@ots_tropicaledu facebook.com/OTS.OET


@ots_tropicaledu facebook.com/OTS.OET
© C. Ziegler
© Naskrecki
© J.J. Pucci
The Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS) is a non-profit consortium that has grown to include 55
universities and research institutions from the United States, Latin America, Australia, and South Africa. In
the early 1960's, scientists from U.S. universities forged working relationships with colleagues at the
Universidad de Costa Rica in the interest of strengthening education and research in tropical biology.
Intense interest both in the U.S. and Costa Rica led to the founding of OTS in 1963. The OTS mission is to
provide leadership in education, research and the responsible use of natural resources in the tropics. To
address this mission, OTS conducts graduate and undergraduate education, facilitates research, participates in tropical forest conservation, maintains three biological stations in Costa Rica and conducts environmental education programs.
Nothing can replace the hands-on experience of a
field-based course in the tropics! This is what the
Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS) offers
through its broad range of Tropical Biology and
Ecology graduate level courses in Spanish or English
in Costa Rica. To be eligible for a course, an
applicant must be fluent in the language in which
the course is given. OTS graduate courses are open
to students enrolled in graduate degree programs,
with preference given to students at OTS Member
The graduate program now consists of two kinds of
(1) Tropical Biology and Plant Systematics Graduate
Field Courses in tropical biology, tropical plant systematics, and related themes which are annual or bi
-annual field courses lasting from 4 to 8 weeks. Participants are enrolled at the University of Costa Rica
that provides transcripts for transfer of credits.
Courses may be offered in English or Spanish.
(2) Short Field Graduate Courses that will not be
repeated every year, which are intensive short
courses from a few days up to two or occasionally
three weeks in length. Courses are taught by expert
faculty on more specific and well-defined topics.
Participants are enrolled at the University of Costa
Rica that provides transcripts for transfer of credits.
Courses may be offered in English or Spanish.
© J.J. Pucci
Tropical Biology and Plant Systematics Graduate Courses
Field Ecology: Skills for Science and Beyond
Tropical Biology: An Ecological Approach
Tropical Plant Systematics
Ecología Tropical y Conservación
Sistemática de Plantas Tropicales (2017)
Short Field Graduate Courses
Conservación del Paisaje Natural
Ecology and Evolution of Arachnids
Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes
Tropical Butterfly Ecology
Tropical Conservation and Sustainable Development: Law, Policy and Professional Practice
Inquiry in Rainforests: an in-service program for teachers
Field Ecology: Skills for Science and Beyond
4 credits awarded by the University of Costa Rica
Field Ecology: Skills for Science and Beyond is an intensive, fourweek course in tropical ecology for 22 graduate students that will
challenge you in every way. At its heart lie the highly regarded
OTS “field problems”, which engage students in the fast-paced
formulation of research questions, experimental design, data
collection, analysis, oral presentations, and written papers.
Students will take away advanced skills in research design, data
analysis, writing, science communication, modeling, and
collaborative research – all in the breath-taking tropical setting
that is Costa Rica. Long days and late nights, filled with science.
Winter session: 4 weeks
December 29 – January 24
Application Deadline: October
10, 2016
Program Page
© N. Dappen
© J.J. Pucci
Tropical Biology: An Ecological Approach
6 credits awarded by the University of Costa Rica
Students focus on the formulation of research questions,
experimental design, data collection, analysis, and oral and
written presentations along side top researchers. All the skills will
be strengthened through research practice in tropical coastal
forest, lowland wet forest, tropical dry forest, montane forest and
the Costa Rican páramo. Students should expect to do research
using GIS, integrated population models, DNA barcoding,
design and implement statistical analysis (R, JMP, etc.), and
develop sustainable resource use and conservation strategies
through data analysis. Students will also be required to record
podcasts and create short videos as part of the science
communication unit.
Summer Session: 6 weeks,
May 22- July 2, 2017.
Program Page
Application deadline: February, 3
© J. J Pucci
Sistematica de Plantas Tropicales
6 credits awarded by the University of Costa Rica
El curso hace énfasis en la sistemática filogenética conceptual en un
entorno intensivo a través de trabajo en el campo. El curso viaja a
diversos sitios en Costa Rica con el objetivo de visitar diferentes hábitats,
del bosque nuboso, al paramo, al bosque seco estacional, hasta el
bosque tropical húmedo bajo del Atlántico.
Application deadline:
March 1, 2017.
Duration: 5 weeks,
June 30— August 3, 2017.
Program Page
Ecología Tropical y Conservación
7 créditos otorgados por la Universidad de Costa Rica.
Este curso, dictado en español, ofrece un riguroso entrenamiento en
métodos de investigación de la ecología tropical e incluye una unidad
de campo en biología de la conservación. Está dirigido principalmente
a estudiantes y profesionales latinoamericanos, independientemente
de su afiliación institucional; también se aceptan solicitudes de
estudiantes con dominio del español de cualquier nacionalidad e
institución. Becas parciales disponibles.
© C. Ziegler
Próximo curso: OTS-2 2016.
9 de enero a 20 de febrero 2017.
© C. de la Rosa
Fecha límite de aplicación: 15 de
junio de 2016.
Mas detalles
Conservación del Paisaje Natural (2 Créditos)
El presente curso complementa la formación académica con el
desempeño profesional interdisciplinario y transdisciplinario en el
área de docencia, investigación, acción social, y consultoría pública y
privada. Los estudiantes podrán interactuar con comunidades locales,
profesionales y especialistas nacionales e internacionales de diversos
campos de las ciencias naturales e ingenierías afines, interesados en
la conservación de la diversidad biológica.
Coordinador: Alejandra Orozco, Jorge Cancela, Diego Gómez
Duracion: 2 semanas (Oct 17 – Nov. 4, 2016)
Fecha limite: Abierto.
Ecology and Evolution Arachnids (2 Credits)
This course will incorporate field-based observations, inquiry-based learning programs,
hands-on experience, and interactive lectures to inform students of the basic natural
history, structure, and function of all arachnid groups. Through fieldwork and laboratory
analyses, this course will help students gain basic knowledge in the following: anatomy,
physiology, behavior, ecology, evolution, phylogenetics and systematics of arachnids.
© C. Hildreth
Coordinator: Eileen Hebets
Course duration: 2 weeks (Jan 3 - 17, 2017)
Application Deadline: October 10, 2016.
Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes (2 Credits)
Build the diverse skills needed for floristic, taxonomic, phylogenetic and
ecological research on tropical ferns. It is an intensive, 15-day field introduction
to the identification, classification, phylogenetics, ecology and reproductive
biology of tropical ferns and lychophytes.
Coordinator: Robbin Moran and Eddie Watkins
Course duration: 2 weeks (Jan 7— 22, 2017)
Application Deadline: October 10, 2016.
Tropical Butterfly Ecology (2 credits)
Tropical Butterfly Ecology is an intensive, two-week field course welcoming
graduate students, advanced undergraduate students, and instructors interested
in conducting field work on tropical butterflies and looking to expand their
knowledge on butterfly ecology and evolution.
Coordinator: Susan Finkbeiner, Adrea Gonzalez -Karlsson, and Ryan Hill
Course duration: 2 weeks (May 28 - June 10, 2017)
Application Deadline: March 1, 2017.
Tropical Conservation & Sustainable Development: Law, Policy &
Professional Practice (5 UF Credits)
This 4 week course is oriented towards law and graduate students with
an interest tropical conservation and sustainable development. The
course will visit OTS Research Stations and other field sites in Costa
Rica. The course will focus on integrating law, development and
conservation science, cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary
communication, and practitioner training.
© M&P Fodgen
Coordinator: Tom Ankersen (University of Florida)
Course duration: 4 weeks (May 29—June 30, 2017)
Application Deadline: March 1, 2017
Ecology and Evolution of Coleoptera (Beetles) (2 credits).
This three week course is oriented towards graduate students interested in
intense training in the collection, identification and inquiry-based research on
the largest order of insects, Coleoptera. Single site diversity in tropical rain
forests, such as those in Costa Rica, has been estimated to be as high as
14,000 species. The study of beetles (including some of the largest and most
beautiful of all insects) is not only fascinating, but economically important
because the order includes numerous harmful as well as beneficial species that
affect agriculture, forestry and man.
© J.D. Zamora
Coordinator: Christopher Carlton, Richard Leschen, Nathan Lord, and Victoria Bayless
Course Duration: 3 weeks (June 5 - 24, 2017)
Application deadline: March 1, 2017 for priority consideration, followed by rolling admission until
fully enrolled.
Inquiry in Rainforest: An in service Program for Teachers
(2 Credits)
This 2-week program aims to improve K-12 science teaching by helping
teachers DO science – by conducting open-ended, inquiry-based research. The
course begins by introducing participants to tropical natural history, and
continues by guiding them in asking questions, formulating hypotheses,
designing and conducting experiments, analyzing data, and presenting and
discussing results. Teachers also receive training in filming and producing
videos for use in teaching. Centered at La Selva Biological Station in a lowland
Caribbean rainforest and the cloud forests of the highlands around Arenal
Volcano, the course includes discussions of tropical ecosystems and
conservation, research focused on organisms and ecological concepts, and
development of teaching and assessment plans for use in home institutions.
Coordinator: Joe Levine and Kimberly Kellett
Course duration: 2 weeks (July 8-21, 2016)
Application Deadline: March 1, 2016
P.O Box 676-2050
San Pedro, Costa Rica
Phone: (506)-25240607
Fax: (506)-25240608