ctávât - St. Frances X. Cabrini Church
ctávât - St. Frances X. Cabrini Church
St. Frances X. Cabrini Catholic Church 12687 California Street, Yucaipa, CA 92399 Phone: 909·797·2533 • Fax: 909-790-5803 E-Mail: [email protected] Web: stfrancesxcabrinichurch.org or stfrancesxcabrinichurch.com Office Hours/Horario de Oficina Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday/ Lunes, Miércoles, y Jueves 8:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. St Frances X Cabrini Church Yucaipa StFrancesChurch Tuesday/Martes - 8:30 A.M. - 6:30 P.M. Friday/Viernes - Closed (Lunch 12:30 P.M. - 1:30 P.M.) stfranceschurch stfrancesxcabrinichurch.weebly.com Segundo Domingo de ctávât (o Domingo de Divina Misericordia) Jesús le dijo a Tomás: “Tú crees porque me has visto; dichoso los que Creen sin haber visto.” Juan 20:29 3deabrilde2016 Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas Saturday/Sábado Vigil 4:00 P.M. - English Sunday/Domingo: 7:30 A.M. - English 9:00 A.M. - Español 11:00 A.M. - English Daily Mass/Misa Diaria: Monday through Thursday Lunes a Jueves 7:30 A.M. Communion Service/ Servicio de Comunión: Friday/Viernes - 7:30 A.M. Rosary/Rosario: Friday/Viernes -12:00 P.M. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament/Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento: Friday/Viernes 8:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. Sacrament of Reconciliation/ Confesiones: Saturday/Sábado 3:00 P.M. and by appointment/y si hace una cita Leadership Team / Equipo De Liderazgo PASTOR/PÁRROCO Rev. Santos Ortega 797-2533 ext. 228 [email protected] DEACON/DIÁCONO Peter Bond 797-2533 ext. 505 [email protected] DEACON/DIÁCONO Dan Hudec 797-2533 ext. 506 [email protected] Second Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy *Religious Education Classes * *K-5th GRADE Tuesday April 5, 2016 Wednesday April 6, 2016 4:30pm-6:00pm 6:00pm-7:30pm *6th, 7th & 8th GRADE Tuesday April 5, 2016 6:45pm-8:30pm *YOUTH CONFIRMATION CLASSES Tuesday April 12, 2016 6:45pm-8:45pm 7:00pm-8:30pm *FAMILY CATECHISM (K-8TH) ENGLISH Friday April 8, 2016 7:00pm-8:30pm 1st. Eucharist Preparation Session ( 3rd-5th gr) Saturday April 9, 2016@10:00am in Parish Center Rosary For the year of Mercy We say the Rosary for all your prayer requests every Friday at 12 noon, in the Chapel. Everyone is welcome! After the Rosary, the chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed. 1 Question of the Week Question for Children: Jesus appeared to the disciples even though they were afraid and locked in the closed room. How can you show Jesus to another person this week by how you act? Question for Youth: Thomas didn’t believe because he hadn’t seen Jesus with his own eyes. How hard is it for you to believe in God without being able to see God? How do you see God in the words and actions of others? Question for Adults: Jesus said: "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe." Give one example of how you will show your belief in Jesus this week - how you are being sent forth. Pregunta de la semana *FAMILY CATECHISM (K-8TH) SPANISH Thursday April 7, 2016 April 3, 2016 Pregunta para los niños: Jesús se les apareció a los discípulos aun cuando ellos tenían miedo y estaban reunidos en un sitio bajo llave. ¿Cómo pueden mostrar a Jesús a otras personas esta semana por medio de su comportamiento? Pregunta para los jóvenes: Tomás no creía porque no había visto a Jesús con sus propios ojos. ¿Cuán difícil es para ti creer en Dios sin verlo? ¿Cómo ves a Dios en las palabras y acciones de los demás? Pregunta para los adultos: Jesús dijo: "Dichosos los que sin haber visto, creen". Den un ejemplo de cómo mostrarán su creencia en Jesús esta semana: cómo se les ha despedido. BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS DATES Before a child can be baptized, parents and godparents must attend a baptism preparation class. The completion certificate of class attendance is part of the baptism registration package. Baptism preparation certificates are good for 2 years. Please contact Ursula at 909-797-2533 ext. 225 to register. English Classes: Saturday 04/09/2016; 06/04/2016; 08/06/2016; 10/08/2016; 12/03/2016. Classes are held at Room 16 (The old Church) and start at 8:45 a.m. Spanish Classes: Monday 04/11/2016 and 04/18/2016; 06/13/2016 and 06/20/2016; 08/08/2016 and 08/15/2016; 10/10/2016 and 10/17/2016; 12/12/2016 and 12/19/2016. Classes are held at Room 16 (The old Church) and start at 6:15 p.m. BAPTISM DATES 4/30/2016; 6/25/2016; 8/27/2016; 10/29/2016; 12/31/2016 A Year of Mercy Bishop Gerald Barnes is featured in a new video series produced by the Dept. of Communications that is designed to help our Catholic faithful reflect on the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy during this Jubilee Year. A link to the first installment of the series, in both English and Spanish, is below. Please feel free to use this for any prayerful or catechetical moments on mercy. English Link: https://youtu.be/jAtFpUkSxYI Spanish Link: https://youtu.be/7j51Uk-6JzQ FAITH FORMATION FOR ADULTS April 5, 12, 19, 26; 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. 4 weeks...What is Pope Francis asking of me?? Congratulations to our new Catholics! Sebastian Aguilar; Alyssa Casillas; Joseph Casillas; Bryan Cruz; Angela Gerber; Joseph Gerber, Alyssa Gerber; Dominic Jimenez; Jazmin Jimenez, Lizeth Trujillo, Sean Hughes; Michael Drofycz; Jennifer Pedley, Sarah Stevenson Second Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy April 3, 2016 2 April 3, 2016 Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As Pastor, I have been working with the Pastoral Council to plan for the future of our Parish so I turn to you for help. We realize that your time is scarce and valuable; however, we need you to take a few minutes to prayerfully complete a survey to help us identify areas that you think we need to do better. Please, keep in mind that as parishioners we ought to take “ownership” of our parish community as we grow as a spiritual family. Please complete the survey no later than May 1, 2016 and return it by placing it in the basket in front of the sanctuary on the weekend masses when the actual survey will take place, in one of the survey baskets in the Narthex, or by dropping it off in the office. We ask that all adult members of the parish complete the survey. If you identify some areas that we need to improve, please provide some solutions or suggestions. We appreciate any input that you may have. Additional survey forms will be available from the office, a basket in the Narthex, and on our church’s web-site. Once surveys are received, results will be tallied and then shared with the parish community. I hope that this survey will begin a process of communication, growth and spiritual insight for our parish and community. But this can only happen with your help as you take active participation. Thank you for your assistance and support. May God continue to bless you and your family. Yours in Christ, Father Santos Ortega Thank You! To all who donated their time, talent or treasure to the Easter environment Thank you! Your donations have given the church and masses a feeling of new beginnings! Segundo Domingo de Pascua/Divina Misericordia 3 de Abril, 2016 3 Mothers Day Celebration The "Saint Francis Xavier Cabrini Special Events" ministry is looking for volunteers to help at the mothers day celebration on Saturday May 14th. Come and help us celebrate all of the mothers of the parish. We will be needing people to setup before the event and also to help during the event , in the booths and the games. There will be exciting activities: Entertaining music and dancing Lots of wonderful food Games for children Bingo We are in need of many volunteers! El ministerio "San Francis Xavier Cabrini Eventos Especiales" esta buscando voluntarios de una kermes para celebrar el Día de las Madres, que se llevará acabo el Sabado Mayo 14. Ven hacer parte de esta celebración para todas las mamas de la parroquia. Necesitamos voluntarios para ayudar desde temprano en las preparaciones para el evento, tambien para ayudar en los juegos y los puestos de comida. Habran muchas actividades: Musica, Mariachi, Bailables folkloricos Comida deliciosa Juegos para niños y adultos Bingo Necesitamos voluntaios! If you would like to volunteer or Para más informacion por favor for more info. please leave a deja un mensaje a Pedro @ 909-797-2533 message for Pedro @ 909-797-2533 ext 223 ext 223 2016 Goal/Meta $800,000.00 $188,343 297 Pledges from cards Compromisos 1/1–3/22 Paid/Pagado $84,443.50 Pledges Update Thank you to all who have pledged to our Generous Heart Campaign. If you missed the opportunity to join us in pledging to our Generous Hearts Debt Campaign, don’t worry. The materials are available in the parish office and in the church. Your commitment and contributions are always needed and helpful. Gracias a todos aquellos que ya se han comprometido a nuestra Campaña de Corazones Generosos en Deuda. Si usted se perdió la oportunidad para acompañarnos en la Campaña de Corazones Generosos en Deuda, no se preocupe. Los materiales aún se encuentran disponibles en la oficina parroquial y en la iglesia. Su compromiso y contribuciones siempre son necesarias y de mucha ayuda. Second Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy April 3, 2016 4 Don Majestic’s Estate & Car Auction St. Frances will be conducting a final auction on Saturday April 23rd, 2016 for the vintage Corvette cars and other estate items in the Don Majestic estate. This will be an online as well as a live auction. The “Live” auction will be held in the Parish Center here at St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Church at 10am on Saturday April 23rd. As with our first auction this auction will also be conducted by Danny Dotson and his crew from American Auctioneers. The “Online” auction is currently accepting bids for all items. Please visit their web-site at http://www.americanauctioneers.com/ to view the online catalog and to place bids. Bids for items can be made online or live in person on April 23rd. The highest “Live” or “Online” bid for an item/lot will be the winner. This will be a NO Reserve auction, the highest bid will own it. Preview for all vehicles will be on April 20, 21 and 22nd. The running Corvettes are at Play Toys located at 32300 Outer Hwy 10, Redlands, CA, and all other vehicles including the Air Stream Trailer and restorable 1954 & 1955 Corvettes will be at Road Runner Towing at 12137 11th Street, Yucaipa. The Car Parts Preview will be on Friday April 22nd from 10am to 5pm, and on the morning of the auction from 8am to 10am on the Church’s lot behind the office on the north east corner. Citizenship Classes Time: 6pm– 8pm Alcove 11 St. Frances Xavier Cabrini 12687 California St, Yucaipa 5 week course Meet once a week Prepare for the Citizenship Test Classes are in English Instructor– Alfonso Hernandez “He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their Respect children…” (Malachi 4:6) Reflection: Abortion is a sin that not only women commit. Men commit it too. Though men cannot have abortions, they can choose abortions. A sin is committed when somebody willingly and knowingly chooses a moral wrong. If, then, a man decides that his girlfriend or wife should have an abortion, suggests it to her, pressures her, drives her to the abortion mill, or pays for the procedure, he has committed the sin of abortion. Prayer: Lord, you are the source of all fatherhood, the inspiration and strength of all protectors. Bless all men with the wisdom to protect their children. Amen. Classes • Time: 6pm to 8pm • Alcove 11 • St. Frances Xavier Cabrini • 12687 California St, Yucaipa Instructor– Alfonso Hernandez " l cambiara los corazones de los padres hacia E sus hijos.."(Mamachi 4:6). Refleccion: Aborto es un pecado que no solo las mujeres cometen. Hombres tambien lo hacen. Aunque hombres no pueden tener abortos, ellos pueden escoger abortos. Un pecado es cometido cuando alguien voluntariamente y con conocimiento escoge una accion inmoral, Si, entonces, un hombre decide que su enamorada or esposa deberia tener un aborto, le sugiere o forza, le lleva a la clinica de abortos,, o paga por este procedimiento, el ha cometido el pecado del aborto. Oracion: Senor,Tu eres el principio de la paternidad, la inspiracion y fortaleza de todos los protectores. Bendice a todos los hombres con la sabiduria de proteger s sus hijos. Amen. Second Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy Ministry Staff Business Manager/ Administradora de Negocios Precious Chikulo [email protected] ext. 229 Director of Religious Education/ Educación Religiosa Grades/Grados K-12th Linda Ornelas [email protected] ext. 224 Office Assistant / Asistente de Oficina Peggy Patterson [email protected] ext. 227 Office Receptionist/ Recepcionista de Oficina Cecilia Newby [email protected] ext. 221 Ministries/Ministerios *ICS (Food Distribution) 909-797-0007 *Pastoral Council / Concilio Pastoral Enrique Lima 909-797-2533 *Finance Council Don Averil 909-797-2533 *Jóvenes Para Cristo Clara Ureña 909-797-6865 *Mothers in Faith Teresa Russo 951-534-4001 *Eucharistic Ministers Dcn. Dan Hudec 909-797-2533 Ext. 506 *Altar Servers Dcn. Dan Hudec 909-797-2533 Ext. 506 *Ministros de Eucaristía Francisco Herrera 909-446-0674 *NAMI Monica Robles 909-797-6235 *Monaguillos Laura Jaramillo 909-725-0296 *Lectors/Lectores Dcn. Peter Bond 909-797-2533 Ext. 505 *Sacristans Veronica Moreno-Nicholas [email protected] *Small Faith Communities Lisa Cox [email protected] *Quinceañeras Mirtha Gonzalez 909-790-7187 *R.C.I.A. (new Catholics) Lisa Hudec [email protected] *Catholic Daughters of the Americas Trisha Wright 909-795-3229 *Knights of Columbus Mike Figueredo 909-936-6416 For the below ministries Contact: Ursula Benitez 909-797-2533 Ext. 225 *Bereavement/Funerals/Funerales *Minister to the Sick and Homebound/ Ministerio de los enfermos *Marriage/Matrimonio *Baptisms/Bautismos April 3, 2016 5 4/2–4/3, 2016 Mass Intentions Sat. 4:00 P.M. Julius F. Lopez † Sun. 7:30 A.M. Wayne & Cathy Wilhoft 9:00 A.M. Pro Populo 11:00 A.M. Gus Wallace † 4/4– 4/10, 2016 Mass Intentions Mon. 7:30 A.M. Pro Populo Key Tues. 7:30 A.M. Pro Populo † - RIP Wed. 7:30 A.M. Vladyslav Nasiadka † ♦ - Birthday Thurs. 7:30 P.M. Diane & Stanley Schultz ♥ ♥ - Anniversary Fri. 7:30 A.M. Communion Service - Special Sat. 4:00 P.M. William McLeod † Intention Sun. 7:30 A.M. Leonard & Ron Lardy † 9:00 A.M. Hipolito Madrid & Carmen Jacquez † 11:00 A.M. Pro Populo Readings of the Week Monday: Is 7:10-14, 8:10; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38 Tuesday: Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15 Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Thursday: Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36 Friday: Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 Saturday: Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21 Sunday: Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; Rv 5:11-14; Jn 21:1-19 [1-14] Prayer List (Please note this list is for seriously ill persons. Names can only be listed for two weeks - our prayer chain continues to pray for people after this time) Recently we received additional requests for prayers for the following: Rebecca Jaensch, Joyce Drake, David Garretson, Fred Corme, Elsa Hernandez, Carlos Carreon, Juan Hernandez, Juan Najera, Mattison Beard, Kevin Kimbrough, Norsleter & John Fullen, Deb Garcia-Oesterbald, Luke Butnick If you would like to request prayers for your family, please contact 797-2533 In Memoriam of: Jerica Alaine Harris, Carolyn Franceschin, Mary Lou Schmitt, Fleurette Valdivia, Kevin Walsh, Marion Mortati, Candelario Macias, Baby Luna, Gustavo Sanchez Pray for your servants who served you faithfully throughout their lives. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY Grief Share If you are suffering the loss of a loved one, come join us for a new grief share session that begins on April, 04, 2016 and ends on May 16, 2016. Sessions are held weekly on Monday evening from 6:30 – 8:30 PM. These sessions are open to anyone who has lost a loved one through death. In order to maintain cohesiveness among attendees, once the session has started no others can be admitted. For additional information and sign-up, please contact Ursula at 909-797-2533 ext. 225 The Spring edition of the “Good Grief” bereavement newsletter is available at the Narthex.