fegonzalo rubalcaba


fegonzalo rubalcaba
fegonzalo rubalcaba
1 Derivado 1 (Gonzalo Rubalcaba)
2 Maferefun Iya Lodde Me (Gonzalo Rubalcaba)7:02
3 Improvisation 2 (based on Coltrane) 3:54
4 Derivado 2 (Gonzalo Rubalcaba)
5 Con Alma 1 (Dizzy Gillespie)
6 Preludio Corto #2 (Tu amor era Falso) 5:08
(Gonzalo Rubalcaba)
(Alejandro Garcia Caturla)
7 Blue In Green 1 (Miles Davis & Bill Evans)6:03
5Passion ® is a
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of 5Passion LLC.
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applicable laws.
h & © 2010 5Passion.
Produced by Gonzalo
Rubalcaba. 5P-005
EAN 736211743756
8 Oro (Gonzalo Rubalcaba)
9 Joan (Gonzalo Rubalcaba)
10 Joao (Gonzalo Rubalcaba)
11 Yolanda Anas (Gonzalo Rubalcaba)
12 Blue In Green 2 (Miles Davis & Bill Evans)
13 Con Alma 3 (Dizzy Gillespie)
14 Improvisation 1 (based on Coltrane)
15 Derivado 3 (Gonzalo Rubalcaba)
(Gonzalo Rubalcaba)
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Blessed are those who have not seen, yet believe… In 1618 three young boys, one of
Afro-Cuban descent and two of Indo-Cuban descent set off in a small boat into the
bay of Nipe to make salt. They are known as the “Three Juans.” As they approached
the center of the bay in their small rowboat, the waters grew angry, and the boys
began to fear for their lives. At the height of their despair, the legend follows that
Mother Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, appeared in the water and assured the
boys that their lives were secure. No one can say exactly what each of them saw.
What is clear that they each saw something profound and reassuring. And from this
apparition grew separate, yet effectively identical experiences for each or them. The
Afro-Cuban boy named this vision Ochun, while the Indigenous Cuban boys named
her La Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre.
In our lives it is certain that we all live through trials and tribulations.
Whether we are aware of our actions or not, we all return to our faith on many
levels to help us weather the storm. In our limited understanding, we as humans
have created a myriad of names, descriptions and entire faiths to describe what we
have all seen. Over eons of time, a multitude of faiths have been manifest on this
earth… remnants of our efforts to exalt the love we have all felt from the one and
only true God. As we all mature, we will all hopefully become more tolerant of our
minor differences and become more inclusive. It is heartening to come to the realization that we are all one, one with each other and one with God, regardless
of whether we call Him or Her God, Gott, Alla, Dios, Dieu, Yahweh,Vishnu,
Krishna, Waheguru, El, The Light, Zhu, Tenri-O-no-Mikoto, Alpha Omega or Olofin.
We have all seen, the question is, do we believe?
Photo courtesy of Simon’s Sounds
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Una fuerza, convicción, ejercicio de paciencia, propósito de realización y materialización de
una idea o ideal, modelo y referencia sostenida en el obstinado ejercicio de la disciplina, el
respeto y la humildad, o lo que es igual, el diario estudio y reflección, búsqueda paciente y
delirante de nuestra verdad y felicidad, creyendo ser felices en esa gestión de amor asistida
por la ilusión. Mi FE no escapa a esto y mucho más, ni a cuanta aparición y respuesta me
ofrecen todos y todo. Dar gracias quiero todas las horas y días de mi vida, por tanto y tanta
invisible asistencia y cura que fortalece mis mejores pensamientos y anhelos para con mi vida
y la de mis seres queridos. Al sol, la luna, el día, la noche, la flora, la fauna, el mar, mis espíritus
y santos, la música...mi FE. Luz en el camino y descanso de nuestros seres queridos. Tengo
total FE de la prudencia de dios y sus gestores, de su observación jamás fatigada, justa y no
siempre entendida. Que su manto de amor y salvación abrace eternamente a Mima, Tato,
Mama,’ Maria, Joao, Joan,Yoly, Mayitín, Sora, Maruca, Naña, Gary y Dayne... A Kirian y familia,
Willy, Jorge Sánchez, Carlos Alvarez, Dr. Fernández y familia, Dr. Cesar López y familia,
Bruce Lundvall, Janet
López, Noemi Solares
y familia, Julian
(Gallego), Sandy
Hoodye y familia,
Ken Blaydow y
familia, Mayito
y familia y
a todos
han extendido su
­­— Gonzalo
L to R: Jorge Sanchez, Kirian Vega, Mario Garcia, Gonzalo Rubalcaba, Gary Galimidi, Carlos Alvarez and Dave Poler
L to R: Mario Garcia, Gonzalo Rubalcaba, and Dave Poler
Produced by: Gonzalo Rubalcaba
Executive producer: Gary Galimidi
Production Coordination: Kirian Vega and M&W Art and Productions
Engineers: Carlos Alvarez and Mario Garcia
Recording assistant engineer: Dave Poler
Mastered: October 19-21, 2010 by Allan Tucker at Foothill Digital Studio,
New York, NY, USA. www.foothilldigital.com/allantucker.asp
Design by Dayne Dupree, 5Passion Design, Miami, FL, USA
Session photography by Mario Garcia Joya
Video of recording sessions for DVD by Jorge Sanchez
Recorded at Criteria Studio - The Hit Factory, Miami, FL, USA
May 27-31, 2010. www.criteriastudios.com
Edited at EME Producciones, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, September 14-17, 2010
and Oren Studios I & 2, Coral Springs and Miami, FL, USA, August 2010.
Mixed by Carlos Alvarez at Green Vinyl Group Inc., North Miami Beach, FL, USA,
October 3-5, 2010. www.iamcarlosalvarez.com
Gonzalo Rubalcaba plays a Yamaha CFIII
Gonzalo Rubalcaba is an exclusive Yamaha – Bosendorfer Artist
Piano technician: Karl M. Roeder
Gonzalo Rubalcaba may be reached at his web-space: www.g-rubalcaba.com and www.5passion.com
Fé is the premier cd from 5Passion Productions, stay tuned for exciting upcoming releases.
Cover photograph: La Cruz de Rubalcaba (Santander) Lierganes, Northern Spain
Karl Roeder, piano technician
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