone to do his or her part in making schools work for children. Education
is a partnership, and we can achieve the most when we work together. The Northfield staff
will be honored with a breakfast on November 25th. Years of service awards are recognized
at this breakfast as well. Bridgewater honors Laurie Noonan and Robin Patrick for their
many years of service. The Northfield Education Association will also present the honorees
for the Friend of Education Award, Paraprofessional of the Year Award, and Teacher of the
Year Award during this celebration.
On Tuesday, November 11th at 9:45 a.m. we will hold our annual Veterans Day Assembly. This is our way of honoring those who have served and who are serving our country to
provide the liberties that we all enjoy. Each grade level participated in the assembly. Parents
and guests are welcome to join us in the gym. Students and staff will dress in red
(Kindergarten and Third Grade), white (First and Fourth Grade) and blue (Second and Fifth
We will celebrate Grandparent’s Day on Tuesday, November 24th at Bridgewater. The times
are as follows: Kindergarten: 9:00-10:00, First Grade: 8:30-9:00, Second Grade 10:00-10:30,
Third Grade: 2:30-3:00, Fourth Grade 1:00-1:30, and Fifth Grade 2:30-3:00. Please note that
a special guest may attend in place of a grandparent since we realize that all grandparents may
not be available. We are aware that many people would like for this to be a longer time with
more activities, but we are trying to include all grade levels on the same day without having
grandparents return for a second day. Thank you for your understanding! Grandparents are
special and it is always great to see everyone!
The Bridgewater staff will present our annual Site Improvement Plan to the School Board on
Monday, November 23rd. Overall, we would like each student to make gains according to
his/her learning level in the tested areas of reading and math. Our results from last year were
very good, and this is why we were named a Reward School! Reward schools are the highest-rated schools in Minnesota and represent the top 15% of Title I schools in the state based
on the Multiple Measurements Rating (MMR). We don’t take this success lightly; we know
that we have a lot of work to do to maintain this status with our students this year. All students deserve high standards and expectations, and we cannot do this without the help of our
parents, staff, and volunteers. This award belongs to everyone in the Bridgewater community. We also have a climate goal, as we continue to strive for Bridgewater to be a safe, respectful, and welcoming school for everyone. This is your school and your involvement is needed
and valued!
We recognize that cell phones/hand-held electronic devices (i.e. iPod Touch) are common tools for communication with
many families. Our goal is to help students maintain a focus on learning. Please know that most elementary students have no
need to carry a cell phone or hand-held electronic device to school, and these devices are vulnerable to theft. We are committed to using technology as an accelerant for student learning and provide the appropriate tools for our students in their
classrooms. Students who do need to carry a cell phone or hand-held electronic device to school must have them turned off
and stored out of sight during school hours. These devices may not be used to talk, take pictures, play games, record, or text
during school hours, including recess. Bridgewater Elementary is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen phones or other electronic devices brought from home.
Please don’t hesitate to call, email, or visit if you have questions or concerns as our job is to serve Bridgewater students, families, and the community.
Nancy Antoine
Queridas familias de Bridgewater,
Hemos tenido un tiempo maravilloso este año en el otoño, y el invierno está a punto de llegar. Es tiempo de recordarles a
todos que traigan ropa de abrigo, los estudiantes salen afuera para el recreo si la temperatura está por encima de -10º grados,
y no esté lloviendo. Por favor, pongan el nombre de su hijo/a en los abrigos y otras cosas de abrigo para que lo puedan recuperar fácilmente si los pierden.
Nuestra sección de objetos perdidos empieza a crecer y tenemos muchas cosas que se han quedado olvidadas. Por favor, asegúrense de visitar la sección de objetos perdidos para comprobar si tienen algo perdido cuando vengan para las reuniones con
los maestros y la feria de libros. También pueden venir cualquier día de la semana antes de las 6:00 pm y ver si tienen objetos
La semana anual número 94 de la educación en América será la semana del 16 al 22 de noviembre. Este evento destaca la
importancia de ofrecer a cada niño y niña en América una educación de calidad y la necesidad de que todos hagan su parte
para que las escuelas sean excelentes. La educación es cooperación y si trabajamos juntos podemos lograr mucho más. El
personal de Northfield recibirá en su honor un desayuno de agradecimiento el 25 de noviembre. El desayuno también servirá
para ofrecer agradecimientos especiales y premios a diferentes empleados por sus años de servicio a las escuelas. Los empleados de Bridgewater de este año van a ser: Laurie Noonan y Robin Patrick por sus muchos años de servicio. Durante la celebración, la asociación de educación en Northfield también presentará a los premiados con el premio de amigo/a de la educación, ayudante profesional del año y el premio para el maestro o maestra del año.
La reunión del día de los veteranos fue el 11 de noviembre a las 9:45 a.m. Esta es nuestra manera de honrar a aquellos que
han servido o están sirviendo a nuestro país para preservar las libertades que todos disfrutamos. Todos los grados participaron en la reunión. Padres y madres y demás asistentes fueron invitados a participar en la reunión en el gimnasio. Los estudiantes y empleados vistieron de rojo (Kindergarten y tercer grado), blanco (primero y cuarto) y azul (segundo y quinto).
Vamos a celebrar el día de los abuelos y abuelas el martes 24 de noviembre en Bridgewater. Las horas de la celebración serán:
Kindergarten: 9:15-9:45, Primer Grado: 8:30-9:00, Segundo Grado 10:00-10:30, Tercer Grado: 2:30-3:00, Cuarto Grado
1:00-1:30, y Quinto Grado 2:40-3:10. Por favor, tengan en cuenta que si los abuelos o abuelas no pueden venir pueden traer a
otro invitado especial. Entendemos que mucha gente prefiere que la celebración sea más larga y con más actividades pero lo
que intentamos es que los abuelos y abuelas puedan participar en todo el mismo día sin tener que regresar un segundo día.
¡Gracias por entendernos!¡Los abuelos y abuelas son estupendos y es siempre maravilloso verlos!
El personal de Bridgewater va a presentar nuestro plan anual de mejoras para la escuela al consejo escolar el lunes 23 de noviembre. En general, nos gustaría que cada estudiante mejore dentro de su nivel de aprendizaje en las áreas que se evalúan de
lectura y matemáticas. Nuestros resultados del año pasado fueron muy buenos, y por eso nos nombraron una escuela recompensa (Reward School). Este tipo de escuelas son las escuelas que reciben la evaluación más alta en Minnesota y representan
el 15% más alto de las escuelas de Title I en el estado basándose en la evaluación de Múltiples medidas y clasificaciones
(Multiple Measurements Rating (MMR). No nos tomamos este éxito a la ligera, sabemos que tenemos mucho trabajo para
mantener ese estatus con nuestros estudiantes este año. Todos los estudiantes se merecen altos estándares y expectativas y no
podemos lograr todo eso sin las madres, padres, personal y voluntarios/as. Este premio nos pertenece a todos en la comunidad de Bridgewater. También tenemos nuestra meta sobre el clima social en la escuela y seguimos trabajando para que Bridgewater sea un lugar seguro, respetuoso y que dé la bienvenida a todos. ¡Esta es su escuela y necesitamos y valoramos su participación!
Reconocemos que los teléfonos celulares y otros aparatos electrónicos portátiles (por ejemplo, el iPod Touch) son herramientas comunes para comunicarse con las familias. Nuestra meta es ayudar a los/as estudiantes a que estén centrados en la
enseñanza. Por favor, sepan que la mayoría de los estudiantes de la primaria no necesitan llevar estos aparatos a la escuela y
que además se los pueden robar. Nuestro compromiso es usar la tecnología como una herramienta para que el aprendizaje
sea más rápido y como herramientas apropiadas en el salón de clases. Aquellos/as estudiantes que necesitan llevar un teléfono celular o aparato similar a la escuela deben tenerlos apagados y guardados en un lugar donde no se vean durante las horas de escuela. Estos aparatos no se pueden usar para hablar, hacer fotos, jugar a videojuegos, grabar o enviar textos durante
las horas de escuela, incluido el tiempo del recreo. La escuela primaria de Bridgewater no es responsable por la pérdida, daños
a teléfonos u otros aparatos electrónicos que se traen de casa y que se pueden perder.
No duden en llamarnos, enviarnos un correo electrónico o visitarnos si tienen preguntas o algún otro asunto ya que estamos
aquí para servir a los estudiantes de Bridgewater, sus familias y la comunidad.
Nancy Antoine
Physical Education Update….
Paul Bernhard & Tony Mathison
The fifth grade class recently completed a six week cardiovascular based training program in preparation for the 6th
Annual 5K Fun Run, which took place on October 13th. Two times per week classes increased time and distance run,
starting at 1 minute and increasing to 12 minutes. The program started with a 12 minute run the first week of school.
Students recorded when they stopped, laps completed, and pulse rate. After the program was completed, the event took
place. Every student completed the 5K who made the effort to do so, and the positive energy was fantastic from the
students encouraging each other. A huge thank you to the parent volunteers and to the parents who came and encouraged everyone. A special thank you to Fireside Orchard for again donating apples and Econo Foods for donating water.
As classes look to be inside for a while, a reminder to have proper footwear in the gymnasium. Way too many students
are coming to class unprepared in this area. Please pay attention to this and make sure your child has proper foot wear.
Have a great month of November!
As always.."Fit Kids Are Healthy Kids!"
November Fitness Challenge:
Eat one apple a day.
(remember one apple a day keeps the doctor away)
Walk 20 minutes three times a week
Safety Conversation Starters for Children….
Jamie Wiebe, School Social Worker
Look to the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center ( as a tremendous source of information for preparing kids for
real-life situations. Perhaps you could devote some in-the-car-time over the upcoming Thanksgiving Break to try some of
these “What-If?” scenarios with your family. While there are no right answers, the JWRC provides some excellent talking
points to share with your kids during your discussions.
Ask your child, “What would you do if . . .
. . .your brother’s friend gave you $20, but said to keep it a secret?”
You should never be asked to keep a secret from your parent(s). If someone asks you to keep any kind of a secret from your
parents, tell a trusted adult right away. It may be helpful to talk with your children about the difference between surprises
and secrets. Surprises are kept quiet for a short time and when everyone finds out about the surprise they are happy – like a
surprise birthday party. Secrets are something you are asked to keep quiet about for a long time, maybe even forever.
Surprises are ok and secrets are not.
. . . someone sent you a picture on the Internet that made you feel uncomfortable?”
Don’t delete the email or chat, just turn off the monitor and tell your parent or caregiver about what you’ve seen. Never respond to offensive or dangerous online messages. Depending on the kind of photo you were sent, an adult can call law enforcement about the situation. CyberTipline can be reached at 800-843-5678 or also takes reports of
illegal images/online crimes against children and youth.
. . . you told an adult about something that made you feel afraid, but they didn’t believe you?”
Not all adults, even people who care about you and want to help, always know what to do to keep kids safe and happy. You
deserve to be safe and to share your feelings with trusted adults. Tell as many people as you need to, like your teacher or
youth group counselor, until someone understands and helps. As a follow-up activity, make a list with your child of 3-5
trusted adults with whom your child could talk comfortably.
. . . someone is watching you and your friends play at the park in a way that makes you feel scared?”
Always trust your feelings or your gut instinct. Leave the park right away with friends, remembering to use the buddy system. Check back in with your parent or caregiver about what happened. Your friends should also check back in with their
parent/caregiver about why you left and where you are playing now.
Additional ideas and resources abound at or 800-325-HOPE.
Band News….
Stefanie Bothun
Congratulations to all 5th grade band students on a wonderful first concert! All the students worked really hard to prepare for the concert and did a fine job showcasing their achievement at the district band concert.
We will now be focusing on preparing for the Veteran's Day assembly as well as a day concert on December 15th at 2 pm with the
orchestra and choirs. We will continue with our morning rehearsals from 7:15 – 8:20 on November 3, 10, 17 and 24. I would love
to start our rehearsal at 7:15 so any help with getting your child to the school in time to be ready to go at 7:15 would be greatly appreciated!
Keep up the great work band students!
Bear Tracks...From your BW PTO
November Meeting
Our next PTO meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 17th, from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. in the Media Center. We hope you
can join us!
HUGE thanks to all of the volunteers that help with countless activities at Bridgewater each week. Whether you are helping
in a classroom, screening vision or hearing, volunteering with the book fair or providing a meal for conferences please know
Together We Can!
We’ll meet again on Tuesday, November 17th, from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. in the 4th grade Kiva area. Group leaders PJ and Maya
will work with the students on a project about thankfulness. Watch for the flyer that will be coming home and remember all
are invited to join in the fun!
Scholastic Book Fair
The Book Fair will run November 10th – 13th and will be set up in the Atrium. Students will visit the fair with their classes –
check with your child’s teacher for the date and time. There are still a few time slots where volunteers are needed to help
with the fair. If you are available please contact Diane Nagy at [email protected] Thank you!
National Geography Awareness Week
November 16th – 20th Bridgewater is joining National Geographic in celebrating National Geography Awareness Week!
Watch for the “WHERE IN THE WORLD” flyer that will come home next week explaining the event.
Hat & Pajama Day: Friday, November 20th. $1 to wear a hat or pajamas or $2 to wear both! Proceeds benefit PTO programs and activities. Note: This is a week early as there is no school the last Friday of the month.
How to find out more about your PTO?
Check us out on our website: and follow us on our 2 Facebook sites
BWPTO and www.facebook/BWBoosterthon . As always, feel free to reach out to any of the PTO Team contacts for more
Your Bridgewater PTO Team Contacts:
Shari Sneary ([email protected]) cell: 952-303-1850
Angie Gonzales ([email protected]) cell: 651-226-5024
Co-Secretaries: Dana Holden ([email protected])
Anna Rubin ([email protected])
Northfield Public Schools Community Services….
Niki Kolb
Check out some great recreational and enrichment programs for youth this fall with Northfield Public Schools Community
Services! For more information or to register visit (follow the Community Services link), call 507
-664-3649, or stop by our office on the first floor of the Northfield Community Resource Center at 1651 Jefferson Parkway,
Northfield. Scholarships are available for all programs.
Pete The Cat Literacy Night
(Ages 2 – 5 years)
Tu, Nov. 10; 5:45 – 6:45 p.m., NCRC Preschool Room
$5/First Child or $8/family (2 or more kids)
Class #: 519-F15
Tae Kwon Do for Kids
grades 2 – 12, $74
T & Th, Nov. 3 – Dec. 15 (no class Nov. 26), Sibley Cafeteria
Beginner (white, yellow and orange belts), 6 – 6:45 p.m.,
Boys and Girls Bowling
grades K – 12, $89/new participants or
$85/returning participants
Th, Nov. 19 – Feb. 4
(no class Nov. 26 & Dec. 24); 4 – 5:30
Jesse James Lanes
Class #: 1057-F15B
Advanced (green – black belts), 6:45 – 7:45 p.m., Class
Home Alone Safety Workshop for Kids!
ages 8 – 10, $34
Sa, Dec. 5; 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Middle School Art Room 250
Class #: 4354-F15B
Adventure Mania: November Adventure - Twin Cities
Ages 3 and older (waiver required); $15/person or $50/
family of 4+
Sa, Nov. 14; 1 – 4:30 p.m.
Watch Me Draw: Holiday Cookies & Canvas!
grades 1 – 5, $25
W, Dec. 2; 3:25 – 4:55 p.m.
Bridgewater Media Center Classroom 311
Class #: 4165-F15C
Class #: 4373-F15BA
Class #: 1112-F15N
American Red Cross Babysitter’s Certification Course
Ages 11 – 17, $89
Sa, Nov. 14, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m., Middle School
FACS Lab 221, Class #: 4355-F15B
or Sa, Dec. 5, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m., Middle School FACS Lab
221, Class #: 4355-F15C
Basketball Camp
Ages 6 – 12, $44
M & Tu, Dec. 28 & 29; 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Bridgewater Gym
Class #: 1153-F15A
Watch Me Draw: Make it Pop!
grades K – 5, $79
M, Nov. 16 – Dec. 21; 3:25 – 4:25 p.m.
Bridgewater Media Center Classroom 311
Class #: 4382-F15BA
Scheduled Events for
November 2015
November 2015
November 6—End of First Quarter
November 9—Teacher Workday (no school)
End of First
9 Teacher
(no school)
Board Meeting (7:00
p.m., HS
Media Center)
of Second
Teacher Conferences(3:408:20 p.m.)
12 Parent/
Teacher Conferences(3:40-8:20
November 10—Holden/Danielson to Sr.
Center @ 9:15 a.m.
November 12—Parent/Teacher Conferences
(3:40-8:20 p.m.)
November 16-20—Geography Awareness
November 17—PTO Meeting (6:30 p.m.,
Media Center)
November 23—School Board Meeting (7:00
p.m., HS Media Center)
November 25—Teacher Workday (no school)
November 26-27—Thanksgiving Break
Upcoming Events for
Board Meeting (7:00
p.m., HS
Media Center)
November 10—Beginning of Second Quarter
November 10—Parent/Teacher Conferences
(3:40-8:20 p.m.)
PTO Meeting
(6:30 p.m.,
Media Center)
November 9—School Board Meeting (7:00
p.m., HS Media Center)
(no school)
(no school)
(no school)
December 15—Fourth & Fifth Grade Choir
Concert (2:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m.)
December 23-January 1—Winter Break
January 18—Dr. Martin Luther King’s Birthday (No school—Teacher Workday)
January 29—End of Second Quarter
February 1—Teacher Workday (no school)
February 2—Beginning of Third Quarter
February 19—PTO Family Movie Night