WELCOME TO THE CITY OF ESPAÑOLA CANDIDATE PACKET REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION MARCH 1, 2016 CONTENTS CANDIDATE PACKET * MARCH 1, 2016 * REGULAR ELECTION LETTER FROM MUNICIPAL CLERK INFORMATION FOR PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATE ELECTION CALENDAR CITY OF ESPAÑOLA DISTRICT MAP ELECTION RESOLUTION – ENGLISH & SPANISH CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATES DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY - ENGLISH & SPANISH AFFIDAVIT OF WITHDRAWL OF CANDIDACY- ENGLISH & SPANISH DECLARATION OF WRITE-IN CANDIDACY - ENGLISH & SPANISH AFFIDAVIT OF WITHDRAWAL OF WRITE-IN CANDIDACY- ENGLISH & SPANISH AFFIDAVIT AUTHORIZING FILING OF DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY - ENG/SPANISH CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTING PACKET CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT TREASURER’S CERTIFICATION CITY OF ESPAÑOLA ELECTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 2007-08 REGULATIONS REGARDING TEMPORARY POLITICAL SIGNS GUIDE FOR MUNICIPAL ELECTION CHALLENGERS, WATCHERS & OBSERVERS REFERENCES CRIMES & MISDEMEANORS – WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW CAN HURT YOU NM MUNICIPAL ELECTION CODE (NMSA 1978) 3-3-8 Residency 3-8-27 Regular municipal election; declaration of candidacy; withdrawing name from ballot; penalty for false statement 3-8-28 Regular municipal election; candidate for office 3-8-31 Regular municipal election: challengers; watchers; observers 3-8-32 Regular municipal election; plurality of votes cast required for election 3-8-33 Regular municipal election; certificates of election; qualification of official; taking office. 3-8-76 Offering a bribe; accepting a bribe; intimidation; penalty 3-8-77 Electioneering too close to polling place; obstructing polling place; disturbing polling place; penalty 3-8-78 Coercion of employees; permitting prisoners to vote; malfeasance by messengers; unlawful use or possession of liquor or illegal drugs; penalty 3-9-4 absentee ballot application; rejection; acceptance; issuance of absentee ballot 3-9-5 Absentee ballot register NM STATUTE 10-16-1 GOVERNMENTAL CONDUCT ACT CITY OF ESPAÑOLA December 10, 2015 Alice A. Lucero Mayor Pedro Valdez Mayor Pro Tem Councilors District 1 Pedro Valdez Dennis Tim Salazar District 2 Peggy Sue Martinez Michelle R. Martinez District 3 John Hernandez Tania Sanchez District 4 Cory J. Lewis Adrianna T. Ortiz Dear Prospective Candidate: Welcome to the election process for the City of Española, Regular Election, scheduled for March 1, 2016. I will be happy to assist you in your efforts to run for an elected position. The enclosed candidate packet has been compiled for your convenience and reference. Your packet includes useful information and forms for the elective office that you have chosen to run for. The contents of this packet are intended to inform and aid you conveniently. PLEASE NOTE: Candidate Filing Day is Tuesday, January 5th 2016, between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm ONLY. If you become certified as an official candidate on January 7, 2016, please be sure to visit the City’s website,, to better acquaint yourself with the City Council Agenda and the Minutes of the City Council meetings. If you wish to receive a paper or electronic Council Meeting packet, please contact me by phone at 505-747-6019 or the Office of the City Clerk at 505-747-6012 or 505-747-6039. Thank you for your interest in our Beautiful Community and Good Luck! Executive Staff Sincerely, Kelly Duran City Manager Anna Squires City Clerk 405 N. Paseo de Oñate Española, NM 87532 505-747-6100 (Main) 505-747-6084 (Fax) Anna Squires City Clerk City of Española Phone: 505.747.6019 [email protected] INFORMATION FOR PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATE Be sure you have a copy of your recently certified Affidavit of Voter Registration that shows your current physical address; OR the triplicate copy of your current Affidavit of Voter Registration that has been stamped by the office of the Rio Arriba County Clerk as accepted for filing. The Affidavit of Voter Registration must be certified by the Rio Arriba County Clerk after November 24, 2015, the date of the adoption of Election Resolution No. 2015-17. The affidavit must have a physical (street) address as the place of residency. Your application will be rejected if the affidavit shows a post office box as your address. Please Call the Rio Arriba County Clerk at (575)-588-7724 to inquire about obtaining your certified Affidavit of Voter Registration or visit the office at the Rio Arriba County Office, 1122 Industrial Park Road. Complete a Declaration of Candidacy form, which is included in your candidate packet. If you need additional forms, please obtain them at City Hall, 405 N. Paseo de Oñate, Española, N.M. 87532 or call the City Clerk at 747-6019 or the Office of the City Clerk at 505-747-6012 or 505-747-6039 and a form can be mailed, e-mailed or faxed to you. In addition, the complete candidate packet with forms can be found on the City's website, (HOME PAGE) January 5, 2016, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., is the ONLY time you or your authorized representative can file your Declaration of Candidacy at City Hall, City Hall, 405 N. Paseo de Oñate, Española, N.M. 87532. City Hall is the ONLY location for filing this form. Your authorized representative must have a form completed by you identifying him/her as your representative. This form is included in your packet: "Affidavit Authorizing Filing of Declaration of Candidacy" and must be notarized. The name on your Declaration of Candidacy form and the Affidavit of Voter Registration MUST BE IDENTICAL. A candidate may declare (run) for only one office. A candidate for a District Council position must live in the district for which he/she seeks election. A candidate for Municipal Judge must live in one of the four voting districts. Once A Candidate's Declaration of Candidacy must be certified by the Municipal Clerk by 5:00 p.m., January 6, 2016, the day after filing, or the candidate will be notified of the reason for non-certification. The names of those individuals who have been certified as candidates as well as those who have not been certified, with the reasons they have not, will be posted at City Hall on January 7, 2016, by 9:00 a.m. filed, the Declaration of Candidacy becomes a public record. 1|Page At 5:01 p.m., January 7, 2016, the Municipal Clerk, in the presence of the certified candidates (or authorized representatives) who desire to be present, administers an impartial and fair drawing by lot to determine the order of how the candidates' names will appear on the ballot. The Municipal Clerk or her designee will draw for any candidate or his/her representative who is not present. You may file as a WRITE-IN Candidate if the January 5, 2016 deadline is missed for filing as a regular candidate. January 12, 2016 is the only time you or your authorized representative can file your Declaration of Candidacy as a Write-In Candidate with the same documents and satisfy the same requirements as established for candidates. City Hall will be open 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for this opportunity. An Authorized Representative may file a Declaration of Write-in Candidacy on behalf of the candidate. This person must have a written, notarized affidavit stating that the person is acting on behalf of the candidate. Use the same from as mentioned above. The Municipal Clerk will certify Write-In Candidates on January 13, 2016 and post the names of those certified or not certified by 9:00 a.m. on January 14, 2016. Those who do not meet the qualifications of a Write-In Candidate, and are not certified by the Municipal Clerk will be notified of the reasons, which will also be posted. Candidates, or an authorized representative, may present themselves at City Hall, 405 N. Paseo de Oñate, Española, N.M. 87532 after 9:00 a.m. on January 7, 2016 to ascertain if their candidacy has been certified as valid. Write-in candidates, or an authorized representative, will present themselves at City Hall after 9:00 a.m. on January 14, 2016 to do the same. No Electioneering (campaigning, bumper stickers, posters, buttons, brochures, etc.) is allowed within 100 feet of a polling place on Election Day. No Electioneering is permitted at City Hall during Absentee and Early voting from January 26 to February 26, 2016. ABSENTEE VOTING: Contact the Municipal Clerk at 747-6019, or stop by City Hall, 405 N. Paseo de Oñate, Española, N.M. 87532 to obtain an application for an absentee ballot. Absentee ballots may be issued/mailed to voters, whose applications have been approved, beginning January 26 to February 26, 2016. No absentee ballot shall be delivered or mailed to any person other than the applicant for such ballot. Early voting in person by paper ballot, counted by ICP electronic vote tabulator(s), will begin on February 10, 2016 at 8:00 a.m. and end on February 26, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. Absentee voting will take place at the Office of the Municipal Clerk, City Hall, 405 N. Paseo de Oñate, Española, N.M. 87532. This is the only location for Absentee Voting. 2|Page WELCOME TO THE CITY OF ESPAÑOLA CANDIDATE ELECTION CALENDAR See Attached; This calendar shows all the dates that you should keep in mind as you declare your candidacy and run for office. REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION MARCH 1, 2016 ELECTION CALENDAR MARCH 1, 2016 * REGULAR ELECTION January 5, 2016 Candidate filing day between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. January 7, 2016 A. List of certified and uncertified candidates is posted by the Municipal Clerk by 9:00 a.m. B. At 5:01 p.m., in the presence of the certified candidates, the Municipal Clerk shall administer impartial and fair drawling by lot to determine the order in which the candidates for each office shall be listed on the ballot. This will take place in the City Council Chambers. January 12, 2016 Deadline for Withdrawal of Candidacy, by 5:00 p.m. January 12, 2016 Write-in Candidacy Filing Day, by 5:00 p.m. January 13, 2016 Certification of Write-in Candidacy, by 5:00 p.m. January 14, 2016 List of certified and uncertified write-in candidates is posted by Municipal Clerk by 9:00 a.m. January 26, 2016 A. Deadline for Withdrawal of Write-in Candidacy, by 5:00 p.m. B. First day absentee ballots can be issued/mailed to voters whose applications have been approved. February 1, 2016 First (1st) Campaign Finance Report must be physically submitted to Municipal Clerk’s Office no later than 5:00 p.m. at City Hall, 405 N. Paseo de Oñate, Española, N.M. 87532. (Please reference City of Española Ordinance 2007-08 pg.4 within this election packet.) February 2, 2016 Rio Arriba County Clerk closes voter registration books by 5:00 p.m. February 10, 2016 First day for early voting using voting machines/electronic vote tabulators. February 26, 2016 A. Last day for early voting using machine/tabulators. B. Last day absentee ballots can be issued/mailed to voters. C. Last day candidates may appoint a challenger & 1 alternate and a watcher & 1 alternate for each polling place by 5:00 p.m. (pg.2) 1|Page February 29, 2016 Last day the Governing Body may appoint a qualified elector for each polling place to serve as observer, by 3:00 p.m. March 1, 2016 ELECTION DAY! Polls Open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. March 7, 2016 Second (2nd) Campaign Finance Report must be physically submitted to Municipal Clerk’s Office no later than 5:00 p.m. at City Hall, 405 N. Paseo de Oñate, Española, N.M. 87532 March 7, 2016 No later than 7:00 p.m., candidates elected shall appear before the Municipal Clerk to sign a written statement acknowledging receipt of the certificate of election and acknowledging that he/she is legally qualified to hold office. April 4, 2016 Regardless of succession of candidacy, Third (3rd) Campaign Finance Report must be physically submitted to Municipal Clerk’s Office no later than 5:00 p.m. at City Hall, 405 N. Paseo de Oñate, Española, N.M. 87532 2|Page WELCOME TO THE CITY OF ESPAÑOLA ELECTION RESOLUTION 2015-17 See Attached, ELECTION RESOLUTION 2015-17, adopted affirmatively by the Governing Body during the November 24th 2015, City Council Meeting. REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION MARCH 1, 2016 WELCOME TO THE CITY OF ESPAÑOLA CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATES ATTACHED IS CITY OF ESPAÑOLA RESOLUTION 2015-12; OPEN MEETING RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION CONCERNING GOVERNING BODY MEETINGS AND PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIRED REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION MARCH 1, 2016 WELCOME TO THE CITY OF ESPAÑOLA DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY See Attached Form. To Declare Candidacy, Please submit form, prior to signatory, to the City Clerk as this document must be notarized. This is the form prescribed by the Municipal Clerk that must be submitted in order to declare Candidacy of said Office. REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION MARCH 1, 2016 DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY COUNTY OF_____________________) ) ss. STATE OF NEW MEXICO ) CITY OF ESPAÑOLA DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY I, ______________________, being first duly sworn upon my oath do hereby state for my affidavit that: I, ______________________, hereby declare that I am a candidate for the office of_____________________ District No. ______, for a four year term to be elected at the regular municipal election to be held on March 1, 2016. I affirm that I currently reside at (Address) (City) New Mexico. I affirm that my name and resident address as stated in this Declaration of Candidacy are identical to my name and resident address as stated in my affidavit of registration on file with the County Clerk of ______________ County, New Mexico. I affirm that I am eligible and legally qualified to hold the office for which I have declared my candidacy. I affirm that I have not been convicted of a felony. -OR I affirm that I have been convicted of a felony, that my elective franchise has been restored, and, I have been granted a pardon or a certificate by the Governor restoring my full rights of citizenship. I affirm that I, or my authorized representative, shall contact the office of the Municipal Clerk during normal business hours on January 7, 2016 to ascertain whether the Municipal Clerk has certified my declaration of candidacy as valid. I affirm that I, or my authorized representative, can be reached at the following for purposes of receiving notice: or . I affirm that this declaration of candidacy is an affidavit under oath and that any false statement knowingly made herein constitutes a fourth degree felony under the laws of New Mexico. ________________________________ Signature of Candidate 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this ______ day of ___________, 20_____. My Commission Expires: _____________________ ______________________________________ Notary Public Received in the office of the Municipal Clerk at ______ (A.M./P.M.) on the _______ day of ___________, 20_____. _____________________________________ Anna Squires, Municipal Clerk 2 DECLARACION DE CANDIDATURA CONDADO DE_____________________ ) ) ss. ESTADO DE NUEVO MEXICO ) CIUDAD DE ESPAÑOLA DECLARACION DE CANDIDATURA Yo, ______________________, habiendo sido debidamente juramentado, bajo mi juramento declaro por la presente para mi afidavit que: Yo, ______________________, por la presente declaro que soy candidato(a) para el puesto de _____________________Distrito Núm. _____ por un término de cuatro años elegido(a) en la elección municipal regular que se llevará a cabo el 1 de marzo de 2016. Yo afirmo que actualmente vivo en Nuevo México. (Address) (City) Yo afirmo que mi nombre y la dirección de mi residencia indicados en esta Declaración de Candidatura son identicos a mi nombre y residencia como indicados en mi afidavit de registro protocolado con el(la) escribano(a) del condado de ______________ , Nuevo México. Yo afirmo que soy eligible y legalmente calificado(a) para desempeñar el puesto para el cual he declarado mi candidatura. Yo afirmo que no he sido condenado(a) de delito grave. -O Yo afirmo que sí he sido condenado(a) de delito grave, que mi derecho para ser elegido(a) ha sido reintegrado, y, he recibido un perdón o un certificado del Gobernador, reintegrando todos los derechos de cuidadanía. Afirmo que habrá comunicación, de mi parte o de parte de mi representante apoderado, con la oficina de la escribana municipal durante las horas normales de transacción el 7 de enero de 2016 para cerciorar si la escribana ha certificado la validez de mi declaración de candidatura. Afirmo que se puede comunicar conmigo o con mi representante apoderado a los siguiente(s) ____________________ o ___________________ con el propósito de recibir notificación. Yo afirmo que ésta declaración de candidatura es un afidávit bajo juramento y que cualquier declaración falsa hecha a sabiendas aquí dentro constituye un delito grave en cuarto grado bajo las leyes de Nuevo México. ________________________________ Firma del (de la) Candidato(a) 1 Suscrito y jurado ante mi este día _______ de ______________ de 20_______. Mi Comisión se vence: _____________________ __________________________________ Notaria Pública Recibido en la oficina del (de la) Escribana Municipal a las _________ A.M./P.M. el día _____ de _____________ de 20_____. ____ __ Anna Squires, Escribana Municipal 2 WELCOME TO THE CITY OF ESPAÑOLA AFFIDAVIT OF WITHDRAWAL OF CANDIDACY See Attached Form. To withdraw from Candidacy, Please submit form, prior to signatory, to the City Clerk as this document must be notarized. This is the form prescribed by the Municipal Clerk and must be submitted in order to declare withdrawal of Candidacy of said Office. REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION MARCH 1, 2016 CITY OF ESPAÑOLA AFFIDAVIT OF WITHDRAWAL OF CANDIDACY COUNTY OF_________________ ) ) ss. STATE OF NEW MEXICO ) I, ___________, being first duly sworn upon my oath do hereby state for this affidavit that: I, _______, hereby withdraw as a candidate for the office of ____________________________, for a four year term and in the election scheduled for March 1, 2016 do hereby revoke my Declaration of Candidacy filed with the Municipal Clerk on January 5, 2016. ______________________________________ Signature of Candidate Subscribed and sworn to before me this ______ day of ____________, 20______. ___________________________ Notary Public My Commission Expires: _______________________ Received in the office of the Municipal Clerk at __________ (A.M./P.M.) on the ______ day of ________________, 20_____. ________________________________ Anna Squires, Municipal Clerk CIUDAD DE ESPAÑOLA AFIDAVIT DE RETIRADA DE CANDIDATURA CONDADO DE____________________ ) ) ss. ESTADO DE NUEVO MEXICO ) Yo,________________________,primero habiendo sido debidamente juramentado, bajo mi juramento, por medio de las presentes declaro para mi afidávit que: Yo, , por medio de la presente me retiro como candidato(a) para el puesto de ___________________ por un término de _______ año(s) en la elección programada para el 1 de marzo de 2016 y que por medio de la presente yo revóco mi Declaración de Candidatura protocolada con la Escribana Municipal el 5 de enero de 2016. ____________________________________ Firma de Candidata Suscrito y jurado ante mí este día __________ de ________________ de 20_____. ____________________________________ Notaria Publica Mí Comisión se vence: _____________________ Recibido en la oficina del (de la) Escribana Municipal a las ______ (A.M./P.M.) en el __________ día de _________ de 20_____. ____________________________________ Anna Squires, Escribana Municipal WELCOME TO THE CITY OF ESPAÑOLA DECLARATION OF WRITE-IN CANDIDACY See Attached Form. To Write-In your Candidacy, Please submit form, prior to signatory, to the City Clerk as this document must be notarized. This is the form prescribed by the Municipal Clerk and must be submitted in order to declare your Write-In Candidacy of said Office. REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION MARCH 1, 2016 DECLARATION OF WRITE-IN CANDIDACY COUNTY OF_______________________) ) ss. STATE OF NEW MEXICO ) CITY OF ESPAÑOLA DECLARATION OF WRITE-IN CANDIDACY I, __________________________, being first duly sworn upon my oath do hereby state for my affidavit that: I, __________________________, hereby declare that I am a write-in candidate for the office of _________________ (District No. ______) for a four year term to be elected at the regular municipal election to be held on March 1, 2016. I affirm that I currently reside at (Address), (City) , New Mexico. I affirm that my name and resident address as stated in this Declaration of WriteIn Candidacy are identical to my name and resident address as stated in my affidavit of registration on file with the County Clerk of _____________ County, New Mexico. I affirm that I am eligible and legally qualified to hold the office for which I have declared my write-in candidacy. I affirm that I have not been convicted of a felony. -OR I affirm that I have been convicted of a felony, that my elective franchise has been restored, and, I have been granted a pardon or a certificate by the Governor restoring my full rights of citizenship. I affirm that I, or my authorized representative, shall contact the office of the Municipal Clerk during normal business hours on January 14, 2016 to ascertain whether the Municipal Clerk has certified my declaration of write-in candidacy as valid. I affirm that I, or my authorized representative, can be reached at the following for purposes of receiving notice: ___or _____. I affirm that this declaration of write-in candidacy is an affidavit under oath and that any false statement knowingly made herein constitutes a fourth degree felony under the laws of New Mexico. _______________________________ Signature of Write-In Candidate 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this _______ day of ________________, 20_____. My Commission Expires: _____________________ ________________________________________ Notary Public Received in the office of the Municipal Clerk at _________ (A.M./P.M.) on the __________ day of _________________, 20_____. ________________ Anna Squires, Municipal Clerk 2 DECLARACION DE CANDIDATURA POR INSCRIPCION CONDADO DE_____________________) ) ss. ESTADO DE NUEVO MEXICO ) CIUDAD DE ESPAÑOLA DECLARACION DE CANDIDATURA POR INSCRIPCION Yo, _____________________, habiendo sido debidamente juramentado, bajo mi juramento declaro por la presente para mi afidávit que: Yo, _____________________, por la presente declaro que soy candidato por inscripcion para el puesto de ___________________ (Distrito Núm. _____) por un término de cuatro años elegido(a) en la elección municipal regular que se llevará a cabo el 1 de marzo de 2016. Yo afirmo que Nuevo México. actualmente vivo en:__________________________ (Address) (City) Yo afirmo que la dirección de mi residencia indicada en este Declaración de Candidatura son identicos a mi nombre y residencia como indicados en mi afidávit de registro protocolado con la escribana del Condado de _______________ Condado, Nuevo México. Yo afirmo que soy eligible y legalmente calificado(a) para desempeñar el puesto para el cual he declarado mi candidatura por inscripción. Yo afirmo que no he sido condenado(a) de delito grave. -O Yo afirmo que si he sido condenado(a) de delito grave, que mi derecho para ser elegído(a) ha sido reintegrado, y, he recibido un perdón o un certificado del Gobernador, reintegrando todos los derechos de cuidadanía. Afirmo que habrá comunicación, de mi parte o de parte de mi representante apoderado, con la oficina de la escribana municipal durante las horas normales de transacción el 14 de enero de 2016 para cerciorar si la escribana ha certificado la validez de mi declaración de candidatura por inscripción. Afirmo que se puede comunicar conmigo o con mi representante apoderado al (a los) siguiente(s) ____________________ o ___________________ con el proposito de recibir notificación. Yo afirmo que esta declaración de candidatura por inscripción es un afidávit bajo juramento y que cualquier declaración falsa hecha a sabiendas aqui dentro constituye un delito grave en cuarto grado bajo las leyes de Nuevo México. ___________________________________ Firma del Candidato(a) por Inscripción 1 Suscrito y jurado ante mí este día _________ de ____________ de 20_____. My Comisión se vence: _____________________ ________________________________ Notaria Pública Recibido en la oficina de la Escribana Municipal a las _______ (A.M./P.M.) el día ________ de _________ de 20_____. _________________________________ Anna Squires, Escribana Municipal 2 WELCOME TO THE CITY OF ESPAÑOLA AFFIDAVIT OF WITHDRAWL OF WRITE-IN CANDIDACY See Attached Form. To withdraw your Write-In from Candidacy, Please submit form, prior to signatory, to the City Clerk as this document must be notarized. This is the form prescribed by the Municipal Clerk and must be submitted in order to declare withdrawal as a write-in Candidate of said Office. REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION MARCH 1, 2016 CITY OF ESPAÑOLA AFFIDAVIT OF WITHDRAWAL OF WRITE-IN CANDIDACY COUNTY OF___________________ ) ) ss. STATE OF NEW MEXICO ) I, ______________________________, being first duly sworn upon my oath do hereby state for my affidavit that: I, __________________, hereby withdraw as a write-in candidate for the office of ______________________,for a four year term in the election scheduled for March 1, 2016 and do hereby revoke my Declaration of Write-In Candidacy filed with the Municipal Clerk on January 12, 2016. ______________________________________ Signature of Write-In Candidate Subscribed and sworn to before me this ______ day of _____________, 20______. Notary Public My Commission Expires: _____________________ Received in the office of the Municipal Clerk at __________ (A.M./P.M.) on the ______ day of ________________, 20_____. ________________________________ Anna Squires, Municipal Clerk CIUDAD DE ESPAÑOLA AFIDAVIT DE RETIRADA DE CANDIDATURA POR INSCRIPCION CONDADO DE _______________ ) ) ss. ESTADO DE NUEVO MEXICO ) Yo, _______________________, primero habiendo sido debidamente juramentado, bajo mi juramento, por medio de las presentes declaro para mi afidávit que: Yo, _______, por medio de la presente me retiro como candidato(a) por inscripción para el puesto de ___________________por un término de cuatro año(s) en la elección programada para el 1 de marzo de 2016 y que por medio de la presente yo irrevocablemente revoco mi Declaración de Candidatura por inscripción protocolada con la Escribana Municipal el 12 de enero de 2016. _______________________________________ Firma de Candidato(a) por Inscripcion Suscrito y jurado ante mí este día __________ de ________________ de 20_____. Notaria Publica Mi Comisión se vence: _____________________ Recibido en la oficina de la Escribana Municipal a las ______ (A.M./P.M.) en el __________ día de _________ de 20_____. ______________________________ Anna Squires, Escribana Municipal WELCOME TO THE CITY OF ESPAÑOLA AFFIDAVIT AUTHORIZING FILING OF DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY See Attached Form. To Authorize Affidavit of Filing of Declaration Candidacy, Please submit form, with signatory, to the City Clerk as this document must be notarized (signed and sealed) by an official notary. This is the form prescribed by the City Clerk and must be submitted in order to authorize affidavit to file the declaration of Candidacy on behalf of said candidate. REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION MARCH 1, 2016 CITY OF ESPAÑOLA AFFIDAVIT AUTHORIZING FILING OF DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY COUNTY OF_________________ ) ) ss. STATE OF NEW MEXICO ) I, _______________________, being first duly sworn upon my oath do hereby state for my affidavit that I hereby appoint and authorize _________________________, who resides at ________________________, New Mexico to file my declaration of candidacy for me with the office of the Municipal Clerk of the City of Española as I am unable to be physically present. _________________________________ Signature of Candidate Subscribed and sworn to me before this _____ day of ________, 20_____. _________________________________ Notary Public My Commission Expires: ______________________ CIUDAD DE ESPAÑOLA Declaración jurada de autorizar la presentación de la DECLARACIÓN DE LA CANDIDATURA DEL CONDADO DE _______________ ) ) ss. ESTADO DE NUEVO MEXICO ) Yo, ___________________________, siendo el primer debidamente jurado sobre mi juramento no queda estado de mi declaración jurada que me queda nombrar y autorizar _____________________________, quien reside en ____________________________, Nuevo México para presentar mi declaración de la candidatura para mí con la oficina del empleado municipal de la Ciudad de Española como yo no puede estar presente físicamente. _______________________________________ Firma de Candidato(a) por Inscripcion Suscrito y jurado ante mí este día __________ de ________________ de 20_____. Notaria Publica Mi Comisión se vence: _____________________ WELCOME TO THE CITY OF ESPAÑOLA CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTING PACKET See Attached Forms. These are the form prescribed by the City Clerk and must be submitted for all campaign finance reporting. In reference to City of Española Ordinance 2007-08, (see pg.4) there are three (3) reporting periods. Three (3) full report(s) must be submitted for each of these periods. Please Note: Only one set of forms is provided within this packet. Please refer to Election Calendar for reporting dates. NOTE: Request for additional Finance Reporting copies can be made when submitting 1st Campaign Finance Report. REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION MARCH 1, 2016 CITY OF ESPAÑOLA CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT TREASURER’S CERTIFICATION Reporting Date: _________________ I, ________________________________ campaign treasurer for the municipal election campaign of ____________________________, swear of affirm, under penalty of perjury, that all the information on this form and any attachments is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge; that no item of receipt or disbursement has been knowingly omitted therefrom; and that the amounts therein are stated correctly and show all currency that has come into my hands or been expended in any way, in connection with the March 1, 2016 Election and the candidacy of _____________________________. ___________________________ Signature of Treasurer Subscribed and sworn to before me this __________ day of ______________, 20___________ __________________________________ Notary Public Commission Expires: _______________________ Received in the office of the Municipal Clerk at ___________________ (a.m. /p.m.) on the __________ day of _______________________, 20_______. _____________________________ Anna, Squires, Municipal Clerk WELCOME TO THE CITY OF ESPAÑOLA CITY OF ESPAÑOLA ORDINANCE 2007-08 An Ordinance repealing and replacing Chapter 34 of the Española Municipal Code Entitled “Elections”. This is the ordinance that is in effect as of today that governs municipal elections with the City of Española. REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION MARCH 1, 2016 CITY OF ESPAÑOLA ORDINANCE 2007-08 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REPLACING CHAPTER 34 OF THE ESPAÑOLA MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "ELECTIONS" BE IT RESOLVED that the Governing body of the City of Española hereby repeals Chapter 34 of the Española Municipal Code and replaces it with the following: Section 34-1. Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to adopt a policy concerning election campaign practices, candidate expenses, contribution reports, and campaign ethics. Section 34-2. Municipal elections to comply with chapter and state law. All municipal elections in the city shall be conducted in accordance with this chapter and NMSA 1978 §3-8-1 et seq. Section 34 3. Definitions. For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. Campaign material means any circular, pamphlet, letter, poster, billboard, placard, handbill, card, bumper sticker, decal or other printed or written matter, or radio or television announcement. Campaign report means a report of all contributions made and expenditures made. Candidate means any individual listed on the ballot for election to any city office or any person who has otherwise taken affirmative action to seek city office. Committee means a combination of two or more persons acting jointly in support of or in opposition to a candidate or to the adoption or defeat of one or more measures. Contribution means a gift, subscription, loan, advance, deposit, pledge, contract, agreement or promise of money, service, or anything of value or other obligation, made directly or indirectly to a campaign where goods, materials, services, facilities or anything of value other than money is contributed or expended, the monetary value thereof shall be the fair market value. Election means any regular or special election. 1 Expenditure means a payment, pledge or promise of payment or money for anything of value or other obligation, for goods, materials, services or facilities. Measure means any proposition or question submitted to a popular vote at an election, or circulated for purposes of submission to a popular vote at any election, whether or not the proposition or question qualifies for the ballot. Person means any individual acting alone in support of or in opposition to a candidate or to the adoption or defeat of one or more measures. Section 34-4. Campaign Practices – Printing, broadcasting or publishing campaign material, sponsor. A. It is unlawful for any person, organization or political subcommittee to publish, broadcast, or print any campaign advertising or communication that does not specify the name of the sponsor or the name of a responsible officer who authorized the printing, broadcasting or publication of such material, in any election of the municipality . B. Any printing establishment shall identify itself as the printer of the campaign material C. Any person, organization or committee violating these provisions is guilty of a misdemeanor. (State law reference(s) —Similar provisions, NMSA 1978 §1-19-16) Section 34-5. Campaign Practices – Circulation of campaign material without specifying sponsor. A. It is unlawful for any person, organization or political committee to broadcast, circulate or distribute any campaign advertising or communication which does not specify the full name and complete mailing address of the sponsor or the full name and complete mailing address of a responsible officer who authorized the printing, broadcasting or publication of such material, any election of the municipality. This prohibition extends to broadcasts, newspapers, handbills, petitions, circulars, letters or similar written material. B. Any printing establishment shall identify itself as the printer on the campaign material. C. Any person, organization or political committee violating these provisions is guilty of a misdemeanor. 2 34-6. Campaign Treasurer. A. Each candidate, person, or committee, shall appoint a Campaign Treasurer. A candidate or person may appoint himself' as Campaign Treasurer. B. The name, address, and telephone number of the Campaign Treasurer shall be filed with the City Clerk not later than the first Monday after filing for candidacy or issuance of a proclamation calling for election C. the Campaign Treasurer shall keep a true and accurate record of all contributions and expenditures, to include: 1. The name and address of every contributor whose total contribution exceeds $50; 2. The amount and form of every contribution; 3. A full record of all disbursements; 4. Receipts exceeding $15, reflecting the purpose of each expenditure, the date and method of payment; and 5. All campaign bank records. 34-7 Campaign Reporting. A. Each candidate, person or committee shall file a campaign report with the City Clerk, on forms prescribed by the City Clerk. B. Each campaign report which identifies contributions and expenditures exceeding $250, shall itemize each item of contribution and expenditure including: 1. The amount of contribution or expenditure or value of goods and services contributed; 2. The purpose of the contribution or expenditure; 3. The date of the contribution or expenditure; 4. The name and address of the person or entity from whom any cumulative contribution exceeding $50 was received; and 5. The name and address of the person or entity to whom and cumulative expenditure exceeding $50 was made. 6. The name of the person or entity to whom unpaid debt is owed; the amount of the unpaid debt; and the date the debt was incurred 3 C. Each campaign report shall contain the total of all contributions and expenditures. D. An itemized campaign report is not required if neither the total contributions received nor the total expenditures exceed $250. However, the campaign report shall contain a written declaration, under oath, that neither the campaign contributions nor the expenditures exceed $250. E. Each campaign report shall contain a declaration that the campaign report has been prepared with all reasonable diligence and that it is true and complete F. Each campaign report shall be subscribed and sworn to by the Campaign Treasurer. G. Three mandatory campaign reports shall be filed during the following periods: 1. The first report shall be filed no later than 5:00 p.m. the first Monday in February. The first campaign report shall contain a total listing of all contributions and expenditures made since the date that an Election Resolution declaring a municipal election is adopted by the Governing Body. 2. The second shall be filed no later than 5:00 p.m. on the first Monday in March. 3. The third shall be filed no later than 5:00 pm. on the first Monday in April. 4. Any balance of contributions received that are not expended on the campaign shall be disposed of by the last day of March, in one of the following ways, at the option of the candidate: a. Return it to the contributors; b. Donate it to a local non - profit or charity of the candidate's choice; or Donate it to the City's General Fund. H. If any Campaign Treasurer files a report of expenditures and contributions after the deadline, or if the report filed is incomplete, the candidate shall pay to the city, at the time of filing, the sum of $10 per day for each regular working day after the time required by this subchapter, until the complete report is filed. No candidate shall take office with outstanding campaign reports. I. It is unlawful for a candidate or Campaign Treasurer to knowingly and willfully file a false report of expenditures and contributions. 4 WELCOME TO THE CITY OF ESPAÑOLA REGULATIONS REGARDING TEMPORARY POLITICAL SIGNS The attached memo explains the portion of the Municipal Code that governs the placement of Political Signs. REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION MARCH 1, 2016