Mass Schedule - Resurrection Catholic Church
Mass Schedule - Resurrection Catholic Church
Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5:00pm 7:00pm Spanish 9:30am and 4:30pm Spanish 7:30pm Portuguese Vigil of Holy Day: 7:30pm Weekday Mass: 8:00am Wednesday: 7:30pm Spanish Confessions: Half hour before all weekend Masses Fr. Carlos Anklan, c.s. Pastor Fr. Vincenzo Ronchi, c.s. Parochial Vicar Assisting Priest: Fr. Robert Kurber Fernando Fred Molina: [email protected] 1211 Winter Garden Vineland Rd, Winter Garden, Fl 34787 Telephone: 407-656-3113 / Fax: 407-654-4935 Website: / E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday –Friday 9:00am—4:30pm Sunday, November 22, 2015 Page 2 : We welcome you to our Parish Community. Please complete a registration form available at the entrance of the church and put it in the collection basket or stop by the church office Monday through Friday 9:00am4:30pm. Preparation classes are required for Baptism. The Mass Intentions of the week Saturday, November 21 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Sunday, November 22 8:00 AM 9:30 AM (Spanish) 11:30 AM 4:30 PM (Spanish) 7:30 PM Monday, November 23 8:00 AM Tuesday, November 24 8:00am Wednesday, November 25 8:00 AM 7:30 PM The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary +Curling Martin +Josue Perez Negron +Marta Urbina +Francisco Rivera +Esteban Massa Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe +Tricia Fischer +Jorge & Rosalba Leal +Hugo Petit Souls in Purgatory +Roger Landreville +Lissette Nuñez +Catalina Bernal +Gregorina Chima For all the Parishioners St. Clement I, Pope & Martyr, St. Columbian, Abbot; Blessed Miguel Agustin Pro, Priest & Martyr Julisa Viñas (health) St. Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest, & Companions, Martyrs +Larry Lampariello St. Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin & Martyr +Robert Luckow +Fr. David Donis +Noe Donis Isaac Acosta (Birthday) Thurs., Nov. 26 Thanksgiving Day 10:00 AM—For all the Parishioners Friday, November 27 8:00 AM Saturday, November 28 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Weekday Laura Reilly (In thanksgiving) Weekday +William Hoffer +Jose Bracho +Constanza Rodriguez +Hugo Petit PARISH STEWARDSHIP OFFERING “Well done my good and faithful servant” Families contributing by using envelopes……….414 Offertory 11/15/15…...……….…$11,745.81 Online Givers………………………$2,785.33 GOD BLESS YOU AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! classes are required for parents and Godparents. Parents must be registered, participating members of the parish for at least two months, Godparents must be practicing Catholics who have received Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation, and if they are couples must be married by the Catholic Church. Please call the church office at least four to six months in advance. A pre-marriage program is required. Call parish office for more information. (Christian Initiation for adults and children 7 years and older): For more information please call at 407-656-3113. Please notify us when you would like a hospital or home visit. We believe that life long learning and growing is healthy for people of all ages and stages. We also expect that we, as adults, youth or children will continue to grow and learn our faith for our entire life. We encourage all youth; Kindergarten to Grade 12 to participate in Religious Education. Every child should be receiving education in their faith every year. Every adult should continue to read, study share the Scriptures, their faith and their prayer with others. We know that a relationship with Christ is so important that we require a minimum of one or two years of Religious Education before preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. Religious Education is for every year that your child is in school, not just when they are preparing for a sacrament. If your child is not participating please call at 407-6563113 x4 or email Maryann McFerrin [email protected] to see how we can assist you with Religious Education. Blessed Sacrament Candle We light a wax candle to indicate the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. This week (November 15-21) will be for deceased Curling Martin. Our Lord Jesus Christ the King of the Universe Page 3 Dear Parishioners, This week we celebrate two glorious days. As a church we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. This is not a feast to celebrate a conquering hero or political winner but rather a gentle Jesus who wants to be central in our hearts and lives. Can I let Jesus be King of my life? As Americans we celebrate a feast of thanksgiving. For whom am I thankful for? For what blessings do I appreciate? What challenges or growth points has God given to me? In a recent survey of a broad spectrum of Catholics, more than 70 % of participants have invited someone to consider priesthood or religious life. Ideally the promotion of vocations is the responsibility of the entire church, not only of the clergy or religious themselves. Pope Francis promulgated this Year of Consecrated Life to raise the church’s awareness about the importance of this unique vocation within the communion of vocation we all share as baptized Christians. What a gift and blessing for the entire church! Are there priests, brothers or sisters who have helped or taught you? Are there moments of grace that you are thankful for? Perhaps these graces came to you through of a person in Consecrated life? Offer God a prayer of praise and thanks for these ministers of grace. Frequently during the year we share gift cards for Publix, or Aldi’s or Bravo or a gas station with the needy who come to our door. Could you help us? On Thursday, at our Thanksgiving Trilingual Mass we will take up a collection. Could you please bring a gift card for our needy people? (Preferably in the following amounts $20 or $25 for food and $10 for gasoline). God bless you! Advent Penance Service Tuesday, December 1, 2015 7:00pm Sunday, November 22, 2015 Page 4 at 7:00am followed by Mass at 8:00am Members monthly meeting the 1st Monday of the month at 7:00pm in the parish hall. Light meal served at 6:30pm before the meeting. Middle and High School Youth Ministry Wednesday at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall. Our focus will be on growing deeper in our understanding of our Catholic faith and staying close to Jesus in today’s world--not always easy to do! We are active in service projects and sponsor collections for Matthew’s Hope. One night a month we have fun activities such as bowling and roller-skating. We are all about Faith, Fellowship and Fun! The Knights of Columbus need volunteers for the Winter Garden/Ocoee parade on December 6th. Sign up after Mass this weekend or leave your name at the parish office. Second Sunday of the month. Time 9:00am to 10:30am. Thank you for your support Have you never had a chance to educate yourself with our Holy Bible? or Are you an experienced Bible reader? We are beginning the Book of Exodus Mondays at 1:00 PM, Room 10. All are welcome to join us as we begin our study! Join Bishop Noonan on Saturday, December 5 from 8-11 a.m., at St. Mary Magdalen Parish, Altamonte Springs for Mass to pray for the unborn, healing for mothers and fathers affected by abortion and the conversion of staff and doctors. Participants will also pray the rosary at a nearby abortion clinic. Contact the Office of Advocacy and Justice for more information: 407-658-1818, ext. 2086; [email protected]. Bishop John Noonan has designated the central bronze door at the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe, as the Holy Door for the Diocese of Orlando. The door will be opened for the Jubilee of Mercy on December 13 at 9:30 a.m., to coincide with Pope Francis opening the Holy Door at the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome. All are welcome to attend. The basilica is located at 8300 Vineland Ave. in Orlando. As you can see the trees are full! Please choose 1 or 2, or as many cards as you can. Return the toy/ gift card UNWRAPPED to the Church the weekend of December 5th & 6th.. Volunteer people from our church will be sorting and packing them to be distributed to the needy families of the Parish! Sometimes during the holidays family members begin to ask questions about your faith. Help them to understand the Catholic faith and perspective. If they are ready to explore our faith or come back to the sacraments please encourage them. RCIA is for adults who want to learn more about our faith. Please call Sister Pat 407-656-3113 x 4 or [email protected] What is the theology of Reconciliation since I made my “First Confession”? We have a session exploring the cleansing effect of absolution: God’s forgiving us. Come and update your appreciation for this sacrament. Parents who wish to prepare their child for the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be attending this meeting in the church on Tuesday, Dec 1 We begin at 6:45-and conclude by 8:00. Our Lord Jesus Christ the King of the Universe Page 5 JESUS, REI QUE SE FAZ SERVO Obrigado por ser dizimista! O dízimo de 15 de novembro foi $785. Page 6 Sunday, November 22, 2015 Queridos feligreses, Esta semana celebramos dos días gloriosos. Como iglesia se celebra la Fiesta de Cristo Rey. Esto no es una fiesta para celebrar un héroe conquistador o vencedor político sino a un Jesús manso que quiere ser el centro de nuestros corazones y vidas. ¿Puedo dejar que Jesús sea el rey de mi vida? Como americanos, celebramos la fiesta de acción de gracias. ¿Por quién estoy agradecido? Que bendiciones yo he apreciado? ¿Qué desafíos o puntos de crecimiento Dios me ha dado? En una encuesta reciente de un amplio espectro de los católicos, más del 70% de los participantes han invitado a alguien a considerar la vida del sacerdocio o la vida religiosa. Lo ideal sería que la promoción de las vocaciones sea responsabilidad de toda la Iglesia, no sólo del clero o de los mismos religiosos. El Papa Francisco promulgó este Año a la Vida Consagrada para crear conciencia en la Iglesia acerca de la importancia de esta vocación única dentro de la comunión de la vocación que todos compartimos como cristianos bautizados. ¡Qué regalo y bendición tan grande para toda la iglesia! ¿Conoces sacerdotes, hermanos o hermanas que te han ayudado o te ha enseñado de alguna manera? ¿Has tenido momentos de gracia de los cuales estás agradecido? Tal vez estas gracias vinieron a ustedes a través de una persona en la vida consagrada? Ofrezca a Dios una oración de alabanza y agradecimiento por estos ministros de la gracia. Frecuentemente y durante todo el año la iglesia comparte tarjetas de regalo de Publix, Aldi. Bravo o una estación de servicio de gasolina, con los más necesitados que vienen a nuestra puerta. ¿Podrías ayudarnos? El jueves, en nuestra trilingüe Misa de Acción de Gracias vamos a hacer una colecta. ¿Podría usted por favor traer una tarjeta de regalo para nuestras personas necesitadas? (Preferiblemente de $20 o 25 para comida y $10 para gasolina). Gracias, Dios les bendiga! Pero si confesamos nuestros pecados, el, que es fiel y justo, nos perdonara nuestros pecados y nos limpiara de toda maldad. 1 Juan 1:9 Servicio Penitencial (Confesiones) Martes, 1 de diciembre -7:00pm Our Lord Jesus Christ the King of the Universe Page 7 Estas se llevan a cabo el último sábado de cada mes de 9:00 AM a 1:00 PM, en los salones 10 y 11. Todos están cordialmente invitados. “Lo que buscáis leyendo lo encontrareis meditando” San Juan De la Cruz. Para más information llamar a Juan Carlos Hernández al 407-592-3625.” El grupo de Jóvenes se reúne todos los miércoles a las 7:30PM, en los Salones # 10 y 11. Invitamos a todos los jóvenes de 18 años en adelante para que vengan y participen. Para más información favor comuníquense con Joanna Escobedo at 321-225-9180. El grupo de oración carismático se reúne todos los lunes a las 7:30pm en la Iglesia. Todos están cordialmente invitados. Para más información favor llamar la Sr. Helton Blanco al 407-936-8655. Invitamos a aquellas personas interesadas en aprender sobre la humildad y servicio de Nuestra Madre la Virgen María a que asistan a las reuniones que se llevan a cabo los miércoles de 6:15pm a 7:15pm en el salón numero 2. Para más información favor de comunicarse con la Sra. Adriangela Esposito al 407-288-0620. El movimiento Juan XXIII se reúne todos los martes a las 7:00pm en el Centro Parroquial. Para más información pueden llamar a Ramiro Valdez al teléfono 772-418-2965. Los devotos de la Devoción a la Divina Misericordia se reúnen en la iglesia todos los lunes a la 6:30pm para rezar el rosario de la Divina Misericordia. Para más información favor de comunicarse con Hilda Pérez al 407-296-4304. Ustedes queridos hermanos, especialmente los de México, conocen la devoción de las Posadas. Generalmente se hacen nueve días como si fuera una novena. Espero que ustedes en sus casas puedan hacer esta devoción en preparación para la venida de Cristo y así El tendrá posada en sus corazones. Como parroquia vamos a tener esta posada solamente un día, el viernes 18 de diciembre de 7:30pm-12:00am en el salón grande (Gleason Hall). Los jóvenes de la parroquia van a tener todo preparado para que sea una noche inolvidable de devoción y alegría al estilo Mejicano. !Les esperamos! Sabado, 12 de diciembre del 2015 Resurrection Catholic Church 1211 Winter Garden Vineland Rd., Fl 34787 En la mañana 4:30am: Rosario Guadalupano 5:00am: Mañanitas con Mariachi 6:00am: Chocolate y pan en el Salon En la tarde 6:30pm: Procesion Guadalupana en el estacionamiento de la iglesia 7:00pm: Misa Solemne de la Virgen de Guadalupe con representacion teatral de las Apariciones a San Juan Diego 8:00pm: Compartir en el Salon Parroquial Mas informacion: Genoveva (407 592-2885 / Homero (407) 692-7838 Como pueden observar nuestros Arboles de Regalos ya están decorados con tarjetas de Navidad. Por favor tomen tantas tarjetas como puedan satisfacer. Solicitamos de ustedes de comprar y NO envolver los regalos. Favor de pegar la tarjeta de Navidad que ustedes escogieron al regalo Traigan por favor todos los regalos antes o para el fin de semana del 5 y 6 de diciembre