Federal Reserve Bank of New York Circular Series
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Circular Series
FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK Fiscal Agent of the United States rTCi: Circular No. 3 4 3 9 ~\ May 25, 1942 J Exchange Offering of United States of America VA Percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1946 Dated and bearing interest from June 5, 1942 Due December 15, 1946 Amount of Offering To Be Limited to the Amount of Home Owners' Loan Corporation 2*4 Percent Bonds, Series G 194244, Called for Redemption on July 1,1942 and Reconstruction Finance Corporation 1 Percent Notes of Series S, maturing July 1, 1942, Tendered and Accepted To all Banking Institutions, ai>d Others Concerned, in the Second Federal Seserve District: The following press statement was today made public: Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau today announced the plan for refinancing the outstanding Series G 1942-44 bonds of the Home Owners' Loan Corporation, called for redemption on July 1, 1942, and the Series S notes of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, maturing July 1, 1942. Holders of these securities may exchange them on a par for par basis, with an adjustment of accrued interest to June 5, 1942, for I1/} percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1946. The Treasury notes now offered will be dated June 5, 1942, and will bear interest from that date at the rate of iy2 percent per annum, payable on a semiannual basis on December 15, 1942 and thereafter on June 15 and December 15 in each year until they mature on December 15, 1946. They will not be subject to call for redemption prior to maturity. They will be issued only in bearer form with interest coupons attached, in denominations of $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000, $10,000 and $100,000. Pursuant to the provisions of the Public Debt Act of 1941, interest upon the notes now offered shall not have any exemption, as such, under Federal tax Acts now or hereafter enacted. The full provisions relating to taxability are set forth in the official circular released today. Subscriptions will be received at the Federal Reserve Banks and Branches, and at the Treasury Department, "Washington. Banking institutions generally may submit subscriptions for account of customers, but only the Federal Reserve Banks and the Treasury Department are authorized to act as official agencies. Subscriptions must be accompanied by a like face amount of Home Owners' Loan Corporation bonds of Series G 1942-44, or of Reconstruction Finance Corporation notes of Series S. Coupon bonds should have July 1, 1942 and all subsequent coupons attached. Registered bonds should be assigned to the Secretary of the Treasury for exchange as provided in the official circular. The Series S notes should have final coupon due July 1, 1942 attached. Following acceptance of the securities, accrued interest from January 1 to June 5, 1942, about $9.63 per $1,000 in the case of Series G bonds, and $4.28 per $1,000 in the case of Series S notes, will be paid to the owners of the securities surrendered. The right is reserved to close the books as to any or all subscriptions at any time without notice. Subject to the reservations set forth in the official circular, all subscriptions will be allotted in full. There are now outstanding $875,438,625 of the Series G bonds and $275,868,000 of the Series S notes. The terms of this offering are set forth in Treasury Department Circular No. 686, dated May 25, 3942, copy of which is printed on the following pages. The subscription books are now open, and applications will be received by this bank as fiscal agent of the United States. Subscriptions should be made on official subscription blanks and mailed immediately or, if filed by telegram or letter, should be confirmed immediately by mail on the blanks provided. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ALLAN SPROTJL, President. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA V/% PERCENT TREASURY NOTES O F SERIES B-1946 Dated and bearing interest from June 5, 1942 Due December 15, 1946 Interest payable June 15 and December 15 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, Wnshitinfnvi Mnii 9% " aSIWngiOft, May rfO, Fiscal Service Bureau of the Public Debt I. OFFERING OF NOTES 1. The Secretary of the Treasury, pursuant to the authority of the Seeond Liberty Bond Act, as amended, invites subscriptions, at par, from the people of the United States for notes of the United States, designated l ^ percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1946, in payment of which only Home Owners' Loan Corporation 2*4 percent bonds, Series G 1942-44, called for redemption on July 1, 1942, or Reconstruction Finance Corporation 1 percent notes of Series S, maturing July 1, 1942, may be tendered. The amount of the offering under this circular will be limited to the amount of such Series G bonds and Series S notes tendered and accepted. II. DESCRIPTION OF NOTES 1. The notes will be dated June 5, 1942, and will bear interest from that date at the rate of 1% percent per annum, payable on a semiannual basis on December 15, 1942, and thereafter on June 15 and December 15 in each year until the principal amount becomes payable. They will mature December 15, 1946, and will not be subject to call for redemption prior to maturity. 2. The income derived from the notes shall be subject to all Federal taxes, now or hereafter imposed. The notes shall be subject to estate, inheritance, gift or other excise taxes, whether Federal or State, but shall be exempt from all taxation now or hereafter imposed on the principal or interest thereof by any State, or any of the possessions of the United States, or by any local taxing authority. 3. The notes will be accepted at par during such time and under such rules and regulations as shall be prescribed or approved by the Secretary of the Treasury in payment of income and profits taxes payable at the maturity of the notes. 4. The notes will be acceptable to secure deposits of public moneys, but will not bear the circulation privilege. 5. Bearer notes with interest coupons attached will be issued in denominations of $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000, $10,000 and $100,000. The notes will not be issued in registered form. 6. The notes will be subject to the general regulations of the Treasury Department, now or hereafter prescribed, governing United States notes. III. SUBSCRIPTION AND ALLOTMENT 1. Subscriptions will be received at the Federal Reserve Banks and Branches and at the Treasury Department, Washington. Banking institutions generally may submit subscriptions for account of customers, but only the Federal Reserve Banks and the Treasury Department are authorized to act as official agencies. 2. The Secretary of the Treasury reserves the right to reject any subscription, in whole or in part, to allot less than the amount of notes applied for, and to close the books as to any or all subscriptions at any Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis time without notice; and any action he may take in these respects shall be final. Subject to these reservations, all subscriptions will be allotted in full. Allotment notices will be sent out promptly upon allotment. IV. PAYMENT 1. Payment at par for notes allotted hereunder must be made on or before June 5, 1942, or on later allotment, and may be made only in Home Owners' Loan Corporation bonds of Series G 1942-44, called for redemption on July 1, 1942, or in Reconstruction Finance Corporation notes of Series S, maturing July 1, 1942, which will be accepted at par, and should accompany the subscription. Coupons dated July 1, 1942, must be attached to bearer securities of either issue when surrendered, and accrued interest from January 1, 1942, to June 5, 1942 ($9.63398 per $1,000 in the case of Series G bonds and $4.28177 per $1,000 in the case of Series S notes) will be paid following acceptance of the securities. In the case of the Series G registered bonds, checks in payment of accrued interest will be drawn in accordance with the assignments on the bonds surrendered. V. SURRENDER OF CALLED BONDS 1. Coupon bonds.—Home Owners' Loan Corporation bonds of Series G 1942-44 in coupon form tendered hereunder should be presented and surrendered with the subscription to a Federal Reserve Bank or Branch or to the Treasurer of the United States, Washington, D. C. Coupons dated July 1, 1942, and all coupons bearing subsequent dates, should be attached to such bonds when surrendered, and if any such coupons are missing, the subscription must be accompanied by cash payment equal to the face amount of the missing coupons. The bonds must be delivered at the expense and risk of the holder. Facilities for transportation of bonds by registered mail insured may be arranged between incorporated banks and trust companies and the Federal Reserve Banks, and holders may take advantage of such arrangements when available, utilizing such incorporated banks and trust companies as their agents. 2. Registered bonds.—IIome Owners' Loan Corporation bonds of Series G 1942-44 in registered form tendered hereunder should be assigned by the registered payees or assignees thereof to "The Secretary of the Treasury for exchange for Treasury Notes of Series B-1946 to be delivered to ", and thereafter should be presented and surrendered with the subscription to a Federal Reserve Bank or Branch or to the Treasury Department, Division of Loans and Currency, Washington, D. C. The bonds must be delivered at the expense and risk of the holder. VI. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. As fiscal agents of the United States, Federal Reserve Banks are authorized and requested to receive subscriptions, to make allotments on the basis and up to the amounts indicated by the Secretary of the Treasury to the Federal Reserve Banks of the respective districts, to issue allotment notices, to receive payment for notes allotted, to make delivery of notes on full-paid subscriptions allotted, and they may issue interim receipts pending delivery of the definitive notes. 2. The Secretary of the Treasury may at any time, or from time to time, prescribe supplemental or amendatory rules and regulations governing the offering, which will be communicated promptly to the Federal Reserve Banks. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HENRY MORGENTHAU, J R . , Secretary of the Treasury. )RIGINAL NR-RFC NON-NEGOTIABLE RECEIPT "ssued to... Number. Street. Date Town _ State. Keceipt is hereby acknowledged of $ par amount Reconstruction Finance Corporation 1 percent notes of Series S, maturing Tuly I, 1942, tendered in payment for a like amount of United States of America 1% percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1946 subscribed for and illotted in full pursuant to the terms of Treasury Department Circular No. 686, dated May 25, 1942. If such new securities issued in exchange for hose surrendered are to be delivered at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York over the counter to your representative the "letter of authority to leliver" set forth below should be duly executed and returned to us. • FEDERAL RESERVE BANE or NEW YOEK Fiscal Agent of the United States Date Received Mail Sheet No. Refer to your letter dated No. Teller. LETTER OF AUTHORITY TO DELIVER FEDERAL RESERVE BANE OF NEW YORK Fiscal Agent of the United States. You are hereby authorized to deliver to DELIVERY RECEIPT Received from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York United States Government obligations at par in the amount and as indicated in the above non-negotiable receipt. (Name of representative) whose signature appears below $ _ par amount of United States Government obligations subscribed for and allotted in full as indicated in the above non-negotiable receipt. Xame By (Pleaae print) (Official signature required) (Signature of authorized representative) Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Date. IUPL1CATE NON-NEGOTIABLE RECEIPT uued to... Number. Street.. Date Town .. State. Receipt is hereby acknowledged of $ par amount Reconstruction Finance Corporation 1 percent notes of Series S, maturing uly 1, 1942, tendered in payment for a like amount of United States of America iy2 percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1946 subscribed for and llotted in full pursuant to the terms of Treasury Department Circular No. 686, dated May 25, 1942. If such new securities issued in exchange for hose surrendered are to be delivered at the Federal Reserve Bank of New Tork over the counter to your representative the "letter of authority to eliver" set forth below should be duly executed and returned to us. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OP NEW YOEK Fiscal Agent of the United States. Date Beceived Refer to your letter dated Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Mail Sheet No. No. Teller >RIGINAL NR-HOLC NON-NEGOTIABLE RECEIPT aaued to... Number. Street. Date „ _ Town State Receipt is hereby acknowledged of $ par amount Home Owners' Loan Corporation 2*4 percent Bonds, Series G 1942-44, endered in payment for a like amount of United States of America 1% percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1946 subscribed for and allotted in full mrsuant to the terms of Treasury Department Circular No. 686, dated May 25, 1942. If such new securities issued in exchange for those surrendered are o be delivered at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York over the counter to your representative the "letter of authority to deliver" set forth below ;hould be duly executed and returned to us. FEDERAL RESERVE BANE OF NEW YORK Date Received Fiscal Agent of the United States. Mail Sheet No. Refer to your letter dated No. Teller, LETTER OF AUTHORITY TO DELIVER FEDEBAL RESERVE BANE OF NEW YOEK Fiscal Agent of the United States. You are hereby authorized to deliver to DELIVERY RECEIPT Received from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York United States Government obligations at par in the amount and as indicated in the above non-negotiable receipt. < Name of representative) whose signature appears below $ par amount of United States Government obligations subscribed for and allotted in full as indicated in the above non-negotiable receipt. (Please print) By. (Official signature required) Date. (Signature of authorized representative) Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UPLJCATE NON-NEGOTIABLE RECEIPT Number. jsued to. Date Town _ State Receipt is hereby acknowledged of $ par amount Home Owners' Loan Corporation 2% percent Bonds, Series G 1942-44, sndered in payment for a like amount of United States of America 1% percent Treasury Notes of Series E-1946 subscribed for and allotted in full ursuant to the terms of Treasury Department Circular No. 686, dated May 25, 1942. If such new securities issued in exchange for those surrendered aie > be delivered at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York over the counter to your representative the ' ' letter of authority to deliver'' set forth below lould be duly executed and returned to us. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF N E W YOBK Date Eeceived Refer to your letter dated Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Fiscal Agent of the United States Mail Sheet No. _ No. Teller EA-RFC-N For use when Reconstruction Finance Corporation 1 percent notes of Series S maturing July 1,1942 are tendered in payment EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION FOR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA iy 2 PERCENT TREASURY NOTES OF SERIES B-1946 Dated June 5, 1942 Due December 15, 1946 NOTE: Coupons dated July 1, 1942, should he attached to the notes when surrendered, and accrued interest from January 1, 1942, to June 5, 1942 ($4.28177 per $1,000), will he paid following acceptance of the notes. Subscriptions for which securities of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation described below are tendered in payment and accepted will be allotted in full. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OP NEW YORK, Fiscal Agent of the United States, Government Bond Department, New York, N. Y. Dated at 1942 DEAR SIRS : Subject to the provisions of Treasury Department Circular No. 686, dated May 25, 1942, the undersigned hereby subscribes for United States of America iy2 percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1946 as stated below: For own account $. For our customers (for use of banking institutions) as shown on reverse side of this form $. Total Subscription $ and tenders in payment therefor Reconstruction Finance Corporation 1 percent Notes of Series S, maturing July 1, 1942. by credit to our Reserve account <J by check made payable to our order Pay accrued interest on securities surrendered.. • • by credit to our account with 1 Issue United States of America l /^ percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1946 allotted on this subscription in the denominations and amounts as indicated below: Number of Pieces Par Amount Denominations Q Reconstruction Finance Corporation notes of Series S tendered for payment are, as indicated below,— Leave this Space Blank Delivered to you herewith $100 500 $ To be withdrawn from securities you are holding for our account $ 1,000 5,000 To be delivered to you for our account by 10,000 100,000 $ Total Dispose of the securities allotted on this subscription in the amounts and as indicated below: 1. Deliver over the counter to the undersigned $. 2. Ship to the undersigned $. 3. Hold in safekeeping (for member bank only) $. 4. Hold as collateral for War Loan deposits $. 5. Deliver as indicated below $- Deliver t o : Against Payment nf Par Amount * $ and credit proceeds to our Reserve account • or to our account with. The undersigned, if a bank or trust company, hereby certifies (a) that the securities which you are hereby or hereafter instructed to dispose of in the manner indicated in item numbered 3 above are the sole property of the undersigned, and (b) that the securities which you are hereby or hereafter instructed to dispose of in the manner indicated in items numbered 4 and 5 above are either the sole [property of the undersigned or the property of its customers who have authorized in writing such disposition. (Fill in all required spaces before signing) Name of Subscriber. (Please print) ?O SUBSCRIBER: Please indicate if this is a confirmation. YES- By NO... (Title) (Official signature required) Street address City, Town or Village, and State Spaces below are for the use of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Released Delivery Receipt Paid Stamp Taken from Vault Received from FEDEBAIJ RESERVE BANK or NEW YORK the above described Counted United States Government obligations in the amount indicated above. Amount- Checked Delivered Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Subscriber. By Date. By. List of customers' applications included in the foregoing subscription entered and certified by (Name of banking institution) Post office address Name of Customer (.Please print or use typewriter) Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Address State. Amount Subscribed EA-HOLC-N For use when Home Owners* Loan Corporation 2V4 percent Bonds, Series G 1942-44, called for redemption on July 1, 1942, are tendered in payment. When both coupon and registered bonds are tendered, use a separate form for each. EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION FOR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1% PERCENT TREASURY NOTES OF SERIES £-1946 Dated June 5, 1942 Due December 15, 1946 NOTE: Coupons dated July 1, 1942, should be attached to the bonds when surrendered, and accrued interest from January 1, 1942, to June 5, 1942 ($9.63393 per $1,000), will be paid following acceptance of the bonds. In the case of registered bonds, checks in payment of accrued interest will be drawn in accordance with the assignments on the bonds surrendered. Subscriptions for which securities of the Home Owners' Loan Corporation described below are tendered in payment and accepted will be allotted in full. Dated at FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK, Fiscal Agent of the United States, Government Bond Department, New York, N. Y. .... 1942 DEAR SIRS : Subject to the provisions of Treasury Department Circular No. 686, dated May 25, 1942, the undersigned hereby subscribes for United States of America V/% percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1946 as stated below: For own account $. For our customers (for use of hanking institutions) as shown on reverse side of this form $. Total Subscription $. and tenders in payment therefor Home Owners' Loan Corporation 2*4 percent Bonds, Series G 1942-44, called for redemption on July 1,1942. by credit to our Reserve account • by cheek made payable to our order • • ! by credit to our account with Home Owners' Loan Corporation 2}/± percent Issue United States of America l /^ percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1946 allotted on this subscriptioi L in the denominations and Bonds 1942-44 tendered for payment are, as indicated below,— amounts as indicated below: 1 Number of Pieces Par Amount Denominations Leave this Space Blank Delivered to you herewith. $100 500 $ To be withdrawn from securities you are holding for our account $ 1,000 5,000 To be delivered to you for our account by 10,000 100,000 Total Dispose of the securities allotted on this subscription in the amounts and as indicated below: 1. Deliver over the counter to the undersigned 2. Ship to the undersigned 3. Hold in safekeeping (for member bank only) 4. Hold as collateral for "War Loan deposits 5. Deliver as indicated below Deliver to: Par Amount and credit proceeds to our Reserve account Against Payment of • or to our account with The undersigned, if a bank or trust company, hereby certifies (a) that the securities which you are hereby or hereafter instructed to dispose of in the manner indicated in item numbered 3 above are the sole property of the undersigned, and (b) that the securities which you are hereby or hereafter instructed to dispose of in the m anner indicated in items numbered 4 and 5 above are either the sole property of the undersigned or the property of its customers who have authorized in writing such disposition. (Fill in all required spaces before signing) Name of Subscriber. (Please print) TO SUBSCRIBES: Please indicate if this is a confirmation. YES- By NO- (Title) (Official signature required) Street address City, Town or Village, and State Spaces below are for the use of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Released Counted Delivery Receipt Paid Stamp Taken from Vault Received from FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK the above described United States Government obligations in the amount indicated above. AmountSubscriber. Checked Delivered Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis By — Date. By- List of customers' applications included in the foregoing subscription entered and certified by (Name of banking institution) Post office address Name of Customer (Please print or use typewriter) Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Address State. Amount Subscribed THE PROCLAIMED LIST OF CERTAIN BLOCKED NATIONALS Supplement 1, May 22, 1942 to Revision II of May 12, 1912 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1942 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DEPARTMENT OF STATE PUBLICATION 1743 THE PROCLAIMED LIST OF CERTAIN BLOCKED NATIONALS Supplement 1, May 22, 1942 to Revision II of May 12, 1942 By virtue of the authority vested in the Secretary of Stale, acting in conjunction with the Secretary of the Treasury, the Attorney Genera], the Secretary of Commerce, the Board of Economic Warfare, and the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, by Proclamation 2497 of the President of July 17, 1941 (6 F. R. 3555), the following Supplement 1 containing certain additions to, amendments to, and deletions from The Proclaimed last of Certain Blocked Nationals, Revision II of May 12, 1942 {7 F.R. 3587), is hereby promulgated. By direction of the President: COBDELL Hci.L Secretary of Stale JESSE H. JONES Secretary of Commerce H. MoRGENTHAU, Jr. Secretary of the Treasury MlLO PERKINS Executive Director, Board of Economic Warfare FRANCIS BJUDLB Attorney General • N E L S O N A. ROCKEFELLER Coordinator Affairs May 22, 1942. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis of Inter-American GENERAL NOTES (1) The Proclaimed List is divided into two parts: part I relates to listings in the American republics; part I I relates to listings outside the American republics. (2) In part I titles are listed in their letter-address form, word for word as written in t h a t form, with the following exceptions: If the title includes a full personal name, that is, a given name or initial and surname, the title is listed under the surname. Personal-name prefixes such as de, la, von, etc., are considered as part of the surname and are the basis for listing. The listing is made under the next word of the title when the initial word or phrase, or abbreviation thereof, is one of the following Spanish forms or similar equivalent forms in anyother language: Compaiiia; Cia.; Comp. Compania An6nima; C.A.; Comp. An6n. Sociedad; Soc. Sociedad An6nima; S.A.; Soc. Anon. (3) The indication of an address for a name on the list is not intended to exclude other addresses of the same firm or individual. A listed name refers to all branches of the business in the country. CONTENTS PART I Additions . „ t t * * Amendments > . • » Deletions . , f . . * Page t > * i » t * i < « # * < . < < * * * * < * * . « « i . . . . i ; . . < . 3 9 12 PART II Additions , . < • . t Amendments > ; * « • • Deletions . t ( ; * 2 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis # . . . < . . ! * * * • . * « * « • . . • « * * * * « « ; * ; . . . 13 16 17 PART I ADDITIONS ARGENTINA Asaya, Sukeye.—Bartolome Mitre 559, Buenos Aires. Baehne, Paul.—Cangallo 541 y Qucsada 1919, Buenos Aires. Baylon. Olindo.—Guido 1982, Buenos Aires. Borelli, Oscar Ricardo.—Gcnova 669, Ciudadela, F.C.O., B.A. CPS (Correo Periodfstieo Sudamericano).—Buenos Aires. Correo Periodistieo Sudamericano,—Buenos Aires. DXB (Deutsehes Kachrichtenbiiro).—Buenos Aires. Danela, Hugo.—Pellegrini 1100, Buenos Aires. Daponte y Cia., Jos£ (hijo).—L'spallata 2741, Buenos Aires. Deutsehes Nachrichtenbiiro.—Buenos Aires. Ferreterfa Germania.—Buenos Aires. Isawa, Hiroshi.—Bartolome Mitre 559, Buenos Aires. Kerstan, Werner Korth.—Venezuela 663 y Martinez 1934, Buenos Aires. La Agenda Domei.—Buenos Aires. La Agenda Euroamerica.—Buenos Aires. La Agenda Stefani.—Buenos Aires. Lanz, Werner.—Gazeon 352, Buenos Aires. Lopez Rojas, Juan.—Corrientes 505, Buenos Aires. Meyer y Cia. S.A.C., Diego.—Corrientes 330, Buenos Aires; Avenida San Martin 222, Bahfa Blanca; and all branches in Argentina. Milani, Tomaso.—Buenos Aires. Qufinica Importadora y Exportadora, Sociedad Comercial y Indu trial de Responsabilidad Ltda.—Gazeon 352, Buenos Aires. Suematsu, Daizaburo.—Bartolome Mitre 559, Buenos Aires. TO (Transocean).—Buenos Aires. Talleres Graficos Bodonia S.A.—Tucumdn 439, Buenos Aires. Taufer, Willy.—Peru 169, Buenos Aires. Taufer Hercnanos.-—Peru 169, Buenos Aires. Teatro American Palace.—C6rdoba 1785, Buenos Aires. Teatro Cineac.—Corrientes 565, Buenos Aires. Teatro General Mitre.—Corrientes 5424, Buenos Aires. Teloni, Gaetano.—San Martin 66, Buenos Aires. Tolentino, Gino.—San Martin 195, Buenos Aires. BOLIVIA Albert, Fritz.—Cochabamba. Almacenes '"EJ Globo" de Hugo Medina Santa Cruz.—Sucre and Potosl. Bar Coinercio.—Cochabamba. Beckmann, Fritz.—Cochabamba. Beckmann, Hans.—Cochabamba. Brandes, Robert.—Calle Sucre, Cochabamba. Dauelsberg, Elard.—Avenida Montes 702 (Casilla 68), La Paz, and all branches in Bolivia. Dauelsberg, Percy.—Avenida Montes 702 (Casilla 68), La Pazw Doelger, Hermann.—Cochabamba. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 8 4 PART I : ADDITION'S BOLIVIA—Con linued Fdbrica de Salchichas Tunari.—Cochabamba. Ferreterfa Mueller.—Plaza 14 de Septiembre, Cochabamba. Flossbach, Walter.—La Paz. Garage Beck maim.—Cochabamba. Gasser, Gcbhard.—Cochabamba. Hochstet ter, Fran cisco.—Sucre. Hochstetter, Juan.—Sucre. Hochstetter Hnos.—Sucre. Kernkamp, George .—Cochabamba. Kollros, Paul.—Cochabamba. Kuhne, Werner.—Cochabamba. Loeffler, Erick.—Potosi. Medina Santa Cruz, Hugo.—Sucre and Potosf. Mertens, Carlos.—Riberalta. Moll, Jos6 0.—La Paz. Mueller, Karl.—Plaza 14 de Septiembre, Cochabamba. Oberlis, Alfredo.—Cochabamba. Oberlis y Cfa.—Cochabamba. Paulsen, Christian.—Oruro. Penalosa, Celestino.—La Paz. Rivero y Cfa., T.—Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, and Oruro. Sonnenschein, Adela.—Riberalta. Sonnenschein, Carlos.—Riberalta. Sonnenschein Hermanos.—Riberalta. Trigo Arce, Luis.—Potosf. Zehl, Albert.—Cochabamba and Oruro. Zehl y Cfa., Albert.—Cochabamba and Oruro. Zobernig, Otto.—La Paz. BRAZIL Conbescot, Jean.—Praia do Flamengo 284, Rio de Janeiro. Empresa Constructora Siemens Bauunion do Brasil, S.A.—Rio de Janeiro. CHILE Adura, Jose.—Avenida Independencia esquina Talca, Punta Arenas. Barreau, Eduardo.—Picarte 382 (Casilla 540), Valdivia. Barreau y Cfa. Ltda., Eduardo.—Picarte 382 (Casilla 540), Valdivia. Bizama Merino, Hedilberto.—Gfilvez 152, Santiago. Borger B., Max.—Calle General Cruz (Casilla 53-V), Valparaiso. CB 93 (ex-Radio Hucke).—Huerfanos 1055, Santiago. CE 1174 (ex-Radio Hucke).—Huerfanos 1055, Santiago. Chenevey, Roberto.—General Salvo 348, Santiago. De Garbado, Antonio.—Oficina Ingenio H6rcules, Estacion Catalina, TaltaL Fischer, Germdn.—Valdivia 367, Santiago. Fosfato Germania Ltda., Soc.—Calle Regimiento s/n, Coquimbo. Fritis Manzo, Roman.—Casilla 50-V, Valparaiso; and Casilla 1848, Santiago. Garbaccio, Savino.—Luis Barros B. 61, Santiago. Geschkat, Ernesto.—Aldunate 402, Coquimbo. Hotel Pelz.—Chacabuco 394, Valdivia. Hotel Uni6n.—Letelier 477 (CasUla 91), La Unifin. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PART I I ADDITIONS 5 CHILE—Continued Jacob y Cia.. A.—Ahumada 23r Santiago, and all branches in Chile. La Nueva Edad.—Casilla 9373, Santiago. Leser, Hans.—Anmnatcgui 137 (Camilla 3321), Santiago. Lettura, Ernesto.—Serrano esquina Atacama, Taltal. Martinic, Antonio.—O'Higgins 1046, Punta Arenas. Mereeria Central.—Piearte 321 (Ca-silla 279), Valdivia. Moll, Jose O.—Casilla 224, Arica. Morey C , Antonio.—Casilla 212, Coquimbo. Osram, Fabrica de Ampolletae Electricas Ltda.—Aveiiida Vicuna Mackenna 1680, Santiago. ' Piazza, Borghi y Cia., Ltda.—Subida Esperanza 9, Matadero, Valparaiso. Piazza G., Juan Pedro.—5 Oriente 294, Vina del Mar. Piazza y Bertucci Ltda.—Avcuida Brasil 1601 (Casilla 1855), Valparaiso. Piazza y Cia., Ltda.—Teatinos 273 (Casilla 1527), Santiago; and Avenida Brasil 1472, Valparaiso. Relojerfa Barreau.—Picarte 382 (Casilla 540), Valdivia. Schwarzenberg, Adolfo.—Picarte 321 (Casilla 279), Valdivia. Serrano Fernandez, Miguel.—Vicuna Maekenna 116, Santiago. TO (Transocean).—Semiuario 506, Santiago. Zelenka, Guillermo (Dr.).—Casilla 4190, Santiago. Ziener, Eric—Camilla 2998, Santiago. COLOMBIA Agencia PhilUpps.—Junfn 53-68, Medelli'n. Almacen Bradford.—Carrera 8 Xo. 12-04. Bogota. Almaeen Romano.—Carrera 8 Xo. 12-04. Bogota. Castelli Gallo. Antonio.—Carrera 8 Xo. 12-04, Bogota. Duque R., Hcrnando.—Calle 51 Xo. 51-12, Medelli'n. Duque R. y Cfa., Hernando.—Calle 51 Xo. 51-12, Medellfn. Field Echenique, F. A.—Edificio Monsalve. Barranquilla. Fiorini, Alberto Lorenzo.—Carrera 8 Xo. 16-43, Bogotii. Gallo, Vicente (Jr.).—Apartado Nacional 306, Cartagena. Gallo V., Vicente (Sr.).—Apartado Nacional 306, Cartagena. Garage Central.—Carrera 52 No. 54-52, Medellfn. G6mez, German.—Juntn 53-68, Medellfn. G6mez, Horacio.—Y animal. Luisi y Cia., U.—Calle de los Santos de Piedra (Apartado Nacional 102 y Apartado Aereo 151), Cartagena. Mazzei, Gino.—Calle de los Santos dc Piedra (Apartado Nacional 102 y Apartado Af'reo 151), Cartagena. Ochoa LT.T Luis Carlos.1—Carrera 52 Xo. 54-52, Medellin. Oesterreich, Richard.—Progreso, San Roque, Boyaca, Barranquilla. Piiramo. Manuel Guillermo de.—Apartado Aereo 3844, Bogota, Pe-ez U., Laureano.—Medellfn. Puccini. Alberto L.—20 de Julio, San Bias, San Juan, Barranquilla. Saravalle, Augusto.—Apartado Xacional 24 y Apartado Aereo 658, Barranquilla. Saravalle, Cesarr.—Apartado Xacional 24 y Apartado Aereo 658, Barranquilla. Tedesco, Andrea.—Cali. Tedesco, Filippo.—Cali. 1 Not to be confused with Ochoa O., Luis Carlos. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6 PART I : ADDITIONS COLOMBIA—Continued Tedesco, Gaspare.—Cali. Tedesco, S.A.—Calle 14 No. 5-48, Cali. Wild, Leonardo.—-Bogota. COSTA RICA Benedetti Gregorio, Otello.—San Jose. Capra Roveri, Vittorio.—San Jose. Croceri Pclaconi, Constantino.—San Jose". Dondoli Burgazzi, Cesar.—San Jose. F;ibrica de Cafe "La Econ6mica".—San Jos6. Feoli D'Agostino, Nicolas.—San Jose. Feoli y Cfa., S.A.—San Jose. Gambassi, Guido.—San Jose". Marozzi Bernini, Angel.—Cartago. Montuoro, Aristides.—San Jose. Morelli Cosenza, Eugenio.—San Jose\ Piva Cugola, Alfio.—Guadalupe, San Jose\ Rimolo Rocco, Jose1 B.—San Jose. Spesny, Wilhelm (Guillcrmo).—Apartado 1600, San Jose. CUBA Andrade & Company, M. T.—Republica del Brasil 15 (Apartado 1064), Habana. Berndes, Rene.-—Edificio La Metropolitana, Habana. Stein, Max.—Republica de] Brasil 15 (Apartado 1064), Habana. ECUADOR Aserrio Mercedes.—G uayaquil. Burbano Zufiiga, Enrique.—Kueve de Oetubre 913, Guayaquil. Canarte, Alvaro.—Guayaquil. Kruger, Lottie (Mrs. J. H.)—Guayaquil. GUATEMALA Freyler, Erwin.—San Lucas, Sacatepequez. Haese, Wilhelm.—7a AvenidaSur y 9a CalleOriente, Guatemala, Guatemala. HONDURAS Berlioz, Jorge.—Tegucigalpa. Bove, Cayetano (Gaetano).—Tegucigalpa. Drawert, Max.—Marcala. Empresa Espinosa.^Tegucigalpa. Espinosa Valladares, Salvador.—-Tegucigalpa. F&brica Dayton.—Tegucigalpa. Fabrica de Camisas "Duxor".—Calle Real, Comayaguela. Fabrica de Tejidos de Juan Doborow.—Tegucigalpa. Krone, Teodoro.—Tegucigalpa. Motz, Jose" R.—Choluteca. Rossner, Roberto.—Tegucigalpa. Vairo, Luis.—Comayaguela. Weiss, Harry.—-Tegucigalpa. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PART I : ADDITIONS 7 MEXICO Abastecedora de Impresos, S.A.—J. M. Izdzaga (San Miguel) 29, Mexico, D.F. Areeo R., David.—Calle 58 No. 501-A Merida, Yucatan. Articulos de Papelerfa, S.A.—Motolinia 31, Mexico, D.F. Baez, Raul.—Obrero Mundial 29, Mexico, D.F. Beick, Guillermo.—Avenida del Rastro, Quinta Pilatenco, Coyoacan. Bork, Ewald.—Sierra Madre 265, Mexico, D.F. Brehme, Hugo.—Avenida Francisco I. Madero 8, Mexico, D.F. Campanella Hermanos.—Gante 15, Mexico, D.F. Combustion Engineering S. de R.L.—Edificio "La Nacional", dcspacho 47, Guadalajara, and all branches in Mexico. Deutsche Zeitung von Mexico.-—Mexico, D.F. Electromotor, S.A.—Avenida Isabel la Cat61ica 43, Mexico, D.F. Eversbuseh, Ricardo.—Tintoreto 39, Mixcoac, D.F. Fischer, Juan M.—Colonia Los Alamos, Mexico, D.F. Foto Gante, S.A.—Gante 3-B, Mexico, D.F. Foto Laboratories, S. de RX.—Avenida Venustiano Carranza 11, Mexico, D.F. Industria Lanera, S.A.—Mayorazgo 1439, Colonia del Valle, Mexico, D.F. Isaias y Knapp, Francisco.—Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas. Kramer, Theodore.—Avenida L'ruguay 51, Mexico, D.F. Kritzler, Hans J.—Chimalpopoca 20, Mexico, D.F. La Opini6n.—Culiac£n. La Reaccion.—Avenida Uruguay 56, despachos 207-208, Mexico, D.F. Martinez B., Enrique S.—Pedro Moreno 1336, Guadalajara. Mendez, Tito.—San Martfn Tecualtitlan, Puebla. Mitre, Marfa L. de.—Palma Norte 330-E., Mexico, D.F. Moreno, Victor.—Avenida Col6n 224, Guadalajara, Jalisco. Mueller, Victor H.—Colonia Guadalupe Inn, D.F. Ord<5fiez y Cfa.F Sucr.—Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas. Petzold, Kurt H.—V. Carranza 548 Sur, and c/oCasaHolck, S.A..Apartado 1, Monterrey. Plasencia G., Guillermo.—Morelos 557 Oriente, Monterrey, Nuevo Le6n. Posta Mex, S. de R.L.—Diaz Mir6n 146, Mexico, D.F. Rodriguez Ascorva, Roberto.—Avenida Jalisco 96, Tacubaya, D.F. Schmidt, Manuel.—Londres 14, Mexico, D.F. Schwarz, Fritz.—Armijo 46 bis (Apartado 7), San Luis Potosi. Schwarz & Georgi.—Armijo 46 bis (Apartado 7), San Luis Potost. Tautimer, Maria Jesus Vasquez viuda de.—Avenidas 6a y 7a, Agua Prieta; and Rancho Rusballo, Colonia Morelos, Agua Prieta. Tenerfa Huasteca.—Tacubaya, D.F. Vasquez viuda de Tautimer, Maria Jesus.—Avenidas 6a y 7a, Agua Prieta; and Rancho Rusballo, Colonia Morelos, Agua Prieta. Viesca, Carlos (Jr.).—J. A. de la Fuente 116, Torre6n. NICARAGUA Carpena, Felicisiino.—Managua. PERU Agricola La Colmena S.A., La Cfa.—lea, Nazca, and Lima. Agua Mineral Chuquitanta.—Avenida Progreso 965, Lima. Berenguer, Raul.—Cuzco 1053, Lima. Calderon, Julio O.—Judios 254, Lima. 461691"—42——2 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 8 PART It ADDITIONS PERU—Continued Campos y Cfa.—-Jir6n Junto 569, Lima. De la Cadena, Raquel.—J. Gonzales 280, Miraflores, Lima. Deutz-Diesel.—Lima. Erba, Carlo.—Lima. Farmacia Taboada.—Uni<5n (La Merced) 618, Lima. Fernandez, Alfredo.—Camana 364, Lima. Koster, Juan J.—Mollendo. Maisch, Carlos.—Union 1151, Lima. Mercuriale, A.—Uni6n 486, Lima. Olivos, Waldo.—Lima. Preutsky, Jaime.—Avenida Progreso 977, Lima. Ruiz Eldredge, Godofredo.-—Avenida Petit Thouars 1033, Lima. Salinas, Augusto.—Pierola 415, Arequipa. Tealdo, H. L— Union 1151, Lima. Vogler & Rieckhof.—Iquitos. Yaiiez, Victor.—Caridad 670, Lima. URUGUAY • Osten y Cfa.—Bernardo Susviela 4174, Montevideo. Sosa, Artigas F.—Cerrito 580, Montevideo. Zambra, Domingo.—Pando 2664-2668, Montevideo. Zambra, D. & B.—Pando 2664-2668, Montevideo. • VENEZUELA Glugni, Angel E.—Valencia. Giugni y Cfa. Sucrs.—Constituci6n 300-2, Valencia. Hellmund W. y Cfa., C—Torre a Veroes 25, Caracas. Klaus, Hermann.—Apartado 1468, Caracas. Muller Karger, Edgar A. (Dr.).—Apartado 365, Caracas. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • . PART I AMENDMENTS ARGENTINA For substitute For substitute For substitute For substitute For substitute Iwai y Ci'a., Ltda.—25 de Mayo 145, Buenos Aires, Iwai Argentina, S. de R.L.—Bartolome" Mitre 559, Buenos Aires. Kanematsu & Co., F.—Buenos Aires, Kanematsu Rioplatense, S. de R.L.—Piedras 113, Buenos Aires. Shimozato, Minosuke.—25 de Mayo 516, Buenos Aires, Shiniozato, Minosuke.—Avenida Rogue Saenz Pena 616, Buenos Aires. Suda, K--—25 de Mayo 145, Buenos Aires, Suda, Kenkichi.—Bartolome Mitre 559, Buenos Aires. Yamashita Risen Kaisha, Ltda.—25 de Mayo 516, Buenos Aires, Yamashita Kisen Kaisha, Ltda.—Avenida Roque Saenz Pena 616, Buenos Aires. BOLIVIA For substitute For substitute For substitute For substitute Arce, Armando.—La Paz, via Arica, Arce, Armando.—La Paz. Brito, Octavio.—La Paz, Brito, Octavio Pena.—La Paz. Hardt A Company, E.—La Paz, Hardt, E. A W— La Paz. Pedregal, Daniel.—La Paz, Pedregal Vela, Daniel.—La Paz. BRAZIL For aubstitute For aubstitute For substitute For substitute Auto Distribuidora Ltda., Soc.—Rua Sao Euzebio 180-182, Rio de Janeiro, Auto Distribuidora Ltda., Soc.—Rua Senador Euzebio 180182, Rio de Janeiro. Co6perativa Agrfcola Tres Barras.—Jatai, Sao Paulo, Co6perativa Agrfcola Tres Barras.—Assaf, via Jatai. Parana. Electro-Chimica Fluminense, Cia.—Rua 1° de Marco 110, Rio de Janeiro, Electro-Chimica Fluminense, Cia.—Avenida Almirante Barroso 81, Rio de Janeiro. Fiduciaria Brasileira, Cia.—Rua da Alfandega 48, Rio de Janeiro, Fiduciaria Brasileira, Cia.—Avenida Graca Aranha 26, Rio de Janeiro. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10 For substitute For substitute For substitute PART I : AMENDMENTS BRAZIL—Continued Kreb? e Cia., Ltda., W. Fonseoa.—Rua da Alfandcga 189, Rio de Janeiro, Krtbs, Fonseca e Cia., Ltda., W.—Rua da Alfandega 189, Rio de Janeiro. Siemens Bauunion do Brasil, Sociedade Anonyma Empresa Constructora.—Rio de Janeiro, Siemens Bauunion do Brasil 8.A., Empresa Constructora.—Rio de Janeiro. Stet bing, J. J.—Rua General Camara 106, Rio de Janeiro, Stubbing, J. G.—Rua General Camara 106, Rio de Janeiro. CHILE For substitute Explotadora de Manganeso, Soc. Ltda.—Nueva York 52, Santiago; and Coquimbo, Explotadora de Manganeso, Soc. Ltda.—Nueva York 52 (Casilla 1137), Santiago; and Coquimbo. COLOMBIA Relative to For substitute Relative to For substitute For substitute For substitute For substitute 1 Agendas Internacionales.—Medellm, see footnote 1. Claussen, Herman.—Bogota, Claussen, Hermann.—Bogota. Joyerfa Paris.—Calle Junfn Medellfn, see footnote 2. Morocco, Francisco.—Bucaramanga, Marocco, Florindo.—Bucaramanga. Nunez, .— , Nunez B., Emilio.—Apartado Nacional 648, Barranquilla. Reisner, Hermann.—Bogota", Reisner, Herman.—Bogota. Schmiedcr, Wiihelra.—Bogota", Schnieder, Wilhelm.—Bogota". Not to be confused witli Agendas IMernacionales, San Bias, Cuartel, Barranquilla. Owned by Carlos Leidnet. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC For substitute For substitute For Agencia Antillana.—Apartado 664, Ciudad Trujillo, Agencia Antillana.—Apartado 211, Ciudad Trujillo. Barkhausen, Hermann.—Apartado 664, Ciudad Trujillo, Barkhausen, Hermann.—Apartado 211, Ciudad Trujillo. Barletta & Co. C. por A., Antonio.—Padre Billini 4, Ciudad Trujillo, substitute Barletta & Co., C. por A., Antonio.—Ciudad Trujillo. For Dominican Soap Company C. por A.—Cairetera Duarte, kI16metro 2%, Ciudad Trujillo, substitute Dominican Soap Co. C. por A.—Ciudad Trujillo. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PART I : AMENDMENTS 11 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC—Continued For Perez, Bn'gido Fernando.—Edificio Copello (Apartado 404), Ciudad Trujillo, substitute Perez, Brfgido Fernando.—Azua 30 (Apartado 573), Ciudad Trujillo. For Perez & Co.—Edificio Copello (Apartado 404), Ciudad Trujillo, substitute Perez & Co.—Azua 30 (Apartado 573), Ciudad Trujillo. HAITI For De Matteis & Co., A. (Sucr. Arthur de Matteis).—Port-au-Prince, substitute De Matteis & Co., A. (Sucr. Arthur de Matteis).—Boite Postale 122, Port-au-Prince. MEXICO For substitute For substitute For substitute For substitute Forreterfa Aztlan, S. de It.L.—Itepublica Salvador CO, Mexico, D.F., Aztlan, S.A.—Itepublica del Salvador 31-3, Mexico, D.F. Foto Mantel.—Avenida Venustiano Carranza 11, Mexico, D.F., and all branches in Mexico, Foto Mantel, S.A/—Venustiano Carranza 11, Mexico, D.F.; Hotel Comercial, Tijuana, Baja California; Morelos 557 Orients, Monterrey, Nuevo 1*611; Avenida Col6n 224. Guadalajara, Jalisco; and all other branches in Mexico. Salano, Felipe.—J. M. Izi'izaga (San Miguel) 29, Mexico, D.F., Solana, Felipe.—J. M. Iz&zaga (San Miguel)'29, Mexico, D.F. Umababa Baba, Tokichi.—3a Zaragoza y Fuente (Apartado 115), San Luis Potosi, t'maba Baba, Tobichi.—3a Zaragoza y Fuente (Apartado 115), Sao Luis Potosi. URUGUAY For Battaini de Horler, A. Carbone.—Laguna Mcrin 4347, Montevideo, substitute Carbone Battaini de Horler, A.—Laguna Merin4347, Montevideo. For El Bazar "La Sensaci6n".—Andes 1256, Montevideo, substitute Bazar "La Sensaci6n".—Andes 1256, Montevideo. For Martinez, Homero.—Jose Hernandez 2481, Montevideo, substitute Martinez, Homero A.—Jose Hernandez 2481, Montevideo. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PART I DELETIONS BOLIVIA Anzarut, Marco.—Coehabamba and La Paz. Anmiayo del Rio, Ricardo.—Potoaf and Sucre. Got Ischalk, Friedrich.—Coehabamba. Terrazas y Cia—La Paz. BRAZIL Melboramentos de Sao Paulo, Cia.—Rua Libero Badar6 443, Sao Paulo; and Kua Goncalves Dias 9, Rio de Janeiro. Raabe e Cia., Ltda.—Galeria Municipal 109-111, Porto Alegre; and Rio de Janeiro. CHILE Antonim* & Garbaccio.—Bandera 575, Santiago. COLOMBIA Clansmen, Guillermo.—-Barranquilla. Gruotzmacher, Herbert Adolf.—Bogotit. GriKstzmacher y Cfa.—Carrera 7 No. 20-35, Bogotft. Mesa. Francisco A.—Medellm. Mesa, Qnijano y Oia.—Medellin. "Punto Azul".—Carrera 7 No. 20-35, Bogota. Restaurant Miami.—Bogota. Kclmlte y Cia., G.—Apartado 449, Bogota; and Apartado 852, Barranquilla. CUBA Auto Service Company.—Marina 2. Edificio Carreiio, Habana. Kolbert, German.—Teniente Rev 71 (Apartado 2566). Habana. Kolbert y Cfa.—Avenida del Bra.sil 405 (Apartado 2566), Habana. Mena.^ce Faraggi, Giacomo.—Kabana. Neumann, Hermann Dietrich.—Habana. Bchwilling, Herbert.— EL SALVADOR Bruce. Augusto.—Santa Ana. Fannacia Salvadorena.-—Final Calle Arce, San Salvador. Santos, Jorge (Dr.).—Final Calle Arce, San Salvador. MEXICO Lab>ratorios Nutrex, S.A.^—Corrada 3a de Colima 2, Mexico, D.F. Quiniica Coyoacan, S.A.—Zaragoza 19, Mexico, D.F. VENEZUELA D'An brosio B., F61ix.—Apartado 64, Caracas. D'Ambrosio Hermanos Suer.—Sur 3 Kos. 46-47 (Apartado 64), Caracas. 12 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PART II ADDITIONS PORTUGAL AND POSSESSIONS Portugal Cappanari, Silvio.—Praca dos Restauradores 13, Lisbon. Consignacoes e Representacoes Ltda., Soc. de.-—Praea dos Restauradores 13, Lisbon. Eberhard, Dr. Richard.-—Hotel Tivoli, Lisbon. Faria, Jose Serrao de.—Rua Brito e Cunha, Matozinhos, Oporto; and Ave. Barbosa du Boeage 126, Lisbon. Faria & Cia., Serrao de.—Rua Nova do Almada 59, Lisbon. Feria, Manuel de Mora.—Alhos Vedros. Figueircdo, Carlos de.—Rua das Pretas 23, and Rua da Conceicao da Gloria 9, Lisbon. Franco & Cia. Ltda.—Rua do Almada 501, Oporto. Heim, Willi.—c/o J. Wiramer & Co., Ave. 24 de Julho 34, and Estrada de Benifica 71, Lisbon. Navas, Manuel Fernandez.—Rua Rodrigucs Sampaio 50, Lisbon. Palma & Viana Ltda.—Rua dos Correiros 92, Lisbon. Rosario, Julio Ferreira do.—Rua dos Fanquciros 262, Lisbon, Silva, Mario (Transportes Mecanicos).—Rua Coelho da Roeha 44, Lisbon. Torres, Benedito.—Lisbon and Viana de Castelo. Mozambique Lair, Manoel Ribeiro.—Mozambique. Portuguese Guinea Peyrissac & Cie., Anc. Etab. Charles.—Bissau. SPAIN AND POSSESSIONS Spam Ambrosolii.—Plaza Cataluna 9, Barcelona. "Autogasogenos".—Marques de Cuba 23, Madrid. C.E.R.I. Soc. Ltda.—Plaza Cataluna 9, Barcelona. Encarnacion R. Arias.—Ave. Jose Antonio 30, Madrid. Llorca.—-Plaza Cataluna 9, Barcelona. Martinez Ruiz, J.—Barcelo 15, Madrid. Masi Guiolia, Miguel.—Calle del Prado 14, Madrid. Sastre Alba, Jose.—Marques de Cuba 23, Madrid. Scharlau, Pablo.—Aragon 219, and Calle Balmes 65, Barcelona; and Ave. Jose Antonio 25, Madrid. 13 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14 PART I I : ADDITIONS SPAIN AND POSSESSIONS—Continued Spain—Continued Somma, Vincenzo.— Ritz Hotel, Barcelona. Stiegler. Manfred.—Melchor de Palau 30-36, Barcelona. Usai, Mario.—Calle Placentines 20, Apartado 431, Seville; and at Madrid. Balearic Islands Alzina. Lorenzo.—Hotel Royal, Palma Majorca. "Foto Balear".—Palma Majorca. Hauswnann, Enrique.-—Palma Majorca. Orzingers, Emflio.—Palma Majorca. Roma S.A.—Palma Majorca. SWEDEN Fabbricotti & Co. A/B, Carlo.—St. Eriksgatan 8J, Stockholm. SWITZERLAND Autex, A.G.—Zurich. Bama G.m.b.H.—Muehlengraben 7, Basel. Bishoff, Joseph.—-Lausanne. Bodmer, Albert.—Goldach, St. Gallon. Boehringor, C. & Cie. A.G/—Spitalstr. 40, Basel. Cassani, Karl.—Bern. CastelletU S.A., Angelo.—Via Pasteur 1, Chiasso. Cohen, Gabriele.— Vacallo, Chiasso. Cohen, Gabriele, Xaclifolger Federico Lupi.—Vacallo, Chiasso. Du Bois, Dr. Georges Charles.—Pescux. Eberhard. Dr. Richard.-—Ziirieh. Fer-Ulrich, Henri.—Rue du Pont 16, La Chaux-de-Fonds; and at CheserexSur-Xyon, Vaud. Furrer, Heinrieh.—Bahnhofstr. 17, Ziirich. Germann. August.—Schaffhauson. Igepha, A.G.—Loewenstr. 3, Zurich. Industrie Bank A.G.—Bahnhofstr. 17, Zurich. Iselin, Dr. Felix.—Basel. Keller, Dr. Gottfried.—Aarau. "La Metallurgie".—Mainaustr. 17, Zurich. Meyer, Helhnuth G. (Zoppot, Zwcigniederlassung Zurich).—Zurich. Milliquet, Malinot.—Mainauatr. 17, Zurich. Modiano S.A. "Uni version".—Chiasso. Mollwo, Carlo.—Plan Fleuri, Prillv, nr. Lausanne. Moneta, Amribale.—Badstr. 9, Baden. Nasoni, Figli di Luigi.—Via Eniilio Bossi 11, Lugano. Plus Accumulatorenfabrik.—Muehlengraben 3, Basel. Schoetensack, O.—Silvahof, Jubilacumsstr. 97, Bern. Societe Auxiliaire de Participations et de Depots S.A.—Rue d'Etraz 2, Lausanne. Sturzenegger, Dr. Hans.—Sehaffhausen. Wolfenfiperger, Theodor.—Monchaltorf. Zloczower, Justinus.—Neuengasse 39, Bern. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PART I I : ADDITIONS 15 TURKEY . Beitlich, Franz.—Rihtim Cad. Kefezi Huseyin Han 33, P.O. Box 1136, Galata, Istanbul. Dandria, John.—Tcpebasi, Istanbul. Fukiyama Nakamura, Japon Magazasi.—Istiklal Cad. 150, Beyoglu, Istanbul. Haendel, Arnold - Sabri Bey.—Deutsche Orientbank, Galata, Istanbul. Japon Magazasi, Fukiyama Nakamura.—Istiklal Cad. 150, Beyoglu, Istanbul. Kertes, Dr. Stephan.—P.O. Box 2017, Istanbul. Lastik, Oto.-—Abdulhak Hamid Cad. 2, Taksim, Istanbul. Londra, Oteli.—Tepebasi, Istanbul. Madenoff, Nicholas.—Tepebasi, Istanbul. Meyer, Y.—Tunel Cad. 29, Galata, Istanbul. Meyer & Fils, Emil— Tunel Cad. 29, Galata, Istanbul. Navon, M.—Abdulhak Hamid Cad. 2, Taksim, Istanbul. Passarge, Paul.—Istanbul. Raymoud, Raoul.—Istiklal Cad. 150, Beyoglu, Istanbul. Sabri Bey (Arnold Haendel).—Deutsche Orientbank, Galata, Istanbul Ses Film.—Beyoglu, Istanbul. Sixtus, A.-—Abdulhak Hamid Cad. 2, Taksim, Istanbul. Turkkau (formerly Michel loannides).—Bosfor Apartameni 5, Ayaz Pasa, Istanbul. U.M.N.A.K. - Umumi Nakliyat ve Komisyon Ltd.—Vakif Han 6, Galata, Istanbul. L'mumi Nakliyat ve Komisyon Ltd. (U.M.N.A.K.).—Vakif Han 6, Galata, Istanbul. Vij'ana Oteli, Lokanta ve Birabanesi.—Buyuk Kabristan Sokak 113, Tepebasi, Istanbul. Wein berg.—Buyuk Kabristan Sokak 113, Tepebasi. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • PART II AMENDMENTS PORTUGAL AND POSSESSIONS Portugal In relation to Minero Hilvicola Ltda../or Una Cain de Santarem 32. Lisbon, substitute fi.ua do Comercio 8, Lisbon; and Rua Santa Catarina 377, Oporto; and all branches in Portugal. SPAIN AND POSSESSIONS Spain In relation to add In relation to add For substitute In relation to substitute Comercial Maritima de Transporter S.A., Cia., S.S. "Maria Amalia". II ispana-Africans de Reconocimentos Atlanticos S.A., (owners of S.S- "Sidi Ifni"). Karasloyanoff, Gheoriihi. Madrid, KarastoyanofT, Georges, Don Ramon de la Cruz 45, Madrid ScherinR S.A., Productos Quimicos,/oj- Madrid, and General Mola 9, Madrid. SWITZKRLAND In relation to substitute In relation to substitute Brugge. Itodolphe, for Geneva, Ave. de Beau Sejour, Geneva. Galvanocor A.G., for Stans, Xidwaldcn, Lucerne. For substitute 16 Hohstrasser ve Ssi, Holistrasser ve Ssi (Hochstrasser & Co.) TURKEY Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PART II DELETIONS PORTUGAL AND POSSESSIONS Portugal Fabriea Portuguesa de Curtumes - Monteiro, Bessa-Ribas & Cia., Ltda.— Estrada da Circunvala^ao, Ameal, Oporto. Nunes, Artur,—Rua de Bclomonte 59, Oporto. Pais & Coelho.—Pacos de Brandao, Oporto. Angola Faria Ltda., A. Lopes.—Mossamedes. Mozambique Meyer, Frida.—- Mozambique. Stern, Dr. Eduard.—Mozambique. Portuguese Guinea Pereira, Julio Lopes.—Bolama. SPAIN Bofill, Raul.—Calle Santa Paula 28, Seville. Campofiori, Vifctorio Sirito.—Ave. Jose Antonio 27, Madrid. SWITZERLAND Husler, J. & Co.—Beinwil a. See. Veenendaal, J. C.—Nueschelerstrasso 30, Zurich. TURKEY Behar, Jules.—Kurucesme, Istanbul. Caino, Albert C.—Eminbey Han 12, Sultanhaman, P.O. Box 162, Istanbul, and all branches in Turkey. Karlman, Pasaji (Carlmann).—Istiklal Cad. 290, Beyoglu, Istanbul. Seri Mekik Mensucat Fabrikasi.—Kuruecsme, Istanbul. 17 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis O
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- Fraser - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
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