Saint Agnes Catholic Church


Saint Agnes Catholic Church


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Saint Agnes Catholic Church 233 West Gay Street

Saint Agnes Catholic Church 233 West Gay Street Trexler, Megan Whitman, Alexandra Kendell

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Saint Agnes Catholic Church 233 West Gay Street West Chester, PA

Saint Agnes Catholic Church 233 West Gay Street West Chester, PA This week the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts resume their meetings. Brownies and Girl Scouts are looking forward to a great year. The seventh and eighth grade students are looking forward to a visit fro...

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January 22,2014 - St. Agnes Parish

January 22,2014 - St. Agnes Parish From the Day Room ….. One of many moving thank you notes that we have received: “Dear Day Room Family”, Thank you so much for the kind and generous gifts I was given this Christmas for my baby gir...

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May 11th - St. Agnes Parish

May 11th - St. Agnes Parish weekend. Please indicate your choices on the ballots at the end of each pew and place your ballot aŌer Mass in the box which will be in the vesƟbule. Thank you for your thoughƞul consideraƟon of th...

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